THE PRESS, ATHENA, OREGON; MARCH 6, 1931 WILD HORSES TO BE ROUNDED UP Will Be Gathered Late in April or the First Week in May. Walla Walla. Albert Baker, local national forest ranger, stated Satur day that the first spring roundup of wild horses in the Walla Walla dis trict of the Umatilla National forest would be held either late in April or the first weeks in May. These horses, many of which are domesticated stock that have heeded 'the call of the wild' and escaped into the inaccessible parts of the forest, have been roaming the hills for years and increasing their numbers at a very rapid rate. They eat a vast amount of forage that otherwise could be devoted to the bands of cat tle and sheep that are ranged in the Blue mountains, and although the forest service has long wanted to rid the timber lands of these animals they have not been able to do so through a technicality of the law. A few years ago an attempt was made to roundup .these animals but the ranger in charge was arrested and considerable effort was expended by the government in getting , him freed. Now, however, the law has been changed in order that the round up can be held without interference. Stock owners of the district will be notified prior to the drive so that they can secure any horses belonging to them before the drive" starts. The others will be sold to. the packing plant located in, Echo, Oregon, and there will be slaughtered and packed in tins which will . be shipped to France and Russia, where the people consider horse meat a rare delicacy. Some will be sold in this country for dog meat, and the fisheries along the coast almost universally - use horse meat for feeding the young fish. Plead Not Guilty Mrs. Emma Fowler, 60, ex-city treasurer of La Grande, under arrest accused of embezzling about $112,000 in city fundsj pleaded not guilty be fore Judge Lusk when arraigned. Tuesday morning. We Can Cast Your Plates The installation of an Electricaster Stereotyp ing Machine makes it possibleforus to accom modate our merchant advertisers and others in the matter of making printing plates from matrices. It means a val uable addition to our equipmentin thematter of serving our patrons. W.L. Thompson Will be a Candidate for Senate in the Campaign of 1932 William L. Thompson, formerly of Portland but now engaged in the salmon packing business in Astoria, is going to be a candidate for the Re publican L, nomination for ' United States senator in the primary elec tion of May, 1932. That is unless he changes the state of his mind as it existed Thursday night when he con fided to close friends that he intended to make the race. It will be remembered that Thompson started to run for the United States senate once before, when he parted a long association with R. N. Stanfield, whom he had supported in his can didacy for the senate at the time of his election to the senate. - He had supported Stanfield in 1916 when he first ran, that time against McNary, and again in 1920, when he entered an apparently hopeless fight against George E. Chamberlain and won. But in 1926, when Stanfield came up for reelection, Thompson started out against him and then stopped. Now, it seems from what is report ed from the huddle held Thursday night in the Marion hotel, Thompson has gained the impression that Sena tor Steiwer is not going to have such easy sledding - in the campaign of 1932 and that it is necessary for some strong man to get out into the field and stand as a Republican bul wark between the senate and the dan ger of a Democratic senator. VOTE MAKES BONUS BILL LEGAL LOAN President Issues Order to Give Priority to Men in Actual Need. Carrying Charge Plans Made by the Corporation ' The East Oregonian gives the fol lowing announcement as made " in Spokane in behalf of the North Pa cific Grain Growers association: After conferring with Mr." Henry W. Collins, vice-president of the Farmers National Grain Corporation, Chicago, an agreement has been reached with the National Corpora tion whereby we are able to make the following offer to members: Members desiring to carry their wheat until June 15, will be pro tected against carrying charges un til June, not to exceed the sum of 2c per bushel. This rate is intended to cover all charges of whatever nature, including interest, storage, taxes and insurance. Rather than compute the individual member, the full 2cper bushel will be added to the supported price that will be paid for wheat de livered in May, but as a refund of carrying charges and not as an in creased market price. Carrying charges will not be .paid for non-members. It is a service rendered by the North Pacific to members of its Locals only. This is ill no wise to be construed as an increase in stabilized prices. It is a service being undertaken by the North Pacific for its members only, and is not to be confused with any activity of the Grain Stabilization Corporation or the Farm Board. - This enables members of the co operatives to carry their wheat to be sold during the remainder of this present crop season. Through his membership the grower is placed in position to benefit by whatever fav orable markets may yet appear, and likewise will receive the advantage of any freieht rate adjustments that might come' about. Mr. Adams spoke highly of the assistance given by Mr. Collins and the other officers of the Farmers Na tional, through whose efforts this ser vice is made possible. Eight Teams Compete, Eight basketball teams will com pete in the district meet at Mc Loughlin high in Milton-Freewater, These will be McLoughlin and Pen dleton; the winner, runner up and consolation winner in the Arlington and Helix tournaments. As grouped by the officials the McLoughlin tournament will find the , Arlington winner playing the Arlington conso lation winner; Helix, consolation play, ine the Arlington runner-up; Mc Loughlin playjng the Helix winner and Pendleton playing the Helix run ner-up. Round-Up Dates Set The dates for the 1931 Round-Up have been definitely set for August 27, 28 an 29, according to official an nouncement made by the Round-Up board. , - . DNVOBIBlE You may be annoyed because the . reading segment you have in your bi focals interfera with your movements in-doors or on the street. It -may ., cause missteps when going up or : down stairs or over curbs. - The type "C" bifocal lens has a very small reading portion which is so placed that the wearer may look ' either above, around or below it. t r The type "C" bifocal lens has the advantage of incomparable invisibil ity of reading segment, freedom from color aberration, sharp definition and practical absence of "jump of the Recommended -for housekeepers, ORTHOGON LENSES salesmen, inspectors, farmers, -chauf- (jive YOU CLEAR VISION feurs, and for genera out-door. ctiy- jqjj j)GE TO EDGE . DK. DALE ECTHWELL EYESIGHT SPECIALIST : , Over Woolworths. Phone 1286 Pendleton Oregon Both house and senate passed the bonus bill over President Hoover's veto. Immediately after the bill be came a law, the president issued an order to give priority to ex-service men in actual need. . The vote in the senate was 76 to 17. The vote in the house was 328 to 79. . Shouts and hisses came from the galleries during the debate when Sen ator Hastings, Republican, of Dela ware said there were veterans who would "steal the certificates from their wives and go out and borrow money to spend the night with an other woman." Immediately there were cries of "No, no, nol" and Senator Moses, Re publican, of New Hampshire, who was presiding, called loudly for order. He had just previously warned against applause. Attendants rush ed about the gallery quieting the vis itors as a storm of senatorial re proof descended on Hastings' head. President Hoover in his veto mes sage assailed the theory and practice of the loan proposal. He said it would be a serious burden on the treasury, would help the veterans relatively little and would set up a dangerous precedent. The bill as enacted provides a fiat loan value on adjusted compensation certificates of 60 per cent, of the ma turity face value, less the principal and interest of any prior loans. It al so reduces the interest rate to 4 per cent. In order to negotiate a loan, a veteran must have had his policy at least two years. Thus a veteran whose policy calls for a full value of $1000 can borrow $500 at 4 per cent interest com pounded annually. If he has borrow ed in the past, the full amount due on his previous loans will be deducted, Previously a veteran was able to borrow a maximum of 22 per cent, with the exact loan value based on actual statistics. The interest rate was fixed at 2 per cent above the current federal reserve rediscount rate for the district in which the loan was made. Senators voting against the bill were: KepuDiicans cingnam, Borah, Fess, Goff, Gould, Hastings, Berbert Metcalf, Morrow, Moses, Phipps Reed, Smoot, Walcott, Water man, watson. Democrats (1), King. Reauest that World war veterans not in actual need delay their app.v cations for loans under the new law for a few days until veterans in poor circumstances can be cared lor, was issued by Colonel George Ijams, dir ector of the U. S. veterans' bureau Newspapers and broadcasting sys tems were asked by Ijams to give wide nublicity to the request. Anticipating final passage oi tne bonus bill, the bureau had prepared telegrams for immediate dispatch to regional offices authorizing increases in the forces oi workers. Additional funds in the regional office also are being provided for prompt payment of loans. . "Every effort has been made in ad vance to build un a machine which will work smoothly," Ijams said, ine bureau is prepared for its new task." The announcement to tne veterans Biiid: . "The law increases tne loan basis of adjusted service certificates which have been in force more tnan two years to 50 per cent of their face value. The veterans' bureau has made arrangements to handle the new loans as expeditiously as possible, out m order that those veterans who are in dire need may be served first, it is requested that other veterans who are not so unfortunate witnnoia applica tions for loans until their less for tunate comrades may be served. "If you have already secured a loan, application for a new loan should be made to the office from which you received your first loan. You are urgently requested not to communi ,.oto with the veterans' bureau in Washington or its regional offices af ter vour application has been filed, as such correspondence will serve to retard the service to veterans. A New Stunt Tried on Pendleton Merchants High School Notes Editorial .' Betty Eager Why does each state of the Union have laws? Is it so the people of each state can break them? No! Everyone knows that each state has certain laws for its people to abide by, attempting to make our country as a whole better. Can this be done if the people insist on. breaking the laws and paying no attention to them T It is very doubtful. In Ore gon and many other states drivers of automobiles are supposed to stop when they come from a side street onto the main highway or the main thoroughfare. If you look closely when you come to the end of one of these streets that leads onto a high way you can see a post that has been put where drivers can see it and on this post there is a large sign that says "S-T-O-P." Is that sign put there to beautify the country or is it put there to enforce the law of stop ping at a stop street t Of course it is the latter, but as far as a number of drivers are concerned it is put there to beautify the surrounding country. Such people as these drive on and pay no attention to , these signs. People such as thesearea detriment to our country because if they break this law they will break others that are just as important. These people will get by the officers of the law for a short time and may be a long time but in the end they will be caught and they may wish they had obeyed the laws of their state but this is very doubtiui. uur country is not benefitted by people who break the laws and mucn less are they themselves who are breaking the laws. If each one of us would do our part in observing these laws it would help much and maybe in time this country will be what we are working for. When It Comes To Repairs: Pendleton. Pat F. Carey, alias F, Boehloffski, 51, of Klamath Falls, in the county iail. tried a new rmo ATI the local citizenry. vv . . - . Carey came here last weeK ana went by stage to 'Athena. He then called several local stores under the name of Ed Cornell and told tnem a man named Carey would be in town during the day and that he wanted him back on the ranch for work. ' At the first store the Carey and Cornell voices sounded alike and the pinch was made. Mnnieinal Utilities, No Tax By way of indefinite postponement the House Friday killed the Taylor hill, which would have assessed mu nicipally-owned utilities engaged in the Generation, transmission and dis tribution of electric energy. The bill came in with" an adverse report from the taxation and revenue com mittee and the report was adopted. Athena Defeats Umapine In their first game of the tourna ment the Athena quintet defeated the IlmaDine btoud by a score of 59-lb. The Athena locals took the lead with Jenkins makine a field basket and foul shot. This gave the locals a three point lead. Both teams play ed fast and hard the first nan dui Athena was unable to locate the bas ket. At the half Athena took a seven point lead, the score being 16-9. The second half found both teams play-ino- a man to man game and Athena throwing the ball through the loop quite frequently. The umapine ooys were not able to stop the locals from shooting during the second half.1 Crowley was high point man, making 20 points. Line up was as follows: Forwards, Crowley and Jenkins; guards, Pickett and Rogers; center; Huffman; substitutes, Geissel, Weber and Jenkins. Athena Defeats Stanfield In their1 second eame of the tourna ment the Athena locals defeated the Stanfield group by a score of ii to 10, Both teams played fast and checked closely. The locals took the lead when Jenkins made a field bas ket. The first quarter gave Stanfield a one point lead with the score 3 to 2. At the half the score was 8 to 7 in favor of Athena. The second half found the locals checking Stanfield very closely and locating the basket. The Athena boys came back in the second half with Crowley making 2 field baskets from the center. From then on the Stanfield group was not nhle to ston them. Crowley was mgn point man, making 15 points. The lineup was as follows: Pickett and lv Pnirern. euards: urowiey ana noieael forwards: Hunman, center, , csitiafitnroft. Jenkins. J en Kins , ana UUUUitvv" r i Weber. Atk-na Wins Tournament Tn their last and best game of the tniimament the Athena quintet de feated the Grizzly Hi of Helix by a score of 24-22. The Athena coys played one of the fastest and best nmM of the season, me iocois w a 6 point lead but were unable to Ira An it the first half. At the half the Grizzlys were ahead Dy one pomv with the score 9 to 8 . Crowley, the star for Athena, came bacK tne sec ond half and held Wagner, Grizzly star, to a scoreless game. Huffman was fouled out in the last quarter. Neither team in the second halt seem ed to be able to get the lead, in me last few minutes of the game two field baskets were made by Crowley which gave Athena a 4 point ieaa, but the Grizzlys soon made a basket which left Athena only two points T.ine-iin was SS lOUOWS: lor- wards. Crowley and JenKins; guaru, Jankins: center, Huffman.; imbatituteB. Weber. Pickett and Geis sel, Who Wants an Imitation? . YOULD you call on your local mer chant and ask him for "imitation sugar, or raisins, or coffee? Would you ask him to sell you a pair of shoes made of something "just as good" as leather? Or a suit of clothes "made for" a man, whether or not it fits you? Get the Genuine International Repairs When you need re pairs for your I H C Farm Equipment, , buy the genuine re pairs. See that this trade-mark appears on .each piece. Genuine I HC repairs are made from the original patterns all others are copied from copies. Genuine I H C repairs are made of the same material, have the same finish, fit as accurately, and wear just as long as similar parts purchased with the original implement or machine. . We are the Authorized 1 H G Dealers There is one certain and infallible way to secure genuine I H C repairs buy them from us. And remember that International service, rendered by us, can only be 100 per cent right when International machines are equipped with genuine International repairs. We Sell Internal ional Trucks Rogers . Goodman ( A MnrM-nf ilo TVncf . tries and the products were placed m colored crayons. The fifth grade is studying Asia. An Arabian sandtable project is be ing made. June Garfield and Donna Logsdon were absent from school a half a day on account of colds. Bobby Stott has moved to Wenat- chee, Washington. Barbara Lee, eighth grade pupil, left Athena. She will continue her schooling in Wenatchee where her parents have moved. Charlie Hoggard left Athena for Montana where he will live with his aunt and continue his schooling. Mrs. Miller taught the seventh and eighth grades while "Coach" Miller went to the tournament. Alumni Wayne Pinkerton, Oral Michener and George Gross attended the bas ketball tournament in Helix, Friday and Saturday. Lee Foster and Leonard Geissel were hunting at Hermiston, Sunday. Helen Hansell was in Walla- Walla Saturday. . ' Personals Harold Kirk, Berniece Wilson, Mar- iorie Montague and Dorothy Burke were in Pendleton Saturday night. Arleen Myrick was in Walla Walla Saturday. Walter Huffman was in Walla Wal la Sunday. , , Many of the high school students attended the basketball tournament at Helix Friday and Saturday, in which the Athena players came out victorious. Grades First grade June Garfield, Donna t .ii Helen Johns. Belva mcin- tyre, Arden Gray and Jimmy Weber, Reennrf trrade ixmise lunicei, Sfnff Tlarrftll CODDOCK, Jeanne RfanHttire and Mareery yvukh. Third grade W tniirea w uson, TtnWt Mavberry. BoDoie xeroa, ni Mnr Lou Hansen. PnnrtJi o-rade Gloria Garfield Helen Alkira and Bonnie Johnson. Beverly Barrett, Billy Jonns ana navid Lowe, fifth grade, and Ira Al Ur. sixth erade. were on the honor mii tnr the cast month. ' Ruth Street and Walter Banister nhwmt because of illness. Dorothy Martin is out of school be cause of illness. Billv Hansell made a cloth map of Europe. The names of the cou& l 1 ' A fcwataiiiMiiliriii m imni lm mmw n iwaiii Hili iafiiitinwiP iiwitt inT-Trri rriMMumwiTi mHiimmmrrim Does It Pay To Look Well? A Marinella facial A creamy complexion, Will always stand A close inspection. Nails that are shapely And a polish that is sure, Always accompany m Our Manicure. And to make gray hairs ashamed No-tox dyes cannot be blamed. To look your best Get your bair dressed. In fact you will do well To stop at our shop in Athena Hotel Call Phone 492 for Appointment Harris Barber and Beauty Shop AIDVIEKTDDNG? "Advertising is the education of the public as to what you are, where you are, and what you have to offer in the way of skill, talent or commodity. The only man who should not advertise is the man who has nothing to offer the world in the way of commodity or ser vice." Elbert Hubbard.