The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 26, 1931, Image 2

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Established Jan. 1, 1887
F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates. '
O ne copy , one year $2.00
One copy, six months $1.00
One copy, three months.. .75
Athena, Oregon, June 26,... 1931
One of our exchanges finds that the
United States has the highest acci
dent toll of any country in the world
principally due to automobiles.
Carelessness and ignorance are gen
uine menaces to the health and hap
piness of the nation. . Only in the
, case of school children has any defi
nite accident reduction been made.
Safety education in schools has not
only prevented current accidents, but
it instills a safety message that is
carried through life. During a period
when accidental deaths to persons of
all ages increased 28 per cent, deaths
among children under 15 dropped 2.3
per cent. Every person has the power
to prevent accidents and unless he
uses that power, nothing in the world
can stop the toll from rising.
o "
That it is costing a tidy sum to
conduct the business affairs of the
Farmers National Grain corporation
is seen in the transfer of the head
quarters office of the Pacific coast
division from Pendleton to Portland;
In addition to Henry Collins, vice
president; Edgar Smith, assistant
manager, and Lyman G. Rice, treas
urer, a total of thirty-nine others are
employed in the office, which in
future will be located in the Pittock
block, Portland. At the present price
of wheat, here is a payroll that will
materially assist in depleting the
muchly mooted surplus in meeting the
office overhead.
we read that sparks from a cigarette
blown by the wind, ignited the cellu
loid rattles of a six month's old child,
causing burns from which it died two
hours later. The accident occurred
in an automobile.
Congressman Hawley has taken
time out and gone into a huddle to
announce that he will be a candidate
for reelection to membership in the
House of Representatives from Ore
gon. The moving political finger has
written that a heck of a time awaits
Mr. Hawley in securing his reelection.
Orders for about 25,000 barrels of
flour have been placed in the United
States by Chinese for July and Au
gust shipment. Less than 2 per cent
of wheat flour arriving in Tientsen in
May was milled in the United States.
Flour from Australian wheat domi
nated the market.
State tax money has been going
into the operation of three printing
plants the state office in Salem,
the others being at Oregon State
college and the University of Oregon.
On account of high cost of intricate
machinery and the various materials
used in printing, the industry, with
its associated complement of art, is
a costly business enterprise guaged
only by extent of the venture. There'
fore the proposal to investigate the
question recently raised to consoli
date all three plants at Salem should
meet with more than passive in
Apparently a tong war has been
started at Los Angeles by the pump
ing of eight lead pellets into the body
of Yea Wo Tai, restaurant owner.
"Tong" in Chinese must be alle samee
"gangster" in Melican talkee.
Radium mining stock is now n. g.
The Germans have perfected an X-ray
tube capable of producing gamma
rays equal to 100,000 grams of ra
dium more than all radium in use in
the world today.
0 "
For many . weeks Oregonians ate
California lettuce. Now this con
dition is reversed, the principal ship
ments being made from the Labish
section in Marion county.
With the mid-west sizzling hot last
week, the glow of the fireplace was
cheerful and commonplace in many
homes on the Pacific slope we're
knocking on wood.
That the traveling public is quick
to appreciate and take advantage of
transportation facilities that will af
ford comfort and save time is brought
to notice in the reception accorded the
inauguration of a regular air plane
schedule between Pendleton and Port
land. Beginning with two trips daily,
Pendleton Airways Inc., was forced
Saturday to make four trips to ac
commodate its patrons, which speaks
well for acquirement of additional
o ,
The summer and fall seasons im
mensely increase the seriousness of
the forest fire problem. The careless
smoker and builder of campfires con
stitutes a tremendous hazard to our
timber areas to say nothing of the
arsonist, who is always busy. Every
public and private facility should be
given to forest protection and every
individual should do his bit in co
operating in the good work.
It is predicted that the treasury de
ficit for the current fiscal year will
reach the billion-dollar mark and that
there will be an equally imposing de
ficit during the fiscal year to come.
As a result, unless there is a sizeable
increase in Federal income, the na
tional debt will show a two-year in
crease of $2,000,000,000. Yes; but
who makes the prediction T
(Walla Walla Union)
With the motoring season upon us
comes the everpresent menace of ac
cidents along the highway. In the
northwest the last few days there
have been some terrible tragedies
which occurred almost in the twinkl
ing of an eye. Near Oregon City a
truck smashed into a lighter car and
four were killed; near Hood River a
car went over a cliff killing two and
near Waitsburg one life was lost in
an accident. The list might be con
tinued almost indefinitely.
Blame may be fixed after such ac
cidents but they do not bring back
lives. Motorists on the highway, in
towns, and anywhere else must keep
continually on their guard. Accidents
happen so quickly that they often
cannot be prevented, but in many
cases they can be. Better be on the
safe side, and go a little more slowly
and a little more cautiously.
A queer accident occurred in Yaki
ma where a refrigerator car, loaded
with dried apples, exploded because
when the men who sealed the car
while it was being fumigated forgot
to leave air vents. A good many
years ago when dried apples were
about the only winter fruit available,
on youthful ears often fell the wheeze
that if lads ate a lot of dried apples
and drank water they were apt to dis
integrate with a loud explosion, and
the youngsters were always afraid to
try it, just as they always have hesi
tated to toss an egg into a whirling
electric fan, despite the urge to do so.
Now learning what happened to the
"reefer" they are glad. Their only
hope is that someone will happen to
think of sending a carload of this
dried fruit to some of the gangsters
in Chicago.
22 Years Ago
July 2, 1909
Hamp Booher was in town yester
day from Weston.
Ocie Barton is down from LaCrosse
Wash., on a visit to Athena friends.
Mrs. Cass Cannon and daughter are
visiting relatives and friends in Se
attle. Scott Brown, of Echo, was a guest
at the A. L. Jones home in this city
the first of the week.
John Thompson, the Umatilla
river cattle man was in the city
Miss Lillian McDonald, of Spokane
is in the city, the guest of her sister,
Mrs. Byron Hawks.
Mrs. Wm. Winship returned Satur
day from a visit to relatives and
friends in Walla Walla.
Maurice Hill is an adept at ad writ
ing. His signs and placards at the
Palace drug store attract attention.
From appearances the combine is
on the decline in this section. One
Athena firm has sold eleven headers
so far this season, and four complete
stationary threshing outfits have been
Fay LeGrow's string of race horses
were taken to Walla Walla this week
where they will enter the races on the
4th and 5th.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Reeder, after
visiting friends in this vicinity for
several days, left Wednesday for their
home in Tacoma.
Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Tharp and fam
ily will spend the 4th at Wenaha
Springs. Miss Jessie McEwen will
be a guest of the party.
Last night a number of the young
friends of Miss Grace Myers gather
ed at the home of Mis3'Eva Wright
and gave a most pleasant party in
her honor.
Mrs. L. J. Foss has returned from a
protracted visit to her children in
The English derby sweepstakes is
classed by American law enforce
ment officials as being a lottery, and
as such the government, through the
postofike department, will stamp out
the illegal practice of selling tickets
in this country. Now what will color
ed janitors, bootblacks and cotton
pickers gamble oi to win ficklo for
tune T
One of our farmer friends, and by
the way a republican in politics, re
fcrs to President Hoover's gesture to
assist Europe over her period of de
pression, as "reaching out a leetle too
far." He believes that the economic
fibre here at home Bhould be smoothed
out before we tax ourselves with any
of Europe's burden.
We are living in a new transporta
tion age, with automobiles, buses,
trucks, air planes and artificial water
ways. But no other agency than the
railroad is so well able to handle a
gigantic volume of traffic over long
distances. No other agency is more
essential to the proper functioning of
modern industry.
Boozo and gasoline do not mix,
but sparks and celluloid will. This
tact is again brought to mind when
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the matter of the estate of George
W. Horn, deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern:
That The Inland Empire Bank oi
Pendleton at Pendleton, Oregon, has
been appointed executor of the last
will and testament of George W.
Horn, deceased, and has qualified as
such. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby noti
fied and required to present tnem wun
proper vouchers to the said executor
at The Inland Empire Bank of Pen
dleton or to Peterson and Lewis, its
attorneys, within six months of the
date of the first publication of this
notice which is the 26th day oi June,
PENDLETON, Executor.
Peterson & Lewis, attorneys for
Executor. J2GJ-24
mottpr Tn creditors
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of A. M.
Gillis, Deceased.
M,f . io hovohv orlvpn that the
living a v ' j
undersigned has been appointed ad
ministrator or tne estate oi a. jh.
Gillis, deceased, by the above entitled
All persons having claims against
me saiu vsihwj arc ncivujr uunui"
nroeant tho an mo tn me at Ainenji.
Oregon, or to my attorneys, Watts
& rrestDye, at tneir law orace hi
Athena, Oregon, within six x
publication of this notice. AH claims
must be verined as by law requirea.
Dated at Athena. Oregon, this 6th
day of June, 1931.
t s. LeUKUW, Administrator.
Wnttn & Prestbve. Athena. Oreeron.
Attorney for estate. J5J3
Low Price
"Vigorbilt" Chicks
May Delivery
May Leghornes Make Good Layers
"Vigorbilt" Hatchery
Milton, Ore. Phone 1102
Main St H. H. HILL Athena
Moro, Sherman county. She was ac
companied home by her daughter,
Mrs. James Mitchell.
Friends here have received cards
from Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mansfield,
who are enjoying a visit at Grange
ville and Lewiston, Idaho. They will
arrive home in a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gross, Jr., ar
rived Wednesday afternoon from
their home in Nanton Alberta having
been called by the sudden death of
Mrs. Gross' mother, Mrs, J. W. Keen.
John B. Gagnon of Athena, is a
nephew of Gilbert Gagnon, the French
Canadian who went to California in
early days and who died several years
ago leaving an estate valued at many
thousands of dollars. The Umatilla
county man will therefore make an
effort to secure his portion of the
estate as the old man died intestate
and left no children. Will M. Peter
son of the firm of Peterson & Wilson
is attorney for the claimant.
Jasper O'Harra and Hilda Peterson,
Weston young people, were united in
marriage at Pendleton, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kirk left Tues
day for La Grande, where they will
spend a couple of weeks, visiting
relatives and friends. They went by
team and are prepared to enjoy an
outing on the Grande Ronde river.
The meeting of the Ideal Christian
association will be held this evening
at the home of Floyd Pinkerton near
town. A moonlight walk to the farm
will be one of the chief features of
the evening's pleasure. A good pro
gram has been prepared.
Wanted Clean, Cotton rags at the
Press office.
Eyes examined, glasses properly
fitted at Schneller's, 39 East Main,
Walla Walla,
Pine Wood Place your orders for
winter wood now and save money.
12, 16, and 24 inch old growth yellow
pine at $4.00 on all orders received
before July 4. Write or see Shannon
Oshea, Meacham, Oregon. Will deliver.
Expert in -
Body Correction
Calls answered promptly
Office at Residence in North Athena
, Telephone 595.
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 706
Pendleton. Oregon. 957 J
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment, Clean Beds
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Corner Main and Third
Athena, Oregon
Stop and Shop
at Harris' Barber and
Beauty Parlor
Everything in Barber and Beauty
work efficiently done
Permanent Wave
Phone 492
for appointments
Real Estate
Wheat. Alfalfa and
Stock Land
L. L. Montague, Arlington
There's Ko Escaping
the man who's "out to
hook you for all you're
worth, specially if that
Auto Accident
was more or less your
fault Your only protec
tion is Liability Insurance
and Plenty of It!
Dr. W. H. McKinney
Physician and Surgeon
Dr. Sharp's Office
Office Hours at Athena 1 to 6 p. m.
Phone 462. Office Hours at Weston
8 a. m. to 12 noon. Phone 83. Calls
made day or night.
Dr. Dale Rothwell
The best in glasses at a reasonable
Over Woolworth's Phone 1286
Pendleton, Oregon
Peterson & Lewis
Attorneys at Law
Practice in all State and Federal
Inland Empire Bank Building
Pendleton Oregon
Watts & Prestbye
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
Foley's Honey and Tar
tures colds, prevents oneumonla.
Contoure Specialties
Beautify the Complexion
Strengthen the Countour
Athena Beauty Shop
Sadie Pambrun, Operator
Phone 32
Bruno Weber
Repair Work
Prices Reasonable
Successor To
Spring is here!
and with it comes
Send Us Your
In fact anything washable
Four Trips Weekly
Pendleton, Oregon
Tke First National Bank
of Athena
Established 1891
Does a General Banking Business
and Maintains a Complete
". Trust Department
Eastman Hawkeye Cameras
As a special offer to our Customers, we will
give one of these cameras free for each tire pur
chase or other sale amounting to $5.00 cash or
$10.00 payment on account.
Call in and get particulars
J. E. Gallaher, Prou. Athena Phone 471
Bell CS, Gray
Now for
Are Always
to do
Auto Truck
Prices Risrht
Phone 593
Milk and Cream
for Sale Here
All the Time
Tum-a-Lum Tickler
Published in the intesesta of the people of Athena and vicinity by
Vol. 31
Athena, Oregon, June 26, 1931
No. 26
Through advertising we know
all about "Athlete's Foot," but
perhaps you will be interested
to know that "Bridge Shin" is
a new disease which affects
husbands who forget what is
. A. M. Johnson, Editor
"There!" exclaimed wifey in
disgust. "I knew that overnight
friend of yours wasn't to be
trusted. "I've just counted the
towels and one of them is mis
.: j-. sing."
"Was it a good one!" inquir
ed semi-interested hubby mild
ly. "It was the best we had. It
was the one with 'Grand Palace
Hotel' on it."
See where a man murdered
his wife because she was too
extravagant. I think this is go
ing too far. Not for a minute
could such a policy be endorsed
or approved, but there is no ob
jection to every married man
reading this aloud to his wife.
Make it yourself cupboards,
shelving in the closet, stools,
flower boxes, and many things
around the house can be made
with Tum-A-Lumber and
helpful plans.
Obey that impulse Repair,
Repaint, Remodel.
He Was It
An Englishman was visiting
this country for the first time,
and as he was driving along the
highway, saw a sign, "Drive
Slow. This Means You!"
The Englishman stopped in
surprise and exclaimed: "My
word! How did they know I was
here!" .
Elsie Gee what a tough look
ing waiter.
Jake Don't worry, kid, I can
foot the bill.
Warm weather is ideal time
for painting and it looks as if
we might have some good
painting weather. Tum-A-Lum
paint covers a lot of surface
with a coat that will last for a
long time. '
Continental Oil Company
Germ Processed Motor Oil
Athena Service Station
. "Service With a Smile"
Automobile Accessories Tires
BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 762
Farmers Grain Elevator
Grian and Feed
A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed
Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr.
Dependable Service
Lower Prices April 1st
Ladies Spring Coats $1 and UP Silk Dresses $1.25
and Up Wool Dresses $1 and Up
Men's Suits $1.25
For other prices, ask the Driver
Trade with the man who helps pay your taxes
- W call for and deliver every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday
T. E. SMITH, Proprietor, Phone 1571 Freewater Oregon
See Uj
Before Buying
Electric Lamps
and other electric appliances, including Sad-Irons,
Percolators, Toasters, Waffle Irons, Hotplates,
Vacuum Sweepers, G. E. Refrigerators, and Hot
point Electric Stoves. In fact, everything electrical
Electrical Department, Athena, Oregon. Phone 182