THE PRESS, ATHENA, OREGON, JUNE 26, 1931 EXPLAINS DRIVERS' Ell INATION LAW Present Operator's License Will be Cancelled, but not Within Three Years. Hal E. Hoss, Secretary of State, has released the following information, giving in detail the procedure to be followed by operators and chauf feurs in obtaining licenses in the fu ture under the uniform operator's and chauffeur's license act. Chauffeurs' licenses are issued for one year, or to expire on June 30th, (The chauffeur's license fee was re duced by the last Legislature from $2 to $1.) Persons licensed as chauf feurs, this last year, are being mailed application blanks for chauffeurs' lic enses, good for the period July 1st, 1931, to June 30th, 1932. Persons not heretofore licensed as a chauffeur and who desire a chauf feur's license will be examined by an examiner under the uniform oper ator's and chauffeur's license act, passed by the last legislature. Operator's licenses, issued prior to July 1, 1931, will not be cancelled immediately, but will be cancelled within the next three years after due public notice. Until such time as they are cancelled they will be considered valid. Operators losing a license is sued prior to July 1, 1931, may, on application to an examiner, secure a duplicate for 25 cents or the appli cant may, after July 1st, elect to have his old license.cancelled and se cure a renewal under the new law, good for three years, after passing an examination and upon payment of a fee of 50c. Persons who have never operated a car or who have never been licensed as an operator will be examined un der the uniform operator's and chauf feur's license act. Applications of minors under 18 years of age must be signed by father, if living, and has custody of applicant, otherwise by mother or guardian. If applicant has neither father, mother or guard ian, then application must be signed by employer. After passing a test on the rules of the road, a vision test, a color blind test and such other test as may be. necessary to determine his ability to safely operate a car, he will, on payment of a fee of $ 1, be issued a Learner's Permit, good for 60 days, only when accompanied in the front seat by a licensed operator. When the applicant feels that he is able to safely drive a car, and his instructor is ready to sign to that effect, they appiy to an examiner ana me ap plicant is given an actual driving test, consisting of stopping, parking, backing and driving in traffic. Pas sing these tests before an examiner, Good Judgment Is Said to be the Best Asset of Modern Housewife Time was when a woman's ability as a housewife was judged by the texture of her cakes, the size of her stitches and the spotlessness of her Kitchen but those days are past. The chief attribute of the success ful housewife of modern days is eood judgment. Her test is the ability to- manage ner household in an efficient manner, and to make wise decisions and choices for her family in the face of the increasingly complicated so cial and economic order. Fewer and fewer articles for family consumption are made in the home, and the Drob lem nowadays is to choose between the countless brands and makes of commodities advertised. This situation, accordine to Miss Jane Hinkley, federal agent for home economical education in the 11 west ern states, is responsible for the new trend in home economics education. which is toward greater emphasis on family life and relationships and less on skill in such tasks as cooking and sewing. Miss Hinkley was in charge of an intensive short course just con cluded at Oregon State college, in which 45 home economics teachers from seven states took part. Home economics courses," said Miss Hinkley during one of her lec tures, "have been broadened to in clude not just the study of food and clothing, but the care and training of children, 1 the maintaining of de sirable social relationships in and be tween families, the wise use of money, time and effort, and the main tenance of the family health. Regatta Program Good The Legion regatta program at Mc Kay lake interested several thousand spectators including many Athena people, Sunday. Sensational races and some spectacular spills besides special features and swimming and diving events kept the crowd on edge during the afternoon. Well Known Pioneer Woman Mrs. Lulu D. Crandall, 77, a well known pioneer woman, died at The Dalles Sunday night. She was an authority on pioneer history of the Oregon country and was nationally known for her writings on Indian life. mogu E SPUDS EARLY AHtjD SAYS DSC Prompt Removal of Diseas ed Plants Urged if Fields To Be Certified. his application is mailed to the secre tary of state, where it is checked and if regular, license is mailed direct from Salem. Applicants failing to pass the examination will be afford ed further opportunities. In Umatilla county, Harry Lzicar has been appointed to take examina tions of persons who have never oper ated a car. These examinations will be held at Pendleton and at Milton on stated days and certain hours, as fol lows: Pendleton police station, Wednes days, June 17, July 1 and 15, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Milton police station, Thursdays, June 18, July 2 and 16, 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. Oregon State College. Early and vigorous roguing out of all potato plants in a field that appears even slightly diseased is often a hard thing for a grower to do, but nevertheless is absolutely essential if the crop is to pass inspection for certification, says G. R. Hyslop, professor of farm crops at Oregon State college. 1 his precaution is necessary, Hy slop explains, because of the plant aphids which otherwise would carry infection from the diseased to the healthy plants. Growers who regu larly produce the best potatoes make a practice of starting early in the spring, going through their fiields at definite intervals and pulling out all plants that show any evidence of disease. Use of good seed is, of course, the first step in producing a field of po tatoes that will reach the certification standards, says Hyslop. This means the elimination of such tubers as the long, slim one known as ladyfingers, those with pointed ends, or big rough ones with deep eyes. JSuch potatoes are nearly always diseased. Treatment with corrosive sublimate is another important practice if the seed comes out of cold storage and is still dormant. If the tubers have sprouted a little, however, it is best to treat lightly or not at all, Hyslop believes. Coating the cut seed with landplaster is essential to prevent rotting, especially where a scant moisture supply slows up germina tion. Hyslop also emphasizes the wisdom of growing only one kind of seed for certification in one field. Many grow ers like to experiment with more than one variety, he says, and while that is a commendable practice, planting the experimental rows in the field to be offered for certification frequently results in the rejection of the whole field. Game Census Given by the Forestry Service Shows Notable Increase ' Portland. More than 1,000,000 big game animals are contained in 151 national forests, according to a bul letin issued by the north Pacific dis trict of the national forest service. The bulletin was issued by reports recently summarized by the forest service, the reports being based on estimates by experienced forest of ficers and on actual counts checked against data secured from state game officials, trappers and others. The figures show an increase in number of animals, the increase for this year being chiefly in deer and elk. Slight gains are shown for moose, mountain sheep, mountain goats and antelope. The grizzly bear continues to decrease in numbers. One of the American game animals once supposed to have practically dis appeared is the antelope. On the na tional forests, these animals have shown a 45 fer cent gain since 1927 and now are believed to number in excess of 11,000. The latest estimates show deer present in every one of the 151 national forests. The actual numerical increase is believed to be more than 50,000 in the last year. Oregon's forests now contain more than 80,000 deer, according to the re port, and Washington forests nearly 30,000. Oregon Leads in Stores Oregon has more retail stores per capita than any other state, and Ore gon people spend more per capita with retail merchants than other states except six. The census bureau released retail business statistics taken last year on the 1929 business year, showing Oregon's high position in purchasing. Throughout the nation there is an average of 12.6 retail stores for each 1000 persons. Ore gon leads in number of such stores, having 15.3. Deleware is second, with California and New York tied for third place. Cost Too Much, So Governor Investigates Governor Meier believes that the state of Oregon is paying too much for its automobile license plates. He is making an investigation and will make a report of his findings to the board of control. Secretary of State Hal E. Hoss, under whose jurisdiction the automo bile department of the state is operated, stated the governor s in formation was wrong. Hoss also stated that such a matter was of no concern of the board, as that depart ment did not come under the control board's jurisdiction. In reply the Governor announced he would make his investigation and if the cost was too high, he would in from the board and the public so that "they would know." The discussion ended with the request of the gover nor by Hoss, that he "admit' it if he were wrong." Heaviest Rain at Pilot Rock. M. D. Orange, weather man at Pilot Rock is quoted as saying:. "With one exception, the recent rains at Pilot Rock have been the largest ever recorded. To date we have had 2.39 inches, while the June record of 1891 show a precipitation of 2.63. June, 1913, was a wet month also, the pre cipitation being 2.22. In regard to the rain, a prominent reservation rancher stated that the idea that the rain would save the crop is quite er roneous; he declared that the rain came too late to help the crop." Like tobacco . . . the best Gasoline is Blended YOU may prefer Burley tobacco with a touch of Turk ish or a mixture which includes Perique. Whatever the preference, every good smoke is blended, expertly. Of the various types of gasoline no one is a perfect motor fuel. So CONOCO refiners have developed their balanced blend, using: Natural Gasoline, for quick start ing; Straight-run Gasoline, for powe r and ntileage; Cracked Gasoline, for its anti-knock properties. As expertly as the tobacco leaves are mellowed and combined these three elements are produced and blended to make CONOCO Balanced Blend Gasoline. You will find this better gasoline wherever you see the CONOCO Red Triangle. Try it today. ft m n if CONOCO THE BALANCED - B LBN D G A S O II N E Ochoco Relief Urged Extension of the moratorium on the payment of the refunding bonds of the Ochoco irrigation district from three years to five years was recom mended to the bondholders by the state reclamation commission Mon day. Settlers on the project had ask ed for the longer time before pay ments should become due. Of the $1,300,000 in bonds of the district outstanding approximately $900,000 have been posted in accordance with the proposal for a refinancing of the district. Heard Over Radio E. B. Aldrich, editor of the East Oregonian, who has been writing pungent editorials relative to wheat prices being the principal factor in the present depression, gave out an interview over KGW Sunday evening. Mr. Aldrich gave his hearers to un derstand that he 'favored the Cook plan to save Northwest wheatraisers, above any other advanced so far, farm board advice to the contrary notwithstanding. r..T..T..T..T..T..T..T..T..T..T.. REPAIR Eagles Convention The sixteenth annual state con vention of Eagles which closed a three-day session at Pendleton Sat urday evening, was .attended by a large number of delegates from over the state. The 1932 convention will be held at Cottage Grove, June 16, 17 and 18. D. D. Hall was elected presi dent and Lyle Conner of Pendleton, state secretary. Fire Fightera Train Fifty men met at the Toll Gate in the Blue Mountains Wednesday for a three day's course in fire fighting under direction of the forestry de partment. These schools are held an nually to train the new men. Albert Baker, district forest ranger states that rain has fallen steadily in the mountains for a week and has made the roads almost impassable. Girl Gravely injured A thirteen year old Heppner girl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunt, was gravely injured Sunday, when a runaway horse dragged her into a barbed wire fence. Her left leg was almost severed and bad cuts were made on the right leg. She was tak en to the hospital at Heppner and was in a critical condition from loss of blood. , Dr. Sturgia at Pendleton Dr. C. C. Sturgis, professor of in ternal medicine at the University of Michigan and head of the Simpson Memorial Institute, accompanied by his ton Cyrus, is in Pendleton, from Ann Arbor, Michigan, on a visit to his mother, Mrs. una Sturgis. , When You Want Paris to repair your Ma chines, you Want them ';;'':-lWt:Away don't you? Sure you do. Well we want you to know that we can furnish repairs for any standard make machine you may have .and take care of your needs as we have in past seasons. Binding Twine? Sure we have it. Lots of it-Superior Ma nila Binder Twine. ROGERS & GOODMAN (A Mercantile Trust) 4 Bingham Springs Notes Twenty-four Pendleton people were registered at Bingham Springs over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mclntyre and daughter Adlyn were visitors at the Springs last week, from Pendleton. lhe Adams and Athena dancing club held a very enjoyable dance at the Springs Saturday evening. There was a large attendance. Athena visitors at Bingham dur ing the week-end were: Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mclntyre, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Logsdon, Mr and Mrs. Will Campbell, Bob and Myrtle Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Foster and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pinkerton, Garth Pinkerton. Mrs. Floyd Pinker- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Cornell, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Smith, Ralph Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Taylor, Ilene Tay lor, Rachel Smith and others. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Banister and little daughter of Weston were week-end visitors at Bingham. Ernest Ross and family of Weston attended the Adams-Athena club dance at Bingham last Saturday eve ning. The following Adams visitors were at Bingham: P. Lieuallen and family, R. Lieuallen and wife, J. T. Lieuallen and family, Beryl Hodgen and wife, H. C. Larabee and family, P. Baker and family, Charlie DuPuis and fam ily, Carl Christian and family, Ralph Wallan and family, Frank LaFave and family, Phillip Remillard and family, Ed Wallan and two daugh ters, Mrs. N. West and infant son, Jasper Hodge, S. C. Potter and fam ily, Guy Mayberry, Otis Lieuallen, u E. McCallum and family and various others too numerous to mention. Request Denied Governor A Salem special to the Oregonian says that Hal E. Hoss, secretary of state has flatly refused to issue Gov ernor Meier a special automobile license. Reports indicated that the special license number was requested several days ago. Hoss, in a state ment issued two weeks ago, said that no special license numbers would be issued for the reason that the practice had caused confusion, dissatisfaction and unnecessary expense. Navy Planes May Attend Pendleton Round-Up officials an nounce the possible attendance of navy planes and pilots from western air squadrons at the 1931 Round-Up, August 27, 28 and 29. Dr. Whyte Heads Board Dr. Boyd Whyte of Pendleton, has been elected president of the Oregon State Chiropractic board at a meeting of that body in Portland. He will serve at president for two years. WIHAT D AIDVEKTDSDN? "Advertising is the education of the public as to what you are, where you are, and what you have to offer in the way of skill, talent or commodity. The only man who should not advertise is the man who has nothing to offer the world in the way of commodity or ser vice." Elbert Hubbard.