The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, June 05, 1931, Image 4

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Play on
New 9-HoIe Course, Hav
ing Exceptional Hazards
; WW
Golf Clubs for rent Season
Membership, $15.00; Transient
players 25c, week days; 50c
Press Paragraphs
Mrs. Dolph Thompson was a visitor
here from Gibbon yesterday. -
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jones were vis
itors at Langdon lake Sunday.
' Herman Goodwin, Weston druggist
was an Athena visitor yesterday.
Miss Hilda Dickenson was here
from Arlington for the week-end.
Mrs. B. B. Richards and Miss Beryl
Pelkey spent Saturday in Walla Wal
la. W. S. Ferguson returned Monday
from a brief business trip to Spo
kane. H. F. Beadle of Boston is a guest
at the home of Miss Mildred Stanton
this week. - ,:
Noah Buroker has been ill it his
home here this week suffering with an
attack of neuritis.
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Cowan of
Walla Walla, visited friends and rela
tives here Sunday.
Roland Richards has added a new
pony to his herd, which now numbers
four head. The newcomer is a fine
bay, four year old colt and will prob
ably be named "Pal."
The fellow who goes through
the summer without a Jantzen
misses a lot. This suit is al
ways ready to provide a good
time. It is built to w.ear well,
look well, and fit perfectly for
many seasons. It is knitted
with the famous Jantzen-stitch
to provide utmost swimming
freedom. Come in and look
over the new colors.
Red. White
Foods that Please as Well as Save
Red and White Coffee, 1 lb. tins
; 38c
, Red and White Coffee, 1 lb. bags
Blue and White Coffee, 1 lb. bags
Tomatoes, Red and White, 2y2s
2 for 39c
Tomatoes, Green and White 2l2s
3 for 39c
"Corn, Golden Bantam, Red and White 2s
2 for 39c
Corn, Standard, 2s
Each, 9c Dozen, $1.05
"Hires Root Beer Extract
2 for 49c
Lux Toilet Soap
4 for 29c
2 for 55c
2 for 49c
2 for 28c
'Schlitz Malt
Dina Mite, Small
Dina Mite, Large
39 c
"Sweet Pickles, Yolo
Mrs. C. M. Eager, Mrs. E. J. Burc
hill, Betty and Virginia Eager were
Freewater visitors, Friday.
Gordon Davis, cousin of Mrs. Joe
Sheard has left for Canada after a
visit of several months here.
Andrew Johnson and his brother
of Alberta were recent visitors at
the Arthur Douglas home here.
E. B. Foster and Norman Mcln
tyre delivered a truck load of hogs
each in Walla Walla Wednesday,
Charles Williams has returned from
a visit at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Fred Beckner in Washtucna,
Charles E. Montague of Parairie
City arrived today to visit at the
home of his brother Ed Montague.
Mrs. Lisle Gray and little sons re.
turned Saturday from a two weeks
visit with relatives at Harvard, Ida'
ho. "
Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton entertained
the Christian Missionary society Wed
nesday afternoon at her home west of
Miss Edna DeFreece, Miss Phyllis
Dickenson, Wilbur Harden and Jim
Hodgen were visitors at Waitsburg
Mrs. C. Prestbye of Whitensh, Mon
tana, is expected to arrive in Athena
soon on a visit to her son, E. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barrett and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Flint Johns
and family were visitors at Cold
Springs Sunday.
Gene Knudsen, Weston high school
boy, suffered a fractured arm while
cranking a car. Dr. McKinney re
duced the fracture.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Maxwell of
Grand Rapids, Michigan, visited at
the home of their neice,, Mrs. Gordon
Watkins this week.
Mrs. Charles Boatright and Dean
Rubin of St. Johns, Washington, were
week-end visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Watkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kendig and
Mr. and Mrs. George Kendig of Al
bany, Oregon, have been visitors at
the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Piper.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pambrun have
returned from Spokane where they
visited their daughter Mrs. Percy
Wilson who had the misfortune to
fall, fracturing her angle.
Miss Virginia Eager and Miss Gen
evieve Barrett left Wednesday for
Dayton, Washington, where they will
visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Eager for two weeks.
Clarence Trapp of Oregon City,
visited here over the week-end with
his brother, Isaac Trapp, who is em
ployed on the W. J. Kirk ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis (Bessie Parker)
were in Athena last week from their
home in Portland. They visited
friends in Athena and Freewater.
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Zerba and
family have returned from Grants
Pass where they spent the past two
weeks. Mrs. Zerba is ill with an at
tack of measles.
Mrs. F. B. Chapman and son Wayne
Chapman of Genessee, Idaho, visited
over the week-end at the Floyd Pink
erton home, Mrs. Chapman is step
mother to Mrs. Pinkerton.
Rev. and Mrs. Judd of Vancouver,
Wash., Ellis Judd of Hood River and
Rev. Green of Milton, were dinner
guests Sunday at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Clarence Zerba.
Mrs. B. B. Richards and Mrs. Otis
Whiteman are entertaining the Athe
na Bndcre club today with a one
o'clock luncheon at the home of Mrs
Whiteman in Walla Walla.
Friends of Mrs. Bertha Proebstel,
(Bertha Gross) have received an
nouncement of the graduation of her
son, McArthur Proebstel, from Wash
ington high school in Portland.
Bert Logsdon and Max Hopper
fished Saturday and Sunday in the
Deschutes river. A fine display of
trout at the Athena Market Monday
morning showed the result of the trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Booher motor
ed down from their farm home at
Bonners Ferry, Idaho, for Memorial
Day. They spent the week-end at
the John Walker farm south of Athe
Mrs. Alma Koontz of Portland vis
ited at the home of Mrs. Henry Dell
last Friday and Saturday, leaving
Sunday for Pendleton where she visit
ed at the Morton Elder home en route
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Doucrlas of
Hermiston. Mrs. Ruby Ward of
Southern Oregon and Mrs. Chance
Turner of Portland, have been guests
at the Arthur Douglas home west of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yenney and
son John of Walla Walla were din
ner guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Penn Harris, Tuesday evening.
John is remaining for a longer visit
in Athena.
Mrs. H. E. Dow who has spent
several months in Canada arrived in
Athena Mondav evemnir for a visit
Mrs. Dow and son Jack contemplate
leaving for their old home in Maine in
the near future. .
Mrs. F. B. Radtke was taken to a
hospital at Walla Walla, Tuesday,
where she was a patient for a short
timA. havinir her tonsils removed.
She returned home Wednesday and
is improving nicely.
A shower was recently given in
honor of Mrs. Will Campbell, Jr., at
the home of Mrs. iranK ijopdock. ii
. r
was attended by a numoer 01 mrs,
Campbell s mends and a most pieas
ant time was enjoyed by those pres
Miss Mildred Watkins arrived here
Saturday from Centraha to visit at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Watkins for a fortnight. Miss Wat
Una nlans to attend the summer ses
sion at the University of Washing
ton. John Wall, accompanied by his
mother, Mrs. W. K. Wall, cami up
from Goldendale, Washington, for
Memorial day. John has transferred
his residence from Kelso, where he
served on the police force, to Golden-
T. Remillard and wife of Los Ange
les, who visited at the home of Mrs.
Edgar Forrest at Thorn Hollow, sis
ter of Mr. Remillard, have returned
home accompanied by Miss Theresa
Forrest, who will spend the summer
with them.
Invitations have been received by a
number of Athena matrons to a re
ception Friday afternoon in Pendle
ton at the home of Mrs. James Johns.
The affair is in honor of Mrs. Alger
Fee, Mrs. Calvin Sweek and Mrs.
Thomas Young.
Mrs. Anna Herrick of Pendleton an
nounces a tea to be given at her home
123 N. Main Street, Saturday after
noon under the auspices of the Uma
tilla County Health association. Athe
na ladies who are interested are in
vited to attend.
Jack Cunningham, formerly of
Athena and Pendleton, was in the
city Wednesday from Seattle, where
his family is now residing. Jack is
now - traveling salesman for tbe
Weber company of Seattle, dealers
in showcases and fixtures.
Announcement is made of the
marriage of Miss Margaret Baker, a
teacher in the Weston schools the
past year to Mr. Emerson Reavis,
both of La Grande. The marriage
took place last October 4th, and was
kept a secret from friends of the
Mrs. George Banister and Mrs. H.
McArthur left Saturday morning for
Portland, accompanied by Mrs. Ralph
Haynie, who was visiting here from
Burns. Mrs. Banister will spend a
few weeks at Burns, and Mrs. Mc
Arthur will remain at her home in
The Memorial services at the Chris
tian church Sunday evening was well
attended, members of the Baptist
congregation attending in a body. Ap
propriate music and decorations were
features and a splendid patriotic ad
dress by Rev. Charles Sias was much
Miss Genevieve Rogers spent the
week-end with her parents here;
from Seattle. Miss Rogers was in
company with her cousin, Miss Fran
cis Rogers who has been attending
University of Washington, and is at
the home of her mother, Mrs. Carrie
Rogers near Helix.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Little and Mrs.
Huldah McKinney motored to Arling
ton and Blalock, Saturday, where they
spent the week-end with friends. They
were met there by Miss Agnes Lit-
le who has been teaching at Wash
ougal, and who will spend a part of
her vacation at her home here.
Miss Blanche Eickworth of Empire
City, has been visiting her college
classmate, Miss Elsa Ringel this
week. Miss Eickworth teaches home
economics at St. Helens high school.
Miss Eickworth, Miss Elsa and Miss
Emma. Ringel motored to Wallowa
Lake Tuesday, returning home Wednesday.
Floyd Arbogast came from Ritter,
Grant county, Wednesday to spend
a couple of days with Athena friends.
Floyd is temporarily incapacitated
for work on account of getting the
digits of his right hand in front of
the cutting edge of a pair of sheep
shears at the wrong time. Merl
Johnson accompanied Floyd up from
Friends have received news of the
recent death of W. H. Hawley, form
erly of this city and Pendleton. Mr.
and Mrs. Hawley, (Josie Danner)
made their home in Montana. Mr.
Hawley had been an invalid for many
years, and died in the Mayo hospital
in Rochester, Minnesota, after six
weeks treatment there and was buried
in Portland.
A group of friends motoring to
Langdon Lake where they spent the
day Sunday included, Mr. and Mrs.
George Sheard, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Sheard and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Montague, Clarence and Melba Mon
tague, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Haney,
Mr. and Mrs. Harve Roseberry, Mrs.
Joe Sheard, Gordon Davis and Kath
leen and Joe McDowell of La Grande.
The Athena Bridge club was charm
ingly entertained last Thursday at the
home of Mrs. C. M. Eager. The host
ess was assisted by Mrs. E. J. Burc
hill. The rooms were gay with clus
ters of summer flowers, columbine,
iris- and snap dragon predominating
in the decorations. Luncheon was
served at small tables centered with
dainty bouquets of pink Cecil Bruen
er roses and blue bachelor buttons.
Cards in the shape of miniature fans
marked the places for sixteen guests.
At bridge which was played during
the afternon, Mrs. Henry Dell won
high score and Mrs. Ralph McEwen
second. Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton re
ceived an attractive guest prize. Ad
ditional guests were Mrs. Justin Har
wood and Mrs. Arthur Douglas.
Wesson Oil Pineapple
Quarts ................49c Broken Sliced, 2y2s, 2 f or 39c
Purex Kingsford Starch
Pint bottles 2 for.......4...:.............:.55c Corn or Gloss, per lb............ 9c
Sugar Puffed Kalnift FJpV
Marshmallows iiaaoia rigs
Per lb. ......... :.. ..........25c Rut up in California wine 2 for....25c
Swansdown Heinz
Cake Flour Creme Tomato Soup
1 pkg with glass plate, each..........'39c Per can '. .. ..:...........10c
Milk, Large Cans, per Case
Milk, 5 Large Cans - - - -
' m
- - - 39c
Phone 152
Stewart, superintendent. Worship ser
vice, 11 a. m. "The Doctrine of Justi
fication." Following the regular ser
vice we will also worship the Lord
through the ordinance of the Lord's
Supper 'in remembrance' of Him.
Young peoples' service 7.p. m., topic
"The Need for Christian Thoughful
ness and Kindness." Evangelistic ser
vice, 8 p. m. "What is your salary?"
Thursday, 8 p. m., regular mid-week
prayer services. "Seek ye the Lord
while he may be found, call ye upon
Him while He is near." Isaiah 55:6.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of A. M.
Gillis, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of A. M.
Gillis, deceased, by the above entitled
All persons having claims against
the said estate are hereby notified to
present the same to me at Athena,
Oregon, or to my attorneys, Watts
& Prestbye, at their law office in
Athena, Oregon, within six (6)
months from the date of the first
publication of this notice. All claims
must be verified as by law required.
Dated at Athena, Oregon, this 5th
day of June, 1931.
F. S. LeGROW, Administrator.
Watts & Prestbye, Athena, Oregon,
Attorneys for estate. J5J3
The Churches
Charles A. Sias, Minister
The Athena congregation is a unit
in itself, with no outside authority
or machinery. Congregational gov
ernment; special plea is for unity of
all Christian people, with the New
Testament alone as authority and
rule of faith and practice; large
liberty of opinion. Worship and ser
mon each Sunday morning and eve
ning. Bible school 10 a. m. Young
people meet at 6:30; mid-week de
votional and Bible Btudy Wednesday
Gerald C Dryden, Minister
Sunday ichool, 10 a. ra., Lewis
MAY 22 TO OCT. 15
Summer excursion fares east
daily on Union Pacific's
wonderful Portland Rose and
other fine trains. Scenic route.
Short side trips enable you
to v'.;t. ..
Grand Canyon, Zion, Bryca Canyon,
Rocky Mountain, Grand Tofon and
Ydlowiton National Parks. Informa
tion and vacation booklet! on requoil.
round raip ro
DENVER..... 67.10
OMAHA. 70.36
ST. LOUIS ... 80.6
. CHICAGO 85.06
DETROIT .104.67
NEW ORLEANS. 107.10 '
CLEVELAND....... 107.87
ATLANTA 110.46
PITTSBURGH .... 118.81
NEW VOBK . 146.46
Athena, Ore.
Phone 561
-Some more of our Regular Daily Prices-
white Diamond Dinner Set Coffee
Flour 2 lbs.
Made at home 75c
95c Cup and Saucer Free
Ehrmans Best, Solid Pack . RinSO
TjffVi?- Large Package for
35c 23c
ofrlfa'L Regulaf Bottle
25c 26c
Puree Tomatoes for for
No. 10s L
50c 25c
40-50 Italian Prunes w Jar Rubers
3 lbs. for Best made, per dozen .
25c 5c
Quality Grocery
Frank Little, Prop. Athena, Oregon. Phone 561
We carry , the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Sanson, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oregon.
Goodyear Tires
and Tubes
Automobile Supplies, -
Parts and Accessories
Athena Garage
North side Main Street
Phone 352