THE PRESS, ATHENA, OREGON, JULY 3, 1931 ' Established Jan. I, 1887 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher Subscription Rated. One copy, one year $2-00 One copy, six months $1.00 One copy, three months.... Athena, Oregon, July 3, .... 1931 The highest price ever received in the Northwest for cherries was paid nt Denver when 600 pounds of Bings shipped from Salem by airplane brought 6T cents per pound. The fruit reached its destination in fine condition, attracted unusual attention and when placed on display was photographed. This unique disposal of the Salem cherry has brought Valuable advertising to Oregon's capi tal city. With this auspicious begin ning in shipment by plane, shippers are assured of. new and wider mar kets for their produce in future. In letters written home by Mayor Baker of Portland, he gives the in formation that to keep up with the French government and French hos pitality has left him in rather a jad ed condition. The mayor's admission must be sorely disappointing to his friends, for "our George" is famous for his frequent half-tone appearance in the columns of the metropolitan press and his well known proclivities for busting into the front rank of merriment. We'll just say that the ol' kid must be off his oatsl Europe. Vacation hobbies are varied among the people who take them. For instance somebody will prefer fishing, another boating, and so on, but Uncle Andrew wants to be monkeying with finances always; whether he's at work or playing poker. Mofe butter and less oleomargine is being consumed as a. result of the low prices prevailing for butter, ac cording to a report on the farm mar ket situation just released by the Oregon State college Extension ser vice. Manufacture of oleomargerine has decreased and surplus stocks of dairy products are relatively smaller than a month ago, although milk pro duction is running somewhat ahead of last year. .0 You read where one section of the country claims that it is not hit so bad by the depression as some other district, but you will observe no rea son is given for the advantage claim ed in a situation which is known to be general through out the nation. However, there is nothing more sooth ing than "tooting your own horn" and a booster is the fellow who helps make the wheels go 'round, rain or ehine. o Strenuous opposition from shippers of farm products to the IB per cent increase sought in freight rates is heard from every part of the nation. Protests have deluged the President and interstate commerce commission declaring rates too high and predict ing disaster to growers if the request is granted since increases in rates are reflected in the lower net returns to producers. ' o A full moon and a midnight wed ding brought joy to the heart of Ma Kennedy when Bhe wed G. E. Hudson of New York, at Longview, Wash., Sunday. Ma scooped the news re porters by slipping out to the banks of Sacajawea lake and marrying a man ten years her junior, but her marriage was good for a full deck head on the front page, just the same. Over Missouri way they say a mule 's a mule no matter where you find him or the way you treat him. A Mr. Curtis of Prescott Burely believes as does Missouri, after coming out of a stall with a broken leg, three frac tured ribs and loss of considerable cuticle, as a result of forgetting to speak to the occupant thereof before entering. The airplane is a valuable asset to Alaskan winter life a Godsend in sickness and of inestimable value in the transportation of food, mail and rich furs. The plane has conquered mountain crag and pinnacle, great reaches of snowcovered plain and frozen marsh, making the northland a better place in which to live. It is reported that a Malheur coun ty farmer received an equivalent of $1.20 a bushel for his wheat fed to beef cattle and hogs. Similar re ports of the value of feeding grain to livestock are frequent, and it may be good practice for other farmers to follow. Backed by poultrymen and members of the Grange a resolution has been passed requesting the Oregon legis lature to enact a law forbidding the manufacture of food products using Chinese eggs in said products unless so labeled. And now the claim that American teeth are best. Inasmuch as the Chicago Dental society makes this challenge to the world, we may ex pect to see an immediate imitation of the Roosevelt smile everywhere. o - ' Enrolled at the summer session at Oregon State college are 839 students, the largest number ever attending the session. Twenty states, three foreign countries and two territories are represented. o' How much do you know about the new laws passed by the last legisla ture? Three hundred and fifty be came effective on June 6. A PLAN (Oregon Journal) Recently there has been a deal of discussion about safeguarding the future against depression, unemploy ment and bread lines. Much has been said but little has been done except in the case of Rochester, New York, where industrial leaders have adopt ed a comprehensive and, apparently a workable plan. It is essentially un employment insurance, augmented by city and county financial reserves for public construction during periods of depression. ' Fourteen manufacturing plants, whose employes constitute one-third of all industrial workers in Rochester have adopted the plan. From 1 to 2 per cent of its payroll is set aside by each company and is available for stabilization of wages of its em ployes. If an employe who has been with the company for a year, and whose weekly earnings are less than $50, is laid off for any reason except incompetence or a shutdown due to a strike, he is entitled to receive 60 per cent of his normal earnings for a period of six weeks, unless he finds employment before the end of that time. If the worker has been with the company more than a year the period during which he receives the benefit is increased, according to the length of his service. The maximum benefit he can receive is 13 weeks. The stabilization thus afforded by private agencies is to be supple mented by the city and county through what is popularly known as the Foster and Catchings plan. The old policy of retrenchment in public expenditures during times of depres sion is to be reversed. Financial re serves are being built up by the city and county of Rochester to be expend ed for construction purposes during times of stress. No doubt the Rochester plan can and will be improved upon but it is a beginning a definite, concrete plan for mitigating the business cycle a definite start toward giving per manency to employment. What has been done in Rochester will be done elsewhere, and can be done in Portland, but it requires leadership unselfish leadership in dustrial, labor and civic leadership Will Portland's leaders measure up to their responsibilities T Warren's Diggings, old Idaho min ing camp town was sold ly the United States forest service under the ham mer. Only 70 persons remain where formerly thousands who panned gold en treasure from sand and gravel, roamed its streets. o Toll bridges are out of fashion, bo the state of Washington purchased the Kennewick bridge from the toll company and set it free to the travel ing public. o Mr. Mellon seems to have become busy during hi "vacation" over In NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oreeon for Umatilla County. In the matter of the estate of George W. Horn, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all per sons whom it may concern: That The Inland Empire Bank ol Pendleton at Pendleton, Oregon, has been appointed executor of the last will and testament of George W. Horn, deceased, and has qualified as such. All persons having claims against Baid estate are hereby noti fied and required to present them witn proper vouchers to the said executor at The Inland Empire Bank of Pen dleton or to Peterson and Lewis, its attorneys, within six months of the date of the first publication of this notice which is the 26th day or June, 1931. THE INLAND EMPIRE BANK OF PENDLETON, Executor. Peterson & Lewis, attorneys for Executor. J26J24 22 Years Ago Friday, July 9, 1909 James Mosgrove met a shocking death near Nanton, Alberta, Satur day afternoon, being instantly killed when thrown from his buggy by a runaway team. Homeward bound from Salem, John Mclntyre died on the train at Wallula Tuesday morning. Hugh Mclntyre, a brother, was bringing the sick man to his home in Athena, and when he left Portland the evening before, the patient gave every evidence of being able to stand the journey but his physical condition was such that when the sinking period was reached, the end came quickly. : York Dell is nursing a badly lacer ated hand, as the result of celebrat ing a sane Fourth of July at Wenaha Springs. York experimented with a giant fire cracker and the miniature bomb exploded in his left hand. The hand was badly lacerated and the shock was so great that little or no feeling was experienced for several hours. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Booher, July 7, a daughter. Sam is the proud est man in town. Milt Swaggart sold a nice lot of stock hogs to W. R. Taylor this week at 6 1-2 cents. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Foss, Mr. H. A. Barrett and Miss Kathleen McEwen went to Walla Walla Monday evening by auto, to witness the fire works. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gross, Jr., re turned to their home in Alberta, Wed nesday, i Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cop- pock, July 5, 1909, a son. Roy Burke was dragged through the brush and thrown by his horse on the river during his vacation, and re' ceived some painful scratches. Luckily he escaped with no broken bones. B. C. Kidder, father of the Kidder boys of this city, has leased his land northwest of Pendleton, and moved to Athena, where he will improve his property recently purchased here. , Many Weston people are preparing to take their annual outing at the popular resort known as "Aunt Sarah's Camp," just beyond Cold Springs. This is the most pleasant place in the Blue mountains to pass the heated term. Fay LeGrow was successful in win ning both principal running races at Walla Walla during the celebration, Joe won one of the half-mile events and Redmont the other, both horses beating such fleet runners as Mis chief and Skimmerhorn. Grover Bowles easily won the cowboy race with his roan saddle horse. Novie Desper is carrying his hand swathed in bandages as the result of severe burns received in putting out fire that had caught in the dress of Mrs. B, W. Myers, who chaperoned a party of young folks on a camping expedition to the river. This is. one Fourth of July that George Winship will never forget. Not since the day he touched off a pile of powder has he had such a live ly experience as he ran up against Monday. This time it ,was Roman candles, and they had "Windy" roam in' around some to get rid of a bunch that caught fire in his right side poc ket. It looked for a while as though the fire department would have to be called out. George is O K now though. Low Price on "Vigorbilt" Chicks for May Delivery May Leghornes Make Good Layers "Vigorbilt" Hatchery Milton, Ore. Phone 1102 RELIABLE WATCH REPAIRING Main St H. H. HILL Athena The Athena Hotel MRS. LAURA FROOME, Prop. Courteous Treatment, Clean Beds Good Meals Tourists Made Welcome t Corner Main and Third ' Athena, Oregon Stop and Shop at Harris' Barber and Beauty Parlor Everything in Barber and Beauty work efficiently done NESTLE -Le-MUR Permanent Wave Phone 492 for appointments NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of A. M. Gillis, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed ad ministrator of the estate of A. M. Gillis, deceased, by the above entitled Court. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me at Athena, Oregon, or to my attorneys, Watts & Prestbye, at their law office in Athena, Oregon, within six (6) months from the date of the first publication of this notice. All claims must be verified as by law required. Dated at Athena, Oregon, this 6th day of June, 1931. F. S. LeGROW, Administrator. Watts & Prestbye, Athena, Oregon, Attorney! for estate. J5J3 Real Estate Wheat Alfalfa and Stock Land SHEEP FOR SALE L. L. Montague, Arlington There's No Escaping the man who's "out to hook you for all you're worth, specially if that Auto Accident was more or less your fault Your only protec tion is Liability Insurance and Plenty of It! B. B. RICHARDS, Agent. Contoure Specialties Beautify the Complexion Strengthen the Countour RAPID CLEANSING CREAM SKIN FRESHENER SKIN FOOD FINISHING LOTION Athena Beauty Shop Sadie Pambrun, Operator Phone 32 The First National Bank of Athena CLASSIFIED Wanted Clean, Cotton rags at the Press office. Eyes examined, glasses properly fitted at Schneller's, 39 East Main, Walla Walla, Pine Wood Place your orders for winter wood now and save money. 12, 16, and 24 inch old growth yellow pine at $4.00 on all orders received before July 4.- Write or see Shannon Oshea, Meacham, Oregon. Will deliver. BEN BATEMAN Expert in Body Correction Calls answered promptly Office at Residence in North Athena Telephone 595. Dr. W. Boyd Whyte CHIROPRACTOR Stangier Building, Phone 706 Pendleton. Oregon. 957 J Dr. W. H. McKinney Physician and Surgeon Dr. Sharp's Office Office Hours at Athena 1 to 6 p. m. Phone 462. Office Hours at Weston 8 a. m. to 12 noon. Phone 83. Calls made day or night. Dr. Dale Rothwell Optometrist The best in glasses at a reasonable cost. Over Woolworth's Phone 1286 Pendleton, Oregon Peterson & Lewis Attorneys at Law Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Inland Empire Bank Building Pendleton Oregon Watts & Prestbye Attorneys-At-Law Main Street, Athena, Oregon State and Federal Court Practice Foley1 '& Honey and Tar ures cows, prevents pneumonia Bruno Weber AND Repair Work Prices Reasonable Successor To JENS JENSEN i Established 1891 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $110,000.00 'Does a General Banking Business and Maintains a Complete Trust Department Spring is here! and with it comes HouseCleaning Time Send Us Your Blankets and Curtains In fact anything washable ASK OUR MR. McINTYRE Four Trips Weekly Pendleton, Oregon Eastman Hawkeye Cameras FREE! As a special offer to our Customers, we will give one of these cameras free for each tire pur chase or other sale amounting to $5.00 cash or $10.00 payment on account. Call in and get particulars GALLAHER'S GARAGE J. E. Gallaher. Prop. Athena Phone 471 Call Bell C& Gray Now for Are Always Prepared to do Auto Truck Hauling and Delivery Promptly Prices Rieht Phone 593 MILK and CREAM Milk and Cream for Sale Here All the Time KILGORE'S CAFE Tum-a-Lum Tickler Published in the intesests of the people of Athena and vicinity by THE TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. Phone 91 Vol. 31 Athena, Oregon, July 3, 1931 No. 25 Editorial Ships that cost the govern ment $1,000,000.00 each to build sold recently for $6,800 per. That should make you feel better about the trade-in price you are offered for the old bus. A. M. Johnson, Editor A garage to protect the fam ily carry-all from the summer heat and winter cold will add dollars to the trade in value a couple of years later. The cost is less than a good repaint job. Wheat fed to stock will bring around a dollar a bushel ($1.00) as compared to the present market price of less than 50c. You will be surprised at the moderate cost of chicken houses, cattle feeding racks, and other stock feeding and handling equipment. Building is 50 per cent cheap er today. The saving is all yours. your kitchen and brighten up. A few chickens in your back yard will eat up the scraps and keep you in fresh eggs. Bert: "Hurry up John, break the bones in Mr. Rogers chops and put Mr. Smith's ribs in the basket for him." Little butcher: Yes sir, as soon as I've sawed off Mrs. Brown's leg." About $2.50 worth of paint will change the color scheme of See where a man murdered his wife because she was too extravagant. I think this is go ing too far. Not for a minute could such a policy be endorsed or approved, but there is no ob jection to every married man reading this aloud to his wife. Obey that - impulse Repair, Repaint, Remodel. Make H yourself cupboards, shelving in the closet, stools, flower boxes, and many things around the house can be made with Tum-A-Lumber. and our helpful plans. Continental Oil Company Germ Processed Motor Oil Athena Service Station "Service With a Smile" Automobile Accessories Tires BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 762 Farmers Grain Elevator Company Grian and Feed - SPECIAL A Full Line of Sperry s Chick Feed Phone 382 LEE WILSON MW THE TWIN CITY CLEANERS Dependable Service Lower Prices April 1st Ladies Spring Coats $1 and UP Silk Dresses $1.25 and Up Wool Dresses $1 and Up Men's Suits $1.25 For other prices, ask the Driver Trade with the man who helps pay your taxes We call for and deliver every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday T. E. SMITH, Proprietor,1 Phone 1571 Freewater Oregon See Us ... Before Buying Electric Lamps and other electric appliances, including Sad-irons, Percolators, Toasters, Waffle Irons, Hotplates, Vacuum Sweepers, G. E. Refrigerators, and Hot point Electric Stoves. In fact, everything electrical PRESTON-SHAFFER MILLING CO. Electrical Department, Athena, Oregon, Phone 182 9f y.