The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 28, 1930, Image 4

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' "'V
Press Paragraphs
Miss Delia Bryant has been confined
to her home by a severe cold.
Helen and Kenneth Rogers are re
cent victims of the chicken pox.
Miss Ruth Heineck, teacher at Mac
Hi was a week-end guest at the
Blatchford home.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton
and daughter Jewell were Sunday
dinner guests at the Lloyd Michener
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bloom left
Wednesday afternoon for Olympia,
where they are spending the Thanks
giving holidays. They went by way
of Portland and made the trip by motor.
Paul Kibbey who has been ill with
chicken pox, is convalescing.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McFarland
have been ill this week with influ
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. ' Bloom were
among those motoring to Pendleton
for "The Big Trail," Thursday night.
Mr. and Mrs, Everett Eager of
Dayton, Washington, were week-end
guests at the home of their son, C.
M. Eager.
Mr. and Mrs. Chase Garfield en
tertained a small group of friends in
formally, Friday evening. Bridge
was enjoyed by the guests, Mrs.
Laurence Pinkerton making high
score and R. B. McEwen low. Supper
followed the play. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Eager, Mr.
and Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph McEwen and the hosts.
This amazing new
Complete with Eight Tubes at the Unparalleled
Price of
Nnv this rnnai.t n.eaaat MAJESTIC RADIO RpnHation. with er
U. formance you can't duplicate. Screen grid power, superheterodyne JJ
Mr oaI a4 iviiv an1 an no Tl
combined for the first time in one Radio. .More wallop, power,
punch than you eVer heard in radio before and it costs far less than
any other superheterodyne on the market!
jk Other Majestic radios and radio-phonographs are available in ten S
beautiful styles and sizes. Trices are ranged to suit every purse.
Come in today see and hear these Mighty Monarchs of the Air, or
phone us and a demonstration will be arranged.
We Are Authorized Majertic Dealer for Athena
k Main Street Phone 332 Athena
From the first cheery "Red & White," in answer
to your telephone call, to the prompt delivery, of
the foods to your home there is always a cordial
spirit of service shown that is typically Red &
November 29th and December 1st
8 lbs. for 49c
Jell Dessert
4 for 29c
Sperry Pancake Flour with Pancake Turner
2 for 49c
" Carnation Wheat (NO PREMIUM)
Peanut Butter, Red & White 1-lb. jars
2 for 49c
Clam Chowder, Underwoods
Super Suds
2 for 19c
Corn Flakes, Red & White
3 for 25c
Stidds Tamales
4 for 89c
Fancy No. 1 Oregon Walntus
3 for 95c
Matches, Blue & White "
Cake, Devils Food
v- 49c
Fresh Florida Grape Fruit, Medium
12 for 89c .
Frank Curl, well known reserva
tion rancher paid Athena a call Tues
Berkeley Johnson, principal of the
Weston schools was in Athena Tues.
day. '
Mrs. Charles Downing who resides
at Ferndale transacted business in
Athena Tuesday.
jock wunningnam lormeriy an
Athena resident called on Athena
friends Tuesday. ,
Eugene B. Favre, representing Sdo
kane Loan Agents called on business
mends Monday.
R. E. Allen, a prominent business
man of Walla Walla was a Tuesday
visitor in Athena. .' :
Ed Lyons a well known farmer of
the Walla Walla valley was an Athe
na visitor Monday.
W. H. Morrison, prominent real es
tate dealer of Pendleton, was a busi
ness visitor here Monday.
A number of Athena football fans
attended the La Grande-Mac Hi game
at Milton, Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dudley will
leave today for California where they
will spend the winter months.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Wagoner
of Portland are week-end guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. H I. Watts
Oral Michener was a dinner guest
Thursday at the McKeon home in
Dan Tilley left Wednesday night
for Walla Walla where he is spend
ing the week-end.
Mrs. Elvina Estes will take the
state examination for her nurse cer
tificate at Spokane next week.
Charles Williams and Charles
Mathews left today for a visit with
friends in the Willamette valley.
W. L. Rayborn came down from
his home on Weston mountain Tues
day and made a short visit in Athena.
Miss Glea Sias who teaches at Her-
miston is spending the week-end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.
M. I. Miller and family left Wed
nesday afternoon for Endicott, Wash
ington, to spend Thanksgiving with
Mr. and Mrs. Will Kirk, Harold
Kirk and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mich
ener spent Thanksgiving day in Wal
la Walla.
Miss Mary Cameron, English teach
er in Athena high school is spending
the Thanksgiving holidays at her
home in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Prestbye enter
tained Dr. and Mrs. Rice of Pendleton
and Mr. and Mrs. Justin Harwood at
dinner Thanksgiving day. .
Mr. and Mrs. James Lieuallen and
young son of Adams were Thanks
giving dinner guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Max Hopper.
Mrs. Jennie Barrett, Miss Areta
Barrett, Ralph McEwen and family
were dinner guests at the H. A. Bar
rett home Thanksgiving day.
Percv Wilson of Spokane who
transacted business in Walla Walla
last Week spent the night at the Sam
Pambrun home south of Athena.
Mrs. Fred Pinkerton and sons John
land Dean, and Kenneth Bateman of
Milton, left Wednesday for Portland,
'where they will spend the week-end
Flowers Crepe Paper Flowers ot
all kinds made to order. Drop into
the Finch tailor shop and let us show
you some samples. Mrs. Eva Reynolds.'
Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Hodgen of The
Dalles and Lois Johnson, junior at
the University of Oregon are week
end guests at the Matt Johnson home
Word has been received here of the
death Monday of the little daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank "Clifton of
Weston. The funeral was held Wed
A foursome enjoying an evening of
contract at the home of Mrs. W. S.
Ferguson included Mrs. H. I. Watts,
Mrs. C. M. Eager and Mrs. E. C.
Walter Adams passed through
Athena Monday. Mr. Adams was
moving his sheep from the mountains
to his winter range on the Walla
Walla river..
George Corder and C. N. Clark,
well known aged men of Athena are
in Pendleton where they are receiv
ing hospital care. Mr. Corder is
seriously ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Flint Johns are en
tertaining Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Davis
and family of Tieton, Washington,
and Mrs. M. M. Johns during the
Thanksgiving holidays.
Albert Ball who makes his. home on
Reed and Hawley mountain was in
Athena Tuesday. ' He reported two
feet of snow and made the trip down
the mountain on snow shoes.
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Blatchford are
grieving over the loss of their police
dog "Zag." It is feared that some
unscrupulous person realizing the
value of the animal has picked him
UP- : . . .. .
A group enjoying the hospitality ol
Mr. and Mrs. Ad Pinkerton Thanks.
giving day included Mr. and Mrs.
Laurence Pinkerton, Mr. and Mrs. W.
L. Elder, John King, and Miss Jewell
Pinkerton. .'
Week-end guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Watkins are
Miss Mildred Watkins who teaches at
Cehtralia, Washington, and Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Watkins of Lancaster,
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ferguson have
returned to Athena after a week
spent at Nampa, Idaho. The trip was
made by motor and the travelers en
countered snow and dense fog in
crossing the mountains.
An interesting meeting of the W. C.
T. U. was held at the home of Mrs.
0. H. Reeder, Tuesday, November 18.
Mrs. Betts had charge of the pro
gram at the close of which, Mrs.
Reeder served delicious refreshments.
The next meeting will be held Decem
ber 18, with Mrs. Mclntyw.
j Mr. and Mrs. Claire Gurney are
week-end guests at' the W. P. Little
john home here.
' Mr. and Mrs. James . Twohy and
children, Kevin and Mary are spend
ing the holiday's at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. F. B. Boyd, the trip here
from Portland was made by motor. ;
. Miss Florence Craven, organizer of
Campfire groups met with the Athe
na groups Tuesday afternoon at the
school house. The. girls are enthusi
astic over plans, and ways and means
suggested by the speaker.
The Etude club met at the home of
Mrs. 'Arthur Douglas Tuesday after
noon for a short business session and
chorus practice. The next meeting
will be at the home of Mrs. Lloyd
Michener, Tuesday, December 9th.
Mrs. W. M.; McKinney, Miss Iris
Little, society editor of the Walla
Walla Bulletin, Robert Myers and
Vernon Spears of Walla Walla were
dinner guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Little Thanksgiving day.
Thanksgiving dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams
included Mr.-and Mrs. Fred Beckner
and little daughter; Jean,. Arthur
Coppock and family, Forest Zerba
and family, Charles Williams and Mr.
and Mrs. Granville Cannon. ." .
Mr. and Mrs. F. Jones and daugh
ter Helen of Pendleton, Mrs. D. H.
Sanders, Mrs. M. Kirkland, Mrs.
Delia Greenwood and Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Wood were dinner guests
Thanksgiving day at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wood.
"The 3 o' 4 bridge club was enter
tained at the home of Mrs. Justin
Harwood Thursday afternoon of. last
week. Attractive handkerchief tallies
were used as score cards, i Mrs.
Laurence Pinkerton held high score
for the play and Mrs. Arthur Douglas
received the consolation prize.
A family party enjoying the hos
pitality of Mrs. Sarah Gross and Mrs.
Bryce Baker includes Arthur Douglas
and family, Mr. nad Mrs. Will Piper
and children of Helix, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Gross and son George, Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Dickenson and Mrs.
Minnie Mitchell and sort Robert of
The members of the Pinochle club
were entertained Thursday of last
week at the home of Mrs. Arthur
Jenkins. . Mrs. Jess Smith received
the prize for high score and- Miss
Lois Smith was awarded the conso
lation. Plans were made for a din
ner to be given at the home of Mrs.
Potter on the evening of December
second when- husbands of the mem
bers will be honor guests.
A profusion of chrysanthemums
decked the rooms and tables at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Flint Johns
Monday night when they were hosts
to the B. B. club. Places were mark
ed by attractive cards suggestive of
the Thanksgiving season. At bridge
which was ;played following dinner,
Mrs. Bert . Logsdon and M. I. Miller
made high score and C M. Eager was
awarded the consolation prize. Mr.
and Mrs. Mjller will entertain the
club at their next meeting.
Pure Cane, , Per 100-lb sack,.......5.29
Larrows Kiln, dried 4y2 lbs 39c
Baby Shrimp
2 Cans ..:..::.::.....:.......:.......... 25c
Large bottle, each 17c
White Diamond Flour
. v . . , . - '
Made at Home, sack ... ........ .......1.19
Our pwn Brand highest grade lb. 33c
Oysters i
Dunbar brand per can .....:.:....15c
Naval tyranes
Sweet and. Juicy, 3 dozen .;.l...:..65c
Phone 152
Athena Department Store
Mrs. Bawlind Morrison and little
daughter Joan of Ontario, Oregon,
are visiting at the G. M. Morrison
home in Adams.
Guests at the C. M. Eager home
Thanksgiving day included Mr. and
Mi's. Charles Bond and family and
Mrs. E. J. Burchill of Pendleton.
Eldon Myrick was over from Walla
Walla Sunday and spent the day at
the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Myrick. Eldon is putting in
his licks on studying " at Whitman,
now that football practicing is over.
Mrs. L. A. Cornell returned to her
home in Athena Saturday from Walla
Walla, where she was called on ac
count of illness of her little grand
son, Clayton Cornell who had an at
tack of appendicitis. The boy is re
ported to be out of danger. ..
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Dawson (Ethel
Geissel) returned Saturday to Athe
na from their honeymoon trip by mor
tor throughout California. They spent
Thanksgiving at the home of Mrs.
Dawson's mother,' Mrs. Dora Geissel,
and will proceed , to their home at
Portland, where they will be glad to
meet their friends after December 1.
Commencing Friday,
. i . -
November 28th
Greatly Reduced Prices
On All Sport and Dress
Fur, trimmed as well as plain.
Several hundred coats to select from.
A. M. Jensen Company", v ;
Walla Walla, Wash.
Quality Grocery
Phone 561 for Service
Farina, 9-lb. bag ...51c
Sunripe Oats, 9-lb. bag........ ..............42c
Treasure Coffee, best ever, per lb.l.....:........'.......35c
Sperrs Pancake Flour 9-lb. bag... ....................61c
Red Beans, 17 lbs. for.....::...... $1.00
Holiday Walnuts, Large, soft shell, 3 lbs.........$1.00
2i2 Size Pumpkin, Good, 2 for...:....;... .......25c
Carstens Bacon and Ham, per lb......................32c
No. Is, Van Camps Hominyl......... .......:......10c
Baby Size or 2 for 25c
Orange Marmaladeyl lb. jar......... .! ..; Ll......... 25c
t A Fine Golden Bantam Corn.................;. ...... :.15c
Frank' Little, Prop.
Main Street - Phone 561 '
We carry the best
That Money Buys
:".:'r:v'- & Si
The matter of handling your financial af
fairs during the present depression may best Be
cared for in the way of a farm loan.
We can offer you most attractive terms and
rates on long time farm loans. :
21 L Main St
Walla Walla, Wash.
Kippered Saimon,' an Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs Clams,, Kraut in Season.
Main Street ? 7 Athena. Oregon.
ear Tires
and Tubes
Automobile Supplies,
Parts and Accessories
Athena Garage
North side Main Street -
Phone 352