THE PRESS, ATHENA, OREGON, APRIL 10, 1931 Press Paragraphs Watch for the 1 cent sale at Wat kins Pharmacy. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Blalock and children will probably be here sever al weeks. Mrs. Joe Crowley who is ill in a Pendleton hospital is slightly improv ed. Mrs. A. Sanders and Mrs. Starr Charlton were Walla Walla visitors Tuesday. Roy DeFreece came over from Free water Sunday ' and spent , the day in Athena. Miss Ilene McBride was the week end guest of Miss Georgie Gertson, at Pendleton. Miss Freda Olson of Portland was the guest of Miss Dorothy Burke over the week-end. Claude Price, well known Weston farmer, was in Athena Wednesday, transacting business. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lee and Thomas DeFreece of Walla Walla, were Sun day guests of relatives in Athena. Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Bowman and E. B. Foster on business of LaGrande, Penn nrA tliillvon Inava hepn herfl this week, visiting at the W. J. Kirk home. I soon be at home here. Watch for the 1 cent sale at Wat- kins Pharmacy. Charles Pinkerton was here irom Weston Thursday. Dr. M. S. Kern of Pendleton was in Athena "on a business mission Wed nesday. F. S. LeGrow and were in Walla Walla Tuesday. Miss Gladvs Beem was a week-end guest of Mrs Harris here. .Tnhn NarlnAiia was here from Wild Horse mountain this week transact ing business. Mrs. Theresa Berlin and daughters Mary and Esther motored to Walla Walla, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kershaw and Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Boyd were in Mil ton Monday evening. Mrs. Glenn Dudley played in the golf tournament at the Walla Walla Country club yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haynes 01 Port land were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dudley Sunday. Miss Zelda Hartle of Pendleton visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hargett, Saturday. A card from Jens Jensen, popular Athena blacksmith announces that he left Denmark. March 25 and will FrenS o o . The Perfected Sanitary Napkin "Downy" quality is the result of years of scientific research plus the opinions of eminent authorities on feminine hygiene. Guaranteed by the manufacturers to give perfect results. If you are not entirely satisfied your money will be cheerfully refunded. Box of 12 for 3Sc 3 Boxes for $1.00 WATKINS' PHARMACY Main Street Athena Phone 332 OGc Salle SPECIALS for SATURDAY and MONDAY 3 Palmolive Soap with 1 Beads, free 23c Coffee, Red and White, 1 lb. bags 2 for 69c Golden Corn, Blue and White 5 for 69c Cut Beans, Blue and White . 5 for 69c Sweet Peas, Blue and White -' 5 for 69c California Red Mexican Beans 10 lbs. 69c Sego Milk, 16 oz. tins 9 for 69c 1 Flapjack and Quart Frisbie, C. & M. Syrup 69c Toilet Paper, Blue and White 10 for 69c "Van Camps, Pork and Beans, 16 oz. 8 for 69c Standard Tomatoes, No. Is 8 for 69c "Pears, Blue and White, 2ys n nn - 3 for 69c $ MONTAGUE & CORNELL & PHONE 171 Watch for the 1 cent sale at Wat- kins Pharmacy. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koepke, Jr., spent Easter with relatives in Wal la Walla. Paul Kibbey is making a satis factory recovery from an attack of pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Chamnes 01 Weston mountain, were Athena vis itors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. LeGrow motor ed to Yakima last Sunday, returning Monday night. C. E. O. Montague spent Wednes day and Thursday transacting busi ness in Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Tate and fam ily of Pendleton were visitors at the Lee Wilson home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mclntyre and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Myrick were Wal la Walla visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jenkins and family were visitors of Mrs. Frank Williams at Milton Sunday. J. C. Harwood is engaged in paint ing and repapering the interior of the office at the Athena Oarage. Mrs. Fred Kershaw plans to leave within a few days for Ontario, to visit her mother Mrs. Barbara Willa- by. . E. H. Leonard motored here from Waitsburg Thursday proceeding to Pendleton where he transacted Business. Mm. Ar? Pinkerton has recovered from a serious attack of nervous in digestion which occurred Sunday mormncr. Miss Blanche Thorson and Miss Delia Bryant spent Easter Sunday at the home of Miss Thorson's parents in Kt.nnfielfl Mr. and Mrs. John Tompkins and daughter Mary and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Crabill spent Sunday m Wal la' Walla. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Thome and Miss Dorothv Thorne of Pendleton, were visitors at the George Green home Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Bud Crabill and Mr and Mrs. Ray O'Harra of Pendleton, visited at the Willard JrabiU nome, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pittman, Arthur Crowley and Betty Eager at tended the show "Cimarron" in Mil ton SnnHav evenincr. H. A. Barrett was among those at tending the funeral of Mrs. kuiott, daughter of Henry Lewis, in Pendle ton Wednesday. Mrs. C. M. Eager, Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton, Mrs. Lloyd Michener and Mrs. Ralph McEwen spent Tuesday in Walla Walla. Mrs. Ray Hansell is ill at the Marion Hansell home here. She is confined to her bed and will probably be here several weeks. Miss Delia Bryant is suffering with a serious infection in her face con tracted following the extraction of a tooth several weeks ago. Mrs. Flint Johns and little Altha adell left Tuesday for Vancouver, Washington, where they will visit relatives for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Little and Mr., and Mrs. L. A. Cornell drove to Wal la Walla Sunday to view the effects of the recent flood in that city. - J. T. Lieuallen was in Athena from his home in Portland. He visited his sisters. Mrs. Amanda McArthur and Mrs. George Banister, while in Athena. TTarrv Saulsberrv came over from Rrvn Mawr. Washington, and trans acted business here from Wednesday till Saturday, returning home Satur day night. James R. Thompson of Pendleton was a visitor here Wednesday. Mr. Thnmnson who Buffered a serious ac cident last summer is much improved at this time. The condition of E. A. Dudley who is painfully ill with lumbago is re ported slightly improved. Mr. Dud ley has been confined to his bed for the past fortnight. - Mr. and Mrs. Harold watkins were recent visitors at the Gordon Wat kins home. Mr. Harold Watkins is principal of the Lancaster, Wash ington, public schools. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Blalock and family of Pendleton and Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton and Jewell, were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Uray. Circuit court convenes in Pendle ton next week, and F. B. Radtke is one of the jurymen on the panel for the term. And Fred knows that the fishing season opens next Wednesday, too. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dudley of Dayton spent the week-end here. They were accompanied by Bill Dud lev anH Cornelia Nichols, who make their home with Mr. and Mrs. Dud ley. Arnold Schubert of Umapine was a business visitor here Tuesday. He and hi3 brother have finished plow ing 600 acres and contemplate rent ing additional land in the basin this season. Mrs, Floyd Pinkerton has a nice flock of two week old chicks which are thriving. The trouble with the brooder the first of the week took a heavy toll and about a hundred were lost. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Roseberry and daughters, of Waitsburg, formerly of Athena visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Venable Sunday. They report that flood conditions at waits burg were serious. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wilson and little sons Sammy and Bobby were over week-end visitors at the Sam Pambrun home south of Athena. Percy is employed by the Washing ton state highway commission, with headquarters at Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burke came up fmm Portland and sDent Saturday and Sunday at the J. C. Burke noma ' hero. Mr. and Mrs. Burks wera ac companied on the trip from Portland, by Mr, and Mrs. uison. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cutler and Miss Gladys Beem of La Grande, vis ited at the Leon Miller home Sun day. Mrs. Maude Moore and Mrs. Laur ence Stover of Pendleton were guests at the home or Mrs. u. tu. u. Mon tague. Mrs. Errold Kenworthy and chil dren are here from Spokane, visiting at the George Gerking farm home west of Athena. I Miss Hilda Dickenson - and Cecil KrhnllarH were in Athena Sunday from Arlington, visiting at the Sims Dickenson home. Miss Sadie Pambrun ' accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wilson to their home in Spokane, returning home Wednesday evening. B. B. Richards and W. J. Morrison nf Pendleton were in Milton. Wednes day, on business connected with the Higby Harris estate. Miss Hayes of Powers, Oregon, an accomplished artist in oil and water colors, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bateman. The Sullivan family of Pendleton, express their appreciation for ex nreaRions of svmnathv from Athena members of the Eagle lodge during their bereavement in the death of the late Frank G. Sullivan. Mrs. Otis Whiteman had the mis fortune to break one of the bones in her right foot during the flood at Walla Walla. Mrs. Whiteman in crossine a Blank made a misstep which caused the injury. Mr. Hemmingway of the Contin ental Oil Co. construction depart ment, was a visitor at Athena Ser vice station Saturday. He cleaned out the big tanks at the Conoco dis tributing plant while here. A erouD of Athena people who mo tored to Gibbon Sunday report the road ud the river in bad condition due to the late rains and flood. At present the road above Gibbon is im passable for vehicles of any kind. - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Scott vis ited Athena friends Sunday and at tended the community cantata in the evening. They are now residing on the farm west of Athena. Their son Jay is attending the Athena grade schools. Mrs. Myrtle Myers of Calwell, Ida ho, last week visited at the home of her brother, Sterling Parris. This week Mrs. Myers is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Parris, in Walla Walla. Eldon Myrick is spending- his spring vacation in Athena. Whitman college was closed a day early on ac count of the flood. It was impossible to heat the buildings and dormitories suffered from the lack of water caus ed hv the damaged city mains. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dufneld and son Curtis motored to Portland, where they spent a few days at the home of Mr. Dufneld's mother, who has been ill. Charles Russell kept the Duffield barber shop in full swing the absence of the proprietor. Fred Kershaw and Albert, King of the Belgians, celebrated their birtnaay anniversaries, Wednesday, April 8th. We know how Fred celebrated the occasion with a waifie dinner dui Albert was too far away for us to get a line on lust how much wine it tooK to mellow the old guy up. B. Y. P. U. sponsored an Easter sunrise service last Sunday morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kohlei Retta.anuth of Athena. About thirty voiinc neonle assembled at 5:30 and after a song service were led in de votions by Rev. Gerald uryuen. Breakfast was served later. The fioldendale. Wash.. Sentinel re nnrts that Chester Dugger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Dugger, former fooi Hon fa of Athena, is displaying marked mechanical ability. Chester is engaged in building a real airplane, whir-h when completed he proposes to use for transporting himself through any and all airways. Mrs. Rosa Pavne was hostess to the .Tollv Twentv club last Friday af ternoon, twelve ladies being present. In add it on to club members. Mrs. Clarence Hand and Mrs. Robert Lee were guests. The time was speni socially and refreshments were serv ed at the tea hour. The next meet w will be at the home of Mrs. .Tames Lieuallen. Jr.. in Adams. In a recent letter from James na- worth he savs he is located at North Rend, where he has a nice 2-chair barber shop. Business is good and thnnirh work seems scarce, idle men are not plentiful. Clams, crabs and fish form the main diet of the erst while inlander and Mr. Haworth feels no danger of starving while they hold out. His new address is l0d &ner man Avenue. North Bend. Oregon. Beautiful daffodils from her garden diwwated the home of Mrs. M. L. Watt last Fridav when she entertain ed the Athena Bridge club, at lunch- . 1 1 v 1 eon. Yellow luncheon cioms nnu niace rarda further accented the color scheme. At bridge which fol lowed luncheon Mrs. Ralph McEwen made high score, Mrs. C. M. Eager second, and Mrs. C. L. McFadden of Portland was presented with an at tractive gift. Merle Johnson, nephew ot Mrs. Fthel Montamie. had the misfortune to fall one day last week, while do ing chores at the Catron farm, and cut his wrist severely. A few days after, the had beean to swell and when an examination was made it was found that the tendons in his arm had heen severed. He was taken to a hospital in Penldeton where the tendons were drawn back to place and tied. He will be in the hospital for several days. Easter decorations and spring flowers were used effectively at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Miller. PRICES for SATURDAY and Pure Lard Peanut Butter Carsten's, 4s,. . -59c 8s. ..........1.17 School Boy, 1 lb. can, each 25c Grape Fruit Northern Tissue Large Size, 3 for............ 25c Antiseptic, 3 packages........:.........23c RifYSO Apple and Pear Butter Three 10c packages -23c Pint J ar, each.. ........ ......23c Catsup Picnic Ham Heinz, large size, each.... ...........25c Carstens, per lb ...........................14c Young Men's Black Oxfords, New Spring Stock Per Pair 2.98 Phone 152 ATHENA DEPARTMENT STORE "J Thursday of last week when they en tertained the B. B. club. Dinner pre ceded hridire when I. L. Michener won high score, Mrs. Flint Johns, the con solation and Mrs. E. a. roster the guest prize. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton will be hosts at the next meeting of the club. Kiddies of the nrimarv department of the Christian Sunday school were entertained last Saturday afternoon at an Easter party in the parlors ol the church. The main feature of en tertainment was an Easter egg hunt and many thrills were experienced by the fifteen tots who were present. The hostesses, Mrs. Floyd rmKerton, Mrs. L. M. Keen, Mrs. Flint Johns and Miss Mary Berlin served dainty refreshments and provided eleven games and favors for the little guests. . Mrs. C. L. McFadden of Portland was complimented at a bridge tea Thursday afternoon of last weeK, where Mrs. F. S. LeGrow, and Mrs. H. I. Watts entertained at the home of ,the former. Clusters of daffodils were the decorations and score cards caw with sprint? colors were used. Three tables were in play, high score being held by Mrs. M. h. watts ana second bv Mrs. Henry Dell. The honoree was presented with an at tractive gift. The guests mciuaea, Mrs. Justin Harwood, Mrs. W. S. Ferguson. Mrs. M. L. Watts, Mrs. Gordon Watkins, Mrs. E. C. Prestbye, Mrs. J. F. Kershaw, Mrs. Fiske, Mrs. Henry Dell, Mrs. Fred Pinkerton and Mrs. James Cresswell. Announcement i'a the people of Athena and virinitv who were unable to eet to Walla Walla on account of the flood we will give the same terms as an nounced in our circular of March 28, for one week only, beginning Mon day, April 13. FRENCH OPTICAL CO. 65 E. Main, Walla Walla "Vigorbilt" Chicks At a Price to Make You Money Most All Breeds ORDER NOW! "Vigorbilt" Hatchery Milton, Ore. Phone 1102 Does It Pay To Look Well? A Marinella facial A creamy complexion, Will always stand ; A close inspection. Nails that are shapely And a polish that is sure, Always accompany Our Manicure. And to make gray hairs ashamed No-tox dyes cannot be blamed. To look your best Get your hair dressed. In fact you will do well V To stop at our shop in - Athena Hotel. Call Phone 492 for Appointment v Harris Barber and Beauty Shop Quality Grocery Don't Forget the No. Phone 561 A Bran New Coffee Solitaire in . 1 lb. 44c 2 lb. 86c 4 lb. $1.71 this Coffee is fully Guaranteed and Vacuum Packed Royal Red Peets Tomatoes Granulated Soap Solid Pack, 2,s 4Q oz gize 39c g f or 75c 15c . ; i Red Mexican HaHome Peans "UVeS First Class, 20 lbs. Large Can, 2 for i?1 35c im Rainier Salad Time Lime Rickey Relish Spread 12 oz. FuH Pint 20c 25c Quality Grocery Frank Little, Prop. Athena, Oregon. Phone 561 n n THE ATHENA MARKET We carry the best n That Money Buys Kippered Sainton, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season. A. W. LOGSDON Main Street Athena, Oregon. Goodyear Tires and Tubes Valvoline Oils Automobile Supplies, Parts and Accessories AtKeiia Garage North side Main Street - Phone 352