The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 15, 1931, Image 3

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Acclimated Varieties in De
mand; Growers Turn to
This Crop.
Oregon State college. There is no
danger of a shortage of acclimated
seed corn to supply the brisk demand
caused by the tendency to substitute
this grain for wheat on Willamette
valley farms, reports E. R. Jackman,
farm crops specialist of the Oregon
&tate college extension service. A
flp'i a. l m -v
suniciem supply 01 uregon grown
seed to supply all needs is available.
Minnesota 13 and McKay Yellow
Dent are the recommended varieties
for grain and for silage, respectively,
in western vregon, says Jackman.
The shift toward corn in the WiL
lamette valley is due largely, he be
lieves, to the high price of corn as
compared to other grains in the
Northwest, which at present imports
the major part of its corn supply. In
addition corn produces high yields at
low cash costs as compared to oats,
wheat and barley, is .suitable for a
large-area cultivated crop, has a
stimulating effect on the following
crop, and the fodder is valuable for
livestock forage.
Possibilities , of over-production of
corn in the Willamette valley are
small, Jackman says. From 80,000
to 100,000 additional acres could be
grown without danger of producing
more than would find an immediate
market in the Pacific Northwest.
Crew Repairing Bridge Span
Umatilla county has its bridge crew
at work reconstructing piers of the
Walla Walla bridge at the Grove
school in South Milton which was
badly damaged by the recent flood.
False work has been placed under the
bridge, raising it from the concrete
pedestals. When this is completed a
concrete base will be built around
each and will be reinforced with
structural steel.
California Is Now an
Outlet for Prime. Fat
Milk-Fed Oregon Lambs
With its own lamb croD out of the
way, California is now ready to take
Oregon lambs, says H. A. Lindgren,
livestock specialist of the Oregon Ex
tension service. Here, as well as in
other coast markets, however, " the
discrimination in favor of milk fat
lambs is becoming increasingly keen,
he says.
The present and future of the lamb
business is built on production of a
quality product, and the grower who
heeds this fact is the one who will
make money, Lindgren says. The
market pays too. price for a lamb
weighing about 65 to 80 pounds and
those falling much below or above
this figure suffer the penalty of a
iuwer price.
Lindgren advises Oreeon erowers
to market their lambs as early as
they can be brought to the proper
condition, but to sort them carefullv
so mat only the fat ones are sold.
kxtra gram in creeps for lambs with
ewes will help greatly in bringing
some of the thin ones to the reauired
weight, he says. By such practices,
experienced growers are able to man
age so that as many as 80 per cent
in ineir iamD crop sell at top price.
ine practice of marketing the lamb
crop cooperatively through pooling
shipments gathered from the flocks
in a community or countv. usuallv
under the supervision of the county
agent, is an aid to growers in getting
their lambs to market as soon as they
are ready, lhis method is now used
to greater or less extent in Doubt.
las, Coos, Union, Wallowa and Baker
counties. The poolinsr of 52 cars for
102 growers in Union countv last vear
brought them approximately $9,956
more than they would have received
by, selling through customarv chan
nels, Lindgren says. Of these 52
cars, the 22 which were graded
brought the owners an average of
?.u per luu pounds, while the own
ers of the lambs in the ungraded cars
received a net price of $5 per 100
A contract foursome at the home of
Mrs. Glenn Dudley Monday afternoon
included Mrs. Henry Koepke, Jr.,
Mrs. E. C. Prestbye and Mrs. H. I.
High School Notes
Numerous Appeals to Sena
tor McNary Urges Adop
tion of Solution.
Indian Woman Dead
Mrs. Edith Hall, an Indian woman
of Thorn Hollow, died at St. An
thony's hospital Sunday. She was
the wife of James Hall. She is sur
vived by her husband and five chil
dren, Peter 17, Julius 13 Agnes 11,
Steven 10 and Louis 7. Funeral ser
vices were held at St. Andrews Catho
lic mission church, Tuesday forenoon.
've got wflmt
"Tell me--what can I do to improve my
lot? Sure, I'm a farmer. I like farming, I was
raised on the soil, So were my folks.
' "I ought to be able to sell my stuff as soon
as it's ready. WellI'm doing that now. I
take my butterfat, eggs and poultry to tha
nearest Swift & Company produce plant.
"And I ought to have ready cash just as
soon as I make delivery. : I get that too.
Swift & Company pays me for all they take,
as they take it, at the full market price.
"I ought to patronize my own community,
and deal with other people who do. Yes
that's true. Well, Swift & Company has
55,000 employes in over 500 towns and they
all work for the company in their own home
towns and spend their money there too.
They pack and distribute the Swift brands
right where they live. Many of them are our
own townsfolk, helping this town to grow,
helping to support our schools, Btores and
"It seems to me that I'm getting a good,
square deal now. And it gives me a real feel
ing of security to know that I'm part of an
organization of 55,000 employes and 48,000
shareholders; that it is able to make a rea
sonable return on their investment and
operate successfully on an average profit
from all sources of only a small fraction
of a cent per pound."
"A Producer
A Washington dispatch to the Port
land Journal indicates numerous ap
peals are coming to Senator McNary
to urge adoption by the federal farm
board of the "Cook plan" for handling
the wheat surplus. This takes its
name from Charles Cook, now an of
ficial of the national grain corpora
tion at Pendleton, formerly connected
with the Balfour-Guthrie company.
The Cook plan may be briefly de
scribed as a voluntary form of the
equalization fee. Under the McNary
Haugen bill the fee would be collected
on every bushel sold. The Cook idea
is a "sign-up" by the growers agree
ing to deliver an amount approxi
mately equal to the surplus to the
farm board for disposal, thus remov
ing the surplus from the market. The
essential feature is the signing of
sufficient acreage to give actual con
trol, without too large a fraction in
the hands of outsiders.
Prediction that 90 per cent of the
crop could be signed in Oregon and
Washington is made in telegrams re
ceived by McNary, which he is bring
ing to the attention of the farm
board. Among those who make hope
ful predictions are F. J. Wilmer,
president of the North Pacific grain
growers, Spokane; Harry Pinkerton,
president-of the Eastern Oregon
Wheat league, Moro; W. T. Balsiger,
manager of the Moro grain growers'
association, and the Sherman county
cooperative grain growers.
Heretofore it has been assumed that
a voluntary plan for surplus handling
would fail because of the great num
ber of growers and the reluctance of
many to sign up on common ground.
In the present situation it is argued
that the plan is more likely to succeed
than ever before, because of the end
of government stabilization" and the
absence of anything to take its place
in marketing the crop of 1931.
State Highway Group
Under Investigation I
Portland. The News-Telegram
said Saturday a report on another
state commission that may rival what
the paper refers to as "the flax plant
scandal is being brought together in
detailed form under direction of two
special investigators for Governor
Meier. ,
"Robert Dieck," the paper said,
"former city commissioner, an en
gineer and experienced road builder,
is in charge of the investigation, de
signed to show up the weak spots in
the highway commission organiza
tion." .
The article continued: "Evidence of
extravagance and waste by a com
mission that spends more than the
city of Portland, Multnomah county,
the port district and the school dis
trict combined, is being uncovered by
Dieck in his detailed survey of the
highway commission.
"Already the governors investiga
tors have discovered 'leaks' in the use
of automobiles. The commission is
operating 150 machines and a yearly
tabulation of mileage gave the inves
tigators their first evidence of extra
vagance. "The 150 machines are said to have
been driven almost three million miles
in a year, or more than 104 times
around the globe, an average of close
to 20,000 miles a year for each ma
chine. The investigators did not con
sider the hundreds of trucks used by
the highway department."
"Evidence," the paper said, "that
equipment has been purchased with
out bids, that the high bids and not
the low ones have often been accept
ed in the awarding of contracts for
equipment, and that the commission
has far more equipment on hand than
is nepessary."
Preparing to Receive
Surplus Wheat in Storage
Construction of the huge grain
storage warehouse at Terminal No. 4
for the Farmers National Grain cor
poration is proceeding rapidly and
grain will be received for storage be
fore the end of the month, announces
the Oregon Journal.
A fair volume of wheat has al
ready gone into storage at various
Northwest tidewater terminals, in
cluding those at Portland which will
be the focal point in the grain corpor
ation's program.
Removal of most of the corpora
tion's wheat to tidewater emergency
terminals will clear the way for new
crop again, which will be handled al
together by private dealers. Not all
the grain is being brought down from
the country, but the per centage left
in interior terminals will be compar
itively small.
Revival of the export grain move
ment on a fairly substantial basis is
now forecast following sales of a
moderate amount of corporation grain
through private exporting firms. At
least one cargo and a dozen or so par
cels are now booked for dispatch for
Europe. . '
The Last Day
Vacation days started for quite a
few of the students Tuesday the 12th,
as they were exempt from examina
tions. ,. These exemptions were won
by keeping an average of II or bet
ter for . the semester. While the
others were sweating away . in the
test rooms they were lying in the
shade enjoying nature. However, the
formal close of school will take place
this afternoon, and the seniors at
commencement tonight. This week has
been a very important one because it
is these tests that will determine who
can play football next fall. Those on
the border line spent much time in re
viewing. The moral is to get exempt
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Baccalaureate services took place
Sunday, May 10, at the Christian
church. Rev. Sias was in charge of
the arrangement. Rev. Wemmett of
Pendleton gave the main address. His
subject was the path of life. He ad
vised youth to stay away from evil
amusements and not to wander very
far from the straight road. Scripture
was read by Rev. Dryden. The choir
and congregation sang several songs
Benediction was made by Rev. Wem
mett. The church was attractively dec
orated by the sophomore class under
the direction of Miss Cameron.
Letter Assembly
Wednesday morning. May 6, an as
sembly was held in honor of those
earning letters in athletics this year,
The assembly was opened with a song
by the student body, directed by Mrs,
moom. ine senior letter winners
were presented with chenille letters
by Mr. Bloom. Mrs. Bloom presented
the girls' basketball letters, and Mr.
Miller the boys' basketball, track and
baseball letters. Mr. Bloom display
ed and gave the history of the cups
won by Athena in athletics. The
grade rand high school track teams
contributed one each this year. The
band, under the direction of Mr. Til
ley, played several selections.
The loop road above Toll Gate is
still inaccessible due to snow drifts.
However, the road to Toll Gate is
open and is also passable to several
summer camps
Senior Day Exercises -
The seniors entertained the student
body with a skit Wednesday the 13th.
The skit represented an old time
school. Vineta Weaver played the part
of the old time school ma'am. The
rest of the seniors were in the role
of old time school kids, bare feet, torn
clothes, tousled hair, and the rest of
the things that we associate with an
old fashioned school. Mrs. Bloom
sang "Patches" and "School Days"
while the seniors filed in. Roland Wil
son sang "The Little Red School
House" while the rest of the school
pantomimed it. The senior prophecy
and will were fitted into the school
hours and jokes were told between
these. A lattice gate covered the
front of the stage during the songs,
and was opened for the school. The
seniors all joined in on the chorus of
"School Days" to close the program.
Bingham Trip
Bright and early Thursday morn
ing the student body turned out for
the long waited trip to Bingham.
Swimming, fishing, hiking and eating
were the diversions of the day. The
emphasis should be placed on the eat
ing. Mildred Hansell, Ralph Moore,
Roland Wilson and Velma Ross were
in charge of the eats and they sup
plied enough for everybody. Howard
Reeder, new transportation manager,
got his initiation m his job. He turn
ed in a good job.
Boise Angler Drowns
in Deschutes River
Gets the Big Ones
ur Stock Is Complete
Our Prize Rod
Rogers . Goodman
(A Mercantile Trust)
Trove M. Cate of Boise, Idaho, was
drowned Sunday morning in the Des
chutes river at Policeman's Rock
west of Gateway, when he slipped in
to the turbulent stream while casting
for trout. Though many anglers
joined Sheriff Dusault in the search,
the body had not been recovered at a
late hour.
Cate, his wife, his brother G. A.
Cate, Forest Grove automobile dealer,
and his wife had gone to the stream
Saturday night. The brothers were
fishing from the rock when the acci
dent occurred. Several persons saw
Cate lose his balance and plunge off
the rock. They said he was lost to
view almost as soon as he entered the
swift water. -
Measuring Hay
"Measuring Hay in Stacks" is the
title of a new bulletin which has been
received by the county agent at Pen
dleton. This bulletin is one prepared
by the United State Department of
Agriculture and deals with complete
information having to do with hay
measuring where scale weights are
not available. Persons interested in
obtaining copies of this bulletin may
address the County Agricultural
Agent at Pendleton.
Store Burglar Identified -At
least one of the burglars who
last week robbed the J. C. Penney
store at Milton-Freewater is believ
ed to have been identified by several
Milton people who were shown a
picture of a Portland youth, who is
charged with robbing a Penney store
at Hillsboro.
Health Association Drive
The annual membership drive of
the Umatilla County Health associa
tion is underway, having begun Mon
day. Annual membership in the as
sociation costs 50 cents and is used to
defray health work done in all parts
of the county by the association.
Growers Warned Against
fraudulent Potato Tags
Oregon potato growers who pay for
certified seed potatoes this year are
advised to read the tags carefully and
be sure it is certified seed they are
getting. Word that a company in
Oregon is buying ordinary seed po
tatoes and selling them with a tag
closely resembling the official certi
fication tags issued by Oregon State
college to growers of certified seed
has just been received by E. R. Jack
man, farm crops specialist of the Ore
gon Extension service.
The imitation tags are the same
size and color as the genuine ones,
and are labeled "Seed Certificate" in
stead of "Certified Seed." The official
tags are always attached with a lead
This is the first time imitation tags
of this sort have appeared in Oregon,
according to Jackman, although they
are common in some other states.
Gets Life Sentence
After 36 hours of deliberation, a
jury in Walla Walla superior court
Friday found George Schneider guilty
of murder in the first degree. This
means life imprisonment. Thus a
man who nearly two years ago heard
a verdict of death has won in his fight
to save his life. He hacked his bride
Betty, to death with a meat cleaver.
"Byes" Are Eliminated
The 12-team field in the state high
school basketball tournament has
been abolished and replaced "by a 16
team field, eliminating the heretofore
troublesome "byes." The new regu
lations will be in effect at the next
state tournament at Salem.
j The Churches j
Charles A. Sias, Minister
The Athena congregation Is a unit
in itself, with no outside authority
or machinery. Congregational gov
ernment; special plea is for unity of
all Christian people, with the New
Testament alone as authority . and
rule of faith and practice; large
liberty of opinion. Worship and ser
mon each Sunday morning and eve
ning. Bible school 10 a. m. Young
people meet at 6:30; mid-week de
votional and Bible study Wednesday
Gerald C. Dryden, Minister
Sunday school, 10:00 a. m., Lewis
Stewart, superintendent; 11:00 a. m.
the minister will give a report on the
state convention which has been held
in Corvallis during the past week;
7:00 p. m. B. Y. P. U.; 8:00 p. m.
church service with the subject
"Souls Atbirst"
"Advertising is the education of the public
as to what you are, where you are, and what
you have to offer in the way of skill, talent or
commodity. The only man who should not
advertise is the man who has nothing to offer
the world . in the way of commodity or ser
vice." Elbert Hubbard.