The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 22, 1931, Image 2

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2fe Mmtm
Established Jan. 1, 1887
F. B. BOYD, Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year........ .... ....$2.00
One copy, six months.... ..$1.00
One copy, three months.. , .75
Athena, Oregon, May 22, 1931
If your small son or daughter taxes
your store of information, and often
your patience by his or her ability to
ask questions, you may sometimes
feel a trifle irritated. But you are to
be congratulated.
Curiosity, according to Miss Rena
Heagen, assistant' profesor of hygiene
at Oregon State college, is a sign of
normal intelligence in a child. If the
questioning tendency fails to appear,
she says, there must be grave doubts
as to the child's mental integrity.
"Normal children ask every variety
of question," says Miss Heagen. "It
is of the utmost importance for par
ents to realize that the bulk of in
formation cannot be acquired within
the formal confines of the schoolroom,
and that unless normal curiosity is
satisfied, the child will remain stunt
ed in his mental stature."
Curiosity,, Miss Heagan believes, is
a common and essential trait in all
children with the possible exception
of the idiot. Some children, do have
an over-supply of it, while others
have too little, but it is difficult to
decide just when it is beyond the
limits of mental health in either di
well as the child in the modern million-dollar
metropolitan school.
o :
When one sees the duplication of
cost in highway re-construction due
to mistakes in engineering calcula
tions which makes it necessary to
reduce curvature, widen roadbed and
in many instances change in location
of the highway altogether, one begins
to realize that it takes money and a
whole lot of it, to build roads in Ore
gon. -
I o "
The final stunt eventually comes to
the stunter who stunts. Zoom brought
death to "Speed" Holman, interna
tionally famous flyer, at Omaha Sun
day. His plane was hitting it off up
side down at a 200-mile clip, when the
ship dipped to the ground, with the
noted pilot a part of the wreck.
Down in California, the frog-leap
ing contest was won by Budweiser,
which leaped a distance of 11 feet, 5
inches. Budweiser cleaned up all frog
contestants and big winnings for his
The gasoline war has spread to the
Rogue River valley where Monday it
sold for 12 cents a gallon. The
skirmish line has not yet advanced to
the east side of the Cascades.
A party of Union Pacific railroad
officials visited Athena and interview
ed Athena merchants and business
men, relative to giving their freight
business to the railroad rather than to
the auto truck companies. The Union
Pacific apparently offers equal ship
ping facilities from Portland to
Eastern Oregon points on its lines by
the introduction of a truck pickup de
livery service. As a matter of loyal
ty due the Union Pacific in freight
patronage the officials while in this
office cited the amount of taxes the
company pays into the treasury of
Umatilla county this year as being
J232.774.98, and that the deficit in
operating expenses of O.-W. R. & N.
divisions for the first five months of
1931 had reached a total of $500,000.
Further they said, the business on the
Orefiron-Washinirton division of the
system had fallen to a level where
there was at the present time serious
consideration of abandoning the
agency stations at both Weston and
Adams, and transfering the clerical
work to the Athena station.
While the rest of the world is rest
ing, France takes another pot shot at
the plan for an Austro-German Cus
toms Union. Those French are eter
nally doing something.
County and state officers found
something besides water in a Uma
pine milk house, when they seized a
merrily sizzling still and 28 gallons
of finished product.
o ,
Revolution and riot in Spain and
the French putting skids under
Briand, are recent events that is
causing Europe to teeter again.
As President Hoover recently point
ed out, tax reduction must be a vital
element in any program for industrial
and economic stabilization.
Idaho protects her dairy herds and
markets from oleo competition by
stringent laws. In 1929 her legisla
ture made it unlawful for any person,
firm or corporation to sell, exchange,
offer for sale or have in possession
with intent to sell or offer for sale or
exchange any oleomargarine, imita
tion or filled cheese or any substitute
for any dairy products made from
milk or cream, without first securing
a license from the State Department
of Agriculture. The fee for such an
nual license to the wholesaler is $200
and to retailer $50.00. Further
protection was given the dairy indus
try by a law passed by her 1931
legislature providing a tax of 5 cents
a pound on all oleomargarine sold by
merchant, dealer or manufacturer. In
case the color is yellow the tax is 10
cents a pound.
o -
Capone is still reaching out for
"business" in Chicago. Forty-one new
resorts were recently, seized by Ca
pone forces who squeezed them into
using beer from the scarface brew
eries, exclusively, and it was done in
the customary Chicago business way.
Loaded in three cars the Capone buc
caneers visited the resorts, one after
another, tossing out the gambling
paraphernalia, slot machines, beer
and liquor, substituting Capone ma
terial. Now they look for another
gang war in Chicago. Well, let 'em
have it; that's what they thrive on in
the windy city.
Governor Meier says the organiza
tion of the state police department
will save the taxpayer a matter of
$184,000 during the next bienium. If
it will do that without juggling game
department funds which accrue
through sale of hunting and fishing
licenses jpr the specific purpose of
fish and game propagation and pro
tection, we say go ahead with the de
partmentlet Meier have his chance
to cut away the fat spots heretofore
existing in Oregon government solely
for tho purpose of bleeding the tax
payer white.
Tuesday, May 5, 1931, was an im
portant day in the history of accident
prevention. At that time a campaign
was started to reach all the 27,000,
000 school children of the United
States with safety education, instead
of only the 13,000,000 that have been
reached in the past. The campaign
is designed for the child in the old
red tchoolhousa at the cross-road at
General Butler did not have a
chance to swear when he met the re
ception committee at Portland. Com
missioner Pier, in friendly greeting,
did it for him.
(The Manufacturer)
. American government is based on
the theory that those who govern
shall have the minimum 'of power and
authority so that the people can keep
their individual liberties, said Gover
nor Franklin D. Roosevelt in a recent
address in New York City.
Reviewing the functions of both the
state and federal governments, Gov
ernor Roosevelt maintained that back
of the national and state constitutions
was the one thought that the govern
ing authorities be not given broad
power. He complained that there
was an "awful lot of misinformation"
about government and that some per
sons even assumed that the governor
was a "great white father."
"The government does not have
omnipotent power," said Governor
Roosevelt. "The federal constitution,
after listing the powers of the na
tional government, specifically gives
all other powers to the states. The
state must not be given broad powers
to regulate your life and mine. That
is our own task. The strength of the
nation lies not in statutes and govern
ments, but in individual and families."
It is encouraging to see a high pub
lic official assert this American funda
mental which is entirely disregarded
by too many of our public . servants
in their eagerness to extend the func
tions of government, thereby increas
ing their own powers over the people.
Notice is hereby sriven that the
undersigned, as administratrix of the
estate of Keed Hill, deceased, has filed
her final account and report in
said estate with the Clerk of the
County Court of the State of Oresron
for Umatilla County; and that the
Judge thereof has fixed Saturday, the
20th day of June, 1931, at the hour
of ten o'clock a. m., as the time, and
the County Court room in the court
house at Pendleton, Umatilla County,
uregon, as the place for the hear
ing of objections to such final account
and the settlement thereof.
Administratrix of the estate of
Reed Hill, Deceased. M22J19
Raley, Raley & Warner, John F.
Kilkenny. Alfred F. Cunha. Attorneys
for Admx., Pendleton, Oregon.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Sarah
J. Harden, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed ex
ecutrix of the last will and testament
of Sarah J. Harden, deceased, by the
above entitled Court
All persons havinsr claims asrainst
the said estate are hereby notified to
present the same to me at Athena,
Oregon, or to my attorneys, Watts
& Prestbye, at their office in Athena,
Oregon, within six (6) months from
the date of the first publication of
this notice. All claims must be veri
fied as by law required.
Dated at Athena. Oretron. this 8th
day of May. 1931.
Executrix of the Last Will and
Testament of Sarah J. Harden, Deceased.
Watts & Prestbve. Athena. Oreiron.
Attorneys lift Estate. Ms JS
22 Years Ago
' Friday, May 28, 1909
S. F. Wilson, secretary of the Athe
na Land and Trust company, was in
Walla Walla Tuesday, where he went
for the purpose of securing the ser
vices of an expert in artesian well
drilling, to come and look over the
Athena field with the view of sinking
a well here.
What may perhaps be the last com
mencement exercises of the Eastern
Oregon State Normal School, began
Sunday with the Baccalaureate ser
vices in the Chapel of the Normal
building at Weston Sunday.
Everybody will be accorded a gen
uine Scottish welcome when they
come to attend the tenth annual pic
nic of the Umatilla County Caledon
ian Society in this city, Friday and
Saturday, June 4 and 5.
Emery Worthington, Herbert Par
ker, Tched McFayden, George Win
ship, Dale Campbell and Kittie Ghol
son, pupils of the eighth grade class
in Athena school, were successful in
the recent examination.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kirk and J. A.
Kirk are at the Warm Springs, below
The Dalles, for a few days.
Ad Pinkerton is engaged in fenc
ing his two acre tract which he re
cently purchased from the Athena
Land & Trust Company.
Attorney Wilson is expecting his
new automobile next week. It is a
30-horsepower Franklin and one of
the very latest models.
Misses Edith and Blanch Orswell
left Tuesday for their home in Eu
gene, where they will spend the sum
mer vacation. They were accom
panied as far as Albany by Miss Vel
ma Wilkinson, who will teach a sum
mer term of school near Yaquina, on
the coast
H. C. Adams has disposed of his
stock in the First National Bank of
Athena, which necessitated a change
in the officers and board of directors.
T. J. Kirk has been elected president;
D, H. Preston vice-president and E.
E. Koontz takes Mr. Adams' place on
the board of directors.
At the meeting of the Alumni of
the Normal school Monday afternoon,
Joseph N. Scott was elected president
of the association. The society will
meet annually at the time of the Pio
neers' meeting, and will take charge
of the class presents and art collec
tion of the Normal school.
Walter Preston is in the city from
Walla Walla.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mc
Intyre, May 27, 1909,, a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. James Huggins have
arrived in town from Bayview, Wash.,
where they were in the hotel busi
ness. Mr. and Mrs. Huggins, like
many others, found no better place
than Athena, and so returned to make
this their home. They are comfort
ably established in the A. A. Foss
cottage on Jefferson street, near 3rd.
Just what everyone was hoping for,
transpired Wednesday night a good,
soaking rain fell on the just and the
unjust. Crops were in serious need of
moisture. In fact, the hardpan spots
had become conspicuously prominent
in the crying need for rain. The rain
fell nearly all of Wednesday night,
and everybody wears a smile.
Low Price
"Vigorbilt" Chicks
May Delivery
May Leghornes Make Good Layers
"Vigorbilt" Hatchery
Milton, Ore. Phone 1102
Main St H. H. HILL Athena
Stop and Shop
at Harris Barber and
Beauty Parlor
Everything in Barber and Beauty
work efficiently done
Permanent Wave
Phone 492
for appointments
Real Estate
Wheat Alfalfa and
Stock Land
L. L. Montague, Arlington
Bruno Weber
Repair Work
Prices Reasonable
Successor To
There's No Escaping
the man who's "out to
hook you for all you're
worth, specially if that
Auto Accident
was more or less your
fault Your only protec
tion is Liability Insurance
and Plenty of It!
Wanted Clean, Cotton rags at the
Press office.
Wheat Hay Bundle wheat hay for
sale. James Duncan, phone S0F15.
Eyes examined, glasses properly
fitted at Schneller's, 39 East Main,
Walla Walla,
For Sale Oak dining set, 8 piece.
Gray Axminister rug 9x12. Mrs. Lil
la Kirk. Phone 30-F-ll.
Expert in
Body Correction
Calls answered promptly
Office at Residence in North Athena
Telephone 595.
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangler Building, Phone 706
Pendleton. Oregon. 957 J
Dr. W. H. McKinney
. Physician and Surgeon
Dr. Sharp's Office
Office Hours at Athena 1 to 6 p. m.
Phone 462. Office Hours at Weston
8 a. m. to 12 noon. Phone 83. Calls
made day or night.
Post Building, Athena. Phone 582
Dr. Dale Rothwell
The best in glasses at a reasonable
Over Woolworth's Phone 1286
Pendleton, Oregon
Peterson & Lewis
Attorneys at Law
Practice in all State and Federal
Inland Empire Bank Building
Pendleton Oregon
Watts & Prestbye
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
Foley's Honey and Tar
wres colds, prevents pneumonia.
Contoure Specialties
Beautify the Complexion
Strengthen the Countour
Athena Beauty Shop
Sadie Pambrun, Operator
Phone 32
Take Advantage of Our
We are equipped to
Haynes Stellite
plow shares (or do any other
kind of welding work) promptly,
efficiently, and at moderate cost.
See us today it will add many
more dollars to your profits.
Acetylene Welding
Athena, Lower Main Street
Spring is here!
and with it comes
Send Us Your
In fact anything washable
Four Trips Weekly
Pendleton, Oregon
The First National Bank
of Athena
Established 1891
. Does a General Banking Business .
and Maintains a Complete ; -
Trust Department
Eastman Ha wkeye Cameras
As a special offer to our Customers, we will
give one of these cameras free for each tire pur
chase or other sale amounting to $5.00 cash or
$10.00 payment on account.
Call in and get particulars
J. E. Gallaher, Prop. Athena Phone. 471
Bell C& Gray
t Now for
Are Always
to do
Auto Truck
Prices Ritrht
Phone 593
Milk and Cream
for Sale Here
All the Time
Tum-aLum Tickler
Published the intesests of the people of Athena and vicinity by
Vol. 31
Athena, Oregon, May 22, 1931
No. 22
We are reminded of the
young poet who sent his most
treasured poem to a magazine
editor, "let me know if you can
use this," he wrote, "as I have
other irons in the fire." In a
few days the hard-boiled editor
answered: "Remove the irons
and insert poem."
A. M. Johnson, Editor
Remove, replace and add a
few boards to your home, cover
it with a coat of paint and have
a modern home. The other way
of saying it is REMODEL.
A colored boy was strolling
thru a cemetery reading the in
scriptions on the tombstones.
He came to one which read,
"Not dead, but sleeping."
Scratching his head, the negro
remarked, "He sure ain't foolin
nobody but hisself."
You can bring new beauty
Into your home with DU-KWIK
ENAMEL Easy to apply 4
hours to dry attractively pric
ed at $1.40 a quart. Can be
used on all exterior and interior
surfaces. Absolute guarantee of
your satisfaction.
This summer weather is ideal
for painting, especially floors as
they can be painted in the eve
ning and be dry by morning.
Porch and " Floor Enamel 80
cents a quart.
Screen the windows, the
porches, put up new screen
doors and you will not be both
ered by flies. We have a screen
door with all necessary hard
ware that will cost you- only
12.85 this week.
A minister was in the habit
of riding to church in his car.
He received an anonymous let
ter from one of his eonsTPca.
o o
tion scoring him for riding in
an automobile saying
Jesus Christ never
church , in an automobile. V The
minister read the letter to the
congregation with thia com
ment: "If the writer of this
letter will come to church prop
erly bridled and saddled, I'll
ridt just like Christ rode."
rode to
Continental Oil Company
Germ Processed Motor Oil
Athena Service Station
"Service With a Smile"
Automobile Accessories Tires
BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 762
Farmers Girain Elevator
, Grian and Feed
A Full Line of Sperry s Chick Feed
Phone 882 LEE WILSON. M'trr.
r . G
Dependable Service
Lower Prices April 1st
Ladies Spring Coats $1 and UP Silk Dresses $1.25
and Up Wool Dresses $1 and Up
Men's Suits $1.25
For other prices, ask the Driver
Trade with the man who helps pay your taxes
W call for and deliver every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday
T. E. SMITH, Proprietor, Phone 1571 Freewater Oregon
See Us . .. .
Before Buying
Electric Lamps
and other electric appliances, including Sad-irons,
Percolators, Toasters, Waffle Irons, Hotplates,
Vacuum Sweepers, G. E. Refrigerators, and Hot
point Electric Stoves. In fact, everything electrical
Electrical Department, Athena, Oregon. Phone 182