The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 26, 1931, Image 1

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It would be a big job to tell one hundred people any
thing that would interest them in your goods, but its
dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell
several hundred at once at nominal cost.
in the week but that you do not need stationery of
some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing
at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types,
modern work, prompt delivery.
Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter
Alva Leach To
Retire As Head
of Kerr G iff or d
Governor Would Clean Up
the Shop Every Depart
ment To Be Swept
Salem, The resignation of H. S.
Bosshard, state printer, Arthur
Brock, foreman of the state printing
plant, and every member of the pres
ent organization, was asked by Gov
ernor Meier and State Treasurer Hol
man, in what is generally believed to
be the first move in the proposed con
solidation of the three state-owned
printing plants, including those at
Eugene and Corvallis, with the Salem
Simultaneously with the call for
the resignations of Bosshard and his
assistants, the majority members of
the state printing board announced
the appointment of E. C. Hobbs of
Corvallis to succeed Bosshard as
Btate printer, effective July 1.
Secretary of State Hoss did not at
tend the meeting of the printing
board at which the reorganization
move was decided on. He said he did
not join with the majority members
of the board in the ouster of Boss
hard, who served as state printer
since 1919, prior to which time he was
secretary of the state printing board.
The call for the wholesale resigna
tions in the printing plant does not
necessarily mean that any further
changes will be made in the per
sonnel of the department, it was ex
plained by Governor Meier, but it is
only intended to give Hobbs a free
hand in the selection of his assist
ants. Hobbs is a native of Sheridan, 111,
was educated in Michigan and served
Ilia ttJJpidlMCO" jt .....-.. ...
Battle Creek, Mich. He came to Ore
gon in 1917 and was appointed su
perintendent of the college printing
department in September of that
Consolidation of the printing plants
maintained at Corvallis with the state
plant at Salem has been under con
sideration by members of the printing
board for several weeks and is expect
ed to follow soon.
Two Cargoes Wheat
Bring Good Prices
Portland. Interest and activity in
wheat here, together with an advanc
ing price for both cash and future de
livery, was reflected on the Portland
market during Wednesday's session.
Two cargoes of white wheat, one to
the United Kingdom and the other to
Ireland, were sold during the day by
tv,n farm board. One was sold direct
by the Farmers' National, while an
other was disposed of by a private
Roth cargoes. comDOsed one half
each of Western white and soft white
nrViont were boW at 22 shillings ap
proximately 53 cents a bushel track
basis Portland. The total supply m
around 15.000 tons, made a
total movement for the day of better
than 560,000 bushels.
Tho nricB received was said to be
around 4 cents a bushel better than
recent sales of the Farmers' National.
Half of the advance is considered due
to the improved market conditions.
Tha other half is attributed to the
freiorlifc rate on the latest car
goes sold. The present cargo rate is
about 20 shillings, while parcels are
mnnl 17 shillings.
OTAW.U . ' O
On the Portland Merchants Ex
ilian o-e there was a eeneral advance
of 1 cent a bushel for all wheat, witn
oats following with a 60 cents a ton
rise. The rise in millrun was also 50
. cents a ton.
The Thimble Club
The Thimble club spent a pleasant
.(tonuuin Tnesrlav at the home ' of
MN VtpA Pinkerton. The quilt un
der course of construction was set to
gether and plans were made to hold
an all-day meeting next Tuesday at
the- home of Mrs. Stella Keen when
nniiHno' will be done. A pot luck
will He served at noon. Mrs.
Pinkerton assisted by her daughter,
served dainty ices and wafers at tne
tea hour. Those present were, Mrs.
TJouoiia T.ipnnllpn. Mrs. John Stanton,
Miss Mildred Stanton, Mrs. Chester
McCullough, Mrs. A. J. Garner, Mrs
L. E. Cornell, Mrs. J. E. Jones, Mrs
stolin Keen. Mrs. Payne, Mrs
At Pinlcerton. Mrs. Bruno Weber,
Mrs. Virgil Zerba, Mrs. W. R. Harden,
Mrs. Fern Elder and Mrs. Mary Mc-
' Kay. ...
Flvinr Record Set
American fivers have copped an
other record. Flying their plane, the
Winnie Mae, Wiley Post and Harold
Gatty of Oklahoma, spanned the At
lantic ocean Wednesday from Harbor
r.mrp to Berlin in the amazing fly-
in a time of 22 hours and 19 minutes
They covered the 3000 air miles at an
average flying speed of 136 miles an
hour. -
Norris A. (Alva) Leach, who as a
boy lived at Weston, and who is well
known in Athena, has retired from
the office of vice-president of Kerr,
Gifford & Co., one of the largest grain
firms on the Pacific coast, stepping
down from active management of the
company but remaining on the board
of directors, and in that capacity will
continue to assist in directing its affairs.
In Portland, Peter Kerr, president
of the firm, in announcing that Pres
ton W. Smith would succeed to the
position held by Mr. Leach, expressed
his regret at the retirement of the
vice-president after his long service
with the company which was mark
ed by fidelity and efficiency.
, Mr. Leach has been with the busi
ness 38 years, starting as buyer on
the Heppner branch of the O.-W. R.
& N. in 1893. Later he was appointed
traveling agent and transferred to
Walla Walla where he remained
seven years. In 1910 he was trans
ferred to Portland and soon thereaf
ter was promoted to the position of
vice-president, which he has held
'I'm going to take it a little bit
easier," Mr. Leach said in making
the announcement of his retirement.
I plan to do some fishing and hunt
ing and devote more time to the Port
of Portland and the Chamber of Com
merce. I shall have a desk here with
Kerr-Gifford for my mail and shall
still take a deep interest in the com
pany's business and welfare."
Mr. Leach recently was appomtea
to the Port of Portland commission
by the state legislature and has been
a member of the Chamber oi Com
merce board of directors about eight
His first fishme after his retire
ment, will be in the Metolius river,
near Bend, where he plans to go soon
after July 1. He plans to spend his
winters in San Diego, Cal., in the fu
"Do I nlav erolf?" Not now. but I
probably shall take it up. I haven't
had time for it in the past," he said.
Huff Has Hopes That
the Grain Price Will Be
Equal To That of 1930
At Oeden. Utah. C. E. Huff, presi
dent of the Farmers National Grain
Corporation, told the agricultural
council of the Central Western bhip
pers Advisory board there he "hopes
the averaere Drice of the 1931 wheat
crop will equal the average price of
the 1930 crop, although stabilization
was in effect for a part of that time.
Declaring the size of the present
season's crop still is uncertain, he
added, "unless there is a change in
the situation, there is every indica
tion the North American continent
will have, with the carryover and new
wheat, substantially less than 14
months ago."
Scorincr those who are demanding
a nledere that the present stocks of
grain stabilization corporation be
held at least a year as "drawing a
red herring across their trail," he de
clared such demands had come from
owners of warehouses in which they
are stored.
Huff declared the corporation s
stocks are "substantially good wheat"
saying a recent disinterested party
had determined 98 percent of them
are in "perfect present condition."
He termed the activities of the cor
poration "the first intelligent hand
line of pram crops" in history, in try
ing to move them from producer to
consumer in the most direct way.
"The activities have actually in
fluenced the price of wheat between
five and ten cents a bushel in a gen
eral uplift of the price structure," he
U. of O. Debaters Travel 35,00 Miles
H I)
1 Av Wk ! S
I Dee TOW .
1 MlfTftAUA f
Three University of Oregon students will travel 35,000 miles this summer
and fall, visiting eight countries, to meet many other schools In debate, and
to fulfill numerous speaking engagements. Above, they are shown with
Governor Meier, who made them official good-will ambassadors of Oregon.
Left to right, they are: Roger A. Pfaff, Eugene; Gov. Meier; Robert T.
Miller, Pendleton, and David G. Wilson, Portland. Below is a map of the
course they will follow on their talking trip, during which they will make
more than 60 appearances.
The three boys will return to the United States In time to re-enter
school at the beginning of the fall term. The trip Is being financed by
organlzalons Interested in world peace and by the boys themselves, who will
earn part of their way by their speeches, and by articles published.
Truck Driver Dies When
Vehicle Crashes, Bruns
The Dalles. Eric Wagner was kill
ed at 2 a. m. Monday when a freight
truck of the Sunset Company, operat
ing between Portland and Pendleton,
crashed through the railing of the ap
proach to the Union Pacific overhead
crossing at Seuferts cannery. Wagner
was driving the machine. The crash
was heard by W. G. Clark, night
watchman at Celilo canal. Fire broke
out from the gas tank and the truck
was soon a seething mass or. names.
Night officers Murray and Osborne,
and L. L. Mohr, a fireman, rushed the
city truck to the wreck too late to
save the man's body from incineration.
Motorists whom Wagner had pass
ed a few minutes before expressed
the belief the truck made the turn at
the crossing at too high speed. Wag
ner's widow in Portland survives.
' Old-Time Stagedriver Dead
Ben Pierce, for thirty years a resi
dent of Pendleton, died in that city
Sunday of heart disease. In early
days Ben was a pony express rider
and stage coach driver, ihe eany
davs of his life were spent in Ne
vada. He was a nephew of the late
Nathan Pierce. His last stage route,
before the railroad took it away from
him was between Baker and Hunting
Crane Hit By Fire
Five business houses at Crane, Ore
gon were destroyed by fire this week,
the loss totaling $16,000. Marie Gil
lespie was the owner. The fire start
ed in a restaurant and pool nail.
There was some insurance.
Tax Increase Seen
The new law imnosinfir upon coun
ties a charge of $20 a month for the
core of insane and feeble minded
patients in state institutions will im
pose an additional tax burden on
counties in proportion to the number
of inmates they send to state institu
tions. This tax would be particularly
heavy next year, because - as the
state tax for this year has already
heen paid and the new law imposing
the charge went into effect June 6, it
will be necessary next year to make
a levy to cover the remainder of this
year as well as all of 1932.
Wife of Former
Athena Minister
Died at Starbuck
Boat On Upper River
Freighting Grain Sacks
For the first time in several years
a sternwheeler steamer is breasting
the currents of the Columbia above
the locks at Celilo. The old Uma
tilla is freighting cargoes of grain
sacks from Portland to Umatilla and
Wallula. The sternwheeler will make
two trips with full cargoes of sacks.
On it3 third trip it will round out
with a general cargo.
The wheat sacks came from San
Francisco under order of the Farm
ers' National Grain corporation. More
sacks of the same shipment will be
unloaded later. There are 525 tons,
of about 1,400,000 sacks in the ship
Operators of the fleet say the Uma
tilla will continue to make the run as
long as it can obtain cargo.
The first cargo of sacks will be de
livered at Umatilla, and the second
at Wallula. Trucks will take them
from these points to wheat producing
sections of the country for the new
crop harvesting.
Purchased Barber Shop
Levi Swayze formerly of Milton
and Weston, has purchased the Duf
field barber shop on Main street and
has taken possession. Mr. and Mrs.
Duffield and son Curtis left Athena
Wednesday morning for Portland,
where they will reside in the future.
Mr. and Mrs. Duffield leave many
friends in Athena who wish them suc
cess and happiness in their new field
of endeavor.
Mrs. Geiszler. wife of Rev. C. W.
Geiszler former pastor of the Metho
dist Episcopal church in this city,
died at her home in Starbuck, Wash
ington. June 14. Funeral services and
burial took place at Dayton, June 17.
Mrs. Geiszler was the widow of the
Into John Smith, who died in Athena
where the family resided, about 20
years ago, before her marriage to
Reverend Geiszler, and had a number
of children. All of the children
attended the funeral at Dayton. Mr.
and Mrs, Jesse Smith of balem, and
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Moore of Cam
bridge, Idaho visited friends in Athe
na as they returned to their homes
Thursday of last week. .
Rev and Mrs. Geiszler were in
Athena week before last, coming here
from their home at btarbuck to se
cure affidavits relative to the birth of
ttnrl Smith a son of Mrs. Geiszler.
who died after serving in the World
War, with the .view to securing a
mother's pension for Mrs. Geiszler.
At that time she appeared to be in
her usual good health, so friends say.
Athena Market Man
Recovers Stolen Hogs
and Trailer at Pasco
Friday night thieves hooked onto
Bert Logsdon's trailer in the rear of
Via Mnin street meat market, took it
to his slaughter house southeast of
the city and loaded bix of his hogs.
Discovery of the robbery early Sat
urday morning resulted in notifying
the sheriff's office at Pendleton and
later in the day the trailer was found
ditched in the sagebrush near Pasco.
Further investigation by the officers
located the hogs in possession of a
Pasco livestock buyer. He had pur
rlinspd t.hem earlier in the day from
a couple of young men, of whom he
was able to give a good description to
the officers.
Loersdon dispatched John Huffman
to Pasco, who returned the trailer
and porkers back to their owner, lhe
Pasco stock dealer of course is los
er of a bunch of cash and is doing all
he can to see that the thieves are
found by the officers, who are said to
be on a hot trail.
Mr. Logsdon's slaughter house has
been a mark for petty thieves for
some time. In the past several rob
beries have occurred there, when
hides and other property has disap
peared. Methodist Ladies' Society
The members of the Methodist
Ladies' Society were entertained at
the farm home of Mrs. John Tomp
kins Wednesday afternoon. Mrs.
Frank Little led the afternoon's dis
cussion of "Angel Island." Arrange
ments were made for the Society's an
nual picnic, which will take place
Sunday at Langdon Lake. Officers
for the ensuing year were elected as
follows: President, Mrs. W. O. Kead;
vice president, Mrs. Frank Little;
sec-treasurer, Mrs. Arthur Lowe; re
porter, Mrs. L. A. Cornell, visitors
were Mrs. Fred Pittman, Mrs. Gor
don Mercer, Mrs. Bruno Weber, Mrs.
Kohler Betts, Miss Esther uernn ana
Miss Mary Tompkins. Mrs. Bruno
Weber became a member of the so
ciety. Refreshments were served by
Mn w j. Crahi . Mrs. Kainn sing
er and the hostess. The September
meeting, which begins the ensuing
year, will be held at the home oi Mrs.
Frank Little.
Hoover War Debt
Plan Sends Stocks
Soaring Upwards
New Campfire Group
Another group of Campfire Girls
has been added to the Umatilla coun
ty roll. Girls of Umatilla recently
met and organized a Campfire group.
Died of Injuries
Gates Hutton, a young man who
was injured while working on the
Wallula cutoff highway, died at at.
Anthony's hospital in Pendleton.
Excursion Rates Announced
Another of the Union Pacific-O.-
W. R. & N. excursion trip rates is an
nounced for July 2, 3 and 4. un
these dates the railroad will sell
round-trin tickets at about a cent a
mile, and these are good to return up
to and including July V. Uickets win
not be sold to points east of Hunting
ton or south of Portland, announces
C. M. Eager, local agent.
Molalla Rodeo
The Buckaroo, Molalla's annual rodeo
event is near at hand and great prep
arations are being ' made for the
event. This year Art Seal of Pendle
ton Round-Up fame is furnishing the
stock for the show. It will consist of
a carload of longhorn Texas steers, a
carload of bucking horses, a string oi
relay and race horses, and a carload
of saddle horses. ' . .
Reside at Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Hodgen will re
side during the summer in one of the
tea-heraire at Adams. ' Mr. Hodgen
ha been retained as coach at The
Dalle high tchool.
Dog Runs Amuck
A bulldog thousrht to be afflicted
with rabies, ran amuck at Bend and
severely bit a little boy, a girl and a
policeman before it was killed. The
head has been sent to Dr. Stickler,
state health officer, to determine
whether the animal was rabid. In the
meantime the Pasteur treatment has
been given the victims.
1 . . -Reconstructing
Preliminary work on the recon
struction of York Dell's dwelling
house on North Third street which
was damaged by fire a couple of
wpekn ntrn. in under wav. The house
will be remodeled on bungalow plans,
and James Ashworth, Weston car
penter, will have charge of the work.
Fowler Trial Bezina
Completion of the jury has been
made at Baker in the retrial of Mrs.
Emma Fowler, former city treasurer
of I .a Grande who is accused of hav
ing misappropriated approximately
$112,000 of city funds. At a previous
bearing of the case the jury v us
agreed...;, ..i. ,.
niH.Timera Here
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Jarman of
Solum unent a few hours in Athena,
Monday, visiting with old-time
friends. Mr. Jarman formerly con
ducted the Fair Stores in Athena and
at Woatnn I.ntpr he became identi
tied with the J. C. Penney Co. and
fnrmeH a partnership with Merl Roby
. n 1 il
in stores at saiem, augene ana umer
nninta. Both have retired. Mr. Jar
man recently completed a iiuu.wu
hnma in Salem, and' Mr. and Mrs
Roby reside at the Multnomah notei
in Portland.
Rrnther-In-Law Killed in Wreck
Smith ban received word from
Rrichtnn. Colorado, that his brother
in-law. F. A. Lindaev. was killed in an
automobile accident, Monday or last
week. Mr. Smith's sister, Mrs. Lind-
pv wan aeriouslv in lured and one of
..' . ... ...
her daughters lies in a hospital witn
a frartureH skull, and another daugn-
ter sustained minor injuries. No par
ticulars of the accident nave peen re
ceived by Mr. Smith.
KtnhhlefieM Pinched A rain
Fancho Stubblefield, 29 hours after
he had completed a 30-day jail sen
tence given him in Judge Richards'
Athena court, was in the tons oi tne
law again. He was apprehended
Monrluv bv traffic officers who are al-
ledged to have found 30 gallons of
moonshine in hia car. Mubbiencid s
manner of drivine on the highway
near Adams attracted the attention
at two officers.
The Associated Press states that
the immediate effect of President
Hoover's pronouncement for a one-
year war debt moratorium was to
send stock and cnmmoditv markets
booming from New York to Bombay.
in Berlin, where Chancellor Ureun
ing described the offer as a "historic
event of the greatest significance,"
the market rose 10 to 30 points on the
strength of Germany's formal ac
ceptance of the proposal, and despite
assertions in the opposition press
that Germany is "the victim of Amer
ican bluff."
Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald
in London told the house of com
mons that the British government ac
cepted the offer and he was joined by
Stanley Baldwin, the Conservative
leader, and David Lloyd-George, head
of the Liberal party. England is turn
ing its attention now to the details
which would make the moratorium
The French cabinet received the
text of the president's offer and the
government let it be known France
wants to raise no obstacle to accept
ance. Political opposition rallied,
however, about the contention that
Germany's unconditional reparations
payments must not be postponed. The
opposition wants to knew also wheth
er France was consulted before Hoo
ver's proposal was made public.
Rome has accepted the offer in
formally with the stipulation that
Germany must utilize the relief ac
corded her for economy rehabilita
tion only. Other governments
throughout the world have received
the president's suggestion in much
the same spirit,
In Washington, Hoover is giving all
his attention to the situation, which
his offer of a moratorium has created.
Secretary Stimson has reiterated the
warning that there must be no bar
gaining and that prompt action by all
the nations is imperative, wasnmg
ton in optimistic that all the nations
concerned, France included, will ac
cept the proposal as it stands.
Deaf Man Is Struck By
Train in the Walla Wal
la Union Pacific Yards
Walla Walla. P. Caedal, 75, was
fatally injured when struck by a pas
senger train from Spokane, Sunday,
inside the Union Pacific yards here.
Almost totally deaf, Mr. Uogdal step
ped onto the track from between two
box cars and started across, turning
back too late when he discovered the
engine almost upon him. He died im
mediately after he had been taken to
a local hospital.
Witnesses said that the engineer
blew the whistle four times. Ac
quaintances volunteered that Cogdal
had been dejected over lack of em ¬
ployment and had mentioned suicide
as preferable to the county poor farm.
His name was discovered by a search
of his belongings In a Seventh street
rooming house where a reference was
found from L. W. Simmons, rancher
in the Freewater district, on whose
farm Cogdal had worked for 'W years,
coming to Walla Walla last August.
The deceased had confided to his
benefactor that he was in ill health
nnH that his room rent was in arrears
Tt was revealed that he had a brother
living and attempts were being made
to locate him. A. J. UUiis, deputy
prosecutor who took charge of the
case, said that MS investigations
showed that the train was going
about 15 miles and had apparently hit
Cogdal in the head and neck, knock
ing him to the side oi tne tracx.
Miss Johnson Leaves on Trip
Miss Lois Johnson left yesterday by
way of the Union Pacific to Spokane
and Great Northern for Uemiaji, Min
nesota, where she will represent her
eollGfi-e chanter at the national Gam
ma Phi Beta convention to be held
there from June 27 to July 3. Re
turning, Miss Johnson will visit
friends in Minneapolis and will come
west hv the Canadian Pacific, bhe will
also visit Seattle and expects to re
turn in about three weeks.
Saving of $857,170 to' Be Di
vided on a 64 Basis
Wage Slice Avoided.
Fnirera Are Surorised
A B-roun of friends surprised Mr
nH Mrs. C. M. Eatrer Thursday eve
ning of last week on the occasion of
their eighteenth wedding anniversary.
An aHilitional surprise to the hon-
orees was the presentation of an
attractive and useful gift. Bridge was
the diversion of the evening and Mrs.
Llovd Michener won high score. Ke
freshments were served following the
play. Those present were members or
the B. B. supper duo.
No Craca for Auto Plates
New 1931 auto license plates must
be on cars by the morning of July 1,
it is stated by state traffic officers in
charee of the Eastern Oreeon dis
trict. No days of grace will be given,
it is said, and if autoists expect to
drive their cars on and after July 1
they must have the plates on.
Portland. Oreeon State college must .
save six-tenths and the University of
uregon iour-tentns oi tne amount to
be cut from the cost of Oregon high
er education because of the referen
dum of the legislative appropriation,
according to a plan su omit tea to tne
state board of Viichpr education bv
the finance committee of the board.
Under the plan the college's share
of the saving will be $514,302 and
the university s share $342,868.
The legislative appropriation tied
up by the referendum was $1,181,173,
hut the committee found that bv
using unexpended balances in many
departments, whicn aggregate ?Jki8,
064, the necessary additional saving
could be reduced to $Bb7,ru. it was
this saving that was apportioned in
the ratio of 6 to 4.
Under the plan no school or de
partment is to be closed and the
necessary saving can be effected with
out resorting to salary reductions,
thus averting, in the words of the
committee, permanent disruption of
the services of the several institutions.
None of the additional saving,
under the plan, is to be borne by the
normal schools.
The savings are to be effected
mainly by increasing the teaching
load on faculty members of both
schools by not replacing members who
have resigned. Other members of the '
college and university staffs are to be
asked to take sabbatical leave, and
not be replaced during their absence.
Through creation of a central busi
ness office, to be located at Salem,
the finance committee expects to save
$40,000 to $50,000 in the biennium.
This business office for the college
and university is to be in the office
of the board of higher education. A
standardized and simplified system of
accounting for all the state schools Is
to be installed. The saving to be
made in this manner has not been
balanced aorainst the necessary cost
reductions, but is to be handled as a
Detailed budgets embodying the
necessary Bavings are to be worked
out by President Hall 6f the univer
sity and President Kerr of the state
college and submitted to the board.
Budgets already have been submitted
by the presidents on a basis or nve
ninths of the savings by the college
and four-ninths by the university.
Under the ratio, the saving at the
state college was $490,000. Tne dir
ference between that sum and the
$514,302 saving imposed by the board
is expected to be made up, witn a
slight margin to spare, by an in
crease in student fees at the college. '
Another Miniature Golf Course
Dnn of Athena's latest ncauisitions
to sport is a miniature golf course at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ad Pink
erton on Adams street. The course
known as the "Hole in One" was
built by Max Johnson, Walt Singer,
Robert Rose, Buddy and KODert
Weber and Dale Jenkins. The course
consists of seven holes and there are
many interesting hazards. In con
structing the tairways tne boo was
removed and the ground leveled and
covered with sand. The side boards
are to be painted green and the signs
are artistically painted green witn rea
and numbers. Par is 21.
The course Is intended for the boys
but the girls of the neighborhood oc
casionally play a round. An at
tractive creen bench is placed under
an apple tree and is often filled with
interested spectators, riants ana
flowers are placed at intervals about
the course lending an artistic atmo
sphere, Many hours are spent here
by the boys and it is a most com
mendable pastime.
Income Tax Receipts
Income tax returns reached $700,-
000 at Salem Wednesday with the
bulk of the day's mail yet to be sort
ed. A threatened suit against con
stitutionality of the intangibles act
rino not aeem to retard payments.
the commission said. "At the rate the
navmenta are cominz in. we expect
the total collections to go well over
$2,000,000," Commissioner Fisher
New Foundation
Excavation is being made for a new
concrete foundation under the cot
tage on Jefferson street recently pur
chased by Ralph Singer from John
Tompkins. Other Improvements will
be made to the dwelling.
Railroad Tax Case
Twenty-nine Washington counties
started a fight in federal court to
boost the taxes of three railroads run
ning through them by several million
dollar's annually. .