The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 23, 1931, Image 4

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Press Paragraphs
Elmer Bryson . spent Monday in
Athena with friends. ' ' V K
A soaking rain fell Wednesday
night and yesterday. '
WrfS. Ferguson transacted business
in Walla Walla yesterday. ",
Mrs. Gilliland of Weston, was an
Athena visitor yesterday.
Mrs. Bruno Weber was a recent
visitor to friends in Weston.
Mrs. David Stone of Walla Walla
visited friends in Athena Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton
were Pendleton visitors' Tuesday.
Mrs. Ethel Montague and Mrs. Ed
Montague spent Tuesday in Pendle
ton. Mrs. Arthur Douglas and daughter
Marjorie were Pendleton visitors
Mrs. Velton Read has been spending
the week in Walla Walla, visiting
E. C. Rogers of the hardware firm
of Rogers & Goodman, went to Seat
tle on a business trip, over last week
Frank Lockwood, well known old
timer, was in Athena Saturday, from
Walla Walla.
The W. C. T. U. will meet at the
home of Mrs. Stella Keen, Tuesday
afternoon. '
Mrs. Nellie Taylor is spending the
week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Logsdon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Douglas of Her
miston visited at the Arthur Douglas
home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Avery Cornell of Wal
la Walla spent the week-end here at
the Cornell home.
, Penn Harris was confined to his bed
with an attack of influenza the fore
part of the week.
Mrs. Blair of Weston was a dinner
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Velton Read Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Downing
were in Athena Saturday, from their
home near Freewater.
Attorney Prestbye has returned
from Tacoma, where he went last
week on legal business.
A number of Athena supporters
and boosters of the . Athena high
school basketball . teams, went to'
Adams Wednesday evening and wit
nessed the two games played there.
You'll be amazed at the amount of savings you can make in a
year's time by trading here regularly. We carry the exclusive
Rexall line and also have in stock many of the famous McKesson
products which you hear advertised over radio every week.
Special While They Last
50c Palm Olive Face Powder
50c Palm Olive Shampoo v ;
. Both for 79C
Here are a few of our regular every day prices
'' Tins of 1 Dozen Tablets..... 15c
Tins of 2 Dozen Tablets...............!............. L'25c"
! Bottles of 100 Tablets.........!.................... ...69c
Puretest and McKesson Standardized Norwegian
Cod Liver Oil
16 oz. Bottle.......;...........:. ...I .......... 89c
Main Street Athena Phone 332
Dependable Stores that are
Operated by Their Owners
Tomatoes, Red and White, 24 2y2 .
2 for 39c
" Tomatoes, Green and White, Vos
3 for 39c
Beans, Red and White 2s
2 for 43c
, Beans, Green and White, 2s .
3 for 39c
Jell Dessert, Red and White .
2 for 15c
Soup, Red and White,
3 for 29c
Salmon, Red and White, Sockeye, Is, tall
2 for 75c
Hershey's Cocoa, 16 oz. can
; Schlitz Malt
:. 59c . ' , , ;- :
Orange Marmalade, Red and White, 16 oz. glass $
2 for 49c
Mothers Oats China, large
f Starch, Corn or Gloss, Red and White Mb.
' 2 for 17c
Fels Naptha Soap, 10 bars in carton
Per Carton 65c
Mrs. George Gerking has heen con
fined to a dark room for several days
due to an eye infection.
. Mr. and Mrs. Will Kirk motored to
Umapine Tuesday where they visited
friends and transacted business.
Mrs. Frank Williams , came over
from Freewater and visited at the
home of her son Arthur Jenkins.
.Friends of Mrs. Alva Blalock will
be glad to hear that she is now con
valescing from a severe attack of
quinsy.; ' i
- Mrs. L. A, Cornell motored to
Lowden yesterday where she attend
ed a meeting of the Study club of
that place.
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Edwards came
over from Milton and spent Tues
day evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. F. B. Boyd. ' ; "v
Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Pinkerton drove
over to Milton Saturday and spent the
day at the home of their daughter,
Mrs. Maurice Frazier. '
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dudley motor
ed to Pendleton Wednesday evening
to attend a supper club meeting.
Contract was played during the eve
ning. A number of Milton people came
over Tuesday evening to witness the
Blue Mountain Basketball league
game between the Athena and Milton
A foursome enjoying bridge as the
guests of Miss Jessiedeane Dudley
Wednesday evening included Alberta
Charlton, Helen Hansell and George
Kohler Betts accompanied Percy
Folsom of Pilot Rock, district deputy
of the Masonic order, to Milton Wed
nesday night, where he paid an official
visit. ,
Misa Hilda Dickenson, chief oper
ator in the Pacific f elephone & Tele
graph company's exchange at Arling
ton, has been at the Dickenson home
this week.
A foursome, enjoying . contract
bridge at. the home of Mrs. Glenn
Dudley Saturday, included Mrs. M.
L. Watts, Mrs. Ralph McEwen and
Mrs. H. I. Watts.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Leonard and
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Leonard of
Waitsburg and Mrs. Nat Kimball of
Pendleton spent Wednesday with Mrs.
Banister and Mrs. Ralph Haynie.
Mrs. William Barnhart, a well
known Indian woman of the Umatilla
reservation, died Monday night. She
was 80 years old, and in early days
was a firm friend of white settlers.
Bluebird group of Campfire girls
met at the home of Betty Eager last
Friday afternoon. The members are
making quaint cross stitch samplers
and the time was taken up in this
The annual report of Mrs. W. P.
Littlejohn, librarian, shows the
branch library to have had a total
circulation of 11,744 books during
the fiscal year adults 9,125; children
Mrs. Chase Garfield and daughters
Gloria and June are spending the
week-end in Walla Walla where they
will be joined by Mr. Garfield who is
now employed on a newspaper at
Lewiston, Idaho.
Frank Garrett has been seriously
ill following the removal of his tonsils
several weeks ago. The infection
which occurred has been overcome
and Mr. Garrett is improving slowly,
Mr. Garrett is foreman of the Koepke
place, south of Athena.
Mrs. Revella Lieuallen entertained
the members of the 3 o' 4 Bridge
club at her home west of Athena,
Thursday afternoon of last week.
Three tables were in play, Mrs. M.
I. Miller taking the honors and Mrs.
A. W. Douglas, low score.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton
invited guests sufficient for two tables
of bridge Saturday night. Ed Bloom
won high score and M. I. Miller low.
Those present were Miss Mary Cam
eron, Mr. and Mrs. Bloom, Mr. and
Mrs. Miller, Dan Tilley and the hosts.
Honoring Mrs. Nellie Taylor, who
is her house guest, Mrs. A. W. Logs
don will entertain a number of ladies,
old time friends of Mrs. Taylor, to
morrow afternoon at her home on
Third street. Mrs. Taylor will leave
soon for Vale, to spend the remainder
"Faith and its Consequences." will
be the pulpit theme Sunday morning.
In the evening hour, 7:30, a song-
fest will be had. All who love to sing
are especially invited to participate
in hymns both new and old. All
services in the basement for the pres
ent. . - ..
a '. PHONE 171
Does It Pay
To Look Well?
A Marinella facial
A creamy complexion,
Will always stand
A close inspection.
Nails that are shapely
And a polish that is sure,
Always accompany
Our Manicure.
And to make gray hairs ashamed
No-tox dyes cannot be blamed.
To look your best '
Get your hair dressed.
In fact you will do well
To stop at our shop in .
Athena Hotel. ;
Call Phone 492 for Appointment
Barber and Beauty Shop
of the winter, and will later make her
home in Walla Walla.
The B. B. Club met at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Michener
Thursday evening of last week. Fol
lowing dinner the usual four tables
were in play. M. I. Miller made high
score and Archie Mclntyre low. The
club will next be entertained at the
C. M. Eager home. , ;
A pleasant event of last week was
a party at the home of Mrs. H. A.
Barrett, the diversion' of the after
noon being contract bridge. Guests
sufficient for two tables were bidden.
Mrs. Chase Garfield making high
score and Mrs. H. I. Watts second.
The hostess served seasonable re
freshments at the tea hour.
Ohayata group of Campfire girls
met Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Doris Jenkins. Business was
transacted and plans were made for
a beautiful party to be given in
February. Committees were appoint
ed which will report at the next meet
ing which will occur next Wednes
day at the home of Virginia Eager.
Mrs. Amanda McArthur has return
ed to her home in Portland, after be
ing at the Athena home of her sis
ter Mrs. Maggie Banister for some
time. Mrs. McArthur went to Port
land for medical treatment and will
return here in the near future, her
health permitting. Mrs. Ralph Haynie
motored Mrs. McArthur to Pendleton
to make train connections.
Pink tapers and a beautiful cake
with pink decorations and candles
centered the table at the M. I. Miller
home Sunday in honor of Mrs. Mill
er's birthday. The affair was a sur
prise to the honoree. The guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Pinker
ton, Jewell Pinkerton. Dan , Tilley
and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Douglas,
Aaron and Marjorie Douglas.
Friday night a group of Athena
people were guests at a dance given
at the former home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Catron, northwest of Athena.
Old fashioned round and square
dances were the feature of the eve
ning and the music was furnished by
Lee Johnson, Mrs. Ethel Montague,
Elmer Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Montague. About thirty-two guests
were present and following the danc
ing, supper was served.
Mrs. Jesse Gordon was hostess to
the O. D. O. club at her home north
of Athena Friday afternoon, when she
entertained twelve ladies. Other than
club members, Mrs. Ross Payne, Mrs.
J. C. Harwood and Mrs. A. W. Logs
don enjoyed Mrs.. Gordon's hospital
ity. The hostess served refreshments.
She was assisted by Mrs. Louis
Stewart. The next meeting of the
club will be at the home of Mrs. Cat
ron, January 30.
Don Eaton, Lawrence Timmons of
Freewater and Kyle Cowles of Milton,
were fined in thej Pendleton justice's
court Tuesday for killing a cow elk
in the Cottonwood district northeast
of Milton. The' plead guilty and
were fined $200 each and given a 30
day jail sentence. This case is in no
way connected with the slaying of
six cow elk on Cottonwood by hunt
ers who took only the hams, leaving
the remainder of meat where the ani
mals fell.
Mrs. Willard Crabill was hostess to
a group of ladies recently. . Diversion
of the day was quilting and a sump
tuous 4 o'clock dinner. Those enjoy
ing Mrs. Crabill's hospitality were:
Mesdames John Burke, Mary Booher,
L. A. Cornell, R. A. Duffield, Sims
Dickenson. Wm. Harden, Charles
Henry, Eva Huggins, J. E. Jones,
Lee Johnson, Ethel Montague, Chas.
McFarland, Wm. McPherson. Fred
Pittman, Amiel bchubert, John btan
ton, B. Weber, Miss Nola Hill, Miss
Mildred Stanton and the hostess.'
The Etude club met Tuesday af
ternoon at the home of Mrs. Chase
Garfield. During the business ses
sion it was announced that Mrs.
Rowena Lester who has been direct
ing the club chorus will be unable to
continue her work here due to ill
health. Mrs. Ralph McEwen was ap
pointed director and Mrs. Laurence
Pinkerton and Mrs. Gordon Watkins
accompanists. Chorus practice fol
lowed. The hostess later served tea
The next meeting will be at the home
of Mrs. Gordon Watkins, February 3
at 3 o'clock.
Mrs. Frank Little was hostess to
the Athena Study club Friday after
noon. Seven members answered roll
call and Mrs. Huldah McKinley, moth
er of Mrs. Little, was a club guest. An
interesting topic, "Ports in Burma"
elicitated two well prepared papers,
one by Mrs. M. I. Miller, descriptive
of the people of Burma, and the other
by Mrs. Little pertaining to Rangoon
and Singapore. Mrs. F. B. Boyd read
Kipling's "On tha Road to Mandalay."
Mrs. Theresa Berlin will entertain the
Study club on its next meeting date,
Friday, January 30.
The Wauna , group of Campfire
girls met Monday night at the home
of . Esther Berlin. The usual busi
ness session was held. The feature
of the program which followed was a
talk by Miss Sadie Pambrun on the
care of the nails. Mrs. Penn Harris
was to have been present for a talk
on the care of the complexion and
facials but was detained home by ill
ness. The next meeting will be at
the home of Marjorie Douglas Mon
day evening February 2, when the
members will take up the making of
A group of friends gave Arthur
Jenkins quite a jar when they sur
prised him by coming in Saturday
evening, unannounced, and making
themselves at home. The occasion for
the visit en masse was to honor Mr.
Jenkins' birthday anniversary and the 1
affair had been quietly arranged by
Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. W. E. Camp
bell. Pinochle was played by the
guests, and the hostesses served re-'
Prices Are Lower
Specials for Saturday and Monday
Flour Corn
White Diamond, per 49-lb. sack....98c No. 1 Standard, 3 cans............. 35c
Onions Soap
Nice and Firm, 10 lbs. ......10c White Laundry, 10 bars ............1.33c
Brooms Butter
Medium Weight, Good Quality 59c Fresh Dairy, per 2-lb. rolL .....49c
Eggs Rice
Fresh Standard, 2 dozen. ; 39c Fancy Blue Rose, 4 lbs....;.....:....29c
Electric Light Globes 2540 and 50 Watt, Each 15c
Phone 152: V "v;
Athena Department Store
freshments. Those who spent a de
lightful evening were: Mr. and Mrs.
John Tompkins, Mary Tompkins, Mr.
and Mrs. Don Wilks, Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Campbell, Myrtle and Robert
Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Bun Moore,
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Smith, Rachel
Smith, Mrs. Charles Smith, Ray John
ston, Mrs. Frank Williams, Mr. and
Mrs. A. L. Jenkins.
We take this method of expressing
our heartfelt thanks and appreciation
to all for their kindness and expres
sions of sympathy, during our be
Stop! Look!! Listen!!!
Do your eyes twinkle and glisten
with animation? If not take heed!
Are you poised, and at attention at
the very first mention of everything
interesting? If not take stock of
your nerves, and see Ben Bateman,
expert in nervous troubles, Athena,
Oregon, Telephone 595.
A tast
Unusually low fares
are now ia effect over
our lines.
r , in r n
Round Trip.. 75.05
X One Way..... $35.35
Round Trip.. 67.15
J V Une Way.....39.50
RM Round Trip.. 75.05
One Way..... $33.50
Round Trip.. 67.45
One Way.... $ 57.25
Round Trip. 108.80
Ask our local agent for
further details of this
cheapest transporta-
J uoq in many years.
Gordon M. Watkins
Drug Store
Quality Grocery Prices
Not Specials
but Everyday Prices, Merchandise is on the decline
and you will always find us in line
Phone 561 for Quality and Service
White Diamond Flour, made at home, 491bs...$1.10
Mothers Oats, Qiuck or Regular, large pkg.....36c
Carnation Wheat Flakes, large pkg, ......... ...:...36c
Carstens Snow' Cap Shortening, guaranteed 4-lb
65c - ' ' r
Bulls Eye Corn, No. 2 size," guaranteed, 2 for 25c
UTE Peas, Standard Brand, 2 for ................25c
Carstens Picnic Hams, per. lb ...... ...19c
Sun Rip6 Oats, 9 lb. bag 42c
Extra Good Value in Brooms ......,..,1.........69c
10 lbs. Umatilla County Grown Honey. $1.20
Frank little Prop.
We carry the .best
That Money Buys.
ir-ifmar nnwiim m
Kippered Sainton, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
sjr3ixo, viauo, viamo, maul in ucaauil.
Main Street Athena. Oregon
Goodyear Tires
and Tubes
Automobile Supplies,
Parts and Accessories
Athena Garage
North side Main Street
Phone 352