The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 14, 1930, Image 2

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2te Mmn &tm
F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Ratea.
One copy, one year $2.00
One copy, six months f 1.00
One copy, three months .75
Athena, Oregon, November 14, 1930
Waste and inefficiency in the ex-
periment of public ownership nearly
bankrupted the state of North Da
kota, and that experiment should be
entered in the red by other states
whenever the same experiment is ad
vocated. In Oregon, for instance, the
water power resources of the state
were drawn into the November elec
tion simply through a sudden move on
the part of an electric power company
to anuire a series of power sites in
the southern part of the state. Sud
denly the people were made aware
through the application made by the
company to the state engineer for
Dermits covering the filings on the
sites, that Oregon receives the piti
ful sum of a fraction over two cents
ner horse power for the electrical
energy developed by the electric pow
er utilities. Learning this fact led
to the uprising at the polls on No-
vember 4th. But the result of the
election by no means need exclude
this utility from participation in
nower development in Oregon. It
seems to us that electric power com
panies by experience are the better
qualified to develop the power . re
sources of the state and should be per
mitted to do so, but only when they
pay into the state treasury a horse
power rate adequate in value to the
state's natural resource heritage, and
recognize the rights of municipalities
in local power development. The
Press believes that a satisfactory set
tlement of the power question in Ore
gon for all time lies with the next
session of the legislature. Admitted
ly the members of the coming session
are face to face with a momentous
decision, but that they will legislate
fearlessly and fair to all interests
concerned is the expectation of their
A writer in reviewing the trans
portation convenience we are injoy
ing, made possible by the age of mo
torized vehicles, finds that the fine
fruits of the automobile are restrict
ed, largely, to comparatively urban
areas. "The automobile," he' says,
"has made it possible for us to go from
state to state in less time than it
once took to go from town to town.
It has, by giving us a fast, econom
ical and efficient means of transport
ing commodities over short distances,
been of tremendous benefit to busi
ness. But five or ten or fifteen miles
away from main highways, in farm
ing localities, we find roads over
which ho motor car can travel during
several months of each year. The resi
dents of these sections are as com
pletely cut off from personal and in
dustrial contacts with the outside
world as were their grandfathers. A
few days or weeks of bad weather
make their motor vehicles useless.
The amazing progress of the twen
tieth century was the result of the
mechanization of all phases of in
dustry. Agriculture has not suf
ficiently shared in this movement.
Our farmers need good roads which
are serviceable at all times of the
year. Such roads can be built at low
cost with the use of asphaltic ma
terials for waterproofing the sur
face, and pay for themselves time
and again in increased farm prosperity."
When fire broke out recently in the
Ellison shaft of the Homestake mine
in South Dakota, considered the larg
est gold mine in the world, the shift
boss called each level in the mine by
telephone, ordering each boss to call
the roll of his men and to rush them
out of the mine. The Homestake
mine has a complete telephone sys
tem underground. These telephones
arc connected to the company switch
board. That switchboard in turn is
connected to the nearest telephone
central office. Officials indicated that
the telephone system probably avert
ed a much more horrible disaster, in
volving the loss of many lives. As it
wns, only two men were killed and
they were trapped in an elevator cage
in the Ellison shaft and were killed
when the steel cable burned in two
and the cage fell several hundred
to indulge in all the "socialist" bunk
he may want
, o
It is sincerely to be hoped that
amicable relations may exist between
the two great political parties in the
next Congress out of duty to the na
tion in the present industrial ', and
business depression, since the re
publicans request it. And we have no
doubt the democrats will bury their
election laurels lay them aside as it
were and assist the republican
party, custodian of the "full dinner
pail" since the days of Mark Hanna,
in, holding the ramparts of the high
protection castle against the common
foe, old man Depression, and flail heck
out of him.
The Bureau of the Census states,
after a study of 250 American com
munities, that the cost of operating
city governments in this country
more than doubled during the ten
year following 1917. In 1917 per
capita payment for operation and
maintenance of general departments
of these governments was $19.17; in
1927 it was $40.98 and in 1928, $42.63,
While no official survey has been
made for later years, it will undoubt
edly be found that further increases
occurred in 1929 and 1930.
"The Oregon Trail" has been select
ed by the Oregon Historical Society as
the subject for the 1931 Beekman
Essays contest. Prizes will be award
ed for the four best original essays
on this subject written and submitted
by students between the ages of 15
and 18, attending any public or pri
vate school, college university or
other educational institution within
the state of Oregon.
A very sensible suggestion is made
by Milton A. Miller in the Oregon
Journal anent the muddle the uncon
stitutionality of the tax law has plac
ed the state in. Miller suggests that
tax bills and other bills be referred to
the supreme court for approval be
fore, instead of after they are made
into laws.
Mr. Prestbye may well feel elated
over the splendid race he made in his
home county. He ran ahead of his
ticket and defeated his republican op
ponent in Umatilla, which is over
whelmingly republican.
Notice is hereby given, that the
undersigned has been appointed ad
ministratrix of the estate of Reed
Hill, deceased, in the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for Umatilla
All persons having claims against
the said estate are hereby required
to present such claims duly verified,
and with proper vouchers attached, to
the undersigned at the office of Raley,
Raley & Warner, in the Frist Nation
al Bank Building, in Pendleton, Ore
gon, within six months from date of
this notice, the same being dated and
published the first time this 7th day
of November, 1930.
As Administratrix of the Estate of
Reed Hill, deceased.
Raley, Raley & Warner, John F.
Kilkenny & Alfred F. Cunha, Pendle
ton, Oregon, Attorneys for Adminis
tratrix. N7D5
23 Years Ago J
Notice is hereby given that a road
ditsrict meeting of the legal voters of
Special District No. 61, Umatilla
County, State of Oregon is called for
November 17th, 1930, commencing at
the. hour of 1 o'clock, p. m. of said day
and continuing until 5 o'clock p. m.
thereon, which meeting will be held
at the School House in School Dis
trict Number 30. of Umatilla Coun
ty, in Umatilla County, State .of Ore
gon, and within said Special Road
District No. 61. for the purpose of
voting a special tax of not to ex
ceed ten mills on the dollar on all
taxable property in the said Special
Road District No. 61 as defined by
the report of the County Road Master
of Umatilla County, Oregon, filed on
the 7th day of July, 1930; said tax
to be expended under the supervision
of the County Court for such purpose,
for making the proposed road im
provements in said Special Road Dis
trict No. 61.
This notice is published by order
of the County Court of Umatilla
County, State of Oregon, which said
order was made and entered of record
on the 6th day of August. 1930.
County Judge of Umatilla County.
County Commissioner of Umatilla
County, Orgeon.
County Commissioner of Umatilla
County. Oregon.
Attest: R. T. BROWN,
County Clerk of Umatilla County.
Oregon. 031N14
Frick's Metal Weather Stripping is
Hay for Sale Wheat hay for sale.
F. J. Jackson.
For Sale For good, dry wood, see
R. B. McEwen.
Turkeys Fancy grain and milk
fed turkeys for sale. Phone 30F15. 2t
For Sale Eight room house and
three full lots. Mrs. S. F. Sharp,
For Sale Three full-blooded Jersey
bull calves. Floyd Pinkerton, Athe
na, phone 26F5.
Eyes examined, . glasses properly
fitted at Schneller's, 39 East Main,
Walla Walla,
For Sale Two registered Guernsey
bull calves at $75 and $25. Louie
Ringel, Athena, phone 32F21.
Advocacy for a public service com
mission that will function with fair
ness to the public and not entirely sit
as umpires in hearing utility contro
vcrsaries, does not necessarily mean a
socialistic program ''behind a smoke
screen of abuse of public service com
missions," as alleged by a leading in
dustrial journalist. If plain, wide
open criticism and publicity will bring
about a shukeup in public service
commissions and result in general
benefit to the public as well as giv
ing the utility boys a fair shake, the
said industrial journalist is welcome
I Fares East
M Fare and One-Third M
M for Round Trip to K
Departure Dates!
NOV. 1, 8, 18, 22. 24, 29
DEC. 6, 13, 18, 19, 20
Return limit Ftb. S3, 1M1
Stopovtr privileges
i fcv -!Jrt
U IN I U I n
Athena, Oregon
(Eauitv No. 4950)
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
H. A. Street and Betha C. Street,
, husband and wife, Plaintiffs,
Inez Westerdale and A. M. Wester
dale, her husband; Carrie M. Shook
and Samuel W. Shook, her husband;
Jane DoeJ Davis and F. A. Davis,
her husband; Pike Steel and Jane
Doe Steel, his wife; Also all other
persons or parties unknown claim
ing any right, title, estate, lien or
interest in the real estate described
in the complaint herein, Defendants.
To Inez Westerdale and A. M. West
erdale, her husband; Carrie M.
Shook and Samuel W. Shook, her
husband; Jane Doe Davis and F. A.
Davis, her husband; Pike Steel and
Jane Doe Steel, his wife; Also all
other persons unknown claiming
any right, title, estate, iien or in
terest in the real estate described
in the complaint herein, the above
named defendants:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filled
against you in the above entitled
court and cause within four weeks
from the date of the first publication
of this summons and if you fail to so
appear and answer, for want there
of, plaintiffs will apply to said court
for the relief prayed for and demand
ed in said complaint, to-wit; A decree
that plaintiffs have an interest and
estate in the following described
lands, to-wit:
Lot 11 in the Southeast quarter and
the Northwest quarter of the South
east quarter and the South Half of
the southwest quarter of the North
east quarter of Section 3, in Town
ship 3 North, of Range 35 EWM: ex
cept the following described acre
which was sold to School District No.
11: Commencing at the Southwest
corner of Lot 11 in the Southeast
quarter of Section 3, Township 3
North, Range 35 tWM., as a starting
point, thence run due North on the
quarter Section line 11 2-3 rods,
thence at right angles due East 11 2-3
rods, thence at right angles due South
11 2-3 rods, thence at right angles
due West 11 2-3 rods to the point of
And that plaintiffs have such in
terest and estate in said land free
from any right, title, estate, hen or
interest of you. and each of you, and
that you, or any one or more of you,
have no right, title, estate, lien or in
terest in said land, or in any part
thereof, and perpetually restraining
and enjoining you, and each of you,
your heirs and assigns, from assert
ing or claiming any right, title, es
tate, lien or interest in said land, or
in any part thereof, adverse to plain
tiffs. This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof for four suc
cessive weeks in the Athena Press by
order of Honorable James Alger ree.
Judge of the Court above named, and
which said order was made and dated
the 2lst day of October, 1930, and the
date of first publication of this sum
mons is the 24th day of October, 1930.
I. M. Schannep, Attorney for Plain
tiffs, Postoffice address, Pendleton
Oregon. 024-N21
Main St B. H. HILL Athena
Friday, December 6, 1907
Fred Kershaw, clerk of School Dis
trict No. 29, this week completed the
census taking of children of school
age residing in the district. Mr. Ker
shaw found 269 children of school age
residing in the district as against 234
enumerated in last year census re
port given by the school clerk, an in
crease of 85 pupils. There are J27
more boys of school age than there
are girls.
The Palace Drug Company was in
corporated -Monday in this city with
a capital stock of $5,000. The in
corporators are Dr. J. D. Plamondon,
A. Plamondon and William McBride.
Mr. and Mrs. George Dunlap re
turned yesterday from a visit with
friends at Portland and other valley
Tharp Bros, have invested in an
automobile, and are now enjoying this
glorious weather in giving the ma
chine a tryout.
Mrs. Gen Harris will go with Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence La Brache to the
farm, where she will make her home
for the winter.
Miss Kitty Sharp will probably go
to Condon, Gilliam county, soon, to
take .charge of the primary depart
ment of the public school there.
Dr. Plamondon reports 5 cases of
measles in the family of A. O. Kirk
south of town, and 3 cases in the fam
ily of Mrs. Lola Payne in this city.
The ladies of the M. E. Aid society
gave a farewell party to Mrs. A. M.
Gillis at her home in this city Tuesday
evening. The Gillis family will leave
shortly for their new home in Adams
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jenkins have
recently moved from their fruit ranch
at Hood River and are now living on
a 500 acre farm about ten miles from
The roller skating craze has invaded
Helix P. D. Mann, proprietor of the
local rink, has opened a rink in the
little city up the flat, and Tuesday
night 62 Helix people enjoyed , the
Miss Grace Hawks and Mr. Robert
Cronin were married in Pendleton at
the home of the bride's parents Wed
nesday evening. The bride is well
known to Athena people, having spent
her early girlhood here. The groom
is employed on the Oregon Daily
Journal, at Portland.
Dr. and Mrs. Heisley gave an old
fashioned candy pull Tuesday evening
to the older patients under their care.
A pleasant time was passed, and the
guests pronounced the doctors most
excellent candy makers, as well as en
tertainers. Last evening Miss Lula Tharp en
tertained a number of her young
friends at her home on Current street.
Games and music were the order of
the . evening, and refreshments were
served. .
Charles Gay and . Henry Bergevin
have leased the Athena Hotel for one
year, with the option of buying at the
end of that time. The hotel will
forthwith be run under their manage
ment, and Mr. Millen and Mr. and
Mrs. Harden, who have so long man
aged the business of the house suc
cessfully, will retire. Mr. and Mrs.
Harden will rent a private house and
remain citizens of Athena. Mr. Mill
en's plans are not known at present.
Homer I. Watts principal of the
Athena High school was admitted to
the bar, at Tuesday's session of the
supreme, court in Pendleton. Mr.
Watts is a graduate of the law de
partment at Harvard College.
Joseph N. Scott left Sunday via
Walla Walla for Seattle, where he
expected to be joined by his brother,
Dr. Will R. Scott, when the two would
ro by water to San Francisco. Mr.
Scott will . then go to Huntington
Beach, where he will be united in
marriage with Miss Estella Preston,
returning home with his bride in
about two months.- Miss Preston is
well known in this county, where she
was raised from childhood.
"Are You Satisfied"
with your personal appearance?
Try a famous Marinello facial or a more ad-
8 vanced one in muscle toning to build up those sag-
gmg laciai muscies or reauce inai aouDie cnin. we
also specialize in tinting gray or faded hair to re
store its natural color and lustre. "
In fact we can serve you well in all lines of
beauty culture and tonsorial work. '.'v
1 Nestle LeMur Permanent Wave
Phone 492
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Company
We Have the, Best
Eastern Fried Oysters
Hot Tamales
Chili Beans
i s
-Walla Walla General Hospital
A modern non sectarian fifty bed hospital, with
all up to date modern hospital facilities for the care
of patients. , ; ;
X-Ray and bacteriological labortories, washed air
ventilation." : 4
Only graduate nurses are employed and their ser
vices are included at the regular rates which are
$3.50 to $6.00
Special nurses extra. Your interest and patronage
is solicited. Phone 480. '
Gallaher' s Garage
J. E. Gallaher
Phone 471
Continental Oil Company
Always at Your Service
Athena Service Station
Gas, Oils, Greasing : :
Automobile Accessories Tires
BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 762
Farmers Grain Elevator
Grian and Feed
A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed
Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr.
We Have the Agency
For the
Macy Tailoring System
of America
Twin City Cleaners
Phone 492
T. E. Smith, Prop. Freewater, Oregon
Reduction In Electric
Light Rates
The following reduction in Electric light rates will
be in effect on and after March 15, 1929:
Residential Rates
First 30 KWH hours used, per month..10c per KWH
Excess over 30 KWH used, per month..:.3c per KWH
The above rates apply when bills are paid in full within 10 days
from date of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per
cent on each item.
Commercial Rates
First 100 KWH used per month.....10c per KWH
Next 200... .7c per KWH
Next 300 . 6cperKWH
Next 400 . ...5c per KWH
Next 1000. 4c per KWH
Excess over 2000 :l3c per KWH
The above rates apply when bills are paid In full within 10 days
from date of bill. Otherwise, the rate will be increased by 10 per
cent on each item.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Company
The Military Bird
The wild geese and ducks are arriving on their
annual migration from the great north.' . ;
The goose, the noblest of all game birds, is the
only bird who conducts his affairs in military order.
He flies in perfect formation, wears a beautiful uni
form and places sentinels when in camps. He is a
wary fellow and it is the keen sportsman who can
out-general him.
For the accommodation of the particular and
discriminating hunter, we carry a stock of U M C
Ammunition. Our Remington long range loads
will out shoot, shell for shell, any make or brand of
heavy, long range loads on the market.