The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 17, 1930, Image 1

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It would be a big Job to tell one hundred people any
thing that would interest them in your Roods, but its
dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell
several hundred at once at nominal cost
In the week but that you do not need stationery of
some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing
at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types,
modern work, prompt delivery.
Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mall Matter
, v, :.. .. . ,, j
Cause of Death Attributed
to Heart Failure Found
by Millard Kelly.
I Reed Hill, well known Athena resi
i dent, died Saturday forenoon in the
mountains near Dale in the ' south
f part of the TiOunty, while on a hunt-
- ing , trip. Heart -. failure was'1 the
cause of death, Mr. Hill having been
:" afflicted with heart disease in mild
; form for sometime past. - " ,'
In company with Millard Kelly,
f Hill left camp and the two men walk
- ed about three miles to a ridge where
l Kelly intended to hunt deer for the
5 day. -Arriving on top of the ridge,
Mr. Hill saw a deer at some distance
i and started through the brush to get
closer range. V After . he separated
from " Kelly the latter . waited for
I some time expecting to hear Hill
shoot. '' ' " . ' ' '
The deer remained in its position,
i and finally Kelly decided to go into
the brush and shoot it if Reed had
not fired in the meantime. Walking
slowly and quietly for some distance,
Kelly was shocked to see Mr. Hill
lying on the ground dead, in front of
him. ' . ' '' .
i s Kelly at once went to . a forest
: ranger, and E. C. Rogers was notified
,of the death shortly, afternoon, the
message coming by telephone through
1 the Ukiah office. ; f -J .
The forest ranger and a ; stock
; range rider greatly assisted Mr.
Kelly in his deplorable situation.
k Kelly remained near the body alone
t until ten o'clock Saturday night,
keeping a fire going on the hillside to
guide the forester and range rider to
i the spot. They came in with a Ford
'i car and the body was removed down
I the roadless ridge to a point where
I it intersected a forest road and on to
I Ukiah where the body was ; taken
r, -charge of by an undertaker and later
t brought out to Pendleton, front where
4 funeral arrangements were made; .
. Robert McArthur Was a third mem-
ber of the hunting party but was in
camp when his two friends were
V hunting.
Mr. Hill was born in towa, October
v. S, 1867. With his parents he came
: to Oregon in 1872 and lived near and
V; in Athena during his lifetime. He
f never married and followed the car
'k penter trade for a livelihood. He was
i a member of the Masonic and
Knights of Pythias orders. He is
survived by four brothers and three
5 sisters: Turpin Hill of Forest Grove;
v Oscar Hill of Merced, California;
; PerrjMS. Hill of Albany; Jerome
i Hiil of Freewater; Mrs. Ida Down
l ing of Freewater; Nola Hill of Athe-
na and Mrs. Carrie Rogers of Helix,
v Funeral services were held in Athe
na Tuesday at 10 a. m. from the
Christian church, with Rev. Payne
." and Rev. Sias officiating. Masonic
I services were held at the grave. Pall
; bearers were Louis Keen, A. M.
Johnson, Lee Johnson, Herman Hoff
man, Louis Berlin and C. T. Smith. ,
Sixty-Four Umatilla Coun-
II ty Students At 0. S. C.
: Oregon State College. Sixty-four
j students from 12. towns in Umatilla
; county are registered at Oregon
; State College for the fall school
-term of 1930.
; Pendleton leads the list with 30
tAaT,im TTprmiaton and Mil ton are
1 next with eight each; Echo follows
t with six, Freewater nas tour, Aaams
Pilot Rftpk. Ukiah. Weston,
' Umatilla, Athena and Helix one each.
"V Choice of courses among the 64
' students is as follows: Commerce 24,
'engineering 13, agriculture 9, home
' economics 7," "vocational education 5,
pharmacy 3, forestry 2 and general
' ( course 1.'-
S , Cattle Are Tested
i Sixty thousand cattle in Oregon
kn fotv1 this year for in
uaiv - - .
I fectious abortion, Dr. W. H. L,ytie,
veterinarian said. ' Hood River
' . kiibvaJ tn be' the first en-
tire county In the United States to
v.. u. -.ttL tested. The state now
has seven aborice control areas. Lytle
- w hulf the states are now
5 giving attention to control of the dis
1 ease.:' . ""
Old Man Winter Knocks at
the Weather Door. Kecins
With Snow In Mountains
. HI1 Mnn Winfor Kocrmn IrnnplriTifr At
the weather door of the Pacific North
west Tuesday night when he sprink
led the summit of the Blue Mountains
east of Athena with snow. At Toll
gate three inches of snow was re
ported Wednesday,; , .
Associated Press reports say that -flHvnnpA cfnfc for thn nIH man
struck Kittitas county in Washing-
1 . . . . . V.
ion m a iunous campaign vo caven a
caravan of hunters unaware and un
nrenared. crossing Snoqualmie pass
to arrive in Kittitas valley for the
opening of the hunting season. 1 -'
A hundred ears, were stuck in the
snow on Snoqualmie pass and 90 on
Dry Creek lull between taiensDurg
and Cle Elum. The Milwaukee lines
were down at Hyak and telephone
lines were down from : Ellensburg to
Easton. V;'J'' : k-
Four inches of snow fell on Dry
Creek hill in one hour All wrecking
cars in Ellensburg and Cle Elum
were called out to aid the distressed
motorists. - ;
Manv were suffering from cold as
they were not dressed for the unex
pected weather.
Few motorists had chains and some
of them slid off the highway, but no
serious accidents were reported.
In Stevens pass, another Cascade
gateway, further north from Snoqual
mie, eight inches of snow fell last
night. Orchardists ; in the higher
levels of the foothills were forced to
call a halt to apple picking because of
light snow flurries. T
Transcontinental trains arriving in
Seattle were mantled with snow,
while Milwaukee road officials re
ported no delay in train movements,
their lines were forced down at nyaic.
Telenhone lines between Ellensburg
and Easton were also down.
The high desert country in eastern
Oreeon was white with snow but a
warm sun later forced the wintry
mantle to retreat. Baker and Bend
reported snow arid heavy frosts dur
ing the night. ?
Athena Lost To Waitsburg
High School Heavy Players
Hopping over Athena with a touch
down in the first three minutes oi
play, the heavy Waitsburg nign
school football team, graDDea a
Triaf IfTO that utaved with them until
the game ended with the score 12-0
in favor of the Washington scnooi.
But by no means was the contest
7oiVnwAV for Waitsburg. The
lichter Athena team put up great
play all the way tnrougn ana was a
I V,ot After the Waits-
CUIlBHf V"-v.
burg touchdown she had all she could
do to keep Athena from crossing ner
Straight football
nao ..Aiintinp for Athena in her
enmc r
.nnrome effort and a secona
scarce was thrown into the opposition
...v, To.V Moore snaETCred a Pass ana
t Via 9ft varA line to WaitS-
burg's 23 yard marK. Yvaiisuuig
scored again in the third period, but
;ij in wJi tries for the extra
lancu " "
The starting lineup for Athena was
Shigley, left end; Miller left tackle;
left cnard: Wilson, cen-
tr. Rincer. fwht " guara , ricnen.,
li 4...t,i. tTnffman. ricrht end;
Moore, quarterback; Rogers, right
half; Crowley, left half; Hansell, full
j Cm.,donVQ.eeii Tfamp.l. :
''Carnation Lavendula" B. M, 15.1, 7 years, of Carnation Farm Stables,
Pomona, California, owned by E, A. Stuart, Seattle, President Emeritus
of Pacific International.
A return entry in the Horse Show i
of the 20th Annual Pacific Interna
tional -Livestock Exposition, Port
land, Oregon, Oct 25 Nov. 1, will
be one of the outstanding harness
horses of this country and a con
sistent stake winner in the premier
shows each season "Carnation
This year's Horse Show with Its
Premium List of 135,000 promises
to attract the greatest aggregation
of entries ever recorded. In the
seven evening and three afternoon
programs will be provided spectacu
lar and sterling performances, in
cluding the contests for Six-Horse
Teams. Here, too, will be seen for
the first time recent importations
by the Aaron M. Frank Stables.
The provisions made for amateurs
are sure to create increasing inter
est in this popular division of the
Thirteen complete shows In air
combine to make the 20th Annual
the greatest Exposition In the his
tory of Pacific International. Un
der the 11-acre root will be found
exhibits totaling millions of dol
lars in value pure-bred Beef and
Dairy Cattle, Heavy Draft Horses,
Sheep, Hogs, Goats, Foxes, Mink,
Marten, Poultry and Rabbits. Pre
miums totaling $100,000 are offered.
Other exhibits include a complete
Dairy Show featuring milk, cream,
ice-cream, butter and cheese of all
kinds; 2-acre Industrial Exposition;
Manufacturers' and Land Products
Shows; Wool and Mohair Show;
Boys' and Girls' Club Work; Wild
Life Exhibit by Oregon Fish and :
Game Commission; and interesting
and educational . "Truth in-Meats"
Exhibits. , . r
Reduced round trip fares to the
Exposition are announced by all
leading transportation lines.
Myrick at Whitman
s s
i -
Athena high scliool graduate, .out
for a berth on "Nig" Borleske's
Whitman Missionary eleven. Myrick
has had considerable experience on
the gridiron, and is working hard for
a position. He is a freshman, and
has been pledged to Sigma Chi, so
cial fraternity.
Wk.. stnW From Warehouse
- Someone broke the lock of the Col
lin. nhnti)u at Havana Tuesday
;rht ami atnle SO sacks of wheat, re-
, porta the East Oregonian. The case
is being Investigated by the sheriff
but there is not much evidence to
lead to the identity of the thief, ine
wheat stolen was" Federation.
. Lamar Gulch Market Road
' Among the propositions coming up
to vote on special district road tax is
one for road improvement from Athe
na north, leading to Lamar Gulch.
The distance of the road is pproxi
aafel four toUes. .
Victory For Willamette
On a Monday faced with the task
of securing $40,000 in cash by mid
night Tuesday to make possible the
completion oi muuunw -drive
for $1,000,000 additional endow
ment, a little group of 10 men affix
ed their names to a note of a Salem
bank, secured the money,
personal responsibility for the debt,
. . -4t lit. waalivllTinn
and went nome -wim
that WUlamette university, 17 years
h.n nreoon. would begin with
$1,743,000 of productive endowment.
Cougars Down Trojans
k w f Athena football fans
went to Pullman Saturday and saw
one of the greatest football games
ever played on the coast The Wash
ington State sugars won
fought contest, 7 to 6. Washington
u.t. in the first few minutes
of play in the first quarter, and the
Trojans made tneir toucnaowu m
last period with only a few minutes
ef the gun. They failed to convert
the extra point for a tie, ami u
game ended the next piay.
i?:il untv Retnrnine Home
nrut. ki. nrnI Mack hat cocked
jauntily over his fringe of silver hair,
William Hanley of Burns, Or, ar
rived in New York en route home
from Europe. Mr. Hanley visited at
Gotland, the old home of
Robert Burns, the poet, after whom
Burns, Or, was named, ana even sat
in the chair Burns used when he
composed his verses.
Deaa Moore In Hospital
Dean Moore is in a hospital at Wal
la Walla, where he was operated on
last Sunday for appendicitis. He is
Eastern Tariff Flayed
Deploring the tariff policy of the
industrial east and pledging continu
ed efforts to obtain -an equality for
agriculture as promised in the repub
lican nlatform of 1928, Senator
Borah lectured at Lewiston , on bis
debenture plan. The farm board
without the debenture is destined to
fail. Borah said, asserting that he
voted for the federal inarming act
because "we couldn't get anything
else and because we believed Presl
dent Hoover sincere in his -opinion
that it would work." -
Grand Officer Here
McKenzie Chapter. O. E. S. enter
tained Wednesday night in honor, of
Mrs. Anna Ellis, of Baker, Grand
Conductress. ; Huge baskets of fall
flowers were used effectively as deco
ration. The ritualistic work was
demonstrated and plans were made to
receive the delegates for the district
meeting to be held in Athena, Octo
ber 29. A pleasing solo by airs,
Fiovd Pinkerton was much enjoyed
Following the closing of - chapter a
social hour was spent and reiresn
ments were served. '
Iocal Woman Owns Several
Hundred Acres of Land '
Weiser, Idaho, people are elated
oyer- the recent coming in of .a gas
well with the tremendous, flow of 35,-
000,000 cubic feet of natural gas,
daily. The Idaho, town is receiving
national advertising as a result of
the big ".- f'w. and a local woman,
Mrs. William J rppr, at present living
in Walla Walla, is the owner of sev
eral hundred acres of land adjacent
to the well.
The gas flow was struck east of
Weiser eight miles, and the company
is now drilling a well west1 of the
town at Indian Head. According to
the geological survey, Indian Head is
near the cer.ter of an oil dome, and
it is near Indian Head where Mrs.
Piper's land is located,
There are oil indications on the
Piper land and MrS. Piper made two
trips to her holdings there the past
summer. A Los Angeles company
has purchased a large body of land
near the Piper place. Grover Pickcll,
a former resident of Athena, is the
owner of land one mile from Indian
It was oil indications, pointing to
the possibility of large petroleum
deposits that led the operating com
pany to begin drilling operations
some time ago, with the result; that
the big gas flow was struck.
Light Soil Farmer Busy
The farmers in the 'light soil dis
trict north of Athena are busy with
seeding operations. Copious rain
fall visited that section of the farm
ing belt and the soil is thoroughly
saturated with moisture which in
sures immediate sprouting and
growth of grain now being drilled.
With favorable spring conditions and
no freeze out during the winter, an
exceptionally good crop is expected
next harvest . - -
Favors Service Commission
Abolition of the public service com
mission, as is proposed by certain in
terests, would leave grain growers
and other producers who ship intrc
state, wholly at the mercy of trans
portation companies, except for what
relief a legislature could grant when
it meets every two years, declared
Senator Edward F. Bailey, demo
cratic candidate for governor at Pen
dlefoB, Wedntyjay' bight -
Grants Pass School Girl
Taking Picture, Falls 200
Feet To Death On Rocks
Grants Pass. Plunging 200 feet to
her death was the fate of Leta Wish
man, high school senior here Tues
day as she was in the act of taking a
snapshot of Hell Gate Canyon, 12
miles down Rogue River. Her torn
body was recovered from the river.
The tragedy occurred while two
young couples were enjoying an af
ternoon outing during a school holi
day. Miss Wishman had paused mo
mentarily on the brink of the canyon
where a vantage point for taking pic
tures was found. Then come a scream
and tho girls' companions looked
back to see her slide over the first
ledge of) the cliff, strike on the rough
ground, then roll down upon the rocks
below to be lost to sight.
The accident was witnessed by
Claud Hutchins who was fishing in
the rapids below, but he was unable
to reach the scene at once. Half an
hour later the body was recovered
with the greatest difficulty. .
According to Coroner L. H. Hall,
who brought the body to Grants Pass
it was indicated that death resulted
from the fall upon the rocks rather
than drowning. He announced an in
quest would be held.
" Senator Bailey In County
Senator Bailey, democratic candi
date for governor has been in Uiria-
tilla county this week, looking alter
his political fences.' In company With
Will M. Peterson and other demo
crats of the county 'T seat, Senator
Bailey was in Athena for a short
time Wednesday forenoon, where he
met a number of voters. From Athe
na the Senator went to Weston and
on to Milton and Freewater for the
afternoon. Returning to Pendleton,
the senator addressed a meeting there
at night !; - ,
' Seeding Going On
Since the rains of last week, farm
ers have been busy, cultivating sum
merfallow and seeding fields to grain.
The fine growing weather was a flat
tering inducement for weeds to spring
up, with the result mat seeding w
being made this fall under most
favorable conditions, for the weed
crop has been removed, leaving a
clean seed bed for the grain to sprout
in. - ..-. 1 .
Play At Kennewick
Tha Athena high school football
team will play Kennewick high school
in the Washington town next Friday
afternoon. Last year Athena con
quered Kennewick 13-0 and it is sur
miwi the Columbia river boys are
out to retrieve lost honors, so the
game is expected to be a hotly con
tested one.
Surfacing Road
Surfacinsr the newly constructed
grade on the Gerking Flat-Weyland
ubition road with crushed rock is pro
gressing toward completion. This
Mtor which is about four miles in
length romnletes to loop market
road leadinir northwest from Athena
The remainder of this highway has
been cbtaplfete'd l some tune.
Metschan Upholds State
Committee In His Speech
LaGrande. Phil Metschan, republi
can nominee for governor, lashed
back at Julius L. Meier's charges at
a luncheon here attended by more
than 200 Union county - residents,
classing criticism of the honesty-of
the state central committee nomma
tion of him as "flimsy" and defying
opponents to show one single case
where industry has moved to Tacome
or Seattle from Portland due to
power conditions.
In connection . with the state cen
tral committee's actions, Metschan
stated that at the time of Senator
George W. Joseph's deah, 29 coun
ties had already elected or - called
their meeting to elect state commit
teemen. In the remaining seven,-as
state chairman and on advice from
the several counties, he named tem
porary chairman as recommended to
call or organize county committees.
In answer to charges that the cen
tral committee "had it in their
pockets' before they met, Metschan
reviewed each county, and claimed
that five of the seven delegates elect
ed in those counties organized under
his temporary appointments never
did vote for him in the convention
nomination, notably Coos county and
others. ' He denied that the commit
tee was "stacked" with his relatives.
Touching upon power, he said that
politics are apt to creep into the
larger cities of Oregon when munici
pal ownership is involved, citing the
government control of the railroads
during the war as one instance of in
efficiency. - - - -"-
Prestbye At La Grande
E. C. Prestbye, Athena lawyer who
is the democratic candidate for state
senator from Umatilla and Union
counties is making an active cam
paign against Fred Kiddle of Union
county, republican candidate who is
up for re-election. Saturday Mr.
Prestbye campaigned in union cuun
ty. and Saturday night participated
in a democratic rauy m m uut
Senator Bailey, candidate for gover
Mr. Prestbye and others address
ed a large number of La Grande vot
ers at the, meeting.
Yakima Tot Drowns
Drowned in 18 Inches of water, the
body of John Rob Preston, six, was
nA at. Yakima, hanging on the
A VUU ' " - - a
spout of .a runway pipe in an oia ir
rigation ditch. Junior ocnryawf
playmate, said tney were piaying
a bridge when he accidentally pushed
John into the water, and was unable
to help him out ;
Tcndkfon Farmer Injured
MrVurt ThomDson. well known
Pendleton farmer, was seriously in
jured at his ranch on the reservation
Saturday, when ne ieu on a wu..
The seeder drawn by a caterpillar
tractor, passed over Mr. Thompson,
severely injuring his Dae, ne is
to be improving at his home in Pen
dleton. v '
Oregon Ex-Service Men
Are Organizing "Bailey
for Governor" State Clubs
Salem. Volunteer offers of per
sonal service- in behalf of a veteran
of the world war are pouring into
headquarters of the Oregon Ex-Service
Men's "Bailey for : Governor"
club and from this list the officers
have selected an executive board
with a representative in every sec
tion of the state.- Local organiza
tions will be whipped into shape Im
mediately. . ,..!.; .
Fifteen thousand letters in support
of Stats Senator Edward F. Bailey
of Junction City, tho only ex-service
man to receive a party ' nomination
for governor, have been mailed out
Douglas McKay of Salem, president
of the club, announces. Other officers
are Franck C. McColloch of Baker.
secretary and Brazier C. Small, of
Salem, treasurer.
Executive board members are
George Wilbur, Hood River; Vic Mac
Kenzie, Salem; Otis Palmer, ;La
Grande; Kearns R. Heasty, Enter
prise; Rev. Duncan Cameron, Cot
tage Grove; Ed Bayliss, Sheridan;
George Love, Portland; Don Graham,
Prinevillc; George Codding, Medfbrd;
Carl Wimberley, Roseburg; John
Enders, Ashland; Fred Dinner, New-
berg; Ernest Starr, Silvertonj W. W.
Stewart, Albany; Bill Zosel, Coquille;
V. Vera McKinney, Hillsboro; Tracy
Savery, Dallas; Neil Morfitt, Astoria;
M. E. Caikin, Vernonia; K. K. Am
brose, Klamath Falls; Dr. Dean'
Crowell, North Bend; George R.
Lewis, Pendleton; W. B. Gard, Red
mond; Roy Sparks, McMinnville;
Edwin Fortmiller, Albany; George R.
Duncan, Stayton; Ralph Butt, New-
berg; C. W. Dill, Junction City;
Thomas Coates, Jr., Tillamook;
Grover Francis, Ontario; Francis
Galloway, The Dalles; Glen Arehart,
Lebanon; R. Q. Mills, Corvallia;
James Pienon, Eugene; Major M. B.
Huntley, Springfield; F. H. (Hal)
Young, Portland; William H. Mor
rison, Portland; Walter Gleason,
Portland; J. J. Elliott, Salem; James
McMcmee, Lebanon; George C. Hug
gins, Marshfield and R. E. Hargett,
Lebanon. i
Forest Fire Loss Is-
Less Than Year 1929
Salem. -Notwithstanding an ex
trcmely hazardous forest fire sea'
son up to the second week of Sep
tember only a total of 32,000 acres
were burned over in Oregon against
298,300 acres during the 1029 season,
says Lynn F. Cronemiller, state for
The total number of fires was 877,
the lowest in 10 years except 1927.
Only 185 fires covered more than 19
The only disastrous fire in green
timber occurred in Deschutes county
burning over 6000 acres of mer
chantable yellow pine. This fire kill
ed 40.000,000 feet of timber, though
it is said a large part of this can be
saved if logged within a short time.
The loss in logging equipment was
also low, less than $30,000 against
$955,388 in 1929.
Most of the fires were caused by
lightning. Incendiarism ranked first
among the man-made causes Jack
son and Josephine counties suffering
most from this cause. In one day
70 fires were set intentionally in
Josephine county.
The reduced loss is attributed . to
better organization.
Pendleton To Have Airport
East Oregonian: Definite action on
Pendleton's municipal airport was
taken Friday morning at a special
meeting of the city council, when an
emergency ordinance authorizing lm
mediate purchase of land was un
animously passed by the six council
men present and an option contract
made between the city and tne ren
dleton chamber of commerce where
by the city agreed to buy from the
chamber a 120 acre tract of land for
Will M. Peterson, well known Pen
dleton attorney, accompanied Sena
te Railev to Athena, Wednesday.
After meeting s number of Athena
Mr. Peterson and Senator
Bailey drove to Weston, Milton, and
FreeWat'cr. ,
Hum Apple Crop
A general survey of the apple crop
of Oregon and Washington indicates
the 1930 crop is the largest in the
history of the two states, , Although
acreage has been decreased in tne
Hood River area, production will be
enual to last year. Wenatchee and
Yakima production will De consider
ably greater. The biggest factor in
the Pacific Northwest growing cen
ters is the large size of this year's
fruit In the east and middle west
the fruit is said to be unusually small
and of poor quality.
Weston Here This Afternoon
Weston high school will display her
football stuff on the Athena gridiron
this afternoon. The game is schedul
ed for 3 o'clock. Weston ia brand new
this year.' coach, team and all and
no Iop has been uncorkea relative to
the standard of play she may be ex
pected to turn loose against the home
guard. Anyway, there will be a foot
ball game out there this afternoon
and everybody will have an opport
unity to see the hew ef it from the
World Winners Will Ride
On Special Northern
Pacific Train.
St. .vPaul. More than 200 head of
prif winning beef and dairy cattle.
hogs, sheep and horses will travel in
special Northern Pacific train next
week to , the . Pacific International
Livestock Exposition at Portland.
John W. Haw, director, of the ae-
icultnral development dopartment cf
the Northern Pacific, said today that
these animals will represent prize
herds of midwestern and eastern
brecderj. They will include animals
from the Holstein and Guernsey herd,
of Harvey Firestone at Akron, Ohio;
the Angus herd from E. W. Scripp3'
Lakcwood Farms, Lake Orin, Mich.;
and animals from the herd of Mat
thew Suydam, New Brunswick, N. J.
The exhibition train will move
from the National Dairy Exposition
at St. Louis, leaving there October
18. The train will leave St. Paul
October 20, with five scheduled ex
hibition stops en route to the coact.
While the special train will in
clude passenger equipment to ac
commodate breeders, plans are being
made for Montana and Idaho live
stock exhibitors to visit the Portland
exposition. E- E. Nelson, passenger
traffic manager of the Northern Pa
cific, announced that reduced fares
to Portland for the event have been
posted.. The special rate, in effect
from October 21 to 27, will be a fare
and one-third for the round trip from
points in Montana and Idaho. Re
turn limit will be November 3 at the
starting point in Idaho and Novem
ber 8 in Montana. Many livestock
men in the two states are expected to
visit the Show. Two special Pull
mans have been set aside for the ac
commodation of the stock men, one
at Missoula and tho other at Helena.
They will leave on the Alaskan Sun
day, October 26. At points in Idaho
additional members of tho party will
be picked up. Northern Pacific rep
resentatives, in cooperation with tne
Portland Chamber of Commerce, will
arrange to escort these Montana and
Idaho livestock men during their
stay at Portland. This party will
be kept intact at one of the leadim?
Portland hotels. In addition to this
special party, many individual live
stock meij in the two states will
make the trip. -
At the five stops of the special
livestock train through the north
west the communities have arranged
holidays and demonstrations. The
stops will be: Fergus Falls, Minn,
Monday, October 20; Beach, N. v.,
and Terry Mont., Tuesday, October
21; Helena, Mont, Wednesday, Octo
ber 22; and Lewiston, laano, inurs
day, October 23. Each stop will ba
from three to four hours, and the
livestock bluebloods will be unloaded
for public exhibitions.
The special train will arrive at
Portland October 24, the day before
the opening of the exhibition, where
the breeders will compete for ribbons.
H. W. Vaughan, of Bozeman, Mont,
will be one of the judges at the Port
land show. Three delegations, rep-
resenting departments of the Mon
tana State College, will be among
the Montana representatives at the
Athena Study Club
The Study club met at the home of
Mrs. F. B. Boyd last rrtday witn
fourteen members present. Algiers
being the subject of study, roll call
was answered with products of that
African city, and Mrs. Theresa Ber
lin gave a paper on Algiers, its loca
tion and nature of population and its
government A description or tne
making of Oriental rugs, and the
people who make them, was given by
Mrs. Boyd. Mrs. A. L. Swaggart of
Portland, was a guest Next Friday
the club will meet with Mrs. J. W.
Pinkerton, when the subject will be
Naples, with a paper on the history
of Pompeii.
On Way To Denmark
Jens Jensen left Athena Saturday
for his boyhood home in Denmark.
Mr. Jensen is driving his cnevroiet
roadster to Boston, where he will
visit a brother and two sisters Be
fore embarking for Denmark. He
goes to Hjortshoj, a village where
his aged parents reside. Jens cams
to America 17 years ago, and thia
is his first visit to the homeland. He
will return to Athena early next
spring. Besides father and mother,
he has one brother and six sisters re
siding in Denmark.
, Steel Bridge Being Built
A new steel bridge is being erected
on Owens creek, south of Pendleton,
to replace the. old wooden structure
that has served sheep men and farm
ers for years,. The bridge is being
cbnstru'ctcd by VmUtUla county.