The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, July 03, 1931, Image 1

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It would be a big Job to tell one hundred people any
thing that would interest them in your goods, but its
dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell
several hundred at once at nominal cost.
In the week but that you do not need stationery of
some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing
at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types,
modern work, prompt delivery.
Entered at the Post. Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter
Will Hold License Law At
Bay for 30 Days by Halt
ing Prosecutions.
Salem. An unconditional pardon at
the hands of Governor Meier awaits
any and every Oregon motorist who
might run foul of the state law for
failure to get new license plates with
in the next 30 days. This offer from
the governor followed a letter Tues
day to Secretary Hoss urging that en
forcement of the law be set aside
temporarily for the benefit of motor
ists who are not financially able to
get their plates at this time and for
those who might be away from home
on vacations. ,, .
"If Hoss doe3 not suspend the op
eration of the law as I suggested in
my letter, I will grant an uncondi
tional pardon to any person who
might be arrested and convicted for
failure to get his plates during the
next 30 days, the governor told
Figures in the office of the automo
bile registration show that 140,000
sets of license plates had been issued
up to Monday night. This figure in
cludes plates issued over the counter
in both Salem and Portland offices
and indicates that a little over one
half of Oregon's motoring popula
tion has provided itself with the new
Who nrA whito tnp-B entitlinc drivers
to operate their automobiles over the
public highways after midnight.
No comparisons are ' available on
the total number of license plates is-
DiiAl mail annfiAoiinna am mn.
ning slightly behind those of a year
ago with 51,512 mail applications re
ceived this vear comnared to 60.085
last year.- .
Expressing hi3 appreciation of the
intense interest which the governor
has shown in the welfare of the mo
toring public, Hoss, in a reply to the
governor's letter requesting a mora
torium, points out . that he has . no
authority to set aside the law cover
ing this subject and which requires
that new license plates be displayed
on and after July 1.
"Please be advised that I do not
make the laws, that I have no right
to set them aside and that I have
never set them aside in previous
years as intimated in . your letter,"
Hoss declares. "I can get no authority
from the attorney general or any
other source to modify an act of the
"From the press I understand that
you can handle the situation by
granting pardons to those who might
be arrested. I already have requests
from people who made considerable
effort to purchase their licenses, ask
ing that I return their money inas
much as they wish to take advantage
of your mandate.
"You have asked me to urge sher
iffs and police officers to not enforce
this license law. As chief enforce
ment officer of the state you should
assert that prerogative yourself, and
in any event I shall not do so,
. "Your action will have the very ma-
license plates, throwing my organiza
tion into a bad situation and inter
fering seriously with the collection of
money now badly needed by the high
way" commission, according to their
"I appreciate your intense interest
in the people of Oregon for whom you
plead but under the Oregon law I
have no authority to postpone the ef
fective date for the purchase of mo
tor vehicle licenses."
The Biggest Trout
Velton Read registered the largest
trout eligible for entry in the fishing
rod prize contest at Rogers & Good
man's hardware store , in Athena,
Monday, when he measured a 22
inch Dolly Varden (bull trout) which
Sunday he took from the waters of
the Looking Glass, in the Blue Moun
tains, east of Athena. Velton was ac
companied on his fishing trip by
Granville Cannon and Frank Wil
liams. The boy's found the creek
rather high and the water cold, but
trout plentiful. "
Pistol Caps Explode
Little Newt Murphy had his face
swathed in bandages this week, after
toy pistol caps exploded in the pock
et of his shirt and severely burned
his face. The lad was firing his- pis
tol when presumably a spark ignited
the paper caps in his pocket. Fortun
taely his eyes escaped injury, but the
skin on both cheeks, chin and fore
head was blistered.
Youths Quickly
Apprehended Af
ter Auto Thefts
Officers allege that it took three
stolen automobiles to convey two
Walla Walla embryonic car thieves
from the Garden City to Echo and re
turn. The stunt was pulled Sunday
evening by the two lads one 11 and
the other 13 years of age, and by a
dip of fate a nine year old boy tip
per the pair off to officers.
Officers allege the two stole a Ford
touring car: at Walla Walla, drove
it to Echo and back to Pendleton,
where it was abandoned. -There they
took a Chevrolet, drove it to this city
and then discarded it for a Ford
coupe, owned by J. B. Knight, travel
ing man from Yakima.
Knight was in the Athena Service
Station. The Ford was close by and
when the two boys entered it, they
were seen by 9 year old Artie Kil
gore, who gave the information to
Marshall Miller was called and
Knight and the officer speeded off in
persuit of the stolen car after notify
ing the sheriff's office at Pendleton.
Walla Walla officers were called by
the Pendleton office and the two lads
were met a short distance out on the
Oregon-Washington highway.
They are being held m the juvenile
ward of the Walla Walla county jail,
and officers state that they have been
in trouble before. ' i.
Fort Lewis Defeats Boise
The Fort Lewis polo team, of
which Lieutenant Wynn, nephew of
F. S. LeGrow is member, defeated the
crack Boise team in the tournament
game at Vancouver. Lieutenant and
Mrs. Wynn were guests at the Le
Grow home here while en route from
Boise to Vancouver.
U. of O. Sculptor Models Mythical Hero
Walla Walla for Cannery
Three things necessary for the Wal
la Walla valley to obtain a cannery to
handle its surplus products have been
secured. First, promises of growers
of sufficient tonnage to justify estab
lishment have been obtained; second,
a reduction in freight rates which
will permit entrance into competitive
markets has been promised by the
railroads, and third, promises from
canning interests to - investigate
thoroughly this territory, the only
major one in the Northwest, where
there is no cannery.
Harvest Will Soon Be
Under Way Near Here
Harvest operations will soon be
under way on the farms in the light
soil district north of Atnena. k. d.
McFwen exnpcts to commence
threshing wheat on the old Beal Pine
creek ranch Monday, and other ma
chines in that part of the county are
ready to begin work next week.
In the Pilot Rock country the grain
in readv to cut. and the yield is ex
pected to exceed estimates made sev
eral weeks ago.
In the vicinity of Milton grain has
been ripe for several days but the
straw has been touzh enoueh to hold
off cutting, but next week should the
weather be neht a number of com
bines will begin work.
Conservative estimates place the
time of beginning the harvest of the
crop in the Athena-Adams-Weston
section of the Umatilla wheat belt
around July 15th. Cool weather has
held back ripening process in the
straw and the wain heads have filled
perceptibly under favorable weather
Mil 1 L 1
J 2
Autopsy Shows
Bidwell Was a
Murder Victim
This model of the statue of Paul Bunyan, mythical hero of loggers and
lumbermen all over the country, ha3 been made by Oliver Laurence Barrett,
sculptor at the University of Oregon. It Is shown superimposed on a back
ground to give a perspective of its ultimate size, which Mr. Barrett hope
will be approximately 35 feet in height.
An autopsy revealed that Homer
Bidwell, Baker county farmer and
stockman who was well known to a
number of Athena people, and men
tion of whose death appears in an
other column of today's Press, was
shot in the head with a .25 bullet.
Bidwell's body was found Saturday
night in a field near his home. It was
believed then he had been fatally in
jured when his team became fright
ened and ran away. The search for
Bidwell started when the team ran
into the barnyard dragging a broken
What at first was taken for a slight
abrasion under Bidwell's left eye,
thought to have been caused by the
breaking of his eye glasses , was
found to have been the point where
the bullet entered. An autopsy re
vealed the bullet, presumably fired
from a .25 caliber automatic pistol,
had lodged in the rear of the right
lobe of the brain. .
Deputy sheriffs believe Bidwell's
slayer shot from a distance of six
feet '
A search was immediately started
for Willard Sullivan who was to be
questioned in connection with the
shooting. Last year, deputies reveal
ed, he is alleged to have made threats
against the rancher. . Police said they
learned, too, that at 5:30 p. m. Sat
urday he told a man named Berrick,
near Telocaset, that Bidwell was dead.
Several hours later the body was
found. Neighbors of Bidwell said
Sullivan blamed him for trouble be
tween Sullivan and his wife.
Annual Athena
Picnic, Portland
Last Saturday
jf s' .
i lM"'frtvn')f l"J',"v,""1"rt'' ("" r i - iviiiril M
Harry Manning, remembered by ull
for his heroism under Ciipt. George
Fried when lie assisted In rescuing
the crews of the Florida and Antinoe,
standing on the bridge of the S. S.
American Trader as lie took command
of the vessel Just before she sailed.
Hughie Steel Visiting Here
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Wood have re
turned from a motor trip to Idaho.
They also visited their daughter Mrs.
Steele, whose home is a ranch in the
Yakima valley five miles from Selah.
Water for irrieation was scarce in
that vicinity until haying operations
were in full swing, when the country
was visited bv heavy rains causing
considerable damage to the hay. Mr.
and Mrs. Wood were accompanied
home by their grandson Hughie
Steele who has recently completed the
8th grade and in the fall will enter
high school. The consolidated dis
trirt school of Selah is said to be the
largest in the United States. Hughie
who lived here with his grandparents
and attended the first and second
grades will be here for several weeks.
, World Fliers Home
Post and Gatty, 'round the world
biers landed at the home field in New
York Wednesday evening after cir
cumnavigating the world in eight
days, 15 hours and 51 minutes. Al
though they took almost nine days to
make the 16,000 miles, they actually
spent only four days, ten hours and
eight minutes of this time in the air.
George Strand Chosen
The vacancy left by the death of
the late H. P. Whitman on' the board
of directors of the Pendleton Round-
Up has been filled by the election of
George Strand. Mr. Strand, who in
the past has been identified with the
association as an assistant in the
arena, will hereafter have charge of
non-competitive events.
Elm Trees Destroyed
A parasite is destroying the elm
shade trees in some parts of town. A
couple of elms on Third street, near
the Athena Hotel are almost denud
ed of leaves, and other elms in town
are in lik condition.
Quilt Drawing July ll.:
Wauna group of Campfire girls is
actively engaged in redecorating the
house recently taken over by them
for headquarters. The girls wish to
express their appreciation to Mr.
Justin Harwood who generously pap
ered two rooms. An attractively pat
terned paper was used and the
rooms are taking on a cozy appear
ance. Thanks are also due the guar
dians Mrs, Bert Logsdon and Mrs. C.
M. Eager who have worked untire
ingly. ' Mrs. Lloyd Michener and C.
M. Eager have also lent valuable as
sistance in the work. Preston-Shaffer
Milling Co. donated the use of elec
tricity while the papering was in pro
gress and the City of Athena is donat
ing water for the flowers recently
planted. The girls will meet next
week to paint woodwork and floors.
They would appreciate the donation
of five window blinds and two light
fixtures and any pieces of furniture
not in. use. The drawing for the
quilt will be held at the Athena meat
market at 9 o'clock Saturday evening,
July 11th. Until that time tickets
may be procured at the market.
A Lot of Fine Trout
Fay LeGrow, who spent a portion
of last week on a fishing trip with
Byron Hawks on the Yak river near
Bonner's Ferry, Idaho, returned home
with the finest lot of trout seen here
this year. In the catch were a num
ber of big Rainbows with fine mark
ings and all were taken from the cold
waters of the Yak on the fly, no bait
fishing being done on the trip.
Foster to Klamath' Falls
Walter Foster, state traffic officer
who came to this district from Klam
ath Falls some months ago and who
has been registering his visits to
Athena at the Athena Service Sta
tion, has been transferred back to the
Klamath FalU district for duty there.
New Rates in Grain Dis
counts Are Approved
by the Portland Dealers
Portland. The : schedule of grain
disoounts for the 1931 crop as recom
mended by the grain committee of the
Portland Merchants' Exchange, was
ratified by the members of the ex
change in its entirety and became ef
fective Wednesday morning. The
schedule shows some reduction from
the previous season, and is the first
change made in the rates since 1927.
In changing the schedule the sack
ed basis was established at 2 cents
over' bulk, instead of 3 cents as last
season. The resaeking charge was
reduced from 10 cents to 7 cents per
sack, and bad order sacks are dis
counted 2 cents instead of 3 cents.
Smutting charges on bulk wheat
remain unchanged, but on sacked
wheat have been reduced 15 cents per
ton. The interest rate on drafts will
be 6 per cent instead of 7 per cent.
Discounts on export ' classes of
wheat running 25 to 50 per cent ad
mixture are reduced 1 to 2 cents, ac
cording to the test weights. On mill
ing wheat testing from 50 to 52
pounds, the discount is reduced 1 cent.
On all other classes and grades, the
discounts are the same as in the pre
vious season.
The new lists will be ready for dis
tribution to the trade Monday.
River Road Is Open
The new Mission-Thorn Hollow
river road is now open for travel. The
road which is 12 miles in length was
constructed throughout the late fall
and winter months and gave work to
a large number of men, when employ
ment was most needed. The high
flood waters of early spring delayed
the work and damaged the road grade
to some extent. Only a portion of
the new road has been graveled, but
recent rains have settled the un-
graveled part so that automobiles are
passing over it with fair speed and
comfort to travelers.
The Fourth at Ukiah
Beginning last night with a dance
in Jazz Canyon, the two-day Cowboy
convention an annual rodeo exhibi
tion will be in full swing today and
tomorrow. With improved highways
leading to Ukiah, and the hospitality
of that community well known, a
large crowd will be there to assist in
the big celebration. Bryce Baker, who
assisted in the. arena last year, is
taking part again. Mr. and Mrs. Ba
ker left for Ukiah yestrday.
To Celebrate Fourth
Tomorrow in observance of. Inde
pendence Day, Athena stores and
business houses will be closed. There
will be no celebration in Athena and
the populace will virtually move away
to other cities, to streams and moun
tain resorts in quest of Fourth of
July pleasures. Langdon Lake, Bing
ham Springs, Ukiah, Walla Walla and
mountain picnic nooks will attract
their quota of celebrators, picnickers
and campers from here.
A Visit From Sea Gulls
Athena was visited by three sea
gulls, which flew above the tree tops,
surveying the town, Monday evening.
The gulls presumably were from
Hermiston reservoir, for after circl
ing aorund for some time they head
ed back in that direction. fclrJ. . .
Cavity Under Street Is
Discovered by Workmen
Workmen repairing a water pipe
line at intersection of Third and Jef
ferson streets Monday afternoon, un
covered a cavity four feet in diameter
and about six feet long running at
right angle to the excavation they
were making.
The hole or tunnel, rather, was
about two feet below the rockf illing
base of the pavement. How or when
the excavation was made, is a matter
of conjecture. It is improbable that
at one time a cellar was made there,
unless it was a temporary one used
for winter storage of potatoes when
that part of Athena was a field.
In making repairs to the pipe line
it was necessary to cut the asphalt
pavement in two sections. The leak
which sent water oozing up through
the pavement was fortunately dis
covered before damage resulted to the
base construction of the thoroughfare.
Membership of the Golf
Club Continues Increase
Membership in the Athena golf
club continues to increase, with the
enrollment now at thirty-six. Con
siderable interest is manifested by
the local members and the course is
being well patronized by outside
Sunday the links attracted the larg
est crowd of players since Mr. Pink-
erton, the proprietor, opened the
course three weeks ago. A number
of carloads of players from Pendle
ton, Freewater and Milton played and
practically the. entire club member
ship was represented.
Mr. Pinkerton has the fairways in
good condition. He recently purchas
ed a machine which cuts the grass
close to the ground and he is con
stantly employing methods to furth
er improve the course.
Missionary Meeting
The Missionary society of the
Christian church met Wednesday af
ternoon at the home of Mrs. F. B.
Boyd with eighteen present. Mrs. M.
M. Johns presented an interesting
program relative to missions in In
dia, papers being read by Mrs. J. W.
Pinkerton, Miss Glea Sias, and Mrs.
Boyd, Devotionals were led by Mrs.
G. R. Gerking. Light refreshments
were served by Miss Elsa Ringel, as
sisted by Miss Gias. Guests other
than members were: Mrs, Huldah
McKinney, Mrs. Margaret Banister,
Misses Mary and Esther Berlin, Joyce
and Margaret Pinkerton. Flowers car
rying out color schemes of red, white
and blue, were used in decorating the
Violators Arrested
Several state traffic patrolmen
Wednesday arrested 30 or more auto
ists for oDeratinir cars with old plates
at Oregon City. Justice Catro, before
whom most traffic cases are tried,
said he would fine the violators in ac
cordance with his usual custom, but
intimated that the tines wouia De
lifi-hter than customary. He usually
assesses $25 for violation of the motor
At Langdon Lake
Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Pinkerton will
join the Frazier family reunion picnic
at Langdon Lake tomorrow.
The following account of the an
nual picnic held by former residents
of Athena at Portland, is given The
Press by Mrs. Alma Koontz:
Saturday, June 27, was the date' of
the annual Athena Picnic held each
year in Portland, but owing to the
many days of rain, very few had the
courage to venture out, some 25 or
30 being in attendance.
F?r a time it seemed as if the sun
would be victorious over the rain but
not so. It was not an "Oregon mist"
that came but an "Oregon downpour."
However, we found a sheltered nook
to spread our lunch and I am sure
the few who were there enjoyed them
selves, though we were a little damp.
The inclemency of the weather was a
great disappointment as we had plan
ned on a large attendance.
We had the pleasure of having with
us several from a distance which al
ways adds a great deal to our picnic.
Our visitors were:
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dell from
Athena, Mr. Ernest Koepke of Seat
tle, Mrs. Feral McBride Clark and son
James Edward of Chicago and Mrs.
Mabel Barnett Chrineuto of Seattle.
Others in attendance were Mr. and
Mrs. W. McBride, 636 Birch St.; Mrs.
J. E. Gorman and daughter Bernice,
973 Brooklyn St.; Mr. and Mrs. F. E.
Wescott (Ruby Callender) 653 E 66th
N.: Mrs. Ella Callender; Iva Callen
der Kilthan, James and Roy Kilthan,
1621 Klickitat St.; Mrs. Nora Bar.
nett and Flora Kemp, 545 Tillamook
St.; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Swaggart
and daughter, Mrs. Blanch Peterson,
R4 Box 1793; Mrs. Maurine Akers
Smith and daughter Betty same ad
dress; W. P. Leach and Etta Leach
Penneul, 9915, Foster Road; Mrs. H.
McArthur, 681 E. Ankney St.; Alma
Koontz, 1116 E. Stark St.
The president, Mrs. Osburn presi
ed and the officers of the past year
were reelected.
Huge Transformers to Con
; trol Transmission Volt
age of 72,000.
Baptist Sunday School
Classes Enjoy a Picnic
A most pleasant outing last week
was enjoyed by members of the Sun
day school classes of Mrs. Clarence
Zerba and Kohler Betts.
The party, chaperoned by Mrs.
Ross Payne left Wednesday morning
by motor for Cold Springs in the
Blue Mountains, where camp was
made in cabins, and regular routine
established. Squads of three were
appointed for the preparation of
meals but each person was respon
sible for other work about the camp.
Hikes were the most popular form
of amusement and Thursday a trip
was made to McDougals Camp. Fri
day the party hiked over the old
stage road to Bingham Springs. The
day was spent in camp Saturday.
The group was augmented by a num
ber of friends Saturday night.
Sunday morning remaining mem
bers of the B. Y. P. U. joined the
party and Sunday services were held
A pot luck dinner was enjoyed at
Langdon Lake and the next trip end
ed at home.
The girls who spent the five days in
the mountains were Genevieve and
Helen Barrett, Annabelle Payne, Mil
dred and Bonnie Alkire, Laura and
Velma Ross, Roberta and Valerie
Cannon, Jean Zerba and Mary Jane
Charged With Rustling
Charged with rustling and slaught
ering cattle and transporting the
meat with pack horses, John Darling
and Carl Davidson of the Government
Mountain district in the northeast
corner of the county, are under ar
rest. Darling was taken at Waits
burg. Davidson who is 70 years of
age, ex-government packer and all
'round mountain man, gave men from
the sheriff's office a merry chase of
800 miles over side roads and trails
before they appreheaded him. ,
New Golf Course
Teddy Miller has made himself an
other miniature golf course, consider
ably larger than his first one. Ted is
something of an artist when
it comes to making "hop-o-my-thumb"
golf links, and in this in
stance he has utilized some clever
hazards that point to marked origin
ality. The course is an excellent one,
brightened with painted fairway en
closures and a center rock plot, sur
mounted with potted plants.
Has Cabin at McDougal
Mrs, Raymond Geissel of Milton,
who has been ill for some time is now
at Camp McDougal in the Blue
Mountains, having taken cabin ac
commodations there. Mrs, Geissel's
mother, Mrs, Bern Banister, is with
her daughter.
Repairs at Elevator
Repairs have been under way for
the past two weeks down at the
Farmers Elevator, where spouts, ma
chinery and other equipment is being
overhauled, repaired and put in con
dition to handle the new crop of
The Pacific Power & Light company
has had a force of men employed
here in the construction of a new
transformer sub-station, which is lo
cated on Hunt Avenue, on the corner
west of the Preston-Shaffer Milling
sThe new installation will control
a current of 72,000 voltage as against
the capacity of the old sub-station's
25,000 voltage. The new station is of
the out-door type, there being no part
of the equipment housed.
During the past two years the Pa
cific Power & Light company has
made vast improvement in its equip
ment and service in the Inland Em
pire and especially in its transmis
sion capacity through this part of
Eastern Oregon. New lines were con
structed last year, bringing increased
high voltage via Pendleton and Athe
na to Walla Walla.
Formerly Walla Walla and inter
vening towns between that city and
Pendleton inclusive, depended on pow
er generated by a steam plant in the
Washington city and the water pow
er plant located on the south fork of
the Walla Walla river in Umatilla
county. With the construction of the
new high line last year an inter
changeable hook-up with other power
plants owned by the company became
available, so that abundance of power
required in the territory it serves is
assured at all times, even though one
or more power sources may be put
out of commission from any cause.
Increased voltage will also insure
more even power which should be
noticeable in lighting, heat and motor
service. The Pacific Power & Light
company has spent huge sums of
money in perfecting the facilities of
its service and even through the
period of depression it has carried on
an improvement program that began
several years ago.
Church Indorses Council's
Action on Birth Control
Seattle. With only two dissenting
votes from 110 members, birth con
trol was indorsed here by the seminar
on "the family and youth" at the na
tional convention of the Congrega
tional and Christian church.
The seminar voted its approval of
the statement on birth control1 given
in the majority report of the commit
tee on marriage and home of the fed
eral council of the Church of Christ,
and recommended the general council
of the , Congregational and Christian
church in its message to the church
body, commend the federal council's
committee report.
A resolution adopted by the seminar
on "National Life" said public schools
and churches should "redouble their
education on the physical, social and
economic evils which result from the
use of alcohol." '
The resolution also advocated "the
maintenance of the present law" and
declared that the "law enforcement
and conscientious observance should
be held a citizen's duty."
Red & White Picnic
The annual Red & White picnic
occurred at Meacham Lake Sunday.
A group of Athena people motoring
to the lake for the event included
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Montague. Clarence
and Melba Montague, Mr. and Mrs.
L. A. Cornell. Mr. and Mrs. Will
Campbell, Boh and Myrtle Camp
bell, Mr. and Mrs, George Sheard and
Mr, and Mrs. Harve Roseberry.
Guests numbering 395 registered and
dinner and amusements were furn
ished by the Red Bnd White corpora
tion. Contests with suitable prizes
in addition to prizes given for being
the oldest person, guest, member
coming from the longest distance,?
Red and White store having the
largest representation. Clarence Mon
tague received 3i lb. can of cof
fee for being the 150th person regis
tered. A musical program, baseball
game and horse shoe contest were al
so features of entertainment.
Firecrackers Banned
Pendleton has put a ban on fire
crackers, potassium sulphide caps or
fireworks of any description in which
explosive inflammable materials are
used and prohibited their use within
the city limits. An ordinance to pro
tect the city from fire prohibits their
use in the city limits at any time,
Fourth of July included.
Indians Will Celebrate
Indians on the Umatilla reservation
are making preparations for their an
nual Fourth of July celebration at
Cayuse. The Nez Perces will join
with the Umatillas, Walla Wallas
and tho Cay uses in a celebration
which will bo of several dava dura