THE PRESS. "ATTTF.WA ATiV.fin'hl KfWWKimvv oq iga I Sto Maui 3?ss wake four dead and scores injured from falling debris. The fifty mile AN INDEPENDENT NEW8PAPER gale uProotd es, unroofed build- F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher Subscription Rates. O ne copy, on year ...$3.00 One copy, six months $1.00 One copy, three months 75 Athena, Oregon, November 28, 1930 ings and entailed thousands of dollars loss to fruit farms. More than any thing eke that could be a detriment to Southern California's lure to tour ists from the " storm-ridden prairie state would be more storms. 1 CAB IN Clark Wood Says "Al Capone is said to be the of a big Chicago t t 'angel' back t soup house, but his pineapples J are reserved for other purposes than dessert." After more than forty-two years of service in the United States Army, General Summerall, chief of staff, has passed into retirement. During his long service General Summerall has seen the army which he entered as a second lieutenant, under every vi cissitude in peace and in war, and be it said of him that as an officer and a man he will be greatly missed by the rank and file of the service for which he has done so much toward development of efficiency. ROAD FUNDS INCREASED The Forest Service bulletin gives the information that annnrtinnment of $9,500,000 in forest hiehway funds Every county in Oregon, 25 other this fall to 29 states and 2 territories state' 3 stories nd even foreign is making possible more rapid road countrieB are represented by students construction on the national forests. at Oregon State college this year, a savs the U. S. forest service. Port- "cent report shows. Of the 3321 land. Oregon will receive $1,334.- studenU in regular courses this fall, 195 or an increase of .$701,557 and 243 come ,rom the 36 Oregon coun Washington $669,555 or an increase lie8. of $336,939 over 1930 allotment. In O- most of the regions receiving forest Guns barked in St Louis when her highway funds, the allocated amount Cucko gangsters staged a family will be more than double that of the Wrrel kmi"8r one of their number last fiscal vear. For 1930. Oregon and fatally wounding another. Hun. was apportioned $632,638, and Wash- dreds o shot8 were firel m putting ineton $332,614. so that the new the two on the spot and its a shame amounts are over twice the former 80 much lead and Powder was wasted figures. For five Years the annual federal appropriation for forest high- Four major measures, tax, power, ways has been $4,500,000. Under rate regulation and roads will give provisions of the Oddie-Colton law. an tne members at the approaching ses additional fund of $5,000,000 became 8ion of the Oregon legislature some ' .... ... . thing to do, aside from the usual quota of legislation. And all for $3 per each working day of the session. o Two ounce eggs, with fine smooth shells are best for hatching purposes Oregon State college informs us. And two ounce eggs, with fine smooth a given state to the sneIls are best th a couple of slices available for the first time last July, to be used in the current fiscal year. Division of these funds for construc tion of highways within and adjacent to national forests is made on the basis of area and value of the forests. Half the amount is apportioned ac cording to the ratio of the national forest area in total area of all the national forests. The other half is divided in propor tion to the value of the national for est lands in each state. This road- I of toast, bacon and coffee for break fast. o Once in a while you hear of a brok building activity, more than doubled er trying to do something else. Men this year, is part of a continuing pro- tion is made of Roy W. Ammel, Chi gram. An equal amount of federal cago broker cracking up in his plane funds has already been appropriated I when he started on his return flight for the work in the fiscal year 1932 from the canal zone, -o o- Johnnv O'Neil. old-time Colorado ine ureKon Journal appears to be . .. .. imVinoJ u.ili tV.. IA !.. gaming sport, was undoubtedly a " "": IUCO ""B queer duck. When he died several Louck 8 principal weapon of defense years ago, the family found several thousand dollars in currency in his clothes, together with a couple of lib erty bonds. The other day when the widow was cleaning up the wood shed, one of a number of old cans' would not push aside at the whisk of her broom. Raising the lid, Mrs. O'Neil was dumfounded to behold stacks of is a copious flow of tears; having a marked effect upon the Portland po lice department. o As a diplomat Johnny Bull "is there," to put it in U. S. language. At a recent round-table he sent India back home with a few drops of tea in her cup of hope, feeling tip-top, $20 gold pieces, and begorra neither thank yu! could she lift the can (ffl. 1I1S. Western Newipaper Union.) Laugh and the world laughs with Tou, Weep and you weep alone. For this old array earth has need -. t ot your mirth. It has sorrow enough of Its own. Ella Wheeler Wilcox. WHAf8 NEW IN COOKERY? -They tell ns there Is nothing new tinder the sun and he that discovers a new star is not nearly so Important as he who discovers a new dish, as we already have all the stars we need, but can always enjoy a new dish. Some ood lover of spinach has added an other way to make it at tractive. Serve it well cooked and seasoned with two or three sections of luscious grapefruit atop each serving gi ving a tart taste to the vege table which makes it more palatable. Grapefruit French Dressing. Take one teaspoonful of salt, one-half tea spoonful of paprika, three tablespoon fuls of grapefruit juice and one-half cupful of salad oil. Mix the season ing well, add the fruit Juice and oil and shake or beat until slightly thick ened. A small piece of ice added to mixture will hasten the mixing. Golden Fruit Salad Dressing. Take the Juice of a large orange, the Juice of half a lemon, one tablespoonful ol butter, one-fourth of a cupful of sugar, two egg yolks and one-half cupful ot cream, whipped. Melt the butter In a double boiler top, add the fruit Juices, sugar and slightly beaten yolks or the eggs. Cook over a low flame until thick, stirring constantly. Cool. Fold in whipped cream just before serving. If one has canned grapefruit one cupful of the Juice may take the place of the orange and lemon. Molded Cheese With Fruit Fflllno. Take a tablespoonful of gelatin, dis solve In one4ourth cupful of cold water, add one cupful of boiling water or the fruit Juice may be used in place of the water: add one-fourth teaspoonful of salt, one cupful of whipped cream, one chopped pimento. one-half green pepper chopped and one small onion chopped, one 'ounce' of roquefort cheese, one cream cheese' and one can of grapefruit Soak .the gelatin and when it begins to thicken fold In the cheese and whipped cream. Pour Into a ring mold and chill. Servo with tne drained grapefruit la the center. . ' .' 23 Years Ago ' Friday, November 22, 1907 The members of the Friday Night Skating Club and invited guests had a most enjoyable time Friday eve ning participating in the panic party. For the most part the costumes were gorgeous and elicited applause and comment ' Miss Maud Gholson was awarded the prize for wearing the most appropriate costume and. the gentlemen's honors went to Mr. Fred Kershaw. Land that was abandoned by home steaders who came to Echo in the early days is being filed on. It has been shown that it is among the very best wheat land in the west end of Umatilla county. It lies from two to 12 miles southwest of Echo and those who are now filing on it in 160 acre tracts expect to make some of the best farms in this section. Early settlers on some of these lands had planted poplar trees and had made all arrangements to locate'permanent ly, but abandoned their claims for land they thought might be better. Since then it has been lying idle. Earl Dudley and Marion Hansell de parted Monday for the haunts of the wild goose on the Columbia river. Miss Mabel Jenkins is expected to arrive in Athena soon, accompanying Mr. and Mrs. O. A.- Rhodes from Hood River. . . . . ' Fred Ruble, a pharmacist, formerly employed at the Pioneer drug store, is now a resident of Walla Walla, and works for the Shelton Drug Co. W. W. Jacobs has been making im provements on his residence property at the corner of Third and Jefferson streets, opposite the M. E. church. . Mr. and Mrs. J. N. B. Gerking left yesterday for Laidlaw. Crook county. They were accompanied by their son Charles, who will spend the winter on the Sound and in California. A masquerade ball will be given at the Athena opera house on Thanks giving night. LaBrache Bros., orches tra will furnish the music and supper will be served in the opera house. Mrs. William Tompkins realized the neat sum of $14.50 as the receipts for the tea and lunch served at her home last Saturday afternoon. The money was turned into the Aid society fund. The goose hunting party consisting of Charley Smith, Will Harden, El mer Connick and Wm. Winship re turned home Saturday, having bagged 21 geese on the trip. They were gone about a week. F. S. LeGrow, accompanied by Sam Pambrun returned Sunday from the Crab creek stock range. Mr. LeGrow brought down 350 head of cattle which he will winter in the Cold Springs country. Craig Wilkinson and Alfred Lowen- gart left yesterday for Cambridge, Idaho, where they will remain during, the winter. They went by team, mak ing the drive across the mountains in company with another man. Miss Merna DePeatt was stricken with another attack of illness Tues day morning, which her physicians pronounce appendicitis. The little girl is very much better at present and an immediate operation will not be necessary. . Miss Gladys Bush is up from the farm of her grandparents on Birch creek, where she has spent the past summer. i Orie Zerba, who some months ago went to Myrtle, Idaho, to reside, Re turned to Athena this week with his family. He lost his entire crop this season in a hail storm, and his opinion of Idaho, or the portion where he Re sided, at least, is not very flattering. Another disastrous wreck occur red on the Northern Pacific in Van sycle canyon, north of Adams, Tues night. ' Nine cars, loaded with grain, left the track. None of the train men were injured. The wreck took place on the heavy grade where a train of cattle was. ditched several weeks ago, the -reason for the wreck being the same speed of engine beyond control. "Are You Satisfied" with your personal appearance? j Try a -famous Marinello facial or a more ad vanced one in muscle toning to build up those sag ging facial muscles or reduce that double chin. We also specialize in tinting gray or faded hair to re store its natural color and lustre. " b-; ;-; In fact we can serve you well in : all : lines of beauty culture and tonsorial work.; Nestle Le Mur Permanent Wave, $7.50 HARRIS' BARBER AND BEAUTY SHOP Phone 492 .. , : i 7h VrttfL When count cd, Mrs. O'Neil found she had $15,- And how those Whitman lads 000 for herself and the kiddies, now and Particularly one, young Apple- .... I nolo (nu l.n Will m.H ! M grown, she wrote one of her daugn tors, Mrs. Blanche Ianson of Port land, in substance, "we've found father's gold," and she is still snook- J ing around the place for more. o gate tore up Willamette's ol' grid iron, Saturday afternoon and won, 12-0. o Just another little tax reminder For many years candy and other sweets have been portioned out spar ingly to the children of careful par ents on the grounds that too much of it would "rot the teeth." Today this indictment against too much From July 1, 1928 to July 1, 1930 Oregon cities had increased bonded indebtedness in round figures, $6,000, 000. o Aimee McPherson, after a prolong ed rest-cure in the east is headed for hnma anrl innilanf a lit mAra Virain. of foods and nutrition at Oregon Stnte college. They are still consider ed bad for the child's teeth, not be cause of any tendency to rot them, but for the same reason that they are bad for the rest of the body simply that they dull the child's appetite for foods containing vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for health. Lobby Birds May Desert Old Roosts. Headline, Yeah, but who will take their places? CLASSIFIED Frick's Metal Weather Stripping is Best. The federal government is after Al Capone, not so much for the reason that he is a criminal, a racketeer, but because Al has gone delinquent in paying his income tax. It will be in teresting, to say the least, to see three full lots. what success the department of in- Athena. ternal revenue has in collecting from the world's arch criminal a crimin al so influential that he is permitted to live on a million dollar Florida estate and dictate from there gang tribute from legitimate business and industry extending from the city of Chicago to the state of California Hay for Sale Wheat hay for Bale. F. J. Jackson. For Sale For good, dry wood, see R. B. McEwen. For Sale Eight room house and Mrs. S. F. Sharp, NOTICE TO CREDITORS ? Notice is hereby criven. that the undersigned has been appointed ad- iiniuBi.riti.rix ui me estate oi rteea Hill, deceased, in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Umatilla County. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present such claims duly verified, and with proper vouchers attached, to the undersigned at the office of Raley, Raley & Warner, in the Frist Nation al Bank Building, in Pendleton, Ore gon, within six months from date of this notice, the same being dated and published the first time this 7th day of November, 1930. ' MARY I. HILL,' As Administratrix of the Estate of Reed Hill, deceased. r Raley, Raley & Warner, John F. Kilkenny & Alfred F. Cunha, Pendle- j ton, Oregon, Attorneys for Adminis tratrix. N7D5 - Ben Bateman : Expert in Body Correction 4 uses hand vibration, posturing, diet,' mas sage, baths, corrective exercises and sun lamp .and rays, mental gym nastics, specific for each case. Office in Foss house in North Athena. Dr. W. Boyd Whyte CHIROPRACTOR Stangier Building. Phone 706 Pendleton. Oregon. 957 J For Sale Three full-blooded Jersey bull calves. Floyd Pinkerton, Athe na, phone 26F5. Eyes exnmined, glasses properly fitted at Schncller's, 39 East Main. Walla Walla, The Chicago Tribune points out that "time cracks and splinters under the sledges of science." It observes that a hundred years ago it took at least three months for a message to go from Ixmdon to Chicago. In 1850, five weeks wore necessary. By 1900 this time had been reduced to hulf an hour. Now, with the telephone, the time element has almost entire ly disappeared. Words spoken in London or Parts or Buenos Aires- are heard at the same instant in Chicago or any other American community. For Sale Two registered Guernsey bull calves at $75 and $25. Louie Ringel, Athena, phone 82F21. Not 10 long ago a storm of cyclonic proportion visited the Los Angeles district and Saturday a second visita tion in the same locality left in iis Bruno Weber Blacksmithing AND Repair Work Prices Reasonable Successor To JENS JENSEN Dr.W.H.McKInney Physician and Surgeon Dr. Sharp's Office Office Hours at Athena 1 to 6 p. m. Phone 462. Office Hours at Weston 8 a. m. to 12 noon. Phone 83. Calls made day or night DR. BLATCHFORD v .Dentist Post Building, Athena. Thone 582 WATT8 TRESTBTB Attorney s-At-Law Main Street Athena, Oregon State and Federal Court Practice PETERSON LEWIS Attorney! at Law Stangier . Building. Pendleton, Oregon Practice in all State and Federal Courts. RELIABLE WATCH REPAIRING Main St EE BILL Athena Tum-A-Lum Tickler Published in the intesesta of the people of Athena and vicinity by THE TUM-A-LU M LUMBER CO. Phone 91 VoL 30 Athena, Oregon, November 28 No. 45 Now that Thanksgiving has been given and we are almost through eating up what was left of the turkey, we are re minded of "a story, which goes, "Dear, tomorrow is our tenth wedding anniversary. Shall I kill the turkey?" "I suppose so," answered the Tiusband, "but why put the blame on the poor bird?" KEEP YOUR HOME IN GOOD REPAIR Some people are born lazy. Others just hate to carry out ashes. Insulate and save your self a lot of work, both in carrying ashes and tending to the fire. . Place that order today for a new set of kitchen cupboards and built-in fixtures for your wife's Christmas present Never in the last fifteen years has lumber and building mater ials been so low in price. Lum ber and millwork, i including doors, windows, kitchen cup boards and shingles for a beau tiful down-to-the-minute five room house may be purchased for as low' as $745.00, depend ing of course on size of the house and quality of materials. If you are interested, call and we will be glad to place our free architectural service . at . your service. Call 91 for that load of TUM-A-LUMP High Heat Content coal. It makes you hot. A girl named Anna knowed her raisins when she made a . date with a prune, named Bart- ; lett, for whom she didn't care a fig. She said to be a peach ; and they make a Bartlett pair. She is the apple of his eye, and ' while she has a cherry disposi- ', tion, she frequently hands him a lemon. This is plum wrong and he ought to ban Anna, but i our saying so is fruitless. "Been West, eh?" ! "Yes." ' : "Of all the things you saw what impressed you most?" "An Indian wearing a straw ' hat." '..'.' The Military BiM The wild geese and ducks are arriving on their annual migration from the great north: s . ; The goose, the noblest of all game birds, is the only bird who conducts his affairs in military order. He flies in perfect formation, wears a beautiful uni form and places sentinels when in campsi He is a wary fellow and it is the keen sportsman who can out-general him. . : - For the accommodation of the particular' and discriminating hunter, we carry a stock of IF M C Ammunition. vOur Remington long range ijoads will out shoot, shell for shellany make or! brand -of heavy, long range loads on the market. ' Gallaher's Garage V I J. E. Gallaher Athena Phone 471 Continental Oil Company Always at Your Service 7 . Athena Service Station Gas,ils, Greasing Automobile Accessories Tires BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . ". Phone 762 We Have the Best Eastern Fried Oysters Hot Tamales Chili Beans KILGORE'S CAFE 3 ' rs r- p -t . . . 1 " . r , - '41 .11 Walla Walla General Hospital : A modern non sectarian fifty bed hospital, with all up to date modern hospital facilities for the care of patients. . X-Kav and bacteriological labortories, washed air ; ventilation. Only graduate nurses are employed and their ser vices are included at the regular rates which "are $3.50 o $6.00 Special nurses extra. Your interest and patronage is solicited. Phone 480. Farmers Grain Elevator Company Grian 'and Feed ' v SPECIAL A Full Line of Sperrys Chick Feed Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr- We Have the Agency' :: For the v . Macy Tailoring System of America ; Twin City Cleaners Phone 492 '. J :" " : T. E. Smith, Prop. Freewater, Oregon ' Reduction In Electric Lighi Rates The following reduction in Electric light rates will be in effect on and after March 15, 1929: ; - . f Residential Rates , . , First 30 KWH hours used, per month...!0c per KWH Excess over 30 KWH used, per month..3c per KWH - The above rates apply when bills are paid in full within' 10 days ' rrom date of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per ' cent on each item. '.. - - Vr Commercial Rates v . . ? v u-v -First 100 KWH used per month .10c per KWH SeS 7c perKWH Next 300. -6cperKWH Next 400 -5cperKWlT;: Next 1000. .....4cperKWH- Excess over 2000 ; .3c per KWH The bove rates apply when bills are paid in full within 10 days from date of biU. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per cent on each item. ". . Preston-Shaffer. Milling Company i ; ;