A BIG JOB, BUT ITS DEAD EASY It would be a big job to tell one hundred people any thing that would interest them in your goods, but its dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell several hundred at once at nominal cost. life NOT ONE DAY CAN BE FOUND In the week but that you do not need stationery of some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types, modern work, prompt delivery. , . Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter VOLUME 44' ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, JULY 24, 1931 , NUMBER 30 GOUN TY LEAGUE WILL BE FORMED County Committee to Meet With Taxpayers at Pen dleton Tomorrow. . Taxpayers of Umatilla county will meet in Pendleton tomorrow to per fect the organization of a tax conser vation league following the request of Governor Meier for action upon the tax problem. The county committee, consisting of E. B. Aldrich and James Johns of Pendleton and M. L. Watts of Athena, decided upon this move at a meeting last week, when the fol lowing call was issued: To the People of Umatilla County: " In compliance with the request of the State Tax Conservation league, recently formed at the instance of Governor Julius Meier, a county wide taxpayers league is to be formed at a meeting' to be held in the circuit court room at the court house in Pendleton at 2:30 p. m. on Saturday, July 25 All taxpayers of the county are invit ed to attend the meeting. In addition it is especially requested that repre sentatives be present from the fol lowing: Umatilla county court. All the towns of Umatilla county. All th school districts of the coun- ty. All grange organizations desiring to be represented. It is requested that the executive officers of the various organizations referred to take the responsibility of seeing that their districts or organ izations ae represented. E. B. ALDRICH, ; : ' JAMES JOHNS, M. L. WATTS. Umatilla county Tax conservation committee appointed by Governor . Meier. s, Leslie M. Scott, president of the recently formed Oregon Tax Conser vation and Equalization League, will come up from Portland to attend the meeting. , At the meeting of the state execu tive committee held in Portland, Sat urday the following recommendations were adopted in the form of a reso lution. Resolved, That we recommend the enactment of legislation, subject to existing constitutional limitations as to power districts and incorporated cities and towns, vesting in the State Tax Commission, acting jointly with a county tax commission, consisting of three members in each county, to be appointed by the governor and to serve without compensation, regu - latory control over budgets, tax levies and proposed future bond issues of the several municipalities of the state; and be it further Resolved, That inasmuch as, under existing constitutional powers vested in the people or the Legislative As sembly, a larger measure of effective control over municipal tax levies and bond issues may be provided by gen eral law, we do not deem it expedient at this time to recommend any con stitutional changes; and be it further Resolved, That (we recommend a thirty-three and one-third per cent re duction in automobile license fees, and an increase of one cent a gallon in the tax on gasoline effective July 1, 1932; and be it further Resolved, That Governor Meier give serious consideration to the expedi ency of calling an extraordinary ses sion of the Legislative Assembly to consider legislation designed to carry these recommendations- into effect; and be it further Resolved, That we strongly urge up on each of the municipalities of the state and the officers thereof, a vigor ous policy of economy, retrenchment and tax reduction, to the end that, if possible, 'at least a twenty (20) per cent reduction in taxes for the cur rent year will be made, and that tax payers' leagues throughout the state and in each county and tax-levying district, be organized and maintained for the purpose of studying the prob lems of public economy, tax reform and reduction, and through their act ive and constant vigilance-aid in se curing a businesslike economy in the expenditure of public funds, to the end that the inordinate property tax burdens now resting upon the people and property of the state may be diminished. Columbia River Boat with Cargo of Wheat Sinks The Dalles. The first Columbia river cargo of wheat to leave The Dalles this season,, lies in the hold of the steamboat Cowlitz in 50 feet of water at the bottom of the river, five miles west of The Dalles. The Cow litz was swamped by waves in a wind storm Monday, which flooded her en gine room and caused her cargo to shift, sending the craft under. Captain J W. Exon, 66, and his crew of eleven men, were rescued. The cargo., and ship 'was insured. What turn salvage operations would take was a matter of conjecture as the depth of the water rendered oper ations difficult. Captain Exon said he' did not believe it possible to sal vage the ship. v The Cowlitz had left down from The Dalles with the first cargo of what was to be an extensive move ment of wheat by water. Captain Exon said he had arranged with pools for several cargoes. . A sudden west wind blew up, whip ping the usually calm '.' Waters to combers the size of-sea waves. Old- timers on the river said it was an un usually terrific blow. Captain Exon tried to beach his craft in a small cove on the Washington side, but as he headed the boat she fell in the trough and a large wave washed over her low sides, flooding the engine room. The crew started to jump. Another wave pounded on the deck and the ship keeled. Boats put out from shore quickly, and the crew of the Cowlitz were picked up. Some were hanging to pieces of the deck equipment. Captain Exon declared the storm was the most severe he ever saw in his 45 years of steamboating exper ience. He said neither he nor the crew suffered any ill effects from be ing thrown in the water. Good Fortune Falls to Reeve Betts in East Lotsa Pickers; Few Berries According to reports, there were more pickers in the Blue Mountains east of Athena Sunday, than there were huckleberries, However, the hundreds of people who motored to the Blues for the day's outing, were away from the heat in the valley where the mercury soared around the 100 mark." Tomato Crop' Good Tomatoes are rolling out of the Walla Walla valley at the rate of sev eral carloads a day. The quality is Word has been received from Reeve Betts who is studying medicine at Harvard that he is in line for the Isaac Sweetzer schoralship of $450 for next year. He has received noti fication from the chairman jsf the scholarship board of his good fortune, and assurance that as soon as certain formalties have been completed, that the scholarship will be his. This is one of the largest to be presented and Mr. Betts is to be congratulated up on the award. At present he is doing laboratory work in the New England Deaconess hospital and also has charge of a desk at the Massachusetts' General Hos pital. Both of these positions will be open to Mr. Betts during the school year and will aid materially in defraying his expenses. U. of O. Has Youngest Law School Dean fa I i v ! y r , ? x St. .-vJ -tf-W jAv 4W.w Athena Golf Club Organized, Offi cers Are Elected WAYNE L. MORSE CHARLES L. CARPENTER Wayne L. Morse, professor of law at the University of Oregon for the past two years, has been appointed by the board of higher education as dean of the lav school, succeeding Dean Charles L. Carpenter, who will leave at the end of the term to accept a professorship of law at the University of Southern California. Dean Morse is the youngest dean of a university law school in the country. University of Oregon, Eugene '- Wayno L. Morse, professor of law for the past two years at the University of Oregon, has been appointed dean, following tho resignation of Dean Charles L. Carpenter, who goes-to the University of Southern California, it is announced here by Dr. Arnold Ben nett Hall, president. Dean Morse will be the youngest dean of any university law school in the country, as he is but 30 years old, although both his teaching and re search havo already made him nation ally known. Dean Carpenter came to the University in 1922 from Topeka, Kansas, where he served as dean of the1 law school of Washburne college. In 1927 he became dean here, and under his direction, the law school has nade steady and consistent progress. " is regarded as an authority on many phases of law, and he has pub lished, widely. His resignation from the faculty here is regarded as a dis tinct loss, not only to the school but to the 4egal profession of Oregon aa well. After extensive experience at the University of Minnesota, Dean Morse came here in 1929, highly recommend ed by many outstanding educators. Ha graduated from the University of Wis consin, was- awarded the degree of bachelor of laws from the University of Minnesota in 1928, and has com pleted his work for the degree of doctor of jurisprudence from Columbia. He has lately finished outstanding research in the field of crime, and as director of the Oregon Crime Survey and through his work on the survey of the grand jury he has achieved na tional attention. Pea Seed Cleaning Plant Opens Work on New Crop About forty girls and women are employed at the local pea cleaning plant, and about half as many who were seeking positions were turned away Tuesday morning when opera tions began on the new crop. It is thought that the present sup ply of peas to be sorted will .last at least three weeks, with perhaps a longer run. On account of the de mand for work there is great com petition among those who are em ployed and a higher standard of speed and efficiency is being set as a re sult. . :' " - '' The sorted peas will be used for seed and those discarded for this pur pose will be ground and. used for feed. " Vets Give Endorsement Further indorsement of Roseburg as the new soldiers' home site, con demnation of the Saber club activities by C. A. Townsend of Portland, en deavors to make pension require ments easier, listening to reports that showed 22 camps in Oregon, 29 vet erans dead the past year, and other routine business occupied the atten tion of the Spanish-American War Veteran's convention at La Grande Tuesday. Wheat Advance Wheat took, a turn for the better Tuesday at Chicago and recorded an advance of nearly two cents. Strength of prices was largely due to word that the United States had present ed to the London international con ference, a plan for maintenance of American bank credits in Germany, provided big banks of other countries did likewise. State Board of Control Fires Howard, Head of State School for Blind Salem. The state board of control has voted to dismiss J. W. Howard, superintendent of the state school for the blind, and his staff, effective Aug ust 15, and elected Walter C. Dry to the superintendency.', . 1 . . Dry is a membet of the staff of the Washington State School . for the Blind at Vancouver. The motion to dismiss Howard and elect Dry was of fered by Rufus C. Holman, state treasurer, and passed unanimously. Holman said the change was de signed for the welfare of the children and charged that the blind school has been operated "on an institutional rather than on an educational basis." Hal E. Hoss, secretary of state, agreed at once to the dismissal of Howard, but held up his vote for a short time on thematter of electing Dry, on the grounds that he did not know him, and that he was not an Oregon man. Hoss asked whether it was necessary to go out of the state to get a superintendent. "The board of control has been severely criticised for going outside Oregon for executive heads," Hoss said, and if it were possible to stay within the state, he said, he would much prefer to do so. Holman replied he had considered the matter for sev eral months, and that this technical position was hard to fill. On the rec ommendations of Governor Meier and Holman, Dry's election was approved by Hoss. In addition" to his residence at the institution, Dry will receive a salary of $1500 a year, the same as now paid Howard. Oxman, Main Witness in Mooney Bombing Case Dead at Durkee Home Would Limit to $3 A preliminary petition for an in itiative measure to limit state license fees on all automobiles and trucks to $3, has been filed with Secretary of State Hal Hoss by H. H. Stallard, Portland. The petition was forward ed to the attorney-general for a bal lot title. Completed petitions bear ing 17,088 names of registered voters must be filed with the secretary of state by July 8 next year if the mea sure is to be placed on the 1932 ballot. Couple Found Dead Dead from three weeks to a month, Mr. and Mrs. William Ross of Union were found in their closed automo bile Sunday night by sheepmen near Pondosa. It was believed they had stopped their car in the timber, neg lecting to shut off the engine, and were asphyxiated by the car gaises. The bodies were taken to La Grande Monday. The family had lived at Union several years. f Fire at Campbell Ranch The East Oregonian reports a grain fire on the Rufus Campbell ranch Mercury Runs High Monday was the hottest day of the season in Athena, when thermometers scored as high as 109. The bulb in north of Pendleton, when 57 sacks, of The Press office sent the red fluid up 1 grain were destroyed. Standing grain to the 102 mark during the afternoon, j was saved by prompt action of ranch Pendleton was also hot at 110 and ' ers in the vicinity. The loss was good but so far the growers have had ! La Grande sweltered at 107, the high- covered by insurance. no prices quotta on tneir iniptnents. . est heat retora eYer cstawiihed there. farmed Durkee, Or. Frank C. Oxman, the "honest cattleman," who testified against Tom Mooney in the San Francisco bombing trials and later was tried for subornation of perjury, died Wednesday at his ranch home near here. Oxman has remained much in se clusion since his startling appearance at the trial of Mooney 15 years ago and at his own trial that followed. Oxman gave positive testimony that he saw Mooney and Warren K. Bill ings place a suitcase on the sidewalk at Market and Steuart streets, San Francisco, a few moments before the explosion. Largely on the strength of this statement Mooney was con victed of murder and sentenced to hang. Shortly afterward Mooney's defense showed Oxman had written to Frank E. Rigall of Grayville, 111., asking him to support the suitcase testi mony. Rigall testified to this letter before the grand jury and Oxman was indicted for subornation of per jury. Then the defense offered evi dence purporting that Oxman was in Woodland, not San Francisco, when the explosion occurred, and Oxman was accused of perjury. Oxman was tried and acquitted on the subornation charge and the per jury case was dismissed without trial. Mooney and Billings are still in pris on, although revelations in the Oxman case indirectly resulted in a commuta tion of Mooney's sentence to life im prisonment. J ' Additional Stages Union Pacific stages will put two additional motor coaches to their fleet now operating through Athena. The additions will give a four coacli service each way daily. The time schedule, which becomes operative Sunday is as follows: To Pendleton 7:50 a. m., 12:35 p. m., 3:55 p. m., 9:20 p. m. To Walla Walla 8:55 a. m., 11:10 a. m., 3:10 p. m., 6:50 p. m. To Portland 7:50 a. m. 12:35 p. m., 9:20 p. m. To Baker, Boise and East 3:55 p. m., 9:20 p. m. Steamer Hauls Wheat Transportation of wheat by steam boat down the Columbia river to Portland is to become a reality this week when the steamer Umatilla, owned by the Willamette & Columbia River Towing company, leaves The Dalles with approximately 200 tons on board. Bees Sting; Woman in Esd . Mrs. Harry Chadsey of Walla Wal la is in bed as the result of an at tack on her by a swarm of bees, A girl, June Stewart, who came to Mrs. Chadsey's aid was also severely stung." V Miss Gilliam Visita Miss' Grace Gilliam, former treas urer of Umatilla county, now resid ing at Salem, visited relatives last A group of fifteen golf enthusiasts met at the office of B. B. Richards, Monday night and organized what, is to be known as the Athena Golf Club. The officers elected are: president, Gordon M. Watkins; vice-president, E. C. Prestbye; secretary treasurer, Fred Kershaw. s ' A grounds committee was appoint ed, comprising the following mem bers: Laurence' Pinkerton, chairman; W. P. Littlejohn and Henry Dell. Plans for a tournament were discuss ed and the following standing com mittee appointed, Justin Harwood, chairman, Penn Harris and D. A. Lowe. It was decided to place a box at the links in which members may deposit their score cards for the next fort night in order that an average may be taken and handicaps given. At present there are 36 members in the club and a number of other play ers are showing great interest. Early morning hours and the cool evenings are popular playing periods on ac count of the recent hot spell. Equestriennes To Be a Feature of Round-Up as Greeters to the Visitors Pendleton. The directors of the Pendleton Round-Up is this year planning a new feature for the show, and one which will bring in the en tire district where girls are noted for their horsemanship. The officials plan to have a group of from 50 to 60 girl riders here for the Round-Up to act as greeters for trains, auto caravans and to ride in the parades and add much color to the events. Under the direction of George Strand, non-competitive director, and John Hales, parade director, arrange ments are being worked out to have the girls from the various commun ities in Umatilla, Morrow, Grant and Gilliam counties enter this feature. A committee has been named to get in touch with equestriennes regarding the event. Girls will be responsible for their horses and saddles and riding attire, this latter feature to be decided later, and the Round-Up will provide barn space and feed for the horses. Stock saddles will likely be used as most of the women riders in the region use this type of saddle. The officials are selecting a list of chaperones to be in charge of the riders during their stay here, and Mrs. W. D. McNary, Mrs. Herb Thompson, Mrs. Berkeley Davis, Miss Kathleen , McClintock, Mrs. James Sturgis, and Mrs. Elmer McCorm mach have been named. The committee to get in touch with women riders is composed of: Lowell Stockman, Helix; Charles Hoskins, Buck Lieuallen, John Kilkenny and Ronald Rew, Pendleton; Marion Han scll, Athena; Laurence Lieuallen, Vetoed Bills Are Expected to Come Up At Session Cunha. Jr., and Manuel Cunna of Echo; Amy Bergevin, Heppner; Frank Price, Weston; Robert Bond, Ukiah; Walter Bonifer, Gibbon; Clyde Cheshire, Milton-Freewater; Bill Switzler, Umatilla; Henry Casteel, Meacham; Vic Bracher, Pilot Rock; Jack Biggs, Hermiston and Stan-field. The Thimble Club The Thimble club of the Neighbors of Woodcraft met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Mary McKay. The quilt upon which the members have been working for several months was completed and will soon be on display in the window at the local Red & White store.- The quilt is beautifully made and is most attrac tive, the popular "sunbonnet baby" design having been used, Tho host ess was assisted in serving refresh ments by Mrs. Will Harden and Mrs. C. M. McCuIlough. Those present were Mrs. J. C. Burke, Mrs. Willard Crabill, Mrs. Clarence Hand, Mrs, J. A. Garner, Mrs, Scott, Mrs. George Myrick, Mrs. Ad Pinkerton, Mrs. Fred Pinkerton, Mrs, Louis Keen, Mrs. Bruno Weber, Mrs. L. A. Cornell, Mrs. James Huggins, Mrs. Frank Coppock, Mrs, John Stanton, Mrs. Henry Booher, Mrs. Henry Miller, Mrs, Callie Sanders, Mrs. Starr Charlton, Mrs. Frank Little, Mrs. W. R. Harden, Mrs. Mary McKay and Mrs. C. M. McCuIlough. Salem. Should the state legisla ture be called into extraordinary ses sion by Governor Meier, as now seems likely, the lawmakers will find themselves confronted at the outset of the session with the ghosts of 30 of their measures passed at the regu lar session last winter but which fell by the wayside under the veto of the governor. While there is no particular law on the subject governing the presen tation of vetoed bills, there is ample precedent covering the presentation of these measures at a special session. The latest of these precedents is to be found in the case of the special ses sion of 1921 when vetoed measures of the regular session held that same year were not only presented for con sideration by the lawmakers, but were passed over the governor's veto. Secretary of State Hoss said that acting under this precedent, he would snd to the two houses the ve toed bills which are now in his pos session. These include 20 bills ve toed in their entirety and five which underwent minor operations for ex traction of items of which the govern nor did not approve. In addition to these 25 measures there are five veto ed bills which, together with their veto messages, still repose on the house desk where they were placed during the closing hours of the ses sion and from which they were not resurrected before adjournment. No Water for Pool With depletion in the flow of wa ter from the springs at the source of Athena's gravity water supply it has been found necessary to discontinue furnishing city water for the Legion swimming pool at the city park. The city water supply is now furnished al most exclusively from the well at the pumping station. Weston Boy Is Killed When Tunnel Caves in ; While at play in a tunnel they had excavated in the creek bank at Wes ton, Donald Ward, 12, and Virgil Grover, 14, were buried when their excavation caved in shortly before the noon hour yesterday. When they were rescued the Ward boy was dead from suffocation and young Grover recovered shortly after being removed. . The accident was discovered by a lad who had been sent after the Ward boy, and he gave the alarm. It is not known how long the cave in took place before the third boy arrived on the scene; The Ward boy was near er to the entrance and one of his legs protruded from the dirt. The Grover lad was found further in the cave, but fortunately pieces of sod pro tected his face from being entirely covered by the fine dirt and saved him HARVEST IS WELL UNDER WAY HEBE Yields Reported Is Around Forty Bushels Ditches Hard on Machines. from suffocation. Adams: Kvlc Guerrant. Holdman: Joe K Willing hands worked over the Ward boy, but efforts to restore life werfr unavailing. A Boisterous Party Ends in Three Arrests As a result of a boisterous party late Sunday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Shigley, in the progress of which the peace and quiet of the surrounding neighborhood was dis turbed, police officer Miller arrested three of the participants, Shigley and Mr. and Mrs, Andy Rothrock. Mon day in Judge Richards' court Roth rock entered pleas of guilty to the charges against himself and wife. He was fined $10 and cotits and Mrs. Rothrock $25 and costs. Shigley did not appear in court and the judge entered a $50 fine against him. It is reported that he lost his job at the Preston-Shaffer mill and left town before the hour set for his appearance in court. Calves Came Home When II. IJ. Miller of Bollingham, found, four of his nine Jeraey calves niisbing from his barn, he didn't call the sheriff. He didn't have to. Mill er took a shotgun and visited all his neighbors, told them about the theft, and explained at length what he would do when he found the culprit. When he returned to feed the othe five calves, the missing four were there. A Jloosior I'lcnle The Hoosiers and ex-Hoosiers of Milton-Freewater' communities will Writes Nature Story In the "Wild Life Lines" section of the Sunday Oregonian there appeared a very authentic and interesting story of Mr. Bob White, member of the quail family from the pen of Mrs. Ralph McLwen, reporter for the Athena Press. Mrs, McEwen for some time has been considering feature story writing for metropolitan publi cations and the quail story is the first that she has written. Harvesting the 1931 "wheat croD in the Athena-Weston section is progres sing, with favorable weather conditions. Much complaint is heard retrardinff numerous ditches in ' fields where heavy rains washed deep into the soil, making conditions bad for ODeratinff the big combines drawn by caterpillar tractors. In this resDect. Homer Watts says that in all his farminsr ex perience he has never seen a har vest season harder on machinery. Tho Roy Cannon combine overturned in a ditch Monday. None of the crew was injured and fortunately onlv minor damage was done the machine which this season is being operated by Bill Hoggard. f With the advent of hot weather the grain is threshing much better and practically all machines in the neigh borhood are in operation. In the He lix district grain in the swales is not fully ripe. Henry Koepke's outfit, threshing near Helix laid off for a part of the week on this account. A forty bushel yield is frequently heard spoken of on the streets but coming down to tacks it is believed more yields are going way over forty than under. In light soil district north of Athena, indications point to a general average of 25 bushels per acre. ' Harvest Notes A hundred and ninety acre field on the Roy Cannon place north of town is cropping around 50 bushels per acre. Wheat on Mrs. Lila Kirk's farm south of Athena averaged 42 bushels per acre. W. S. Ferguson, who has a farm, northeast of Athena, expects it and his home ranch south of town to yield aronnd 40 bushels per acre. Mr. Fer guson has also a crop of peas that will soon be ready to harvest. A field of 150 acres on the W. O. Read farm turned in 51Mi bushels per acre. . The yield from 76 acres on tho place farmed "by Bruce Crawford, west of town, made 51 bushels per acre. The top yield so far reported comes from the Frank Coppock place where " a plot of 15 acres netted 62V& busti ers per acre, as given by Farmers Grain Elevator company weights. An Adams correspondent reports the wheat yield in the Adams neigh borhood to be ranging from 40 to bet ter than 50 bushels per acre. w The Read & Barrett threshing out fit has finished harvesting the Bar rett crop north of town and moved to the A. L. Swaggart ranch. G. N. in California Realizing a dream of Jim Hill, the Empire Builder, tracks of the Great Northern railroad entered California Monday afternoon when the huge track-laying machine dropped ties and rails across the Oregon-California line, 25 miles south of Klamath Falls. Dry on Butter Creek Old residents of the Butter Creek district in the west part of the coun ty, say that it Is dryer at this time than ever before in their memory. A by insurance. The ranch is! week at her old home, the Gilliam- hold a regular Hoosier picnic in Mil-'short hay crop a short pasturage for by L. Geinffer. ' ' McBfWio wncb, nv&t Pilot EWk. , ttfh city park, in the near futur. tltttck 13 toeing vxpc(?pwd ihwo. Substation Completed At a Cost of $12,000 The new 66,000 volt substation has been completed here by the Pacific Power & Light company at a cost of approximately $12,000. As stated in the Press during pro cess of construction, the design of the new station is of modern outdoor type and is equipped with the latest approved protective devices. Hereafter transmission of power for Athena and Weston will be inde pendent of the substation at Pendle ton and will tap 700 horse-power from the 66,000 volt highline which feeds through the local station, elim inating entirely several miles of 22,- 000 volt feeder line which formerly fed Athena from the Pendleton sta tion. The new service will greatly im prove voltage for Athena and Wes ton and the elimination of the 22, 000 line will be a protection against interruption experienced in the past, due to line trouble. Irrigation Help Promised Hope for a partial rehabilitation of the Burbank irrigation district in the west end of Walla Walla county was given to Dr. John W. Summers, rep resentative in congress, by Dr. El wood Mead, commissioner of reclama tion, after a visit to the project. Dr. Summers announced. Surplus power at the ProKsor dam on the Kcnnewick high line bhould be available to tho Burbank urea which for several yeara produced good crops but which haa practically been abandoned because of water shortage in recent years. Building Airplane Two Pendleton men are building an airplane. The model is a Heath para sol type and will be powered by a three cylinder Radio engine of 50 horsepower. . ' About 200 acres of standing wheat burned in the field of Levi Eldridtfo, new Pifot Rttrk, Batirrttn?.