THE PRESS, ATHENA, OREGON, MAY 1, 1931 Established Jan. 1, 1S87 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher Subscription Raten. One copy, one year . . . . tlDQ One ccpr, six months.. ....... ..f UOO One copy.lhree naontha . ... .75 Athena, Oregon, May 1, 1931 Clark Wood says: "Results only will determine J J whether or cot Spain will be charged by the league scorer J J with an error for that over- throw.'' " J the pockets of the people. Too cant "soak" s corporation -without "soak ing" the consumer, and yon cast "soak" the consumer -without "soak ing" the corporation in both cases yon "soak tike be ring power of the nation and tend to cause depression and stagnation. 22 Years Ago Here if a booster for the dairyman and banker. A Pennsylvania dairy organization has located automatic milk Tending machines, electrically refrigerated, which will deliver a bot tle of milk for 10 cents and will re pay 5 cents when the bottle is re turned. These machines are located in factory districts. A companion Tending machine offers "hot dogs" at current prices. o OREGON'S PLAN Oregon which has a university, a stste college and three normal schools, the same as its neighbor state, ex pects to cut costs very materially. Governor Meier, aroused at the high cost of education as shown is a re cent federal snrver. reouested action and presidents of the fire institutions mke 5t sier in every way. What with a proposed drastic re vision oi marriage and divorce laws in the Episcopal church, the Presby terians leaning to the removal of bans against birth control, and with only forty-two days residence re quired in Reno to secure divorce, it Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, dynamic Chances are that General Butler president of the state university wentl33 llre renuons two weeks when so far as to suggest as actual eon-, w Oregon to organize we solidation of the institutions, con-Police fore- Eat ta ducting them separately but as one;13 accustomed to strenoosity. If duvCTsty with ne d:r irdrtjstire be ja "A timself, others nn- feeai. Ej'tfcir rian faculty jncn-bers ,cover a fnr tim- . could t aitercfcaairea, and much of ; tie Kksrji".nd investigation work ! A -veiT m Portland girl won would be cHnsoliaated. ATI rivalry niiant victory over seven high between the state imivershy and the school boys in the Oregon finals of stele cuUcge would be eliminuted and th t'onal oratorical contest and thus would end one race to spend the wia represent the state in the Pa publirt uuliarK, sinse under the inw-;cifc 03tst final Angeles. meh Kate institution tries to outdo ! CsI"jn furnishes the first the cher, and xhis wmts money. ; snwiwrries of the season. Good Duplications would be eliminated 0VeT to- Kai 3t is estimated the Ktate would save some during the re mainder of the biennium. These sutrrestions are tentative, of course, and subject to overcoming 1830. The Twin Rivers State Eank. some difficulties, such as the state- j Pay to the order of Kirk Buck. Five ment of Dr. Hall that he seriously ob- , Dollars." Arnold Buck signed the jected to the recommendation "that check, mailed his letter and then went the pure science be transferred from over to the pool hall for recreation, the university to the college," and the i The postmaster read "Eirk Buck, request of I)r. Eerr that the O. S. C. Moscow, Ida." tying it into the prop retain many of its courses. er pile just as the stage driver pre These difference can be ironed out, sented himself for Uncle Sam's bag wrih others, if all are willing to do Fgc. thfiir pari in the proposed eff ort to re-1 Out of TaHey City a few hours later lieve expenditures, .the letter was being bandied by ra2- Eads mate as facing s rather ser- ; way mail clerks enroute to its destina auuE condition in paying for the edu- .tion. At Kobcdw the drey transferred Ciiional lacilitU which have been j it to the port office end the carrier xm2t x'p. IThere to start if the que- delivered h to Eirk Bnck. tiiffl and Oregiai stems to be trying to ' Kert day a young high school boy juiixit the way. Epjmared at the Wesienj Trust Co. Is this sttte the idea of a central - bank and received jjayment on the A CHECK TEAT TRAVELED. (Bankers Service Bulletin) "Twin Rivers, Oregon, May 15th, Friday, May 7, 1SW Concrete walks are being put down on Main street this week, in front of the business property of Chas. N orris and David Taylor, the latter property being occupied by DeH Bros., Other Main street property owners are also considering replacing board walks with concrete. Big posters announcing Athens's annual sales day arc being distribut ed throughout the county. The post ers announce the J 9,000 worth of property including 50 bead of horses, new buggies, wagons, etc, will be of fered for sale to the highest bidder in this city Saturday, May la. The men having the sale in charge have aS necessary arrangements made, and every indication points to success. Jay Gross, the Weston farmer, was noticed on our streets "Wednesday. A number of Athena residences are being brightened up with paint. The homes of Dr. Sharp and Henry DeS have been painted this week. The Christian church building is to be painted soon, and the big Preston Parton mill will also be given a new dress cf color. Sam Eutt sold his iron grey dray team to a horse buyer this week. The price received is said to be over the (500 mark. Mr. B. C Kidder, father of G. B. i Kidder, has purchased the Hays pro perty in the north part of town and wiD make his home in this city. Mr. and Mrs. George Gross and lit tle granddaughter, Verva, left yester day noon for Alberta, where they will visit their children for six weeks or more. Sunday Mr. Gross visited his brother, J. J in Walla Walla. , G. W. Proebstel of Weston, is at T7i T - 1- - : i , -,i I v -ZFZ l ' 'i "Kt Hay-Bundle Wheat hay for " 'Z J" U"T i: "4 sale. James Duncan, phone 30F15. mg benefit from the waters of that j place. Eyes examined, glasses properly i Miss Came Sharp has been elected Etted at bctneiier's, 9 tast Mam, to her present position in the Pen die- j Walla Walla, ton public schools for another year. I PPV R1TFM AV Miss Airy Fobs, who also teaches in JiJSuN 15Ai.JlAi Pendleton has resigned her position. ! Expert in Eyron N. Eawks of the Pioneer j Body Correction drug store, has perfected a splendid ; Calls answered promptly face lotion, which is giving satisfac- Office at Residence in North Athena a good team, and only once has it been ; defeated this season. 1 John Mclntyre, whose health has been growing noticeably worse during j the part few weeks, was taken to Pen- j dletoa Wednesday for treatment in ( the hospital j The Athena Truck company, which j has the contract for sprinkling the streets for the year, rolled a new "squirt wagon" into service Wednes day morning. The new outfit consists of a big round tank mounted on trucks and is equipped with the very latest Austin sprinkler like those used in the large cities, and is giving entire satisfaction. 1 La Mar Union No. held one of the most successful social meetings in the ; history of the organization, Monday night. Between 75 and 100 persons ; were present and enjoyed the eve-1 mug entertainment, wiucn consisted of a splendid program. An oyster sup per was served, and it required two tables, extending across the school house to accommodate those who par ticipated in the feast. The funeral of Jas. C Stamper was held at the M. E. Church Sunday at 11 o'clock, and the big auditorium, class room, and gallery, all three of which were thrown open, were taxed to full capacity, and then many per sons were compelled to remain outside the church during the services. The seats in the center of the auditorium were all occupied by relatives of the deceased, and members of the Odd Fellow and Woodman lodges. The service at the grave was conducted by the Odd Fellows. The floral offerings were profuse and beautiful. IN Contours Specialties Beautify the Complexion Strengthen the Countour RAPID CLEANSING CREAM SKIN FRESHENER SKIN FOOD FINISHING LOTION Athena Beauty Shop Sadie Pambrun, Operator Phone 22 Take Advantage of Our Service We are equipped to Haynes Stellite plow shares (or do any other kind of welding work) promptly, efficiently, and at moderate cost. See us today it will add many more dollars to your profits. C. M. JONES Acetylene Welding Athena, Lower Main Street The First National Bank of Athena Established 1891 : CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $110,000.00 Does a General Banking Business and Maintains a Complete Trust Department CLASSIFIED Wanted Clean, Cotton rags at the Press office. li:ri t dirwt a.ffaire of institutions f higher loaning has been put fur ward, and usually yromptly ntjut-kb-ed, fear being xpresd that it would put too vacfe itnt'tr in the hands of one aaa. Over in Oregon they do not sejB t have this fear. Walla Walla Union. o . RUSH TO STORE GRAIN All the available FUatge rpat for grain is being ykitd up in the ter minal cities of Portland, Astoria, Locgvk-w, Tacoma and Seattie, says the state market ajrent. In Portland. the Pacific Coast Elevator dock is in receipt of 7 COO ton of wheat the first storage cf its kind in several years. During this week the Oceanic Terminal took ia about 0 carloads and on Monday this week the ware house of the old Peninsula Lumber Mill begin rtoritg about MOO tons. This is the first time that wheat hai ever been stored at either of these two places. In Tacoma, warehouse, for years vacant, are filling up with wheat. All this grain is stored for the account of the Farmers National Grain Corporation or the Stabilitatioa Board. The date for the further move ment of this old crop of grain is un certain but it is relief for the ware housemen in the interior of the itate for in approximately three months storage room must be provided for the new crop. An average of about 50 car of grain arrived in Portland daily last week. o With the going of "Tige" Reynolds, the natioii loses one of its greatest cartoonists and the Morning Oregon ian a loyal and brilliant member of its staJ. No more will the kiddies look for the smiles and winks of the little tiger cub that peered always from the drawings of Edward Samuel Reynolds. No longer will elders look on the front page to find what Reyn olds "has to say of it" in crayon and ink. The sympathic, humorous, virile caricaturist hss passed on. O " Facing a roost critical situation in the dairy industry from the flooding of markets by substitutes for butter fanners organizations are protesting gainst the proponed referendum on the recent law taxing oloo 10 cents a pound. While statewide action has cot yet been taken by these group various unit of the Grange have car ried on successful campaigns result ing in the banishment of oleo from the stores of various towns. Here is something to think about, says an exchange: Tax money does not grow oa trees. It comes out cf check. The bank remitted it to ite correspondent at Spokane, Spokane remitted it to Portland, Portland to Valley City, and Valley City to Twin Rivers, Twin Rivers passed it to the bookkeeper, who found the account insufficient. Buck's boarding house was called, bet be was out, might be in before closing time, called again, still out The check was taken off the sheets and charged back to Valley City. Vtlky City credits Twin Rivers and charges Portland, Portland credits Valley City and charges Spokane, Spokane credits Portland and charges Moscow, Moscow credits Spokane and the teller consults the bookkeepers as ia who Kirk Buck is. The teller thought he knew Ms man when be csshed the check but since forgotten. The item on this first little round has made &6 separate individual con tacts. Kirk's address is finally located but he is out on a picnic. By mistake the check gets into the remittances . and makes the rounds in 10 days and is back in the cath items with 65 ad- j ditional contacts. So the check is started out again, but Arnold Buck has moved to a new camp and the item comes limping back the third time. Kirk is still out in the sticks. There is nothicg to do but hold the check in the cash items until his return. The check has cow been handled j separately above 300 tiroes also ban- j died in bulk by train men, post office j employees, mail clerks, earners, and draymen about 50 times for each trip This with the correspondence and con versation directly pertaining to it brings the number of contacts to its discredit near TOO and it is still in the "cash." August first, young man rings the bell at the teller's home. He explains he just got in, is going out before! banking hours in the morning, here is the money for the "insufficient check. The teller thanks him, smiles and swears at the same rime. After-1 wards in bed he remembers leaving ; the money lying on the table. He stumbles down puts it into his coat pocket. Next morning he changes to a lighter suit. Bringing out his daily cath, the Buck checks bobs up, he grabs the phone and asks his wife to send one of the children down with the money. And so the "Arnold Buck $5 In sufficient is rounded up after 400 miles, 700 contacts, 60 days' yrief and time consumed in clearing allowing a few seconds for each contact, amounting to one man working al most a fuH day." tion to all who have used it It is a ! Telephone SSa. snow white preparation, put up in ? convenient sized bottles and is known j on the market as Peroxide Greasekss i Skin Food. j Dr. W. Boyd Whyte CHIROPRACTOR The ShsmTwts w-iTi mw t mrh Stancier B&Hdixir. Fnone 70 Pilot Rock team on the borne grounds Peadletam. Orersn. 57 S Sunday afternoon. The game win be called at 1:3D sharp, so that Charley Dr. W. H. McKinney ' Mastery's bunch can get away cm the j rw,. ,i rm I Spring is here! and with it comes HouseCleaning Time Send Us Your Blankets and Curtains In fact anything washable ASK OUR MR. McLVTTRE Four Trips Weekly Pendleton, Oregon Eastman Hawkeye Cameras FREE! As a special offer to our Customers, we will give one of these cameras free for each tire pur chase or other sale amounting to $5.00 cash or $10.00 payment on account. Call in and get particulars GALLAHER'S GARAGE J. E. Gallaher. Prop. Athena Phone 471 Meals all hours of the day We can give you the best Candies That money can buy KILGORE'S CAFE down train at 4:15. Pilot Rock has NOTICE TO CREDITORS Dr. Sharp's Office OSee Hours at Athena 1 to S p. in. Phone 422. Hours at Weston DR. BLATCHFORD Dentist Post BaOdiag. AUema. PboM SS2 In the County Court of the Stele of j 5 - m. to 12 noon. Phone S3. Calls 1 Oregon, for the County of Lma- maae cay or tight. tnia. ! Is the matter of the Estate cf San- i ford C Stone, Deceased. ! Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Ad ministrator cf the Estate of Sanford jC Stone, deceased, by the above en tities Court. AS persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre fect them to me, at my office in Athe na, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication cf this notice. AH claims must be veri fied as by law required. Dated at Athena, Oregon, this 17th day of April, 1921. B. B. RICHARDS, A17M15 Administrator Dr. Dale RothweH Optometrist The best in glasses at a reasonable cost. Over Woolworth's Phone 12S6 Pendleton, Oregoa Real Estate Wheat Alfalfa and Stock Urtd SHEEP FOR SALE L. L. Montague, Arlingtoa Peterson & Lewis Attorneys at Law Practice in all State and Federal Courts. 1 Pendleton Oregoa I Watts & Prestbye Attorneys-At-Law ! Main Street, Athena, Oregon ! State and Federal Court Practice j Foley's Honey od Tar txuas. prevents Pneumonia. Call Bell CS, Gray Now for Are Always Prepared to do Auto Truck Hauling and Delivery Promptly Prices Rirht Phone 593 Bruno Weber Blacksmitfiing AND Repair Work Prices Reasonable Successor To JENS JENSEN There's lio Escaping the man who's out to hook you for all you're worth," specially if that Auto Accident was more or less your fault Your only protec tion is Liability Insurance and Plenty of It! B. B. RICHARDS, Agent TumaLimi Tickler Published ia the istesesta of the people of Athena and vicinity by THE TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. Phone 91 VoL SI Athena, Oregon, May 1, 1931 No. 19 Editorial When a girl builds air castles she may leave out the kitchen but never the garage. A. M. Johnson, Editor Now, our accomplished archi tects figure all of these things in when they plan you HOME. Come in today and let as figure out the plans for your new home or the remodeling that should be done to the old one. You might even give the dog a treat by building him a kenneL A small boy rushed into Rad tke's the other day and said, "I want a quarters worth of ochre "But, we dont have paints," replied Mac. "You go over to the Tum-a-Lum and ask for yel low ochre." "Aw, that aint what I want," came back the future president. "Ma said to get the kind of ochre yoa use to make tappy ochre pudding." Whether it is painting inside or out, our yellow ochre is like all of our paints. And we keep only one kind THE BEST. Every drop guaranteed to "Save the Surface." Customer: "That chicken I bought yesterday had no wish bone." Bert: Madam, that chicken lived in a Tum-a-Lum designed house. He was so happy and contented that he had nothing to wish for. Sims and Mac have their re modeling job well in hand. A few of the things you should plan on doing to your home. Painting Repairing Insulating Remodeling Eeflooring , At a moderate cost your homo can be given new life. Ask us, Ralph Singer says his chemical kitchen is just .a dandy. Houses painted to stay paint ed. It is just as easy to get a good paint job as it is to gt the other kind. Continental Oil Company Germ Processed Motor Oil Athena Service Station "Service With a Smile" Automobile Accessories Tires BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 762 Farmers Grain Elevator Company Grian and Feed SPECIAL A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed Phone SS2 LEE WILSON. Wer. - - 5t THE TWIN CITY CLEANERS Dependable Service Lower Prices April 1st Ladies Spring Coats $1 and UP Silk Dresses $125 and Up Wool Dresses $1 and Up Men's Suits $1.25 For other prices, ask the Driver Trade with the man who helps pay your taxes We call for and deliver every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday SMITH, Proprietor, phone 1571 Free water Oregon See Us... Before Buying Electric Lamps j and other electric appliances, including Sad-irons, i Percolators, Toasters, Waffle Irons, Hotplates, !J Vacuum Sweepers, G. E. Refrigerators, and Hot- jjj point Electric Stoves. In fact, everything electrical g 8 8 s g PRESTON-SHAFFER MILLING CO. g fi Electrical Department, Athena, Oregon. Phone 1S2 g -