The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 09, 1931, Image 4

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Press Paragraphs
Lee Mitchell was here from Reed
& Hawley mountain Monday.
' L. A. Cornell was a business vis
itor in Walla Walla Tuesday.
Mrs. Henry Dell and Mrs. Justin
Harwood spent Tuesday in Walla
' Mrs. Chase Garfield and Mrs. C. M.
Eager were Walla Walla visitors
Mrs. H. A. Barrett who has been
confined to her home by illness is
able to be out.
Mrs. Fred Pittman and son George
were guests at the home of Mrs. Nel
lie St. Dennis of Weston, New Year's
day. ' '
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Payant and Mrs.
Nellie St. Dennis and family of Wes
ton were week-end guests at the Fred
Pittman home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Penn Harris and Mr.
and Mrs. "Velton Read made up a
"line" party at a Walla Walla the
ater Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yenney of
Walla Walla visited Mr. and Mrs.
Penn Harris Tuesday. Mrs. Yenney
and Mrs. Harris are sisters.
Mrs. F. S. LeGrow visited in Walla
Walla Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Foster and
daughter Arleen, were dinner guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Tubbs, New Year's day. .,
Norman Mclntyre will not return to
Oregon State college for work during
the next semester. He will assist
with the work on the Mclntyre ranch
until next fall, when he will return
to Corvallis to complete his course of
study. .
- Fred and Kathleen Radtke, Lois
Johnson and Lenore McNair returned
to Eugene after spending the holidays
at their homes here, to resume their
studies at University of Oregon.
Dudley Rogers is ' here from his
ranch at Creston, B. C, visiting at
the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. C. Rogers. Mrs. Dudley Rogers is
at the home of her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Jay Gross, ne"ar ' Washtucna,
Washington. "'
Mrs. Bert Ramsay was in Portland
this week, where she went to receive
medical treatment. Mrs. Ramsay is
improving in health, her friends will
be pleased to learn.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack West who have
been visitors in Athena for several
months left Tuesday for Klamath
Falls, making the trip by motor.
Farmers' W
At Our Store
The new Dr. Hess & Clark Catalog, mailed out the other day,
ehould be in your hands by now. Just look at that cover! Re
search Farm all over. And inside, filled with interesting tests
and experiments with cows, hogs and chickens.
They are doing a lot of experimenting and testing for you on
that Research Farm. .Stock like yours. Tests you can under
stand. .Results you can get.
We have the goods, the Dr. Hess line, complete stock. And
get this: Beginning Saturday, we are having a Special Farm
ers' Week, featuring all the Dr. Hess Products. Call in and see
the goods. Let's talk it over. Remember, it starts this Saturday.
Dr. Hess Imported Stock Tonic
25-lb. Package $3.50 10-lb. Package $1.50
32-lb. Package 65c
Dr. Hess Hog Special
25-lb. Package $3.50 15-lb. Package $2.25
Dr. Hess Poultry Panamin
25-lb. Package $3.50 15-lb. Package $2.25
7-lb. Package $1.25 3-lb. Package 65c
Dr. Hess PoultryVermitrol
4-lb. Package $1.50
Main Street
Phone 332
I Merchandise
We keep abreast of all market declines, giv
ing you the new, lowest prices, at all times.
Prunes, Italian, 40-50
3 lbs. for 25c
Apricots, Fancy, per lb.
Peaches, Fancy, per lb.
Raisins, Blue and White, 4-lb. bag
Catsup, Red and White
2 for 45c
Kraut, Red and White, 2y2s
2 for 35c
Matches, Blue and White
2 Cartons 33c
Pineapple, Red and White, 2ys, Sliced
2 for 55c
Pineapple, Blue and White, 2Vs
2 for 45c
Golden West Salad Oil, Bulk
29c per quart
tained at her home this week with
Miss Dorothy Thome of Pendleton
was the guest of her cousin Georgi
Miss Ellen Henry", teacher in the
V.atffaAa aphonia has returned to her
work after spending the holidays
Mr utiA 1Wr f!HffnrH MAt.z and the
father of Mr. Metz of Weston, were
guests at the Kershaw home rriaay
Eldon Myrick returned to Whitman
college Sunday, after spending the
nouaays at tne nome 01 nis parents
in Athena.
A Christmas cactus is putting forth
its beautiful blooms in the lobby of
the Athena hotel.; Its crimson petals,
however, send iortn no iragrani oaor.
W. 0. Tucker, a member of the
Preston-Shaffer Milling company, has
been at the local plant of the com
pany this week, coming down from
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Crabill have
returned from Portland, where they
spent the holidays witn tneir aaugn
ter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs
Oren McFerori.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baldwin who
were holiday guests at the home of
their daughter Mrs. James cressweii
here left Tuesday for their home at
Forest Urove.
Fred Pittman was the happy re
cipient of a box of hickory nuts
Christmas. These dainties were sent
by his mother from the old home at
Fargo, Indiana.
Mrs. M. L. Watts who has been
visiting her daughter in Palo Alto,
California, for several months arriv
ed home Tuesday night. She visited
in Portland en route home.
The Baptist Missionary for the
eastern Oregon district, Kev. A. L.
Wilson, who is now visiting this com
munity will conduct services at the
Eantist church morning and evening
next Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. Horace Beinap 01
Nampa, Idaho, are receiving con
gratulations upon the birth of a son,
Sunday night, January 4. Jar. ana
Mrs. W. S. Ferguson left Monday by
motor for Nampa.
Charles Kirk, lormer well Known
resident of Athena was here Tuesday
fmm Trenton. B. C. where he now
resides. Mr. Kirk who was combin
ing business and pleasure was visit
in? friends here and reported his
family in good health.
Dale Stephens was here Wednes
day from Pendleton visiting friends.
He was accompanied home by Her
man Geissel who has Been a nonaay
ffneat in Athena. The two young men
motored to Ukiah yesterday, Herman
being en route to his home at miter.
The Etude club met Tuesday at the
home, of Mrs. Ralph McEwen with
fifteen members present. After a brief
business session the club held chorus
practice. The next meeting will occur
at the home of Mrs. Chase Garfield
Tuesday afternoon, January 20 at 3
o'clock. '
Fred Pittman has been the victim
of a bad case of blood poisoning
caused by a burn on his wrist with
hot asphalt used in repairing the
highway. The burn became infected
and Mr. Pittman was confined to his
bed for several days. He is improv
ing and has returned to work.
The Neighbors of Woodcraft install
ed officers for the ensuing year, at
the Knights of Pythias hall Tuesday
evening. Sarah Ellen Moore was in
stalling officer and the ceremony was
beautiful and impressive. Following
the installation, members repaired to
Kilgore's Cafe where they were serv
ed refreshments.
Miss Frederica Kershaw who spent
the holidays at the home of her par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kershaw, in
Athena, left Saturday night for Rose
burg where she has charge of the
music in the schools of that , city.
Miss Kershaw is directing an oper
etta which will be presented this
month, and is also taking part in the
faculty play which will be produced
in the near future.
Friends of Walter Baldwin who
has been attending high school here
and making his home with Mr. and
Mrs. James Cresswell will regret to
learn that he is leaving Athena at
the end of this term. Mr. Baldwin is
popular here and is the possessor of
a promising tenor voice which will be
missed in the glee club. He will re
turn to his home in Forest Grove,
where he will finish the year in the
high school of that city.
Does It Pay
To Look Well?
A Marinella facial
A creamy complexion,
Will always Btand
A close inspection.
Nails that are shapely
And a polish that is sure,
Always accompany
Our Manicure.
And to make gray hairs ashamed
No-tox dyes cannot be blamed.
To look your best
Get your hair dressed.
In fact you will do well
To stop at our shop in
Athena Hotel.
Call Phone 492 for Appointment
Barber and Beauty Shop
Miss Lois Smith was a Walla Wal
la visitor Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Flint Johns were
Walla Walla visitors Wednesday.
Mrs. Charles Betts is confined to
her home with a case of influenza.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thompson
motored to Walla Walla Wednesday.
Mrs. A. A. Mclntyre and Mrs. Bert
Logsdon spent Wednesday in Walla
Mrs. Otha Reeder who has been
confined to her home by illness is im
proving. -
W. S. Ferguson returned Wednes
day night from a motor trip to Nam
pa, Idaho.
Friends of Mrs. Fred Donert will
regret to hear of ber illness in a Pen
dleton hospital.
Art Jenkins and Herb Parker at
tended the wrestling matches in Wal
la Walla this week.
Miss Edna DeFreece spent last
week-end at Arlington as the guest
of Miss Hilda Dickenson.
Sam Thomnson well known snorts-
man and farmer of Pendleton called
on friends here Wednesday.
Mrs. Eliza Jane Burchill of Pen
dleton is visiting at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. C. M. Eager.
M T,. Watts recently elected mayor
of Athena, presided at the first coun-
cil meeting of the year Monday nigni.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Foss who live
on an attractive farm near the State
Line, visited relatives here Wednes
D. J. Thompson Gibbon merchant
anA Cpnrce Brace, merchant at Thorn
Hollow transacted business in Athe
na Thursday.
Mrs. C. M. Eager and daughter
Virginia have returned from Portland
after a brief, visit with relatives in
the metropolis.
Dale Whiteman and Miss &any
Snmmorviiio nf Walla Walla were
week-end sruests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. B. B. Richards.
Frank Clifton who resides on Wes
ton mountain has returned from a
trip to Los Angeles where he visited
at the home of Mr. and JMrs. J. u
Leslie Hoagland, formerly assistant
cashier of the First National Bank
of Walla Walla, and now representa
tive of Dexter Horton company of
Seattle was a visitor here weanesaay.
The Knisrhts of Pythias are in-
aueuratim? a series of social meet
ings at their hall in this city. Their
ladies will be guests and cards ana
refreshments will be features of the
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Whiteman ol
Walla Walla, and Mr., and Mrs. Shel
by Whiteman of Eugene were guests
at the B. B. Richards home Thurs
day. Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Whiteman
are on their honeymoon.
F. C. Sloan of the Washington-Idaho
Seed company was here on a busi
ness visit Wednesday and intimated
that the company will resume clean
ing peas at the local plant tne lat
ter part of this week or the first of
next. .
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Zerba were
host3 at a waffle supper Tuesday
evening. Guests were bidden for the
dinner hour and included Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Williams and Mr. and
Mrs. Granville Cannon. Cards were
enjoyed during the evening.
, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mayes oi
Portland were visitors at the Henry
Rarrett home Mondav nieht They
were en route home by motor after
spending the holiday season witn
friends and relatives in Walla Walla.
They were accompanied to Portland
by Miss Areta Barrett.
The Wauna group of Campfire girls
met Monday evening at the home of
Esther Berlin, Monday night Crepe
paper novelties which have been the
work on hand for several meetings
were completed. Making of lingerie,
... A 1
and beauty culture will next De tan
en nn hv members of the group. It
was decided to hold meetings alter
nate weeks instead of weekly as here
Following the morning services
next Sunday, January 11th, members
and friends of the Christian church
will repair to the dining-room with
dinner baskets, where they will have
their annual feed together. A snort
nrftirram will be rendered, intermix
ed with annual reports of the con
gregation and auxiliaries. A special
treat will be an address by F. M.
A runt, minister of the church in Mil
ton. It is especially urged that all
members and families of the church
shall be present.
Laurence Pinkerton was happily
Ktirnrised Saturdav nieht when a
srroup of friends arrived at his home
unannounced. Bridge was played
during the evening. Mrs. Lloyd
Michener and Chase Garfield making
high score and Mrs. Flint Johns the
consolation. Dainty refreshments!
were served following the play. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. C. M.
Eager, Mr. and Mrs. Chase Garfield,
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mclntyre, Mr.
and Mrs. Flint Johns, Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Michener, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Logsdon,
the honoree and hostess.
The January meeting of the Chris
tian Missionary society was held
Wednesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Theresa Berlin, when an inspir
ing program was presented by Mrs.
George Gerking, who was leader for
the day. Missions of Africa was the
subject, with those at Johannesburg,
Kimberley, Durgan and that part of
Africa accentuated, also those along
the Congo were presented. Mrs.
Frank Little, who was a visitor, read
a poem: "A Prayer for Missionaries."
Miss Nola Hill was also a visitor.
Ten members were present. Mrs.
Berlin, assisted by Miss Mary Berlin,
served light refreshments" of dainty
wafers and cocoa. The February
meeting will be with Mrs. C. A. Sias.
Sugar' Salmon
Pure Cane, per 100 lb. sack........$5.19 Pink, No. 1 tall; per can... ......13c
Prunes Coffee
Fancy Oregon, large size, 5 lbs.....39c Highest grade, 2 lbs......................:..69c
Potatoes Milk
Weston Mountain, per sack........$1.39 All Brands 7 small 29c 6 large 49c
Apples Granulated Soap
Fancy Romes, per box 89c Steam Refined, large package......39c
Phone 152
Athena Department Store
Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Hodgen, who
spent the holidays with relatives in
Athena and Adams, returned to their
home at The Dalles, Saturday. Beryl
is coach at The Dalles high school.
He had a good football team this
year and his basketball team will be
heard from in fast company.
Election of officers for the Chris
tian Sunday school for the new year
was recently held and last Sunday
the new officials assumed their places
as follows: superintendent, Mrs. C.
A. Sias, re-elected; assistant, Mr. A.
C. Geise; secretary, Walter Singer;
assistant, Mary Tompkins; treasurer,
Mrs. Starr Charlton; chorister, Mrs.
Lorraine Pinkerton, assistant, Arleen
Myrick; pianist, Betty Eager, assist
ant, Joyce Pinkerton; superintendent
of primary department, Mrs. Zenna
Pinkerton; librarian, Max Johnson.
Because of the presence of the
Baptist district missionary the union
services that had been arranged for
next Sunday are cancelled. Our Bible
school and morning service will be
held in the basement this Sunday.
Mr. Sias'- pulpit topic will be, "The
Christian Program." Let all re
member the basket dinner in the ;
dining room at 12:30.
Condensed Statement
The FirsfNational Bank
of Athena
At close of business, December 31,
Loans $451,265.41
B. L. Drafts 75,185.00....$ 526,450.41
United States Bonds 47,500.00
Bonds, Securities, Etc 34,339.58
Banking House 6,400.00
Cash and Exchange 213,952.72
Total 828,642.71
Capital Stock $ 50,000.00
Surplus 60,000.00
Undivided Profits 22,162.19
National Currency 12,500.00
Bills of Lading Drafts re
discounted 72,762.50
Dividends Unpaid 1,424.00
Deposits 609,794.02
Total.......:...... $ 828,642.71
Does a general banking business,
interest paid on time deposits. Safe
ty deposit boxes for rent. Operates
and maintains a complete trust department.
A Few More Good Things
at Right Prices
Red Mexican Beans, 18 lbs .$1.00
Hills Bros. Coffee, per lb ..........................44c
Peets Granulated Soap, large package............39c
Lux Toilet Soap, 4 for.............: ....................30c
Oranges, fair size, 2 dozen.!...... 25c
Carstens Bacon and Ham, per lb. : ... 29c
Salted Peanuts, 2 lbs.......... ..... ... ...... . ..........,....35c
Kraft- Cheese, all kinds package.............:........20c
Frank Little, Prop.
Phone 561
We carry the best
That Money Buys
We have a
to fit every
family budget
Let us help you
Pendleton Oregon
Kippered Sainton, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street ' Athena. Oregon.
Goodyear Tires
and Tubes
Oils .
Automobile Supplies,
Parts and Accessories
Athena Garage
North side Main Street
Phone 352