THE PRESS, ATHENA, OREGON, JULY 3, 1931 Press Paragraphs John Stanton is home from Mon tana. Mrs. W. J. Crabill visited relatives in Pendleton, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pittman spent Sunday fishing in the Umatilla. Recent visitors at the Frank Little home in Athena were Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Huxley and daughter, Mildred of Three Hills, Alberta, and Mrs. Water man of Hermiston. Lee Mitchel of Eeed and Hawley mountain was a week-end visitor here. Edna DeFreece was an over Sunday guest of Miss Hilda Dickenson at Arlington. ' Miss Lois Smith who has returned from a Walla Walla hospital is re ported improving. .' i , Madame Kennedy, well known resident of Weston called on Athena friends Tuesday. Fred Singer, Emery Rogers and Lowell Jenkins spent Saturday and Sunday at Cold Springs and Langdon Lake. To Carry Ice to North Pole 3S 1 7 3 n't-la- i t 7 1 The submarine, "Nautilus," by means of which Sir Hubert Wilkins hopes to make an undersea dash to North Pole. (Inset) Sir Hubert inspecting the boat's kitchen. THE expedition of Sir Hubert Wilkins, the explorer, to the North Pole will bo the most unusual in the history of tho world an at tempt to exploro tho polar regions by means of a submarine.. His undersea boat, christened the "Nautilus," after Jules Verne's famous vessel of fiction, will try to travel under the top of tho earth and beneath the North Pole. But Sir Hubert has arranged that hi crew of twenty will have all mod ern comforts possible. On the trip to the coldest section of the world, the submarine will be equipped with an (Blectric refrigerator and his jpen will have the advantages of sunlamps, as well as electric fans, radio, electric washing machines, vacuum cleaners, electric stove and electric heaters. The General Electric Company was called in to install the refrigerator and other appliances. While the submarine will travel under the ice, the temperature inside tho boat will be such that foodstuffs would spoil without an electric re frigerator. Then, too, while the boat will travel to the North Pole Land of the Midnight Sun tho crew would get little natural sunlight. That's the reason for the sunlamps. The Red . White Stores Luncheon Dainties for the Glorious SPECIALS for THURSDAY and FRIDAY July 2nd and 3rd W. Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Lime, Sparkling Orange tit cx nr .1 C 1 AO z I or ooc or one aozen lor spi.vo Ripe Olives, Blue and White, pints 2 for 39c Walla Hams half or whole 27c Mayonnaise, Red and White, pints 2flc Kraft Cheese, lb. packages 2 for 35c Plain Sweet Pickles Yolos, quarts - Mc $ Crackers, Grahams or Sodas, Tru Blu, 2 lbs. 2lta J: - B. & M. Beans and Brown Bread, large sizes 39c Underwoods Deviled Ham, 14s 2 for 29c Tea, Red and White, lbs. 45 . Sardines, Booths, 1 lb. oval 2 for 25c Coffee, Red and White, Vacuum Tins, 1 lb. 38c I MONTAGUE & CORNELL 3 PHONE 171 TTl1 H. I. Watts was a business visitor in Walla Walla Wednesday. " F. B. Wood is building a garage at his home on College street. A. L. Douglas was an Athena vis itor from Hermiston Thursday. Wheat haying occupied the atten tion of Athena farmers this week. Venard Bell, caterpillar salesman was in town Wednesday from Pendle ton. . - - ' . Marion Hansell has had several teams and trucks hauling hay this week. William Morrison real estate deal er of Pendleton transacted business here Tuesday. Leo Geissel is with his brother Her man, at the latter's stock ranch in Grant county. ' Knijrhts of Pythias of Umatilla county held a picnic at Meacham Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wilson and daughter Marjorie spent Sunday at Bingham springs. Miss Edna DeFreece and Miss Uiro lyn Kidder visited friends in Walla Walla Wednesday. Charles Alspach, Helix real estate and insurance man, was an Athena visitor Wednesday. Miss Esther Berlin contemplates spending the Fourth of July with friends at Spokane. Charles Pinkerton, deputy assessor, who resides in Weston was an Athena visitor, Wednesday. Mrs. Velton Read, who has been in Walla Walla for several weeks re turned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Avery of Wal la Walla were Sunday visitors at the Cornell home in Athena. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Watkins were Sunday guests at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Kohler Betts. Mrs. M. M. Johns was a dinner guest Tuesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Watts. Barbara Huffman returned home Saturday evening from a week's visit with relatives in Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zerba and son Marvel joined the Baptist picnic campers Saturday at Cold Springs. Master Clarence Montague is sales boy at a fireworks booth located in front part of the Mosgrove building. The Misses Itol and Lela Schubert are visiting at the home of their aunt, Mrs. M. L. Volwiler, at Delta, Utah. Lew McNair, salesman at the Athe na Department store will take a two week's vacation, beginning next Mon day. L. L. Rogers was in town Wednes day to secure reDairs for his harvest er which is at present threshing peas. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Nelson of Hollywood who have been visiting relatives here have left for a visit in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Roseberry were dinner guests Wednesday eve ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. u A Cornell. Tennis enthusiasts are enjoying the courts on Main street which have recently been put in splendid condi tion for play. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton en tertained Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Nelson, of Genessee, Idaho, at their larm home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martin and Mr. and Mrs. John Standage and families contemplate spending the tourth at Meacham Lake. Mrs. Minnie Gross and son Hal of Brownsville have been here visiting at the homes of Herbert Hale and Mrs. Jennie Gross. Mrs. Donev of Milton who was en route home from a visit at Arlington was a guest at the home of Mrs. fed Montague Monday. Funeral services for the late John Lightfoot were held at Pilot Rock Friday afternoon, with Kev. l. fe. Walker in charge. Henry Koepke has returned from a motor trip to Creston, B. C. and points in Idaho. Mr. Koepke visited in Spokane en route. Mrs. Gordon Watkins and children have left for Bellingham, Washing ton, where they will spend several weeks visiting relatives. Mrs. Clair Gurney is visiting at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn. Mr. Gurney is expected to spend the week-end here Miss Marian Ridenour. niece of Mrs. F. B. Boyd, left Saturday morn ing for her home at Chelan, Washing ton, after a week's visit here. Jim Canina. head man of the Uma- tillas, estimates that 300 Indians will participate in the red men's uourtn of July celebration at Cayuse. Mrs. Alfred Kibbey and children left yesterday for a fortnights stay in Condon. They will visit at the home of Mr. Kibbey's brother. The Rev. L. W. Gowan, minister 01 Waitsburg, Wash., will fill the pulpit at the First Baptist Church of Athe nrfj Sunday morning and evening. The improvement on the Vic Harris property on 2nd and Currant streets are nearing completion. A bedroom, basement and enlarged flue have been added. J. E. Jones, rural mail carrier is again on his route after enjoying a two week's duration, dur ing which time he did not go bear hunting. George Smith has had the front of his Main street garage and automo bile repair shop newly painted this week. Henry Miller weilded the brush on the job. A group of girls and women have been employed in picking green peas in the fields near Athena during the nast week. The peas are being mar keted in Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. Meti of Weston, Mr. and Mrs. Knowlton and Mrs. Adams dinner iruests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Sheard Wednt&day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson of Pendleton and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haynes of Portland were dinner guests Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dudley. Members of the 0. D. 0. club and their families plan to spend the Fourth tit Jnlv ovpniTiir nt Walla. Wal la Park, where a no-hostess lunch will be served at seven o clock. Mr and Mrs. Fred Pittman will leave by motor at noon today for Cottonwood, Idaho, where they will spend the week-end with Mrs. Pitt man's brother, T. P. Mitchell. Leland Jenkins is working at the Athena Service Station during the nhspnee of Mr. and Mrs. Brvce Baker. who are attending the cowboys con vention at Ukiah over the Fourth. "Rill" 'RiphardH. with a crew of hardworking haymakers has been hanlinc and stowin? awav hav for his string of ponies. A car with gayly painted trailer was used for the work. Dr. McKinney's office on Third strop, tipar the Athena Press office. is to have a new concrete floor at the porch entrance to the building. Joe Crowley is doing the concrete work. Rnhn Montague and Georee Shane of Arlington visited at the Stanton and Montague homes Saturday. Mr. Mnntamip is a nenhew of Mr. Stan ton and he is Ed Montague's cousin. Oral Michener has been entertain ing twA nt his Camn Clatson "bud dies" who spent the week-end here. They are Fred Burgin, bugler, ana Sergeant Tom Campbell of Pendle ton. ' Athonn hifrh Krhnnl bovs have Cinch- ed harvest jobs with neighborhood farmers. Several will drive trucks from the bulk grain machines, while others have secured places on combines. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Roarers and rlnno-htpr Helen, left bv motor early yesterday morning for the country home of Mr. and Mrs. uuaiey sogers, near Creston, B. C. They expect to return home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dell returned home from Portland Tuesday night. They were accompanied Dy ivirs. James Cresswell who has spent the past month visiting at the home of her parents in Forest Grove. Mrs. F. P. Bruce and son itaipn and little grandson Gene Hodgson and daughter Mrs. Thelma Hodgson were in Athena Sunday en route to their ranch above Gibbon, after a ten days visit with relatives at uaKer. Miss Virginia Taylor, daughter of Prnf T. R. Tavlor. resident of Linn- field College at McMinnville, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zerba, west of Athena. Miss Taylor is a niece of Mr. Zerba. Rill TTocro-nrd' has returned from - " o o Troy, Montana, where he spent the winter months. Mr. Hoggard re nnrts that the labor situation in Mon tana is so serious that men are glad to take Jods at zo cents an nour. T, A. Cornell left Tuesday for Weiser, Idaho, on a business mission. Mr. Cornell made the trip by motor and was accompanied by George pittman. Visits will also be made at Vale and Brogan en route home. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bateman ant Misses Suzanne Hayes and Frances Bateman made a trip to Portland and Coos Bay over the week-end. Miss Hayes returned to her home in Pow ers after an extended visit in Athe na. M. I. Miller i3 completing the paint ing of his residence on Adams street. "Pike" found the job turned out to be a long one and his right wrist has de vplnncH a twist such a3 would nlease a major baseball pitcher curve pitcher if you please. The cooperative cannery at Hermis ton is beintf natronized by a few peo ple of the Athena community who have been canning peas there during the past few days. Later the cannery facilities may be used in canning string beans, corn, etc. Mrs. Georee Sheard honored her niece, Miss Eileen Anderson of Wes ton, at a birthday dinner Thursday evening, the occasion being her ieventeenth anniversary. Additional guests were members of the Ander son and Sheard families. Mrs. Wavne Pittman expects to visit her husband at Klamath Falls, remaining there for a few days. Wayne is a truck driver for a rail road contractor, who is constructing a portion of the Great Northern road, south of Klamath Falls. Alfred McLouth who has been in Montana for some time has returned to Athena and vicinity for the har vest season and is employed at the Henry Barrett ranch near town. A number of years ago Mr. Mcboutn ran a delivery wagon here. Mrs. Fred Blinn was painfully in jured Sunday when a car near which she was standing was accidentally backed against her, crushing her be tweon it and another car. No bones were fractured but Mrs. Blinn suf fered deep cuts and bruises. Mr. and Mrs. Rov Burke were here from Portland a counle of days this week, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Burke. Roy, who works in a Portland sraratre. last week suf fered a coude of fractured ribs as the result of a shop accident. Geo Green of Stanfield was a house guest of Dorris Jenkins last week. Sunday the Jenkins family motored to Stanfield to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green. They were accompanied by their young visitor who remained in Stan field. Four sisters and a brother met in Athena Tuesday for the first time in soveral years. At the home of Mrs, Margaret Banister there were her three sisters, Mrs. McArthur and Mrs. Perry of Portland, Mrs. Leon ard of Waitsburg, and J. T. Lieuallen of Portland. - SPECIALS FOR NEXT WEEK Oysters Whipcord Pants Fountain brand, 5 oz. cans..2 for 25c Men's all size....:. : ....$1.69 Soap Anklets Polar White...... ................10 bars 25c 19c Amaiza Oil Overalls For Salads and Cooking....qt. can 39c 220 Denim with bib.... ....per pair 98c Mayonnaise Gloves Best Foods,....................'...pint jar 33c Men's Squaw Gloves.. per pair 98c Another Shipment Ladies Pajamas and Voile Dresses .:.$tsft-:-...- Phone 152 ATHENA DEPARTMENT STORE v Word comes to Athena relatives that Mr. and Mrs. Grant Prestbye of Kalispel, Montana, contemplate com ing to Athena and the Pendleton Round-Up by airplane. A Kalispel friend, owner of a plane made the of fer and it has been accepted by Mr. and Mrs. Prestbye. W. E. Campbell and son Bob have received a shipment of registered Poland China hogs from Weiser, Ida ho. These hogs will form the begin ning of a herd of breeding stock which Mr. Campbell and son will build up to sell to breeders through out the Northwest. . F. B. Radtke and John Rothrock returned Monday from a week's fish ing trip to the Deschutes country in the vicinity of Bend. Fred Radtke, Jr., and Herbert Parker remained for a few more days of piscatorial sport. Harry Keller fished with the Athena party at Clear Lake, Sunday last Mrs. Fletcher of Enterprise, who has been visiting at the Wm. Mc Pherson home in Athena has left for Enterprise. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. McPherson, who will spend the Fourth at Wallowa Lake. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. McPherson and Mrs. Fletcher were at Camp Koos kooskie, above Walla Walla. The members of the Xoyal Glean ers class of the Christian Sunday school announce a food sale at the Quality Grocery store this afternoon, Friday, July 3. All kinds of delic ious pastries, cakes and dressed chickens will be on sale. . This is a splendid opportunity to procure deli cacies for your July 4th dinner. Clusters of brilliant summer flow ers were used as decoration at the home of Mrs. Ralph McEwen last Friday afternoon when she enter tained the Athena Bridge club. Luncheon was served at one o'clock and bridge was the diversion of the afternoon. Additional guests were Mrs. Clason Adams, Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton, Mrs. Max Hopper, and Mrs. Gordon Watkins. Mrs. Pinker ton won the guest prize. Mrs. Ker shaw made high club score and Mrs. H. I. Watts second. Mrs. Roy Raley and Mrs. Charles Bond were hostesses at luncheon at the home of the former in Pendleton, Wednesday afternoon. Covers were placed for sixteen at a table centered with a huge basket of snap dragons and other colorful summer flowers. Bridge was the diversion of the af ternoon when four tables were in play. Athena matrons who motored to Pendleton for the event included Mrs. M. L. Watts, Mrs. F. S. LeGrow, Mrs. C. M. Eager, Mrs. H. I. Watts and Mrs. R. B. McEwen. A pleasant day was spent by the Thimble club Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Stella Keen. Seventeen ladies were present and assisted in quilting. A pot luck dinner was served at noon and was a feature of the day. Those present were Mrs. D. A. Pinkerton, Mrs. Mary McKay, Mrs. J. A. Nel son, Mrs. William Harden, Mrs. Charles Henry, Mrs. Lee Johnson, Mrs. Star Charlton, Mrs. Sanders, Mrs. Lola Payne, Mrs. Ross Payne, Mrs. Ethel Montague, Mrs. Bruno Weber, Mrs. Stella Keen, Mrs. Glen Steen, Mrs. Mary Booher, Mrs."Matt Johnson and Mrs. C. M. McCullough. Members of the Methodist Society and their guests spent Sunday on Pine Creek where they enjoyed pic nic dinner and supper. The day was spent pleasantly visiting and a num ber present took a long walk in the woods. Those who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hand, Mr. and Mrs. Will Read, Mrs. Velton Read, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crabill, Sims Dickenson, Frank DeFreece, H". H. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. , Charles Henry, Mrs. Ethel Montague, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coppock and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Weber and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Burke, Mrs. " Laura Froome, Mrs. Will Harden, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coppock, QUALITY GROCERY Phone 561 PRESTO the new Glass top Fruit Jar. Come in and see these jars. Pints $1.00 dozen: Quarts $1.15 dozen No. 1 Red Mexican Royal Club, Slioed, Beans Peaches 20 lbs. 22s 98c 20c . . v, American Club . 5 lbs. Preferred Coffee Sodas Salted The Old Reliable, per lb. ' - 20c - 65c ' ' Hires Root Beer Certo Extract for Jellies, still Makes 5 gallons 26c 30c Fontanas NOODLES, SPA- " Acme " ghetti and macaroni Chloride Lime 3 for 2 for 25c 25c Quality Grocery Frank Little, Prop. Athena, Oregon. Phone 561 THE ATHENA MARKET We carry the best Tin e That Money Buys at Kippered Sanson, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season. A. W. LOGSDON Main Street Athena, Oregon. Goodye Tires ar and Tubes Valvoline Oils Automobile Supplies, Parts and Accessories Atkena. Garage North' side Main Street - - Phone 352 mi