THE PRESS, ATHENA, OREGON, MAY 15, 1931 Qkt Mm 8xm Established Jan. 1, 1887 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher Subacriotion Rates. One copy, one year $2.00 ' One copy, six months.... .... ......1.00 One copy, three months... 7S Athena, Oregon, May 15,.. ..1931 Clark Wood says: "We're a bit fed up with the t type of campaigner who always t J hands the other side a pitchfork t and his own a harp." ; ' steps of his pullman and both were satisfied. " Golf and archerv do not mix well in the same pasture. Down in Cali fornia a demure Miss took a shot at a 20-foot target and her arrow got tangled up in the rear anatomy of a golfer who is now telling hospital nurses all about birdies and tees. ' A referendum movement against the state police bill which passed the legislature with little opposition is being sponsored by "Independence Hall of Oregon, Inc.," if you know what that means. The referendum organization is officered by Fred L. Gifford, ex-great grand dragon of the K. K. K., president; Clarence Tre vathan, (don't know him) secretary; Harry W. Poole, Klamath Falls movie theatre operator, treasurer; Albert Ferrera, Italian consul and attorney of Portland and R. T. Cookingham, once sheriff of Umatilla county, ex ecutive board members. Governor Meier estimates that the new state police department which is patterned after thfe 'departments of Pennsyl vania and New Jersey, should save taxpayers of Oregon $187,330 in Jhe next biennium. With reference to the referendum movement against the new department, we are of the opin ion that Independence Hall of Oregon, Inc., will have to hook up with a few more master minds and squeeze them into the personnel of their roster, o At no time in the recollection of The Press has the mail service been worse at Athena than it is at the present time. With the annullment of two Union Pacific stages, was in cluded one arriving here from the east at 8 a. m., which delivered Port land mail so that delivery was made at once through the local post office. Under present service, Portland and eastern mail arrives in Athena at 10:23 a. m., and is around 11 o'clock before it is possible for one to re ceive his mail. The change is one of great inconvenience to Athena busi ness men and works a hardship on rural delivery as well. It is to be hoped that the matter may be success fully taken up with the postal author ities and result in at least a part of Athena mail being delivered on the morning stage from Pendleton. During 1930 farmers suffered one of the greatest fire losses in agricul tural history a total of about $125, 000,000, according to the National Fire Waste Council, as compared with an average of $100,000,000 in "nor mal" years. o Russia confiscated all wealth. Its experiment worked out in the usual manner after a top-heavy govern ment has eaten up confiscated capital, the individual worker is forced to dig up taxes for the official machine, o Helen and Carol seem .to have smoothed out the troubled waves of domestic storm and are ready for re conciliation to the joy of their royal court and to the disinterested interest of everybody else. o Another real sign of late spring and early summer is the blooming of the roadhouse dance halls throughout the country. o Cheyenne beat Pendleton to it, Mayor Baker of Portland will wear a Frontier Days 10-gallon hat in Pans. Oregon seems to have been more than holding her own in farm acreage increase over the last ten-year period. In 1920 Oregon hRd 13,542,313 acres under the plow; in 1925 14,130,847 acres, but in 1930 it had jumped to 15,649,711 a ten-year increase of of 3,107,393 acres. The last five years it was an increase of 2,518,864 acres or 18 per cent the largest in the United States reported to date. Ore gon's gain in people residing in the ten-year period was 24 per cent. In the face of a national movement away from the farms, Oregon has been not only maintaining its farm population but has shown a very satisfactory increase. - Perhaps the most versatile writer we know of is Ben Hur Lampman, of the Morning Oregonian staff. Ben can write interestingly about most anything that pops up from fishes to, skillets, from ants to mastodons and then some. Last Sunday he took a cold, gray, onery old grindstone for his subject and out of it he molded a literary gem that sparkled with the glamor of boyhood days. After read ing it, a fellow felt like taking a hike down to the creek, sans shoes, sans sox. That the buses, on the whole, are paying their way and contributing a constantly increasing sum to the cost of government is shown by a recent survey conducted by the National As sociation of motor bus operators. There are now 40,000 buses engaged in common carrier business, paying aa annual tax bill in excess of $30,-000,000. THE VALUE OF THINKING (Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall) At the University of Wisconsin I taught for many years a course in American Government. I always used two sets of examination ques tions in order to try out relative ef ficiency of the different types. One experiment I tried frequently always gave the same result. I would ask one half of the class, how may the constitution of the United States be amended?" The other half I would ask, how may an amendment to the constitution of the United States be proposed and how may it be ratified ? I did this five times with the result that of the first half of the class only thirty per cent answered the ques tion correctly and in the second half ninety per cent answered the ques tion correctly. Both questions invol ved the same information for a cor rect answer, yet there was a differ ence between thirty and ninety per cent in the two sections. What was the cause of this strik ing difference in results ? It was that in the second group I had broken the question into its constituent parts. All the students in the first group could have done the same thing for themselves if they had the habit of thinking. They must have known that the amending process involved just two things the proposal of an amendment and its ratification, and yet they did not take the time to think, or perhaps, putting it in a bet ter way, they were not in the habit of thinking. When you have a problem to solve the first step is to break it into its constituent parts. If the first group in my class had done this they would have attained ninety per cent perfec tion instead of thirty per cent. Whether or not one attacks a pro blem this way depends upon his ha bits of thinking. What one gets out of his university education depends upon thinking habits that have been formed. Long after the information gained has been erased by the hand of time the thinking habits that have become fixed will tend to deepen and endure and render increasing divi dends as the years go by. 22 Years Ago Friday, May 21, 1909 There was a larce attendance at Athena's Annual Sales rlav Saturday. and in every way the sale was a suc cess. The stock and vehicles ana linn uphold cnoHs were of hieher quality and the prices better than at former sales. There nrnmises to be a bit? demand for the Athena Land & Trust Com pany's sub-irrigated acre tract. To date, $7,900 worth or land has oeen contracted for and four other deals are exnected to be closed tomorrow. With the exception of the park, which was sold to the city lor $io ner acre, all of the nresent sales in clude $500 ner acre land. ' B. F. Ogle and family departed ior Pendleton Tuesday, where they will make their future home. Rawl Miller and Benny Gross, who attend the Oregon Agricultural col lege, will be among the next to ar rive home, sometime next montn. Dr. Plamondon, Attorney Wilson and M. L. Watts transacted business at the agency Wednesday. They made the trip in the Barrett automo bile. Wenaha Springs will be opened to the nnhlie June 1. J. A. Borie. the proprietor has been making improve ments on the roads leading to tne re sort. The reading room is being well patronized bv the young people of the community. All who have magazines are renuested to brine; them in. It will be greatly appreciated. New siaewaiKs are Deing put aown this week in front of the Jarman res idence on Fourth street and fronting the Mosgrove property on Third street, between Main and Current. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Colburn return ed from California Friday evening. Mr. Colburn has purchased a res idence at Long Beach and hereafter will spend the winter months there. Misses Gertie Booher and Kate Maloney assisted the Press force this week in folding the thousands of pub licity tracts that are to be distribut ed by the Athena Commercial Associ ation. Decoration Day is to be observed at Athena in the usual appropriate man ner. The local G. A. R. post has is sued a call for a general cleaning up nf the cemeterv. The work will be gin at 2 p. m. Saturday, May 29. Sun day, May 30, the churches are to hold union memorial services at the Meth odist church. Rer. Geiszler, of the M. E. church, will preach the mem orial sermon. On Monday, May 31, all are invited to meet with the war veterans at Masonic hall at 10 o'clock, a. m., when the march will be taken up proceeding to the cemetery, where the graves of the dead will be decorated. Dr. Joseph Baddeley, the veterinary surgeon, will be in the city from Boise, Idaho ,between June 5th and 12th and will remain for a few days. Any one desiring his professional ser vices will find him at McBride's livery stable. The Athena Truck company has purchased a splendid team of draft horses from Henry Barrett. . This makes the second team purchased by the company in the past two weeks, the other being a fine pair of black 3-year-olds. The Press is in receipt of an invita tion to attend the commencement ex ercises at the Eastern Oregon Nor mal school, which take place next Monday and Tuesday. The invitation is sent by courtesy of Miss Doris Barnes, of Weston, who is a member of the graduating class. School jelosed in Athena this fore noon, and children and teachers will now take a needed vacation for the summer. The Misses Orswell will leave for their home in Eugene, the first of next week, and Mrs. Walker will go to Walla Walla, where she will take a position as bookkeeper for the summer months. f Six gangsters are in custody, taken at St. Louis. Included in the haul by Chicago detectives working in con junction with the crime-fighting com mittee of Chicago millionaires known us tho "Secret Six" are men charged with almost every crime in the cuta gory of law breaking. o It has been observed that the worst thing about reform is the reformers themselves. Recently, Sinclair Lewis, first American to win the Nobd prize for literature, gave a new twist to this by saying, "Reform in general is all right. Individual reformers are all hell." RELIABLE WATCH REPAIRING Main St. H. H. HILL Athena The Athena Hotel MRS. LAURA FROOME, Prop. Courteous Treatment, Clean Beds Good Meals Tourists Made Welcome Corner Main and Third Athena, Oregon Real Estate Wheat. Alfalfa and Stock Land SHEEP FOR SALE L. L. Montague, Arlington The lost picture taken in Oregon of Mayor Baker of Portland, who is en route to Paris, was at Baker (city). Importuned by a girl newspa per reporter, tho maydr clad in pa jamas and bare feet, posed on the NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Uma tilla. In the matter of the Estate of San ford C. Stone, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Ad ministrator of the Estate of Sanford C. Stone, deceased, by the above en titled Court. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent them to me, at my office in Athe na, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. AH claims must be veri fied as by law required. Dated at Athena, Oregon, this 17th day of April, 1931. ' B. B. RICHARDS, A17M15 , . Administrator Bruno Weber AND Repair Work Prices Reasonable Successor To JENS JENSEN Contoure Specialties Beautify the Complexion " Strengthen the Countour RAPID CLEANSING CREAM SKIN FRESHENER SKIN FOOD FINISHING LOTION Athena Beauty Shop . Sadie Pambrun, Operator Phone 32 CLASSIFIED Wanted Clean, Cotton rags at the Press office. Wheat Hay Bundle wheat hay for sale. James Duncan, phone 30F1S. Eyes examined, glasses properly fitted at Schneller's, 39 East Main, Walla Walla, For Sale Oak dining set, 8 piece. Gray Axminister rug 9x12. Mrs. Lil la Kirk. Phone 30-F-ll. BEN BATEMAN Expert in Body Correction Calls answered promptly Office at Residence in North Athena Telephone 595. Dr. W. Boyd Whyte CHIROPRACTOR Stangier Building, Phone 708 Pendleton, Oregon. 957 J Dr. W. H. McKinney Physician and Surgeon Dr. Sharp's Office Office Hours at Athena 1 to 6 p. m. Phone 462. Office Hours at Weston 8 a. m. to 12 noon. Phone 83. Calls made day or night. DR. BLATCHFORD Dentist Post Building, Athena. Phone 582 Dr. Dale Rothwell Optometrist The best in glasses at a reasonable cost. Over Woolworth's Phone 1286 Pendleton, Oregon Peterson & Lewis Attorneys at Law Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Inland Empire Bank Building Pendleton Oregon Watts & Prestbye Attorneys-At-Law Main Street, Athena, Oregon State and Federal Court Practice Foley's Honey and Tar wres colds, prevents pneumonia Take Advantage of Our Service We are equipped to Haynes Stellite plow shares (or do any other kind of welding work) promptly, efficiently, and at moderate cost. See us today it will add many more dollars to your profits. CM. JONES Acetylene Welding Athena, Lower Main Street The First National Bank of Athena Established 1891 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $110,000.00 Does a General Banking Business and Maintains a Complete , Trust Department - (P ) I Spring is here! and with it comes House-Cleaning Time Send Us Your Blankets and Curtains In fact anything washable ASK OUR MR. McINTYRE Four Trips Weekly Pendleton, Oregon Call Bell C& Gray Now for Are Always Prepared to do Auto Truck Hauling and Delivery Promptly Prices Right Phone 593 There's No Escaping the man who's "out to hook you for all you're worth," specially if that Auto Accident was more or less your fault Your only protec tion is Liability Insurance and Plenty of It! B. B. RICHARDS, Agent Tum-arLum Tickler Published in the Intesests of the people of Athena and vicinity by THE TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. Phone 91 Vol. 31 Athena, Oregon, May 15, 1931 No. 21 You can bring new beauty into your home with DU-KWIK ENAMEL Easy to apply 4 hours to dry attractively pric ed at $1.40 a quart. Can be used on all exterior and interior surfaces. Absolute guarantee of your satisfaction. A minister was in the habit of riding to church in his car. He received an anonymous let ter from one of his congrega tion scoring him for riding in an automobile ; saying that Jesus Christ never rode to church in an automobile. Tho minister read the letter to the congregation with this com ment: "If the writer of this letter will come to church prop erly bridled and saddled, I'll ride just like Christ rode." painted white or green will add much to your" garden. We have many attractive styles and very mcderate prices. Oui- First Fish Story An inland visitor to the city had visited all places of interest Crammed full of the wonders he had seen, he was on the point pf leaving when he ob served a sign. EMBALMED WHALE He bought a ticket, entered and gazed in awed wonder at the monster. Suddenly he turn-, ed to the man beside him. "Say, stranger," he said. "The fellow that caught that iish is a blam ed liar." Summer boarder: But why are those trees bending over so far? Farmer: You'd be . bending over, too, miss, if you were as full of green apples as those trees are. A garden fence and trellis When a girl builds air castles she may leave out the kitchen but never the garage. Now, our accomplished archi tects figure all of these things in when they plan you HOME. Come in today and let us figure out the plans for your new home or the remodeling that should be done to the old one. A. M. Johnson, Editor Eastman Hawkeye Cameras FREE! As a special offer toour Customers, we will give one of these cameras free for each tire pur chase or other sale amounting to $5.00 cash or $10.00 payment on account. Call in and get particulars GALLAHER'S GARAGE J. E. Gallaher, Prop. Athena Phone 471 MILK and CREAM Milk and Cream for Sale Here All the Time (CILGORE'S CAFE Continental Oil Company Germ Processed Motor Oil Athena Service Station "Service With a Smile" Automobile Accessories Tires BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 762 Farmers Grain Elevator Company Grian and Feed SPECIAL A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr. THE TWIN CITY CLEANERS Dependable Service Lower Prices April 1st Ladies Spring Coats $1 and UP Silk Dresses $1.25 and Up Wool Dresses $1 and Up Men's Suits $1.25 For other prices, ask the Driver Trade with the man who helps pay your taxes We call for and deliver every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday T. E. SMITH, Proprietor, Phone 1571 Freewater Oregon See Us Before Buying Electric Lamps and other electric appliances, including Sad-irons, Percolators, Toasters, Waffle Irons, Hotplates, Vacuum Sweepers, G. E. Refrigerators, and Hot- point Electric Stoves. In fact, everything electrical PRESTON-SHAFFER MILLING CO. Electrical Department, Athena, Oregon. Phone 182