The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 24, 1931, Image 3

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California Plan Given Pref
erence Over That of
Salem. Consolidation of Oregon's
five institutions of higher education
into one great University of Oregon
under one administrative head was
recommended by Arnold Bennett Hall,
president of the university, in a re
port to the state board of higher edu
cation Monday.
This plan, referred to as the Cali
fornia system, President Hall declar
ed to be preferable to the so-called
Montana plan where the institutions
of higher education are under con
trol of a chancellor but each retains
its individual identity.
The so-called California plan, ac
cording to President Hall, would
eliminate considerable overhead du
plication in expense, eliminate fric
tion between the chancellor and the
several institutional presidents, would
tend to unite the people of the state
and the alumni of the university be
hind the institution as a whole, and
would make possible greater flexi
bility in the development of joint
committees and exchanging staffs to
meet peak loads than could possibly
exist under the Montana plan.
"For example," President ... Hall
pointed out, "there is a great deal of
elasticity between the medical school
in Portland and the pre-medical work
in Eugene, much more than there is
now between the institutions at Eu
gene and Corvallis. If all were parts
of the University of Oregon under a
single administration, the same in
timate relationships and elasticity of
administration could exist between
the five branches of the university.
"In view of these general condi
tions, I believe that a consolidation
of the five institutions into one in
stitution, preferably the University
of Oregon, would enable the institu
tion to be most effectively managed,
would secure the largest possible
service for the taxpayers's dollar, and
would create an institution of great
er prestige than would be possible
under our present disorganized ar
rangement. "Moreover, I believe it would be
practicable to have a University of
Oregon at Eugene, at Corvallis, at
Portland, at La Grande, at Ashland
and at Monmouth. For example, these
different schools would be designated
as the University of Oregon ,at Ash
land, junior college and teacher train
ing. I believe the members of the
faculty would welcome this because
they would prefer to be teaching in a
branch of the University. of Oregon,
rather than in the normal school.
Athena Loses Her First
Game to Helix in Coun
ty League, Score 9 to 6
Athena dropped her first game of
the season in the Umatilla County
Baseball league schedule to Helix
Sunday, by the score of 9 to 6.
A total of 15 errors Helix credit
ed with 9, Athena 6 was the back
ground of support accorded two hard
working pitchers, Tudor for the home
guard and Gemmel for Helix, and
only the fact that both had consider
able stuff on the ball in the pinches
served to hold the score down.
Hodgens, first up for Helix was
thrown out, Tudor to Harden, Sehyr
stretched a two-base hit into a three
bagger and scored on a hit by Har
gett. In the third, three errors and a
three-ply smash by King netted three
runs for Helix. Tudor fanned Holm
gren, Nelson and Gemmel in a row in
the fourth, but in the fifth a couple
of singles, two errors and a fielder's
choice counted two more for Bill
King's Grizzlies and in the sixth
a single, a two-bagger and a home
run swat brought in three more.
Athena scored twice in the second.
A couple of walks, an error and a
single made the tallies easy. Three
errors, a hit and a sacrifice netted
Athena two more in the sixth. A ral
ly in the ninth inning had Helix
groggy. Wallan grounded out to
King at first, Harden walked and
went to second when Miller was safe
at first on Gemmel's error. LaCourse
struck out. Then Baker raced to sec
ond when Schyer- let his sizzling
grounder get through him, Harden
and Miller scoring. Jenkins was hit
by a pitched ball. Crowley singled
and Baker dashed for home, sliding
into the pan. Umpire Bassett waved
him out and immediately there en
sued a protesting uproar from Athe
na fans, who claimed Baker was on
the plate before Hargett, who had
dropped the ball, recovered and touch
ed him. The score:
Athena ABE H E
Wallan 2b 4 0 12
Harden lb.......... 4 111
Miller If 5 10 0
LaCourse 3-cf.......: .......4 2 0-3
Baker c... 4 X 0 0
Jenkins 3-ss 4 110
Harris cf ...3 0 0 0
Crowley ss .....1 0 1 0
Pinkerton rf.. .....A 0 10
Tudor p..... 3 0 1 0
36 6 5 6
Helix ABR H E
Hodgen 2b..... ..............5 2 11
Schyer ss 5 3 2 3
King lb 5 1 2 1
Cook 3b 4 0 0 1
Hargett c 4 0 10
Swain If 4 0 0 0
Holmgren rf .2 11 0
Karstens cf 2 0 0 0
Nelson cf 2 0 0 0
Pendergast cf ........2 0 0 1
Pierce , p 2 10 0
Gemmel p . 2 1 12
39 9 8 9
Farmers Grain Body Leases
Ground at Portland
Portland. In co-operation with the
commission of public docks, the Farm
ers' National Grain corporation will
construct immediately three huee
warehouses at Municipal Terminal
No. 4 for the storage of old crop
wheat, it was announced by John H.
Burgard, chairman of the dock com
mission. -
Negotiations for lease of ground
space at Terminal No. 4 were com
pleted Saturday by Burgard for the
dock commission and Edgar W. Smith
assistant to Henry W. Collins, vice
president of the Grain corporation,
and A. A. Ryer, manager of the Port
land branch of the Grain corporation.
A two-year lease on the ground for
the warehouses was taken by the
Farmer's National. The firm of
Wegman & . Son was given the
contract immediately for the con
struction of the warehouses, which
will be started this week. The build
ings will be of frame construction
Two of the warehouses will be 150
feet wide and 500 feet long.' They
will be erected immediately east of
the present 1,000,000-bushel grain
elevator annex, completed last year.
A 500-foot conveyor will be extended
from the annex the full length of one
of the warehouses and a roadway to
the conveyor from the other two
warehouses will be provided. The
third huge structure will be 150 feet
wide and 850 feet long and will be
east and north of the annex.
,The grain corporation expects to
handle about 120,000 tons of wheat
in the warehouses, with probably 70,
000 tons on hand at a time. It will
all be sacked wheat and will be piled
16 bags high. . - .
"The commission by its prompt ac
tion in helping to make available
120,000 tons additional storage for
the Farmers National Grain corpor
ation adjacent to the commission's
elevator at terminal No. 4 has again
demonstrated its willingness to in
sure the natural flow of grain to
Portland," Burgard said, speaking for
the commission.
"We are gratified with the prompt
action of the dock commission in en
abling us to handle efficiently the
larger quantity of wheat which must
be moved soon from the country to
tidewater," Smith said in discussing
the construction of the warehouses.
The Oceanic terminals . in Guilds
lake have also been designed a grain
corporation warehouse and thus far
50 carloads of sacked grain have been
unloaded and stored there
High School Notes
Like a Symphony ... the best Gasoline
is Blended
IT'S primer knowledge to the or
chestra conductor that each group
of instrument! in the ensemble brings
a necessary influence into the sym
phony's finished blend of tone. In the
unaccompanied "oompah" of the bass
horns the overlay of melody provided
by singing violins and mellow wood
winds is lacking. All must be blended
by the baton 01 the conductor ac
cording to the expert formula of the
composer before the perfection of the
symphony is achieved.
CONOCO long has realized that
harmony is as necessary to gasoline as
to music So CONOCO gasoline is
blended and balanced. One type of
gasoline is no more satisfactory than
as an orchestra of bass horns. So CON
OCO refiners take the three types
containing the elements of the perfect
fuel and deftly combine them until
they blend in absolute harmony.
That's why CONOCO contains:
Natural Gasoline, for quick darting
. . , Straight-run Gasoline, for power
and long mileage . . . Cracked Gaso
line, for its anti-knock qualities.
No single type of gasoline can con
tain all these qualities. They are pres
ent, though, in CONOCO Gasoline
... blended there into a symphonic,
TPL master refiners wielding the baton.
TT For, after all, it's in knowing how.
That's why some musical directors, ss
well as some refiners, achieve fame.
You'll find this triple-test gasoline
with the balanced-blend wherever
you see the CONOCO Red Triangle.
Editorial .
(Betty Eager)
What good are plays and shows in
the high schools! They are just a
waste of the students time which they
could be putting in on their studies.
This is the question and the answer
given by many people, who, if they
would only look at this question from
the right point of view, would see
it differently. A show does not waste
a students time. It gives them a
chance to display their talents which
otherwise would go unsung through
out their four years of high school,
and no doubt throughout their lives.
A few of the students study piano,
vocal, or some other line of music
but there are a greater few who do
not have this chance but still have
the talent. A show gives these stu
dents the opportunity to put forth
such qualities as those just mention
ed. As for high school plays; some
students can act very well and plays
give these students the opportunity
to do so. People say these activities
take the time from the students that
they could put on their studies. These
productions and plays are not prac
ticed during school hours and sure
ly the students should be granted a
few minutes of freedom in which
they do not have to study. Everyone
has heard the saying "all work and
no play makes Jack a dull boy." This
is true. In saying this I do not say
that students should have all play
and no work. If this were to be,
where would any of us get in this
old world? Not very far, but vodvils
and plays merely afford this small
Student Body Elects Officers .
The second student body election
was held last Friday afternoon when
the following officers were elected.
Editor of annual. Leland Jenkins;
business manager of annual, Fred
Singer; . transportation manager,
Howard Reeder; cheer leader, Bud
Weber, (8th grade).
The total list of officers for next
year are: president, Marjorie Doug
las; vice-president, Betty Eager; sec
treas., Arleen Myrick; editor of an
nual, Leland Jenkins; business man
ager of annual, Fred Singer; trans
portation manager, Howard Reeder;
cheer leader, Bud Weber.
Junior Class Meets
The last meeting of the junior
class was called to order for the pur
pose of preparing for the junior
senior banquet to be held Saturday,
April 25. .
The following committees were ap
pointed: program, Marjorie Douglas,
chairman, Ilene McBride, Lester
Towne, Walter Edger; decorations,
Leland Jenkins, Betty Eager chair
man, Jim Wilson; table arrangement,
Arleen Myrick chairman, Raymond
Murphy, Glenn McCullough, Esther
Berlin; transportation, George Pitt
man chairman, Goldie Miller.
Glee Club at La Grande
The ''high school mixed glee club
took part in the Eastern Oregon
Music Tournament at La Grande,
Saturday, April 18, 1931.
Their selection. "The Cheery ugnts
of Home" was well sung and placed
second. As accompanist of this piece
Betty Eager won first over about
thirty other competitors. Betty also
won second in a piano selection
against five competitors.
The glee club enjoyed the trip im
mensely. All are looking forward to
entering the contest next year.
Athena Defeats Adams
Tn a hectic last innine the Athena
nine nosed out the Adams "warriors"
Friday afternoon, April 15, at Adams.
Neither team managed to score in
the first four innings. Adams dented
the plate in the fifth and sixth inn
ings. Huffman was relieved by Jim
Wilson in the sixth inning and no
further scoring was done in that inn
ine With the score 2-0 against them
the Athenians settled down. Ralph
Moore, first up, hit a three ply swat
to left field. Wilson and Pickett were
walked, filling the bases. Hansell hit
a line drive to left field driving in two
scores to tie the game. Jack Moore
ent a hieh fiv to center field and
Pickett galloped home to place Athe
na in the lead 8-2. Huffman returned
to the mound and Adams didn't score.
The lino nn was as follows: Athe
na Huffman, p; J. Moore, c; Hansell,
1st: Piekett. 2nd: Jenkins, ss: Crow
ley, 3rd; R. Moore, If; J. Wilson, cf ;
Weber, rf. Adams: LaCourse, p; B.
Hodgen, c; Wilson, 1st; J. Hodgen,
2nd: Murrav. ss: A. Potter. 3rd; K.
Potter, If LaFave, cf; Rothrock, rf.
Netted Gem Seed
Netted Gem seed potatoes from
Crook, Deschutes, Washington and
Umatilla counties will be grown in
the state of Washington again this
year in comparison with seed of the
same variety from Idaho, Montana
Washineton. and other states. County
agents of these Oregon counties have
been arrantrine with srrowers to send
sample sacks to Washington for these
trials. In Bast years Oregon seed
has stood at or near the top in these
Gets the Big Ones
Our Stock Is Complete
Our Prize Rod
Rogers . Goodman
(A Mercantile Trust)
the victim. McGuire's truck had crash
ed through the protecting rail guard
ing the highway.
The Churches
Charles A. Sias, Minister
The Athena congregation is a unit'
in itself, with no outside authority
or machinery. Congregational gov
ernment; special plea is for unity 01
all Christian people, with the New
Testament alone as authority and
rule of faith and practice; large
liberty of opinion. Worship and ser
mon each Sunday morning and eve
ning. Bible school 10 a. m. Young
people meet at 6:30; mid-week de
votional and Bible study Wednesday
Gerald C. Dryden, Minister
Sundav school. 10 a. m.. worship
service with a study on "The Burnt
Offering," 11 a. m., e:30 o. x. r. u.,
Clara Flock, leader; 7:30 p. m. the
Hecnnd in the iieries of sermons on
"Christ the Shepherd is the Great
Shepherd;" 8 p. m. Thursday, aauit
and young peoples prayer meeting.
In the adult meeting we will take up
for study the name of God used in
Gen. 1:1. "Him that cometh unto me
I will in nowise cast out." John 6:37.
. Driver Burned to Death
Pinned beneath his flaming over
turned truck, Harry McGuire, Port
land, 21, was burned to death during
the night, Monday. The charred
truck, its metal too hot to touch, was
found beyond the edge of a steep em
bankment in the highway north of
Portland. From the blackened debris
motorists saw the protruding feet of
r V nH1irh MinnpnnnliM. Minn..
will demonstrate without charge his
unequalled method in v an u vein,
and 7 at the DORION HOTEL from
10 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Mr. C. F. Redlich says:
Tli "PnrtWt Wptention Shields"
hold the rupture perfectly, no matter
1 i. ...u... 4.1.. V.Ar no.ii Tvi ci a rr
how heavy a weight you lift. They
give instant reiiei and contract me
opening m a remartcamy snort time.
TVm oxl'ef rf their diiccesi IS In
4-lioii.oimnlimtw. An exnertlv adjust
ed device seals the opening without
discomiort or detention iron. wu;. n
is practically everlasting, sanitary,
comfortable ana actually noma my
tures which heretofore were consid
ered uncontrollable.
stntnopVi trmihlp. backache ' and
....imiilnn noartv nlwavs a conse-
quence 01 rupture, prompwy. ubk
Bring your children. According to
statistics 95 ter cent recover by our
NOTICE: All whom we have treat
ed during the past ten years are in
vited to come in for a free inspection.
Evening appointments by telephone
only on the nrst aay.
535 Boston Block, Minneapolis, Minn.
Coming to
in Internal Medicine for the past
eighteen years
Will be at
Office Hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.
No Charge for Consultation
Dr. Mellenthin does not operate for
chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ul
cers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids.
He has to his credit wonderful re-
suits in diseases of the stomach, liver,
bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart,
kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh
weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg
ulcers and rectal ailments.
Remember above date that consulta
tion on this trip will be free and that
this treatment is different.
Married women must be accom
panied by their husbands.
Address: 4221 West Third 'Street,
Los Angeles, California.
Real Estate
Wheat Alfalfa'and
Stock Land
L. L. Montague, Arlington
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