The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 17, 1930, Image 4

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. . . ;
Make Everybody Happy
on Sweetest Day
October 18th, is the one day in the year
above all others when you should have
a thought for all lovers of fine candy
mothers, wives, sweethearts, children,
all your relatives and friends. Remem
ber it's the thought behind the gift that
: counts.' " ' '
We have a fresh stock of BULK and
' BOX CHOCOLATES and a variety, of ;
Main Street
Phone 332 ;
Press Paragraphs
I Hi T
Your Money V
Unusual values are a matter, of course
at Red & White Stores. And, of
course you will find the foods
to be wholesome and de
Coffee, Red & White, 'l-lb. bags
- 35c
Jell Dessert
3 for 19c
Minced Clams, Red & White, Is
2 for 53c
Crystal White Soap
30 for $1.00
3 for 39c
Starch, Red & White, l-lb.
' 2 for 17c
Macaroni, Spaghetti and Noodles, Red & White
,3 for 23c
Matches, Blue & White, carton
15c .
, : . Mazola, quarts
phone 171 -
Fred Brooke of Seattk
friends here.
Mrs. W. S. Ferouaon nnent. Mnuliv
In Walla Walla. .
B. A. Duffleld made
ness trip to Portland. . ..
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Rtfimnnl nt
Walla Walla visited Athena friends
Almond DeMerritfc in eanvsJoanintr
from an operation for' the removal
of tonsils.
Little Jimmie Cresswell ha Kopn
quite ill at the home of his parents on
Fifth street.
W. E. Camnbell and Conrca RriKt
left Sunday on a hunting "trip in
urant county. ,
Mrs. Ralph Havnie and littln dano-h.
ter of Burns, are visiting . at the
ueorge Bannister home.
The cubit at the Bantist church
was again filled Sunday by Rev. L.
W. Gowan of Waitsburg.
hj. O. Lee is employed temporarily
on construction work of a dam near
Wenatchee, Washington.
Mrs. W. P. Armintront wan visifinir
her mother, Mrs. Chas. McFarland, in
Athena over last week-end.
Miss Sadie Pambrun snent last
week-end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Alva Blalock at Pendleton.
F. S. LeGrow. Marion Hansell and
Sam Pambrun returned Sunday from
a hunting trip in the Blue mountains.
Mrs. Charles Betts recently visited
Mrs. H. H. Hill, who is a nation, in
the General Hospital at Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Kirk, Harold
Kirk and Miss Edna DeFreeee went.
to Pullman for the game last Satur
The Camn Fire Girls netted eicrht
dollars from their food sale at the
Red and White store, Saturday after
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Walker
spent Sunday at the home of Mrs.
Walker's father, Mr: Morris at Free-
Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Adkins of Pay
ette, Idaho, are in. Athena visiting at
the home of their daughter, Mrs. Lew
Fav Pambrun is at Ritter where he
is a guest of Herman Geissel. He
will enjoy some deer hunting before
his return.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Parr is came over
from Walla " Walla Wednesday, and
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Little.
Mrs. Savannah Knox who has- been
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. T. Smith, is visitine relatives
in Hood River.
A. L. Princ. president of the Ameri
can-Netherlands Loan Bank, and M.
M. Morrison, secretary, were Athena
business visitors Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hawkins (Ethel
Pittman) are here from Tacoma. vis
iting at the home of ,Mr. and' Mrs.
Fred Pittman. parents of Mrs. Haw
W. C. Garfield has sold his farmincr
outfit to Frank Sanders, who . will
hereafter farm the land west of
Athena, owned by Mrs. J. H. Temple-
ton of Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hawea ( Pearl
Green) came over from La Grande
sundav and soent the day at the home
of Mrs. Hawes' parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Green.
Mrs. Fred Kershaw returned Thurs
day from Ontario where she has been
visiting for several weeks. She re
ports that her mother Mrs. Barbara
Willaby is improving.
Lawrence Pinkerton. Chase Gar
field, Flint Johns, Emery Rogers,
Dean ana Wayne nnkerton were
amonsr those witnessing the football
game at Pullman Saturday.
Mrs. Paul Lieuallen entertained the
3 o' 4 Bridge club at her home in
Adams Thursday of last week.
Honors went to Mrs. L. R. Pinkerton
and the guest prize was awarded to
Mrs. Fred Pinkerton. Three tables
were in play. Mrs. A. H. Mclntyre
and Mrs. Fred Pinkerton were club
' Mrs. Verlin Haverlanil
va v4vucl
ttai-Dara and Arthur were Athena
visitors Monday. . ,. I
! Mr. and Mrs. Clair Guernev urova
. ' J
weeK-ena guests at the home of Mrs.
Guerney's parents Mr. and Mrs. W.
P. Littlejohn. They attended the
loowau game at Pullman. ,
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. LeGrow and Mr. I
and Mrs. James Sturcis left. Vdafav.
day' for Portland where they will
spena me week-end. They plan to at
tend me uregon- Washington foot
ball game.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dudley, Athena,
r. ana xars. uien Stater, Pendleton,
and Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dudley, Day
ton, motored to Pullman last week
end, where they witnessed the W. S.
l-.-u. s. c.. football game Saturday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Henry TTnonto
left by motor Wednesday for their
nome .in wenaaie, .California. They
were accompanied by Mrs. Henry
n.uepKe, jr.. ana son Henrv TTI nh
- - . --- ,
win spend the winter in the South.
Accompanied by her daughter, Mrs.
H. E. Turner of Kennewiok
, -
Kinney, mother of Mrs. Turner and
Mrs. Little returned Sunday to the
rrann unue nome, where she will re
main through the coming winter
Mrs. R. Alexander and Mrs. I. U.
Temple 1 were luncheon hostesses
Tuesday at the Temple cabin on Emi
grant Hill members of the Past
Matron's Club were ciiosfa oirrkfonr.
being present. Mrs. H. A. Barrett
motored down for the affair.
The Loyal Gleaners class of the
Christian church will entertain at a
party at the church this evening. All
ciass memoers are invited to be pres
ent at seven-thirty when, election of
officers will occur. Games
entertainment will feature the oc
Large Bottle .: ..............17a I 2 Cans .. ..... ... . . ..... .35c
2 5-oz. Cans ..................,........r..25c I Dunbar Brand, 2 for .;.......M-.;.37c
Pint Jar . 27c
Per Cake, 2, for..:..:.......;;.........;.....35c
Fancy, No. 1 Cans, 2 for 35c 1 Mother Stewarts, 3 Bottles ...25c
Phone 152
Athena Department Store
M. Ben Bateman
Expert in Body Correction
Try him once and be convinced. Of
fice in Foss property in North Athe
na. Office hours from 9 a. m. to
1 p. m. and from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m.
and 1 p. m. to 9 p. m. Lady attendant.
Continental Oil Company
Always at Your Service
Athena Service Station
; Gas, Oils, Greasing
Automobile Accessories Tires
BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 762
Art Studio
Mrs. LA. Cornell's Residence
Athena, Phone -813
Class enrollment is now offered
in China Fainting Jesso Art
Lamp Shade Decorating, Etc.
Bruno Weber
and .
Repair Work
Prices Reasonable
Successor To
Miss Edna DeFreece, Mrs. Will
Kirk and James Hodem
day morning for Portland to attend
ine uregon Washington football
game. Mr. Hodcen Will niAAflai1
Kedlands, California, where he will
visii relatives until the first of No
Mrs. Clason Adams will
day for her, home in Palo Alto after
a visit of several wppVs in Ahn
She will be accompanied by her
mower, wis. M. ju Watts who will
make an extended stay in the south.
The ladies will spend several days in
Portland en rnnfa - . -
The Etude club met Tuesday at the
nome oi wrs. u. M. Eager with
iwenry-two members present. Mrs.
Ernest Bell and Mrs. W. S. Ferguson
were welcomed as new members. Mrs.
E. E. GofT of Newberg was a guest
"ie ciud. After a brief business
session Mrs. Lester directed chorus
Dorsey Kretzer who has been
absent from Athena for over twn
years was in town this week visiting
inenas. uorsey who is engaged in
the advertising business, has travel.
ed extensively since leaving Afhono
his work taking him through nearly
every state in the Union. He goes
from this State to California
Jim Lieuallen, Weston stockman,
iransactea ousiness in Athena yes
terday. Mr. Lieuallen is president of
the Weston Stockmen's Association,
ana says tne cattle owned hv astuwin.
tion members are to be rounded up
on the range and driven to winter
quarters at once. He reported snow
at longate and on the higher ranges
ox ioe mountains, Wednesday.
Saturday afternoon Mrs. FlovH Pin,
kerton and Miss Mary Berlin enter
tained thirteen children, membra nf
their Christian church Sunday school
classes at tne home of Mrs. Pinker
ton, west of Athena. Games and re
freshments, consisting of sandwiches,
cookies and cocoa were enjoyed by
the little folks. Mrs. Flint Johns and
airs. Lisle Gray assisted the hostesses
in serving.
Mrs. E. O. Lee entertained the
members of the Baptist Missionary
society weanesday afternoon of last
week, when twelve members were
present. Guests were Mrs. L. M.
Keen and Miss Margaret Lee.- Mrs
Zteltha Mclntyre and Mrs. Joe Ander
son served refreshments. Mrs. An.
derson will entertain the White Cross
Sewing Circle at her home, next Wed
nesday afternoon.
CV A, Sias, pastor of the Athena
Christian church, conducted services
in Helix Sunday evening. Mrs. Floyd
Pinkerton participated in the services
by giving a solo, and, Messers Eager,
Pinkerton, Gerking and Rev. Sias
comprised the personnel for a quartet
on the program. Mr. and Mrs. L. R.
Pinkerton, Mr, and Mrs. C. M. Eager,
Mr. and Mrs. George Gerking, Mrs.
Floyd Pinkerton and Mrs. C. A. Sias
motored over to Helix for the ser
Ladies of the auxiliary of the Chris
tion Missionary, society for the local
church work, met Wednesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. C. A. Sias
and made tentative plans for the an
nual bazaar and dinner. The time
was set as Friday, December 5, and
the place in the church basement. The
ladies of th T-nvnl Cleaners class of
the Bible school have been asked to
take charge of the dinner and assist
with the bazaar, and this class will
meet tonight to perfect arrange
Mrs. C. E. O. Montague entertain
ed a party of friends at a one o'clock
luncheon Thursday afternoon of last
week. Two tables were in play at
ninochle during the afternoon. Guests
were Mrs. Phillip Remillard, Mrs.
George Brace, Mrs. Jesse Smith, Mrs.
A. L. Jenkins, Mrs. W. E. Campbell,
Mrs. C. R. Pntter and Miss Lois
Smith. Miss Smith won high score,
low going to Mrs. Smith. The group
of ladies will meet next at the home
of Mrs. George Brace at Thorn Hol
low. - ' . - i
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Swno-cnrt Hrnvo
up from their home at Portland, and
spent several days at their ranch.
north of Athena. '
The next meetinsr of the MnthnHf
Ladies' society will be heM
day, October 22 at the home of Mrs.
i rank Williams, south of Athena.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dixon whn
ed relatives in Athena last. vt
have returned to their home at La
crosse, Washington, where Mr. Dixon
is employed by an oil company
W. R. Harden. Tom Gilkev. Millard
Kelly and Everett Knight are in the
south part of the county on a deer
hunt. Thev will remain until thn
close of the hunting season, Monday.
Bryce Baker drove his car to Pull
man Saturday, and accompanying him
to the W. S. C.-Calif ornia foot.hall
game were M. I. Miller, Glenn Mc-
L-uuough, Bill Wheatley, Jack Moore
and Dr. Blatchford.
Early Ohio potatoes of
quality. Why . pay ?5.00 per sack in
the spring when you, can get them for
less than half at dieein&r time. Cnm
and get what you' need. F. Heath,
need & Hawley mountain.
Mrs. Archie Mclntyre entertained
the O. D. O. club at her hnmn Fri
day. The hostess, was assisted at the
tea nour by Mrs. Adam Swandt. The
next meetine will be at tho
Mrs. Ethel Montague, October 24th.
uienn bhankland, employed m the
construction denartment of tho Pa.
cific Telephone & Teleerauh comnanv
who has been stationed in Athena at
different times, is now at Astoria and
orders The Press sent to his address.
We desie to exnress our thanlra
and deep appreciation through the
columns of The Press for the kind
ness and sympathy extended us dur
ing our bereavement in the loss of
our brother, Reed Hill.
Quality Grocery
Treasure Coffee, Guaranteed, per lb. .. .35c
Old Dutch Cleanser, 3 for ... .......... .....25c
Preferred Crackers, Slightly Salted, 3 lbs. ........40c
Crystal White Soap, 6 for 25c, per case ........$3.90
Solid Pack Gallon Fruits Peaches................; 70c
Solid Pack Gallon Fruits Apricots .......;.....i....70c
Solid Pack Gallon Fruits, Strawberries,........$U4
Solid Pack Gallon Fruits Raspberries .....$1.11
Solid Pack Gallon Fruits Loganberries ............99c
Alaska Pink Salmon, 1 lb.t tails .........15c
Norwegian Sardines in Olive Oil, 2 for................25c
Dromedary Dates, New Crop, Package ............25c
Cream of Wheat, Package .....27c
Frank Little, Prop.
Main Street ' -: ' -
Phone 561
rar ana une-ihird
for Round Trip to
Dctarlnr Dales!
NOV. 1, 8, 15, 22, 24, 29 "t
DEC 6, 13, 18, 19, 20
Return limit Feb. 28, 1931
Stopover privilege! W
Dirt and Dandruff can not remain in the same
scalp with Fitch D. R. Shampoo. Give yourself
a treat and try one. Also retail size bottle.
. Phone 492 .
I -
C M. EAGER. Agent, Athena
Goodyear Tires
and Tubes
Automobile Supplies, -
Parts and Accessories
Athena Garage
North side Main Street - - Phone 352