The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 15, 1931, Image 4

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Press Paragraphs
The city extended the water main
ori Hunt avenue this week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Watts spent
Saturday in Walla Walla.
George Ferguson of Pendleton was
an Athena visitor Wednesday.
Attorney Watts transacted busi
ness in Hermiston Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jenkins and
family spent Saturday In Pendleton.
Mrs. Savannah Knox is at Pendle.
ton, where she will spend the sum
mer. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. McCullough have
left for Ukiah to reside for the sum
mer. '
Mrs. Penn Harris spent Monday in
Walla Walla visiting friends and rela
tives. Edwin McEwen ia employed at the
ranch of Mr. Patterson on lower Pine
E. B. Foster and W. S. Ferguson
were Walla Walla business visitors,
Tuesday. .
R. B, McEwen spent Saturday in
Walla Walla where he transacted
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bloom and Miss
Vineta Weaver spent Saturday in
Mrs. H. A. Barrett and daughter
Helen spent Saturday in Milton and
Walla Walla.
Mrs. M. L. Watts and Mrs. M. M.
Johns spent Tuesday in Walla Walla,
visiting friends.
Andy Rothrock and Bud Price have
returned from a fishing trip to the
John Day river.
Miss Edna DeFreece and Miss
Phyllis Dickenson motored to Walla
Walla Wednesday.
. Mrs. W. E. Campbell and daughter
Myrtle and Georgie Green spent Sat
urday m Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Richards and
Roland spent Sunday visiting rela
tives in Walla Walla.
New screens were put into the
front of the Kilgore Cafe this week
by Donald McFadyen.
Miss Elizabeth Holwager of Walla
Walla visited at the Richards home
in Athena Wednesday.
Mrs. Lisle Gray and little sons are
visiting at the home of Mrs. Gray's
mother at Harvard, Idaho.
Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Cowan visited
at the home of Mrs. Cowan's parents
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ramsay, Mother's
Specials for May 16th and 18th
Underwoods Deviled Ham, ys
2 for 29c
Broken Sliced Pineapple, 2V2S
2 for 35c
Red and White Sliced Pineapple, 2fa
2 for 49c
Wesson Oil, quarts
Coffee, Red and White, 1 lb. bags
2 for 65c
Coffee, Red and White, 1 lb. tins
2 for 75c
Campfire Marshmallows, 3 lbs. colored tins
Oats, Albers Minute or Regular 9 lb. bags
Red and White Figs, 2s
2 for 45c
Corn, Blue and White, 2s
4 for 59c
Peas, Blue and White, 2s
4 for 59c
Beans, Blue and White, 2s
4 for 59c
Blue and White Shrimp, Is
2 for 35c
Corn Flakes, Red and White
3 for 25c
Crystal White Soap
10 bars for 35c
& PHONE 171
Mrs. Fred Kershaw is entertaining
the bridge, club with a one o'clock
luncheon today.
Mr. and Mrs. James Beamer of
Weston visited at the farm home of
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gordon.
Mrs. Lila Kirk was called to Spo
kane this week on account of the
serious illness of her sister.
Mrs. F. B. Boyd spent Wednesday
afternoon at the home of her sister,
Mrs. S. A. Barnes, at Weston.
Mrs. S. J. Bowles of Walla Walla
has spent the past week with her
daughter, Mrs. F. S. LeGrow.
Mrs. Charles Downing who now re
sides near Freewater, transacted
business in Athena Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dell spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Armond DeMerritt in Walla Walla.
Miss Elvina Bergevin was in the
graduating class from St. Mary's hos
pital in Walla Walla Tuesday night,
School District No. 2 and neighbors
of the community will enjoy an all
day picnic at Thorn Hollow tomor
Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson of
Long Beach, California, are visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ad Fink
Fred Radtke was a successful fish.
erman on the Deschutes last week,
landine a fine lot of big rainbow
Walter Adams moved his sheep
from winter quarters near Touchet to
summer range in the mountains this
Alex Malcolm of Echo, has been
in Athena this week, visiting at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. Ralph
Herb Parker met with considerable
success fishing in Meacham creek
Sunday, bringing home 24 speckled
Mrs. H. S-Swift and Miss Margaret
Lee spent the week-end at Heppner,
visiting at the home of Mrs. Swift's
Mr. and Mrs. Clair Gurney were
week-end guests at the home of Mrs.
Gurney's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
P. Littlejohn.
Miss Virgie Moore came up from
Pendleton Sunday and attended the
baccalaureate services at the Chris
tian church.
John Pinkerton is home from Ore
gon State college where he has been
working on a course of study for sev
eral months.
Mrs. Wm. McPherson motored to
Pendleton yesterday afternoon to at
tend a meeting of the Pendleton
Women's club.
Mr. and Mrs. John Banister have
returned from Portland where they
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
C. L. McFadden.
A new grain elevator is in course
of construction in Adams. It is be
ing built by the Farmers National
Grain association.
Mrs. Huldah Solvester of Blalock,
Oregon, was a "Mother's Day" guest
of her mother, Grandma McKinney in
this city, Sunday.
Rachel Smith and Roberta Cannon
of District No. 2 have been presented
with a Palmer writing certificate for
the year's work.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bloom motored
to Mission Sunday to spend Mother's
day with Mrs. Bloom's parents Mr.
and Mrs. Babcock.
Mr. and Mrs. John Standage and
Mr. and Mrs. W. McPherson motored
to Celilo Falls Sunday morning and
returned in the evening.
Wayne Pinkerton and Orel Mich
ener brought down a truck load of
wood from the O'Shea wood camp
near Meacham, Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Watkms and
Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Blatchford were
dinner guests Tuesday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Kohler Betts.
W. P. Leach, an old-time Athena
resident, who now resides with his
daughter in Portland, was in the city
Wednesday renewing old acquaint
Mrs. Fred Gross and Mrs. Claude
Dickenson went to Milton Friday.
While there they purchased 400 White
Wyandotte baby chicks at the Vigor-
bilt hatchery.
Miss Jessiedeane Dudley and Miss
Marjorie Wilson left Saturday for
Portland. Miss Dudley will make a
visit of indefinite length but Miss
Wilson returned yesterday.
Mrs. Roy Johnson, teacher in dis
trict 62 and Mr. Johnson were in
Athena Wednesday. Mr. Johnson
plans to take the civil service exam
ination at Pendleton, tomorrow.
D. P. Hayes, secretary of the
Waitsburg racing association was an
Athena visitor Tuesday and while
here advertised the coming races to
be held in that city May 29 and 30.
That famous old tent show, Uncle
Tom's Cabin, displayed its hound
pups, its Topsy, Eva, Uncle Tom and
Auntie in Athena, Wednesday night.
As usual the old puller pulled 'em in.
What remained of last year s po
tato crop has been moved from Wes
ton mountain during the past week.
The average price received by the
producers ranged from $10 to $25 a
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kibbey and
family enjoyed a brief visit by Mr.
Kibbey's nephew from Portland last
week. He is an employee of the Pa
cific Telephone and Telegraph com
Mrs. Fred Pittman has received
word from her daughter Ethel that
she and her husband have taken a
summer cottage on the shores of
beautiful Lake Steilicoom near Ta-
Before going to Salem where they
will make their home. Dr. and Mrs.
R. D. Blatchford will go to Okonogan,
Washington, to attend the wedding of
Miss Ruth Heineck, Mrs. Blatchford's
sister and Jan Brock, which will oc
cur, May 25, ,
George Green who has been work
in? at the J. N. Kelley place upon
the Walla Walla river arrived home
Monday. He will visit a few days
with his family, before returning to
his work.
Herman Geissel was here over the
week-end from his Grant county stock
ranch. He was accompanied here by
Dale Stephens of Pendleton, who
spent several weeks at the ranch with
Rev. C. L. McConnell of the Marvin
Methodist church in Walla Walla and
well known here was elected to serve
as secretary for the ministerial Union.
The organization is composed of Wal
la Walla pastors.
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Tucker are lo
cated at the Sims Dickenson farm
which was recently purchased by A.
O. Schubert. The Dickenson family
have moved to their residence in the
north part of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bruce were de
lightfully entertained at dinner at
the John Huffman home Tuesday. Af
ter dinner Mr. Huffman and Mr.
Bruce furnished entertainment by
playing old time music.
Bryce Baker has purchased a new
pump of Rogers & Goodman for the
lawn and garden irrigation system at
the Gross home on Fourth street.
The pump is of the deep well pattern
and works very efficiently.
The Athena Service Station is now
equipped to furnish ethel gasoline to
its customers. A new tank for this
purpose has been installed at the sta
tion and the red gas is delivered from
a pump at the Main street curb.
Mrs. Fred Pittman and Mrs. L. A.
Cornell were in Walla Walla yester
day where they attended a meeting
of the Lowden study club, members of
which were entertained at the home
of Mrs. Glen Miller on Bryant Ave.
Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Blatchford were
pleasantly surprised Monday evening
when members of the-N. A. G. R.
club arrived at their home laden with
baskets from which a sumptuous din
ner was produced. Bridge was play
ed following dinner.
Helen Barrett will spend the week
end and several days next week vis
iting her cousin Jean Miller in Milton.
Miss Miller is a member of the 1931
graduating class at Mac-Hi and her
visitor will enjoy a number of the
commencement festivities.
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Zerba and
children will leave tomorrow on a two
weeks' visit at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Stockstill, parents
of Mrs. Zerba, near Grants Pass. They
may motor on to California to visit
Mr. Zerba's sister, before returning
A party spending Sunday at the
Lieuallen cabin on Cabbage Hill in
cluded, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lieuallen,
Mr. and Mrs. James Lieuallen, Mr.
and Mrs. Max Hopper, Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Mclntyre, Mrs. Justin Har
wood, Mrs. E. C. Prestbye, and Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Pinkerton.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pittman and
son George attended a Mother's day
dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Joe Payant in Weston last Sunday
The affair was in honor of Mrs. Nel
lie St. Dennis mother of Mrs. Payant.
Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Asa
Swan and Arlee and Ronan St. Den
The high school student body and
faculty members enjoyed the school's
annual picnic at Bingham Springs
yesterday. The trip was made over
the newly repaired road in automo
biles. A splendid picnic dinner was
enjoyed and the swimming pool was
liberally patronized by ' the joyful
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Richards and
son Roland were hosts at dinner Fri
day evening when they entertained
the members of the high school facul
ty. The beautifully appointed table
was centered with columbine in pastel
shades and summer flowers were used
about the rooms. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bloom, Dr. and
Mrs. R. D. Blatchford, Miss Mary
Cameron and Dan Tilley.
The Wauna group of Campfire girls
announce that their quilt upon which
they have been working is completed
and will be sold in the near future.
The pattern used is most effective,
being a conventionalized tulip in
shades of orchid and green. The girls
are planning a tea which will be giv
en shortly. Arrangements are being
made to have a quilt exhibit in con
nection. The date and the place will
be announced later.
A family reunion in honor of
Mother's day occurred Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bennett
in Athena. Those present were, Mr.
and Mrs. J. S. Arnold and children.
Jack and Bernice of Prescott, Wash
ington; Mrs. Jennie Tewalt and son
Jim, of Dayton, Washington; Mrs.
Frank Barker and daughter, Patricia
Lee, and Mrs. Phil Morris of Port
land; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Arnold of
Pendleton, H. G. Blackard of Athe
na and the hosts.
Two auto stages were withdrawn
this week from the Pendleton-Walla
Walla run. The change works to a
disadvantage of mail distribution at
the Athena postoffice. Heretofore
Portland mail arrived here at 8 a. m.
by Union Pacific stage from Walla
Walla, whereas now the mail does not
reach the Athena office until near 11
m. Postmaster Barrett is making
an effort to get the Portland and east
ern mail routed to Athena by the
morning stage from Pendleton.
Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton, Mrs.,L. M.
Keen, Mrs. William Bush and Mrs.
Virgil Zerba assisted Mrs. Lee Craw
ford Friday afternoon when she en
tertained the O. D. 0. club. Sixteen
members were present and Mrs.!
George Gerking and Miss Mary Ber
lin were additional guests. During
the afternoon plana were made for a
no hostess lunch to ba served at the
Wesson Oil
Quarts, per can 49c
Pink, Is, 2 cans.... :.25c
Whole Slices, 2i2s, per can..... 23c
14 oz. bottle, each 15c
Norwegian Sardines
Smoked and boneless, 3 cans 25c
Pabst Malt
Per can 49c
Cider Vinegar
12 oz. Glass jugs, 3 for 25c
10 lb. sacks, each......... .....57c
A New Shipment Silk Fow-inhand Neck
ties, Beautiful Pattern, each 49c
Phone 152
next meeting, which will be held near
Wild Horse creek the afternoon of
May 22. Refreshments were served
at the tea hour.
A number of relatives and friends
gathered at the L. A. Cornell home
Sunday for a picnic dinner served on
the lawn. Those present were Mr.
George Hailston, Miss Frances Low
den, Mr. and Mrs. A, H. Cornell and
children, Clayton and Arleen, Mrs.
Osman and two young daughters.
Miss Janet Rohn, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Hoffman and young son Marvin, Mr.
and Mrs. W. 0. Hailston, and daugh
ters, Ila and Erma. Mr. George Hails
ton remained with his daughter Mrs,
Cornell for a longer visit.
A packed house greeted community
musicians Friday night at the audi
torium when they presented a pro
gram in honor of mothers and in
observance of National Music Week.
Decorations of wild flowers in shades
of blue and yellow were used, huge
baskets of yellow lupin and camas
proving beautiful and effective. An
interesting and instructive paper was
read by Mrs. Lewis Stewart and
splendid numbers by grade school
children, high school students, the
Etude club and other community
musicians made up a complete and
charming entertainment. Plans are
going forward to make the affair an
annual event.
Complimenting Mrs. James Rice
(Lois Mclntyre) who was married
Sunday, Mrs. Paul Lieuallen enter
tained at luncheon Saturday. Guests
were bidden for one o'clock and found
their places at small tables marked
with cards gay with summer flowers.
Clusters of blossoms with tulips pre
dominating were used effectively as
decorations about the rooms. Bridge
was the diversion of the afternoon
and Mrs. Ravella Lieuallen held high
score, Miss Lucille Winn receiving
the consolation. Following the play
little Miss Pauline Lieuallen appeared
drawing a little wagon laden with
gifts for the honoree. Many useful
and beautiful presents were receiv
ed by the prospective bride. Those
enjoying Mrs. Lieuallen's hospitality
included Mrs. Armond DeMerritt,
Miss Helen Hansell, Mrs. Clifford
Wood, Mrs. Ravella Lieuallen, Miss
Lucille Winn, Mrs. Fred Pinkerton,
Miss Jessiedeane Dudley, Mrs. James
Lieuallen, Mrs. Dean Dudley, Mrs.
Matt Johnson, Mrs. Alex Mclntyre,
Mrs. Donald Johnson, Mrs. Max
Hopper, Mrs. Richard Thompson,
Mrs. H. I. Watts, Mrs. Archie Mc
lntyre and the honoree.
Stop and Shop
at Harris' Barber and
Beauty Parlor
Everything in Barber and Beauty
work efficiently done
Permanent Wave
Phone 492
for appointments
Phone 561
2 Via Broken Slioed 31b. Size
Pineapple Whoope Malt
20c or 3 for 65c
Nalleys Cane and Maple
2 '2s Happy Home Breakfast
Pineapple Sp
12 Slices or.
25c 350
------ Libbys
2s, Happy Home Crushed Deviled Meat
Pineapple '8
21c 5c
... ,. . Van Camps
100 lbs. Albers i o t
nt.' a , ti j Pork & Beans
Chix Scratch Feed . IVA oz. 8izCf 8 for
$3.00 25c
Quality Grocery
Frank Little, Prop. Athena, Oregon. Phone 561
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Saiir-on, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oreeon. 8
Low Price
igorciit uni
May Delivery
May Leghornes Make Good Layers
, "Vigorbiir Hatchery
Milton, Ore. Phone 1102
Goodyear Tires
and Tubes
Automobile Supplies,
A Parts and Accessories
Athena Garage
North side Main Street
Phone 352