The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 27, 1931, Image 4

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Press Paragraphs
Miss Glea Siaa was up Sunday
from her school near JHermiston.
Walter Adams was in town Tues
day from his sheep range near Tou
ched . " " '
Stafford Hansell was on the sick
list this week-end with an attack of
F. B. Wood made a business trip
to Potlatch, Idaho, the fore part of
the week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. 0. Montague,
son and daughter, visited friends in
Walla Walla, Sunday.
Wanted A used two wheeled trail-
or, medium weight and strong, at a
right price. Phone 12.
For Sale Gilts to farrow soon.
Cecil & Fuller Hog Co., Walla Wal
la Phone 52 or 2363.
H. G. Blackard will assist E. A.
Bennett in the painting business and
will make his home in Athena.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Miller have re
turned to their Athena home from
near Seattle, where they spent sever
al months at the home of their daughter.
J. W. Maloney, Pendleton banker
was a business visitor in Athena.
A number of Athena people attend
ed the G. H. Sams auction sale east
of Weston Wednesday.
Elmer Merritt made a motor trip
to Touchet, Walla Walla and Spo
kane the first of the week.
Peter Sorenson has taken up his
usual season's duties at the Roy
Cannon farm north of Athena.
Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Watts were
among those acting as hosts at Kill
Kare Club in Pendleton last night.
Miss Lois Mclntyre came up from
Pendleton Friday and spent the day
at her home here.
Mrs. F. S. LeGrow spent Friday in
Walla where she visited her mother
Mrs. S. J. Bowles.
-Henry Barrett and Ralph McEwen
visited friends on the upper Walla
Walla river Sunday.
Mrs. Glenn Dudley was a luncheon
guest at the home of Mrs. Dale Slush'
er in Pendleton Tuesday.
Mrs. Minnie DePeatt is better, after
having been confined to her home
with illness for a couple of weeks,
Mrs. George Case and son Chester
of Pendleton visited the Duffield
family last week. Mr. Case is an em
ploye of the Shell Oil company.
Dojbs she use face powder?
That's the question your friends will ask among themselves while
they comment on the improved appearance of your complexion ob
tained from the use of Shnri Face Powder. Usually it takes an ex
pert to conceal the fact that she uses face powder. With Shari,
however, it's different. Shari Face Powder possesses such an im
palpable fineness and is so naturally , tinted that it produces a
glorious effect without being noticeable on the face. Try it and see
for yourself.
What does your perfume tell about you?
If you desire your perfume to inform your associates that you are
a woman of dainty, and aristocratic taste, then you owe it to your
self to put Shari Perfume to a fair and square test. It is delicate
and subtile, yet so rich and lasting that a few drops will give a
lingering fragrance for hours. Its lightness and airness breathes
the very message of quality and refinement. We shall be pleased to
demonstrate the Shari fragrance to you at your request.
Shari Perfume Twosi?:am $1.50
Main Street WATKINS' PHARMACY Phone 332
epenable Store
Whore you can place your confidence in the high $
quality merchandise and its moderate prices jj:
Tru Bake Crackers, Refill 2 lb.
Carnation Wheat, large, No Premium, package
Dina Mite, large package
39c .
Dina Mite, small package
Old Home Syrup, 5 lbs.
Tomatoes, Red and White, 2y2s
2 for 39c
Tomatoes, Green and White, 2V9S
2 for 25c
Salmon, Red and White, Red, Is, tall
2 for 75c "
Macaroni, Spaghetti, Egg Noodles, Red and White
4 tor 30c
Marshmallows, Campfire, 3-lb. tins
Crisco, 3 lbs.
!j PHONE 171 $
H. II. Eickhoff had business in
Athena this week.
Dolnh Thorn Dson of Gibbon trans
acted business here Wednesday.
Frank Price and Frank Greer of
Weston were in Athena Wednesday.
A large acreage or the foothill
country south and east of Athena will
be tnwn to neas this snnne.
Mrs. Chase Garfield, Mrs. Laurence
Pinkerton and Mrs. C. M. Baser were
Walla Walla visitors Monday.
Mrs. Flora Cook of Portland, aunt
of Gerald Kugore, visited the first 01
the week at the Kugore home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stewart and
family motored to Baker where they
ftnPTit the week-end with relatives. .
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Little were in
Walla Walla Sunday, where they vis
ited their daughter. Miss Iris Little
Jim Price who makes his home in
Southern California is visiting friends
and relatives in the Weston vicinity.
Barbara Lee and Arleen Foster
were members of a slumber party at
the home of Nylene Taylor, Tuesday
Mrs. G. R. Gerkine is recovering
from a serious eye infection which
for a time threatened the loss ot
sight of one eye.
For Snip A larere Casttile Circu
lator Heater and an Electric Range,
both practically new. Mrs. Chase
Garfield, phone 681.
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Lee were din
ner guests Wednesday evening at the
home of Miss Blanche 'lhorson ana
Miss Delia Bryant.
Mrs. H. I. Watts, Mrs. Glenn Dud
ley and Mrs. Ralph McEwen played
contract at the home of Mrs. M. L.
Watts Monday afternoon.
Friends of Mrs. Albert Geiss will
recret to hear that she is ill with in
fluenza at the home of her mother,
Mrs. A. Richardson near Milton.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jenkins- recent
ly visited at the home of Mrs. James
Hudson of Helix. Mrs. Hudson is re
covering from recent illness.
Mrs. Nellie Taylor is at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Delbert Clore
at Vale, Oregon. Mrs. Taylor plans
to return to Walla Walla in May.
The Vox Theatre, Milton, will pre
ent "New Moon." featuring Law
rence Tibbett and Grace Moore, Sun
day, Monday and Tuesday nights.
Fred Radtke of the Athena Depart
ment Store has been confined at home
this week nursiner a relapse from an
influenza attack of the week previous.
Bryce- Baker of the Athena bervice
Station has been confined to his home
a part of the week as the result of a
relapse from a severe attack of influenza.
Mrs. Delia Booher and daughter,
Mariorie. were here from Walla Wal
la and spent the week-end visiting
friends and relatives in Athena and
F. C. Sloan of Spokane was in
Athena this week lookine over the
pea grading plant, located here. At
oresent 41 women are employed at
the local plant.
Mrs. Frank Williams. Mrs. Gran
ville Cannon and Mrs. Forrest Zerba
motored to Washtucna last week-end
and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Beckner.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Eager and
daughter Virginia and Mrs. Chase
Garfield motored to Walla Walla n-
day evening where they saw the
showing of "Cimarron."
A number of local Baptist people
will accept an invitation to a reunion
of the Pendleton church tnis eve-
. . 1 1 r r
ning. Entertainment in me iorm ui
nn attractive program and supper
will be features ot tne anair.
Mrs. L. E. Covle. Matron of Green
Pnttnco at Whitman colleee in Wal
la Walla was a visitor with Mrs M.
T. Crnv at the Laurence Pinkerton
home Thursday night and Friday of
last week.
Mrs. Henry Barrett, Mrs. H. I.
Watts and Mrs. Ralph McEwen were
guests of Mrs. M. L. Watts Saturday
afternoon, when the party motored
to Walla Walla to see the play "Cim
arron." Charles Williams has returned to
Athena from Newport, Oregon, where
he spent the greater part of the win
ter. Mr. Williams had a very pleas
ant time at Newport, and he returns
in much better health.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bennett have re
turned to Athena from Milton, to re
side. They are again domiciled in
their residence property on lower
Main street, after having lived in
Milton for the past two years.
Mrs. J. C. Mitchell visited this
week-end at the home of her brother,
J. E. Jones in Athena. Mrs. Mitchell,
who resides in Walla Walla, was re
turning to her home from Condon,
where she had been visiting a sister.
Mr. and Mrs. George Brace, their
house guest, Mrs. W. D. Humphrey
of Pendleton, and Lester Stott, drove
from Thorn Hollow Thursday eve
ning of last week, and attended the
Knights of Pythias anniversary cele
bration. nr. Puller, well known veterinarian
of Walla Walla, was in Athena yes
terday. Dr. Fuller is connected with
the Cecil & Fuller Hog company of
Walla Walla. The firm is operating
under the policy of buying and sell
ing breedinir and stock hogs.
The community dances at Adams
continue to be popular, as indicated
by the large attendance. The com
mittee for this Saturday night's
dance is comprised of Norman Mc
lntyre, Dean Pinkerton of Athena,
and Kenneth Hodgen, Alvin Des
Voignes and Clyde Larabee- of Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cox were visit
ors at the H. I. Watts home this
week. They were enroute to their
home in Waitsburg after spending
the winter at Long Beach, California.
They report having seen Mr. and
Mm P.. A. Dudlev recently and that
! they plan returning to Athena in the
near future.
The Social Side
(By Mrs. Ralph McEwen)
Etude club met at the home of Mrs.
Laurence Pinkerton Tuesday after
noon. Chorus practice followed a
business session when plans for the
annual concert to be given April 14
were completed.
Mrs. M. L. Gray who has been vis
iting Athena and Pendleton relatives
for the past two weeks, returned
Monday to Lewiston, where she is
matron of the Children's home. Fri
day afternoon Mrs. Gray was given
a handkerchief shower at the home
of her daughter when she entertained
in her honor.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Logsdon were
hosts to the B. B. club last Thurs
day evening. Following dinner the
usual four tables of bridge were in
play. Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton mak
ing high score and Mrs. Flint Johns
reecivine the consolation. The club
will meet at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Douglas next week.
Iva Mae Booher was the honoree
at a party Wednesday afternoon, the
occasion being here eighth birthday.
Games and a wonderful birthday
cake with eight candles were features
The young lady was the recipient of
a number of dainty gifts. Ihose pres
ent were Geraldine Garrett, Barbara
Huffman, Beverly Barrett, Armanda
Coppock, Helen Jean Standage, Doro
thy Gould, Emma Jane Kilgore, Betty
Booher, Mary Lou Hansell, Winifred
Wilson and the honoree.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Cornell were
hosts at an informal bridge party
Wednesday evening. Miss Blanche
Thorson and Dick Swift made high
score and Mrs, E. 0. Lee and Mr.
Roseberry were awarded the consola
tion. Other guests present were, Mrs.
Allen, Mrs. Swift, Mrs. Roseberry,
Robert and Barbara Lee, E. 0. Lee,
Miss Margaret Lee and Miss Delia
Friends of Miss Ruth Eichelberger
formerly of Waitsburg will be inter
ested to hear of her recent recital at
the Studio Building in Portland.
Miss Eichelberger is a talented pian
ist and is now an advanced student
and assistant of Ruth Bradley Keiser.
She played in recital here some time
ago and she will be remembered as
one of the contest winners in the
Oregon Federation of Music Clubs'
contests held two years ago, and went
to Boston to play in the national con
tests there, receiving favorable men
tion. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dudley were
hosts at a "hard times" party Sat
urday evening. The guests arrived
attired in costumes appropriate to the
occasion and the effects attained
were bizarre and colorful. A buffet
dinner was served and later children's
games were played. The guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robinson, Mr.
and Mrs. Leslie Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Slusher, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stater,
of Pendleton, and Mr. and Mrs. Verne
Dudley of Dayton, Washington.
Guests and members of the Athena
Bridge club were entertained at lun
cheon at the home of Mrs. W. P. Lit
tlejohn last Friday afternoon. Dainty
clusters of sweet peas in pastel
shades centered the four tables and
attractive cards in the same coloring
marked the places. At bridge, which
was played during the afternoon, Mrs.
E. C. Prestbye won first honors, Mrs.
M. L. Watts second and Mrs. Armand
DeMerritt made high guest score.
Other guests were, Mrs. Fred Pink'
erton, Mrs. Claire Gurney and Mrs.
M. I. Miller, Mrs. Littlejohn was as
sisted in serving by Mrs. Gurney.
Solista Pickett was complimented
Monday night when his sister, Mrs.
E. C. Prestbye entertained a group of
the honorees young friends at her
home on Fourth street. The occasion
was a birthday party, the guest of
honor having attained the age of six
teen years. Hearts were played dur
ing the evening and Helen Barrett
and Lowell Jenkins won first prizes,
and the consolation awards went to
Laura Ross, and Fred Singer. Other
guests were Velma Ross, Mary Jane
Miller, Jasmine Trump, Myrtle Camp
bell, Jewell Pinkerton, Emery Rogers,
Medium, Red No. 1 flat.... ...:..:.......21c
Pink, No. 1, tall.............. ...........13c
Toilet Paper
Five -7-oz. rolls for........ .. 25c
Baby Shrimp
2 cans for ;........ 25c
Two 12-oz. jugs for..... ...19c
Large Bottle, each ....17c
Sego, Carnation, Borden's,
3 cans for .23c
Hershey Cocoa
Two 8-oz. cans for.
Swansdown Cake Flour
Large package ..............39c
White Diamond Flour, 491b. sack 98c
Phone 152
Walter Singer, Ralph Moore, George
Pittman and Glenn McCullough. The
hostess was assisted by Mrs. Bryce
This week has been a busv one at
this church. Wednesday night was
the prayer service. We are having
a large prayer meeting. The services
last Sunday were well attended and
the interest was splendid. One new
member was received for baptism.
Mr. Hall was released from the eve
nine sermon to visit his mother at
Hermiston who was that day cele
brating her 92nd birthday, and Kev.
Rias kindlv and satisfactorily fil
ed the pulpit. We are expecting a
great day next Sunday. Let those
who contemplate joining the church
be ready next Sunday, before the
campaign beginsor it is now a time
of enlistment for service. II in your
heart vou desire to worship God at
all, you will be in some church next
Sunday. You are welcome here.
In the morning service Sunday the
pulpit topic will be "Your Life Mes
sage." in all our plans lei us enier
heartily into the union meetings that
will open Tuesday night at the Bap
tist church. We trust that there will
be an attendance and a cooperation
that will bring results to the indi
vidual and the community. May you
be counted on here?
Contoure Specialties
Beautify the Complexion
Strengthen the Countour
Athena Beauty Shop
Sadie Pambrun, Operator
Phone 32
Quality Grocery
Phone 561 for Service and Quality '
Jumbo Ripe Olives Tree Ripened Apricots
Happy Home, Large Can Santa Valley Brand, 2'2s
33c 20c
Rinso DeLish Peanut Butter
Large Package In 21b. Glass
23c 45c
Our Mothers Cocoa Purex
2 lb. Package 2 Quart Bottles, Still
31c 25c
Quality Grocery
Frank Little, Prop. Athena, Oregon. Phone 561
Our Annual
Spring Fashion Tea
Style Show
in the Tea Room T
Tuesday, March Third
At 3:00 Pi M.
Phone 864 for Reservations
Walla Walla, Washington
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Sain-on, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
n'-i. i n m rr j n
r isn, uysrers, vraDS, warns, ivraui in oeason.
Main Street Athena. Oregon.
Goodyear Tires
and Tubes
Automobile' Supplies,
Parts and Accessories
Athena Garage
North side Main Street
Phone 352