The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, February 27, 1931, Image 2

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lse Metro Star
Established Jan. 1, 1887 '
F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year ,.$2.00
One copy, six month $1.00
One copy, three months 73
Athena, , Oregon, February 27, 1931
Clark Wood says: I
j "Senator Reed says the tariff f
J cannot be taken out of politics. J
t Then whatever the present one
J ws taken out of probably needs J
' fumigation." J
The Grange Bulletin, in discussing
the bill which has been before the
Oregon legislature for the creation
of a state department of agriculture,
quoted with apparent approval and
the intention to apply it locally, the
opinion of a very prominent Cali
fornia farmer as to the department
of agriculture of that state, of which
the following is a part: "Our de
partment of agriculture has never,
during all the ten years of farm dis
tress, put forward any plan of relief
that could possibly solve the problem,
nor has it ever suggested any plan by
which any plan of relief can be evolv
ed or even discussed by the farmers
or in the interest of the farmers. For
the past ten years, our department of
agriculture has functioned in the in
terest of the people that live off the
farmers, instead of in the interest of
the farmers.
mines would be benefitted by increase
in prices of silver.
It matters little to the average
member of the legislature whether
there is an overtime session or not, so
long as he has nothing pressing at
home there is so little difference in
the amount of salary he receives and
working for nothing, in the way of remuneration.
The Blue Mountain Eagle at Can
yon City tells how the only agricul
tural product that promised to main
tain its strong market value has been
knocked down by something otherwise
very enjoyable. It says: "With the
mild winter and the feeding of cheap
grain it appears like the entire stock
country was coming through with a
big hay hang-over, said a well known
stockman here today. And strange
as it may seem, hay was about the
only agricultural crop last fall that
maintained its market value. It was
held at $10 to $12 a ton. When the
price of wheat, corn, potatoes and
most all farm crops slumped, hay held
its own, and would have continued to
hold its values had it not been for the
mild winter and the cheap fodder sub
Baker is starting in brisk and early
in her preparations for celebrating
Independence Day, July 4th. The
American Legion post is behind Ba
ker business men in a venture that
will pull more tail feathers out of the
eagle than has been seen in Eastern
Oregon for many years.
Oregon is one of the 19 states where
irrigation is extensively practiced and
the bureau of census reports that a
total of 19,478,441 acres were irrigat
ed in these states in 1929, and that
the decrease in irrigated acreage in
Oregon was 5 per cent between 1919
and 1929.
22 Years Ago
Whenever they find a bullet-riddled
gangster with his tongue slit, it indi
cates that the victim was a "squeal
er." This fine touch to the murder of
John Ricardi, New York gangster,
was mute evidence that he had "talk
I Man-power has diminished in Rus
sia to the extent that all branches of
labor, including railways and agri
culture are recruiting women workers
There is no difference in the wages
paid to men and women, and this
equality of course has its responsi
bilities. If there is a divorce, for
.instance and the wife is working and
the husband is not, she must pay him
alimony for six months. This state
of affairs naturally leads to the rea
sonable conjecture that Russian man
power will continue to decrease so
long as the alimony snap can be
It is revealed in the Pershing mem
oirs that the British scoffed the offer
of the U. S. war department to send
a colored infantry division across to
their assistance at a time prior to the
full organization of the American
army in France. When the division
finally went over and became a unit
of the American army, it gave a mem
orable account of its fighting men in
the line of battle, bravely doing its
"bit" in winning the World War.
Chairman Legge, resigning from
the farm board points to a wheat sur
plus increase in the United States of
100,000,000 bushels in 1926 to 274,
000,000 bushels in 1930, saying that
the one and only thing that is keep
ing foreign wheat from coming into
this country is the tariff of 42 cents.
Ho further says that American farm
ers, to sell their wheat abroad now,
would have to accept 20 cents less
than they are getting at home.
Guards, aware of an attempt to
break prison at Joliet, Illinois, pre
pared to frustrate it. They gave three
escaping convicts a reception with
machine guns when they came over
the walls, when a powerful search
light spotted the prisoners sliding
down a cable. Two were killed and
the third wounded, in a cruel, pre
meditated action that was perhaps
deemed necessary to enforce discipline
and prison rules.
Sidney Franklin, the American
matador, has been gored again in a
bull fight, this time in Mttxico. Sid
learned the game over in Spain,
where he made a name for himself
and came home after spending sever
al weeks in hospital recuperating
from a couple of horn thrusts that
drew vociferous plaudits from his
senorita admirers.
A world's conference on dumping
of silver is proposed to level up world
economic conditions. Mexico and
China are hopeful of favorable re
sults. Silver mine owners and those
dependent on the operation of the
A Montreal restaurant customer
ordered biscuits, didn't like them and
hurled one at a waiter. It broke the
waiter's jaw. Either the biscuit had
a kick in it or the jaw was soft.
. o
The bread war down at Medford
wages merrily on with chain stores
and chain bakeries selling pound loafs
at 5 cents, and independent bakeries
and retailers at 9 cents.
Louis Wolheim, "bad man of the
screen" is dead. Funeral services for
him were of "few words and lots of
Friday, March 5, 1909
A list of the eligible baseball play
ers: David Stone, Henry LaBrasche,
P. Wilson, Dean . Dudley, pitchers;
Frank Sanders, Byron Hawks, J. La
course, catchers; Virgil Willaby,
Ralph DePeatt, 1 b; Straus, H. La
Brasche, 2b; Jesse Myrick, Frank
Swaggart, ss; W. Booher, R. De
Peatt, 3b; D. Stone, D. Dudley, C.
Christian, F. Johnson and A. Bell,
Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Swag
gart, March 1st,' 1909, a son.
Grandma Gerking, the aged mother
of Mrs. David Taylor, has been ailing
the past week.
Prof. Carl Guiott has resumed his
visits to Athena, and his class in mu
sic is again organized for steady
Chas. Brotherton has returned from
a visit to his Franklin county ranch.
He has 1100 acres in fall grain which
he says looks good to him in the way
of a crop prospect.
Ira Kemp was over from Weston be
tween trains Sunday. He interested
a number of the normal's Athena
friends in keeping the school open to
the end of the present school year.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mclntyre and
two little daughters, who have spent
the winter with friends in Corvallis
left Athena Tuesday for their home
near Nanton Alberta. They have been
visiting in this vicinity for the past
two weeks.
This week has been house cleaning
time at the Mosgrove Mercantile Co's.
store and everything was topsy-turvy
for a time. Painting and papering
have been done and the shelves and
counters in all departments now pres
ent a neat and nifty appearance.
Sam White, the Pine Creek sage,
has returned from a winter's sojourn
in Oregon City. Mr. White spent a
month of his absence from Athena in
Tacoma, Wash., also. He is looking
young and coltish and will no doubt
soon be on hand with the very earliest
spring vegetables.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Robert Parnell, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all per
sons whom it may concern:
That The First National Bank of
Pendleton, executor of the last will
and testament of Robert Parnell, de
ceased, has filed its final account and
report in the administration of the
estate; that the County Judge by
order duly made and entered has ap
pointed Monday the 9th day of March,
1931, at the hour of ten o'clock in the
forenoon as the time and the Coun
ty Court House at Pendleton as the
place where all objections and ex
ceptions to said final account and re
port will be heard and a settlement
of the estate made.
Dated this 6th day of February,
PENDLETON, Executor.
Peterson and Lewis, Attorneys for
Executor. F6M6
"IVe just read
Swift 8C Company's
1931 Year Book . . .
"This book is most Interesting to me, because I'm
one of the 200,000 producers of cream, poultry and
eggs who sell to Swift & Company. It Is just as
Interesting to everyone who has something to sell
to Swift & Company, as well as the housewife who
buys food for her family.
"This book showed me the source of Swiftc Company's
profits, which come, mainly, from savings in ex
penses, and not at the expense of the producer or
the consumer. What Impressed me was that Swift
earns Its dividend from an average profit from all
sources of only a small fraction of a cent a pound.
"The chapter on Swift & Company's produce plants
on page 35 held my attention, for here Is shown how
the company creates a direct road to remote mar
kets for the producers' products. And you may learn
how Swift's marvelous distributing plan serves pro
ducer, small retailer and consumer In every corner
of the country.
"I know that Swift & Company will gladly send you
the 1931 Year Book free of charge. Send for it;
there's Information of interest to every roan and
woman. Just fill out this coupon below."
Swift & Company, 4180 Packers Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
Pleue mall me fate a copy ol Swift 4 Company's 1931 Year Book.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the matter of the estate of Anna
Rcdhawk, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
administrator has filed his final re
port with the above entitled court,
and that the Judge thereof has desig
nated Monday. March 9. 1931. at
the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon
as the time, and the county court
room in Pendleton, Umatilla County,
Oregon, as the place, when and where
hearing shall be had thereon. All
persons interested are hereby noti
fied to then and there appear and
show cause, if any they have, why
said report should not be approved
and the administrator discharged and
Date this 6th day of February,
-Administrator of the estate of
Anna Redhawk, deceased. F6M6
Peterson & Lewis
Attorneys at Law
Practice in all State and Federal
Inland Empire Bank Building
Pendleton Oregon
Real Estate
Wheat Alfalfa and .
Stock Land
L. L. Montague, Arlington
Wanted Clean, Cotton rags at the
Press office.
Eyes examined, glasses properly
fitted at Schneller's, 39 East Main,
Walla Walla,
handle Heberling Products in Uma
tilla County. Excellent opportunity
for the right man. Earnings of $60
weekly not unusual. Write for free
Dept. 1804, Bloomington, 111.
per pound
Cheaper than you can
do it at home
Ask Our Mr. Mclntyre
Take Notice
Beginning on March 2, 1931, and
continuing for six consecutive days,
we will give one free Body Correction
treatment to each new patient who
comes to our office in North Athena,
during that time. Phone 595.
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 706
Pendleton. Oregon. 957 J
Dr. W. H. McKinney
Physician and Surgeon
Dr. Sharp's Office
Office Hours at Athena 1 to 6 p. m.
Phone 462. Office Hours at Weston
8 a. m. to 12 noon. Phone 83. Calls
made day or night.
Post Building, Athena. Phone 582
Main Street. Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
Foley's Honey Md Tar
wres colds, prevents pneumonia.
Bring in Your Bent
and Sprung Axles
Acetylene Welding and Black
smithing C. M. Jones Blacksmith Shop
Listen Here!
Bell C& Gray
Are Always .;.
to do
0 Auto Truck
Prices Right
Phone 593
The First National Bank
of Athena
Established 1891 '.' .
Does a General Banking Business
and Maintains a Complete ; ;
Trust Department
the expense of repairing a frozen engine block use
anti-freeze in your radiator. We properly service
your circulating system and tell you the correct,
amount of anti-freeze to use in your car for any
given temperature.
NOW is the time to get your tires. We offer extra
size, heavy duty, guaranteed 30x3 tires with
tubes, 6 ply, 29x4.40 tires with tubes, and 28x4.75
and 30x4.50 at greatly
J. E. Gallaher Athena Phone 471
Meals all hours of the day
We can give you the best
That money can buy
Continental Oil Company
Germ Processed Motor Oil '"'
Athena Service Station
"Service With a Smile"
Automobile AccessoriesUTires
BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . ' . Athena, . . Phone 762
Tum-a-Lum Tickler
Published in the intesests of the people of Athena and ricinity by
Vol. 31
Athena, Oregon, February 27, 1931
No. 7
The girl that falls in love
with a movie star is almost as
hopeless as the cow that falls
in love with a Bull Durham ad
vertisement. A. M. Johnson, Editor
His girl called him a wit and
we think she was half right
Bothered with Spring Fever?
Spring fever and cleaning go
hand in hand. Get the jump on
the beautiful days to come and
do your
RE painting
RE pairing
RE modeling
Right now or sooner
Passer-by: "What is the horse
power of your car?"
Voice from under: Forty;
"What's wrong with it?"
"As far as I can make out,
thirty-nine horses have bolted
and the remaining one is too
upset to answer questions."
COLOR in the home. A paint
of your favorite color for every
room in the house. Know the
advantages of keeping your
home repaired and painted.
26,947 physicians would agree,
that insulation protects the
health of a home. In winter it
conserves heat and keeps the
house at an even temperature;
in summer it keeps out the heat
from the sun, making a home
more comfortable.
One of our Ike Waltons was
out the other day for a bit of
early fishing. When he came
back we asked him if the fish
had been biting. 01' Herb Par
ker: "Well," he said. "If they
were biting, they were biting
each other."
And the laziest man in the
world is the fellow who held a
cocktail shaker in one hand and
waited for an earthquake.
Warm buildings should be
provided for baby chicks if they
are to do a lot of growing dur
ing the spring. .;
Farmers Grain Elevator
Grian and Feed ; v
A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed
v. Phone 382 T.F.T?. wtt enw nn,
SUITS S24-75
gas .
TVK SMITH, Proprietor, Phone 1571 Freewater Oregon
5ee Us ...
Before Buying
Electric Lamps
and other electric appliances, including Sad-irons,
Percolators, Toasters, Waffle Irons, Hotplates,
Vacuum Sweepers, G. E. Refrigerators, and Hot
point Electric Stoves. In fact, everything electrical
Electrical Department, Athena, Oregon. Phone 182