The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, April 17, 1931, Image 2

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Established Jan. 1, 1887
F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates,
One copy, one year $2.00
One copy, six months $1.00
One copy, three monthi 75
Athena, Oregon, April 17....... 131
While cash grain markets held
steady during the past week, under a
fairly active demand for the lighter
offerings, futures markets weakened
and new crop wheat deliveries at
Chicago declined ccordjng to U. S.
Weekly Grain Market Review, Crop
conditions are reported 92 per cent of
normal in Kansas, and 95 per cent in
Nebraska, with indications that aban
donment would be light. Of the- 42,
042,000 acres of fall sown wheat,
farmers now expect to harvest about
39,759,000 acres. Seeding of spring
wheat has begun unusually early, but
snow storms , and cold weather dur
ing the week delayed operations.
Spring wheat farmers have reported
an intention to sow only about 88
per tent as much bread wheat, and
76 per cent Durum as was harvested
in 1930. The indications are that
this year's, wheat acreage will total
67,441,000 acres, compared with 69,-
163,000 acres harvested last season
With acerage yields, the indicated
spring wheat seedings would produce
about 148,000,000 bushels of hard
spring, 47,000,000 bushels of Durum
and 26,000,000 bushels of white wheat
a total of about 221,000,000 bushels,
compared with approximately 247,
000,000 bushels produced in 1930.
There are about 29,000,000 homes
In this country of which 20,000,000
receive electric service. The balance
' are largely in rural areas to which
electric lines are being rapidly ex
tended. Homes in general are now
increasing their use of current, but it
is estimated that they are not yet
using one-third of the amount nec
- essary for completely electrified es
tablishments. In spite of all progress
of tiie past, electrification, in any
line, is still far from the saturation
point. The Industry, during the past
20 years, has done wonders in lower
ing rates and broadening, extending
and improving service. The record
of the next 20 years will undoubted
ly surpass past performance.
In states which have adopted strict
examination laws for drivers, licenses
have been refused to an appreciable
percentage of applicants. As a re
suit, the accident rate in those states
'has usually gone down while increas
ing in states where licenses are issu
'ed to all who wish them. The over
whelming percentage of drivers are
reasonably careful and competent.
The small percentage who are con
genially careless and incompenent
cause our gigantic death record, and
are a constant menace to lives and
property of all who drive. Every
state should take steps to make cer
tain that every possessor of a driv
ing license is reasonably fit to use
public highways.
of grain than was previously avail
able. H. H. Huron of Imbler has
found a profitable market in Montana
for a carload of the seed duly certi
fied and it is also recommended for
other portions of Eastern Oregon.
Ohio convicts admit setting fire to
the prison in which 320 lost their
lives in the conflagration. The two
who confessed are serving terms for
robbery, but murderers now, they
will be punished accordingly
"Nick" Longworth was something
more than the son-in-law of a great
president and speaker of the house of
representatives. He was a states
man, and as such, leaves a lasting im
press upon his country.
There are not many "Brother
Josephs of Molokai" in this world. A
Trappist monk, he toiled unselfishly
among the lepers for near half a
century before passing to his reward
at the age of 87.
Liberty Magazine has been sold to
the MacFadden publishing interests.
Well, here's hoping that Liberty will
not be made into a hopper for "true
story" literature.
Will it be a box office smash when
Al Capone appears in the movies?
Sure, Mike!
22 Years Ago
The new chairman of the Federal
Farm Board, Mr. Stone, announces
that the policy of the Board in hand
ling the 200,000,000 bushels of wheat
which the Board has purchased will
depend on the acreage of spring and
fall grain planted this year. If the
acreage is materially reduced the
Board will sell some of the wheat,
otherwise it will probably be held in
definitely. Senator McNary of Ore
gon thinks that the Board made a
great failure of its efforts to stabil
ize the wheat market, and he is now
urging the adoption of the export de
benture fee, which is also advocated
by the Grange.
Any financial assistance given the
Athena Cemetery Association, either
from private or public source, is well
merited. To function successfully this
organization must have means to
further its plans of Improvement to
the grounds and taking care of ceme
tery plots. Clubs and other organiza
tions of Athena would be doing a
great service to the community by at
once entering actively upon a series
of entertainments, the proceeds from
which should be diverted into a ceme
tery fund, to b administration by the
(The Manufacturer)
A changed attitude was noticeable
in recent state legislation for govern
ing automobile operation.
Apparently the lessons of the past
which have cost us thousands of
lives have had some effect. There is
a trend, not toward overly restrictive
and hence unenforceable laws, but to
ward moderate measures. The so-
called model traffic ordinance, which
does away with a stipulated speed
limit and substitutes "reckless driv
ing" thereby giving traffic officers
greater leeway in preventing reck
lessness has been adopted in a num
ber of states, and endorsed by safe
ty organizations.
Compulsory liability insurance laws
were conspicuous by their absence.
Even the financial responsibility laws,
by which a driver is forced to pro
vide evidence of his ability to pay
for damage he may cause in the fu
ture after he has had one accident,
do not seem to have received much
support. In contrast, measures de
signed to provide strict examination
for drivers, that would weed out the
incompetent and mentally and phys
ically unfit, received wide attention,
Many safety authorities are of the
opinion that the adoption of such a
law in every state would mark the
greatest single step forward in auto
mobile accident prevention.
All in all, we are justified in hav
ing hope that the highway accident
menace is being curbed. But it should
be remembered that legislation, no
matter how wise, can only touch the
surface of the problem. The import
ant thing is for every driver to real
ize his responsibility for the lives and
property of others. When motorists,
as a body, accept that responsibility,
the highways will be safe.
Friday, April 23, 1909
At a meeting of the Umatilla coun
ty Caledonian society held in Athena
last Saturday afternoon, the decision
was made to hold the annual picnic
in Athena oh Friday and Saturday
June 4 and 5.
The Athena Land and Trust com
pany has added the Estes tract to its
possessions recently purchased from
B. F. Ogle. The Estes place em
braces 40 acres of excellent bottom
land which like the Ogle tract is
adapted to orchard' and garden pro
ducts. The transfer was made Sat
urday, the consideration being $6,000.
Anson Wood has purchased
Maxwell automobile, and for the time
being has given up the plow to mas
ter his buzz wagon.
Sim Cully, the Weston merchant,
who is closing out his stock with the
object of engaging in farming, was in
town Wednesday.
One of the O. R. & N. company's
new gasoline motor cars passed
through Athena this forenoon and its
passing attracted quite a crowd at
the station.
Report says that Charles Gay, with
his family, has recently moved from
Waitsburg to Toppenish, Wash.,
where he will go into the confection
ery business.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Volmer and Mr.
and Mrs. Shaffer, came down from
Waitsburg by auto a few days ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Volmer were entertain
ed at the Tompkins home.
Rev. H. E. Ryder gave his illus-
Contoure Specialties
Beautify the Complexion
Strengthen the Countour
Athena Beauty Shop
Sadie Pambrun, Operator
Phone 32
trated lecture, "Seeing New York,"
at the Baptist church Tuesday eve
ning to an appreciative audience. The
pictures were excellent and the lec
ture very instructive.
Athena is to have a laundry. Mrs.
Minnie Baker has sent for machinery
for both washing and ironing which
is now on the road and as soon as
its arrival will be set in operation at
her residence on High street.
Athena is destined to be noticed as
a center for breeding thoroughbred
poultry. A number of persons here
are giving attention to thoroughbred
fowls, the principal breeds at present
being Rhode Island Reds, Buff Or
pingtons and Barred Plymouth
Rock's. ,
Will Pinkerton and family are
again domociled at the old home
northwest of town. Mr. Pinkerton
disposed of his Milton land purchase
after owning it but four months at
an advance of $6,000. He has pur
chased the Noah Remillard place on
the reservation, containing 181 acres
for $15,000.
Mrs. Cordelia Waterman, well
known in Athena, died at the home
of her son in Spokane yesterday, aged
86 years, five months and 12 days.
The funeral services will be held in
this city tomorrow at 10:15 a. m. at
the Methodist Episcopal church. Mrs.
Waterman lived in and near Athena
for many years. After the death of
her husband in this city several years
ago, she removed to Spokane, where
she has since resided.
Leonard Thomas, formerly a pupil
in the Athena school, has been re
ported to the Press as in a serious
condition. He recently underwent an
operation for tuberculosis of the
bones of the arm, and may likely lose
a hand.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County oi Uma
tilla. In the matter of the Estate of San
ford C. Stone, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed Ad
ministrator of the Estate of Sanford
C. Stone, deceased, by the above en
titled Court.
All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent them to me, at my office in Athe
na, Oregon, within six months from
the date of the first publication of
this notice.- All claims must be veri
fied as by law required.
Dated at Athena, Oregon, this 17th
day of April, 1931.
A17M15 Administrator
Wanted Clean, Cotton rags at the
Press office.
Wheat Hay Bundle wheat hay for
sale. James Duncan, phone 30F15.
Eyes examined, glasses properly
fitted at Schneller's, 39 East Main,
Walla Walla,
In the County Court of the State of
uresron for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Nora
E. Hagen, Deceased.
Notice is hereby eiven to all per
sons whom it may concern:
lhat Aime Tardiff. executor, and
the last will and testament of Nora
E. Hagen, deceased, have filed their
final account and report in the admin
istration of the estate with the clerk
of this court; that the County Judge
by order duly made and entered has
appointed Monday the 20th day of
April,, at the hour of ten o clock
in the forenoon as the time and the
County Court House at Pendleton as
the place where all objections and ex
ceptions to said final account and re
port will be heard and a settlement
of the estate made.
Dated this 20th day of March, 1931.
Feterson & Lewis, Attorneys for
Estate. M20A17
Main St H. H. HILL Athena
Expert in
Body Correction
Calls answered promptly
Office at Residence in North Athena
Telephone 595.
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 706
Pendleton. Oregon. 957 J
Bruno Weber
Repair Work
Prices Reasonable
Successor To '
Dr. W. H. McKinney
Physician and Surgeon
Dr. Sharp's Office
Office Hours at Athena 1 to 5 p. m.
Phone 462. Office Hours at Weston
8 a. m. to 12 noon. Phone 83. Calls
made day or night.
Post Building, Athena. Phone 582
Spring is here!
and with it comes
Send Us Your
In fact anything washable
Four Trips Weekly
Pendleton, Oregon
Real Estate
Wheat AlfahYand
Stock Land
L. L. Montague, Arlington
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment, Clean Beds
Good Meals
Tourists Made Welcome
Special Attention Given
to Horn Patrons
Corner Main and Third ,
Athena, Oregon
Take Advantage of Our
We are equipped to
Haynes Stellite
plow shares (or do any other
kind of welding work) promptly,
efficiently, and at moderate cost.
See us today it will add many
more dollars to your profits.
Acetylene Welding
Athena, Lower Main Street
Eisten Here!
Dr. Dale Rothwell
The best in glasses at a reasonable
Over Woolworth's Phone 1286
Pendleton, Oregon
Pleads Guilty to Sale
and Possession
B. B. Richards, when in
terviewed by the Press
man, pleaded guilty to the
sale of the best insurance
obtainable for the money
and possession of more
policies in reserve ready
at a moments notice for
your use and purpose. A
policy for every hazzard.
Peterson & Lewis
Attorneys at Law
Practice in all State and Federal
Inland Empire Bank Building
Pendleton Oregon
Watts & Prestbye
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
Bell C& Gray
Are Always
to do
ii Auto Truck
Prices Right
Phone 593
to have your motor overhauled: reboring, fitting,
and old parts replaced. Prices right, all work guar-,
anteed to satisfy. You be the judge.
J. E. Gallaher Athena Phone 471
Meals all hours of the day
We can give you the best
That money can buy
7 9fwdt
Twrn-a-Lttm Tickler
Published in the intesesta of the people of Athena and vicinity by
Unnecessarily restrictive regulation
of motor busses is unjustifiable.
Stifling the development of this in
dustry would be damaging to the in
terest of millions of Americans, to
whom buses oiler safe, efficient and
economical transportation. Those who
would legislate the bus into retro
gression, would legislate against the
interest of a large part of the travel
ing public. The bus must be allowed
to develop logically, in cooperation
with older forms of transportation,
The Markton Bmut-proof oats were
introduced into Union county some
years ago and have since become a
standard variety in the dry-land sec
tions of that county. In addition to
being smut-proof, this variety has
given higher yields and better quality
m r
a 1 1 ' p w p .
, I 4 U a rt t
Walla Walla General Hospital
A modern non sectarian fifty bed hospital, with
all up to date modern hospital facilities for the care
of patients.
X-Kay and bacteriological labortories, washed air
ventilation. '
Only graduate nurses are employed and their ser
vices are included at the regular rates which are
$3.50 to $6.00
Special nurses extra. Your interest and patronage
is solicited. Phone 480
Vol. 81
Athena, Oregon, April 17, 1931
No. 17
Perhaps the biggest reason
why a dog is man's best friend,
is that he never borrows money
or offers advice.
A. M. Johnson, Editor
Flood the mail with your
news items for the April
issue of the Tum-A-Lura Tick
ler. Yours for a bigger and
better Tickler.
Ye Editor's Pup
It is too bad that some dogs
can't talk because we know a
number of dogs that would like
to see their master's home re
paired and painted.
Ask the man that has a new
ly painted house. He will tell
you it feels fine.
Doc. Yak denies that he ac
cused Deacon Jones of picking
up the five dollar bill he lost.
He only remarked that if the
Deacon hadn't helped him to
look for it, - he would have
found it
The lattice fence for your
garden furniture will add much
to the appearance of your yard.
Many designs.
A few of the things you
should plan on doing to your
home. , ,
At a moderate cost your home
can be given new life. Ask us.
When I get a shirt back from
the laundry with a collar sever
al sizes too large, I never say
anything. The fellow that gets
the shirt with the smaller col
Jar will say enough for both of
Tum-A-Lum paint carries a
guarantee and the price of
paint for the outside of your
home is only $3.49 per gallon.
And that gallon will go a long
An archaeologist reports find
ing a skeleton with the right
arm raised. The first hitch
hiker, perhaps.
Continental Oil Company
Germ Processed Motor Oil
Athena Service Station
"Service With a Smile"
Automobile Accessories Tires
BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 762
Farmers Grain Elevator
Grian and Feed
A Full Line of Sperry s Chick Feed
Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr.
Dependable Service
Lower Prices April 1st
Ladies Spring Coats $1 and UP Silk Dresses $1.25
and Up Wool Dresses $1 and Up
Men's Suits $1.25
For other prices, ask the Driver
Trade with the man who helps pay your taxes
We call for and deliver every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday
T. E. SMITH, Proprietor, Phone 1571 Freewater Oregon
See Us ...
Before Buying
Electric Lamps
and other electric appliances, including Sad-Irons,
Percolators, Toasters, Waffle Irons, Hotplates,
Vacuum Sweepers, G. E. Refrigerators, and Hot
point Electric Stoves. In fact, everything electrical
Electrical Department, Athena, Oregon. Phone 182