The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 14, 1930, Image 3

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Farm Board Head Gives
; His Ideas To Nebraska
Omaha. Alexander Legge, chair
man of the federal farm board, car
i ried into Nebraska his plan for feed-
ing surplus grains to livestock.
! Speaking before the Nebraska as
sociation here, Legge reiterated his
.oft-repeated formula for increased
feeding of livestock in Nebraska; Iowa
I and other states where there is an
abundance of roughage and grain.
With feeder animals available at at
tractive prices, the farm board head
told the bankers their farmer custom
ers could safely expand feeding oper
ations and probably would "make
; more money doing that' tharf by sell-
' ing grain at the extremely low prices
now prevailing."
"I am putting forth this sugges-
tion," Legge added, "as a possible
- outlet for some of the surplus money
about which you bankers ' in general
. are complaining at the present time."
Legge advised the bankers that they
will be performing a helpful service
to agriculture if they cooperate in the
program to adjust production to the
potential demand and lend encourage
' ment. in adjusting the size of farm
units, particularly in the wheat grow
ing sections.
Legge denounced all farm relief ,
plans which have for their purpose
the "dumping" of the American farm
ers' grain surplus in foreign coun
tries. - ' : '
. "As we see it," he said, "none of
these schemes would work. Import-1
ing countries, with farm problems of
their own, are quick to take action
against dumping, most of them hav
ing countervailing duties or other re
strictions, some going to the extent of
, "Russia's dumping of . wheat on
European markets the past six weeks,
illustrates very well what could be ex
pected in the event this country
adopted a policy of subsidizing the
exportation of farm crop surpluses. In
five importing countries the govern'
ments themselves or business associ
ates took prompt action against Rus
sia. -..;,v. ' ;' " ,. -, . :
Legge stated there is nothing to the
charge that the givernment is "in
business" because of assistance given
to cooperatives. "Our relationship to
them is that of a financial banker or
borrower," he explained.
Bruno Weber
" ' - AND ' '
Repair Work
Prices Reasonable
Successor To
H. A. Frick
Carpenter and Contractor
Pendleton - - Phone 1392 J
Specializes in
Weather Stripping
Pleads Guilty to Sale
and Possession
B. B. Richards, when in
terviewed by the Press
man, pleaded guilty to the
sale of the best insurance
obtainable for the money
and possession of more
policies in reserve ready
at a moments notice for
your' use and purpose. A
policy for every nazzard.
Insurance -
Bulletin Shows Columbia
River Basin Territory As
An Irrigation Possibility
The Columbia river basin geo
graphically comprises the territory
from the Pacific coast to the Teton
mountains of Wyoming, west to east,
and from the upper end of Winder
mere valley in British Columbia to
the great basin of Nevada, north to
south. Such is the description given
by the United States department of
agriculture in a bulletin just issued on
irrigation requirements of the Colum
bia river basin.
Once there were lowlands and
shallow lakes where the Cascade
mountains stand and the climate was
warm and moist, similar to that of
the Florida everglades, it is stated, as
shown by fossil remains of magnolias
palms and other tropical plant life,
The ice sheet in the glacial period
came as far south as Missoula Spok
ane and Pen d'Oreille.
It is found that an average of 151,
000,000 acre-feet of water passes The
Dalles annually and that the volume
will not be affected in any marked
degree by future irrigation use, not
withstanding the large area to be ir
rigated. This is because the flow is
so large in comparison with the water
Storage will provide large water re
sources in Eastern Oregon and Wash
ington in Montana and in Southern
Idaho without lessening substantially
the Columbia's flow, and it is pointed
out that the Salmon, Clearwater and
Spokane rivers alone discharge 20,
000,000 acre-feet, more than enough
to water all the land now irrigated in
the Columbia basin.
An area of 3,871,000 acres of land
at present supplied with water may
be increa&ed to 11,000,000 acres, the
bulletin says, new storage,
but also by improvement of canal
systems to stop leakage and by more
scientific use of water in irrigation.
"It is to be noted," says the report
"that in some instances the allot
ment is less than the quantity now j
used. In making this reduction there
was no intention by the authors to
handicap water users of future enter
prises by granting too little water
for their legitimate needs; rather the
purpose was to emphasize the fact
that it is more economical to expend
labor and money - in-preparing land
and providing facilities for applica
tion of water than to pay for the ex
cess of water required for poorly-prepared
Ben Bateman
Expert in Body Correction uses
hand vibration, posturing, diet, mas
sage, baths, corrective exercises and
cun lamn nnri ravs. mental fiTVm-
nastics, specific for each case. Office
m Foss house m jNortn Ainena.
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, ' Phone J708
Pendleton, Oreron. 957 J
. Dr.W,H.McKinney
Physician and Surgeon
Dr. Sharp's Office
Office Hours at Athena 1 to 6 p. m.
Phone 462. Office Hours at Weston
8 a. m. to 12 noon. Phone 83. Calls
made day or night -
, Dentist
Post Building, Athena. Phone 582
Main Street. Athena. Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
Attorneys at Law
Stangier Building, Pendleton, Oregon
Practice in all State and Federal
Foley's Honey aad Tar
uires colds, prevents oneumoala
Announces that it has com-pieted . the organ
ization of a
Trust Department
and is qualified to act as Executor, Administra
tor, guardian, or in any other fiduciary capac
ity.; ' ' : '
Just think what 37 years of successful .banking
experience would mean to the executor -or ad
ministrator of your estate. . .-
Ask us for Information
Poor Teeth Due to Too Pure
Water, Says Doctor;
Recommends Diet.
Oregon State College, Children
raised on the Pacific coast need more
protection against teeth deficiencies
than anywhere else in the United
States, said Dr. Guy Woods, of Port
land who examined the teeth of the
4-H club boys and girls entered in the
health contest at the Pacific Interna
tional Livestock exposition.
Lack of minerals m the water of
the coast region deprives the children
of the building material for the
growth of strong, healthy teeth, the
doctor pointed out, and many parents,
not realizing this, fail to make up
the deficiency through the child's diet.
-"The prenatal period is the all-im
portant time in this matter of teeth
building," said Dr. Woods. "It is
then that the child's teeth are form
ed, and whether they are good or bad
depends largely on the mother's diet
during that time. She needs a double
supply of milk and cod liver oil ' to
provide for both herself and the
Of next importance to the child's
teeth is the first 10 years of its life,
according to the doctor, and with this
in mind, Miss Lucy A. Case, home
economics extension specialist of Ore
gon State College, who is in charge of
the 4-H' health club work of the state
recommends to the boys and girls en
rolled in her clubs a daily diet con
sisting of 1 quart of milk and 1 of
water. 3 servings of vegetables, in
cluding 1 of potatoes-and .2 of green
or leafy vegetables, 2 - servings of
fruit or 1 each of fruit and tomatoes,
t serving of any two protein foods
such as eggs, cheese, fish, meat, dried
beans or peas, and 1 tablespoon of
codliver oil.
Miss Case places particular em
phasis on a well-balanced diet, point
ing out that it is unwise to eat ex
cessive amounts of any one type of
food in an effort to build up any one
part of the body at the expense of an
other. Other recommendations she
makes to the health clubs include
regular meals, no tea or coffee, at
least 10 hours of sleep, and regular
exercise out of doors.
U. L. C. A. Downed By
Oregon, One Touchdown
, With John Kitzmjller leading the
way in his last game on Hayward
field, the University of Oregon Web
foots punched over a touchdown in
the first four minutes of play against
the U. C. L. A. Bruins Saturday. It
was the deciding touchdown for the
final score was Oregon 7, U. C. L.
A. 0.
Kitzmiller did not score the touch
down but he opened the way with a
30-yard dash through center to the
Bruin one yard line. Sam Rotenberg,
right half, took the ball across on the
next play and Kitzmiller converted.
Five times more the Webfoots ad
vanced to within the Bruins 10-yard
line but lost the ball on downs. -
Oregon Gobblers Fewer
Fewer gobbles of Oregon gobblers
will be available at the Thanksgiving
festive board this year, according to
an Oregon State college agricultural
department survey. Only 93 per cent,
of 1929's turkey production will be
raised this season, it was reported.
Although the spring hatch of chicks
was larger than for last year, depre
dations of hawks and wild animals
caused heavy losses in some sections,
it was said.
Dragged By Seed Drill
The Weston Leader reports that
Raymond Banister, who has been
seeding in a field near town was drag
ged more than 50 yards the other day
bv the drill, one foot having become
entangled between a wheel and the
drill box. Ralph Piersol was driving
the Banister "cat," and stopped as
soon as he noticed Raymond s pre
dicament. The foot was quite badly
injured,' and "Banty" will be out of
commission at a busy time. ' j .
Bullets Fail to Halt Prisoner
Walla Walla nolice are looking for
Dick Alexander. Released from the
county jail he was arrested on
charges of drunken driving and liquor
possession, having held celebration
aver his release and the fact that his
wife had served him with divorce
papers. While he was being booked
he ran out of the nolice station and
two bullets sent after him by a ser
geant missed him.
Turn To Poultry Raising
Twer feed nrices have been respon
sible for some expansion of the poul
try industry in Wallowa County dur
ing the past year. A numDer oi
farmers who have in the past kept
only a small flock of laying hens
either have or plan to establish sev
eral hundred birds as soon as they
can get proper poultry houses pre
pared. 4
High School Notes
(Betty Eager)
"Do not put off until tomorrow that
which can be done today." If everyone
would abide by this quotation how
much better ofT he would be. Many
things can happen between now and
tomorrow, and as tomorrow never
comes how can you do what should
be done today, tomorrow? You can
not do it; and do it like it should be
done, or perhaps you will not do it at
all. A very good example of leaving
things until the next day happened
during the Revolutionary War. The
British, who were under the leader
ship of the general, Coriiwallis, had
made camp not , far from General
Washington and his American troops.
General Cornwallis, thinking that he
had Washington cornered, said, "At
last we have run down the old fox
and we will bag hipi in! the morning."
Thus he sent his army to sleep. While
they slept Washington left fires burn
ing in his camp, and he quietly and
stealthily slipped -away into the dark
ness and defeated other - British
troops in a battle at Princeton. So
the old fox escaped because Cornwal
lis left the attack until the next
morning. If the British general had
only attacked, the Americans the
night when he said he would leave it
until morning, the story would have
been different. Another good example
of putting off until tomorrow what
should be done today is that of a man
who was going to take out an insur
ance policy, so his family would be
provided for in case of emergency.
Upon leaving his home in the morning
he remarked to his wife that he would
take out the policy on his way to
work. While on his way to his of
fice he thought of something that his
employer had asked him to do. He de
cided to leave the insurance policy
until noon and do what the employer
had asked him to do instead. He very
easily could have done both but he
put off the most important thing. At
noon he was late getting home lor
his lunch. He rushed back to his of
fice definitely declaring that he would
get the policy that evening after
work. Evening came and he left the
office. He was crossing the street
from his office to the post office when
he was struck by an automobile and
killed. His family was left in pover
ty and want. And allon account of
his putting oft until evening what he
could have done in .the morning. One
more good examplej of putting off is
of some students in their school work.
They may not have time to get a
lesson in school so they take it home.
When they get home instead of getting-that
lesson, thfn, they say, "Oh,
well, there is plenty of time between
now and tomorrow,"? and they go and
do something else of less importance,
meaninsr to eet the lesson later in the
evening. In the evening some of their
friends come in and want tnem to go
Rome Dlace with them, ao lor tne
second time the lesson is left. This
time to be gotten m the morning.
The student goes and has a good time
n1 forirets completely about the
twice neglected lesson that he has
left behind. In the morning ine
student oversleeps and rises just in
time to get to school before the bell
rings. He has the class for which he
was to get that neglected lesson the
first period. He goes to class with an
unprepared lesson, His grade goes
down in the grade book as a zero. Do
not be like these people just mention-
Mi. It will not sret you any piace.
Therefore let us all try and develop
the "do it today" spirit at ence.
Oregon Spuds Come Back
After being pushed into the back
ground for several years, commercial
potato growing in Oregon has fairly
floated back into prominence on a
tide of irrigation water, according to
E. R. Jackman, extension specialist in
farm crops. The industry will be
worth approximately $5,000,000 this
year, he said.
See ...
Hear ...
s, -r-
Student Body
An assembly was held Monday to
observe . Armistice day which was
Tuesday, November 11. Mr. Bloom
gave a short talk on why we observe
this day. The songs "The Star
Spangled Banner," "America the
Beautiful," "Columbia, the Gem of
the Ocean," "Keep the Home Fires
Burning," and "Battle Hymn of the
Republte" were sung by the assembly
and followed by tne nag saiuie. ub
songs were all written during some
dark period in history and Mr. Bloom
ixplained the circumstances wmcn
mrrounded the writing of each song.
The entire student ; body crossed
tn WPRton and watched the
Athena eleveti trodnce the Weston
eleven. Mr. Tilley drove Lawrence
Pinkerton's truck and took a load of
high school students:.
mot. Tnexdav. at
i ne uiiu vco6w - . tn tha auditorium. Bernice
0.1.V U. . K""
. . . . 1 L 4 n . n
Wilson, chairman oi tne emi .-
t .nn;tfm nrnnnaed ' that the
league have one social meeting each
month at wnicn were woum v -
at. the remaining
gram, u L"lw 1
meetings, serve refreshments instead
of having a program, me k
all in favor -of this. ' The president,
Georgie Green, appointed Helen Bar
rett to take Arleen Myrick's place as
chairman of the philanthropic com-
... . l: ta4 fiinpt.iAninff, wniua o
John Kirk came over from Walla
Walla Friday to see the football
game between weston ana auicu.
A number of the alumni witnessed
the football game at Weston Friday.
Helen Foster spent Sunday in Wal
la Walla.
Marjorie Wilson visited in Pendle-
ton Friday.
The orchestra is progressing very
rapidly. Many students: are being
B J j l j , mmm
k MODEL 1053 3m
nr : 'FRY I
1 iHwnp''K-A
SEE the 1930 Atwater Kent in our window, with
the blue ribbon around it. Come inside and
sample its blue-ribbon performance. It's a winner
for natural tone, mighty range, flexible volume,
abundant power, needle-point selectivity, beauty
and Atwater Kent dependability. Put it to any test
you like it comes through like the thoroughbred
it is. Catch up with the times with the famous
Screen-Grid Atwater Kent, champion of them all!
Costs little, gives much. Let us demonstrate, and
tell you about our liberal plan of deferred pay
ments. NOWl
Rogers . Goodman
(A Mercantile Trust)
. A.
added each week. They are going to
start practicing ensemble this coming
week with the addition of the violins
and the piano.
Miss Cameron was in Walla Walla
Mr. and Mrs. Bloom spent Sunday
with Mrs. Bloom's parents who reside
at Mission. Mrs. Bloom was honor
ed by a birthday dinner.
Mr. Tilley visited relatives at Te-
koa, Washington, Saturday and Sunday.
Girls' Athletics
The girls are turning out regularly
every Monday and Wednesday for
basketball. About fourteen girls are
suiting up for practice. Exercises are
the main feature now, preparing the
girls for future work.
The number of sore and stiff mus
cles among the girls would indicate
that much work is needed to put the
squad into condition. a
Real Estate
Wheat Alfalfa and
Stock Land
L. L. Montague, Arlington
Grade News
Beverley Barrett, Teddy Miller,
Gail Walters, Betty Geiss and Billy
Hansell were absent Monday.
Ilene McBride spent the week-end
in Pendleton.
Helen Barrett, Bonnie Alkire and
Marjorie Montague were in Pendleton
Harold Kirk and Raymond Murphy
were in Walla Walla, Friday.
Wayne Banister visited friends in
Umapine, Sunday.
Esther Berlin, Marjorie Douglas,
and Arleen Myrick spent Saturday in
Walla Walla.
Arlene Edwards,' of Freewater,
spent the week-end at the home of
Mary Jane Miller.
Solista Pickett spent Sunday fish
ing on the Umatilla, near Gibbon.
Emery Rogers, Jack Moore were in
Pendleton, Sunday. ,
Ben Marauis. Walter Huffman,
Walter Edgar and George Pittman
motored to Pendleton, Saturday.
The Athena Hotel
Courteous Treatment, Clcaa Beds
Good MmIs
Tourists Mads Welcome
Special Attention Gives)
to Boms Patrons
Bring in Your Bent
and Sprung Axles
Acetylene Welding and Black,
C. M. Jones Blacksmith Shop
"The Choice of Women who Care!"
Athena Beauty Shop
Sadie Pambrun, Operator
Phone 32
Corner Maia and Thirl
Athena, Oregon
Work Shoes
Dress Shoes
Garner Stands Back of
Their Quality
Priced Right!
Bell & Gray
Phone 593
Two Auto
Truck Drays
Always At Your Service
City and Country
" -LL '"-IJ"m" .-!
We Can
Cast Your
The Installation of an
Electrlcaster Stereotyp
ing Machine makes) it
possible for us to accom
modate our merchant
advertisers and others
in the matter of making
printing plates from
matrices. 1 1 means oral
uable addition to our
of serving our pa treats.