The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 21, 1930, Image 4

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Press Paragraphs
Mrs. Lila Kirk came over from Wal
la Walla Tuesday, and spent the day
in Athena. l';
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Everett
Zerba, at Milton, November 11, 1930,
a daughter.
- Eay Dudley is quite sick at the
Dudley home near town, with a severe
case of quinsy.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Dick
demons, of Pendleton, November 12,
1930, a baby girl. , ,
Rev. Gowan of Waitsburg, will
preach at the morning services Sun
day, at the Baptist church.
Mr. and Mrs.' Clarence Hand" have
moved, from Athena to the Ralph Al
len ranch, north of Adams. -
Mrs. J. F. Kershaw left by stage
Sunday for Ontario, where her moth
er, Mrs. Barbara Willaby is ill at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Castle-
man. - .. . -- '
Is the Month
that every Poultry Raiser should get his hens into
the highest production possible. :
There is one outstading product that will put
J hens in laying trim, and that's ' -
. (Formerly Pan-a-cea)
For every $1.00's worth of Pan-a-min you feed
your hens, you will bring $6.00 worth of extra eggs
to town. Get it at , ' .
Main Street
Phone 332
From the first cheery "Red & White," in answer
to your telephone call, to the prompt delivery of
the foods to your home there is always a cordial
spirit of service shown that is typically Red &
1 , Cranberries
2 for 39c
. . Sweet Potatoes
6 for 25c
Celery, Oregon
2 for 15c
Celery, Utah
20c or 2 for 35c
Oysters, Blue & White
2 for 35c
Shrimp, Red & White
2 for 45c
Shrimp, Small
Mince Meat
2 lbs. for 35c
Pumpkin, Red & White, 2i2s
2 for 33c
Crisco 3 lbs.
Canada Dry, Lime Rickey, Mission Orange
6 for 1.45
Raisins, 4-lb. Bags
Ripe Olives
2 for 43c
Dates, Holden Hallowi
2 lbs. for 25c
Coffee, Red & White 1 lb. Bags
Oranges, Navals, size 288s
3 doz. for 79c
E. C. Prestbye was a. Walla Walla
visitor Wednesday. , , . .
Mrs. H. L Watts spent Tuesday in
Walla Walla, with friends.
Mrs. Will Kirk who has been ill
for the past week is improving satis
, Gloria and June Garfield are able
to be out after being confined to their
homes with severe colds.
Oliver Dickenson, who used to farm
north of Athena, was in town from
his home at Freewater, Wednesday.
- Owing Jo : inclement weather con
ditions Saturday, the football game
scheduled at Touchet, was postponed.
Mrs. Lloyd Michener has returned
to her home in Athena after spend
ing the past two months in the coun
try. Mrs. H. A. Barrett and daughter,
Beverley returned home Monday af
ter a week's visit with relatives in
Mrs. Bryce Baker who underwent
a minor operation in. Walla .Walla
Monday is convalescing at her home
in Athena. ' '
H. A. Street, well known farmer, is
recovering from a severe cold, which,
for a time threatened to terminate in
Mrs. Charles McFariand went to
Pendleton Wednesday, where she
spent the day with her daughter, Mrs.
Hazel Armintrout.
Mrs. W. S. Ferguson has return-'
ed home after a week spent in Port
land and Longview. Mrs. Ferguson
made the trip by motor.
Teddy and Gene Miller are out of
school this week, the former nursing
a well developed case of chickenpox,
and the latter has the flu.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Steen came
over from Milton Sunday and spent
the dav at the home of Mrs. totelia
Keen, mother of Mrs. Steen.
Specials for next week, starting
Monday morning, at the Harris Bar
ber and Beauty Shop, will be a regu-.
lar (1 Marinello Facial for 50 cents.
Mrs. McArthur has srone to her
home at Portland, and will return in
the near future to remain indefinite
ly with her sister, Mrs. George Banister.
Mr. nd Mrs. Ted Becker. (Fay
Gerking) returned to their Wallowa
countv home Sunday, after visiting
at the Geo. R. Gerking home, west of
Miss Lois .'Johnson, a junior at the
University of Oreeon will spend
thanksgiving ; at the home of her)
parents , Mr., and Mrs. Matt Johnson
in Athena. ' ,
Alex Montgomery or rortiana, ana
John . Montgomery of Spokane were
in the city Saturday, lhey spent
some time at the office of their friend,
B. B. Richards.
"W. P. Allen reports that his three
children who have been confined in
a Walla Walla hospital for the past
two toeeks with intestinal influenza
are improving. ' ' -!
Ad Pinkerton and family are nice
ly settled at the corner of Fifth and
Jefferson street in the house recently
vacated by Charles Williams and
daughter, Ruth.
Mr Sarah Gross, accompanied by
W ilaiichter. Mrs. Grant Prestbye
who is here from Whitefish, Montana,
will visit relatives and friends in tne
Willamette valley.
The condition of F. M. Anderson of
Walla Walla who is seriously ill in
a hospital in that city, remains unchanged-and
little hope is entertain
ed for his recovery. : .
Mrs. G. E. Hemeck of Okanogan,
Washinerton. is visitine at the home
of her daughter; Mrs. R. D. Blatch-
ford. Mrs. Hemeck plans to spend
several weeks in Athena.
Miss Mildred Stanton who was a
patient at St. Anthony's hospital in
Pendleton, is now at the home ol her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stanton in
Athena, and is convalescent.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Marquis of
Pendleton were house guests several
days this week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Johnson. Mr. Mar
quis is Mrs. Johnson's brother.
Mrs. Lisle Gray is taking subscrip
tions for the Walla Walla Union, dur
ing the contest for district' prizes.
Mrs. Gray will appreciate all sub
scriptions given her at this time.
Bun Moore of this city, is confined
in a Walla Walla hospital, where he
is receiving treatment for an infect
ed knee. Mr. Moore is employed at
the Preston-Shaffer milling plant.
Mr. and Mrs. Llovd Rineel. form
erly, employed on the S. J. Culley
ranch, southeast of Athena, have
moved to town and are living in the
Lila Kirk cottage on lower Third
Miss Jane Irving, teacher in Wes
ton High school was a guest of Miss
Elsa Ringel Tuesday at her home
near Athena, Miss Irving and Miss
Ringel were schoolmates at Oregon
State College.
Farmers who reside on the Reed
& Hawley mountain have difficulty
in negotiating the road to the valley
this week due to a ten inch fall of
snow. The temperature however is
not unusually low.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Wood have re
turned from Selah, Wash., where they
visited at the home of their daughter,
Mrs. Steel. Hughie Steel, former
Athena school pupil, is attending
school in Selah. . !
Mrs. Eliza Burchill of Pendleton
spent last Friday night here as the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. C. M.
Eager. Mrs. Burchill was here to at
tend the high school play and return
ed to Pendleton Saturday.
Members of the Baptist church are
requested to attend a special busi
ness meeting to be held Sunday af
ternoon, following a potluck dinner
in the church basement. The meeting
will be an important one and all
members of the church art earnestly
requfikt&d to U-present. -
Carl Christian,' mayor of Adams,
was in Athena Tuesday. "
: Ad Pinkerton and son Laurence
were Pendleton visitors Tuesday.
Walter Adams of Walla , Walla was
an Athena visitor Wednesday night.
Paul Kibbey is confined to his home
with a severe case of chicken-pox.
. ' Jim Lieuallen, Weston cattleman,
transacted business in Athena yester
day.' "
V McKenzie Chapter, 0.. E. S. met
Wednesday evening for a brief busi
ness session. , ; , . , ' '.
s Fay and George Pambrun and Orel
Michener bagged a couple of mallards
'on Greasewpod, yesterday. .
Mrs. Don Stanton of Oakland, Cali
fornia, is a guest this week at the
home of. her brother, George Green.
Mrs. C. M. Eager was a Walla Wal
la visitor Wednesday where she is
taking treatments for an attack of
neuritis, . . -
Athena markets continue to be sup
plied with vegetables and garden pro
duce. Three outfits delivering by auto
truck, make regular visits here.
. Miss Ellen Henry who is teaching
at Estacada this year, will, , spend
Thanksgiving at the. home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry.
The joint work oi putting in a new
culvert at the intersection of Main
and Fifth streets by the city and the
state highway department is about
completed. ... i :,
Mrs. Chase Garfield was called to
Walla Walla last Friday by , the ill
ness of her brother, Sheriff Mclnrop
who was operated on for appendicitis.
At present his condition is favorable
and he is convalescing nicely.
The continued storm of the last
few days has halted all farming
operations and machinery is being
housed for the winter, as the weath
er man promises no immediate relief
from present wintry conditions.
Henry Koepke left Tuesday night
for Glendale, California, where he
will spend the winter months. He will
visit the home of his parents and will
join his wife and son who have been
in the south for the past month.
Henry Barrett received word from .
Eugene announcing the death of
Henry Mitchell, who many years ago
resided in Athena. He was a nephew
of the late Henry Adams and
a nephew of Elmer Merritt of this
city. v
Leonard Geissel, Dean Pinkerton
and Melvin Coppock spent Sunday in
the vicinity of Hermiston, hunting
ducks. The birds flew high, with the
result that the , local sportsmen re
turned home, duckless and chicken-
less, too. . .
A band of Canadian geese which lit
in a field west of itown Monday drew
the attention of a couple of Athena
shooters, but the1 wise old sentinel
warned the flock of their approach
and the honkers immediately left for
parts unkriown.
An informal meeting of the J. T.
club occurred last Friday at the home
of Mrs. Bert Logsdon. The after
noon was spent in chat and needle
work. The club, will be entertained
at the home of Mrs. Fred Gross next
Friday, November 28th.
The ladies of .the Christian church
will . hold a bazaar December 5th iii
the church basement. Various fancy
articles, aprons, v pillow cases and
other articles too numerous to men
tion will be on : sale and a dinner,
cafeteria style, will be served.
Last Thursday evening Mary Lou
Hansell celebrated her eighth birth
day with a jolly party for her small
friends composing the Blue' Bird
group of Camp i Fire girls, and1 on
Sunday the . occasion was again
observed with a birthday dinner.
Mrs. E. C. Rogers was pleasantly
surprised Saturday when she received
a visit from her. sister, Mrs. F. D.
Watts from Portland. Mrs. Watts,
accompanied Mr. and, Mrs. E; M.
Smith who visited friends in Weston
and Athena, the party returning
home Monday. , .
Miss Florence Craven of Walla
Walla, Camp Fire organizer, will ad
dress the Camp Fire groups of Athe
na at the high school auditorium,
Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock.
Miss Craven will give a most help
ful talk and it is most desirable that
all members make an effort to be
Feur teams on the Athena high
school football squad will be seen in
a double-header at the high school
gymnasium tonight, Next week the
winners of tonight's game will play
and also the losers will play. These
games are open to the public. No ad
One of the outstanding events , of
last week was the dinner Monday
evening for which Mrs. Art Jenkins,
Mrs. Bun Moore and Mrs. Will Camp
bell were hostesses. Honorees were
the members of . the Athena high
school football team and squad. Cov
ers were placed for eighteen players.
Additional guests were M. I. Miller,
coach, Mr. and Mrs. Bloom and Mr.
Jenkins. Fall flowers and tapers made
effective decorations and the favors
were chocolate footballs. Appropriate
remarks were made by Mr. Bloom,
Mr. Miller and Arthur Crowley, fol
lowed by short talks by other guests.
The meeting - of " the Methodist
Ladies society, was held at the home
of Mrs. J. W. Crabill Wednesday af
ternoon. Visitors were Mrs. Shubert
Mrs. Watkins, Mrs. Cornell, Miss
Edna Zerba, Mrs. McKinney. Mrs. W.
0. Read led the lesson, "Thankful
ness is a grace." Solos were sung by
Mrs. Sleeman and Mrs. Clarence
Hand. The diversion of the after
noon was a postal package sale. Mrs.
Frank Little and Mrs. W. O. Read
served refreshments. Mrs. Cornell,
Mrs. Watkins and Mrs. Schubert join
ed the society. Next meeting will be
held at-the home of Mrs; Frank Lit
tlfll on December 17th,
Kraut Juice I Fig Bars 7
' Hamilton's Pure, Juice, per can....l8c I Nice and. Fresh, 2 lbs...:;.L...J.25c
Wesson Oil
Per Quart ........49c
Fruit Salad
Libby's, 3 cans...:...........:....:....:
No. 1 Pink, 2 cans . .... 25c
Large 7 oz. rolls, 6 for ;............ 25c
New Lot of Aprons, Dainty Patterns 98 c
Pajamas, Something New, per pair 135
Phone 152
Atheha Department Store
F. S. LeGrow ha3 been confined to
his home with an attack of influenza,
but is much improved at this time.
Mrs.. Beryl Hodgen left for her
home in The Dalles last Saturday af
ter a week spent in Athena.' Mrs.
Hodgen was called here by the ill
ness of her father, Matt Johnson,
who is now able to be at his office.
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Mclntyre
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles McSweeney
of St. John, Wash., were in Athena
Wednesday en route by motor to Cali
fornia. - They are acquaintances of
Gordon Watkins, who resided at St.
John before coming to Athena to en
gage in the drug business. ;
An interesting meeting of the B.
Y. P. U. was: held at the Baptist
church Sunday evening. The pro
gram which was featured with a duet
by Miss Jean' Zerba and Miss Clara
Flock, was presented in contest form
by two divisions presenting the num
bers. The study topic was "Steward
ship." , , ,
The Athena Bridge club was enter
tained last Friday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Ralph McEwen. Chry
santhemums added to the attractive
ness of the rooms where three tables
were in play. Club honors fell to
Mrs. F. S. LeGrow and Mrs. R. D.
Blatchford received the guest prize.
Other guests for the affair were Mrs.
Justin. Harwood and Mrs. Laurence
Mrs. Kohler Betts entertained the
members of the Baptist Missionery
society at her home Wednesday after
noon of last week. Discussion of the
year's study on India was led by Mrs.
Zeltha Mclntyre. ' Refreshments were
served by Mrs. Charles Betts and
Mrs. A. R. Coppock. The society will
be entertained by Mrs. Fred Pinker
ton at her home in Athena, at its De
cember meeting.
Complementing Mrs. E. A. Dudley,
Mrs. Glenn Dudley was hostess at a
delightful one o'clock luncheon Tues
day, when she entertained the fol
lowing ladies: Mrs. Zeltha Mclntyre,
Mrs. Minnie DePeatt, Mrs. Charles A.
Sias, Mrs. M. M. Johns, Mrs. F..B.
Boyd and the horioree. The afternoon
was pleasantly spent with needle
work. Mrs. Dudley with Mr. Dudley
will leave soon for their usual winter
sojourn at Long Beach, California.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Prestbye en
tertained at dinner and bridge Tues
day evening at their home on Fourth
street. Chrysanthemums centered
the table and during the play which
followed Mrs. Prestbye won first in
the tournament now being played by
this group. The guests were pr. and
Mrs. Rice of Pendleton, Mr. and" Mrs.
Justin Harwood, Dr. and Mrs. R. D.
Blatchford, Mrs. Grant Prestbye of
Whitefish, Montana, and Mr. and Mrs.
Max Hopper.
At the First Christian church, Sun
day morning, Mr. Sias will take his
text from I Peter, 4th Chapter, The
time is come for judgment to begin
at the house of God: and if it first
begin at us, what shall be the end of
them that obey not the gospel of
God? And if the righteous scarcely
be saved, where shall the ungodly and
the sinner appear?.;
At Christian church at 7:30 there
will occur a special union musical
praise service. Much work is being
given to preparation for this, and
should appeal to both the musical and
the devotional public. It will include
a short devotional period and brief
talk by the pastor. All are invited
to attend. This will be in lieu of any
service on our national Thanksgiv
ing day. .... .
Will all those knowing thems-elves
indebted to Dr. S. F. Sharp for pro
fessional services, in the past, kindly
pay all or part as soon as possible to
meet expenses incurred by continued
Quality Grocery
. ' i ''V''. v-..' ' ''h !
Just a few more everyTday
Fine, large, new crop Walnuts, 3 $s. for........$1.00
Mince Meat: !' year old, just - right for pies,
2 lbs. for .::;.,.....:;...........i....:: 45c
9-lb. bag Aunt Jemima Pearl Hominy 44c
White Diamond Flour, home made, per sack..$1.24
Tree Ripened Apricots, 2V2S, per can 20c
5-lb. box Prefered Soda Wafers 68c
10 lbs. Pure Umatilla .county Honey ,........$120
No. 2 can Golden Bantam Corn ..15c
Orange Marmalade, just in, 1-lb. 25c
Carstens Boston Butts Best Ever, per lb........25c
Frank Little, Prop,
Main Street
Phone 561
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Saimbn, ' all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, ,Kraut in Season.
Main Street ' : Athena, Oregon.
Goodyear Tires
: " and Tvbes 'zxfp
Automobile Supplies, J ,;
Parts and Accessories
North side Main Street
Phone 352