The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 12, 1931, Image 4

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Press Paragraphs
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Pinkerton were
Milton visitors Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Burke visited
relatives in Milton, Wednesday.
Wm. McPherson and Winn Stand
the Umatilla Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Little spent!
Sunday with relatives at Walla waiia.
Mrs. Ralph McEwen is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Goff, at New
berg this week.
Alva Blalock and friends of Pen
dleton were in Athena at the local
olf course, Monday.
Mrs. Lee Johnson, Mrs. L. R. Pink
erton and daughter were Walla Wal
la visitors Thursday.
Mrs. W. S. Ferguson is in Nampa
visiting at the home of her daugh
ter Mrs. Horace Belnap.
Mrs. D. A. Pinkerton and Mrs. J.
W. Pinkerton were guests of Mrs.
Virgil Zerba, Wednesday.
Mrs. Hughes of Portland, mother of
Dr. W. G. Hughes of Walla Walla a
former resident of Athena, has been
a visitor at the Chas. Betts home the
past week.
Chas. Williams spent last week at
at Washtucna with his daughter, Mrs.
Fred Beckner and family.
Mrs. Akin of State Line and Mrs.
Nellie Taylor were guests of Mrs.
A.. W. Logsdon last Friday.
Mrs. 'M. M. Johns returned home
Monday evening from Portland and
vicinity after a week's visit.
The cool weather of the past few
days has been beneficial to the grow
ing pea crops, as well as grain. -
Mrs. Lewis Keen returned home
Monday evening from a week's visit
with her sister at Emunclaw, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Zerba came
down from Waitsburg and spent Sun
day at the Hargett home in Athena.
Miss Jaunita Smithpeters of Baker
has been a guest at the Dean Dudley
farm home west of Athena, this week.
F. S. LeGrow has been appointed
administrator of the estate of the
late Angus M. Gillis by the county
A pageant will be held at the Bap
tist church Sunday night. Recitations
and songs will also appear on the
Thos. DeFreece is somewhat im
proved in health and drove to Athena
from his home near Walla Walla,
40 per cent less baby chicks hatched this Spring
More live and dressed poultry being shipped to mar
ket. : Fewer pullets, fewer hens, less eggs and BET
TER PRICES this fall are assured. Good fall and
early winter egg production depends on rapid de
velopment and early maturity in pullets.
Dr. Hess PAN-A-MIN fed Pullets
develop faster
" 3 pound package
7 pound package
25 pound package
We also carry a complete line of Dr. Hess Poultry
and Stock Preparation.
Phone 332 WATKINS' PHARMACY Athena
Red (& White
Athena Given Portland Prices
These special Prices this week are the same as
V. quoted at Red & White Stores in Portland
June 13th and 15th
Macaroni, Spaghetti and Egg Noodles, Red & White
4 lor zc
Baking Powder, Red & White, 1 lb.
Pineapple, Red & White, 2Ms "
2 for 49c
Pineapple, Broken, 2l2s
2 for 37
Wheaties (Mush Bowls free with)
2 for 25c
Kraft Cheese, all varieties, y2 lb.
2 for 35c
Albers Flapjack, Large
(1 medium Wheat Flakes free)
Crystal White Soap
14 for 49c
Sugar, 25 lbs., cloth bag
Bed & White Jar Rubbers
4 for 19c
Economy Jar Caps
2 dozen for 53c
Red & White Sandwich Spread, pints
mm mm m. t. m m M vna mfk mtk. m1m V PI. I I
& PHONE 171
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Guerney of
Baker spent Sunday with Mrs. Guer
ney's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P.
The 0. D. 0. Club held a picnic
Snnrlnv nt. CnlA Snriners with about
fifty in attendance including members
and families.
Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Hodgen are
ftnenriincr a few davs at the A. M.
Johnson home after their school year
in The Dalles.
The Adjuster for General Fire In
surance Co., was in Athena Wednes
day to adjust the fire loss on the xoric
Dell home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Anderson of
Wnlla Walla, were euests of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Anderson Wed
nesday evening.
Milk Any quantity of milk can now
ho furnished to VOU for $3.00 per
quart, per month, delivered. Taylor's
Dairy, Phone 662.
Miss Lillian Wright of Walla waiia
arrived in Athena Thursday and will
spend the week-end with Mr. and!
Mrs. Penn Harris.
Mrs. Dean Dudley spent last week
in Portland, returning home Sunday,
in company with Mr. and Mrs. S. D.
Peterson, of Milton.
Mr. and Mrs. James Twohy, son
and daughter, drove up from Portland
Tuesday and are spending tne weeit
with relatives here.
Mrs. James Cresswell and son
Jimmie left Saturday for Forest
Grove where they will visit relatives
for several weeks.
Franres Stamner returned to his
home in Walla Walla Tuesday, after
spending a few days at the home oi
Mr. and Mrs. Penn Harris.
Kohler Betts is in Portland this
week, where he is a delegate from
Dolph Lodge No. 80, A. F. & A. M.,
to the Masonic grand lodge sessions.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowe drove to Yaki
ma SiinHav brineine their son David
home. He had been visiting sometime
with his grandparents in that city.
Mr nr.H Mrs. C. M. Eaeer and
daughters were guests Sunday at the
E. Eager home in Dayton. Virginia
remained for the week with her
Fred Kershaw left for Portland,
Saturday, where he was to join Mrs.
Tfprshaw and Frederica. They plan
ned to visit the beaches before their
return in a fortnight.
The J. T. club members families
held their annual picnic Sunday at
the Lieuallen cabin, Meacham. Those
in attendance had a good time, and a
bounteous dinner was enjoyed.
Miss Helen Hansell was the guest
of Mrs. Glenn Dudley last week for
t. tha Walla Walla Country
.club. The state telegraphic tourna
ment was a feature of the day.
C. M. Eager attended a meeting oi
amateur radio enthusiasts last week,
Thursday evening at the home of
Ralph Rothrock near , Adams. Re
freshments were served following the
Miss Dorothy Berlin is home from
Roslyn, Wash., where she teaches in
high school. Miss Berlin will leave
fnr Seattle, where she will at
tend summer school at University of
Mrs. Wm. McPherson returned
Monday evening from a nine-day trip
to vallov noints. She visited her
father a brother at Salem, a sister
in Portland and Mrs. Gordon Legnorn,
at Arlington.
York T)e savs he is very erateful
for the assistance rendered by those
who fought the fire at his home Sat
urday evening and deeply appreciates
all that was done to save his home
and its contents.
Mrs. Oeorce Richardson, sister of
Mrs. Sias, with her husband and
granddaughter, Miss Verna Michael
mn nil nf SnnVfltiH were visitors at
the Sias home over Tuesday and Wed
nesday this week.
Mrs. Stella Keen and Mrs. Ethel
Montairun. delegates to the Rebekah
assembly at Roseburg, gave interest
ing reports at a recent meeting or. tne
local lodce. Afterward ices were
served as refreshments.
Jack Calder, Athena-Weston plumb
er is carrying a serious case of rheu
matism around on his hip these aays.
An Athena guy who has rheumatic
knee joints was challenged for a foot
race at the Weston picnic.
A group of ladies playing gon
Thursday included Mrs. Glenn Dud
lev. Mrs. Homer Watts. Mrs. E. C.
Presthye and Jessiedeane Dudley.
Mrs. Dudley holds low score, 47, for
ladies on the local links.
Marion Hansell attended the Wash
ington state gun club shoot at Walla
Walla, Saturday and Sunday, and his
for the two davs was recorded
among the leading shooters partici
pating in the trap events.
Mrs E. B. Foster and dausrhter. Ar-
lene have returned home after a
weeks visit with Mrs. Foster s sis
ter who resides in Seattle. A niece
under residents in Seattle major oper
ation while they were there.
Th Christian Bible school held
their annual picnic at Walla Walla
park Saturday with a large attend
ance all enjoyed the games, sports and
a bounteous dinner, finished with
plenty of ice cream and cake.
The following officers to serve for
lha onsninur vr-ar for the O. D. O.
V . V. .... a.Q y ---
club were recently elected: President,
Grace Catron; vice-president, Zena
Pinkerton; secretary-treasurer, rean
Walker; reporter, Laura Gross.
Mamhora and friends of the Chl'is
tian Endeavor of the Christian church
ontortainad Thursday nieht at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pink
erton west of Athena. Games and re
freshments were features of the eve
ning'. Sheldon D. Taylor and Kittie Taylor
have conveyed an undivided half in
terest in and to lots 4 and 5, block 6 of
Richards addition to Athena to mi
lie Taylor, according to a deed filed
in the county recorder's office.
Mrs. J. D. Huggins arrived home
Monday from St. Anthony's hospital
and will remain a few days at the
John Stanton home, convelscing un
der the nursing of Miss Mildred Stan
ton, until she is able to go to her
own home.
Mrs. Adam Raymond of Seattle
was a guest last week of her sister,
Mrs. Wm Bush and Mrs. Frank San
ders. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders and Mrs.
Raymond left Sunday for Colfax,
where they will visit another sister,
Mrs. Joe Creighton.
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Basler are en
tertaining a little daughter, born at
their home in Boise, Idaho, June 6th.
The little miss has been named Bar
bara Ann. Mr. Basler, who is athletic
coach at Boise high school, was form
erly coach at Athena high.
The B. B. club was entertained at
the Flint Johns home last Thursday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Johns and
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mclntyre as
hosts. Mr. L. R. Pinkerton received
high score and M. I. Miller low. A
dainty lunch was served at a late
hour. "
Bluebird group of Campftre girls
held their last meeting of the season
Friday afternoon at the home of their
guardian Miss Myrtle Campbell. As
a surprise, Myrtle and Betty Eager,
assistant guardian, arranged clever
games and dainty refreshments for
the group.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Mountain oi ba-
em, and Mrs. O. A. Leslie and chil
dren of Eugene arrived in Athena,
Wednesday to spend the remainder
of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Lowe.
Mr. and Mrs. Mountain are the par
ents of Mrs. Lowe and Mrs. Leslie
a sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kibbey and
family moved Saturday to the Wood
property on the west side which they j
have purchased. Mr. Wood will re
side on College street in the house!
formerly occupied by the Kibbey
family. They exchanged property in!
a real estate deal.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Taylor had
as guests last week, Mrs. Tillman
Taylor of Portland, Mrs. Ed Williams
of Pendleton, and Mrs. Nellie Taylor
who was enroute to her home in Wal
la Walla, after 3 months spent with
her daughter, Mrs. Edna . Clore and
family of Vale, Oregon.
Norman Mclntyre, Dean and John
Pinkerton, Leonard Geissel, Dean
Dudley, Helen Hansell, Dalberth and
Arthur Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Law
rence, Mr. and Mrs. Ringle, Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Kirk, James Hodgen, Edna
DeFreece and Mrs. Lloyd Michener
were visitors at Bingham Springs
Rowena Burke has returned to her
home at Winona, Wash., after 2
weeks spent with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Burke and Mr. and
Mrs. V. Stroble of Pendleton. The
grandparents and Rowena drove to
Dayton Sunday, where Mr. and Mrs.
V. C. Burke met them and a picnic
was enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Merntt have
taken up their residence in Athena
having removed from Freewater last
week, Mr. Merritt is a carpenter by
trade. This week Mrs. Genevieve
Thomas and daughter, Maxine, of
Portland visited at the Merrit home.
Mrs. Thomas is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Merritt.
George Winship was in Athena
from Pendleton, Monday. George,
who holds a responsible position with
the Standard Oil company, has been
recently transferred from the La
Grande station to the company's plant
at Pendleton. Frank Ames, who was
manager for the Athena plant, is in
charge at Pendleton.
A card from Elmer Merritt, post
marked New Market, Tennessee, told
of his departure for Maryland where
he planned to visit relatives. He
stated that he had traveled 3110 miles
on 148 gallons of gas and 18 quarts
of oil; He requested some post card
pictures of Oregon wheat fields and
a band of sheep to display.
Jack Dow departed Wednesday for
Ft. Fairfield, Maine, his boyhood
home, where he will reside indefinite
ly. Jack is making the cross-continent
trip by motor stage, which will
require six days. Until recently he
was employed on county road work.
His mother, Mrs. H. E. Dow, who re
cently returned to Athena from Ed
monton, Alberta, will remain here.
M. I. Miller, caretaker of the Le
gion swimming pool at city park, an
nounces that hereafter swimming
hours will begin at 9:30 a. m. As the
weather grows warmer, it is expected
that the swimming pool will be well
patronized during the forenoon.
Prices for swimming are children 10
cents, high school pupils 15 cents,
adults 25 cents; swimming suits 10
cents additional.
For the pleasure of members of the
Athena Bridge Club, Mrs. B. B. Rich
ards and Mrs. Otis Whiteman enter
tained at the home of the latter last
Friday afternoon. Luncheon was
served at small tables centered with
sweet peas and covers were placed for
sixteen, additional guests being Mrs.
Sarah Jane Bowles, Mrs. Max Hop
per and Mrs. Gordon Watkins. The
rooms were decorated with summer
flowers from the beautiful garden of
Mrs. Whiteman. At bridge Mrs.
Glenn Dudley held high score, Mrs.
Ralph McEwen second and a dainty
guest prize was presented to Mrs.
The Campfire girls of Athena wish
to thank all who have shown an active
interest in their enterprises to this
date. The city council has generously
donated water service for the proper
ty taken over by the girls. Growing
plants have been given by Mrs. Ghol
son, Mrs. M. W. Hansell, Mrs. Ed
Montague and Mrs. M. L. Watts. Wall
paper baa been purchased for the
Weston Mountain per sack..... 75c
Crystal White, 10 bars.
Del Maiz Corn
No. 2 Cans, 3 for.........
Silver Leaf Com
Standard Brand, 3 Cans.......L.......29c
Standard, No.2i2 Cans, 3 for.. .39c
The Best for Jams and Jellies
2 Bottles . 47c
Smoked Sardines
In Olive Oil, 3 for.....:..... .......25c
Blue Ribbon Malt
Full 3 lb. Can, each...............:......49c
Special for Saturday and Monday
Fresh Creamery Butter, per lb. . . . . 29c
Phone 152
house and Justin Harwood. M I. Mill
er and George Gerking have generous
ly offered to hang it. The tea given
last week was a real success and the
girls appreciate the support of those
who attended.
Fred Radtke, Sr., Fred Radtke, Jr.,
and Herbert Parker are anticipating
the pleasures of a fishing trip to the
Deschutes river in the vicinity of
Bend the latter part of this month.
Fred. Jr.. will return home from Uni
versity of Oregon today, accompanied
by his sister, Miss Kathleen Radtke.
The fishermen contemplate starting
on their trip June 21 and hope to be
joined by Harry Keller at Bend.
The Churches
Charles A. Sias, Minister
The Athena congregation is a unit
in itself, with no outside authority
or machinery. Congregational gov
ernment; special plea is for unity of
all Christian people, with the New
Testament alone as authority and
rule of faith and practice; large
liberty of opinion. Worship and ser
mon each Sunday morning and eve
ning. Bible school 10 a. m. Young
people meet at 6:30; mid-week de
votional and Bible study Wednesday
A short Children's Day program,
under the direction of Miss Betty
Eager, will be presented in the eleven
o'clock Bible school hour at the
Christian church next Sunday morn
Gerald C. Dryden, Minister
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Come and
enjoy our Bible Study with us.
Preaching service at 11 with the sub
ject, "God's Viewpoint." B. Y. P. U.
at 7 p. m. All the young people of the
town are invited to the service. At
8 p. m. the children of the church will
have charge of the service presenting
a pageant in keeping with Children's
Day. All children are especially in
vited to stay for the morning service
as there will be something special for
them. Wednesday, June 17, our Sun
day school picnic will be held in Wal
la Walla park. All members of the
various departments of our church
work and all of the friends of our
school are especially invited to attend.
At 8 p .m. Thursday we will have our
regular prayer meetings in - the
church. "Come unto me all ye that
are weary and heavy-laden and I
will give you rest.
Play on
Golf '
New 9-Hole Course, Hav
ing Exceptional Hazards
Golf Clubs for rent Season
Membership, $15.00; Transient
players 25c, week days; 50c
Phone 561
-Some more of our Regular Daily Prices-
white Diamond Dinner Set Coffee
Flour 2 lbs.
Made at home 75c
95c Cup and Saucer Free .
Ehrmans Best, Solid Pack RinSO
Tomatoes ' t
' VAn, 2 for Large Package for
35c 23c
froL Regular JM Bottle
25c 26c
e Tornatoes for for
No. 10s '
50c 25c
40-50 Italian Prunes Jar Robbers
3 lbs. for Best made, per dozen
25c 5c
Quality Grocery
Frank Little, Prop. Athena, Oregon. Phone 561
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Sainton, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena. Oregon.
Goodyear Tires
and Tubes
Automobile Supplies,
Parts and Accessories
Athena Garage
North side Main Street .
Phone 352