i THANKSGIVING ASSEMBLY jll ': ''?'!"''- '"' f"r" """"!"" Nearly all the makings for a Thanksgiving dinner. Mr. and Mrs. PunUn, the Sweet Potato family, the little Apples and the leading character in the j Thanksgiving drama. ' . . Present-Day 'Turk" of Mexican Breed? n jbmpiy-nanaea uistourugeuieui, wvmu f.: ; be .the lof of tlie.-Filgrlra father were , &: he to return-this year and go In quest ' A of food for the Thanksgiving table in v::'t the woods and fields of Massachusetts. .7 - Settlers - seeking ' to live as those pioneers did would find life vastly '' ; , harde,r,lo some respects in this, Twen-. l' tieth 'century' than" did' the 'Pilgrims f in 1C20. For the enormous flocks of i' ' ;game birds that were a vital source i.'iof supply, for the larders of early set- V ' tiers have: vanished. " . ..: f Woodlands Now Bare. -v? The bare and lonely woodlands of ' Massachusetts, today are' In cdntrast, ? with the time when Obadlah Turner ;. wrote In his Journal, July 28, 1630, that f 1 "we are of truth in a paradise of V those moving things that be good for foode." "Incredible," is the word used by , : ornithologists to describe the numbers ; of individuals in the flocks of birds i" that once roamed the North American - continent, of which Massachusetts was '-' a favored spot !- V Writing in 1632, Thomas Morton said: "Turkeys there "are which dl vers times In great flocks have sallied '' ; by our doors ; and then a gunne, be ? y. Ing commonly . in readiness,-salutes them with such a courtesle as makes them take a tume In the Cooke Roome." 1 ' '.. ... :J . I I v TJyi president and council. of New England, setting fortb the advantages of New England as a place of abode in 1622, spoke of the country as abounding with diversity of wild fowl, as turkeys, partridges, swans, wild geese, wild ducks and many doves. 1 The turkeys, which attained a length of 48 inches, were seen In flocks as great as 300 to 500. Among the most unsuspecting of birds, they were easily killed and an early settler might come home with as many as ten or twelve as a result tf half a day's shooting. It was the original Thanksgiving bird. Ruthless slaughter wiped out the turkey In Massachusetts, and most other sections of America; The last wild turkey known to be captured in Massachusetts was shot in the winter of 1850-51 on Mount Tom. i. No True Descendants. . Millions of families this year will feast on turkey on Thanksgiving day. But these' birds are no true descend ants of the original wild turkey, in the ' opinion of such ornithologists as Ed ward Howe Forbush, former state or nithologist of. Massachusetts. Rather, the Mexican turkey, a distinct breed, Is their progenitor. . . Other birds that once were a provi dential source of food for the Pilgrims have likewise been extirpated and a number of species are extinct Gone is the great auk, once abundant. Like wise the Labrador duck, the Eskimo curlew., the trumpeter swan, . the- whooping crane, the heath hen, the sandhill, crane and the passenger pigeon have been wiped out The First National1 Bank ,0$Athe 'CAPITAL $50,000 ' SURPLUS $60,000 , , ," ., .Undivided Profitsover $45,000 . A Real Service to the Community Conveniently Located, Financially, Sound, Able ' and Willing to: Serve. ;You.- r, ; ' Maintains a Complete Trust Department BACKED BY MORE THAN. 38 YEARS OP SUCCESSFUL BANKING EXPERIENCE. COME IN AND SEE US ABOUT ,; i- i V. Y0UE BANKING REQUIREMENTS. 3 1 F The Paofic Telephone And Telegraph Company J'' -, i f . JL N EAKLY 1UU messages a second are tele phoned on the 'Pacific Coast Of these calls entrusted to us, 98.8 vare handled without operating error." The record . continually improves. The goal is perfection: KmgTvrikey on Pathio"Ghry" High School Notes ' ' " L-' To the martial music of brass bands 10,000 Thanksgiving turkeys march, down the broad street" between the gaily decorated buildings as the cheer ing multitude applauds the strutting battalions. For Turkeyvllle any one of the half-dozen Texas towns which help supply us with rare meat for the festival holiday board Is cele brating the one red-letter holiday of the year. - Row upon row until their lines stretch into the far distance in shim mering colors of red, white and bronze come the multitude of turkeys. Fluffy white privates, bronze corporals, conl black lieutenants, dull red 'sergeants and gold-bedecked majors and colo nels push out their wishbones a lltUe farther as they pass the mayor's re view, stand and add a bit of swagger to their gait - On and on they march, until a mile or more of the trotting turkeys have passed up the main street, ever get ting closer and closer to that Ignoble fate that mokes this truly the "march of death" and reach the end of that long and treacherous maneuvering which Insures to the American con sumer his Thanksgiving turkey. While admiring - throngs to the ' right, ap plauding people to the left, cheer the turkeys on, the leaders are marching through the gates of the large dress Ing plant into the very "Jaws of death, Enrle W. Pnge writes in the New lork Evening Post i All Hall Kino Turkey. Among the ha nest festivals of America, "Turkey day" stands out unique, linking the Pilgrim Fathers' love of the tender. Juicy breast of wild turkeys with the modern popularity of this piece de resistance of the an nual holiday table. On this day, the turkeys are hailed as the absolute monarchs they will later become for mally upon the throne of the Ameri can Thanksgiving dinner table., For this Is Turkeyvllle, In the heart of Turkeyland a land of magnificent distances, vast grain ranches and a wealth of climate.1 which makes the empire a natural ranging country for the most beautiful and profitable of our farmyard fowls. , Each town In Turkeyland has its turkey dressing plant, to which all turkeys intended for the holiday ta ble, for many miles about, head early In November. While a few are brought in motor trucks, most of the thou sands each plant prepares for market are driven in great flocks, after the fashion of trailing western cattle to market. ' ' A dozen men are required to han dle these large flocks, - and shelled corn Is scattered to the leaders to keep them moving. When night comes a stop Is made under a grove of trees, where the fowls may rest. Early the next morning the Journey Is contin ued, a man driving ahead in a cart and scattering handfuls of corn now and then, to keep the leaders headed in the right direction. Thus it is that, during the two or three days prior to the big "turkey day" celebration great flocks of tur keys are being driven over many roads toward the town. Sunrise of the morning of the big event finds a host of turks ready for the final dash down the main street to the dressing plant It also finds the multitude of King Turkey's hinterland gathered along the street to participate in the celebration. After the flock has paraded into the large corral of the dressing plant, and the army of killers, pickers and pack ers have started in dead earnest to wind up the season's work, that the refrleerator cars of dressed turkey mav start on their long Journey across the continent, the milling multitude enjoys all manner or pastime, irom real "turkey trot" dancing to gay cere monies characteristic of tne soutn- west In the davs of the Pilgrims, flocks of wild turkeys strutted in unrestrict ed pride and splendor through the for ests of New England. Doubtless the red man Introduced the early settlers to the creamy taste of the white and the. succulence of the dark meat of the fowl. From that good day to tbe pres ent the turkey, either wild or tame, hfla MntinnM to occudv the olace of honor at the American Thanksgiving- dinner. . ' ' Its Name Mystery. Just why this fowl should have been named "turkey" In the English lan guage no one seems to know. Tbe realm of his sultanlc majesty had ne more to do with the introduction of the bird into polite society than did Greenland. The real turkey la a bird Indigenous to North America and was from here introduced to the rest of tbe world. The name possibly may be explained by the peculiar call of the mother to her chicks, which sounds very much like "tur-r-k, tur-r-k, tur-r-k." ' At any rate, there Is no relation between the bird and the "country of the tame name. The turkey was a favorite fowl among the aboriginal Inhabitants of America. It bad its habitat all over that vast area, where grew its favor, ite food Indian corn. When Cortes, In 1510, reached the realm of the Aztecs, Montezuma entertained him with royal splendor, and among the delicious viands set before tbe Spanish invaders was roasted turkey. North of the Bio Grande the turkey vu well known and the adventurous Coronado found It among the clIU dwellers and other tribes he met on hla expedition tbroueh what Is today Texas, Arizona and New lsflcoj-r ' ' S Editorial ; , In basketball one rule is, "the team shall consist of five players.: one eenter, two guards and two for wards." If one player is going! to play the game alone, why do they re quire four other men? Because: it tulcM ft men to t)lav the came cor rectly and to win. If you have one man who will not work witn tne other four what good is he? They cannot set their plays and cannot have a good offensive. The defensive will be nearly , as good because tne "one man,- player" has a certain posi tion to play and he has to be there to break up the play; but to win you must have a eood offensive and all the players must cooperate. This is also true on the football neia. iou will finil certain individuals who think the team cannot 'function without them. This is especially true in the back field.- They are always "nag- a" nt the line for not ODenmK tip holes in the opponents line; but they will be stopped behind the une.ii thir line fails to hold.' This shows that neither the backfield or the line can function without the other. ;A player who plays individually is more of a detriment than a help. , j Xl . lei ViT.iT.iT.iTiiT..Ti.Ti.T.. ..T..T..T..T..1 MATS) 110 ; Glee Club ! The Glee club is practicing" pn songs for Christmas.- One is a piece by Work entitled ' "Grandfather s Clock." They are also working pn some Christmas carols. i . Girls' Athletics ( Girls are having scrimmage now jn place of exercises. They are being played in all the positions to see where they play best, - as there ' are many who have never played befote. Most of the girls left from last year four are being played" in their regular positions. These four made letters last year and should be heard from in a real way this year. Faculty 1 Mr. BloomJs mother - and little .r.iirar n visi'tino- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bloom. They all plan on spending the Thanksgiving vaca tion with one of Mr. Bloom's sisters who lives at Olympia, Washington.: Mr. Tilley was in walla waiia oai- urday. ,. Miss Cameron plans on spending Thanksgiving vacation with her par ents in Portland. , ; J '( -" ,. ( , j Alumni Eldon Myrick came over from Wal la Walla and spent the week-end with his parents. . ' . Curtis Duffield was in Walla Wal la Friday. v , John Kirk spent Saturday in Athe na. tatt , lltisti: emmes imtt -fflssiwm NOW have the super powered Atwater Kent Screen-Grid Set that revolution ized radio, in an exquisite lowboy of rare woods, with the true-toned Atwater Kent ' Electro-Dynamic Speaker at a price actu ally lower than ordinary sets in ordinary cabinets! Come in -listen see how graceful, how dignified! Picture it in your home and have it there on our Convenient Pay ment Plan! r .; MODEL 1055 . . Style and distinction in this modern cabinet radio. Beautiful woods exquisitely grained and hand-rubbed. Harmonizes with any scheme of decoration. SCREEN-GRID Society News The Girls' League met Tuesday af ternoon at 3:15 p. m. in the auditor ium: They talked of what work there would be for the Philanthropic com mittee to do for Christmas. They al - ....Ucrui aendinir a box to the t . niri Aid society in Port- land, but they did not decide definite ly on the plan as tney may cui. their work to local vicinities. Student Body The student body play "The Goose Hangs High" which' was given No vember 14, resulted in-tne www amount of S72.00 being turnea the student body fund. This money will be used to help put out the annual at the end of the term. Par annals m1 Walter Singer visited friends in Waitsburg, Sunday Jack Moore motored to tieux, oun- tey-. . . .... M,. rw Rebert Lee visitea irienuu m Father Berlin and Solista Pickett : wolio Walla. Sunday. Jim Wilson, Harold JUrK ana uieim McCullough motored io renowwu aatuiua;. ' ..... t 1. Goldie Miller and marjone iuuBio spent Saturday m Pendleton. Roland Klcharos moioreo w dleton, Friday. Tnnlf Car From Parking Floyd Pinkerion's car was taken from the parking of the Baptist church, Sunday evening," during B. Y. P. U. service. Its loss was not dis covered, however, until after church service, when a searcn was maue aim police notified. The car was found later at the east ena oi laums uwi where it had been left either because of the inability of the driver to make it operate, . or because the would be thief was frightened away. nffirial Maioritv 22.405 T.. Meier, independent can didate for governor, was swept into office by a majority vote of 22,405 over his three opponents. His total vote was 135,608, according w com plete official count tabulated Friday by Hal E. Hoss, secretary of state. Edward Bailey, Democratic candidate, received 62,452 votes; Phil Metschan, Republican, 46,840; AiDen otreiu, Socialist-Independent, avit. Auto Skids; One May Die Mildred Waldron, Oak Grove, Or., was injured probably fatally and Gladys Schellenberger, Portland, in structor at a girl's school in Walla Walla was badly hurt in a collision of their car with a telephone pole late Saturday night. Sam Gordon, negro chef at the school and driver, also waa ininrpH. . The foST nd sllBDerY pavement were blamed for the trash. $125 LESS TUBES BaiHtaiBlMaliBtllBjall Rogers H Goodmaa ' 7A Morranf i'Ia Trusr Specialty Manufacturers University of Oregon, Specialty manufacturers in a large number of lines are becoming firmly established in Oregon, and in the future this branch of commerce will become in erpnsincrlv imnortant. it is declared by Harry C Hawkins, professor of busi ness administration at tne university f Orpo-on with with L. E. Aneell. research agent and formerly of the department of commerce in Washing ton, is making a survey of foreign trade activities and potentialities of Oregon business concerns. H. A. Frick Carpenter and Contractor .Pendleton - Phone 1392J Specializes in Metal Weather Stripping Real Estate Wheat Alfalfa and Stock Land SHEEP FOR SALE L. L. Montagne, Arlington Pleads Guilty to Sale and Possession B. B. Richards, when in terviewed by the Press man, pleaded guilty to the sale of the best insurance obtainable for the money and possession of more policies in reserve ready at a moments notice for your use and purpose. A policy for every hazzard. B. B. RICHARDS, Insurance Bring in Your Bent and Sprung Axles: THIS SHOP IS EQUIPPED WITH AN AXLE GAGUE TO STRAIGHTEN AXLES Acetylene Welding and Black smithing C. M. Jones Blacksmith Shop Ringletie Permanent EASY AS A MARCEL, BEAUTIFUL, LASTING "The Choice of Women who Care!" Athena Beauty Shop Sadie Pambrun, Operator Phone 32 The Athena Hotel MRS. LAURA FROOME. Prop. Court com Treatment, Cleaa Beds Good Meal - Tourists Mads Welcome Special Attention Given to 11 obj t Patrons Corner Maia and Third Athena, Oregon Thorogood Work Shoes and Dress Shoes Garner Stands Back of Their Quality Priced Right! Ice : Bell & Gray ' Phone 593 Two Auto Truck Drays Always At Your Service ''"City and Country Hauling We Can Cast Your Plates The installation of an Electricaater Stereotyp ing Machine make It possible for us to accom modate our merchant advertiser and others in the matter of making printing plates from matrices. 1 1 means a val uable addition to our eouipmcntin thematter of serving our patroiaa. i i