The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 02, 1931, Image 3

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Guidance Wanted for Com
' ing Head Camp Session
. Vote Ruling Sought ;
Denver. Defendant officers of the
"Woodmen of the World fraternal or
der with1 headquarters in Denver peti-
tioned the state, supreme court for a
-rehearing of the case involving the
legality of increasing insurance rates
for members on authority granted by
a "head camp session" of the order.
, The court last week held that the
session held at Oakland, Cal in 1928
had adopted new insurance rules with
out conforming to the provisions of
the order's constitution.
The petition recites that adoption
was legal because no rollcall vote had
been demanded. It asks modification
of the court decree so enactments at
the forthcoming special head camp
session here January; 12, may provide
' that all members may retain their in
surance benefits.
Specifically, counsel for the officers
ask the stipulation that any members
in good standing April 20, 1925, or
those whose insurance- may ; have
lapsed since then, be put into the
class of members not transferred to
the "reserve division," and that bene'
ficianes of deceased members may
collect on insurance by paying up
premiums decided upon.
The petitioners added that the su
preme court should specify how votes
shall be taken on amendments to the
constitution and when rollcalls would
be necessary. ', ... -
The original 'plaintiffs, snow de
fendants before the court, attacked
the legality of the head camp ses
sion's action because only a viva
voce vote was taken, and alleged that
the officers were attempting to change
the fraternal insurance to old line
company insurance, , -.
Norblad Seeks Post of :
V Minister to Netherlands
; Seconding the effort to land Gover
nor Norblad ? in "the diplomatic -corps
as the successor of the late Garret J.
, Diekema as minister to The Nether
lands, Senator McNary has indorsed
the Oregon executive. Representative
Hawley on Friday carried the matter
direct to the president. -
According to gossip, Governor Nor
blad is considered a potential candi
date for congress in 1932. Accord
ing to one report, he has considered
moving, to Portland at the end of his
term as 'governor, with a forward
look toward entering congress from
the Multnomah . district. Another
story is that he might try conclusions
with Hawley, retaining his residence
in Astoria.
Appointment to a foreign mission
would transfer the governor to other
fields and this is said to be in har
mony with his present ambition.
Governor Norblad has been widely
discussed as a candidate to run
against Hawley in the next primary
campaign for congressman from the
first Oregon district. .Hawley '.. was
nearly defeated in the last election,
losing his home county, .Marion;' ', ;
.4 . ' ' . "
Use of Oils Hits Lard,
So Light Hogs Favored
Increased- use, "of , vegetable' oHf in
cooking has decreased use of lard and
therefore' at the present time packers
want a 160 to 180 pound hog instead
of a 200 to 225 pound hog, says the
Oregon Experiment statioh.
The present day demand resembles
the old bacon type hog and it is
thought that this type can be put in
good market condition 180 pounds)
more cheaply than the heavy hog,
which would be to the farmers' ad
vantage. Latest experimental information' on
feeding this type jof hog for market
is contained in a new bulletin of the
station written by A. W. Oliver, 'as
sistant professor of animal husbandry.
It is popularly written with condens
ed results given rather than detail
ed data. v'i-'i , 4
Long-Missing Fliers Found
Missing 15 months when they dis
appeared in a snowstorm in the wilds
of Northern Quebec, two Montreal
aviators, mot W. r . cm cannon anu
Mechanic Leonce Lizotte have been
discovered dead in their plane north
of Roberval.
Early Action by Congress
On Umatilla Rapids Bill
Considered Not Probable
A special to the Morning Oregonian
irom its Washington, D. C., news
bureau says: "When it is considered
that the government has had Muscle
Shoals 13 years and still doesn't know
what to do with it and that Boulder
Canyon is in litigation, there is not
much prospect for speedy construe-
tion of the Umatilla Rapids dam.
That the people of Oregon would like
to see the Umatilla Rapids project
materialize' is acknowledged. That
the Oregon delegation in congress
wants to get action is also granted,
but there are plain facts which must
be recognized that may .not be so
"The main fact is that congress is
slow to act and Umatilla rapids does
not come within the scope of emer
gency. If building such projects was
so, regarded congress would be striv-
in to settle the Muscle Shoals con
troversy and speed up Boulder Can
yon. - '
"Back of Umatilla rapids is power-
hydro-electric power and an. unlimited
amount. The power question is a very
touchy one in congress. The govern
ment has not outlined a policy, and
before such policy is defined there
will be debates which will put those
over the league of nations to
"Umatilla Rapids project has been
advocated for development of trans
portation and for irrigation and, in
cidentally, for; power. Of late, how
ever, the power feature has been
stressed above the others, which may
not be so interesting to congress, re
gardless of what the Oregon people
think of cheap power. : '
"This is not intended as a wet blan
ket report, but to paint the picture so
Oregon people will see the . status .of
Umatilla rapids with, power special
ized, i :: . j , ' J."
"Congress is not concerned with
bringing industries to the Columbia
more than it is in fostering industries
in Tennessee or California. The argu
ment of power at Umatilla rapids
means much in Oregon, but congress
has one of the great power plants of
the country ?pn its . hand anJ. cannot
decide what to do with it. . ;.
"River transportation, canalization
and irrigation are better talking
points, it is regarded here,' than pow
er, for the latter is a topic as ex
plosive as dynamite.
"As much as the Oregon delegation
would like to see the Umatilla Rapids
project materialize, they know that
the matter cannot be rushed, if ?4o,
000,000 in gold were available this
moment for building the Umatilla
project it would be two years at least
before the preliminary surveys, stu
dies and soundings could be completed
and before contracts could be adverr
tised. ,, . " v'
"Building a dam such as will be re
quired at Umatilla is a slow process.
It is not to be rushed like road con
struction, and even when roads are
built there are the surveys to be made
and studied and the contracts adverr
tised and awarded.-This being the
case, Umatilla rapids cannot be urged
as something to relieve tne unem
ployment situation. In so far as the
nnwer nhase eoes. it may have to wait
until a governmental policy is defined.
"Meanwhile, however, the cause oi
Umatilla is being put forward at
every available opportunity and pro
gress is being made.' ,
Annointment of a committee to di
rect the organization of a state-wide
committee in the interest of the Uma
tilla runida oroiect .was, announced by
jGoverhc-elect Meier; president of the
Umatilla Rapids j association. Mem-
'bers of the organization committee
are A. H. Devers, H. V. Alward, B.
F. Irvine, W. G. Ide, C. H. crockna-
r . T- ' T T T Pun.
gen, ueorge oosepn, r., . ben
jamin, all of Portland; E. F. Slade,
Salem, and William Hanley, Burns.
Five Year Plan Gains V
fienrea of Soviet factories have re
ported that they nad more than. ful
filled the requirements of the special
quarter of the five-year industrializa
tion plan. A Stalingrad plant re
ported that a new tractor was being
produced there every 10 minutes. Un
der .the leadership; of Joseph Stalin
the government hopes to complete the
five-year plan in four years.
Memorial Services
Memorial Services for Harry M.
Cake, Portland attorney who died
early this month at Los Angeles of
injuries suffered in an automobile ac
cident, will be held at 10 a. m. to
morrow January 3, in the courtroom
of Presiding Circuit Judge Hewitt at
Portland. :
The First National Bank
CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $60,000
Undivided Profits over $45,000
A Real Service to the; Community A
Conveniently Located, Financially Sound, Able
. - f and Willing to Serve You.
Maintains a Complete Trust Department
Study Reveals Salient Facts
About Various Branches
of Berry Industry.
Oregon State College. Oregon
now leads the nation in output of
canned berries, with Washington a
close second, and the two states to
gether are responsible for 74 per cent
of the berries canned in the United
States today, according to George
Sulerud and Dr. Milton N. Nelson of
the' agricultural economics department-of
the Oregon Experiment sta
tion, who have just completed a com
prehensive study of the small fruit
industry of Oregon.
In 1929,. the study Revealed, Ore
gon's acreage of raspberries, logan
berries, blackberries, gooseberries and
strawberies totalled around ' 19,300
acres, with an estimated value of
$3,800,000. The increase since 1919
has been rapid, and berry production
how constitutes one of the most im
portant branches of Oregon horti
culture, f
The superior quality of the berries
grown in Oregon and Washington, to
gether with the fact that much of
the berry output of other districts is
consumed in the large population
centers as fresh fruit were the fac
tors advanced to account for the lead
ing position of these two states in the
canned berry industry. A definite and
continued shift in the canned berry
production from other states to, the
Pacific northwest has been noted, al
though nothing was found to indicate
that the industry will move elsewhere
in the near future.
Oregon and Washington also pack
85 per cent of the nation's frozen
strawberries, and an even higher per
centage of the other frozen berries,
the study shows. A continued growth
of the cold pack berry industry is
confidently predicted in the report.
This is a Bird Story;
and Not a Fish Yarn
Oakland. If George Helms wasn't
chief of the county detective force
his latest contribution to the lore of
natural history might be classified
under the same heading as the story
concerning salt and the bird's tail.
However. Helms tells the story
best, and the weather man will attest
it has been unusually cold m tne pay
districts Said Helms: .
"A few mornings ago a flock of
robins arrived to take their usual
morning plunge in my bird bath, but
found it frozen over. What appeared
to be a consultation followed and one
of the birds flew away, to return with
a woodpecker. Mr. Woodpecker went
to work, cracked up the ice and the
robins took their bath.' ; 1 "
"The process was repeated sever
al mornings, but I guess the wood
pecker went on strike. Anyway, I
thawed the ice with not water and
now the robins set up a racket at my
back door every morning until I pro
duce the hot water. ,
"I wish this cold spell would quit!"
Pushed Before Speeding Auto
Joe Wild Bill, Umatilla Indian is
being held in jail at Pendleton, charg
ed with the murder of Peo Sol Louie
another Indian. Sol Louie died at St.
Anthoney's hospital as a result of in-
uries received when he was pushed
in front of a speeding auto by Wild
Bill. It is. alleged the two Indians
were involved in a quarrel on the
highway near Mission, and that Wild
Bill pushed Louie in front oi a car
driven by Delbert Doan of Cayuse.
' Wild Duck Malady
'The mysterious malady popularly
called "duck disease" which has kill
ed millions of ducks and1 other wild
waterfowl 1n the West ia a disease of
bacterial origin,' the .United States
bioligical survey announced. The dis
covery was made after '. a two-year
study by experts of the survey and
the bureau of animal industry, both
branches of the agriculture depart
ment. Originally it had been attribut
ed to alkali poisoning.
' Foreclosure Suit Filed
A foreclosure suit was filed in cir
cuit' court at Pendleton "recently by
the Northwestern Mutual Life Insur
ance company -.' against . Herman C
Rosenberg and others, on, a note for
$44,500 with costs, interest, ' 'unpaid
taxes amounting: to-" $771.76, and at
torney's fees of $5000, and asking for
iudement of foreclosure on approxi
mately 913 acres of land north of
Pendleton. . .
Driver Fatally Injured
Ben , Scholtens; 34, of. Walla Walla,
was killed Christmas day when the
automobile he was driving upturned,
pinning him beneath it. Scholtens'
overturned car was seen by a passing
auto whose occupants took him to i
hospital, where he died shortly after
wards.: '- : V, ; Vt'j?
' ', 1 '..
' Radio Improvements 1 ,
Scientific progress of. only the past
few months will yield to the radio
listener in the near future a greater
variety, of programs and less of the
squeals, and heterodynes that now mar
reception, it is predicted by Federal
Radio Commissioner '' Harold A. La
Fount."'.'-":' ;r ::"
Norblad Refuses to Call
a Special Election to Fill
Marion County Vacancies
Salem. Governor Norblad an
nounced that he would refuse to call
a special election to select successors
to Senator Lloyd Reynolds and Repre
sentative W. Carlton Smith, both of
Marion county, who died recently.
There are now two vacancies in the
Marion county delegation, with the
1931 legislature less than three weeks
away. ; " "' '
As a result of the governor's an
nouncement the Marion county dele
gation probably will meet in Salem
within the next ten days and recom
mend successors to Senator Reynolds
and Representative Smith; This ac
tion would be followed by enactment
of Senator Bennett's bill on the first
day of the 1931 legislative session
providing that vacancies in the leg
islature shall be filled by appointment
by the governor; Senator Marks,
whose election as president of the
state senate appears, assured, has an
nounced that he will hold committee
assignments for the new Marion
county senator. " ''
It was suggested that the Marion
county delegation recommend the ap
pointment of Frank Settlemeier of
Woodburn as successor to Senator
Reynolds and Mary Paulson of Silver
ton as successor to Representative
Smith. " Settlemeier was runner-up in
the Marion county senatorial primary
election, while Paulson was fifth in
the race for representative, with four
to elect.
There also was a report that James
Mott, representative, would resign in
case he was assured the appointment
of state senator to succeed Mr. Rey
nolds. Such a move would give the
governor" power to appoint two rep
resentatives and one senator. These
appointments would be made by Gov
ernor Meier, under the Bennett bill.
There may be some objection to
this proposal, however, . for : the rea
son that Representative . Lonergan of:
Portland, candidate for f speaker of
the house, would be deprived of two
votes. Both Smith and Mott were
said to have pledged their support to
Lonergan.' This objection might be
removed, however, if the appoint
ments were postponed until after the
house is organized.
Double Locking of Cars
; Continued activity of automobile
thieves over the state has impelled the
state traffic division to advise the
locking of both transmission and door
locks when cars are left unattended.
Reports show that thieves have bro
ken through automobile windows and
taken cars which were unprotected by
transmission or other mechanical
When It ComesTo Rep
Who Wants an ImitationP
YY70ULD you call on your local mer
W chant and ask him for "imitation
sugar, or raisins, or coffee? Would you
ask him to sell you a pair of shoes
made of something "just as good" as
leather? Or a suit of clothes "made
for" a man, whether or not it fits you?
Get the Genuine
International Repairs
When you need re
pairs for your I H C
Farm Equipment,
buy the genuine re
pairs. See that this
trade-mark appears
on each piece.
i . ,. - ..:
'. Genuine I H C repairs are made from the
original patterns all others are copied from
copies. Genuine I H C repairs are made of
the same material, have the same finish, fit as
accurately, and wear just as long as similar
parts purchased with the original implement or
machine. ' ! ' '
We are the Authorized I H C Dealers
There is one certain and infallible way to
secure genuine I H C repairs buy them from .
us. And remember that International service,
rendered by us, can only be 100 per cent right
when International machines are equipped with
genuine International repairs. - .
Rogers Goodman
(A Mercantile Trust)
; : 2AT 9:30 A.M. ' :
During this store-wide sale nearly everything
in the store is offered at reduced prices, only
a few contract goods excepted.
MEN'S DEPARTMENT which now is under
the supervision of "ED" PAYNE formerly of
Payne & Jaycox. .
Mr. Payne says that all the present stock of
Men's Clothing and Furnishings must go to
make room for new merchandise now in transit.
mi . .
' " - ' :n . Peterson & Lewis
COntOlirS SpECi3lti6S PracticeAinT7stateLand Federal
i ', T ' I "'" " ". Inland Empire Bank Building
o i-i - i.t o ' i Pendleton Oregon . v
Beautify the Complexion
SKIN FRESHENER UB Attieiia 110161
. ' Courteous Treatment, Clean Bcda
... ' . Good Meala
Athena Beauty Shop Toursts Mad8 WjIcome
Sadie Pambrun, Operator gpecaI Attent,0B &w
Phone 32 to Homo Patrona
f" t Corner Main and Third
Bring in Your Bent Z
and Sprung Axles reliable
Acetylene Welding and Black- fc- r 1H I I I 1 1 VI
s.mithln Main St , H. H. HILL Athena
C. M. Jonea Blacksmith Shop , V '
I "1
Real Estate I A' Frick
Carpenter and Contractor
Wheat Alfalfa and ' Pendleton . . Phone 1392J
Stock Land Specializes In
l. l. Montague, Arlington Weather Stripping
- -
Transfer pe3 omiiy to sale
R? r and Possession
Bell & Grdy B. B. Richardswhen in-
phone 693 terviewed by the Press
m t . man, pleaded, guilty to the
I WA A Urn sale of the best insurance
I l?U nUlll obtainable for the money
' T- 1 I an(? .Possessin of more
JlfllPir lirDirC policies in reserve ready
1 1 Ulii ISlajD at a moments notice for
Always At Your Service SffSS
civ, .nd w B. B. RICHARDS,
Hauling Insurance