THE PHESS, ATHENA,' OREGON, NOVEMBER 14, 1930 Press Paragraphs H. A. Barrett was in Umapine Sun day. Mrs. H. I. Watts spent Monday in Pendleton. E. A. Bennett was in Athena Mon dan from Milton. Mrs. Price, of Nez Perce, Idaho, is a guest at the Frank Little home this week. Clifford Wood and Edwin McEwen were Sunday visitors in La Grande. Dan Tilley spent Armistice day at the home of his parents in Walla Walla. Mrs. Joe Hodgsen of Walla Walla valley was a guest of Mrs. J. E. Jones on Tuesday. ',, Mrs. Minnie Mitchell of Portland is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Fred Gross. Herbert Parker and F. B. Radtke fished on the Deschutes river, west of Madras over the weekend. Question i How can money be spent and be saved at the same time? Answer By Investing in some of our combination offer J For Example: Lueretia Vanderbilt Face Powder and McKesson Milk of Almond Cream. $1.35' Value for $1.00 New Gillette Razor and Tube of Palm Olive Shaving J Cream. Both for 55c Compare our regular prices with the Drug Stores of Walla Walla and Pendleton. You'll hnd that you can save money by buying at home. W ATKINS' PHARMACY Main Street Phone 332 Athena St 9fc ?fc 9fc lHaiMS8ll?p i Our store assures you of the lowest possible price at all times, which enables you to enjoy the best, at prices within the reach of everyone SPECIALS for SATURDAY and MONDAY Catsup, Red & White, large 2 for 45c Snowdrift, 3 pounds 69c . . Lux Toilet Soap 3 for 23c Popcorn, Red & White 2 for 23c Mince Meat 2 for 35c Swansdown 35c Dinamite 39c Tuna, Red and White, y2s 2 for 45c Norseman's Tuna Flakes, y2s 3 for 50c Beans, California, Small Whites 3 for 29c Beans, Red Mexican 4 for 29c Cake, Date & Nut 49c Marmalade, Red & White 2 for 49c H. 0. Oats, large 39c Mayonnaise, pint, Red & White 34c T. Molasses Gold Label Brer Rabbit, 2l2 35c MONTAGUE & CORNELL PHONE 171 . Mr. and Mrs. W. McPherson motor ed to Umatilla Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Baker were in Walla Walla, Armistice day. Henry Sams of Weston vicinity was in Athena Thursday morning. J. L. Vaughn, Pendleton electrican, transacted business here Wednesday, George and Allen Drumheller were business visitors in Athena this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Little visited friends in Walla Walla Armistice day. Mrs. Kate McCool of Portland is visiting at the home of Mrs. A. L McEwen. Mrs. Orel McPherrin is entertain ing her mother, Mrs. W. J. French of Heppner, this week. Mrs. Lilla Kirk motored over from Walla Walla and attended Rebekah lodge Tuesday night. A number of Athena people attend ed the potato show and dance at Wes ton Saturday night. The Athena Bridge club is being en tertained this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ralph McEwen. Mrs. H., A. Barrett and daughter Beverley are spending the week in Portland, visiting relatives. Willie E. Sams, farmer from the Umapine district was a business vis itor in Athena Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mitchell of WeS' ton Mountain were week-end visitors at the Fred Pittman home. ' "The Goose Hangs High" at high school auditorium tonight, and every' body will be there to see it. Mrs. Beryl Hodgen.of The Dalles is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs,. Matt Johnson. Mrs. F. S. LeGrow spent Saturday and Sunday in Walla Walla visiting her mother, Mrs. S. J. Bowles. Mrs. Clifford Wood left Sunday for La Grande, where she will be the guest of relatives for a time.' Miss Carolyn Kidder who has been an Athena visitor for a fortnight, left Friday for Butte, Montana. Mrs. Carrie Heinen is here from her home at San Diego, California, visit ing her mother, Mrs. S. F. Sharp. Mrs. Emery Staggs of Weston, is a candidate in this district in the Walla Walla Union voting contest. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McEwen are moving to Helix for the winter where their children are attending school. - Miss Edna DeFreece and Jim Hodg en spent Sunday at Arlington, where they visited Miss Hilda Dickenson. Mrs. Crabill will entertain the Methodist Ladies' Society at her home Wednesday afternoon, November 19. Rehearsals are in progress for the musicale to be given at the Christian church Sunday evening November 23. Mr. and Mrs. Chase Garfield and family motored to Walla Walla Arm istice day, where they visited friends. Miss .Jessiedeane Dudley, Alberta Charlton and George Gross motored to Eugene for home coming week-end. Jack Cunningham of Smythe Bar thel Company in Pendleton called on business friends in Athena Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Gray and family spent Armistice day in Pendleton as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Bla lock. Athena high school football team will go to Touchet tomorrow for the annual clash with Touchet high school. Mrs. D. H. Mansfield and Mrs. Nat Kimball of Pendleton spent Armistice day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Logsdon. Mrs. Amanda McArthur left Mon day for her home in Portland after a visit of several weeks in Athena and Waitsburg. Mr. and Mrs. William Lee (Myrtle DeFreece) of Walla Walla, were Sun day guests at the Sim Dickenson home here. Miss Mildred Stanton is seriously ill at a Pendleton hospital. Thus far the doctors have been unable to diag nose her case. Mrs. C.I. Eager and daughters, Betty Jane and Virginia and Jewell Pinkerton were Pendleton visitors Armistice day. Friends of Jim Thompson will be glad to hear of his continued improve ment after a serious illness, following an accident in July. Will Kirk has been plowing since finishing seeding his crop and will have but about seventy-five acres left to plow in the spring. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Akcrs of Pen dleton, and daughter, Mrs. Harold Smith and baby Betty were callers on Armistice day in Athena. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Whiteman and children were over from Walla Wal la and spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. B. B. .Richards. Miss Ruth Heineck who teaches at McLoughlin high school was a visit or at the home of her sister, Mrs. R. D. Blatchford, Armistice day. Bud Price who has been employed on the McHwen ranch at Pine Creek for some time will spend the winter months as a radio salesman. Mabel Coppock and A. R." Coppock have deeded 8.16 acres of land in sec tion 19, township 5. north, of range 34, EWM, to Clara Jane Riley. Billy Pinkerton is starting his next spring's garden rather early,, from appearances. He has lettuce and spinach growing nicely at this time. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bloom were dinner guests Armistice day at the home of Mr. and and Mrs. O. L. Bab cock, Mrs. Bloom's parents, at Mis sion. Bryce Baker has purchased two lots at the lower end of Adams street from A. H. Mclntyre. The property was formerly owned by the late Mrs. Vaughn. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Smith, who are moving into town from the country, will occupy the property formerly owned by Mrs. Lou Hodgen, on the Weitilde. 1 EA. Dudley, Glenn Dudley, H. H. Eickhoff, and Marion Hansell spent a couple of days at the Dudley Bing ham Springs cottage last week, on a fishing trip. Miss Harriet Long, state librarian and Miss Elizabeth Olsen. countv li. brarian who are on a tour of inspec tion visited the Athena Branch li brary yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Ralnh Havnie and little daugh ter, who spent several days at their home in Burns has returned here and are at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Banister. , A decided chancre in the weather transpired Wednesday, when balmy temperature and sunshine was push ed out of the picture by a cold, No vember rainstorm. Mrs. Fred Kershaw will leave to morrow forf Ontario, Oregon, where she will spend a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. Barbara Willaby.'who is ill at the Castleman home there. . Federal warrants were served on John Estes, . Waldo Terry and Jerome Steiner at Pendleton, charging unlaw ful sale and possession of intoxicate ing liquor. Each posted $2500 bonds. Mrs. Grant Prestbye arrived Tues day from her home near Kalispel to visit her mother and other relatives till after Thanksgiving. She is be ing greeted by her many friends in this vicinity. ' ... Herbert Thompson who has been seriously ill in Portland as the result of a fall from a drill is much im proved and it is hoped that he will be able to be removed to his home in Pendleton next week. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gordon were dinner' guests Sunday at the James Beamer home at Weston. Tuesday Mi1, and Mrs. Joe Creighton of Colfax, Wash., were entertained at dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon.: Dr. R. D. Blatchford and Gordon. Watkins attended the football game in Walla Walla Armistice day. Mr. and Mrs. -Watkins were dinner guests at the Blatchford home in the eve ning, ' Weston Leader: Mr. and Mrs. Grant York have taken over the N.' A. Mill er service station near Springdale school in the Walla Walla valley, under lease. Mr. and Mrs. Miller have moved to Walla Walla to reside. Kilkare club of Pendleton held their first dinner dance of the season last evening at the' Elk's club. Athena members of the club are Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Watts, Mr. and Mrs. E. C Prestbye and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McEwen. 1 A. M. Gillis was here from Walla Walla for several days attending to business at the Tum-A-Lum office in the place of A. M. Johnson, who was confined to his home with illness. Mr. Johnson has recovered and is at his post of service again. The W. C T. U. will hold its next meeting at the home of Mrs. Otho Reeder, Tuesday 'afternoon. Mrs. A. F. May of Pendleton, president of the county W. C. T. U. will attend the meeting, and all Athena members are requested to be present. Friday, December 5th is the date set for the annual bazaar given by the ladies of the Christian church. Articles for sale will be gratefully received from members and friends. A cafeteria dinner will be served and the patronage of the public is solicit ed. . Armistice Dav was observed in Athena with no program presenta tion, but all stores and business houses remained closed. A number of local people motored to Pendleton and Walla Walla, where services were held and , sports were on the day's program. Mrs. Henderson coyles, agea 4U, daughter of Mrs. Norah McDonald of Walla Walla and neice of Mrs. H. O. Worthington of Pendleton, died Tues day at her'home in California. She is survived by her husband. Funeral services will be held in Walla Walla this afternoon. The 3 o' 4 club was entertained Thursday of last week at the home of Mrs. Bert Logsdon. Three tables were in play. Mrs. Ravella Lieual- len holding high score and Mrs. juryce Baker receiving the consolation prize. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Arthur Douglas. The Etude club met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Bert To-aflon. After a brief business ses sion chorus practice was conducted by Mrs. Rowena Lester. The next meet ing wiir occur, at three o'clock No vember 25th all the home of Mrs, Arthur Douglas. Mrs. W. E. Campbell entertained the members of the Pinochle club at her home, south of town, Thursday afternoon of last weeK, wnen two tables were in play. Mrs. Phillip - i Remillard won. high score ana wrs. Jesse Smith low. ;Mrs. C. H. Potter will entertain the club at its next meeting, at her home. Marcum Anderson, nephew oi wrs. . L. Watts of this city, is in a itical condition -at the General Hos pital, Walla Walla. He is suffering from an infection that started near the nose and spread to both eyes. Mr. Anderson, is an employe oi tne stand ard Oil company at Walla Walla, and has visited at the Watts home, here numerous times. .1 The feature of a recent meeting of the Ohyata Camp Fire Girls was the r,ntnmime. "Mammy Moon," - which was very cleverly portrayed. Here after more interest wui center in en tertainment and plans are being made have a program at eacn meeting the group. The meeting was held the home of Vireinia Eager, with Marv Tompkins and Mildred Hansell, guardians, in attendance. ' : The City of Athena and the state hiphwav commission, jointly, are ex cavating for replacement of a drain- ago culvert at tho intersection w Ml PRICES for SATURDAY and MONDAY ' Pork .Beans White Diamond, per sack ;......1.19 I Van Camps, 11 oz. can, each ........8c Milk White Beans All brands, 6 Small 25c, 3 large 25c 1 Great Northern,' 4 lbs. ..................25c hi K1 1 1 M J ft hi Head Lettuce Cabbage Large Crisp Heads, each ................5c I Solid Heads, per lb. . 2c Sweet Potatoes Nice and Mealy, 6 lbs. for ............25c n Canned Corn Silver Leaf brand, 4 cans .. ... 49c Phone 152 eria Department Store Main and Fifth streets. Two 24-inch concrete pipe sections will be laid parallel to take care of flood waters from the north side of the highway and from Fifth street. The improve ment is expected to relieve Main street of flood waters hereafter. The B. B. club was entertained at dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Logsdon. Chrysanthemums were employed as decoration about the rooms and also centering the small tables.- Cards representing cups and saucers marked the places. Laur ence Pinkerton and Mrs. Lloyd Mich ener won honors at bridge during the evening and Archie Mclntyre was awarded the consolation prize. Mrs. Claude Dickenson was hostess to the O. D. O. club at her home Fri day. Ten members were present and the guests were, Miss Phyllis Dicken son, Mrs. Sims Dickenson, Mrs. Dean Dudley and Mrs. Fred Gross. Chry santhemums were used effectively as decoration. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Dickenson and Mrs. Gross serv ed a two course Collation at the tea hour. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton, the af ternoon of November 21. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Douglas en tertained the B. B. club at dinner Wednesday evening. The hostess used crystal baskets of chrysanthe mums as decorations. Mrs. Bert Logsdon and Chase Garfield won honors at bridge, Mrs. Laurence Pink erton receiving the consolation. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Foster and Mrs. Grant Prestbye were guests and Mr. Foster received the guest prize. Mr. and Mrs. Flint Johns will entertain the club at their home west of Athena Monday, November 24th. ; Upon her return from a trip to Pendleton Saturday evening Miss Margaret Lee was surprised to find a group of friends at her home. Mrs. Lee planned the affair to commemo rate the honoree's birthday. A pro fusion of fall flowers made effective decorations and the. tally cards ac cented shades of lavendar. Bridge was the diversion of the evening and Dick Swift held high score with Mrs. Clifford Wood receiving the consola tion. Supper was served following the play. Guests who .enjoyed Mrs. Lee's hospitality were Mr. and Mrs. Harve Roseberry, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Swift, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wood, Mr, and Mrs. M. I. Miller, Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Blatchford, Miss Mary Cameron, Miss Delia Bryant and Miss Blanche Thorsen. , Mrs. Sarah Jane Bowles was a charming hostess, - Saturday at Juer home in Walla Walla. Guests were bidden for luncheon at one and found their places at small tables centered with autumn flowers and blue bells. Diminutive men made of candies held the place cards and were most amus ing. Great clusters of autumn leaves berries and flowers were used as dec oration about the rooms. Bridge was played during the afternoon, Mrs. O'Reilly of Walla Walla holding high score and Mrs. Marion Hansell sec ond. Others present were Mrs. Henry Dell, Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn, Mrs. H. I. Watts, Mrs, W. S. Ferguson, Mrs. Ralph McEwen, of Athena; Mrs. Whitehouse, Mrs. Toner, Mrs. Wright, of Walla Walla. Mrs. Bowles was as sisted by her daughter, Mrs. F." S. LeGrow. . .-. v Quality Grocery Just a few more every day Prices Fine, large, new crop Walnuts, 3. lbs. for........$1.00 Mince Meat, 1 year old, just i, right for pies, 2 lbs. for ............ .;.45c 9-lb. bag Aunt Jemima Pearl Hominy ...... ...J......44C White Diamond Flour, home made, per sack..$1.24 Tree Ripened Apricots, 2y2s, per can ....;....... 20c 5-lb. box Prefered Soda Wafers ...,:...........:.......68c 10 lbs. Pure Umatilla-county Honey. $1.20 No. 2 can Golden Bantam Corn 15c Orange Marmalade, just in, l-lbl ..........25c Carstens Boston Butts Best Ever, per lb ...25c Frank Little, Prop. . ; . . . Main Street . - - Phone 561 THE ATHENA MARKET We carry the best Meat That Money Buys Kippered Saimon, all Kinds of Salt Fish: ' Fresh Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season. A W. LOGSDON ' , Main Street Athena. Oregon. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH There will be services morning and evening next Sunday. Morning theme, "The Glorious Gospel," evening, "1 he Christ We Preach." A snappy song service will characterize the evening hour. Special music. PLEASE : . Will all those knowing themrelves indebted to Dr. S. F. Sharp for pro fessional services, in the past, kindly pay all or part as soon as possible to meet expenses incurred by continued illness. Signed, MARY ELLEN SHARP. Goodyear Tires and Tubes ine Valvol Oils Automobile Supplies, Parts and Accessories Athena Garag North side Main Street e Phone 352