The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 31, 1930, Image 4

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vv-i I
29 Reasons for a Good
Hot Water Bottle
There are at least twenty-nine painful bodily con
ditions that will be relieved or comforted by the ap
plication of heat with a Hot Water Bottle. While
vou're here examining the beautiful, two-year-guar-
l anteed Kantleek Hot Water Bottles, we'll tell you
what those ailments are. i ou'ii men agree tnat h
is worth your while to invest in a Kantleek.
Sold only at Rexall Drug Stores
Colors Wisteria, Jade,
Orchid, Blue, Red, Onyx.
Price was $2.50
Now $2
Two-year Guarantee
Main Street Phone 332 Athena
Canned Goods Sale
Avail yourself of this opportunity to stock your
pantry with quality merchandise, yet at these
extremely low prices.
November 1st and 3rd
Beans, Red & White, 2s
3 for 63c, or 12 for 2.45
Beans, Green & White, 2s
3 for 39c, or 12 for 1.55 ?
Peas, Red & White, 2s
3 for G3c, or 12 .for 2.45
Peas, Green & White, 2s
3 for 39c, or 12 for 1.55
Corn, Red & White, Golden Bantam, 2s
3 for 63c, or 12 for 2.45
Corn, Golden Sweet, Green & White, 2s
3 for 39c, or 12 for 1.55
Tomatoes, Red & White, 2y2s
3 for 63c, or 12 for 2.45 ,
Tomatoes, Green & White, 2ls
3 for 39c, or 12 for 1.55
Hominy, Red & White, 2i2s
3 for 39c,
Asparagus, New West, 23
3 for 1.12
Spinach, 2Ms, Red & White
3 for 63c
Kraft, Red & White, 2y2s
3 for 53c
Beets, Tiny Whole, Red & White, 2s
3 for 73c
Beets Sliced, Red & White, 2s
3 for 55c
Coffee, Red and White, 1 lb.
2 for 69c
Standard White Corn, 2s
6 for 58c, or 24 for 2.25
Standard Peas, 2s
6 for 58c, or 24 for 2.25
Flour, White Diamond, 49 lb. sack
1 sack for 1.25, or 4 sacks for 4.9S
Flour, White Satin, 49 lb. sack
1 sack for 1.57, or 4 sacks for 6.25
Press Paragraphs
Edwin McEwen was a Milton vis
itor Monday.
Mrs. W. S. Ferguson was in Walla
Walla Monday.
For Sale For good, dry wood, see
R. B. McEwen.
Mrs. Marion Hansell visited in Wal-
la Walla Saturday.
C. D. Morey who suffered a slight
stroke last week is improving.
Mrs. Ida Downing and Hnnctitor
Helen were Athena visitors Wednes
day.' i , '
Mrs. A. A. Mclntyre and Mrs.
Chase Garfield motored to Pendleton
Athena relatives are expecting a
visit soon from Mrs. Grant Prestbye
of Montana.
R. B." McEwen has finished seeding
his crop and is now preparing to do
some fall plowing.
Harold Kirk, Carolyn Kidder and
Ralph McEwen, Jr., were Walla Wal
la visitors Sunday.
A new counter centering the Quality
Grocery store1 has been added to the
fixtures this week.
For Rent 3-room, modern, furnish
ed cottage, reasonable. Inquire of
Mrs. W. McPherson.
Will Peterson and "Oley" Olsen of
Pendleton were visitors at the M. L.
Watts ranch Sunday.
For Sale Two registered Guernsey
bull calves at $75 and $25. Louie
Ringel, Athena, phone 32F21.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Pinkerton spent
Sunday in Milton at the home of their
daughter, Mrs. Maurice Frazier.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bush of Port
Angeles are guests this week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Bush.
Miss Hilda Dickenson of Arlington
spent last week-end as the house
guest of Mrs. W. G. Cowan in Walla
George and Allen Drumheller were
Athena visitors this week and pur
chased a number of mules from
Henry Koepke.
Take your dinner, beginning 5 p. m.,
election day with the ladies of ' the
Baptist church, in the church base
ment dining room.
Mrs. Amanda McArthur who has
been visiting relatives in this vicinity
for several weeks left for her home in
Portland Wednesday.
Mrs. B. B. Richards is in Walla
Walla at the bedside of her mother,
Mrs. H. H. Hill who is seriously ill
in a hospital in that city.
A. L. Douglas has gone from Herm
iston to the Willamette valley where
he is negotiating for a place, trading
in his Hermiston holdings.
Frank Coppock who underwent an
operation for appendicitis last Sat
urday in a Walla Walla hospital is
convalescing satisfactorily.
The meeting of the W. C. T. U
was held yesterday at the home of
Mrs. D. A. Pinkerton, with Mrs. 0
H. Reeder program leader.
Mrs. Retta Potts of Portland, a
former well known resident of Athe
na made a business visit here Wed
nesday. Mrs. Potts reports that her
daughter Myrtle is in poor health at
this time.
M. Ben Bateman
Expert in Body Correction
Try him once and be convinced. Of
fice in Fpss property in North Athe
na. Office hours from 9 a. m. to
1 p. m. and from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m.
and 7 p. m. to 9 p. m. Lady attendant.
Bell & Gray
. Phone 593
Two Auto
Truck Drays
Always At Your Service
City and Country
Art Studio
i at
Mrs. LA. Cornell's Residence
Athena, Phone 813
Class enrollment is now offered
in. China Painting Jesso Art
Lamp Shade Decorating, Etc.
Bruno Weber
Repair Work
Prices Reasonable
Successor To
Rev. M. W. Goff of Philamoth will
preach at the morning and evening
services at the Baptist church, Sun
day. ,
The pulpit theme Sunday morning
at the Christian church will be "The
Faith of Our Fathers." Bible school
at 9:50 a. m.
Carl Rogers, of Condon, visited at
the home of his uncle Alfred Kibbey
Wednesday, Mr; Rogers was en route
home after a visit to Yakima. ,
Dean Moore is home from a Walla
Walla hospital, where he was recently
operated on for relief from appendi
citis, and is rapidly recovering.
Mrs. Cowan, mother of Dr. W. G.
Cowan, of Walla Walla is visiting at
the country home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Betts, south of Athena. :
Mrs. Thelma Sitton was a week-end
guest at the home of Mrs. Frank
Williams. Mrs. Sitton makes her
home in Washtucna, Washington.
The ladies of the Baptist church
will serve dinner to the public on
election day, in the church dining
room beginning at 5 o'clock, p. m.
Mrs. Mildred Best and small son
of Portland, who formerly lived in
this vicinity have been visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs1. J. E. Jones.
' Miss Goldie Miller entertained on
Saturday evening in honor of her
mother's birthday anniversary. . She
was assisted by Miss Helen Foster.
MiSs Phyllis .Dickenson and Miss
Edna DeFreece of Athena and Miss
Lois Mclntyre of , Pendleton were
Walla Walla visitors Saturday night.
Mrs. Minnie Mitchell has returned
to her home in Portland, after spend
ing several months at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Fred Gross, west of Ath
ena. Mrs. J. E. Ransom of Walla Wal
la visited at the Chase Garfield home
Friday. Mrs. Ransom is dancing in
structor at the Whitman conserva
tory. V,
Mr. and Mrs. JJeryl Hodgen will be
week-end visitors in Athena arriving
today. Beryl's The Dalles team will
play Pendleton 4,high at Pendleton
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Goff who have
been visiting at the R. B. McEwen
home for the past fortnight left yes
terday morning,, by motor, for their
home at Newberg.
Accompanied by her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Stanton, Miss Mildred
Stanton went to Portland Wednesday,
where she will take her professional
nurse examination.
Mrs. F. B. Hampton is a guest this
week at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton. Mrs. Hampton
arrived here Friday from her home
at Genessee, Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Prestbye were
recipients Tuesday of a gift in the
way of a fine '(catch ' of trout. Dr,
R. M. Rice was the donor and caught
the fish in McKay creek.
Athena friends of Mrs. Ernest Zerba
of Waitsburg, will be pleased to learn
that she is improving in health at the
Portland Medica) hospital, where she
has been taking treatment..
Donald McFayden, carpenter, is en
gaged in making, improvements to the
Methodist parsonage. A bay window
is being removed and in its place a
front porch is being added.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. 0. Montague of
the Athena Red & White store attend
ed a dance in Walla Walla, Thursday
evening of last week, given by the
Red & White store organization.
Rev. and Mrs. T. A. Graham who
have been visiting at the home of
their daughter, Mrs. Gordon Watkins,
for the past fortnight departed for
their home at Lynden, Washington,
Tuesday morning making the trip by
Rev. Louis Randall of Cottage
Grove spoke at ,the Baptist church
last Sunday. The congregation is
considering giving Mr. Randall a call
to the church here. During his visit
he was entertained at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Kibbey.
Mrs. George Myrick this week en
tertained four o her sisters, Mrs.
Burch of Salem, Mrs. Stephens of
Astoria, Mrs. Savage of Portland and
Mrs. Stamper of Yakima. Eldon My
rick came over from Whitman college
Sunday, and spent the day at his
home here.
The 0. D. 0. club met last Friday
afternoon with Mrs. Ethel Montague
thirteen members being present. Af
ter a social period the hostess served
refreshments assisted by Mrs. Grace
Catron. The next meeting of the
club will be at the home, of Mrs.
Claud Dickenson,'-November 7th.
Mrs. Claude Dickenson who makes
her home near Weyland, called on
Athena friends Wednesday. Mrs.
Dickenson reports that neighbors are
most pleased with the new market
road and that farmers in that vicinity
feel much nearer town since its completion.
T. P. DeFreece who makes his
home near Walla Walla transacted
business in Athena Wednesday. Mr.
DeFreece whose health has been poor
for some time is feeling much better
and credits his . improvement to a
prolonged visit at Coeur dAIene
Lake, Idaho, where he spent the suntr
mer months.
Mrs. Penn Harris who returned
home Wednesday from Portland, will
open her beauty parlor tomorrow,
and to each patron during the day, a
ticket good for service to the extent
of 60 cents will be given. Mrs. Har
ris has completed the course in a Port
land beauty culture school, after an
attendance of several months. i
The ladies pinochle club met at the j
home of Mrs. George Brace at Thorn
Hollow, Thursday afternoon of last
week, where they were pleasantly en
tertained. High score was won by
Mrs. Jesse Smith and low score went
to Mrs. W. C. Campbell. Mrs. Ernest
Ross won the guest prize.. The next
meeting of the club will be held at
the home of Mrs. W. E. Campbell.
Apples I Laundary Soap .
Choice Jonathan, per box ::::...190c I Swift's Whitet 10 bars .:;:::;.l29c
Salmon I Kraut Juice
Pink, No. 1 tall, 2 "cans ...25c I Pure Natural Juice, 3 bottles ...:..25c
Gasaba Melons
Nice and Juicy, 2 for .........,...:..25c
Fresh Dales
Pitted, Dromedary, per package ..23c
Pabst ett Cheese " 1 T, Scout Prints
All flavorspackage ..:. 19c I 36 inch, Fast Colors per yard .:..17c
Phone 152
At h e n a De pa rt m e n t Store
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Elder who are
spending the winter months at the
Laurence Pinkerton ranch near Athe
na motored to Pullman and Moscow
last week-end.
The Athena high school football
team has received and accepted a
challenge from the Athena alumni
for a game to be played on the local
field, November 11th.
Mrs.. Lillian Craig and daughter
Bernice, were visitors last week-end
at the home of their cousin, Mrs.
James Cresswell. Miss Craig teaches
in Berney school at Walla Walla.
Edward Henderson who has spent
the summer at the Floyd Pinkerton
ranch, left this morning for Genessee,
Idaho. Tomorrow he will proceed to
his old home in Ashville, Tennessee,
where he will spend the winter,
A group of young matrons and
their husbands who meet often for
dinner and bridge, was entertained
last Friday at the home of Dr. and
Mrs. R. D. Blatchford. Instead of
prizes being awarded a trophy is
given to the person winning at three
consecutive meetings. Mrs. Rice won
honors Friday. Those present were
Dr. and Mrs. Rice of Pendleton, Mr.
and Mrs. Justin Harwood, Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Prestbye and the hosts.
farm Bargain
Exceptional opportunity to start
farming in a BIG way on a SMALL
investment. 160 acres; all tractor
wheat land, on macadam 1 highway.
Splendid buildings; pressure water,
for sale at a BARGAIN. With it will
go a lease on 725 acres, 450 acres of
which is in summerfallow wheat, 420
acres in stubble to summerfallow next
year. A real tractor layout in the
best wheat district tributary to Lewis
ton. It will surprise you to learn all
about this. Write FRANK E.
SCHOOLER, Lewiston, Idaho.
William R. Meiners
Democratic Nominee
Umatilla County
General Election November 4, 1930
"A Square Deal to All
Joseph N.
Pendleton, Oregon
Joint Representative
Umatilla Counties
Candidate for Re-election
Quality Grocery
Purex, Softens the Water, 2 quarts 25c .
Fels Naptha Soap, 10 bars .:........;.... J........ 65c I
Prefered Soda Wafers, 5 lbs. ..69c
Alaska Pink Salmon, 1 lb. talis ..:...:........:..........15c
Hills Bros. Coffee, 1 lb. 44c, 2 lbs. 86c, 4 lbs. $1.71
New Crop Lima Beans per lb I......:.....v..:l4c
New Crop Red Mexican. Beans per
Picnic Hams, per lb. Still.... : . ..19c
Home Grown Honey, 10 lbs. ................$1.20
Home Grown Honey, 5 lbs 6ic
Frank Little, Prop.
Main Street
Phone 561
m v
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena Oregon.
Goodyear Tires
and Tubes
Automobile Supplies,
Parts and Accessories
Athena Garage
North side Main Street
Phone 352