A BIG JOB. BUT ITS DEAD EASY It would be a big job to tell one hundred people any thing: that would interest them in your goods, but its dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell several hundred at once at nominal cost Bntered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter NOT ONE DAY CAN BE FOUND in the week but that you do not need stationery of some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing at the Tery lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types, modern work, prompt delivery. VOLUME 44 ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, APRIL 3, 1931 NUMBER 14 DAMAGE DON E BY FLOOD WATERS Fee Appointment Is Made in Recess By the President mrii nrii tt j ni i ine president has given a recess Walla Walla Hard Hit and appointment to James Aleer Fee to Weston Loses Portion h United states district judge for uregon. - 01 Dam. Judge Fee was nominated for the Oregon judgeship before congress ad journed and his name had been re The wo. finnA in fc!ow ported favorably by the. judiciary Walla Walla surged down Mill creek hommitttee- His confirmation was Tuesday afternoon and night causing enormous damage to gardens, build ings and streets and took the toll of frustrated by a filibuster during the last hours of the session, The addition of Judge Fee to the vvvij iava wvn, WHS VV11 VI I, , ... . . , , , ... one life. Water flooded through the J61 W1" ia ' clearing one or the streets for hours into basements, over lawns and spread out over a wide area in the southwestern part of the heaviest dockets the court has had in years. Judge John McNary has been carrying on alone since the death of city. Phillip Fox, while attempting to Jude Bean three .months ago. divert water from entering his barn, lost his footing and fell into the tor rent. When taken from the flood, Clocks below where he fell in, he was dead. At Weston serious danger threaten ed property in the lower residence and business districts, when the dam hold ing back the waters in the city reser voir broke from excessive flood pres sure, though the residents were safe at all times in the homes of neigh bors living on the higher ground. Thfl Wostrm nnnillnfinn haA Yiaan TOflmoH np uroro f,a QO,M;n. I ton. Oregon, March 3. above town, along the banks of Pine hiS eAuctio athe. University The vacancy on the bench of the Sixth judicial district made by Judge Fee's appointment was filled Wed nesday by Governor Meier who named Alex Sweek, of Heppner, one of two prominent attorneys who' sought the position. Homer I. Watts of this city had the support of a large number of the legal fraternity of the district for the judgeship in addition to endorse ment by friends. Those who know Governor Meier' appointee, speak in very high terms of him. Sweek was born in Harm! 1886 and re BREAKFAST AT THE HOTEL WEDNESDAY Business Men Were Guests of Mrs. Froom the Landlady. Corn Demand Is Exceeding Home Grown Supplies creek, and all had ample time to se cure places of safety in event extreme disaster had taken place. Fortunately, the flood gates were open and releasing a large volume of water from the reservoir when the fifty-foot break in the jipper part of of Oregon and the University Michigan. He is a republican. of ' New Baptist Pastor Rev. Gerald C. Dryden arrived in Athena Saturday to take the pastor ate of the First Baptist church of the dam rave wav to a deDth of from Athena, for a while at least, and may- six to fourteen feet. The dam i 20 be to fill the regular charge. Rev, feet high and where the break occur- Dryden conducted services at the lo- red there remains six feet of concrete c rcn, ounuay, ana wm De in me structure; anchored in solid bedrock PulPl4 to deliver the morning and eve- base, so that the c tv will continue to " Betu,unsi 1,118 coming ounuay, h amtiiw minniiod ntii wofer nnd e came to Atnena irom cnanans nermanent reoairs can be made. A Washington, bridge in the upper part of town was pulled out, which obviated danger of Sunday Schools Will its going out and lodging against the bridge at the main street crossing, ,,,. The Walla Walla river was on a rampage through Milton and Free water where some damage is report ed and one man was injured, Give Easter Programs The Sunday schools of the Athena churches will observe Easter with ap propriate programs at 10 o'clock Sun The Umatilla river surged through day morning. The programs follow Bingham Springs, wrecking the ho tel kitchen and perhaps leaving dam age to cottage and picnic grounds in its wake. At Thorn Hollow crossing, between the bridge and the Brace store, 75 yards of the highway was cut by the flood. A number of Athe na people drove to that point to wit- Christian Church Responsive reading, Ladies class song by Choir All Little Ones Love Easter, Belva Mclntyre A Little Lily, Effa Crawford Easter Message Jimmie Weber song, Adorine Geiss Love, Donald McPherrin Easter Eggs, Elwayne Zerba song Bobby ness the flood waters. The road camp Hopper Risen, Dorothy Smith A on the Mission-Thorn Hollow . con- Good Proof, Arden Gray What Snow struction works was under water ar-d Ball Dld, Marjorie Wilks Gather several cars at that nlace could not the Lll,es' Donna Logsdon Easter h removed, the workmen wadinar to Message, Bobby Hopper song, How safetv on foot. , They Grew, Primary Department . Pendleton reported the water reach- Easter Morning, Wilma Mclntyre ed its peak there Wednesday morn- Bonnie Johnson So Changed, Mary ing at 9 feet, one and 10 inches be- Lu Hansell My Angel, Billy Johns low the high water guage set in 1906. r ntnb, muiiw wuuna, cuuuj Two crews are reconstructing road- Zerba Natures Greeting, Marjorie bed and tracks at washouts on the Martin Tommy Day's Easter Eggs, Union Pacific at points on Meacham B Zerba Lily of the Spring, creek. To the west, large numbers of Helen Rogers Setting a Hen, Buddie ore wnrVino- in shifts to remove weDer neipea Dy easier, galeae slides along the Columbia which held up both train and stage service. Heavy rainfall, following a two- inch snow in the Athena district, was the heaviest for many years, A considerable runoff resulted when the soil became saturated with mois ture. Wheat fields to some extent are scarified with ditches made by the ex cessive rains and it is thought mois ture is now sufficient for all crop- growing purposes, with an supply for wells and springs. The Rocky Mountain region exper ienced the severest stroke of winter, when the states of Colorado, Wyom ing and Montana were the center of deep snows and devastating blizzards which took a toll of sixteen lives, in- Miller clarinet solo. Billy Johns- Awakening, Emma Jane Kilgore song, Loyal Girls. Baptist Church Easter Song, Primary department -recitations by Betty Booher, Iva MaeBooher, Harry Stewart, Marion Stewart, Ida Clemens, Maebelle Clem ens, Dwane Payne, Helen Standage, Geraldine Cutler, Robert Mayberry, Jack Stewart, Helen Alkire, Laura ample Jean Payne, Louise Rmgel and Ray mono lubbey irom the primary de partment Easter Song, Junior de partment recitations by Bryon Kib- bey and Cecil Clemens. ;! Grain Rates Reduced Reduced freight rates for trans eluding five school children and their portation of grain and grain products school bus driver. moving intrastate are in effect. The new taritt was received and tiled by Takinir Hard Blows the public utilities commissioner late John J. Kellv. editor and nublisher Saturday. The rail lines recently se of the Walla Walla Bulletin, is under cured authority from the interstate the weight of two hard blows. This commerce commission to postpone week he lost one of his sons by death publishing intrastate rates until June from pneumonia, and now his big du- 1, and petitioned the public utilities rde nrintine nress is buried in mud commissioner of Oregon for similar and water from the Mill creek flood, authority, which request was denied. The son, 23, was a graduate of Wash- me new rates therefore became el- TTniversitv. ana assisted nis f a father in publishing the Bulletin. The forms of the Bulletin are being trans ported by air plane to the press of the Lewiston Tribune uauy ior printing. A Gooey Barnyard Arnold Wood says high water from overflow of the Wild Horse creek flood spread out over his barnyard and left it gooey with mud and silt It will take a scraper and a lot of work to clean the yard. Mr. Wood chickens which mired On a Larger Scale Weston Leader :F. C. Sloan, presi dent of the Washington-Idaho Seed lost several company, was a business visitor Mon- down in the mud day in Weston. Mr. Sloan said that the operations of his company in the Here From Portland Athena-Weston district will be on a Mrs. McArthur is here from Port larger scale than ever this year, and land, visiting at the home of her sis that it is alwaya glad to give employ- ter, Mrs. George Banister. In a few ment to Weston operatives at its weeks she will return to Portland and Athena plant Speaking of the utili- will be accompanied by Mrs. Banis sation of summer fallow land in this ton, who may spend the summer region in the growing oi seed peas there. ic, his concern. Mr. Jsloan intimated that beans may be tried out again in Butter wrappers $1.50 per 100 at thia vicinity. - tM. The business men's breakfast sriven Wednesday morning at the Athena Hotel by the landlady, Mrs. Laura rroom, was a very pleasant event, and was the means of assembline the men who conduct the business affairs of Athena together for the first time in many months. ? Covers were laid for twenty-six and during the breakfast hour a very ap propriate musical program was given. M. L. Watts presided as toastmaster and a number responded with words of appreciation for .Mrs., Froom's generous hospitality and expressions very much in favor of future get-together meetings of business men. Mrs. Froom was assisted in arrang ing for the breakfast by Mr. and Mrs. C. E. O. Mdntague, and those who participated m givmg the program were Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton, Mrs. Ralph McEwen, Mrs C. E. 0. Mon tague, Miss Arleen Myrick, Miss Mar jorie Montague and Mr. Dan Tilley. The long table where the twenty six guests were seated was beautiful ly decorated, a color scheme of pink and green being employed. The table was centered with a huge antique bowl of pink blossoms and ferns and pink geraniums were placed at either end. Mr. Watts introduced those who contributed to a musical program as follows: piano solo, "Black Hawk Waltz," Arleen Myrick; vocal solo, (a) "The Top o' the Morning," (b) "Invy," Mrs. Ralph McEwen; piano solo, "The Shepherd Boy," Marjorie Montague; vocal solo, "Allice Blue Gown, Mrs. C. E. O. Montague; trombone solo, ou are the Melody" and "The World is Waiting for the Sunrise," Dan Tilley, Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton was the accompanist. Oregon State College. Oregon's acreage of corn grown for grain could be increased 100 per cent or more without overproducing for the present state demand, i according to the 1931 corn outlook report just is sued by the Oregon State college ex tension service. Corn shipments in to the state total several times the amount of home grown? corn sold by iarmers. Sales of corn for cash from Oregon iarms have not exceeded 200 carloads a year, according to the , best available information at the college. Although information on the total amount ship- ped into the state is inc6mplete, near ly 1400 carloads have been received at Portland alone in each of the past two years. j Evidence of the shortage of home grown supplies of corn is also found m price statistics. The farm price received by corn grower in this state has been from 20 cent! to 30 cents a bushel more than the; average for the whole country. The general corn outlook for the United States indicatel a five per cent increase in acreage, says the col lege report Production is likely to be above average, although it is too early to estimate yields. The carry over of corn from the 1930 crop is expected to be less than average. Sanford Stone Dies in the Pendleton Hospital After Very Few Week's Illness THE" ORATORICAL CONTEST WINNERS These Who Will Speak at County Contest in Pen dleton, April 10. School interest is centered in the oratorical contest which is to be held at Pendleton, Friday evening, April 10. The high schools of Weston. Athena and Adams were, represented by speakers in V-e sectional contest at High School A- '".orium in Athena, r naay nignt. .wizaoetn Baker and Education and the State , Live Ditcutsioni " ' on Vital Phaiee i of Oregon Wei fart By Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall Preildent, Univeriitjr of Oregon Editor'i note: Thit ii the third of ierieg Arnold Bennett Hull. nr..Mt k. if.:"l . . ------ r ' u. ...a UIUTH- l Z I 0ron- other 'oilow at regular This whole problem of intellectual honesty and love of truth is a matter oi spirit rather than of logic. It is a matter of atmosphere rather than of precept It is a matter of Univer sity tradition, rather than a matter oi university regulation. Therefore, we need the spirit of truth, the spirit of reverence, and the spirit of open minded tolerance as a part of the tra ditions of our student life. To ac complish this we are trvinar to select Alva Potter represented Adams, andi nemoera of our faculty whose per- PilK. ADV.n.nM4-l. 1X7 1 aOnfillfv Ahovant... aJ . -U : i Not So Bad at Bingham Is Good News Received The Press was in communication with the caretaker at Bingham Springs yesterday at noon, and over the telephone he reported that con ditions there were not nearly so bad as had. been rumored. As soon as the flood waters reach ed it, the bridge leading to the swim ming pools went out. Later the ho tel kitchen lean-to was wrenched from the main building and lodged several feet to the west, against the woodshed. The caretaker reported that no damage resulted to the fish hatchery as a result of the high water. The summer homes and rental cottages were flooded at the highest stage of the water, but foundations were in tact and .the most serious damage was the washing out of soil that had been placed on the lots. The road from the Holaday place leading west toward the Thompson ranch and Gibbon is impassable, so he reported, due to slides and wash outs, perhaps. A small patch of 200 acres of as paragus will be planted near Harris burg in the Willamette valley. A cannery will take care of the Burplus product. After only a few week's illness from stomach trouble, Sanford Stone; for many years a resident of the Athena neighborhood, died Monday night at St. Anthony's hospital in Pendleton. Mr. Stone, who was employed at the A. L. Swaggart farm, north of Athe na, went to the hospital Friday for medical treatment. Athena friends who visited him found that he was apparently getting.; better, and his death was unexpected by them.- , Mr. Stone's wife died of: cancer in Athena several years ago.? He still retained his residence property iir the north part of town, and when not em ployed elsewhere, lived there. He was prominent in lodge affairs and several times had been a delegate to I. O. O. F. grand lodge sessions, representing Wild Horse Lodge No. 73 of this city. He is survived by one brother, Vern Stone, one sister and his mother, now 73 years of age, all residents of Southern Oregon. Funer al services will be held at the Chris tian church here this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. ; Tim In Again Weston Leader: T. L. McBride of Eagle creek, who has his share of mishaps but always comes up smil ing, is now temporarily out of com mission with a broken rib. Whether "Tim" was doing some acrobatic stunts in the McBride haymow is not recorded, but at all events he took a spill and cracked the rib. Billy Ashworth, Weston, in humorous sections. Betty Eager, Helen Barrett, Walter Singer and Stafford Hansell represented Athena in dramatic, humorous, oratorical and extempor aneous, respectively. Ihe winners, who will speak in the county contest at Pendleton are Eliza beth Baker of Adams, dramatic: Billv Ashworth, Weston, humorous; Walter Singer, Athena, oratorical and Staf ford Hansell, Athena extemporaneous. The district grade contest was held in Adams Friday evening in the school auditorium. The result of the contest places the following pupils in the county grade schools contest at Pendleton, Saturday evening, April Non Humorous, lower Vernita O'Hara of Weston, speaking "Big Brother." Non - Humorous, lower Natelle Miller of Athena, speaking "Who Afraid 7" Non-Humorous, upper June Thomp son of Adams, speaking "Queen Es ther's Petition." Non-Humorous, upper Annabel Payne of Adams, speaking "A Leap rear Leap." Low Round-Trip Rate The Union Pacific is offering a one- cent a mile round-trip rate. The rate is reduced from 3.6 cents per mile to one cent per mile, and is applied on the dates of April 1, 2. 3, and 4 only The round-trip time limit . on these tickets is April 9. Sue Government for Many Millions rrr mm '. if' mm vv 1 ' 1 ; ' "V I f i , f, . ... W & '.t "' v ''' - ';"&-' 5 ' ' I HBgaai. f What Is believed to bs the largest suit Sled against the federal covern- ment since the celebrated Alabama and French spolatlon claims, amounting to $68,707,000, filed by the Blackfeet and aeverol other Indian tribes, la now being heard by the United States Court of Clalma at Washington. The photo graph shows the members of the Blackfeet tribal council; left to right: Joe crown, president or the council; Robert J. Hamilton, chairman of the board of directors of ths Indian Protective association; und Ulchard Grant, a mera th tribal council ' . Easter Cantata at the Christian Church Sunday The Athena Community Chorus will present the Easter Cantata, "Life Eternal" at 7:30 o'clock Sunday eve nmg at the Christian church. The production promises to be up to the usual standard of former presenta tions by this group of singers, and the cantata itself is a tuneful rendition of the events in the last days of Christ's lows: The Lord Reigneth, Chorus Man of borrow, solo, Kohler Betts Geth semane, Men's Chorus Calvary, solo, C. M. Eager A Whisper of Hope, Mrs. Ross Payne, Mrs. E. F. Bloom Dawns the New Day, Chorus Hail to the King, solo, Mrs. Lloyd Michener- The Morn is Breaking, duet, Mrs Floyd Pinkerton, George Gerking The King Comes Forth, Chorus The Redeemer Triumphant, solo, Mrs Alva Blalock The King of Glory, Chorus Ye Shall Live Also, solo, Laurence Pinkerton The Resurrec tion and the Life, Chorus. Members of the chorus are: Miss Clara Flock, Mrs. Rose Miller, Mrs, Jesse Gordon, Mrs. Ross Payne, Mrs, Floyd Pinkerton, Mrs. C. M. Eager, Miss Blanche Thorson, Mary Jane Miller, Helen Barrett, Jewell Pinker ton, Mrs. Clarence Zerba, Jean Zerba, Mrs. Lloyd Michener, Mrs. R. D, Blachford, Mrs. C. E. O. Montague, Miss Delia Bryant, Mrs. E. F. Bloom, Mrs. Gordon Watkms and George Gerking, Lewis Stewart, Jesse Gor don, Laurence Pinkerton, C. M. Eager, Kohler Betts, Dan Tilley, Charles Sias and Clarence Zerba, Mrs. Laur ence Pinkerton is the accompanist and the chorus is directed by Mrs, Ralph McEwen. Nearing Completion Work on excavating the new wing at the city well is nearing completion J. W. Pinkerton of the city council water committee, who has had the work in charge had his force of men at work all day Monday during the heavy rain storm, bracing the walls with curbing. This part of the work is completed and only the center stringers and the top remains to be done, when the earth covering will be put on. The force of men has done good and fast work, according to Mr, Pinkerton, and only one slight cave in interfered with progress in excavating. Legion Officers Visit Local Post State Commander Jack Biggs, of Portland, Dist. Commander Charles Smith of Heppner and District mem bership chairman, "Hally" Hallibur ton of Hermiston, accompanied by a number from Neil Best Post of Mil ton were among those present at a recent meeting of the local Post. First Stage Went In Ditch The first Union Pacific stage to leave Pendleton for Walla Walla since the flood, went into the ditch on the highway west of Athena. Heavily loaded with passengers, the steering gear went wrong and the big coach left the hard surface. Fortun- 'ately none was seriously injured. sonality, character, and Achivemnf exemplify these noble traditions. For the same reason, we should like the cooperation of the home in emphasiz ing upon the youth of the state the evils of bigotry, the fineness of toler. ance, the beauty of reverence, and the avune character of truth. one of the devices that we are developing at the University is a series of orientation courses offered In the lower division. Under our present regulations for the junior col lege, a freshman entering the Univer sity is required to take his choice of three out of four possible orientation courses. The work of the University for the purpose of organizing these four courses is divided into four groups: The biological group, the na tural science group, the language and literature group, and the social sci ence group, These courses are built around the development of methodology on scien tific method in these large fields of human knowledge. For after nil. tho development of methodology or scleh the complicated, technical thing that we conceive it, but in simple language it is merely the method by which the great scholars of all times have sought to oase tneir knowledge upon facts and to free their minds from the pre possession of prejudice, of ignorance, of mysticism, and of established dog ma that had nothing back of it but tne tnoughtless acquiesence of ignor- X . , , anil multitudes. Work Explained For example, a freshman would go Into the orientation course given by the natural science group. He would find that chemistry started with cer tain esoteric mystical notions that had nothing to do with truth or reality. Little by little the mind of man was able to face the problem of chemis try from the standpoint of facts rather than of prejudice. Gradually he developed a methodology or scien tific method by which he was able to eliminate from his own intellect the forces of pride of opinion, of bigotry, of ignorance, and mysticism and let his mind seek only the truth as evi denced by the facts of life. The triumph of modern chemistry has been simply the freeing of the mind from these old impediments of ignor ance and bigotry and dogma and the application of inventive genius to the discovery and interpretation of facts. Perhaps the next hour the freshman may go into the course in the social sciences, and he finds that the same thing has been true there, that big otry, lack of intellectual integrity, partisanship, and man-made creeds have prevented people from under standing their own political, social, and economic lives, and that social science has become an instrument of social progress only in so far as these alien factors have been overcome and the love of truth has replaced the pride of opinion and the partisan big. otry that has too frequently dominat ed even some of the great scholars in the development of social science. When a student, through these var ious orientation course has found that intolerance, bigotry,Aand dogma have been the great impediments to human progress and to individual achievement the fact will be borne upon mm with such relentless logic and with such an array of evidence that he cannot escape the conchiHion that such a student will begin to find a new value in the love of truth, in maintaining an open mind, in ap proaching the problems of life with reverence, and in soekins- to h miUot in his own thinking by a just regard for the facts and to be always free irom me winding influence of passion and intolerance; If we can get these fundamental lessons of life into the consciousness of youth, we will have gone a long way in for lives of usefulness and iovou ac. complishment Professions Observed In addition to these two int.All0ot.1iBi qualities, there are the rohlpm nf training youth in certain skills and uiBcipiines and techniques which are essential to certain of the technical professions. This we are trying to do in our professional schools, the work of which will be discussed in other papers in this series. In these pro fessional schools, however, we are not merely following the standard pat tern, but we have some of the best members of . our faculty . carefully studying our methods of instruction ' trying to improve them, testing out the results that they achieve, to the . end that your children Bhall have the best instruction in their technical and professional training that it is pos sible for our resources to provide. The final matter that deserves con sideration has to do not with Intel lectual, but with the spiritual, the al truistic, and the emotional aspects of life. To train young men and women in critical habits of thinking, in the formulation of sound judgments, and to Impart to them certain skills and disciplines in other words, to in crease their general intellectual pow er and ability, without at tha .- ; time organizing their emotional lives, giving them an insight into the spiri tual values and trying to nourish and direct the wholesome, generous, and altruistic impulses of youth, would be a- danger, rather than a blessi-ig to your children and to society. The W. C. T. U. All-Day vonvenuon 10 lie Here The local W. C. T. U. will holH an all day session and school of instruc tion at the Baptist church here next Thursday, April 9. The rrom-am fol. lows: 10 a. m. Devotional 10:30 Appointment of committees. 10:35 "Why Hold Institute or School of Methods," chairman. 10:40 "My Method for Making My Office Successful," local officers. 11:15 Round-table on "Union at Work," discussed bv members. "Mv Dues," "My Budget," "My Member ship Campaign," "My Responsibility," wno is a prohibition Patriot?" 12:00 Noon-tide traver. Covered dish lunch. 2:00 Discussion, Best Method for securing observance of law. Best method for aiding observance of law. Best method for safeguarding (pro- nioiuon not repeal. Z: 30 Special music. 3:00 "Why not Have a Referen dum." 3:15 Demonstration by children. Branding Poultry Indicative of the effectiveness of the tattoo branding of poultry as a means of curbing thievery is found in the fact that nearly 100 Yamhill county poultrymen are now using this method, and not a single case of theft of tattooed poultry has been reported. This method was origin ated by S. T. White, Yamhill county agent, and is now in general use in all poultry producingVcounties of the state. Famous Coach Killed Knute Rockne, famous football coach of Notre Dame, was killed in an air plane crash in Kansas, Tuesday, while en route to California. Seven others, including the two pilots were killed in the wreckage of the falling plan, : ., - Frank Sullivan, Insurance Man Suicides at Pendleton Frank Sullivan, Pendleton insur ance man and prominent member of the Eagles and well known in Athena, where he was a frequent visitor, com mitted suicide at his home in Pendle ton Sunday afternoon. Despondency over ill health is given as the cause. The Easj; Oregonian says: Despondent over ill health, from which he had suffered for some time, Frank G. Sullivan, local insurance man, shot himself with a 12 gauge shotgun Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock in a store room at his home, 202 East Bluff, and died from the effects of tha wound at midnight Monday night at St. Anthony's hospital. The shot en tered the body just above the heart Mr. Sullivan's health had been In such a critical state that he had brooded over the matter constantly, say friends. Mr. Sullivan was 48 years old and was born in Iowa, com ing here about 20 years ago. His widow and a son, Francis Sullivan, the latter assistant athletic ocach at the Eastern Oregon Normal school, survive him, as does a brother. Jack Sullivan of Boise. Young Man in Trouble The Weston Leader renortu that Lawrence Fannan, 20, of Weston, was arrested late Mondav niarht hv the sheriff's office on a warrant charging a statutory offense against a girl of 14, who is said to live at Umapine and to have been picked up in Weston Sunday night by Deputy Sheriff Vayne Gurdane. who took hoi' home. Young Fannan is said to have come to Weston from Umapine with his parents a few months ago. High Water at Gibbon ' The little railway station at Gihtmn has been visited by one of the worst floods in its history. Meacham creek converges with the Umatilla river at that point .