THE PRESS, ATHENA, OREGON, JULY 24, 1931 Press Paragraphs Penn Harris spent Tuesday in Wal la Walla. Dr. J. L. Geyer of Walla Walla was a Sunday visitor here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cutler are here from La Grande. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pinkerton of Weston, were in the city Saturday. h. L. Rogers of Pendleton called on business friends here Wednesday. Miss Arleen Myrick has a position in the Taylor Cafe at Pendleton. Oliver Dickenson was an Athena visitor from Freewater, Wednesday. Frank Ames was here from Pendle ton Wednesday on a business mission. Henry Koepke moved his threshing outfit to the Koepke ranch near He lix, Monday. - H. H. Eickhoff came over from Walla Walla Tuesday and spent the day in Athena. , During the past week the Shell Oil service station has received a new coat of paint. Melba Montague spent the week end at the Floyd Pinkerton ranch west of Athena. E. H. Leonard came down from Waitsburg, Monday, and spent the day in Athena. George W. Staggs prominent resi dent of Weston called on Athena friends Thursday. A number of Indians have been in town this week, selling huckleberries from the mountains. It is reported that a number of Athena fanners sold wheat this week at the price of 34 cents. Charles Price prominent farmer of the Weston district, was a business visitor here Wednesday. Dr. W. G. Cowan came over from Walla Walla Wednesday, and made a professional call here. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Winn of Adams, are sojourning in their summer cot tage at Bingham Springs. J. T. Lieuallen, Sr., who has been at Adams for several weeks, has return ed to his home in Portland. Mrs. Chester Gemmell of Helix, who has been seriously ill in Pendle ton, is now improving in health. Miss Mayme French is here from her home at Heppner and is visiting her sister, Mrs. Oral McPherrin. Justin Harwood has been employed in applying a coat of stain to the roof of the M. L. Watts home this week. Relieves Poison Ivy Burns Itches Rexall Gypsy Cream One Size 40 c An antiseptic lotion that relieves the skin eruptions so irritating during vacation days sunburn, insect bites, ivy and oak poisons, moth itch and other ir ritants. For Athletes Foot Use Fungi-Rex and Rex-Salvine These items sold only at Rexall Stores WATKINS' PHARMACY Main Street Athena Phone 332 The a Red . White Stores Cooling Delicacies for Sultry Days SPECIALS for SATURDAY and MONDAY July 25th and 27th Red and White Mayonnaise, pints 28c Red and White Sandwich Spread, pints 39c Red and White Salmon, Sockeye, V-jS 2 for 45c . Wesson Oil, quarts 49c White King Granulated, large 39c - Red and White Macaroni-Spaghetti-Noodles 4 for 29c Red and White Jell Dessert , 7 for 49c Purex, pints 19c , Swansdown 33c Mission Bell Soap 4 for 23c MONTAGUE & CORNELL Wi PHONE 171 Mrs. Richard Powers of Weston, visited friends in Athena, Tuesday afternoon. C. M. Eager has returned from a two weeks vacation at Seaside. His family will remain for a longer visit. Bun Moore was at Ukiah last week where he visited his mother, Mrs. Jennie Moore and his sister, Mrs. Selby. H. H. Hill was in Pendleton Satur day for the purpose of paying the taxes on the Christian church par sonage. Mr. and Mrs. Saylor Parris motored here from Walla Walla Friday and visited at the home of their , son, Sterling Parris. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Carpenter, formerly ,of Adams, but now living at Haas, Washington, were Adams visitors last week. Mrs. Mollie Worthington returned Saturday from the Umatilla river where she has spent several weeks with her nephew. Wade Goodman who now makes his headquarters at Spokane was an Athena visitor this week, after sev eral months absence. John. Pierce who has a fine truck farm south of Athena, has large quantities of cucumbers for pickling purposes at this time. . , Mr. and Mrs. Max Hopper returned Monday night from a motor trip to Portland and Seaside. They report ideal weather at the beach. Mrs. Glenn Dudley, Mrs. Donald Robinson and Mrs. Toffman were luncheon guests Wednesday of Mrs. Henry Koepke in Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Miller are here from St. Helens, visiting at the Henry Miller home. Vernon will take a workout in the harvest field. - ADDarentlv due to the intense heat Monday, truck drivers had a lot of trouble with tires, and local garages were kept busy repairing them. After spending a week at-the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Gopen- haver in Heppner, Mrs. Dick Swift has returned to her home here. Walter Singer is richer by several shekles this week as a reward for mowing and trimming several lawns. Hot work, too, but the lad stuck to it. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. 0. Montague and Clarence Montague spent Sunday in Walla Walla where they attended the Moose picnic at the Walla Walla park. .. Young Chinese elm trees planted in the late spring at the Huggms ser vice station at corner of Main and Fifth streets are making rapid growth. York Dell is remodeling his resi dence which was damaged by fire sev eral weeks ago. When completed, the roof will be three feet lower than it was originally. It is reported that wells and springs in outlying districts are very low. If the heat continues this may work a hardship on farmers and retard har vest operations. Raymond Murphy who tended head' er on the R. B. McEwen combine last week has gone to the Will Kirk ranch where he will spend the rest of the harvest season. A number of Athena young folks have been going to the Umatilla river this week and taking advantage of the opportunity to swim in a large pool near Thorn Hollow. Max Johnson who is operating a cold drink stand at the mill had the misfortune to break a bottle cutting a deep gash in his hand. The wound is healing satisfactorily.! A number of Pendleton players are becoming regular visitors to the Athena golf course. A number have expressed themselves as being well pleased with the new course. Mr. and Mrs. Buell who have been visiting at the home of Mrs. Joe Anderson have returned to their home at Myrtle Creek. Mrs. Buell and Mrs. Anderson are sisters. Charles Kirk who is here from Creston, B. C, secured an Oregon li cense for his British Columbia truck and will haul bulk wheat for the Eu: gene Schrimpf threshing outfit. A party of ladies spending the week in the mountains in search of huckleberries includes Mrs. Tim McBride, Mrs. Edith Lumsden, Mrs. Arnold Wood and Miss Emma Ringel. A group of ladies playing contract at the home of Mrs. M. L. Watts Friday included, Mrs. F. S. LeGrow, Mrs. H. I. Watts, Mrs. Clason Adams, Mrs. Ralph McEwen and tho hostess. Special agent Megy, who worked at the local Union Pacific station during the vacation absence of C. M. Eager, regular agent, departed for Spokane Wednesday, when Mr. Eager resumed work. The local W. C. T. U. will meet next Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. B. Foster, Mrs. Clarence Zerba will have charge of the pro gram and all members are urged to attend. Manager Sloan of the Washington Idaho Seed company, has been here this week from Spokane, seeing to the opening of operations at the com pany's pea cleaning and grading plant. Miss Amy Furcell of Fresno, Cali fornia, who is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Marion Hansel! is an interest ing visitor here. Miss Purccll is a missionary worker among the Chinese in Fresno. Blinded by a dust storm, Roderick Larrabce and Bud Dames grain truck drivers collided near the John Adams ranch near Adams Monday evening. No serious damage occurred to either drivers or trucks. Mr. and Mrs. William Hammer and Mrs. Marie Holt of Walla Walla were Sunday guests at the D. A. Pinker ton home here. Mrs. Belle Scott al to of Walla Walla U a house guest - Mrs. Cv L. Ingram and Mrs. J. L. Walton of Walla Walla were lunch eon guests of Mrs. Clason Adams and Mrs. M. L. Watts at the Watts home last week. Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Wal ton were schoolmates. Mrs. Frank Sanders who has been a patient for the past two weeks in a Walla Walla hospital has returned to her home. Mrs. Sanders' trouble was a stomach indisposition and not an operation as reported. A fine assortment of beautiful roses are still blooming in the flower garden of Mrs. E. C. Rogers. A num ber of Mrs. Rogers' friends have been remembered with fine boquets of roses during the summer. Teddy Miller & Co., dealers in soft drinks, especially root beer, were suc cessful in disposing of their refresh ing drinks to Main street pedestrians during the two hottest days of the week, Monday and Tuesday. C. A. Sias accompanied his daugh ter, Glea, to Prineville where Miss Sias is applicant for a position as teacher in a school. . They made the trip to Prineville and return in two days, motoring by way of Redmond. Mrs. Gordon Watkins and children accompanied by Miss Mildred Wat kins, are expected to arrive home to morrow from Tacoma. Mrs. Wat kins has been visiting relatives and friends on the Sound for the past fortnight. J. V. Milligan, chemist out at the Preston - Shaffer Milling company plant is a new subscriber to the Athe na Press. Mr. and Mrs. Muligan who came to Athena from Waitsburg, re side on Adams street, between Third and Fourth. Miss Edna DeFreece is visiting in Portland having accompanied her aunt Mrs. 0. E. Bowman and daugh ters, Wednesday, when they returned home after several days visit in Athe na at the home of her sister Mrs. Will Kirk. . Patronage at the Booth auto camp in Athena continues to increase day by day. The tourist travel seems to be at a peak stage at this time. Many cars from eastern and mid-west states are now traveling Oregon highways. Mrs. Roy Wiicox a former resident of Helix and a sister of Mrs. E. A. McCulley of that place, died suddenly at her home in Eugene. Funeral services were held Friday at Fol som's chapel in Pendleton, with in terment taking place at Helix. Mrs. L. S. Randall and Mr. and Mrs. Ridgeway of Anaheim, Cali fornia, were visitors this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Justin Har wood. The party was en route by motor to Red Deer, Canada. Mrs. Randall is Mrs. Harwood's niece. Mrs. Gray will arrive in Athena to morrow from Lewiston to visit for a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton and her son, Lisle Gray. Mrs. Gray is matron of the Children's Home at Lewiston and is taking her summer vacation at this time. ' ' Oral. Michener who has been work ing at the Pambrun ranch during har vest has been forced to give up his job due to a severe case of tai-weed poisoning and hay fever. He is re ceiving treatment at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Michen er here. . Rev. and Mrs. G. H. Brown and family of Veneta, Oregon, left Wed nesday to visit relatives at Clarkston, Washington. Rev Brown who preach ed at the local Baptist church last Sunday has with his family, been vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Heighton. .'-' Major and Mrs. C. T. Vanderwort of Palo Alto, California, were guests Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. Clason Adams. They were en route to Yel lowstone Park and Canadian points by motor. Major Vanderwort is dean of the Junior college of the Menlo school near Palo Alto. Dr. and Mrs. Fred Lieuallen of Bend, spent the week-end at the L. L. Lieuallen farm home near Adams. They returned to Bend Monday, ac companied by their young son, Fred, Jr., who had the misfortune to break his wrist, when he fell from a stacK of hay several days ago. Highway employers are kept busy sanding the turns which have become j dangerous on account of the recent intense heat. William Lyons who has been employed mowing the weeds on the right of way has completed his task. He covered the distance from the state line to Pendleton." Dan Hicks, who spent his boyhood at Weston and who was known in Athena, was in town Tuesday from Pendleton. Mr. Hicks has been leas ing out his farm for several years and has been living in Pendleton, where he was janitor of one of the school buildings in that city. Miss Viola DeLonjr of Roseburg is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kershaw, the guest of Misa Frederica Kershaw. Miss DeLong, who will remain at the Kershaw home for a week, is bookkeeper for the Rose Hotel at Roseburg, and is en joying her summer vacation at this time. V Mrs. Marion Hansell sustained an in jury to her hip and for a couple of days suffered intense pain. Dr. Cowan was called from Walla Walla Wednesday and advised tho patient bo removed to Walla Walla, where an X-ray examination revealed that the hip had sustained a severe sprain. Mrs. Hansell was taken to walla Walla yesterday morning and later in the day returned home. A group of Athena and Weston people motored to the mountains last Sunday where they rambled up hill and down dale in search of huckle berries. They were scantily reward ed for their labors but brought home a tow gallon ot tho fruit. -Those in Price of wheat still going down So Are Our Prices .... Noteth Canned Peaches Men's B V.D.s Put up in syrup, size 2y2s each..19c Were 95c to 1.50 now 69c Nickoll Jell Overalls A new jello, per package......:...,.......5c Men's Bib, per pair............ 98c Macaroni Work Shirts Elbo cut in bulk, per lb... 5c Just the thing for harvest............49c Soap Men's Work Pants Double refined Borax soap, cake....5c Light and tough, per pair ......$1.69 A New Lot of House Dresses at . . . $1.69 Trade at the Coolest place in town Phone 152 ATHENA DEPARTMENT STORE .III the party were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pittman, Mrs. Tom Kirk and son Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Johnson, Miss Lois Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Vern O'Hara, Miss Vernita O'Hara and Mrs. James King. Athena fishermen who have lately angled for trout in the Umatilla river report very poor success. Apparently there are but few trout in that stream this season and a number of expres sions have been heard favoring the closing of the stream until restocking shall bring it into its own again. First Christian Church There will be morning services only in these summer weeks. "The Un shamed Gospel" will be the pulpit theme this Sunday. Bible school at 10 a. m. Your loyalty is being test ed now in the harvest time. There will be a very short business meet ing at the close of the morning service. EH THE CABINET Sri - (, 1930, Western Newspaper Union.) . Oh, East is East and West Is West and never the twain shall meet Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat: But there is neither East or West, Border nor Breed nor Birth When two strong men stand face to face tho'' they coma from , ' the ends of the earth! I Kipling. THI8 AND THAT II i i Place one teaspoonful of grated orange, peel or lemon peel In the tea pot when making lrW flavor and manes orumary tea taste like the expensive teas. Mild Rarebit Cut one-half pound of chese into small bits. Sprinkle crumbs over the bottom of a buttered baking dish, cov er with one-third of the cheese and seasonings, using one and two-thirds teaspoonfuls of salt, one-third tea spoonful of paprika ; when the dish is full add one and one-half cupfuls of milk and set Into a pan of hot water. Bake in a moderate oven thirty-five minutes. Junket With Bananas.--riace thinly sliced bananas In sherbet cups. Pre pare one Junket tablet by crushing it and dissolving in a tablespoonful of water. Add to a pint of lukewarm milk and stir until well mixed. Pour over the bananas and let stand In a warm room until set Flavor, milk with lemon extract. . "Apple Souffle, Add four and one half tablespoonfuls of tapioca and a little salt to one cupful of scalded milk. Cook In a double boiler until the tapioca Is clear, stirring frequent ly. Add one-half cupful of sugar, cool and add the beaten yolks of three eggs, one-half tablespoonful of lemon Juice and one cupful of grated raw apple, fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites and bake in ramekins or cas serole set in water. Serve hot with sweetened whipped cream, flavored with almond.: x Cheese Souffle. Take three bible spoonfuls of quick cooking tapioca, cook in one cupful of milk until the tapioca is clear. Add one cnpfulVf grated cheese, stir until melted, cool, add three beaten egg yolks, one tea spoonful of salt and fold In the stiffly beaten egg whites. Place In a pan set In water and bnke untp ibe souffle is firm. Serve at once.- This serves four. QUALITY GROCERY Phone 561 30-40 size R0yai club Peaches Italian Prunes VAa only 3 lbs. for ' on- 25c 4J- Del Monte, Fancy Fly Tox Bartlett Pears Sure Killer 2s Quarts .- r r QOg p.t Amaizo Starch r n 8 Gloss or Corn, 3 for 50c 25c Royal Club PeaS Fontanas NOODLES, spa- Guaranteed, per can GHETTI and MACARONI 15c 3for 1JU 25c American Club . . Coffee Ralston's Ry Krisp The Old Reliable, per pound ' for Health, per package 20c 26c Quality Grocery Frank Little, Prop. Athena, Oregon. Phone 561 THE ATHENA MARKET We carry the best Meat That Money Buys Kippered Sahnon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season. A. W. LOGSDON Main Street Athena, Oregon. Goodyear Tires and Tubes Valvoline Oils Automobile Supplies, Parts and Accessories Athena Garage North side Main Street Phone 352