The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 02, 1931, Image 4

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Press Paragraphs
Mr. and Mrs. James Bell are spend
ing the holidays in Portland.
Joseph N. Scott spent the holidays
with his family at Corvallis.
" Mrs. Rose of Adams was a house
quest of Mrs. D. A. Pinkerton, Wed
nesday. Gloria and June Garfield were din
ner guests of Mary Lou Hansell
Mrs. Savannah Knox came up from
Hood River to spend Christmas with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T.
Lost Eastman Kodak name stamp
ed on brown carrying case. Return to
this office, reward.
Tom CampbelL of Pendleton wa
house guest of Oral Michener several
days last week.
Mrs. Clara Taylor of Portland has
been a guest this week at the Shel
don Taylor home.
Mrs. Lillian Dobson and her sister,
Mrs. Guy Shields of Portland, called
on Athena friends Wednesday.
O. E. Venable and family are spend
ing the holidays at Lebanon and other
Willamette valley points.
Mrs. R. A. Duffield and son Curtis,
were guests of relatives in Portland
over the Christmas holidays. '
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Frazier and
daughter of Milton spent Christmas
Recovery From
( is Hastened by
Cod Liver Oil
Full Pint
Colds only develop in weakened constitutions. Therefore, to
restore normal conditions, you must develop strength enough
to fight off the germs. Cod liver oil is recognized by all
doctors as the greatest source of the strength building
Vitamin A. Puretest Cod Liver Oil contains more than 14,-
000 units of Vitamin A per ounce. Consequently, the next
time you suffer from a cold, take Puretest Cod Liver Oil.
You'll be pleased by the promptness of the results.
Sold only at Kexall Drug Stores
We wish to call- you attention to the fact that we carry
Dennison Crepe Paper in all shades.
Special Offer:
1 Colgate Tooth Brush FREE with Purchase
of two 25c Tubes Colgate Tooth Paste
Mam btreet Athena Phone 332
The New Year Is Here
And we wish to express our sincere apprecia
tion for the cooperation from our many custom
ers for the past year. Be it Resolved to Serve
them better than ever before
Crystal White Soap
10 for 35c
Red & White Coffee, 1 lb. bags
Red & White Mammoth Peaches, 2V2s
3 for 79c
Red & White Hominy, 2Vos "
2 for 27c
Stidds Tamales
2 for 45c
Franco American Spaghetti
2 for 25c
Red & White Sliced Beets, 2s
2 for 35c
Blue & White Shrimp, No. 1
3 for 57c
Blue & White, Pink Salmon, Is, tall
4 for 49c
Albers Flapjack flour, large
2 for 47c
Jell Dessert, Red & White
4 for 29c
Red & White, Peanut Butter, 16 ounce, glass
2 for 47c
Local White Beans, 10 lbs.
- Ft
Dunhams Mountain Honey if:
10 lb. can $1.15 &
5 lb. can 60c $
- ; &
PHONE 171 &
day and Friday with Mrs. Frazier's
parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pinker
ton. ; . , ;
Miss Edna DeFreece and Jim Hodg
en were dinner guests Christmas at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Kirk.
The Etude club will meet at 3
o'clock Tuesday afternoon January 6
at the home of Mrs. Ralph McEwen.
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Stine of Spokane
came to Athena Monday to attend the
funeral of the late George M. Banis
ter. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Whiteman and
family came over from Walla Walla
and spent Christmas at the Richards
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. LeGrow and
Mrs. Sarah Jane Bowles were Christ
mas dinner guests at the H. I. Watts
Another popular neighborhood
dance was held Saturday evening at
the Frank LaFave home, near
Floyd Pinkerton and family spent
yesterday with Mr. Pmkerton's sister
Mrs. Maurice Frazier and family in
Mr. Harry Thompson, superintend
ent of schools at Hamilton, Montana,
has been a holiday guest at the E.
Lee home.
Christmas dinner guests at the
Lloyd Michener home included Ora
and Dorothy Burke, Weldon and
Arthur Bell.
Roy DeFreece of Walla Walla and
J. DeFreece were Christmas din
ner guests at the Dean Dudley home
west of Athena.
The Missionary Society of the
Christian church will meet at the
home of Mrs. Berlin next Wednes
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Spencer came
down from Palouse, Washington, and
spent the week-end at the E. O. Lee
home, west of Athena.
Eldon Myrick, Mary Tompkins and
Arleen Myrick were guests Friday
and Saturday at the Floyd Pinkerton
home, west of Athena.
Glenn Shankland, of the Pacific
Telephone & Telegraph company,
came up from Astoria and spent
Christmas with Athena friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Penn Harris motor
ed to Walla Walla Christmas where
they were the guests of friends and
relatives. They returned home bun
Miss Ellen Henry has been here
from Estacada, where she teaches
school, spending the holidays with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. 0,
Mr. and Mrs. Chase Garfield and
daughters Gloria and June spent
Christmas at the country home of
Mr. and Mrs. Flint Johns west of
Athena. ' '
Miss Iris Little, society editor of
the Walla Walla Bulletin, spent
Christmas at the home of her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Little in
Mr. and Mrs. Armintrout came up
from Pendleton and spent Christmas
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. McFarland, parents of Mrs.
Friends of Miss Eva Randall who
formerly taught here are interested
in seeing some snap shots taken at
Juneau where she is teaching her
second year.
Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Miller and lit
tle sons spent the holidays with rela
tives at Endicott and Cheney, Wash
ington, leaving for Endicott Wednes
day of hist week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Baker found
Rev. and Mrs. Baker, father and
mother of Bryce, well and happy to
receive them on their Christmas visit
to the Baker home at Eugene. -Miss
Mildred Barnes and Cecil
Olinger, a popular young couple of
Freewater, were united in marriage
at the Federated church In that city,
Christmas morning at 8 o'clock.
Enroute to Ashville, N. C. by mo
tor, F. B. Hampton, father of Mrs.
Floyd Pinkerton and her cousin,
Raleigh Hampton, of Genesse, Idaho,
were recent guests at the Pinkerton
Canadian geese, lighting in the
stubblefields northwest of town have
attracted Athena hunters on a couple
of trips this week, but the birds were
too. wary to permit shooting in kill
ing range.
John Pinkerton left for Corvallis,
Wednesday where he will enter Ore
gon State College to complete his
course. John remained in Athena
where he had employment, during the
first semester.
Miss Merle Best of Pendleton called
on Athena friends Monday. Miss
Best who was formerly a teacher in
the local schools is popular with a
large circle of friends here. She is
now teaching in Pendleton.
The Athena Study Club was enter
tained recently at the home of Mrs.
Marion Hansell, when a splendid pro-
Marinello Facil
One Week Only
Barber and Beauty Shop
gram was enjoyed by the members
present. The club will meet at the
home of Mrs. Frank Little this after
noon. ' The Weston Leader reports Mrs,
Ace Wagner of Umapine to be very
seriously ill at St. Mary's hospital in
Walla Walla. A major operation is
under advisement. Mr. and Mrs. J,
P. Lieuallen, parents of Mrs. Wagner,
visit her daily from Weston.
Venard Bell of the A. E. Page Ma.
chinery company, who for sometime
was seriously ill and confined to a
hospital at Walla Walla, has so far
recovered as to be able to be removed
to his home at Pendleton, his Athena
friends will be pleased to learn.
Aaron Douglas entertained at his
home Wednesday evening five friends
at a slumber party. Games were en
joyed and refreshments were served
by the young host. Guests included
Leo Geissel, Max Johnson, Walter
Singer, Kenneth Rogers and Buddy
Harold Kirk, Oral Michener and
Bernice Wilson were returning from
Pendleton Christmas eve, when their
car left the highway and smashed in
to a telephone pole. No one was in
jured and the car not seriously dam
aged; windshield, light and fender re
ceiving most of the jolt.
Friends of Mrs. 0. D. Harris form
erly Miss Zelma DePeatt of Athena
and daughter of Mrs. - Minnie De
Peatt will be interested to hear that
she was one of the soloists in a can
tata "The Star of Promise" given at
the Laurelhurst Christian church of
Portland last Sunday night. "
Recently Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stew
art entertained at their home north
of Athena, the members of the Bap
tist church choir at a three-course
dinner. The guests were: Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Zerba, Mr. and Mrs
Kohler Betts, Mrs. Ross Payne, Miss
Jean Zerba and Miss Clara Flock
McKenzie Chapter. 0. E. S. will
hold its regular meeting next Wed
nesday evening January 7, when the
initiatory work will be put on. All
members are urged to be present,
Rehearsal will be held Monday eve
ning at the Masonic Hall and a full
quota of officers is requested to be
The Wauna Campnre girls were
entertained at the Douglas home
Tuesday afternoon when three tables
of bridge were- at play. Myrtle
Campbell received high score, Mil
dred Hansell low. Light refresh
ments were served by Mrs. Douglas,
assisted by Marjorie Douglas and
Betty Eager.
W. C. Garfield left Monday morn
ing for Lewiston where he has ac
cepted the position of telegraph edi
tor on the Lewiston Tribune. Mrs,
Garfield, Glorie and June will remain
in Athena for a time. Mrs. Ella
McDonnalds of Walla Walla will
make her home with them during
their stay here.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Taylor en
tertained at a sumptuous Christmas
dinner the following guests: Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Gholson, Mrs. W. H.
Reeder of Tacoma,' . Mr. and Mrs
Otha Reeder and sons, Howard, Her
bert and Daniel, Mr. and Mrs. Austin
Foss of Freewater and their house
guest, Miss Stella Jackson of Day
Herman Geissel has been up from
his stock ranch in Grant county,
spending the holidays with relatives
in Athena, Milton and LaCrosse,
Washington. He reports stock on his
ranch to be wintering in fine shape.
At the time he left the ranch, stock
had been foraging on the open range
and no winter feeding had been nec
A group of friends motoring to
Pendleton Christmas night - were
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Clifford Wood, and included Alberta
Charlton, Jessiedeane Dudley, Mar
garet Hodgen, of Adams, Roy De
Freece of Walla Walla, George Gross,
Ralph and Edwin McEwen. Cards
and dancing followed by supper, were
the diversions of the evening. .
Mrs. M. W. Hansell entertained
the Athena Bridge club at her home
Tuesday afternoon. Three tables of
bridge were at play with Mrs. Glenn
Dudley winning high score and Mrs,
F. S. LeGrow low. Guests were Mrs,
Fred Pinkerton and Mrs. Clare Guer-
ney. Original score cards were made
by the hostess daintily tied with red
ribbon to a tiny silver box filled with
Christmas sweets.
Miss Helen Barrett entertained a
group of friends Tuesday evening at
her home on Fifth street. Decor
ations accented the holiday note and
the evening was spent with games
and stunts. The hostess served dainty
refreshments. Those present were
Mary Jane Miller, Marjorie Mon
tague, Jasmine Trump, Velma Ross,
Myrtle Campbell, Bernice Wilson,
Emery Rogers, Harold Kirk, Fred
Singer, Lowell Jenkins, Robert Lee,
Howard Reeder, Solista Pickett and
Glenn McCullough.
Betty Eager and Marjorie Douglas
were hostesses at the Eager home
Wednesday evening to a party of the
younger set to watch the old year out
and the new year in. Cards and
dancing whiled away the hours pleas
antly, and light refreshments were
served at a late hour. Guests includ
ed, Wayne Pinkerton, Arthur Crow
ley, Roland Wilson, Lee Foster, Staf
ford Hansell, Lowell Jenkins, Eldon
Myrick, Mildred Hansell, Myrtle
Campbell, Velma Ross, Arleen My
rick, Mary Tompkins and the host
We take this method of expressing
our heartfelt thanks and apprecia
tion for the kindness and sympathy
expressed by all during our bereave
Sugar Salmon
Pure Cane, per 100 lb. sack... $5.19 Pink, No. 1 tall, per can . ..........13c
Prunes Coffee
Fancy Oregon, large size, 5 lbs...39c Highest grade, 2 lbs....l......,.........:.69c
Potatoes . Milk
Weston Mountain, per sack........$1.39 All Brands 7 small 29c 6 large 49c
Apples Granulated Soap
Fancy Romes, per box........... ....89c Steam Refined, large package 39c
Phone 152
Athena Department Store
y& f 1 8. J
LOW: Tickets good in Stand
ard Pullmam on payment of
uma Sleeping Car charges.
LOWER: TicVets good in
Tourist Sleepers on payment
of usual Sleeping Car charges.
LOWEST: Tickets good in
Coaches and Chair cars only.
Write or call on local Agent
for full particulars regarding
in One-Way Coach and
Tourist Sleeping Car Fares to
points East, effective January
C. M. EAGER, Agent
Athena, Oregon
Foley's Honev and Tar
wres colds, prevents pneumonia
8 SSv 'ZSSjjn
We Can
Cast Your
v Plates v
The installation of an
Electricaster Stereotyp
ing Machine makes it
possible for us to accom
modate our merchant
advertisers and others
in the matter ofmakiag
printing plates from
matrices. It means a val
uable addition to our
equipment in thematter
of servingrar patrons.
A Few More Good Things
at Right Prices
Red Mexican Beans, 18 lbs........... .. ......... .. .:...$1.00
Hills Bros. Coffee, per lb.................................44c
Peets Granulated Soap, large package ,.39c
Lux Toilet Soap, 4 for. ..: ;................ .30c
Oranges, fair size, 2 dozen............ ...................25c .
Carstens Bacon and Ham, per lb.. .................. 29c
Salted Peanuts, 2 lbs..:............ .......;..35c
Kraft Cheese, all kinds, package : ...20c
Frank Little, Prop. - - - - Phone 561
We carry the best
That Money Buys s
Kippered Sainton, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena. Oregon
oody ear Tires
and Tubes r
Automobile Supplies, ;
Parts and Accessories '
Athena Garage
North side Main Street -
Phone 352