THE PRESS, ATHENA, OREGON, DECEMBER 12, 1930 Press Paragraphs W. H. Morrison was here from Pendleton Tuesday. . Joseph N. Scott transacted busi ness here Wednesday. ; Dale Whiteman of Walla Walla visited at the B. B. Richards home Sunday. ,''...,..'' Charles McFarland is still confined to his home by illness. ' Alice Dow is one of the latest vic tims of the chicken pox. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Swift were Wal la Walla visitors Saturday. Clark Key of Umapine transacted business in Athena Tuesday.. Marjorie Montague is confined to her home with chicken pox. . . R. B. McEwen was a business vis itor in Walla Walla Saturday. . 7T. Ill f A CHOOSE FROM AMERICA'S BEST PLEASING COMBINATION OF HIGH QUALITY PRODUCTS WITH COURT EOUS SERVICE MODERATE PRICES SPECIALS for SATURDAY and MONDAY DECEMBER 13th and 15th Coffee, Red & White, 1-lb. bags 2 for 69c Red Mexican Beans 11 lbs. for 69c Milk, Sego 8 for 69c Albers Flapjack Flour, Large 3 for 69c Golden Sweet Corn, Green & White 5 for 69c Grape Friut, Red & White 3 for 69c Crystal White Soap 18 for 69c Kraut, Red & White, 2y2s 4 for 69c Pink Salmon, Blue & White, Is tall 5 for 69c Toilet Paper, Blue & White 9 for 69c Pineapple, Broken Sliced, Blue & White 3 for 69c ' Italian Prunes, 40-50 7 lbs. for 69c Fruit for Salad, Red & White, Is tall 3 for 69c . Cake Pineapple Layer 49c MONTAGUE & CORNELL PHONE 171 E. H. Leonard of Waitsburg call ed on Athena friends "Tuesday. . Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Watts were Walla Walla visitors Thursday. A. J. Mclntyre who farms north of Weston was in Athena Tuesday. Frank Price of Weston was a busi ness visitor in Athena Wednesday. Otho Eeeder made a trip to his ranch near Walla Walla Tuesday. Mrs. Forrest Zerba and Mrs. Bert Logsdon were Walla. Walla visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Minnie Mitchell of Portland is visiting at the home of Mrs. Claude Dickenson. Mrs. D. II. Sanders is at the home of her daughter Mrs. Star Charlton for a visit. Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton is able to be out after an illness of several weeks duration. . Floyd Pinkerton and family and Virginia Eager spent last Saturday in Walla Walla. W. C. T. U. will meet next Tues day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Zeltha Mclntyre. Dean Dudley is able to be out again. Mr Dudley was painfully injured in an accident recently.. , Mrs. M. W. Hansell and daughter, Helen motored to Walla Walla for the day Wednesday. C. A. Sias officiated at Union ser vices Sunday morning at the Chris tian church and at the Baptist church Sunday evening. Jim Wilson was taken to Walla Walla Sunday evening and under went an operation for appendicitis, Monday morning. Mrs. Frank Little spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Turner at Kennewick, who has been confined to her home by illness.;,. Mrs. F. S. LeGrow spent several days this week visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Sarah Jane Bowles in Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Hansell and family and Fred Kershaw were dinner guests Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Granville Cannon were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Zerba, Wednesday eve ning. Frank Killian and his mother Mrs. Killian arrived here from Spokane, Tuesday. Mrs. Killian is en route to California where she will spend the winter. Mrs. Arthur Douelas was hostess to the 3 o' 4 Bridge club Thursday of last week. Mrs. James Cresswell and Mrs. C. M. Eager won honors for the afternoon. Mrs. M. M. Johns who returned from College Place sanitarium Friday and is at the home of her son, Flint Johns, contemplates leaving for Cali fornia soon. Word has been received from Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dudley that they ar rived at Long Beach, last Friday, having made the trip by motor in good time. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wood have moved to Pendleton to make their home. Mr. Wood who is employed by the Union Oil company has been transferred to that place. Athena residents who , were Pen dleton visitors ' Tuesday included, F. S. LeGrow, M. L. Watts, Mrs. Duf field and son Curtis, Mrs. Frank Lit tle and Mrs. Glenn -Dudley. Wayne Pinkerton is home from Portland, where he spent a couple of weeks at the Atwater Kent radio as sembling plant, getting wised up on the frills of radio receiving sets. Roland Andre who has been cm ployed on a dredge at Longview, Wash. is visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. W. S. Ferguson. Later Mr. Andre will go to California. Homer Watts was in Heppner a couple of days this week, where he was attorney in the case of the State vs. Elmer Matson. Mr. Watts was counsel for Matson and won the case for his client. DiCDELD DAY STROKE MAKE CUE STORE TCLIC GIET StiCV ECC the ho lid Ays We have a large variety of practical and pleasing gifts, which are conven iently displayed for your easy selection: Toilet Requisites, Leather Goods, Kodaks, Stationery, Fountain Pens, Candy, Cigars, Toys, Christmas Cards, Fancy Tissue and Cord, Etc. GDinr 4 , v We arc displaying an array of use ful and practical articles which are suitable for Holiday gifts. .Our stock is new and you will find our prices are reasonable. Do your Christmas shop ping in your home town. The moderate prices will delight you as much as the gifts will please those who receive them. Slake your selections now and we'll put them away for you till Christmas. If your gift is to be mailed we will wrap it for you. Do your Xmas shopping ? here m Athena you'll save yourself the in convenience and danger of traveling over slippery roads and besides, do your home town merchant a genuine good turn. Our varied lines give you opportunity for selection. MAIN STREET ATHENA RHONE 332 t: sbbK? Mri. Pranlr William of Freewater. visited this week at the home of her son, Arthur Jenkins. Miss Delia Bryant who has been ill for several weeks is able to resume her duties at school. , Bryan, Raymond, Alvin and Paul Kibbey have returned to school after a siege of the chicken pox. Mrs. Florence Merrill 01 walla Walla has been a house guest of Mrs. H. 1. Watts this week. s Mr. and Mrs. Lester Richmond of Walla Walla are snendine- the week end at the McEwen home here. Guy Chameness brought a truck load of Christmas trees to Athena from Weston Mountain Tuesday. MiM Marv Rond of Pendleton scent last week-end with her cousins, Betty Jane and Virginia laager in Atnena. The Methodist Ladies' society will meet at the home of Mrs. Frank Lit tle Wednesday afternoon, December 17.- W. A. Rarrptt was at UmaDine Tuesday and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Austin Foss at their Walla Wal la farm. John MI Banister came over from Weston, Wednesday, Mr. Banister is recovering slowly from the etlects 01 a severe cold. Mrs. S. F. Sham accompanied by her son Laurence and daughter Mrs. Alta McSherry started yesterday morainer for San Diego. California. The trip is being made by motor. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ball came un from Hermiston Monday and spent the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Ai Cornell. Mr. Ball was formerly manager of the Union Oil company's nlant in Athena, and sometime ago was transferred to the plant at Herm iston. . ! ' Mr: L. A. Cornell has returned from Walla Walla after visiting at the home of her son in that city. Her little grandson, Clayton Cornell, wno wa -rerentlv onerated on for appen dicitis, is recovering nicely and has been removed from the hospital to his home. (Inm'nlimentine their mothers, the Girls' League of the Athena high school announce a silver tea to De given at the; home- of Mrs. Arthur Douglas on Fifth street Saturday af ternoon, December 20. A general in vitation is extended and you are asK ed to save this date. Mrs .Tennifi Proebstel of Weston entertained at dinner Sunday in her home at that place. The taoie was centered with bronze chrysanthe mums. Those enjoying Mrs. Proeb- stel's hospitality were Mr. and wrs. Lester Richmond and Mrs. Lilla Kirk of Walla Walla and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McEwen of Athena. Crescent Chapter, 0. E. S. of Wes ton, elected the following officers: worthy patron, Mabel Price; asso ciate" matron, WUmutn jviciunney; conductress, Ethsl McBride; associate conductress. Florence Swann; asso ciate patron, W. S. Price; secretary, Alice Price; treasurer, JMia u narra, Th6 Etude club met Tuesday after noon at the " home of Mrs. Lloyd Michener. During a brief business session it was decided to dispense with the next meeting. The club will meet Tuesday afternoon, January 6th at the home of Mrs. Ralph Mc Ewen. The remainder of the hour was employed in - chorus practice. A Christmas program is being ar ranged to be presented at the Bap tist church Sunday evening, Decem ber 21. A Christmas tree will be a feature and the entertainment will consist largely of numbers by the little tots of the Sunday school. The affair is under the supervision of Miss Margaret Lee and Miss Helen Bar rett. ' Departments of the Sunday school of the Christian church are rehears ing numbers in preparation for a Christmas program to be presented at the church during the week preceding the holidays. Plans are being made for an old fashioned entertainment with a Christmas tree, carols and pantomimes. The dates will be an nounced later. At the Athena Bridge club which met with Mrs. E. C. Prestbye as hostess last Friday evening, Mrs. Henry Barrett won high club score and Mrs. Joyce high guest score, Mrs. F. S. LeGrow received the consola tion prize. A red color note was ac cented in the decorations, tallies and prizes. Light refreshments were served following the play. An interesting affair of last week, EVidav' was the Christmas bazaar given by the ladies of the Christian church. The dining room oi tne church was the, scene of the festivi ties, where the handiwork of the members was displayed lor saie dur ing the afternoon and evening from five-thirty to eight, cafeteria dinner was served. The proceeds of the en tertainment and sale amounted to sixtv-one dollars and will be used to defray general expenses of the or ganization. The home of Mrs. Lloyd Michener was the scene of a jolly supper party, Wednesday evening. Covers were placed for ten guests who are mem bers of the Sunday school "class of the hostess. A glistening miniature Christmas tree centered the table and places were marked by attractive booklets bearing Christmas greetings. Favors were dainty baskets in pastel shades and filled with candies. Games were played following supper. Mrs. Michener was assisted by Mrs. C. M. Eager. The guests were, Claribel McCullough, Betty and Eloise Ven oKia Jovce Pinkerton. Jewel Pinker ton Melha Montague. Maxine Martin, Virginia Eager, Maurine Edger and Doris Jenkins. The Tinochle club will enjoy a pro gressive dinner at its next meeting, beginning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Campbell and proceeding JCoias Suggestions v A few of the items we carry in stock for your selection .. j .:...; .t:t ' . . .' -" ' Toys, Dolls, Story Books, Blankets, Robes, Traveling Bags, Silk Underwear, Silk Hoisery, Fancy Bed Spreads, Gloves,; Neck- s wear, Smokers Sets, Fancy Dishes, Cut Glass, Fancy Handker chiefs, Bedroom Slippers, Scarfs, Bath Salts, Wool and Dress " Shirts, Sweaters, Overcoats,' Pocket Knives, Etc. J We are agents '! 4' : Pendleton Indian Robeis and 0? Pendleton Bath Robes ' ' ' - ' '" Phone 152 ; . :v'v--' ; Athena Depart to the Jenkins, Montague and Jesse Smith homes, in turn. At the meet ing of the club Thursday of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Potter, four tables were in play, high scores going ' to Mrs. George Brace and Mr. Dean Mpore, Mrs. A. L. Jen kins and Mr. George Brace receiving low. The Athena Study Club met at the home of Mrs. F. B. Boyd Friday af ternoon. The meeting was to have been held at the home of Mrs. Frank Little, who was called to Kennewick. "Parts of India" furnished an inter esting program topic, Mrs. J. W. Pinkerton giving a very interesting paper. Mrs. M. W. Hansell gave a review of Mukerji's book, "Caste and Outcast." Mrs. Hansell will entertain the club at its next meeting at her home, December 19, when the study subject will be "Ceylon." We have a JJaun service to fit every family budget Let us help you Economize Pendleton Oregon SPEND THE HOLIDAYS IN LOW ROUND TRIP FARES DAILY California invites you to playland where winter is aummer. Fast trains to take you there in comfort CIRCLE TRIP One way via Salt Lake City! the o the via Portland, San Francisco and Coast Resort. Stopovers going and returning. BDC3D0K LTD FT-J -.' Li' ;if hi W r Ml: Quality Grocery Xmas Specials Assorted Nuts per lb, 25c Assorted Candies, per lb......I:........,......................0c Bulk Dates v............ ....... .... ...15c r 2 lbsor 25c 21-lb. Box Good Chocolates :.L.....:......i......$1.00 4-lb. Package Seedless Raisins ..i...::........i...?..1....3lc Sweet Spuds Still 4 lbs. for ::;.l;A.:.....f.....25c': One Year Old Fancy Mince Meat, per lb. :.......20c Cranberries, Fancy Oregon, per quart ..:.:.V....:20c Fresh Oregon Prunes, 3 lbs. 25c Frank Little, Prop.; ; . Main Street - - - . ' Phone 561 THE ATHENA MARKET We carry the best Meat That Money Buys Kippered Saimon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh Fish, Oysters, Crabs; Clams, Kraut in Season. . ; A. W. 'LOGSDON Main Street Athena, Oregon. ESS Li AWWliiinlf C M. EAGER, Agent Athena, Oregon U. G ooayear iiires and Tubes Valvoline -. j-;? '--.Oils.. 7 ' 7 ...''. Automobile Supplies, 1 Parts and Accessories AlKena Garag North side Main Street e Phone 352