The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 19, 1930, Image 4

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Pfess Paragraphs
DECEMBER 20th to 24th
Holliday Chocolates, 2 lbs.
. .. 74c
Campfire Marshmallows, 3 lbs, colored tins
Red & White Pumpkin, 2y2s
, 2 for 35c
Mince Meat
, -. 2 lbs for 35c
Asparagus, Red & White, 2s
2 for 57c
Fruits for Salad, Is
2 for 49c
Shrimp, Red & White, Is
2 for 45c
Shrimp, Small, Is
Chocolates, 5 lbs.
Mayonnaise, Red & White, pints
Ripe Olives, Blue & White, pints, tins
2 for 43c
Bartlett Pears, Red & White, 2y2s
2 for 57c
Coffee, Red & White, Is
Hand Mixed Candy
2 lbs. for 25c
Whole Kernel, Bantam Corn, Red & White
2 for 45c
Peas, Red & White Sifted
2 for 45c
Ginger Ale, Winehard
3 for 50c
PHONE 171 '
John Banister was over from Wes
ton Wednesday.
Wade Goodman was here from Wal
la Walla Tuesday.
M. L. Watts transacted business in
Walla Walla Wednesday.
Walter Adams of Walla Walla was
an Athena visitor Wednesday.
E. C. Prestbye motored to Pull
man on a business mission Tuesday,
Miss Elizabeth J. Olson, County li
brarian called at the Athena library
Miss Mary Tompkins is confined to
her home with a severe attack of
chicken pox.
The Athena Branch, of the Umatil
la County Library will be open Tues.
day instead of Wednesday next week
S. A. Barnes and Clark Wood
prominent citizens of Weston were
Athena visitors Wednesday.
Mrs. Edith Lumsden who resides
and operates a farm on lower Dry
creek, visited friends in Athena Tues
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Schultz of
Rosebud, Alberta are visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Russell
parents of Mrs. Schultz. -
Miss Edna DeFreece has been con
fined to her home with a severe cold,
but is now able to be at her post at
the local telephone , office.
R. A. Duffield, proprietor of Duf-
field's Barber Shop wishes all pa
tron of the shop a merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year.
John Thompson, Dolph Thompson
of Gibbon and George Brace, merch
ant of Thorn Hollow were business
visitors in Athena Wednesday.
Howard Whitney, Heinz salesman
and a cousin of Marion Hensell was
a week-end visitor at the Hansell
home here. '
Miss Dorothy Berlin will arrive to
morrow from Roslyn, Washington, to
spend the holidays with her mother.
Mrs. Theresa Berlin.
Mrs. Cass Cannon who has been ill
at her home with a severe case of in
fluenza is improving, and is now able
to be up part of each day.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Richmond and
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Richmond of
Walla Walla were week-end guests at
the Ralph McEwen home here.
Mr. and Mrs. .Claire Gurney are ex
pected to arrive the first of the week
and will be guests at the W. P. Little
iohn home. They plan to remain
here about a fortnight.
There is a first class accountant
and income . tax expert in Pendleton
who wants more clients of farmers
and business men. Write to Charles
E. Burnett, Box 418, Pendleton, Ore
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Whiteman, Miss
Elizabeth Holwager and Miss Sally
Summerville, of Walla Walla, were
visitors at the B. B. Richard's home
Sunday. .
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Eager motored
to Dayton. Washington, Sunday,
where they visited at the home of
Mr. Eager's parents, Mr. and Mrs
Everett Eager.
Miss Lenore McNair and Miss
Kathleen Radtke will arrive tomor
row morning from Eugene. They
will spend the holidays at the homes
of their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Elam of Pen
dleton, former residents of Athena,
are entertaining a new son. He call
ed at the Elam home last Sunday and
has been named Robert Eugene Elam
Mrs. J. J. Joyce and little daughter
left Tuesday evening for their home
at Skikomish, Washington. The vis
itors have been guests of Mrs. Joyce's
sister, Mrs. E. C. Prestbye for the
naflt fortnight.
Mrs. Minnie DePeatt leu yesteraay
for Portland where she will spend the
holidays at the home of her daughter
Mrs. 0. D. Harris. Kev. warns is
pastor of the Laurelhurst Christian
church in Portland.
We have a large stock of toys that were left from last year which we are
offering at 20 per cent discount. Sold regularly at 25c to $1.49. Let us help
you with your Xmas shopping. We will wrap your packages for .mailing.
HELPrtiL Girr suggestions
Military Brush Sots $1.75-$fi
Amity Leather Goods 60c-$i
Poker Chip Racks $1.50
Lighters $1 and I
Ash Trays 25c and I p
Parker Pens $2.50-$10
Pinker Pencils ,. $l-$4.25
Shaving Sets ...$l-$3.5u
Cigars and Cigarettes
Cigars ami Cigarette Holders
Amity Bags $5 and Up
Manicure Sets $l-$2.50
Necklaces 75c-$3
Ivory Toilet Sets....$l.75 and Up
Loose Towder Vanities $l-$2
Photo Albums 65c-$5
Bridge Sets 60c-$3.75
Address Books $1.50
Perfume and Toilet sets as
low as 25c
Radio Inmps...... $1.50-$2
Fancy Dishes 75c-$l-$1.25
Stationery 60c-$2.50
Parker Desk Sets..$8.75 and Up
Society Chocolates....$l-$1.50-$2
Kodaks and Cameras... $2.50-$ 16
Electric Appliances, Christmas
Cards, Wrapping Paper, Tinsel
and Decorations
Christmas Tree Novelties ....
NOW with Christmas almost here, a wonderful Majestic Radio Set comes
as the ideal answer to the year's gift problem. Unbelievably economical in
price, a Majestic will thrill the whole family. To each one from the oldest to
the youngest, it is a personal gift of favorite entertainment for the years to
' Mrs. Littlejohn spent Tuesday in
Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones were Pen
dleton visitors Saturday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dudley spent
Tuesday in Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Legrow were
guests at the Sturgis home in Pen
dleton Sunday.
H. A. Barrett and Otha Reeder at
tended the tractor school in Walla
Walla, Tuesday.
Charles McFarland is able to be on
the streets again after several week's
of serious illness.
Mrs. H. A. Barrett and daughters
Helen and Genevieve were Pendle
ton visitors Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Cresswell and
son Jimmy have moved into the Dell
cottage on Adams street.
t red Kadtke arrived today from the
University of Oregon. He will spend
the holidays visiting his parents here.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Pmkerton
and daughter Jewel and Mrs. C. M.
Eager spent Saturday in Walla Wal
la. -''(
Dale Stephens of Pendleton was a
dinner guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. B. B. Richards Wednesday eve
ning. '
E. S. McComas, well known Pendle
ton citizen has been seriously ill in
a Portland hospital. He is reported
Edwin McEwen attended the cater
pillar school given by the A. E. Page
company in Walla Walla Monday and
Garth Pinkerton is suffering with
influenza and is at the home of his
grandparents, Mr. end Mrs. J. W.
Pinkerton. '
Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Hodgen of The
Dalles will arrive Christmas week to
spend the holidays with relatives.
Miss Lois Johnson is expected to ar
rive from Eugene tomorrow m&rn-
Henry Judd formerly of Pendleton,
later of the First National Bank of
Portland and now with the Standard
Oil company of San Francisco, called
here Saturday and visited his friend
F. S. LeGrow.
Word has been received that George
Winshlp, well known here and . for
some time employed by the Stand
ard Oil company at Union, has been
promoted to salesmanager with head
quarters at La Grande.
Mrs. E. F. Bloom, Mrs. R. D.
Blatchford and Miss Mary Cameron
attended the luncheon given by the
Pendleton branch of the American
Association of JJniversity women, at
Hotel Pendleton, Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Rogers have
come down irom their rancn nome
near Creston, B, C, and have been
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jay Gross, near Washtucna. They
are expected soon to visit relatives in
Athena. " "
Mrs. G. E. Hemeek .who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. D.
Blatchford for several weeks left last
week Thursday for her home at
Okonagon, Washington. She planned
to stop at Thorpe to visit a daughter
several days en route home.
Miss Hilda Dickenson, chief oper
ator for the Pacific Telephone & Tele
graph company at Arlington is now
on her vacation, at Portland. Miss
Dickenson will arrive here shortly to
spend the holidays at the home of her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Sim Dickenson.
Miss Frances Jack, daughter of
Mrs. Marion Jack of Pendleton, was
united in marriage to Mr. Harlan L.
Asher at high 1 noon, Saturday, at
Walla Walla, Rev. Stanley E. Bog-
gess of bt. raurs Episcopal church
officiating. ''
A group of members of the Bap
tist church met Wednesday and ren
ovated the building. Wood work m
kitchen and dining room was washed
and painting and varnishing done in
the auditorium.' A pot luck dinner
was enjoyed at noon.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Logsdon and
daughter Donna Jean, will spend
Christmas at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Nat Kimball in Pendleton. Mr.
and Mrs. O. O. Stephens, Dale Ste
phens and Mrs. A. A. Kimball will
also be guests at the Kimball home.
Ralph Haynie came over from
Burns Monday evening, and joined
his wife and little daughter at the
George Banister home. The condl
tion of Mr. Banister at this time is
eported as being very unfavorable,
the patient constantly growing weaker.
Athena friends will regret to learn
that Mrs. James T. Lieuallen, Jr., of
Adams, is in St. Anthony's hospital,
where she underwent an operation.
However, reports from the hospital
are to the effect that Mrs. Lieuallen
is recovering, and will be able to re
turn to her home in a few days.
Clarence Ross, well known range
rider for the stockmens association,
ranging their cattle on the headwa
ters of the Umatilla river, was
thrown from a saddle horse some
weeks ago and since has had consid
erable difficulty jn getting around.
He was over from the river last
week, consulting Dr. McKinney.
J. W. Pinkerton is under the im
pression that nursing a carbuncle is
major affliction as compared with
Mr. Job's tussle with a cluster of
boils. Billy has been kept indoors
and under Dr. McKinney's care the
greater part of this week, and Mrs.
Pinkerton is proving herself to be a
very capable nurse in the emergency.
Celery Hearts Sweet Potatoes
Fresh and Crisp, each ..........10c Nice and Mealy, 6 lbs..'.l....L..:.Li55c
Head Lettuce Apples
Crisp and Solid, 2 for...: 15c Fancy Romes, per box;.........;.,.......95c
Bananas Oranges
Fresh Stock, 3 lbs .....25c Sweet and -Juicy, 3 doz.......... .... .65c
Mixed Candy Mixed Nuts
Xmas Special, per lb ....,17c Xmas Special, per lb.... .... .......... ..23c
... -
All Toys and Dolls 14 off
Phone 152
Athena Department Store
On account of the grade school
operetta Tuesday evening, the Re
bekah lodge will convene at 7 o'clock,
instead of the regular meeting hour.
Members are requested to take note
of the change.
Miss Lizzie McKenzie, ' who has
been visiting at the home of her
brother Alex McKenzie near Adams
for some time, will spend .the win
ter with her sister, Mrs. Agnes Beas
ley, at Hood River.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Baker will
leave by motor Tuesday .to spend
Christmas week visiting at the home
of Rev. and Mrs. D. E. Baker at
Eugene. They will be accompanied
by Mrs. Sarah Gross who will visit
relatives in the same vicinity, Jack
Moore will also be a member of the
The regular services will occur in
the morning hour, the Bible school at
10:00 o clock. Communion and ser
mon at 11:00. The Bible school
Christmas program inclusive of a
tree will occupy the evening hour. A
special offering will be made at this
service, which will h devoted to fur
naca repairs.
'jSe have a
to fit every
family budget
Let us help you
Pendleton Oregon
WW r. nwmfm.
.-' ... TOP
- 'vV. ' .'v1 . ; f V -1 -'.' . '' i "'J IL ...I'll'-.' Mj'Wif' '.1
To all points in
and oil Union '
Pacific points ir
Departure dates:
DEC. 18 to 25, inc.
Return limit:
JANUARY 6th ' "
Quality Grocery
Xmas Specials ;
Assorted Nuts per lb.. 25c
Assorted Candies, per lb......... ........................iOc
Bulk Dates 15c or 2 lbs., for 25c
21a-lb. Box Good Chocolates .........1.1.............$1.0()
4-lb. Package Seedless Raisins .........31c
Sweet Spuds Still 4 lbs; for . L. ..25c
One Year Old Fancy Mince Meat, per lb. ,....:.-20c
Cranberries, Fancy Oregon, per quart 20c
Fresh Oregon Prunes, 3 lbs. -. ...:...........!.........25c
Frank Little, Prop.
Main Street " - : - ' Phone 561
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Sainton, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street' " . Athena. Oregon.
Athena, Oregon
Goodyear Tires
and Tubes
Automobile Supplies,
Parts and Accessories
Athena Garage
North side Main Street - - Phone 352