The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, May 15, 1931, Image 1

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It would be a big job to tell one hundred people any
thing that would interest them in your goods, but its
dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell
several hundred at once at nominal C03t.
in the week but that you do not need stationery of
some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing
at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types,
modern work, prompt delivery.
Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, aa Second-Class Mall Matter
Washington-Idaho Seed Co.
Athena Plant to Handle
Large Crop.
Approximately 3000 acres of seed
peas have been planted in the Athe-na-Weston
district this season, tribu
tary to the Washington-Idaho Seed
company's big cleaning and grading
plant in Athena.
Of the total acreage now growing
peas, the company has 770 acres as
a crop of its own, seeded on rented
land, south of Athena. The remain
ing acreage was seeded by individual
farmers owning land in the vicinity
of Athena, Weston, Reed and Haw
ley Mountain and Wild Horse Moun
tain. Farmers who are utilizing a
portion of their land holdings to
growing peas are W. S. Ferguson, E.
J. Duncan, E. B. Foster, Phillip Rem
illard, Harold Barriett, Sheldon Tay
lor, Athena; A. H. Schwandt, F. C.
Greer, C. E. Fisk, Weston; J. E.
Smock, Harry Beathe, Reed and Haw
ley Mountain; Chas. Pinkerton, 0. W.
Ulrey, Hubert Warner, Wild Horse
Conditions are said to have been
ideal for growing peas this spring
and the early seeded crops are now
in bloom, and this will insure an
early harvest of a portion of the crop,
giving ample time to care for the la
ter seeded fields as they follow up in
maturity. .
With indications pointing to a satis
factory crop from a large acreage
the prospects for employment in the
cleaning plant this fall and winter
are bright for the men, women and
girls who find work there. Last sea
son's operations which closed only a
few weeks ago gave employment to
several men, and forty women and
girls worked on the machines.
Shipments of seed peas are routed
to eastern markets from the Athena
plant, and last year in addition to the
Athena-Weston crop, peas were pur
chased by the company in Washington
and Idaho, shipped here, cleaned,
graded and re-shipped to eastern
points. .
The location of the company's plant
in Athena makes possible a payroll
at a season of the year when em
ployment is at its lowest ebb locally,
and is therefore, all the more ap
preciated. Interest evinced by the
First National Bank of Athena and
a number of leading farmers in suc
cessfully developing -a crop for sum
merf allow land is a prime factor of
the enterprise. i
Lois Mclntyre Becomes
Bride of James Rice
Miss Lois Mclntyre and James Rice
were married at the Christian church
parsonage in Walla Walla at 9:S0
o'clock last Sunday morning. The
bride was charming in a pink and
blue ensemble and carried pink roses.
Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Cowan were the
only attendants. Following the cere
mony the party was entertained at a
wedding breakfast at the Marcus
Whitman hotel.
Mrs. Rice who is popular with a
large number of friends in Athena is
a charming and attractive girl and
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Mclntyre. She attended the public
schools here and after graduating
from the high school attended Wash
ington State college and University of
Oreeron where she was a member of
the Chi Omega sorority.
Mr. Rice is the son of G. M. Rice
of Pendleton. He is a member of the
Beta Theta Pi fraternity and is a
graduate of Oregon State college. He
is employed by the Standard Oil com
pany at Ontario where the young
couple will make their home after a
trip to Portland, Seattle and other
Sound points. '
High Schools Play Off
The Pilot Rock high school base
ball team, winners of the west-end
division, wijl meet Helix, east-end
winners, this afternoon at Round-Up
park, Pendleton for the high school
baseball championship game, this af
ternoon at 3 o'clock. Members of
Athena high school team and others
from here will see the game.
Held 13 Spades
Here is one for the bridge player to
memorize: Miss Gilda Holgerson, a
Tacoma school teacher held 13 spades
in a bridge hand last evening, but
failed to get the bid. Robert Baker of
Auburn, Wash., with whom her game
was played, bid seven no trumps and
made it.
A. H. Cox Suicides -Colonel
Allen H. Cox, for years a
prominent citizen of Pendleton, com
mitted suicide Monday at Long Beach,
California, by shooting himself
through the temple at his desk in his
real estate office. Financial worries
are believed to be the reason for the
Swimming Pool
Will Open One
Day Next Week
The American Legion's post swim
ming pool at city park will open up
to the public one day next week, so
Commander Harris of Athena-Weston
Legion post, informs the Press.
Henry Koepke, post member, will
select the manager and caretaker of
the pool for the season.
Water for the pooL will be taken
from the mains of the Athena city
water system, but it is the intention
of the Legion post to complete ex
cavation of their well which was
abandoned last season for want of
funds. However, work on the well
will not be resumed until satisfac
tion of indebtedness incurred in con
struction of the swimming pool plant
has been made.
The Legion's swimming pool . is
nicely situated in the Athena city
park and its equipment is second to
none in the county. The fact that
it is centrally located makes it con
venient for patronage from people
residing in Adams, Helix and Weston
districts in addition to those of Athe
na and vicinity.
The idea of Legion members is to
eventually enlarge upon the scope of
lawn and park advantages, so that
the park will afford conveniences for
picnics and outdoor gatherings, gen
erally for this part of the county.
The Legion has been approached by
the leader of a well known orchestra
for the privilege of putting in an
open air dance pavilion, with the view
to giving dances there during the
summer and early fall months. How
ever, the city council has jurisdiction
over the park property, and if con
sent was given to conduct dances
there, it is only fair to conjecture
that if money is to be made out of
the venture, the Legion should have
the first chance at the concession.
Athena Leaguers Drop
One on Umatilla Lot
Arnold Wood's Athena leaguers
dropped a game to Umatilla by the
score of 6 to 5. Doc Blatchford's
score book unfolds a dismal story of
two bad innings in which the Uma
tilla sand toads did their darndest,
durndest in the first and sixth stan
zas. The sand toads hopped to beat the
band in the first canto, when with
only one hit, they were aided and
abetted by a couple of errors made at
the wrong time, a passed ball and a
stolen base in making a couple of
runs. Tudor had easy sailing until
the fatal sixth, when three toads
hopped over the pan with only one
hit, but a glaring collection of three
errors. In the seventh they made their
only earned run of the game on a
couple of hits.
Athena went scoreless until the
fourth, when Lieuallen was safe on
an error, took second xn Pinkerton's
out, third when Hansell grounded a
hot one to first and scored on a passed
ball. He scored again in the sixth by
getting on by an error, going to third
on Pinkerton's 2-ply swat and regis
tering on another passed ball. In the
eighth Pinkerton walked and so did
Hansell. Pinkerton went to third on
a passed ball, Hansell to second.
Crowley hit, scoring Pinkerton. Pike
Miller smeared a two-base hit, Han
sell scoring the last run. The score:
Athena 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 05
Umatilla 2 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 x 6
Batteries Tudor and Harden;
Woodward and Yeager.
The Athena Etude Club .
The Etude club held the last meet
ing of the season Tuesday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. James Cresswell
on High street. During the business
session the following officers were
elected to serve the club next year:
Mrs. James Cresswell, president; Mrs.
Gordon Watkins, vice president; Mrs.
Donald Johnson, secretary; Mrs. M.
I. Miller, "treasurer; Mrs. Ralph Mc
Ewen, director; Mrs. Laurence Pink
erton, accompanist. Mrs. Jesse Gor
don was elected to membership in
the club. Complimenting Mrs. R. D.
Blatchford and Miss Delia Bryant,
who are leaving Athena shortly, the
members expressed their regrets, and
presented them with attractive gifts.
A social hour followed when the host
ess served a seasonable salad and
iced tea. .
Mission-Thorn Hollow Road
Members of the county court were
in Athena Monday. They had been
viewing the newly graded Mission
Thorn Hollow road. The grading is
practically completed and the first
rock crusher setup will be made
soon. Considerable rock removal
work was necessary, between Cayuse
and the Thorn Hollow end of the road
and this part of the work will be
through shortly. River gravel will
be crushed for the road surfacing ma
terial. Work will begin soon on the
two roads authorized in special dis
tricts, one leading northeast from
Athena, and the other south from
Weston. . ,
Student Body and (graduates of 193 1
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Athena High School Student Body
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Class of '31
McCIees Named
Game Supervisor
For This State
Where Athena Teachers
Will Spend the Summer
After a highly successful and con
structive year Athena teachers will
take a well earned rest and vacation.
Mr. and Mrs.E. F. Bloom will visit
in Spokane and Seattle and later will
attend the summer session at the
University of California at Berkeley.
Miss Mary Cameron will visit her
parents at Portland and plans to take
work at summer school at the Uni
versity at Eugene.
Dan Tilley will also attend summer
school, taking work at the University
of Washington at Seattle.
. M. I. Miller's plans for the summer
are indefinite at this time.
Miss Margaret Lee who will teach
at Colfax next year leaves Sunday
for Palouse, Washington, where she
will visit her sister Mrs. Edgar Spen
cer. She will accompany Mr. and
Mrs. Dick Swift. Miss Lee plans to
spend her summer at Wenatchee at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. O. Lee.
Miss Blanche Thorson will spend a
month at the home of her parents in
Stanfield and will join Miss DeEja
Bryant who after a visit with her
sister at Marshfield will motor to San
Jose, California, where both will take
work at the Teachers' College of that
Grain Storage Planned
The Farmers' National Warehouse
corporation received a permit for a
$6000 wheat warehouse at Walla Wal
la to store 125,000 bushels of grain.
LConstruction started Monday. A. M.
Appiegate, manager 01 tne vvaiia
Walla unit of the North Pacific Grain
Growers, Inc., who obtained the per
mit, said three warehouses had been
leased from the Pacific Coast Elevator
company, Other warehouses, he said,
are being bought or leased at Waits
burg and Dayton. v .
. The Athena Study Club
The Athena Study club was enter
tained at the home of Mrs. F. B.
Boyd, Friday afternoon. Eleven mem
bers were in attendance and Miss
Edna Zerba and Miss Elsa Ringel
were club guests. The club has se
lected for its next course of study,
"Travel in the United States." Mrs.
L. M. Keen, Mrs. W. O. Read and
Mrs. Frank Little will prepare the
year book for next study period and
the first meeting will be held in Sep
tember at the home of Mrs. E. C.
Rogers. Mrs. E. C. Rogers described a
trip through the Panama canal at the
Friday meeting. Mrs. F. B. Radtke
gave a report upon the ' story of
Gorgas and his work in Panama, and
a brief account of Goethels was given
by Mrs. L. M. Keen. The hdstess serv
ed ices, cake and coffee.
A Clever Program
A clever program was presented by
the 1931 graduating class at the high
school auditorium Wednesday after
noon in observance of class day,
when wide gates covered with blos
soms swung open an old fashioned
school room was disclosed, the mem
bers of the class taking the part of
pupils, while Miss Vineta Weaver
presided as teacher. Barefoot boys
and beribboned girls sang old songs
and answered questions in a typical
ly "kid" way. During the course of
the school session the class prophesy
and will were read, which added to
the general hilarity. An interested
group of parents and friends was
present in addition to the student
body and faculty. .
The Pilot Rock Record, for 28 years
a faithful chronicler of news events
transpiring in that town and vicini
ty has suspended publication for want
of patronage. The publisher, A. R.
McCall has moved the plant to Wasco,
Sherman county, where be purchased
the paper published Jhere. , r..
Mrs. Ida E. Cowan
Dies at Walla Walla
Friends of Mrs. Ida E. Cowan were
saddened to hear of her death last
Sunday at the home of her son, Dr.
W. G. Cowan in Walla Walla.
Mrs. Cowan made her home here
for several years where she made
numerous friends. She has been in
failing health for some time.
Mrs. Ida E. Cowan was born Au
gust 18, 1860 at Springfield, Illinois.
She was the mother Of Ben Cowan,
Dr. Walter Cowan and Dr. Harry
Cowan of Walla Walla and Dick
Cowan of Palouse, Washington. She
was a member of the Rebekah Lodge
and the Baptist church. The funeral
services occurred Tuesday morning
with Rev. L. E. Brough officiating and
interment was at Mountain View
cemetery. .
May Heat Wav.e
The May heat wave wafted over
Athena Monday and Tuesday, but the
temperature was not quite so high as
experienced at other points in Ore
gon. Thermometers in Athena regis
tered 88 Monday afternoon, and Tues
day the thin, red line climbed to 96,
while at Pendleton it stretched up to
Vertebras Displaced
Word comes from Portland to the
effect that E. A. Dudley, who recently
went through an examination by the
Rockey clinic, has misplaced vertebras
and that a brace will be used in mak
ing a correction of the ailment. Mr.
Dudley is at Good Samaritan hospital
and Mrs. Dudley is with him.
E. II. Leonard and M. L. Watts of
the Preston-Shaffer Milling company,
with flour mills at Waitsburg, Free
water, Athena, Pendleton and Salt
Lake City, are in Chicago on business
connected with their milling interests.
Portland. Charles H. McCIees was
Tuesday given a temporary appoint
ment as state game supervisor, to be
gin his work Wednesday at a salary
ot ?J000 a year, the state game com
mission announced. Mr. McCIees has
been district game warden for the en
tire area east of the Cascade moun
tains since September 1, 1930, and
prior to that was deputy game war
den in Malheur and Coos counties for
eight years.
The commission also announced that
it had rc-employed the entire exist
ing personnel of the trout hatcheries
and game farms, subject to a 10 per
cent reduction in salaries. At the
close of the day's work the commis
sion announced the resignations of
J. P. Morelock, La Grande; George
W. Russell, Tillamook and John
Combs, Prineville, as deputy game
wardens, the resignations to be ef
fective Tuesday but salary to con
tinue until June 1.
Art M. Fish, chief of law enforce
ment under the former commission
and a leading candidate for super
visor, was appointed district game
warden in charge of the district over
which Mr. McCIees has had charge
until Tuesday, at a salary of $185 a
month. He was authorized to remain
in Portland temporarily to assist Mr.
McCIees in organizing the new law
enforcement force.
Mr. McCIees, according to a formal
statement made by the commission,
is an ex-service man, a veteran of the
Spanish-American and world wars,
and a conspicuously efficient warden.
He is about 50 years old and married,
and during the past five years has
been a resident of Ontario, Or. He
originally lived in Walla Walla,
Wash., and at one time was a famous
jockey, making the rounds of the big
race tracks in the east, according to
friends. Eight years ago he was ap
pointed special game warden in Coos
county and was ' assigned to work
with Mr. Fish in that region.
Athena High School
Defeated Weston, 11-3
In a game better described as be
ing a comedy of errors, Athena high
school defeated Weston high on the
Athena grounds Friday afternoon by
the score of 11-3.
Four hits with eleven errors was
the requirement needed for the locals
to snare an uneven contest. Athena
is credited in Doc Blatchford's score
book with a total of four misdeeds
behind Huffman's pitching. He held
Weston batters to three bingles.
And Mcintosh for the the lads over
the hill was stingy as a Scotchman
with hits. He held the home boys to
one in the first. In the third with a
hit, a fielders choice and a collection
of three errors, Athena added two
more. In the fifth two more came in
and in the sixth another hit, a number
of errors, a passed ball, etc., allowed
the bell to ring six times.
Weston hopped off in tho first with
two of her runs. Huffman fanned
Ashworth, but walked Ross. Mcin
tosh lifted out a two base hit, scoring
Ashworth. King was safe on Geis
sel's error, Mcintosh going down to
third from where he scored on a pass
ed ball. An error, a fielders choice
and a passed ball allowed Ashworth
to score for Weston in her half of the
fifth. The score:
Twelve Class Members Will
Receive Diplomas Ad
dress by Lapham.
Graduation exercises for thu turpi
members of class '31, Athena high
school will take nlace this pvpninw nt.
high school auditorium, beginning' at
o o ciock. rrofessor Ray Lapham
of Whitman college will deliver the
aaaress. ,
The personnel of the class com- '
prises Myrtle Campbell, Jack Moore,
Arthur Crowley, Georgie Green.Staf
ford Hansell, Harold Kirk, Herbert
Reeder, Emery Rogers, Mary'.Tomp-:
kins, Roland Wilson, Vineta Weaver
and Walter Huffman. . '
The auditorium will be decorated in
class colors, orchid and gold. The
class flower is sweet pea; the motto,
"Out of the Harbor into the Sea."
The program for the evening follows:
Priest March, from "Athalia"
' Mendelsohn
High School Band
Invocation ....Rev. Charles Sias
Quartet "Goodbye, Old High"
Betty Eager, Marjorie Douglas, Fred
&mger, K41ph Moore; Marjorie
Montague, accompanist.
Presentation of Class Gift.................
...Jack Moore, Class President
Chorus "Cheery Lights of Home"..
High School Glee Club
Commencement Address
Prof. Ray Lapham
"Wake Up March"..:..: Bennett
High School Band
Presentation of Class .............
- Supt. E. F. Bloom
Presentation of Diplomas..., ..
Arnold Wood, Chairman of High
School Board.
Baccalaureate Services
Rev. Frank L. Wemmett, pastor of
the Pendleton Methodist church de
livered a well prepared baccalaureate
sermon before a large audience and
the Athena high school graduating
class at Christian church, Sunday
evening. The devotions were in
charge of C. A. Sias, .Christian church
minister and Gerald C. Dryden of the
Baptist church. A special feature
was a selection by the Athena com
munity chorus. The sophomore class
had the church auditorium beautiful
ly decorated for the occasion, lilacs
and tulips in shades of orchid and
gold, effectively carried out the class
colors. The program was as follows:
Invocation Rev, Charles A. Sias
Scripture Rev. Gerald C. Dryden
Anthem, "The King of Glory"..Holton
Community Chorus
Address Rev. Frank L. Wemmetfc
Umatilla Here Sunday
The Umatilla team of the county
league, which defeated Athena 6-5
will be here to play the locals a re
turn game, Sunday afternoon. The
teams are evenly matched and the
coming fray should be an interesting
one to watch. With errors reason
ably eliminated the game should be a
close one, as both teams have good
New Health Nurse
Mrs. Ruth C. Hinegardner, grad
uate of Presbyterian Hospital, Chica
go, class of 1924, will take up her
duties as Umatilla county health
nurse, succeeding Miss Helen Sam
ton, who resigned recently.
Old-Time Baseball Teams
To Play at Weston Picnic
A feature number of the Saturday
program of the Pioneer Reunion pic
nic at Weston, June 13, will be a
baseball game played between Athe
na and Weston by players who were
in their athletic glory in pre-war
Sid Barnes is manager of Weston's
scrawny outfit and Bob Blomgren
is its captain; Kernel Wood functions
as fungoist. The Athena team will
be managed by Billy Littlejohn, who
will select Laurence Lieuallen to cap
tain the tribe. The personnel of the
Athena lineup is being kept dark, but
the sporting editor hopes to drill it
out for the public in the next issue
of the Press.
Slats Wheeler sends word to the
Weston bunch that his ol' soup bone
may be a little cracked, but it is still
good enough to whiff anything Athe
na may walk to the plate.
Huh. Saying a lot, sez we figger
ing on ex-Yellow Kid players the
likes o' Dell and Lieuallen.
Golf Tournament
The biggest golf tournament in the
history of the Pendleton country club
occurred Sunday with 100 players
from Milton, Freewater, Hermiston,
Echo, Pilot Rock and Athena. Two
Pendleton players were matched
against two visitors in flight pairings.
Archie Bond, Pendleton, with an 81
for 18 holes was low medalist of the
day. Tom Stanton of Pilot Rock was
low for the visitors with an 86. The
ladies of the country club served
luncheon during the day. Those at
tending from Athena were E. C.
Prestbye, Justin Harwood, Leonard
Geissel, Dean Pinkerton, Flint Johns,
and Penn Harris.
Eighty-First Milestone
R. Alexander, former Pendleton
merchant and well known fraternal
order member, celebrated his 81st
birthday anniversary at Pendleton
Tuesday, at a dinner meeting of tha
Kiwauls club. '