THE PRESS, ATHENA, OREGON, JULY 24, 1931 Established Jan. 1, 1887 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER V, B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher Subscription Rates. One copy, one year . , ,Z ........... . 12.00 One copy, six months,.,,, ...,$1.00 One copy, three months. .75 Athena, Oregon, July 24r.. 1931 and supplies from there to a mining camp. Mules are the beasts of bur den and on their backs are evenly! balanced cargoes securely lashed in place by the diamond hitch. The expected has come to pass. California millionaires who havet() bay umbeT at preSent low level The pestiferous earwig has taken up its abode in Athena gardens. In at least one respect, in consequence, we shoot par with Portland. Wonder if there will be as much noise made about the presence of the ."wig" here. o The bargain-seeking public is urged bought up Rogue river frontage are entering the wedge of "No Trespas sing" over their properties by serving notice to placer miners to keep off. Meeting with success against the miners the next step taken would be against anglers. The only way to forever kill this fishing stream tres pass grab against the rights of Ore gon anglers to fish with freedom, is for the fish and game commission, the sportsmen clubs and the anglers to get behind the legislature with the demand that a bill be passed making it unlawful for anyone to post tres pass notices against anglers on any stream which is stocked with game fish by the state; except by the com mission at its discretion in protec tion of fish propagation. - 0 The Athena community is pleased over the appointment of M. L, Watts by Governor Meier as he third mem ber of the Umatilla county tax com mittee. No man of higher capability in appraisement of land values can be found in the county than Mr, Watts. Farm lands in this county, especially the farm lands of the Athena-Weston district have been taxed "out of sight," taxed to a point where it is bankrupting the land owners to pay the tax, Mr, Watts, a landowner and farmer, is thoroughly conversant with the tax situation involving farm land.! Jn this county and his selection as a member of the committee places him in a position to assist in revision of land taxes downward. prices, but the heck of it is, wheat prices are at a still lower level and lumber will buy more wheat, than wheat will buy lumber. Fall tells how Daugherty won his portfolio in Harding's cabinent, but what interested the public much more at the time, wag how Harding was to get rid of Daugherty. Portland sweltered in the heat at 101 Sunday and spent the day at parks and in swimming pools; others remained at home and "took it on the chin," 22 Years Ago A Reno divorce item is read as a mat ter of course, while a Hollywood di vorce action is associated with the motion picture "industry". India just won't behave. Grave riots have broken out in a town called Pudukkotia, or a place spelled like that. Paris and Berlin in Entire Accord Headline, Well, for heaven's sake let's not cut the cord J "Ma's affair," says Aimee, 'nuffl Sure INDIANA PLAN They're at it again. Ma Kennedy finds that her new spouse, the Rev. Guy Edward Hudson, is not her legal spouse and divorce proceedings have been filed. Ma is sticking by the Rev, Hudson, however, after develop ments revealed that he was married to Mrs. L. Margaret Hudson of Los Angeles and still is. Ma has hopes of again marrying Guy Edward when he clears away the asserted previous matrimonial claims of L, Margaret Hudson. The seventeen days' wrangle with France over the Hoover moratorium cost Germany about $16,222,000 daily or a total of about $275,000,000, through withdrawal of capital from the German banks, Thus the direct benefits which the proposed Hoover moratorium aimed to confer on Ger many through the suspension of rep arations payments, were more than nullified. Those Hungarian transatlantic fly ers are to be commended for their skill in making a safe crossing and liehtinir within fourteen miles of their home town, Budapest. A few more drops of gas and they would have brought the good old can down at the airport, for they had her nosed in that direction all the way across. Albert B. Fall's story of his ex periences while In Washington, now running serially in newspapers, only serves to impress the reader with the fact that the author is about to enter a state prison to serve sentence for accepting a $100,000 bribe while sec retary of the interior in President Harding's cabinet, i i-i . . o Fewer cases In Portland against drunken drivers, would Indicato pro gress in the drive against thorn. Pun ishment so direct and severe that a second sentence would bo unnecessary Is whnt is needed to control drunken drivers. Give thorn the works first, then solving the problem will take care of itself. One Oregon industry nt least, lin en textile, has assurance of steady output for 1932. All the product of the Miles mill at Salem has been sold insuring operation of the plant on a full 24-hour day, Flax is gradually becoming a paying crop on certain farms of Western Oregon. Wild life has a hard time making the gradu ill Oregon. Gosling honker gi'vse, unable to fly, are being slaugh tered by coyotes In the Clear lake federal game preserve, while last year thousands of wild ducks sue BUmbcd to a strange malady at Klam ath lake. It took a 300-mile diuso to catch a gusolino cowboy, but a Dallas, Ore gon, ofTicer brought back tho cowboy und tho hlda of a stolen cow from Wapnto, Washington; which was some consolation after counting money spent for gas and wear and tear on his car, Powers, a little town in Southern Oregon, is rehearsing the days of '49. I'oi'k trains' ara carrying provisions THE (Oregon Journal) If a special legislature should be called in Oregon it could not pass laws giving the state tax commission power to control issues of bonds or levies of taxes in incorporated towns and cities. That kind of legislation is prohibited by the state constitution Nor can the legislature forbid the people or school districts from vot ing special levies except such as a state tax commission might approve, as is done under the Indiana plan. That action is also prohibited by the Oregon state constitution. inese iacis mean mat about all a special session of the legislature i ... . . coum accompiisn would De to give control over the county levy for oper aung costs ana personal service that is, salaries and wages. It is ac cordingly apparent that constitutional amendments, which can be voted only by the people, are the only means through which the legislature could be given power to put the provisions of the Indiana plan into effect in Oregon. Meanwhile there will be a great many people in the state who would not want a central body to be placed In control of tax levies, bond issues and like financial measures of school districts, incorporated towns, port districts and like civic organizations. Such folks would, insist that the In diana plan is not local self-government, and they could make good in that contention. For it to be decided by a central state commission whether a school district, say in Polk county, could or could not make a certain tax levy for school purposes would be to hold that the people of that school district are not competent to run their own school affairs and that a sort of trus teeship must be placed over them to direct their school financing. Such a course would be materially to abridge the rights and privileges of community and district people and to turn those rights and privileges over to a central tax body by which those rights and privileges would be exercised. It would be government handed down from above instead of government of, by and for the people. Of course, there Is need for more discretion and greater care by sonic of the minor departments of govern ment in their tax levies and bond is sues. There have been financial opera tions in Oregon that border on the reckless. But the cure for them is not by an Indiana plan to take away some of the rights of a sovereign citizen and place voters under a sort of trusteeship or guardianship. Friday, Jaly 30, 1909 Hogs advanced to $9.50 per hundred pounds in the Portland stock yards Tuesday, the highest price ever reach ed. It beats all previous records by 35 cents. Miss Norma Smith was a Pendleton visitor Saturday. T. J. Kirk went down to The Dalles Monday, on business. Hey Winn, an extensive farmer west of town was trading in the city yesterday. Mrs. B. D. demons was a Pendle ton visitor yesterday. George Banister is down from the mountains. He will return to the camp Saturday, Chas. McFarland has been appoint ed agent in this city for the Pacific Coast Elevator Company, Melville Johns arrived in town yes terday from Portland, and will visit friends for a few weeks. Attorney Wilson returned Wednes day from Waterville, Wash., where he went on legal business. Mrs, I. M. Kemp and Mrs, B. D. Jarman drove over from Weston Wednesday, and did some shopping. Miss Pearl Leonard returned to her home in Corvallis Sunday, after spending several days with Athena friends, Fred Kershaw made the trip to Missoula and Kalispel to register for the drawing on the Blackfoot reser vation. Mr, and Mrs. M. Woodward are over from their home in Walla Walla, spending the harvest season on the farm west of town, J. V, Mitchell, operator at the O. R. & N. station in Athena, is in the upper country substituting for var ious agents who are registering for land drawing. Mr. and Mrs. Preston, parents of Mrs. Joseph N. Scott, arrived in the city the first of the week from Cali- 1 NOTICE To whom it may concern in Athena and vicinity: I, Suzanne F, Hayes, make this statement and declare it to be the truth, at no time has Ben Bateman borrowed money of me, nor has he or his wife ever used any money belonging to me. nor at any time have I been expected to, or al lowed to pay any money for board, room or treatments, while in the home and under care of said Ben Bateman and wife. And I further state that anything reported to the contrary is a malicious lie. Signed SUZANNE F. HAYES. RELIABLE WATCH REPAIRING Main St H. H. HILL Athena fornia and are visiting their daugh ter west of town. A. R. Booher this week shipped the household goods of his daughter, Mrs. James Feeler, to her present home near Buht, Idaho. Mr. Feeler is a prosperous landholder in that vicin ity. John O'Harra, the well known Wes ton rancher, was in town Monday in terviewing Athena wheat raisers in regard to threshing. Mr. O'Harra owns a large steam threshing ma chine and is seeking work in this vic inity. During the past week C. A. Barrett has been appointed to two offices. He is now resident agent for the Title & Guarantee company, the well known bonding company of Philadelphia, and is also a notary public for Ore gon. Mr. and MrsEllis B. Harris, of the Christian church returned Saturday from a visit in Washington. They were accompanied home by Raymond, a young brother of Mr. Harris, who will remain in Athena for a few weeks. Wednesday evening Austin Toss and wife and York Dell formed an auto party who drove to Walla Wal la. Mrs. Foss went from there to Ta coma and Seattle, where she will spend a month and see the fair. She will be accompanied home by her sis ter, Miss Kittie Gholson who has spent the summer on the Sound. Will Dobsoii, Frank Tharp and Wm. Winship returned Tuesday from Spokane, where they registered for land. CLASSIFIED Wanted Clean, Cotton rags at the Press office. Eyes examined, glasses properly fitted at Schneller's, 39 East Main, Walla Walla, Seed Wheat Cleaning, treating and grading direct from your combine in the field. You save in hauling and sacking. Also we treat seed wheat in the sack at your grainery. Myrick & Hawkins, Phone 1391J, Pendle ton. - BEN BATEMAN Expert in Body Correction Calls answered promptly Office at Residence in North Athena Telephone 595. Dr. W. Boyd Whyte CHIROPRACTOR Stangier Building, Phone 706 Pendleton. Oregon. 957 i The Athena Hotel MRS. LAURA FROOME. Prop. Courteous Treatment, CTean Beds Good Meals Tourists Made Welcome Corner Main and Third Athena, Oregon Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor Pcnn Harris, Prop. Dr.W.H.McKinney Physician and Surgeon Dr. Sharp's Office Office Hours at Athena 1 to 6 p. m. Phone 462. Office Hours at Weston 8 a. m. to 12 noon. Phone 83. Calls made day or night. Dr. Dale Rothwell Optometrist The best in glasses at a reasonable cost. Over Woolworth's Phone 1288 Pendleton, Oregon Peterson & Lewis Attorneys at Law Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Inland Empire Bank Building Pendleton Oregon Watts & Prestbye Attorneys-At-Law Main Street, Athena, Oregon State and Federal Court Practice NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Ureiron for Umatilla County. In the matter of the estate of George W. Uorn, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all per sons whom it may concern: That The Inland hmptre Bank of Pendleton at Pendleton, Oregon, has been appointed executor of the laRt will and testament of George W. Horn, dcccuHcd, und has qualified as KUth. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby noti fied and required to present them with proper vouchors to the said executor at The Inland Empire Bank of Pen dleton or to Peterson and Lewis, its attorneys, within six months of the date of the first publication of this notice which is the 2Gth day of June, 1931; THE INLAND EMPIRE BANK OF PENDLETON, Executor. Peterson A Lewis, attorneys for ExWutbr, J2BJ24 Real Estaie Wheat Alfalfa and Stock Land c SHEEP FOR SALE I. L. Montague, Arlington Foley's Honey and Tar 'ures colds, prevents pneumonia. Contoure Specialties Beautify the Complexion Strengthen the Countour RAPID CLEANSING CREAM SKIN FRESHENER SKIN FOOD FINISHING LOTION Athena Beauty Shop Sadie Pambrun, Operator Phone 82 Bruno Weber AND Repair Work Prices Reasonable Successor To JENS JENSEN SAVE YOUR STRENGTH Use one of our Family Services during the hot weather ASK OUR MR. McINTYRE Pendleton, Oregon The First National Bank of Athena Established 1891 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $110,000.00 Does a General Banking Business and Maintains a Complete ) , Trust Department 11 Eastman Hawkeye Cameras FREE! As a special offer to our Customers, we will give one of these cameras free for each tire pur chase or other sale amounting to $5.00 cash or $10.00 payment on account. Call in and get particulars GALLAHERS GARAGE J. E. Gallahcr, Prop. Athena Phone 471 Call Bell CS, Gray Now for L lSSRI Are Always Prepared to do Auto Truck Hauling and Delivery Promptly Prices Right Phone 593 sssesswsssBssssJsBafc. MILK and CREAM Milk and Cream for Sale Here All the Time KILGORE'S CAFE Continental Oil Company Bryce Baker, Local Representative Buy your Harvest Gas and Oils from the Local Dealer PROMPT DELIVERY Satisfactory Service ... Phone 762 There's Ho Escaping the man who's "out to hook you for all you're worth, specially if that . Auto Accident was more or less your fault. Your only protec tion is Liability Insurance and Plenty of It! B. B. RICHARDS, Agent , Tum-a-Lum Tickler Published in the intesests of the people of Athena and vicinity by THE TUM-A-LU M LUMBER CO. Phone 91 Vol. 31 Athena, Oregon, July 24, 1931 No. 27 Post and Gatty haven't any thing on Paul Bunyan, the first logger. Airplanes were too slow for Paul in a trip from Europe so he embarked in his bark canoe. He sure rambled and the sea was covered with dead fish that broke their backs trying to watch him coming and going. As he showed oif from France, Paul sent a wireless but he passed the Statue of Liberty three lengths ahead of the mes sage. A. M. Johnson, Editor And now you tell one. We want to tell you that Vic Harris has done some mighty fine remodeling, on his town property. Boss: "Say, where are you two laxy porters going?" Why don't you get to work!" Jackson: "Were working boss we're carryin dis her desk upstairs." i Boss: "I don't see any desk. Jackson: "Well, for de lan's sake, Zeke, if we ain't gone and forgot de desk." Here are a few things you may be forgetting about your home: PAINTING NEW CUPBOARDS REPAIRING "v INSULATION WINTERS WOOD AND COAL NEW BUILDINGS ' ' Our architects are experts in their line and are ready and anxious to help you. A better chicken house will add from 20 to 40 eggs per year to each chicken in your flock. This ia worth while, and prices of eggs are bound to go up. Oh, boy! Won't building boom then. Call us up as soon as it happens and we'll be right out to build that new home. In the meantime , it might be a good idea to keep it in repair with Tum-A-Lumber and paint. The idea of debt moratoriums , is spreading. Pretty soon all of us will be putting in for our share. Farmers Grain Elevator Company Grian and Feed SPECIAL A Full Line of Sperrys Chick Feed Phone 382 LEE WTT.rhm m'. a " -"ww, am. 6i. a THE TWIN CITY CLEANERS Dependable Service Lower Prices April 1st Ladies Spring Coats $1 and UP-Silk Dresses $1.25 and Up Wool Dresses $1 and Up Men's Suits $1.25 For other prices, ask the Driver vv i. Jrade,with the man ho helps pay your taxes We call for and deliver every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday T. E. SMITH, Proprietor, Phone 1571 Freewater Oregon Lamps Lamps Why Pay More? Plain and Frosted Mazda Lamps 25 Watt - 17 40 Watt 17c - 60 Watt : 17c 75 Watt . ' " 98n MflWflW 100 Watt ......7""";28c ZZZZZI 150 Watt .....".50c CORRECT VOLTAGE and CORRECT LAMPS ALL OTHER LAMPS ACCORDINGLY PRESTON-SHAFFER MILLING CO. Electrical Department, Athena, Oregon. Phone 182