The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, January 02, 1931, Image 2

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. Established Jan. 1, 1887
F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
O ne copy, one year . . . . $3.00
One copy, six months $1.00
One copy, three months 75
Athena, Oregon January 2,..........1931
Clark Wood Says:
' "Mr: Coolidge state? thaf Ve
cannot receive the benefits of
prosperity and escape - bearing
the burdens of adversity.' This
doesn't sound like anything
we've read in a G. O. P., plat
the. best and the worst, degrading
civil government, breeding disrespect
for law, crippling and distorting the
functions of the police and giving
gang government its opportunity, its
immunity and its market."
... o
Newspaper reports say that the so
viet took time off the other day to
slay 1400 forest workers who refus
ed to labor during a storm. Some
times newspaper reports are exag
gerated, which may be more or less
true in this particular instance,
Confronted with a general demand
for a reduction of state taxes, the
governor of Minnesota says: "I may
be a little old-fashioned, but I am
ready to support the contention that
the only way a state can reduce
taxes is to spend less money!"
It is said, directly and indirectly.
i the metal mines in the state of Utah
alone contributes to the support of
200,000 persons. On the basis of gov
ernment estimates in 1925, this is
Vigorous campaigns for adoption of wore than 40 per cent of' the entir?
the ; Automobile Drivers' License Law population oi the state,
will be waged in 28 states the next
few months. In several states saysl : Canada is doing some export busi-
an exchange where existing laws lack ness in wheat and it is now proposed
"teeth," an effort will be made to re- to extend British credits to China on
model them to conform with the stan- condition that they be used in pur-
dard ordinance recommended by the chasing British wheat
National Conference on Street and I o
Highway Safety." Twelve states now What of rebellions, revolutions and
have drivers' license laws and all of earthquakes, people oi south Amen
them have experienced a downward can countries are being tossed about
accident trend. According to a survey promiscuously.
made by the National Safety Council,
there have been '29 per cent fewer Just an ordinarily prosperous and
fatalities since the adoption of the happy new year for everybody is the
lnw than there would have been had wish of the Athena Press,
these 12 states had the same Dercent- I o-
age increase as the non-license states. No matter how loud the hen cack
Thia amounts to a saving of thous- les, eggs are selling lower than the
ands of lives annually. Many safety Price of production,
authorities believe such a law is the I - o
most important single step toward "ur prices have dropped to tne
rBAnir, nPfiHpnts. No careful driver pre-war level. Wheat took the turn
. .
need fear it. Its purpose is to weed m long ago.
out the unfit, the negligent, the reck- -
I r1 the "accident reneaters." and What has become oi the old fash-
to prevent beginners from driving ioned jack rabbit drive?
until they are competent to handle a
car. An overwhelming majority oi
motorists are responsible and com
petent. But the small minority which
is careless and incompetent, has given
us the greatest accident toll in the
. . . , . . iwiii.r o iiubuj given vuaw VIIC
world. They are a menace to the undersigned ha8 fiied her fina, account
lives and property or all other drivers, and report in the above entitled mat
They must be barred from the public ter and that the above entitled Court
liirhwav has fixed Saturday, the 10th day of
' - ' o
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Charles
Norns, Deceased. ,
Notice is hereby given that' the
No -
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the Countv of Umatilla,
a corporation, Jflamtiff,
THOMAS F. STARNES, unmarried
MAUZEY, his wife; ARTHUR E,
wife; C. R. ZENER and FRANCES
V. ZENER, his wife; OSCAR CAR-
wife; and EDGAR PATRICK and
Defendant. ",
By -virtue of an execution, Judg
ment Order, Decree and Order of
Sale issued out of the above entitled
Court in the above entitled cause to
me directed and dated the 11th day of
uecemoer, i3U, upon a judgment and
Decree entered in the above entitled
Court on the 29th day of November,
1930, in favor of the Northwest Joint
btock Land Bank of Portland, Ore
gon, a corporation, plaintiff, against
lhomas F. atarnes,- unmarried, H. G.
Mauzey and Belle F. Mauzey, his
wile, Arthur E. Hunt and Marie
Hunt, his wife, C. R. Zener and
Frances V. Zener,, his wife, Oscar
Carstens and Jennie Carstens, his
wife, Frank A. Hastings and Alice J.
Hastings, his wife, and Edgar Patrick
and Jane Doe Patrick, his wife, for
tne following sums or money, to.wit:
1. -Two Thousand six Hundred
Forty and 03-100 Dollars
($2,640,03), together with interest
at the legal rate of six per cent
(6 per cent) per annum from the
1st day of November, 1929, until ,
2. The further sum of One
Hundred Five Dollars ($105.00)
together with interest thereon at
the contract rate of eight per
cent (8 per cent) per annum
from the 1st day of May, 1930,
, until paid.
3. The further sum of Forty-'
one and 50-100 Dollars ($41.60)
together with interest thereon at
the rate of six. -per cent (6 per
cent) per annum from the date of
this judgment - until paid.
4. The further sum of Three
Hundred Dollars ($300.00) as a '
reasonable attorney's, fee herein
together with interest thereon at
the rate of eight per cent (8 per
cent) per annum from the date of
this judgment. '
5. Plaintiff's costs and disburse-V
.ments herein fixed as the sum of
January, 1931, at the hour of 10:00
o'clock a. m. of said day, as the time,
An excellent onnortunitv to exDress and the County Court room in the
her creative ability, expand her ward- County Court house at Pendleton,
robe, and at the same time protect k for heari of fina, ac.
tne iamny pocKeiDooK is onerea uie count and report. Any person desir
woman who has old clothing to make ing to file objections to said final
over this year, says Mrs. Harriet Hi account and report should do so on or
pimmru, I'Aieimiuii Bgjuuiauai. m vuwt-
ing at Oregon State college. The ten
dency to use combinations of ma-
terials. and the wide latitude in
fashioning and ; trimming - of this Testament of
year's styles makes possible the full- ce?tt
est use of the imagination, Mrs. Sin- Attorneys for Executrix.
nard says. New sleeves, paneis ami
collars can be used to change the ap
pearance of a dress, and in many in
stances women are using two dresses
Dated at Athena, Oregon, this 12th
day of December, 1930.
Executrix of the Last Will and
Charles Norns, De-
Watts & Prestbye, Athena, Oregon,
The regular annual meeting of the
to make a new one. Combinations of stockholders of the First National
materials are I . f. - Aanr. tv, -;
prints and plain
especially good.
year and for the transaction of such
other business as may lawfully come
a ii tM Bnnio.o...A fn before it. will be held in its office, in
nivci mi Kino u Lrcacuvu MB w I - -
and what constitute, membership nS
eligibility in the republican party, to
the contrary notwithstanding, it is
necessary to admit the fact that the
G. 'O. P. was strong enough in Ne
braska to nominate, elect and return
Senator Norris as one of the two re
publican senators " from that state
Mr. Lucas of course will squirm over
his failure in seining for suckers and
will be busy for sometime in passing
the buck up to the "higher ups,
However, Mr. Lucas can glean some
satisfaction in knowing that other
Lucas' have come and gone before
him Will H. Hays, for instance
p. m. Dated December mh, liMU
F. S. LeGROW, Cashier,
Frick's Metal Weather Stripping is
Eyes examined, , glasses properly
fitted at Schneller's, 39 East Main,
Walla Walla,
Potatoes Good quality mountain
Netted Gem notatoes for sale. In,
Look wnere he is. me Drains oi tne quire of J. E. Jones, Athena,
"movie" industry!
Main Street. Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
Crepe Paper Flowers of
Time was when herds of buffalo P11 klnds made t0 orde DroP into
rand th Umchvr&a hills of East- tauor snop and lei us snow
" 1 Tiff t7. -D..H
Oregon. Recent verification of the K"u Bumo iU"
. '.J. il. - vw
iaci was louna in ine bui oi uie re-
i- .... -M rii T 1
ceaing waiers oi mameur lbkb, near . ,. fl. rlnlll ana
Burns, where skeletons and ekulls of Income tax eXDort 5n pendleton who
the bison are to be seen in what ap- watg more clients of farmers and
pears to have been their death pit business men. Write to Charles E,
through some cause yet unknown. Burnett, Box 418, Pendleton, Oregon
Early history of the Far West men
tions the presence of buffalo herds in
the upper Snake river country in the
vicinity of where Twin Falls, Idaho,
now la. Further south the Bonneville
party encountered bison on their bea
ver trapping excursions. ,
The moBt extensive conference ever
conducted by telephone was held re
cently when Col. Arthur Woods,
chairman of President Hoover's em
ergency committee on the employ.
ment situation, talked by telephone
with representatives of each of tho
48 states.
"The problem of crime prevention
in America will never be solved so
long as law itself is tyrannical,"
says Justice John E. McGeehan of the
Supreme Court of New , York. Con
tinuing, Justice McGeehan states that
tyrannical law "make, partners of
and the further sum of - , for and
upon this Notice and Sale of the fol
lowing; described real property lying
and being in the County of Umatilla,
State of Oregon, and bounded and
particularly described as follows, to
wit: The West Half.(W) of the
Southwest Quarter (SWVi) of "
Section Twenty-seven. (27), the -Southeast
Quarter SE4) : of
Section Twenty-eight " (28) ' and
the Northwest Quarter . (NW) '
of Section Thirty-four (34) all r.
being in Township Six (6) North
of Range Thirty-four (34) East
of the Willamette Meridian, lo
cated in Umatilla County in the
State of Oregon, excepting, how
ever, one acre of land located in
the Northeast (NE) corner of the
Northwest Quarter (NWU) of
the Southwest Quarter (SW)
of said Section Twenty-seven
(27) conveved by H. P. Haynes
and Mary A. Haynes, his wife, to
E. Campbell by deed recorded in
Book Sixty-eight (68). at page
Five Hundred Seventy-three
(573) of the records of said Uma
tilla County;
together with all and singular the
tenements, hereditaments and ap
purtenances thereunto belonging, or
m any wise appertaining.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said
Execution, Judgment Order, Decree
and Order of Sale, and in comnliance
with the commands of said Writ, I
win. on tne astn day of January,
1931, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M..
at the front door of the County Court
House in Pendleton, Umatilla Coun
ty, Oregon, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder, for cash In hand,
all the right, title and interest which
the within named defendants, Thomas
F. Starnes, unmarried, H. G. Mauzey
and Belle F. Mauzey, his wife, Arthur
E. Hunt and Marie Hunt, his wife, C.
R. Zener and Frances V. Zener. his
wife, Oscar Carstens and Jennie
Carstens, his wife, Frank A. Hastings
and Alice J. Hastings, his wife, and
Edgar Patrick and Jane Doe Patrick,
his wife, had on the 29th day of No
vember, 1930, the date of the Judg
ment and Decree above mentioned, or
since that date had in and to the
above described property, or any part
thereof, to satisfy said Execution.
Judgment, Order and Decree, interest,
costs and accruing costs.
Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this
26th day of December, 1930.
Sheriff of Umatilla County, Oregon.
First Issue. December 26. 1930;
Last Issue, January 23rd, 1931.
22 Years Ago
Friday, January 1, 1909
Little Hope McPheren has been
quite ill at her home this week.
John McKinnon is down from Al
berta from a few weeks visit with
relatives. ,
Miss Belle Buzan of Pendleton is
the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. E.
Walter Preston of ' Walla' Walla;
spent a portion of the holiday week in
Athena. -
Miss Lois Powell of Weston," was in
Athena yesterday, the' guest of Miss
Cecile Boyd. . ' "-
L. B. Russell and Roy Tompkins
attended the O. A. C. Banquet in Pen
dleton, Tuesday night.
D. C. Mclntyre will leave Monday
for Alberta, where he will spend sev
eral weeks on business.
Miss Stella Jackson left yesterday
for Dayton, where she is the guest of
friends for a day or two.
Miss Eva Bryan, who is attending
school at Seattle, spent the holidays
at her home, near this city.
John Barnes and Ernest Blomgren
students of the Normal school were
gueBts of Athena friends Sunday.
The Christian church is soon to be
wired and lighted by electricity, in
stead of the acetylene lights now in
use. ., " . ' ".
Mr. and. Mrs. E. J. Taylor: of Nan-
ton, Alberta, arrived in Athena last
week, and will spend some time with
relatives here. ;
Mrs. Florance Boynton and chil
dren of Pendleton were guests Sun
day of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
L. Jones. . - .' ,
Mrs. T. M. Barger, of Walla Walla,
was in the city yesterday, passing
through with- her son and children
from Helix. " ' ,
Mrs. Kettler. of Wenatchee. Wash..
and Mrs. Crews,-of Boise, Idaho, were
guests the first of the week of Mrs.
Jackson Nelson near town.
Christmas exercises at the different
churches in Athena were largely at
tended. Decorations were superb and
entertaining. '
Otis and Raymond, young brothers
of E. B. Harrie, Were here from their
home at Dayton the past week guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Harris at the Christ
ian parsonage.
' Mr. and Mrs. John Foss, of Moro,
Sherman county, who visited relatives
in this city laot week, went to Spo
kane Sunday, where they were guests
at the Hawks-McDonald wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dell and Mr."
and Mrs. Edward Koontz, were the
guests of Pendleton friends Christmas
day. . They had the pleasure of at-:
tending . two performances given by
the San Francisco Opera company.
At Pendleton . Wednesday night,
Montie B. Gwinn, Chairman of the
Umatilla County Legislative - Com
mittee gave a splendid banquet. The
legislative delegation of this county,
including Representative Barrett of
this city was present.
The cantata, "Bethlehem," sung by
the members of the Christian church
choir last evening was largely at
tended and well received. The large
auditorium was well filled and the
proceeds from the free will' offering
was very satisfactory. A social meet
ing was held after the program un
til 11, when a religious watch meet
ing continued until the New Year
was ushered in with the ringing of
the bells.
Members of the Presbyterian church
in the vicinity of Vincent are mak
ing preparations on an elaborate scale
for the dedication of the new church
building,. on, next Sunday morning,
The dedicatory address will be de
livered by the Rev. J. V. Milligan of
Portland. - . r
A family living in the north part
of town were reported to the chant
ably inclined in Athena this week,4 as
in very poor circumstances, and re
ceived a generous donation, , both
from the Masonie lodge and by pri
vate subscription. , , .
At a special meeting held at the
school house, Monday afternoon a
school tax of two mills was voted for
school purposes in school District No.
29. This levy of two mills on the
assessed valuation of property in the
district which is placed at $683,000,
will net the district $1,366. From
the county the district will receive
$1,275, and from the state over $300.
Robt. Tharp has risen to the oc
casion and demand for a moving pic
ture show in Athena, and his Dime
Theater is crowded nightly with an
appreciative audience. Mr. Tharp has
installed, a first-class machine and his
pictures are the best that can be se
cured. Changes of program will take
place on Monday, Wednesday and
Friday evenings of each week. The
general admission is ten cents and
school children under 12 years of age
are admitted on Saturday and Sun
day afternoons for 5 cents.
Weston Leader: R. W. Feris, a
prominent farmer of Weston moun
tain, has traded his 200-acre mountain
farm for 770 acres seven miles north
west of Walla Walla, paying the dif
ference in the valuation of the two
places. Mr. Ferris receives $10,000
for his farm, and pays $60 an acre
for his new possessions, 100 acres of
the latter being alfalfa meadow and
the remainder, wheat land, well : im
proved. About 440 acres are now in
the expense of repairing a frozen engine block uset
anti-freeze in your radiator. We properly service
your circulating system and tell you the correct
amount of anti-freeze to use in your .car for, any
given temperature. , - v-
NOW is the time to get your tires: We offer extra
size, heavy duty," guaranteed 30x32 tires with
tubes at $6.10 each, 6 ply, 29x4.40 tires with tubes at
$9.40 eachj also 28x4.75 and 30 x 4.50 at correspond
ing prices. .. '
Gallahers Garage
J. E. Gallaher , Athena Phone 471
Continental Oil Company
Germ Processed Motor Oil
' - - . . v. :'
Athena Service Station
. "Service With a Smile"
Automobile Accessories Tires (
BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 762
We have a
' : . - , ;
to fit every
family budget
Let us help you
Farmers Grain Elevator
Grian and Feed
A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed
Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr.
Bruno Weber
, ' AND ; , ;
Repair Work
Prices Reasonable
Successor To
Ben Bateman
Expert in Body Correction uses
hand vibration, posturing, diet, mas
sage, baths, corrective exercises and
sun lamp and rays, mental gym
nastics, specific for each case. Office
in Foss house in North Athena.
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Fhona 706
Pendleton, Oregon. 957 J
Physician and Surgeon
Dr. Sharp's Office
Office Hours at Athena 1 to 6 p. m.
Phone 462. Office Hours at Weston
8 a. m. to 12 noon. Phone 83. Calls
made day or night.
Post Building, Athena. Tnone 682
TutU'd'hiim Tickler
Published in the intesests of the people of Athena and vicinity by
Vol. 30
Athena, Oregon, January 2, 1931
No. 48
Special New Year Edition
May a Happy and Prosperous
New Year . ......
Be the portion of every one of our customers who
contributed to our past year of successful business.
During the New Year we want your business, prom
ising to serve you even better if possible than in the
past Let us care for your building wants and
problems during the New Year.
; A. M. JOHNSON, Editor.
Cleaning and Pressing
We take special care in our Cleaning and Pressing
Department. We have the latest machinery and em
ploy only safe, practical methods under supervision
of skilled workmen.
Tyin City Cleaners
Phone 492 ' ; : ' :
T. E. Smith, Prop! Freewater, Oregon
We Have the Best
Eastern Fried Oysters
Hot Tamales
Chili Beans
Reduction In Electric
Light Rates "
The following reduction in Electric light rates will
be in effect on and after March 15, 1929: "
Residential Rates ' '
First 30 KWH hours used, per month..10c per KWH
Excess over 30 KWH used, per month...:3c per KWH
nJ!fabTiJite8ply7he,ll.l)i118 are Paid fun within 10 days
from date of bill. Otherwise, the ratowill be increased by 10 per
cent on each item. ' ' . . -
Commercial Rates
First 100 KWH used per month..:.........l0c per KWH
Next 200...............; j.. ....7c er KWH
Next 300 i....6c per KWH
SeXf ? X0- .. .. ........ :.....5c pet KWH
Next .1000... ........ ..4c 5erWH
Excess over 20()0.........::..i......... i ; 3c per KWH
fromar'nT17 7 henJm are PM in full wfthin 10 days '
cen?onach ttem. 0themiSe; e Creased by, 10 per
f Preston-Shaflfer Milling Company j
' mm mm if mmm :2. : ,
' i .v. ;
Walla Walla General Hospital '
A modern non sectarian f if ty . bed hospital; ; with '
all up to date modern hospital facilities for the care
of patients. ' i
X-Kav and bacteriological labortories,: washed air'
Only graduate nurses are employed and their ser
vices are included at the regular rates which are;
$3.50 to $6.00