The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 26, 1931, Image 4

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Play on
New 9-HoIe Course, Hav
ing Exceptional Hazards
Golf Clubs for rent Season
Membership, $15.00; Transient
players 25c, week days; 50c
Press Paragraphs
H. A. Barrett transacted business
in Freewater Wednesday.
Henry Koepke is a business visitor
to points in Northern Idaho.
Belmont Jones of Powers, Oregon,
is visiting friends in Athena this
Ohayata group of Campfire girls
will hold no meetings until further
William McCorkel who farms east
of Weston was an Athena visitor
D. H. Mansfield, Pendleton stock
buyer, was in Athena on business
Miss Mildred Stanton attended the
graduate nurses picnic at Meacham
lake Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones are mak
ing plans to visit relatives in Canada
during Mr. Jones' vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Swift who are
visiting at Canadian points will not
return home until after July 4th.
Miss Frederica Kershaw is ill at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Kershaw on High street.
The ....
for Young and Old
Safe because it passes through
the stomach without change
or assimilation. For young or
old because it contains Pure
test Mineral Oil, because it '
has no chemical action. It
merely softens the contents of
the bowels to cause easy evac
uation. Is not habit-forming.
Has no oily taste. Does not
upset the stomach.
per pint
Sold only at Rexall Drug
Main Street WATKINS' PHARMACY Phone 332
The RED WHITE Store jj
Pack your lunch basket with foods from a Red
& White Store and you arc sure of real appreciation.
. - A
June 27th and 29th
Beans, California Red Mexican
4 lbs for 29c
Beans, California Small Whites
3 lbs, for 29c
Corn, Red and White Golden Bantam, 2s
2 for 39c
Corn, Blue and White, Golden Sweet, 2s
4 for 63c
Shrimp, Blue and White, Is
2 for 35c
Coffee, Red and White, Vacuum Tins, 1 lb.
Coffee, Red and White, bags, 1 lb.
Coffee, Blue and White, 1 lb. bag
Raisins, Blue and White Seedless
. 4 lbs, for 33c
Grape Fruit, Red and White, 2s
2 for 39c
Clorox, pints
Matches, Blue and White, 6 box carton ...
2 for 35 c
""""" Snowdrift, 3 lbs.
Peanut Butter, Red & White, 2i lbs.
Corn Beef, Red and White, 12 ounce
Jell Dessert, Red and White, Assorted
7 for 49c
Miss Lois Smith is under observa
tion in a Walla Walla hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Roseberry
spent Sunday at Bingham Springs.
Marion O'Harra, a well known resi
dent of Weston, was an Athena visit
or yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Flint Johns and Mr.
and Mrs. D. A. Lowe spent the week
end at Langdon Lake.
Mrs. Glenn Dudley played in the
golf tournament at the Pendleton
Country Club yesterday.
Mrs. Mollie Worthington is spend
ing the summer months with her
nephew at the Umatilla river.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. O. Montague
and family will attend the "Red &
White" picnic at Meacham lake Sun
day. Oral Michener has returned from
Camp Clatsop where he spent the
past two weeks attending military
Mrs. Lloyd Michener, Mrs. C. M.
Eager, Betty and Virginia and Bonny
Johnson were Pendleton visitors
Sam Haworth who recently return
ed to Athena from the Sound country
will manage a wheat warehouse this
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Walker, Miss
Violet Grover and William Potts
spent Sunday on Reed and Hawley
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Craigen of Wes
ton, are parents of a daughter born
Monday, at St. Mary's Hospital in
Walla Walla.
A number of Athena people motor
ed to Pendleton Saturday night where
they attended the regatta dance at
Happy Canyon.
Bert Zerba is here from Los
Angeles visiting relatives. At present
he is at the home of his sister, Mrs.
Amiel Schubert.
Mrs. Sarah Jane Bowles of Walla
Walla was a week-end visitor at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. F. S. Le
Grow in Athena.
Mrs. J. E. Akey and daughter Mar
guerite came up from Pendleton and
spent Sunday at -the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Little.
Will Anderson, Milton postmaster,
was an Athena visitor Wednesday.
Before becoming Milton's P. M., Will
was a deputy, sheriff.
Lost Keys to an automobile, en
closed in leather case. Leave with
Mrs. George Banister, Fifth street, or
at the Press office.
Mrs. M. J. Fletcher who is a guest
of her brother, Wm. McPherson ac
companied Mr. and Mrs. McPherson
on a trip to Pasco Sunday.
E. C. Burlingame was an Athena
visitor Tuesday where he distributed
announcements of a sale of 100 head
of hogs at his Hilltop ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morgan and
Miss Ruby Scott of Prescott, Wash.,
spent a couple of days at the A. W,
Douglas farm home, west of Athena.
J. E. Gallaher, of Gallaher's Garage,
gives notice that all accounts owing
and due his establishment, are to be
collected by him, and by no one else
Mr. and Mrs. George Buri of Port
land were visitors at the C. M. Eager
home Wednesday. Mr. Buri is travel
ing auditor of the Union Pacific com
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Duffield and
Mrs. Jennie Fletcher of Enterprise
were dinner guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. McPherson Tues
Miss Patty Hill, little granddaugh
ter of II. H. Hill and neice of Mrs. B.
B. Richards, came over from Walla
Walla and spent several days at the
Richards home.
Neil Mclntyre and Bill Wheatley
have returned from Ogden, Utah,
where they spent several weeks. Bill's
parents and other relatives reside in
the vicinity of Ogden.
The Missionary Society of the local
Christian church will hold their July
meeting, Wednesday of next week at
the Boyd home. Mrs. M. M. Johns
will have charge of the program.
George Wall has returned to Athe
na, after spending several months in
California. George says the "de
pression" has depressed all kinds of
labor opportunity in the southland.
H. A. Barrett received a card Irom
Elmer Merritt dated June 8 at Bos
ton. He had visited relatives in
Trenton New Jersey, Tennessee and
had spent six days in Washington, D.
Frank Knowlton, old-time Athena
resident was in town Wednesday. Mr.
and Mrs. Knowlton are down from
their home at Spokane, visiting at the
Weston home of their daughter, Mrs.
Elmer Booher will return from Con
don to Athena to reside. Mr, and
Mrs. Garner who have been occupy
ing the Booher cottage on south
Third street, are seeking another residence.
The Pambrun flower garden on the
farm South of Athena is not up to
its usual standard this year, but Mr.
Pambrun reports that he has a very
fine assortment of pond lilies to show
Mr. and Mrs. F. S LeGrow motored
to Bonners Ferry, Idaho, the first of
the week where they visited at the
home of Mr and Mrs. Byron Hawks.
Mr. LeGrow enjoyed a fishing trip
while away.
It is reported that Roy Cannon and
Mrs. John Rothrock, both of whom
are receiving treatments from Ben
Bateman, are showing marked im
provement, their many friends will be
glad to learn.
Dean Dudley and daughter, Jessi-
deane, returned from Portland Wed
nesday evening. They spent several
days with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dud
ley, and report that Mr. Dudley con
tinues to improve.
Miss Marguerite Hereford, teacher
in the Weston schools, has gone to
LaGrande to attend the summer ses
sion of the Normal. Miss Hereford
formerly taugh.the school in District
No. 2 near Athena.
The Press office was made attrac
tive Wednesday by a beautiful bo
quet of roses from the garden of
York Dell. The blossoms were from
bushes of the choicest varieties and
Mr. Dell is well informed on their
Mrs. Minnie DePeatt has left Port
land, where she has been for some
time at the home bf her daughter,
Mrs. Ortis Harris, for Sacramento,
California, where she will be a guest
of her second daughter, Mrs. Phillip
Betty Jane and Virginia Eager left
last night for Seaside where they
will be guests of their grandmother,
Mrs. E. J. Burchill. They will be
joined next month by Mr. and Mrs.
Eager who will spend two weeks at
the beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krohn and chil
dren, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Herr and
children, all of Portland, were visit
ors over the week-end at the Lewis
Stewart country home. Allen Herr,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Herr will visit
here for some time.
The Baptist Sunday school classes
of Kohler Betts and Mrs. Clarence
Zerba are enjoying a picnic at Cold
Springs in the Blue Mountains east
of Athena, under chaperonage of Mrs.
Ross Payne. The picnicers will re
turn to their homes today.
David Lowe, local agent for the
Shell Oil company is nursing an in
jured hand. He has been incapacitat
ed for work for the past two weeks
but hopes to return in a few days.
Gordon Mercer is helping at the plant
during Mr. Lowe's absence.
Athena Circle, Women of Wood
craft, were guests of Weston Circle
Friday night. Mrs. Virgil Zerba was
initiated into the order by the Weston
degree team. A social session was en
joyed during which the ladies of the
hostess Circle served refreshments.
Word has been received from Mr.
and Mrs. E. F. Bloom to the effect
that the summer session of the Uni
versity of California has opened. The
Blooms are living at 2571 Virginia
street, Berkeley. They report cool
and comfortable weather in the Bay
Carl Sheard was elected to the
board of directors of Union High
school district No. 7, at the annual
school election, held at the school
house, Monday afternoon. Mr. Sheard
had no opposition. J. F. Kershaw is
district clerk and serves also for dis
trict No. 29.
Members of the Athena Pinochle
club and Adams Dancing club motor
ed to Bingham Saturday evening
where dancing was the order of
amusement. Mr. and Mrs. Will
Campbell were hosts at a large break
fast party and the entire group en
joyed a picnic dinner together.
The W. C. T. U. will meet next
Tuesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Delmar Heighton, southwest of
Athena. The topic for consideration
will be "What members can do for
the W. C. T. U. during vacation."
Mrs. L. M. Keen will have charge of
the program. Mrs. Jesse Gordon will
assist the hostess.
Captain and Mrs. Irl Eagle of Van
couver were visitors the first of the
week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Kershaw. A small picnic party
was arranged for the visitors Tues
day at Bingham Springs. They left
Wednesday by motor for Ontario,
where they will visit Mrs. Barbara
Willaby at the Castleman home.
French Criglar was over from his
home at Freewater, Wednesday, in
company with a couple of old croneys,
Frank Knowlton and Cass Cannon,
French decorated the "neversweat"
bench in front of the Athena Hotel
for a couple of hours. The time was
spent in whittling and talking over
old times; back as far as the days
of Centerville.
W. E. Campbell welcomed the rains
of last week, reporting that they did
his truck farm a world of good. Mr.
Campbell is especially proud of his
crop of summer cabbage. He trucks
his produce to the markets of dif
ferent towns, including LaGrande, on
occasion. He reports other vegetables
on his place to be making rapid
growth since the rains.
Glen Arbogast of Ritter, Grant
county, spent Sunday in Athena. He
was on his return from Portland,
where he had disposed of a shipment
of beef cattle on the Portland mar
ket. Glen was in hopes the rain had
soaked up the range in his section.
On his return to the ranch, Herman
Geissel and Glen, will begin putting
up their hay crop this week.
Father's Day was observed at the
home of Lee Wilson when a splendid
family dinner was served by Mrs.
Wilson. Those who enjoyed the oc
casion were Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Tate
and children, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Wilson and children, Marjone and
Bernice Wilson, and Mr and Mrs. Lee
Wilson. Games, including baseball on
the lawn, took place after the dinner
Miss Marian Ridenour, neice of
Mrs. F. B. Boyd, arrived in the city
Sunday from Columbus, Ohio. Miss
Ridenour, who is a qualified special
nurse, has recently returned from
Europe where she held a position in
the American hospital at Paris. She
is spending a couple of weeks here
and at Weston, visiting relatives be
fore going to the home of her mother,
Mrs. William Ridenour, at Chelan,
Mrs. Will Kirk has returned from j
a motor trip to Seattle. She accom
panied Mrs. Carrie Harder and the
ladies went by way of Snoqualmie
Pass, returning by Portland and the
Columbia River Highway. They visit
ed at the. homo of Mrs. Kirk's sister,
Oysters Whipcord Pants
Fountain brand, 5 oz. cans. ...2 for 25c Men's all size...:................... ......$1.69
Soap Anklets
Polar White 10 bars 25c 19c -
Amaiza Oil Overalls
For Salads and Cooking....qt. can 39c 220 Denim with bib.... ....per pair 98c
Mayonnaise Gloves
Best Foods,............ ........pint jar 33c Men's Squaw Gloves........per pair 98c
Another Shipment Ladies Pajamas and Voile Dresses
Phone 152 '
Mrs. Bowman, and were accompanied
home by little Mary Jane Harder who
spent the winter with her grandmo
ther, Mrs. Berger in Seattle, where
she attended school.
Word has been received in Athena
of the death and burial of H. H.
Curtis at Colfax, Washington. Mr.
Curtis who was formerly engaged in
the lumber business at Athena, passed
away Friday and funeral services
were held Sunday. C. A. Sias, pastor
of the local Christian church, was
called on to preach the funeral ser
mon, but was unable to go to Colfax.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sias left Mon
day on a vacation trip of two weeks
duration. They motored to the Wil
lamette valley via Redmond and Mc
Kenzie Pass highway.
Members of the Athena Bridge club
were charmingly entertained at
luncheon last Friday, at the home of
Mrs. Henry Barrett on Bth street.
Clusters of summer flowers were used
effectively as decorations about the
spacious rooms and dainty boquets of
sweet peas centered the tables. Six
teen were present, additional guests
being, Mrs.' Clason Adams, of Palo
Alto, Mrs. S. J. Bowles and Mrs. Otis
Whiteman of Walla Walla. Mrs. M.
M. Johns and Mrs. Gordon Watkins.
At bridge, which was played during
the afternoon, Mrs. Marion Hansell
made high club score and Mrs. Ralph
McEwen second and Mrs. Otis White
man received the guest prize. Mrs.
McEwen is entertaining the club this
mm if
I 1
etF Miiig r
Between all points en Union
, Pacific In Washington, Northern
Idaho, Oregon (went of end In-
eluding Huntington) and to point
In Montana (wait of end Includ
In j Butte and Havre) and to lonte
paints In British Columbia.
Minimum adult fare SOc
GOING: JULY 2, 3, 4
(II 3 roe by midnight that dato)
too aoo soo icco
2.16 4.32 110.80 1 21.60
Children half far. Baggage checked.
Tickets good ea all Union Pacific
trains (Including the Portland
Rose) and In all cars. In Standard
and Tourist SI eopers,edd regular
sleeping car charges.
Ask local agent
for doralls
Phone 561
Van Camps, 14 oz. Rosedale
Catsup Sliced Dried Beef
., r 2ft ounces
15c ;20c
Peets Granulated Royal Club
Soap Shrimp
Large Packag, 2 for No. 1 can
75c 20c
Carstens Lard - Hot Sauce
o . . for seasoning, 8 oz. can
8 pound size 3 f"r
$1.10 25c
Carstens Lard Tea Garden Syrup
4 pound size ful1 gallon. stM
57c $113
r,, T . 1 Albers Flapjack Flour
Chloride Lime t Albers Wheat Flakes
2 can8 both for
25c 25c
Quality Grocery
Frank Little, Prop. Athena, Oregon. Phone 561
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Saimon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oregon.
Goodyear Tires
and Tubes'
Automobile Supplies,
Parts and Accessories
Athena Garage
North side Main Street
Phone 352