The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 22, 1931, Image 4

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Press Paragraphs
Miss Mary Hartle" spent the week
end in Pendleton.
Herbert Eickhoff was here from
Walla Walla' Saturday.
Ira Snook was an Athena visitor
from Pendleton Tuesday.
Mrs. II. M. Hale of Helix was an
Athena visitor Wednesday.
E. C. Prestbye transacted business
in Walla Walla Wednesday.
Barbara Huffman is confined to her
home with a case of measles.
George Green left Tuesday for Mil
ton, where he has employment.
Henry Booher has gone to Condon
where he will overhaul combines.
E. A. Bostwick has been visiting
at the George Gerking home west of
Mrs. E. C. Prestbye is entertain
ing the Athena Bridge Club this af
ternoon. George Winship who now resides in
La Grande visited Athena friends
George Brace, Thornhollow merch
ant, transacted business in Athena
Mack Cockburn, influential citizen
of Milton, was an Athena visitor
The W. C. T. U. will hold its next
meeting at the country home of Mrs.
Clarence Tubbs.
Miss Mary Berlin is visiting in
Pendleton, at the home of her cousin,
Mrs. James McCall.
Mrs. J. D. Huggins who is serious
ly ill was removed to the hospital in
Pendleton Tuesday.
F. B. Wood returned home Sunday
from a week's visit with relatives in
Tacoma and vicinity. -
J. D. Hargett is suffering from an
other abscess on his jaw and has been
in a serious condition.
Charles Davis visited his father in
Walla Walla last week-end. He made
the trip via his bicycle.
Helen Barrett has returned from
Milton where she spent the week-end
as the guest of Jean Miller.
Reverend Dryden was a dinner
guest at the Ross Payne home south
of Athena Tuesday evening,
Mrs. Charles Downing formerly an
Athena resident was here Wednes
day from her home at Ferndale.
A number of Athena people attend
ed commencement exercises at Wes
ton high school, Tuesday evening.
w ?
The same standards of purity which you demand
in your own home are always followed at our foun
tainpure fruits, fresh syrups, perfect cleanliness
of utensils all these make our soda fountain a safe
place to relieve hunger and thirst.
Red . White
May 23rd and 25th
Red and White Mayonnaise, pints
2 for 65c
Crisco (With Mixing Bowls) 3 lbs.
Old Dutch Cleanser
2 for 15c
Fruits for Salad, Red & White
2 for 45c
Blue and White, Tomato Sauce
4 for 29c
Puritan Malt
2 for 85c
Red and White Catsup
2 for 43c
Red and White Shaker Salt Plain or Iodized
2 for 17c
Red and White Starch, Corn or Gloss
2 for 17c
Red and White Strawberry Preserves, 3 lb. glass
Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Blatchford were
dinner guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. E. F. Bloom Friday evening.
The Methodist Missionary Society
will meet at the home of Mrs. Ethel
Montague Wednesday afternoon.
John W. Rothrock came in from
his son's ranch home south of Adams
where he has spent several weeks.
Walter Huffman left Saturday for
Lowden where he will work for his
brother,. Ed Huffman, this summer.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Copenhaver
spent Monday and Tuesday at the
home of their daughter, Mrs. Dick
Elmer Bryson, prominent sheep
man, who makes his home in Walla
Walla transacted business here Wed
nesday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Swift were din
ner guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. 0. Montague Wednesday
Mrs. J. T. Thome of Pendleton at
tended the commencement, exercises
at the high school auditorium Friday
Miss Doris Schubert came up from
Pendleton and spent the week-end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. O.
Mr. and Mrs. George PipeY of He
lix, entertained Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Mclntyre and two daughters at din
ner, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Watts left Sat:
urday for Portland. They went by
motor and will visit the beach before
their return.
The old concrete sidewalk in front
of the First National Bank building
has been torn up and replaced with
new material.
Mrs. Ethel Swift and Miss Mar
garet Lee assisted in marking eighth
grade examination papers at Pendle
ton, this week.
Ralph and Edwin McEwen attend
ed a Sigma Chi dancing party at the
Spanish Ballroom in Walla Walla
Saturday night.
Miss Emma Thoney who has com
pleted her year's work as teacher at
Hermiston is visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Rothrock.
Mrs. Lloyd Ringel and daughter
Louise and Mrs. Fred , Bruce and
grandson Gene motored to Walla
Walla Wednesday.
Dr. Geyer and Misses Jessie and
Wychle Lassiter were dinner guests
Friday night at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Prestbye.
The Trump family, who has been
residing in the Willaby property are
now located in the Wagner cottage in
the north part of town.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Cornell and
children came over from Walla Walla
Sunday, and spent the day at the L.
A. Cornell home in Athena.
Mrs. E. J. Pinkerton who was at
Echo for an extended visit with rela
tives, became ill last week, and re
turned to her home in Portland. '
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton
have moved from town, where they
resided for several months, to their
farm home northwest of Athena.
Mrs. Sarah Jane Bowles has return
ed to her home in Walla Walla after
spending several days visiting her
daughter Mrs. F. S. LeGrow in Athe
J. E. Jones and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Verne O'Harra, and Mr. and
Mr3. Ray Jones spent Sunday at Toll-
gate. They report the road in good
Mrs. Laura Froom Bpent a very
pleasant week-end with her daughter,
Mrs. Cooley at Oregon City and with
relatives and friends in Portland and
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hawes (Pearl
Green) came over from La Grande
and attended the commencement ex
ercises Friday evening. They return
ed home Sunday.
Misses Delia Bryant and Blanche
Thorsen will visit friends at La
Grande and return to Athena before
Miss Bryant takes her departure for
her home at Marshfield.
Mrs. Glenn Steen presented her
pupils in recital at Milton city hall,
Thursday evening of last week. An
nabel and Laura Jean Payne appear
ed on the program in piano numbers.
Mrs. A. W. Logsdon, accompanied
by her mother, Mrs. D. H. Mans
field of Pendleton, and her daughter
Donna Jean, returned Thursday from
a pleasant visit with friends at Seattle.
Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Sias were ac
companied home from a recent motor
trip to Hermiston, by their daughter
Miss Glea Sias, who recently com
pleted her year's school teaching in
that district.
Ralph Bruce has gone to the F. P.
Bruce ranch above Gibbon where he
will spend the summer months with
his father. Mrs. Bruce plans to re
main in Athena till the first of June
then she will join them.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carstens and
small daughter and Ralph Carstens
of Portland are spending a portion of
this week visiting relatives in Athe
na. Miss Fern Carstens will ac
company them back home.
Mr. and Mrs. Seth ' Hyatt, well
known residents of Weston Mountain,
visited Athena Wednesday. They re
port a heavy frost Tuesday night
which did considerable damage to
gardens and spring wheat
Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Mayson and
daughters, Jean and Ozella, motored
here from their home in Portland
and spent the week-end at the C. E.
0. Montague home. Mrs. Mayson and
Mrs. Montague are sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. George Brace of
Thorn Hollow and Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Brace of Pendleton, were pres
ent at the commencement exercises
at high school auditorium, Friday
evening. . '
Mr. and Mrs. James Rice, (Lois
Mclntyre) visited at the Alex Mc-
Intyr boto here MtMay. The ytmng
people were returning from a motor
trip to Portland and Seattle and were
en route to Ontario where they will
,. Mrs. Henry Koepke entertained a
group of friends Sunday evening in
honor of Mr. Koepke's birthday.
About thirty guests were present,
motoring here from Walla Walla and
Pendleton, in addition to Athena
Mrs. Stella Keen and Mrs. Ethel
Montague left Sunday for Corvallis
where they were delegates to the an
nual Rebekah convention. Bert Ram
say is also a Corvallis visitor repre
senting the local Oddfellows at the
convention there.
George Smith, mechanic at Gal
laher's Garage, and family have mov
ed into the cottage on Adams street,
between Fourth and Fifth, vacated
this week by Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Pittman, who moved to the McArthur
place near town.
Despite the cold weather and
rather backward spring, Athena
flower plots are looking very well and
many of the blooms compare favor
ably with those of past seasons.
Growth of garden vegetables has
been backward.
Mr. and Mrs. Penn Harris have
moved to the Methodist Episcopal
church parsonage, where they will re
side in the future. The parsonage has
recently been repainted on the ex
terior and soon the interior will be
painted and redecorated.
The boys of the junior Sunday
school of the Christian church, were
entertained Saturday afternoon at
the farm home of Mrs. Flint Johns.
Refreshments, including ice cream
and cake were served after a stren
uous period of playing games.
Rev. Gerald C. Dryden has return
ed from a trip to Corvallis where he
attended the Baptist State Conven
tion. He accompanied Rev. Fair
weather of Pendleton. Before re
turning to Athena Rev. Dryden paid
a visit to his mother at Chehalis.
Local tennis enthusiasts are mak
ing improvements on .the tennis
courts on main street. A caterpillar
and several teams and scrapers are
putting the courts into splendid con
dition for the seasons play. Flint
Johns furnished the "cat" and Bryce
Baker manned the grader.
Mrs. Ethel Swift closed a very suc
cessful term of school at District No.
2 and her 8th grade pupils desire to
express their gratitude for her un
tiring efforts. Both their averages
ranked among the highest in the
county, Roberta Cannon receiving
97.4 and Rachel Smith, 97.7.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Swift and Miss
Margaret Lee left Wednesday for
Palouse and Washtucna where Miss
Lee will spend the summer. Mr. and
Mrs. Swift will proceed to Canadian
points and will attend the horse rac
ing at Victoria June 13. They will
return here for the harvest season.
Mr. and Mrs. John Milligan, who
are moving from Waitsburg to Athe
na to reside, will live in Mrs. Zeltha
Mclntyre's cottage on Adams street.
Mr. Milligan is chemist for the Preston-Shaffer
Milling company, having
been transferred from the company's
Waitsburg mill, when the new la
boratory at the Athena plant was
completed several weeks ago. Mrs.
Mclntyre will occupy her suburban
property, southwest of the city
The Baptist Missionary Society met
Wednesday afternoon in the parlors
of the church. Summer flowers of
various hues were used in clusters
about the rooms. Members spent
the afternoon working on a quilt
which will soon be completed and of
fered for sale. Dolls for a missionary
Nik-ol Jello I Sugar
All Flavors, per package.....::... 5c Pure Cane, per 100 lb. sack.. $5.19
Purex Soap -
Pint bottles, 2 for 25c Crystal White, 5 bars....................19c
Coffee I Kadola Fis
Our own brand, high grade, lb.....31c Put up in California wine 2 f or....25c
Swansdown Heinz
Cake Flour Creme Tomato Soup
1 pkg with glass plate, each.. .......39c Per can 10c
Milk, Large Cans, per Case - - - - - $3.69
Milk, 5 Large Cans - ---------- 39c
Phone 152 -
Christmas box were dressed and ban
dages made for the White Cross. At
the tea hour Mrs. Alfred Kibbey serv
ed delicious refreshments. Twenty-five
ladies were present.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crabill were
hosts Sunday at a pleasant family
reunion. The feature of the day was
the dinner, covers being placed for
sixteen. Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Olin McFeron, Janet and Harold
McFeron, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Sleeman and son Jimmie of Portland;
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Crabill, Mr. and
Mrs. Ray O'Harra and son Willard of
Pendleton; Miss Marie. Kupers and
Sidney Crabill of Helix; and the hosts
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Crabill.
Athena friends of Miss Dorothy
Straughan will be interested to hear
of her engagement to Sheldon Wilier
Hayden, Miss Straughan is a gradu
ate of the University of Oregon, and
a member of Alpha Delta Pi sorority.
She has taught for the past two years
in the Adams high school. The wed
ding will occur in the late summer
and the couple will make their home
in Santa Ana, California, where Mr.
Hayden is an instructor in the Santa
Ana Junior College and high school.
Graceful clusters of iris in many
shades were used with charming ef
fect about the rooms at the home of
Mrs; J. F. Kershaw, Friday, when
members of the Athena Bridge club
were bidden for luncheon. Places
were laid for sixteen at tables cen
tered with miniature crystal baskets
of yellow and white flowers. The
place cards accented the same colors.
At bridge which was played during
the afternoon Mrs. Henry Barrett
made high score, Mrs. B. B. Richards
second and Mrs. Max Hopper received
an attractive guest prize. Mrs. Jus
tin Harwood was an additional guest.
Route of th
New North
Coast Limited
May 22 to Oct 15
Round Trip from
y.llowitont(Jun1-Spt13) $33.90
Sinl Paul-Mlnntipolli . . . 70.35
Chictjo 85.05
Duluth-Supcrlor 70.35
New York. .' 146.45
Washington 140.61
StLouli 80.35
KtnMiCity 75.60
OimIm (vit Billinst) . . . . 70.35
Dtnvw 67.S0
Final Return Limit Oct 31
SpecUl Rates to Other Points
Ask About Them
L J. McKinlty, Agent
Athene, Oregon
Phone 561
We take great pleasure at this time to thank
the people of Athena and vicinity for the past
years' patronage, it being our first annivers
ary and we hope to merit your further con
fidence. We will always try to the best of our
ability to give you a fair and square deal.
Quality Grocery
Frank Little, Prop. Athena, Oregon. Phone 561
We carry the best
That Money Buys
I b y T
Kippered Sanson, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oregon.
Goodyear Tires
and Tubes
Automobile Supplies,
Parts and Accessories
Athena Garage
North side Main Street
Phone 352