The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 09, 1931, Image 2

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Established Jan. 1, 1887 ; .
F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year.... fS.OO
One copy, six months $1.00
One copy, three months 75
Athena, Oregon, January 9,........1931
(Morning Oregonian) ,
Secretary Hoss will ask the legis
lature to clarify the law governing
the revocation of automobile licenses
for driving while intoxicated. There
is doubt as to the authority of city
courts to revoke licenses permanent'
ly because the law specifies that con
viction in a state court automatically
brings suspension for one year, the
point being that a lower court would
have no greater authority than a
higher one.
It is a matter on which the law
, should be so clear that judges can
not make a mistake, and our sugges
tion is that the power of the state
courts be extended rather than that
of municipal judges curtailed. , The
menace of the drunken driver is so
great that everything possible should
be done to bar him from the high
ways. Not in every instance would
licenses be cancelled permanently, but
in the more flagrant cases a year's
suspension is not enough.
Regardless of any period set, laws
should eventually make it impossible
for a person convicted of drunken
driving to regain a permit until he
has demonstrated to the satisfaction
of an examining official or board that
he no longer is a dangerous individual
to entrust with a machine. The bur
den of proof should be upon him, not
upon the state to show that he has
altered, his habits so that a repetition
of his offense is not likely to occur.
The subject goes hand in hand with
the proposal to require all drivers to
pass an examination before obtaining
licenses, but in the case of the indi
vidual who has once shown that he
cannot be trusted to drive an automo
bile without endangering the lives of
himself and others, doubly strict ex
actions are called for.
Evidence of the substantial growth
in new people and new wealth in all
parts of Oregon is contained in the
December report of the State Cham
ber of Commerce, which shows a
total of 138 out- of-state families who
arrived and who bought 8,312 acre
of land and invested $42384. The
annual report, just issued by Manager
W. G. Ide, shows a total of 1003 new
families for the year who bought
06,533 acres of land and who invest
ed in this land, equipment, household
goods and other forms of property
total of ?3,7u3,bUu. lhis six year
period just closed by the State Cham
ber shows a grand total of 5,292
amply financed, practical farm famil
ies that have been attracted to this
state who have purchased 262,535
acres of land in all counties of Ore'
gon and who have brought $21,576,'
538 in new capital. Manager Ide
points out that these 5,292 families
have increased the annual purchasing
power of our citizens by at least
$5,000,000. Interesting features of the
report are the increase in out-of
state automobile registrations from
California, which rose from 52,236 in
1929 to 57,320 in 1930, while total
registrations showed a slight de
creaRe; an increase in new families
coming from California to Oregon,
which was practically nothing five
years ago to approximately 40 per
cent of all new people coming into
Oregon in 1930. During the first
year's operation of the Los Angeles
office of the State Chamber over 100
farms were purchased by Californians
who were sent to this state. Manager
Ide reports that because of the con
sistent advertising and follow-up
work of the State Chamber In past
years, even greater results may be
expected in 1931.
O '
As a sideline out at the A. R. Cop
pock farm, south of Athena, a small
dairy herd of Guernseys is found to
be very convenient when it comes to
boosting the total production of the
farm for the year. Mr. Coppock long
ago found that if you want to get
ahead in farm dairying you must
have good stock, so he forthwith went
out and purchased good stock to com
mence with. The result is seen in
the fact that out of twenty-seven
herds in the Umatilla county testing
association, averaging 300 pounds of
butter fat the past season, the Cop
pock herd led all others with an aver
ago of 459 pounds, There is one cow
in this herd topping all others in
the association, going over the 350
pounds individually, with the record
of 680.1 pounds of butterfat. As
sociation figures show the average
profit per cow in the association above
feed cost was $65.80.
With loans at $526,450.41, deposits
$609,794.02, cash and exchange $213,
952.72, shown in its statement to the
tomptrollcr of the currency at the
close of business, December 31, the
First National Bank of Athena re
veals to the public a financial condit
ion that its stockholders and officials
may well feel proud of in the present
period of general stringency and busi
ness depression, when many banking
institutions in different sections of
the country have been forced to close
their doors and enter process of
liquidation. The, statement of the
local bank not only emphasizes the
capabilities of its officials and the
sound banking principals they em'
ploy in dealing with customers, but it
also reflects the indisputable fact that
the Athena community is able to
stand "on its own" despite the low
price of wheat, its principal product,
- o
Now one of those high protective
tariff organs says with a yawn: "The
ideal tariff is one which allows the
greatest possible volume of trade be
tween nations without lowering do
mestic wage scales and living stan
dards." Then what is the matter with
the present tariff schedule as it af
fects the wheat grower? If it is be
cause of legal limitation on the ac
tion of the president in raising or
lowering duties, would it not be for
the best interests of all concerned to
tinker up the legal phases of the tariff
act a little and give him room to
o - '
The fireworks are due to start Mon
day when the Jegislature opens. The
forensic artillery will be let loose
over the House Speakership. The war
cloud which has been on the horizon
for some time between Frank Loner-
gan and Herbert Gordon will be set
tled soon after the first salvos' are
fired and heavy barrages laid dtown
in a conflict in which no matter which
.... i
one wins, win leave a numoer oi ac
tive trenches to be taken later in the
session. . .
Taxes paid by public utilities ex
ceed one million dollars daily in the
United States, according to Floyd L.
Carlisle, chairman of the Niagara
Hudson Power Corporation. Of this
sum, $388,326,000 per year would pay
the annual cost of the navy and make
up the post office deficit. It is
greater than the total taxes levied u
Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia and De
'NO. .
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the Countv of Umatilla
a corporation, Plaintiff,
THOMAS F. STARNES, unmarried
MAUZEY, his wife; ARTHUR E,
wife; C. R. ZENER and FRANCES
V. ZENER. his wife: OSCAR CAR
wife; and EDGAR PATRICK and
By virtue of an execution, Judg
ment Order, Decree and Order of
Sale issued out of the above entitled
Court in the above entitled cause to
me directed and dated the 11th day of
uecemDer, ismu, upon a Judgment and
Decree entered in the above entitled
Court on the 29th day of November,
iimu, in lavor oi the Northwest Joint
stock Land Bank of Portland. Ore
gon, a corporation, plaintiff, against
1 nomas a. btarnes, unmarried, a. G.
Mauzey and Belle F. Mauzey, his
wile, Arthur E. Hunt and Marie
Hunt, his wife," C. R. Zener and
Frances V. Zener, his wife, Oscar
Carstens and Jennie Carstens, his
wife, Frank A. Hastings and Alice J
Hastings, his wife, and Edgar Patrick
and Jane Doe Patrick, his wife, for
the following sums of money, to.wit:
1. lwo Ihousand Six Hundred
Forty and 03-100 Dollars
. ($2,640,03), together with interest
at the legal rate of six per .cent
(6 per cent) per annum from the
1st day of November, 1929, until
2. The further sum of One
Hundred Five Dollars ($105.00)
together with interest thereon at
the contract rate of eight per
cent (8 per cent) per annum
from the 1st day of May, 1930,
. until paid. -
3. The further sum of Forty
one and 50-100 Dollars $41.50)'
together with interest thereon at
the rate of six per cent (6 per
. cent) per annum from the date of
this - judgment until paid.
4. The further sum of Three
Hundred Dollars ($300.00) as a
reasonable attorney's fee herein
together with interest thereon at
the rate of eight per cent (8 per
cent) per annum from the date of
this judgment. .
5. Plaintiffs costs and disburse
ments herein fixed as the sum of
22 Years Ago
A nre insurance company una t
information that the vapor from a!
pint of gasoline will reader SCO bi
feet of air explosive, asd ce g-s3p
has substantial tie pe-wtr
pound of dynaahe. Tlaa win aa r
foagfet hi Ust laStl, aai as al"rs
it u a gooi tght.
In the County Court of the Sure of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Charle
Norris. Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has filed her final account
and report in the above entitled mat
ter and that the above entitled Court
has fixed Saturday, the 10th day of
January. 1931. at the hour of 10:00
o'clock a. m. of said day, as the time,
and the County Court room in the
County Court house at Pendleton,
Umatilla County, Oregon, as the
dace, for hearing of said final ac
count and reDort. Any person desir
ing to file objections to said final
account and report should do so on or
before that date.
Dated at Athena, Oregon, this 12th
day of December, 1930.
Executrix of the Last Will and
Testament of Charles Norris, Deceased.
Watts & Prestbye, Athena, Oregon,
Attorneys for Executrix. D12J9
The regular annual meeting of the
stockholders of the First National
Bank of Athena, Oregon, for the
election of directors for the ensuing
year and for the transaction of such
other business as may lawfully come
before it, will be held in its office, in
Athena, Oregon, on Tuesday, January
13th, 1931, at the hour of two o'clock
p. m. Dated yecemDer xztn, jsmu.
F. S. LeGROW, Cashier.
Flick's Metal Weather Stripping is
Eyes examined, glasses properly
fitted at Schneller's, 39 East Main,
Walla Walla,
Potatoes Good aualitv mountain
Netted Gem cotatoes for Bale. In
quire of J. E. Jones, Athena.
Flowers Crepe Taper Flowers of
all kinds made to. order. Drop into
the Finch tailor shop and let us show
you some samples. -Mrs. Eva Reyn
Thore is a first class accountant and
Income tax expert in Pendleton who
wants more clients of farmers and
business men. Write to Charles E.
Burnett, Box 418, Pendleton, Oregon.
Attorney a-At-Law
Main Stmt. Athwia. Orsgon
State and Fe&ral Ccfurt Prattle
and tfce fsnier sura f , for and
upon Xtls N'Sftk asd Sale of the fol
lowing described real property lying
and beir-g in tie Coarty of Umatilla,
State of Oregon, aijd bounded and
partiaularly described as follows, to
wit: The West Half (Wi of the
Soathwest Quarter (SWl4) of
Seetioa Twenty-seven 127), the
Scatieajt Quarter (SE1) of
Section Twenty-eight (28) and
the Northwest Quarter (NW)
f Section Thirty-four (34), all
beicsr in Township Six (6) North
tt Range Thirty-four (34) East
oi the Willamette Meridian, lo
eaSed in Umatilla County in the
State of Oregon, exceprrnj'. how
ever, one acre of land located in
the Northeast (NE) corner of the
Northwest Quarter (NWVi) of
the Southwest Quarter (SW4)
of said Section Twenty-seven
(27) conveyed by H. P. Haynes
and Mary A. Haynes, his wife, to
E. Campbell by deed recorded in
Book Sixty-eight (63) at page
Five Hundred Seventy-three
(573) of the records of said Uma- .
tilla County;
together with all and singular the
tenements, hereditaments and ap
purtenances thereunto belonging, or
in any wise appertaining..
Now, therefore, by virtue of said
Execution, Judgment Order, Decree
and Order of Sale, and in compliance
with the commands of said Writ, I
will, on the 28th day of January,
1931, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M.,
at the front door of the County Court
House in Pendleton, Umatilla Coun
ty, Oregon, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder, for cash in hand,
all the right, title and interest which
the within named defendants, Thomas
F. Starnes, unmarried, H. G. Mauzey
and Belle F. Mauzey, his wife, Arthur
E. Hunt and Marie Hunt, his wife, C.
R. Zener and Frances V. Zener, his
wife, Oscar Carstens and Jennie
Carstens, his wife, Frank A. Hastings
and Alice J. Hastings, his wife, and
Edtrar Patrick and Jane Doe Patrick,
his wife, had on the 29th day of No
vember, 1930, the date of the Judg
ment and Decree above mentioned, or
since that date had in and to the
above described property, or any part
thereof, to satisfy said Execution,
Judgment, Order and Decree, interest,
costs and accruing costs.
Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this
26th day of December, 1930.
Sheriff of Umatilla County, Oregon.
First issue. December 26. liMU.
Last Issue, January 23rd, 1931.
Friday, January 8, 1909 '
Tom Taggart took a business trip
to Pendleton Wednesday. ...
La Brache's orchestra rendered ex
cellent music at the Dime Theatre
this , week. -
Representative C. A. Barrett left
Athena yesterday for Salem where he
will become one of the legislature's
most active members. Mr. Barrett
had almost wholly recovered from his
illness, due to a severe attack of
neuralgia. , ......
A mass meeting of farmers will be
held in Athena next Thursday. The
meeting1 which is held for the purpose
of devising ways and means for buy
ing sacks at the least possible figure
and for disposing of next years crop,
will be addressed by H. D. G. Cox, a
man of experience in co-operative
A dance will be held at the Athena
opera house tonight Lee Johnson's
orchestra has been engaged to furnish
the music.
- The citizens of Pendleton will hold
a mass meeting Monday, at which
time it will be decided whether that
city. is to retain the. woolen mill.
There is an abundance of the beau
tiful at this writing, Friday noon.
At this time a mantle of white, ten
inches in depth lies on the ground
and it is accompanied by zero wea
ther. The ground is frozen and the ;
chances are that but little moisture
will go into the soil when the gentle
chinook removes the snow.
A. A. Stamper and Miss Ada Hop
per were united in marriage at Wal
la Walla Wednesday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Stamper will reside on
the Barrett Pine Creek ranch where
"Doc" is employed in tho capacity of
foreman. The bride and groom are
well known in this vicinity and their
friends wish them joy through life.
On the Columbia river the locks at
the Cascades are frozen and steam
boat traffic is discontinued. In Port
land and the Willamette Valley con
siderable snow has fallen.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. James Wood
ruff of Two Rivers, Wash., a girl
The little one was born Jan. 6, 1909,
at the home of the grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Tompkins in this city.
Tharp's Dime Theatre is attracting
many people nightly by its offerings
of the best moving pictures obtain
able. Three changes of program are
had each week, Monday, Wednesday
and Friday.
Saturday evening Wild Horse lodge
No. 71, I. O. O. F. and Mignonette
Rebekah lodge No. 86 held a joint in
stallation in K. of P.-I. O. O. F. hall.
Mrs. M. L. Watts acted as district de
puty grand master for the Rebekahs
and E. A. Connick, was the acting
district deputy for the Odd Fellows.
Attorney Wilson returned from Al
berta Friday evening. Mr. Wilson
went to the northern country on legal
business, but found a liking to the
King's domain and took option on a
half section of farm land near the
city limits of Nanton. He met sever
al former Umatilla county people in
his rounds, and altogether had a plea
ant trip.
Old "Joe," noted as one of the best
hunting dogs in the state and the
friend of every kid in town, is no
more. The old fellow, in some manner
got access to a salmon remnant, an
edible that is deadly poison to the
canine family, and when all "remedies
failed, was mercifully chloroformed to
put an end to his suffering. Not only
will he be missed by his owner as a
pet and a faithful hunting companion,
but the chief charm of the boys'
swimming hole above town will be
lost next summer through his ab
sence. The good housewife will now
find the contents of the garbage pail
intact and the back porches of town
residences will know their early morn
ing visitor no more.
Bruno Weber
Repair Work
Prices Reasonable
Successor To
I Save
the expense of repairing a frozen engine block use
anti-freeze in your radiator. We properly service
your circulating system and tell you the correct
amount of anti-freeze to, use in your car for any
given temperature. ;
NOW is the time to get your tires. We offer extra
size, heavy duty, guaranteed 30x3 y2 tires with
tubes at $6.10 each, 6 ply, 29x4.40 tires with tubes at
$9.40 each, also 28x4.75 and 30 x 4.50 dX correspond
ing prices. Y-j ).'' : -;:.:
GallaherY Garage
J. E. Gallaher Athena Phone 471
We Can
Plates v
The installation of an
Electricaster Stereotyp
ing Machine make it
possible for us to ceem
modate our merchant
advertisers and others
in the matter of making
printing plates from
matrices. It means a valuable-addition
to our
equipmentin thematter
of serving our patrons.
Ben Bateman
Expert in Body Correction uses
hand vibration, posturing, diet, mas
sage, baths, corrective exercises and
sun lamp and rays, mental gym
nastics, specific for each case. Office
in Foss house in North Athena.
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 706
Pendleton, Oregon. 957 J
Dr. W. H. McKinney
Physician and Surgeon
Dr. Sharp's Office
Office Hours at Athena 1 to 5 p. m.
Phone 462. Office Hours at Weston
8 a. m. to 12 noon. Phone 83. Calls
made day or night.
Post Building, Athena, PhtiM 582
Tum-a-Lum Tickler
Published in the Intesesta of the people of Athena and vicinity by
Vol. 31
Athena, Oregon, January 9, 1931
No. 1
As one fellow in Athena says,
"New Year Resolutions are
only made to be broken." So
this year we didn't make many
good resolutions except We
should like to see a lot of
building and repairing of homes
and buildings around town. Just
as charity begins at home, so
should the New Year get off to
a good start with necessary re
pair work.
Gerald says he is going to
quit smoking if John will agree
to quit talking politics and give
up trying to save the country.
What few turkeys are left,
can settle down to a life of "
security for the . next ten
Whenever things get so bad
it seems they can't be any
worse along comes a hurricane
or the first of the month to
make it seem awful.
The Chinese have a rare cus
tom on New Years of forgiving
all of their debtors and in turn
of being forgiven. So they start
a New Year with a clean slate.
It seems good to us, but several
of our creditors didn't seem to
like the idea of forgiving us.
Just because the weather has
been like it is advertised in
California, doesn't mean that
you should let the coal supply
run low while waiting for
Max: "Sorry but we don't
cash checks. Why I wouldn't
even cash a check for my
Bill: "Well of course you
know your family better than
I do."
Styles for 1931
.sleeves will be worn
Black ink will be preferred to
red bjf most merchants, There
will be at least one Sunday a
Will Rogers will remain a
Tum-A-Lum will continue to
serve you.
We Have the Best
Eastern Fried Oysters
Hot Tamales
Chili Beans
Continental Oil Company
Germ Processed Motor Oil
Athena Service Station
"Service With a Smile"
Automobile Accessories Tires
BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 762
Farmers Grain Elevator
Grian and Feed
A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed
Phone 382 LEE'WILSON, M'gr.
Cleaning and Pressing
We take special care in our Cleaning and Pressing
Department. We have the latest machinery and em
ploy only safe, practical methods under supervision
V;;;-of skilled workmen.
Twin City Cleaners
. r 1 v Phone 492 : .
T. E. Smith, Prop. Freewater, Oregon
Reduction In Electric
The following reduction in Electric light rates will
be in effect on and after March 15, 1929:
Residential Rates
First 30 KWH hours used, per month....l0c per KWH
Excess over 30 KWH used, per month....3c per KWH
The above rates apply when bills are paid in full within 10 days
Irom date of bill. Otherwise, the rate, will be increased by 10 per
cent on each item. . .
Commercial Rates
First 100 KWH used per month............l0c per KWH
exJ 200..............;..:...:.L:.:...........:.7c per KWH
Next 300............... .... ................6c per KWH '
Next 2?: ........5c per KWH
Next 1000.:........................ .;:;. ...4c per KWH
Excess over 2000...............;... .:...;.1....3c per KWH
-The above rates apply when bills are paid In full within 10 days
from date of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per
cent on each item. .
Preston-Shaffer Milling Company
iix i si . 1 i tie n R 1 1
Walla Walla General Hospital
A modern non sectarian fifty bed hospital, with
all up to date modern hospital facilities for the care
of patients.
X-Kay and bacteriological labortories, washed air
ventilation.- -Only
graduate nurses are employed and their ser
vices are included at the regular rates which are'
$3.50 to $6.00 .
Special nurses extra. Your interest and patronage
is solicited. Phone 480.