The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, December 19, 1930, Image 2

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F. XL OTP. Owjer and Pahjsiiet !
. try 1 evjuie tie law, either grower or : NOTICE OF FTKAi, ACOTST
1 deier, are cart to have costly -tron- Conrty Court f the Sane f
23 Years Ago
Oregon lor Ematilia Cprnter.
lints jtxer cf lite Eauac of Gnarfe
- ! JVoma. lesL
A Portsad trade school of seweral ! tCot imvnr 4v -.. i
- :fett&rired pvpia wlH gi p h Christ- InTtaersjgned bat fd iier fatal account j J. W. mh, the lumber man, -was
'ma parry, that lbey may tfat ':aa -e be-e med mav.up fnw Eelix fee first of the week
!, r,-, w 1 t aow entities Const lor a cnmlt of
On copy, year. S2J"T' , T' fcaturoay, toe lfta day of , .
0 copr.ais moonas tut 'P1 for Snnanm &rmmm, Tort- ..January, IKa, at the hoar of WM " 5 Cbmt'eral,B fiattrrdity
On coj-.u tn. Ji-hni't enanty workers lor relief f a. m. f said ay, a tbe time, ; aaaQ shipping
.-the poor and lac traemployed of lie County Court jw in -in ;tae er the O. E. 4; K. to hie lama
5 err Kat on it -win 4iunrM 'County Court boius- at Peadieto-, inear Cambridge, Indue .
- ; 7. . j Bt-n 171 J1 -t"wr Itom VaSa Valia liic fcst cf
pi&Ik, intt ti7 wiE thrwr tbeir S report Aitt yer ek aa VcdueBday wrt to Hot i
Tbe Oreinm Pai.- L'tChjr tursao ;Cerjjia rty luadc im Hut pal, I me 1 objctiom io aud fi wbss iber will Temaiis for
of inftrmatiyr, find tint compari-! aio-
tor l-tt. Fnf&c Ciaust tjct j
JigntMjg r?ftme and ike f otwrr TiJt indeinedaesw
trtk in Ibe rrlMk. wtsst and ilwif ; proper, v
tue yiijany.' aw taax jsr pro- u
awooni and report eoouit! do so oc or
: before t&at onl-
lew tiayi.
" " " Iaw! at &ae Orwrn, -this 12tfc i Tneaoay -was tret tjeamuz Her
of tot ccy of fir of Xecwr. 1330- I00 lam atreei, -when cnry pobumsw j
3&C422Jfi. Tat VEI-- E- SC33L;tT, jman tamed oat w broosi and i
iummatior. Sam atd , oefe '4.3 is add- 1 Wast 4 Prertbye, Atist-w Cm-Jt, J , IlT.-B"8b ve. 21
for eaawpk, ar tir l.rbttd m to. iB t'r ASM lor txotni. j 2
. ' " - r-- -- ; . Ill III II tm f Kiaff- MBrtM in I I I I
d Iron Peadjetoc and came up yes
terday t tie m atiextitse vbob aim.
litfle Conrad Hilisr 5D from a
$5 Special
Permanent Wave
Until January Ut
Athena Beauty Shop
Eadie Pambmn, OprttWr
Pitme 82
Texas; Mitm or IIIidom of 1 i,. k
quai J-- i ; ritn oUnty k w it : na.
wr Chm, IraIarflIaiatCiiy, !toi: Tatdseum, K&JsCl;
win m aroiigut Bicjuguim aim ir:
coiorful 'tgu auxiliaries. Portland
liitewie iiCF t a Jtwer rate lor. ner-
tiian airr ot&er rty k) Aawrri.
Bed BeIeiiies
Frtiewater, 12 4,657; "Wesitm, $W,70a; j jqrt in 3v6y Comxthm tax aeV ic e jniiiry store 'Wedsee
HerBusioc, iebo, 1444. ; iia&d vitirattoc. vwstnmsg. did, nau- iday, k lininf a iractBFed faouitta--
a, .bstot, torw-rtwe exerasee aac ,tmoe. Tae itttie lela ie piayiss
wr IWvOOO population, light pr
em6 eraoe, aad Qikage iae acort
of vuBmet atreete, fcordered ty 4al!
. . - , - iwr lansp and rayt, suet c- iaroond aad atili attie t demoxucrate
Qa-maf ar loaU oW Jt ex-ffiarties. Kofa lor acfc e. yrodMty lar -Tm,w
pcid 1 i rreatiy mcreav&d ves" i hs f aw iioiwe je Uortij Ataeua. j ,
. . . , . i i xay iuflw maoe a business trip
iat year, ud&t temr . , -it iw,
t -V -El
Imiidmg. wh, my ltm? j J 1
) dmelmae padrec, but utilise it lor : Starrier BuiidiTig.
fcadietaa. Oraraa.
it vet tti peoemriar almost js dart.
agetKerrt cm help 1 b(r- to ue wS CI2oTTlt- 31
Vr up ad Ltrhtmc up- Fort-1 f M. ttatu T
and the Orzicvt wett-opolis faae
J."ie liufiu, it would em, ttsau wjobI
ciiie vi tun Vtiii0& fetatet.
Real Estate
Wheat Alfalfa and
Stock Land
L. Montague, Arlinjtoa
mei-Pk it over tij longer distances.
Five hundred pouhrymen, t of
i loved a short -visit tti; hw siiruK 'i
rusat j JCi Fred Groat and Miss Mae Bar- ,j
S7 J ; lot attended the tmoeral of Oir t
- i Perkins, a eou&m of toe lo oei, who !
W. W. H. KSfjnney I was imrkd at Jion Saturday. The
MArc You Satisfied
with your perwmal appearance?
Try h omous Marlnc-llo adal or a more ad
vanced one In muade U;nlng to build up those sag
ging facial mrncka or reduce that doiMs c2u We
aluo apwlflltee in tinting gray or faded iiair to re
fetore IU natural color and Juatre, ' I Y;'.v:1
Jn fact we can Bcrve yoy well in all lines f
beauty culture and tonjsorial work.
Nestle Lc Mur Permanent Wave
Phone 492
whom are is Uniatilia county, are jro-
Ac -Ainnge iiat ifa advtoe Iwr , . ' , . '
iii(f enrolled in tbe largest and most
j ru.-sei!ful radio borne study coarse
' j ever condttcted over EOAC, tbe Ore-
- , ... ' ru.Bful radio nonr study coarse
uDosE at toit lime f year. Kn . . , ,
, ,. ever conoucieo over lua1., tne v;
we of iiu aeriouc dikeaae arwe 1 .. .
. . , ' foe ctave toiiere nation. Tut cm
IrvHi eatinr raw or wriwfrfeetfT cook-
miutde tissue of f-ke. Trichmohi
appar to cause itwine very Ihtk
trouble, out it painful and frequent
ly fatal dueai to mac lor wnkfc
tbere i. no dpeirdabie treatateirt or
cut Cookkif pork or pork pro
duct Ipo mtiiif a oependabie
jireventivt Trkhinosis is most pr
alrt in toe laU and winter when
large number of notre are elaurrnv
t-ffcd ori i&rwt and toeir product nrr
tatec without adequate cooking.
A movenient k in progrea to wr
jrfcjitae tl dairy eo-ojerative of the
Pacifif t-oaut urider ti Federal Farm
Aid Act. and TS. F. Schilling, the
dairy tnerober of the Farm 2krd,
now on the eoast nferrinf witfe
leader of the dairy induntry Iw that
purpofe. The rt-fTiocal iset-np will in
clude the United Iair-frien of Wab-
ififU!, the Interstate lairyaien of
Oregon Idaho and V'h, and lite
CLalk-iij Oeamery Ctipay of
California. The tgional group will
deal directly with She farm board in
developing market. There are 7
vnftt in the regional et-up, vh'vjb in
clude virtually all the major cream
ery companie.
' - a
Up to November 1, the aeakon'i
wport vf wheat from ti Pacific
chore time the student will tune in
I on tut leaaoo.
PnyKeiaa vuk Bnrgeoa vsoaatea young jaety, aeno was onty ;
Dr. Biarpc Ofitcc :f2 was a niece of Hi. and
OSiet Eimrc at Atoena 1 to p. m I211- j
Phone 452. Office Bonn at "PTeauw Kest "Wednesay, Kc-ember , toe
fi a. ia XS noon. Phone 8S. Cali metnbsn of toe C W. B. Jt. will meet j
made day or sight. t toe nomt of Mnu Osarief Broth-!
erton, m toe Boric part of town. '
j lembers are hereby notified that at !
j that time toe Lnie Hngr." -offering
I wiD ie tai en, a luring your mile ;
L . Cox Las Ird 21 tbe past
I week at ha home in this city, nut k
better at present. JEr. Cox recentlr
Prt BaQdmg. Atoeaa. Pna SE2
Tne Kpaniarde bave aonietoing other j
than bull fights to absorb attention
just now. Tbe kingdom is on toe verge
win ia?TJ5TE '
Kair fitraat. Atfieaa, Oregua
State and Federal Court Practice
Attorneys at Lav
of a revolution and toe birth of s re-1 Slangier Building, Pendleton, Oregoi
public may be announced soon. Spain Practice is all State and Federa
is under martial law and government J Conns.
troops are baring toeir bands full in :
holding rebellious comrades line.
Thohe six California airmen who
went up in an endurance flight are
taking none of the glamor away from
Santa and the approaching holiday
feutivhiet. The public Lac bees fed up ,
on endurance tests ano irons now on j
in toey will be considered as so mnefc r
aeronautic applesauce. i
J-ais t Efi. HILL Athens
A key to a safety deposit box Jed
to finding a portion of the money
looted from a recent California tram
robbery, and the arrest of three sus
pect in Seattle.
XJeveloping the fact that rock blast
ing at itelly Butte is a menace to life 1
and property, wt would suggest tbe
removal tf either the butt or the ;
residence at being about the proper
Gunmen shattered the windows of
the city ball at Benton, Illinois, with
machine gun fire, and now Benton 1
police bave something to talk about. '
Bring in Your-Bent
anil Sprang Aries
Acetykae WeMing ana Black'
C JL Jones ISackamitli Ebos
rec7ved feticr from bis son, Ed,
from whom be bad not heard lor six
years. Ed is at present is Los An
geles, but bas spent the past six
years Is Alabama,
The strike last week at the Presion-
i Parton mill did sot cause toe mill to
! close down. . 2yexs. the bead
j miEeT contrived to keep the mlH in
operation until new men could be se
cured to fill the places of those who
quit work. Two millers and lour
packers left toeir work.
Many improvements are going on in
the way of repairs to property in
Atoena. Tbe Eosesrweig property is
being reahingled, -Mrs. WilkinBon's
; bouse is receiving a new roof, Frank j
: J&anstjeiu is navmg a tine nriei cellar
jerectafi, A. E. IfcEwen hut had hit
j bouse remodeled since the fire, and
numerous other improvements are is
; progress.
j Ciaude Estes will leave Monday lor
; Baker City when he will spend sever
al days visiting his brother. Claude
j will go overland driving bis noted
trotting stallion, Joe Foiintaine. This
stallion is standard bred, ids registry
'number being ISx. Estes won
, the trotting stallion class prize at tbe
Pendleton borae show with this horse
: against several eowpetrtors.
We Can
Cast Your
The instaHstloa of so
Occtri caster Stereo typ
ing Machine xnakea it
possible for us to accom
modate our merchaat
advertiaer and others
in the matter of making
printing plates from
matrices. It means a val
uable addition to oar
equipment in themat tar
f serving wr patrooa.
From what wt read, it seems tost
Senator Sterner has he "goods" on
the Soviet convict lumber industry.
Ti regular annual meeting of the
stockholders of the First Keiional :
hank A Atliena, Oregon, for the
election of directors lor toe ensuiiig
year ar.d lor the transaction of such,
other butunese as may lawfully eome
ortore it, wui oe neJ is its oILce. in
Athena, Oregon, on Tuesday, January
Kith, Wc, at toe hour of two o'clock
p. m. lotted Doember 32th,
F. I. LeCEOW, Cashier.
Frk-if ' iSetal Weather Stripping is
3ortbwest was but 21 million buslek,
Msje the Commercial Eerjew of Port
land. About 25 KiiUKir. bus'fel cover
the feed, ed and dointstic requw
foente. Tiie carrj-pver at toe first of
lBt July was about 25 million busb
1 and ti p of Oregon, Wash
ington and Kortiiem Idaho yielded
hi ciiliiui, busttele. That nkeans an
exportable surplu In this territory of
million bueiiek, whkii would re
quirt an t-rport detriand of M milhon
busbelf. a morris for eight months 1
dipoM; of it a-hile 'i million would be
an ordinary possibility.
Karnes of cte, outlined in elec-trn-
1ghts forming bug letters, are
being laid out at airport across tbe
continent. Flood lignts on toe lar4
itig f.eld maLt night-fyiiig safer.
Ak'iig the Columbia river gorge area
seven n-w btacons fiah their warn
ing aiid toe mail pilots through
ti gash in the Cascade mountains.
Their beams almost werlsp fro
Troutdale to The Dalles, but fogs
a,e and erpenence in the fyer', IJj? rSJJTSS!
J.trtrtt a,c liav dor much toward . Vj yitlM,
iiiaking fcigbt-f ying a safer ccvpa-J
tion for .-t. and more certain lor o- j Ftoes-Good quality mountain '
livery vf u mai. ! Ntd Om potatoes lor sak. ls-
o ! quire of J. tL Jones, Atoena, j
A CLicagi. politman, plantod ic a j 1
V-a rv.'i tUt tad pfewousiy bt I'iowers Cre; Paper Flowers of
ri-bhed, ki'Jed two gangsters wht-c 'fe,J km u rdr- Drop ints '
they attewpved to pull off a .ms tait shop and let u. show
robbery in toe place. They bever had I'Jj v '
a ctnce. TW expert ftarksaam-lip ,
vi toe po!ioenaa plants lour bullet j -
in tne fjeac of one rwber, and twv
in the bead of ti second. A capital ;
.Wvs would be lor Chicago's pvit U
paruwnt to locat a sure shot plais .
-iv.he mas ic every plat. of busi-
ito inetructioas Ut shoot to kill
Wit the active movement -is Helling !
and skippw to new crop of potato,
tot insotirtots under this department
are kept very buy. They are rwiv-i-'t
the faiti-fal o-t.jrtios f a '
Jwg pertetitagt vf to growers and
4 tot r,Labi 4jnifs and sa:p
fg bouses, w he rcogii tot great ,
tvudx to the industry vf a proper
graiiif U th product. Those who '
He A. Frick
Carpenter and Ccntractsr
Peiidietos - - Phone
Specializes ia
Weather Stripping
Pleads Guilty to Sale
and Possession
B. B. Richards, when in
terviewed br the Press
, pleaded guilty to the
sale of the best insiirance
obtainable for the money
and possession of core
polities in reserve ready
at a moments notice for
your use and purpose. A
policy for every fcazard.
Bruno Weber
Repair U'ork
Prices Reasonable
gocasor Ts
Bell & Gray
Two Auto
Truck Drays
Always At Your Service
O.f asa Cmmmtrj
Tum-a-Lum Tickler
Pahlkh s is the tnteeeeU of tbe people of Athena and vicinity by
Atoena, Oregon. December It, 1SS6
Ko. 47
Something new for your Christ
mas Gift
Buy it at the Ta-A-Im. Paint it yourself.
Put up in 10 minutes.
Ns recess required
Eangs te Wall
Screws ap oskldy
Please Mr. Santo Cans visit
toe Tum-A-L . This year, yoa
can take Kcuher home a nice
r ironing hoard eahmet or a
medicine cabinet lor the bath
room or a new phone cabinet a
shell or a mirror for tbe coer.
Then Father can set it up in a
few minutes and Mother will
take lots of delight painting in
ice colors. Maybe yon might
want a can ef our fine paint and
a brush for her. O" coarse we
want yon to come right away or
we might have to deliver it after
A. M. JOHXSOX, Editor.
Kagar'me Eack
Drswer Chest
Book Case
Students Desk
Card Table
Sewing Stand
Masy other asefal articles
Wc Have the Best
Eastern Fried Oysters
Hot Tamales
Chili Beans
The Military Bird
The wild geese and ducks are arriving on their
annual migration from the great north.
The goose, the noblest of all game birds, is the
only bird who conducts his affairs in military order.
He flies in perfect formation, wears a beautiful uni
form and places sentinels when in camps. He is a
vary fellow and it is the keen sportsman who can
out-general him.
For the accommodation of the particular and
discriminating hunter, we carry a stock of UMC
Ammunition. Our Remington long range loads
will out shoot, shell for shell, any make or brand of
heavy, long range loads on the market,
Gallaher's Garage
J. E. GaUaher Athena Phone 471
O rock-down) FtirnituTe
Smoking Stand -f L20
Sewing Cabinet $2.15
Continental Oil Company
Germ Processed Motor Oil
Athena Service Station
"Service With a Smilen
Automobile Accessories Tires
BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 762
Farmers Grain Elevator
Grian and Feed
A Full Line of Sperrys Chick Feed
Phone 3S2 LEE WILSON, Tgr.
-.-:-.-;-r-'-'i,-'i-'.-'-'-'---'- ?
Holiday Cleaning and Pressing
Orders will be delivered on Wednesday before
Twin City Cleaners
Phone 492
T. E. Smith, Prop. Freewater, Oregon
Reduction In Electric
Light Rates
pe following reduction in Electric light rates wffl
be in effect on and after March 15, 1$29:
rv . AA , t Residential Rates
First oO KW H hours used, per monthlOc per KWH
Excess over SO KWH used, per month..3c per KWH
from dlt. feJi1te8nXply hen bills ar te within 10 days
on each item. ihls lhe "ased fey 10 per
tv s Commercil Rates
Sf KWH used Per month 10c per KWH
kS5 S2 7cterKWH
nS X: -f??5Sg
vPTt 1 yv " oc per ia w a.
isext 1000 Ammam s
Excess over 2000..
from date
cent on each item
Preston-Shaffer Milling Company
O - 1 111 IT .
The above rates annt ih VI " . j
f Kill ruV mil pia in IUU wiuuo iv vmjw
ch item. 0thtrwi8e. . rat wiU bs Increased by 10 per