The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 10, 1930, Image 1

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It would be a big job to tell one hundred people any
thing that would interest them in your goods, but its
dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell
several hundred at once at nominal cost
VOLUME43 ; " 1
in the week but that you do not need stationery of
some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing
at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types,
modern, work, prompt delivery.
Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as 8econd-Claaa Mail Matter
ate Engineer Must Act on
Applications Two Al
ternatives Open. f.
k Salem special to the Morning
egonian says the state engineer
only two alternatives to the ap-
val of an application covering the
jropriation of water from Oregon
earns, when-the same is made in
per form, according to an opinion
en by Attorney-General Van Win
to Governor Norblad.
'he first of these' alternatives is .the
rial of the application- when the
iposed use of the water in question
mflicts with existing rights." ...
The second alternative lies in the
jerence of the application to the
te reclamation commission "when
Ms judgment, the proposed use may
judicially affect the public inter-
in either instance the engineer is
iuired to act upon the application
tiin a reasonable time or the ap
ant has recourse to the courts in
landamus r proceeding , to compel
on. .
hould the engineer refer; the np-'
ition to the reclamation commis
that body must hold a hearing
tin a reasonable, time and pass up
the question at issue, the pin
pointing out that any unnecessary
y on the part of the commission
Id also open the way to a m an
us proceeding to -compel action...
n adverse decision on the appli
in by either the state engineer or
reclamation commission would be
ect to appeal to the circuit court
from there again to the supreme
t, the attorney-general holds. fi
From a study of the statute in
ition which definitely established
duty of the state engineer when
application for an appropriation
water is filed with him, the con
urn cannot be escaped that if lie
pes fb take such action he can be
pelted to do so by an action of
damus," the opinion reads. ,
if course he ' first must ascertain
her or not the appropriation ap
for conflicts with existing rights,
this, unless it be in very excep
I cases, should not require a
d of four months' time, and sec
', he must decide for . himself
tier or not in his judgment the
sed use may prejudicially affect
iublic interest. This also should
hnder ordinary circumstances, re-
so long a time.":
iching'on the right of the state
irease a license fee or tax upon
ver project after the same has
developed, the attorney-general
that there is no bar to such
)ther phase of the power situa-
tpon which the governor sought
tment dealt with the present
frity of the state to condemn a
fce power project and take over
beration. - '-
his opinion Van Winkle holds
while there is ample provision
existing statutes for the opera.
bf power and light utilities by
borated cities and towns, and
by ports to a limited extent,
is no such provision as regards
late. ' 1 .
do not find any statute which
rizes the state 01 uregon,
th any of its officers, .: boards,
issions, or other representatives,
buire, maintain or operate pow-
ejects, other than such as may
idental to the maintenance and
lion of any of the state lnstitu
or properties, the opinion
Answering .Veteran's De-
mand "Bailey For Gover
nor" Club Is Organized
. t ..... . , .
Salem. Answering the demand of
1000 veterans of the World War, the
Oregon Ex-Service Men's "Bailey
For Governor" club was organized
here with Douglas McKay of Salem,
President; Frank McCulIouch of Ba
ker, secretary, and Brazier C. Small
of Salem, treasurer. Headquarters
will be maintained here until the
election next month. '
Statewide organization of an ex
ecutive committee of nearly 50 ex-
service men has practically been com
pleted, every section of the state to
be represented by an ex-service man
of . outstanding achievements in his
own community.- ? -.;-
"Edward F. Bailey is the demo
cratic nominee for governor and the
only candidate to be nominated by
the people of this state at the May
primaries, and, we believe, the only
candidate in the race familiar enough
with state problems through contact
with them to make a capable leader
at this time," declared McKay at the
organization meeting. . "This move
ment upon the part of ex-seryice men
is entirely non-partisan and is being
financed through small donations by
the' veterans themselves. In this
campaign party t lines are already
broken and we feel that "Big Ed"
Bailey, through his education, exper
ience with state problems and ser
vice in the World War, is the best
qualified candidate for the office of
governor.'' -;
Bailey enlisted as a "private in the
marine corps in" 1917 and "was dis
charged in 1919 as a first lieutenant.
He served six years as the veteran
representative on the state bonus
commission, and is the first World
War veteran to be nominated for gov
ernor of Oregon. ' , ; . ' ' j. .. .
Tolleat- Road Finished
McDougal Camp-Tollgate road
nside the boundaries of the
tlla national forest . has ; been
tted by the contractors and the
tent has been moved elsewhere
the completion of the sector be-
the road leading irom weston
Is ton Mountain, one of the finest
bin highways in the northwest
fford motorists a fine scenic
! To Clear Title
wmplaint filed in the equity
n of circuit court Monday by
Street and Bertha C. Street
t Inez Westerdale and others
tor a decree of the court giv
te plaintiffs full and clear ti-
t certain, land in section three,
lip three north, of range 35, E.
Apple Harvest Proceeds
kardists of the Milton-Free-
district have completed bar
Jonathan apples and are now
1 to the Berne Beauty, though
t rest , of .this variety will not
ral until the middle of the
pek. Delicious are also being
and in the Dayton district
Golden are being gathered. .
M. L; Watts Nominated
For Mayor At Meeting
At a meeting held at B. B. Rich
ards office Saturday evening, accord
ing to notice published in the Athena
Press on Friday, previous, M. L.
Watts was . nominated unanimously
for mayor. The city, , election will be
held Tuesday, November 4.
At the election the legal Voters of
the city will vote for mayor, three
councilmen, city recorder and city
treasurer. Other nominations made
at ihe meeting were:
For Councilmen J. C. Burke, C.
M. Jones, J. W. Pinkerton. .
. For Recorder B. B. Richards.
For Treasurer J. F. Kershaw. ,
Of the men nominated, J. W. Pink
erton, B. B. Richards and J. F. Ker
shaw are incumbents. Henry Dell, a
councilman, has been holding the of
fice of mayor by appointment for
nearly the entire term, as a result of
the resignation of Mayor-elect Mc
Fadden, who removed from the city to
Portland. '' 1 :
Death of William J. Shaw
William J. Shaw, brother of Mrs.
M. M. Johns, died at Vancouver,
Wash., September 29, after a linger
ing illness. Mr. Shaw spent several
weeks at the home of Mrs. Johns in
Athena last fall. He was born at
Vancouver, where he had lived all his
life. He was an ex-postmaster of his
native city and served his county in
the Washington 'state senate. He is
survived by his widow, two sons,, five
sisters and two brothers.
Cougar In Sheep Corral .
A cougar broke into the sheep cor
ral at the farm occupied by Orin
Brace on Little Dry creek near Wes.
ton, one night last week, and killed
one of the helpless animals reports
the Weston Leader. The fierce crea
ture has been making the upper
reaches of this small stream its ha
bitat for the past two years. So far,
Mr. Brace has been unable to track it
down, and he is careful to keep his
children close at home.'
Three Govct
1, ,.
rn. i
Seated at speakers' table are late Governor Patterson of Oregon,'
Governor Baldrldgs of Idaho, late Governor. Hart of Washington; also '
Rotary President . Banfield and A. C. - Ruby, . President 1929 Paelflo
- v.... ' International. '
One of the features of the 20th
Pacific International Livestock Ex
position, Portland, Oregon, Oct. 25
Nov. 1, will be the Rotary Lunch
eon sponsored annually by the Port
land Club for the entertainment of
visiting members from all parts of
the country. Last year tha gover
nors of Oregon, Washington and
Idaho were honor guests at the
luncheon held in the new Hall do
nated by J. C. Penney to be used
for Boys and Girls Club Work and
Smith-Hughes Vocational activities.
The yearly meeting of these Ju
' nior Agriculturalists recognized
by the U. S. Government under the
name of "Camp Plummer" in
charge of H. C. Seymour, Oregon
State Club leader, assisted by U. S.
Dept. of Agriculture officials and
other State Club leaders Is one of
the most constructive activities in
which the Exposition Is engaged.
On Sunday morning, Oct. 26, at
11 o'clock, Memorial Services will
be held for late Governor Patter
son of Oregon and a bronze tablet
Exhibited this year under the
11-acre roof will be seen millions
of dollars worth of America's fin
cat pure-bred Beef and Dairy Cattle,
Heavy Draft Horses, Sheep, Hogs,
Goats,, Fcxco, Mink, Marten, Poul
try and Rabbits. ;
Other exhibits include 2-acre In
dustrial Exposition; complete Dairy
Show, featuring milk, cream, ice
cream, butter and cheese of all
kinds; Wool and Mohair Show
staged with assistance of U. S.
Dept. of Agriculture , and Pacifio
Co-operative .Wool Growers Asso
ciation; Manufacturers' and Land
Products Show; "Truth-In-Meats"
Exhibit an educational feature
of immeasurable value to growers,
retailers and consumers; Wild Life
Exhibit by Oregon Fish and Game
Commission; and world-renowned,
Horse Show. ' ,' '
" Special low round trip fares to
the Exposition will be in effect on
all leading transportation lines.
Mrs. M. L. Watts Enter- ,
tains Ladies From Wal
- la JWalla-and Pendleton
A group of friends from Walla
Walla and Pendleton were luncheon
guests of Mrs. M. L. Watts, Wednes
day at her attractive home on Fourth
A profusion of flowers in shades of
gold and orchid made effective deco
rations. Luncheon was served at
small tables centered . with rosebuds
and covers were placed for twenty
eight, guests finding their places by
means of cards in the orchid shade.
Dainty baskets further accented the
colors. Bridge was the diversion of
the afternoon and honors fell to Mrs.
W. J. Lyons who held high score and
Mrs. J, C. Cruden, second.
Mrs. Clason Adams of Polo Alto
received with her mother and Mrs.
H. I. Watts,Mrs. F. S. LeGrow and
Mrs. Armond DeMerritt, assisted
about the rooms.
The guests were, Mrs. George Day,
Mrs. J. J. Chrisholm, Mrs. F. M.
Anderson, Mrs. Walter Shuham, Miss
Ann Martin, Mrs. Walter Adams,
Mrs. A, M. Lodmell, Mrs. - William
Struthers, Mrs. Elbert Duran, Mrs.
William Steel, Miss Ella Hungate,
Miss Elizabeth Garden, Mrs. W, J.
Lyons, Mrs. Otis Whiteman, Mrs.
George Woodward, Mrs. A. C. Nel
son, Mrs. Casper Woodward, Mrs. J.
C. Cruden, Mrs. A. A. Campbell, Mrs.
Thomas Mosgrove and Mrs. George
Ginn, of Walla Walla; Mrs. Ralph
Hassell, Mrs. Roy Raley, Mrs. N. D.
Swearingen, Mrs. George Hartman
and Mrs. L. L. Rogers of Pendleton.
No Lights, Truck and
Ford Car Figure In Ser
- ious "Bust" Sunday Night
Viewing two cars which crashed
Sunday night on the market road
north of Athena one wonders how
the occupants could have escaped
with their lives.
R. B. McEwen, Henry Barrett and
Fritz Huffman were proceeding slow
ly toward town in a truck, as the
fuse for the lights had gone out. Sud
denly a Ford coupe loomed ahead,
also without lights and crashed, side
swiping the truck with such force as
to take off its front wheel, fender and
the timbers in the body were sheared
off clean. ; The Ford, driven by Roy
Johnston, was completely demolished
and Mr. Johnston and wife received
gashes from flying glass. The baby
was unhurt.
Mr. Barrett received no injuries
aside from the shdck and minor
bruises. Huffman also was cut and
Mr. McEwen suffered a deep gash on
his forehead and other bruises. He
was taken to College Place Sanitar
ium where he was treated and has
remained for several days. All those
injured are recovering satisfactorily.
Hoss Will Ask Legislature
ToO. K. Limit of Over 35
Miles Per Hour.
Salem. A statewide and s almost
universal demand! for ajnore liberal
speed law will become a reality at
the next session of the legislature, if
plans now being perfected are indors
ed by that body. A bill embodying
the recon-r-u Vt!-ns of . the national
highway safety conference has been
drafted by Secretary of State Hp! 15,
Hoss, and will be submitted to a num
ber of interested individuals and
groups for discussion within the next
few months. "
"No one realizes more than I the
impracticability of fully enforcing the
present 35-mile speed limit," sa,id
Hoss, "and weneed the change to
the new law as much from an enforce
ment angle as we do for its other fea
tures of safety and general aid to the
traffic problem. Under the term; of
the new law it will be . possible to
make arrests for reckless driving re
gardless of the speed, and with the
wholehearted co-operation of the
courts I am firmly convinced that we
can materially lessen the hazards of
driving on Oregon highways."
The principal feature of the new
law, as explained by Hoss, is covered
simply by the following paragraph:
No person shall drive a vehicle upon
a highway at a speed greater than is
reasonable and prudent, having due
regard to the traffic, surface and
width of the highway and the hazard
at Intersections, and any other con
ditions then existing.
. Arrests under the new law may be
made for violations of the foregoing
section, or for a speed in excess of the
schedule worked out for various local
ities, as follows: Business district, 20
miles; residence district, 25 miles;
outside of business and residence- dis
tricts, 45 miles; when passing a
schoolhouse when children are at re
cess or going to or from school, 15
miles; when approaching a highway
intersection, with view obstructed, 15
miles; when approaching a railway
crossing, 30 miles when view is not
obstructed and 15 miles when view is
Asks For Divorce
Geneva M. Rogers has filed a com
plaint in circuit court at Pendleton
asking for a divorce from her hus
band, Clayton B. Rogers, charging
cruel and inhuman treatment. The
couple, who were married at Lew-
iston, Idaho, in February, 1927, have
one two-year-old son, of which the
mother is asking custody.
; ( County Convention
The county institute of the W. C.
T. U. convened in Pendleton, Friday,
An all day session was held, an in
teresting and helpful program was a
feature of the day. A recess was
taken at noon when a 'pot luck"
luncheon was enjoyed by the dele
gates. Those attending from Athena
included Mrs. Arthur Coppock, Mrs,
Charles Betts, Mrs. Clarence Zerba,
Mrs. Louis Keen, Mrs. Zeltha Mc
Intyre and Mrs. Stella Keen and Mrs.
Ad Pinkerton.
' Counties Discuss Plan
Members of the Klamath and Uma
tilla county courts Monday discussed
formation of an organization of Wes
tern counties where Indian reserva
tions are located in order to press ac
tion toward getting tax money on the
untaxed reservation land in the coun
try. A further meeting with Yakima
county officials was scheduled. -
Would Have Buffalo Herd
H. L. Moreland, state game warden,
announced tentative plans for estab
lishing a herd of buffaloes on the
eastern Oregon plains. ; He said 100
of the great ruminants were to be
sold by the National Park service at
Yellowstone. Moreland said the un
limited hay capacity of eastern Ore
gon would well afford the establish-
mextt of herd.
Hunter Accidentally Shot
Art Beasley, Hermiston young man,
was accidentally shot in the leg the
opening day of the hunting season.
With Frank Pearson he had gone out
early in the morning and had just
brought down a bird and was return
ing with it, when a gun in the hands
of Pearson was accidentally dis
charged, the load of shot passing
through Beasley's leg below the knee,
missing the bone by a narrow mar
gin. 4 .'.'
Taxes Will Soon Be Due
Warning that the last half of thia
year's taxes will become delinquent
on November 5 has been sent out by
the chief tax deputy in the county
sheriff's office, who says that the pay
ments for taxes are coming into her
office very slowly. After November
5 interest will be charged on all de
linquent taxes', she raid.
A Rain Storm That Proved
To Be a Little Too Much
There is no disputing the fact that
this part of Umatilla county was and
stilr is in need of moisture and rain
fall is generally welcomed with a
smile by the farmer and everyone
else. f&'
But the rainfall Monday night was
aplenty for the time being, at least,
It descended in torrents, fell so fast
that the soil could'noi absorb it and
ran off in floods, scareing the grain
fields with deep ditches. -
In Athena, portions of streets were
smeared with deposits of mud, most
of which came out of the Kirk field
east of town. A number of roads
were damaged to some extent and the
maintenance crew was caned into ac
tion to clear the highway of mud and
silt deposits in several places.
The heaviest volume of rainfall
seems to have occurred in the Athe
na district, being particularly severe
along the ridge between here and
Weston, although a heavy rain fell at
Weston, m the Dry Creek section and
north, of Adams.
Man Is Thought Immune
From Rattlesnake Poison
Medford. Walter Ragsdale, local
man, was bitten by a rattlesnake
three years ago and nearly lost his
life from the wound, While hunting
recently in the Dead Indian soda
Bprings district he was bitten again
by a big rattler. ; .
Ragsdale quickly applied a tourni
quet and cut his leg freely with a
safety razor blade to permit the blood
to flow. He then walked three miles
to his car and drove here. It was
four hours after he was bitten be
fore he received medical attention.
While the leg was badly swollen, he
suffered no ill effect and soon fully
Physicians said they were in doubt
whether the first aid was effective,
or whether the patient developed an
immunity to snake infection. The doc
tors said it was not known definitely
whether such immunity could be de
veloped in a human being.
Qu.?en At University
Caroline Hahn, queen of the 1930
Rose Festival, in Portland, has en.
tered a new kingdom one ruled by
professors, studies, and upperclass
men and finds she likes it. For the
ex-ruler of the rose realm at Portland
is now a freshman student in bus!
ness administration and art at the
University of Oregon,, preparing for
a career as a commercial artist in ad
Bucks Win From Hermiston
Pendleton Buckaroos , won from
Hermiston high school at football
Saturday , bf the one-aided score of
36 td 0.
Oregon State Beavers
Take a Sound Trimming
From Fighting Trojans
Oregon State College. Coach Paul
J. Schissler and his Oregon State
football team returned from Los
Angeles Monday after taking a beat
ing from the University of Southern
California by a 27 to 6 score last
Saturday. Even though the game
was hard fought all the way through
the Orangemen came through minus
a serious injury.
For three, quarters the Beaver
team " battled with Coach Howard
Jones' footballists on just about even
terms but in the fourth quarter the
Orange defense broke down com
pletely and the Trojans making yard
age at will added two more touch
downs to their score. i
This week the Orangemen went in
to a stiff five days of practice to pre
pare for the game with California
Aggies here Friday night. The game
ought to be a tough one as the Cali
fornia Aggies have a considerably
better team this ' season than - they
have had in years. ' J '
In past years the Aggie team from
California has ; given the Beavers
stiff competition and this year prom
ises to be no exception.
Coach Schissler was not impressed
by the showing made by the Orange
team in Los Angeles and will hold
some strenuous practices to whip the
line into shape for Friday night's en
counter. ; ! ''
Probable starting lineup for Ore
gon State: Love joy, right end; Harn,
right tackle; Thompson; right guard;
Hammer, center; Bergerson, left
guard; Kent, left tackle; McKalip,
left end; Buerke, quarter; Moe, right
half; Kerr, left half; Little, full.
: Heard the Marin Band
A large number of school children
went to Walla Walla Wednesday to
hear the United States Marine Band
in concert there., The affair was
sponsored by the American Legion
and the seat sale reached such pro
portions that hundreds of disappoint
ed ticket holders were turned away.
Those going from here were Mar
jorie Wilson, Bernice Wilson, Mary
Tompkins, Goldie Miller, Roland
Richards, Ralph Moore, Fred Singer,
Bob Campbell, Lowell Jenkins, Robert
Lee, Walter Caninass, Mrs. H. A.
Barrett, Bonney and Mildred Alklre,
Dorris Jenkins, Helen, Genevieve and
Beverley Barrett, Mr. and Mrs.
Bloom, Dan Tilley, Jack Moore, Mar
jorie Douglas, Arleen Myrick, Harold
Kirk, Walt Huffman, Mar jorie Mon
tague, Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton, Walt
Singer, Nylene Taylor, Arleen Foster,
Fern Carsten, Jewell Pinkerton, Max
Johnson, Aaron Douglas, Mrs. Flint
Johns, Mrs. C. M. Eager, Billy Han-
sell, Tilman Taylor, Joyce Pinkerton,
Virginia Eager, Melba Montague,
Billy. Maurice Johns, Mr. and Airs.
Otha Reeder, Herbert, Howard and
Daniel Reeder.
Distinguished Guests
Joseph N. Scott was host to a party
of hunters Sunday at his ranch west
of Athena. They were guests in the
morning at the Sam R. Thompson
ranch motoring here in his company
later. Those in the party were,
Frank Edward, mayor of Seattle,
Arnold A. Murphy, assistant to the
president of the Union Pacific sys
tern, M. A. Arnold and N. U. Scruby,
president and vice president of the
First National Bank of Seattle, P.
E. Harris, president of the Salmon
Packing Co. and Dexter Horton of the
First National Bank of Seattle. The
narty came to Pendleton in their
private car.
Car Overturned; Injured
When his car struck the soft dirt
on the highway west of Athena and
turned over, J. I. Bingham of Terre
bonne, Oregon, was injured Tuesday
night. He was taken by a passing
motorist into Weston for first aid and
then to the Walla Walla Valley Gen
eral hospital where his condition has
improved.' Injuries consisted of cuts
about the head and body bruises.
Umatilla County Clear
For the first time in at least eight
years Umatilla county was able to
call in all out-standing warrants for
county road work when its Bhare of
the money collected by the state for
automobile licenses arrived at the
treasurer's office, it was announced by
Betty DeHart, treasurer. Although
the amount received, $52,125.47, or
dinarily would be applied towards
paying off bonded Indebtedness, Uma
tilla county at present has no unpaid
road bonds, and the state funds, along
with other county funds, are being
used to pay off. some $55,000 due for
road work, Mrs. DeHart said.
Rob Government Traps
The preditory animal department
of the geological survey reports con
siderable robbery of government
trans in this district. Both traps and
catches have been stolen, according to
Harold Dobyns, who believes that
some of the thievry is the work of
hunters. He is posting signs along
the trap lines warning offenders that
thev are liable to a 15000 nne ana
five years Imprisonment. ,
Salem Policeman Lost
Emery James, a member of the
Salem police force, has been missing
in the Umpqua national forest since
Mondav morning, fellow hunters re
norted. James was last seen 15 miles
east of the Wolf creek ranger station.
Coppock, Duncan, Ringel
Won With Guernseys, Pin
A kerton With Jerseys,
Athena and vicinity are world fam
ed ior wheat, but another branch of
agriculture is coming into its- own
through increased enterprise in dairy
activities by virtue of development in
the high standard ; of local dairv
herds. '
This fact was made notable bv the
awards given in the Guernsey division
at the Hermiston district fair last
week, when three Athena dairymen
almost swept the prize board clean
with their enteries. ,
William Coppock, who has been en
gaged for several years in building
up his prize-winning herd of Guern
seys, scored two firsts, two seconds,
one third and a championship. Ha
took first prize for cow over 3 years
old; first for heifer 2 to 3 years old;
second lor bull over tw years old:
second for heifer under 1 year, and
had the champion Guernsey female of
the show. In the classes open to all
dairy cattle, he took first prize for
best display and was awarded sec
ond for the best fitted animal.
James Duncan was very successful
in winning prizes on his Guernsey
entries. He took three firsts and a
championship award: first on bull
over 2 years old; first on heifer 1 to 2
years old; first on produce cow and
his bull won the championship.
Louie Ringel, whose herd of Guern
seys has figured in high percentage
butterfat contests in the past, came
home from the show with two firsts;
first on bull under 2 years old and
first on heifer 1 year old.
In the Jersey class, Floyd Pinker
ton won first on bull and first on cow.
The Hermiston fair was well at
tended and the exhibts this year ex
celled in standing and volume over
other years. ' The stock entered by
owners were considerably larger in
number than in the past, , and the
iudges praised owners for the care
taken in fitting the animals for the
exhibition ring. Fruit, grain and
vegetable products were shown in pro
fusion and visitors were astounded at
the high quality of produce that is
raised on the Umatilla project. ,
Honoring Dr. and Mrs. Smith
A small group of intimate friends
gathered informally at the R. B. Mc
Ewen home Thursday afternoon to
welcome Mrs. C. H. Smith of Portland
who was here for a brief visit. The
afternoon was spent at contract,
Mrs. H. A. Barrett making high
score and Mrs. Henry Dell low. Mrs.
Smith was presented with a dainty
gift. Ices and cakes were served at
the tea hour, Mrs. Dell and Mrs. Bar
rett assisting the hostess. Others
present were, Mrs. H. I. Watts, Mrs.
Clason Adams, Mrs. M. L. Watts,
Mrs. F, S. LeGrow and Mrs. Chase
Boy 11, Admits Shooting
Raymond Creasy, 11, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Creasy of Camas
Valley, near Roseburg, confessed that
he fired the shot which fatally wound
ed Melvin McCann, 13-year-old school
mate, Tuesday. The confession came
after District Attorney Cordon and
Sheriff Jackson had spent the entire
day questioning students at the
Camas- Valley fcehbU
Killed a Coyote
While hunting pheasants Sunday,
Millard Kelly shot and killed a coyote.
Lee Crawford, driving a Ford sedan,
circled the coyote in a stubbleneld and
ran it down, so the Kelly was given
an opportunity for the shot.
Oregon Stockman Dead
Albert Peterson, stock raiser of
Umatilla county, died at his home
Wednesday near Ukiah, following
lingering illness. He was a promln
ent grange worker and president of
the Ukiah cowboy convention.
Schannep With Beavers
Bill Schannep, former Pendleton
hfoh school football star is one of the
80 or more aspirants turning out for
practice with the Beavers at Oregon
State college. u piayi center.
Cut Theft Losses
Telling of the benificial effects of
the measure passed by Oregon to
curb livestock thefts and urging
Washington to pass a Bimilar law,
Judge William Duby, of Baker, Ore.,
secretary of the Oregon-Washington
Cattle association, spoke before the
Wenaha Cattle and Horse association
members and guests at the luncheon
meeting at the Grand hotel Wednes
day. ;
Rain Damaged Property
The recent rains did serious dam
age to the beautiful lawn and gar
dens at the Pambrun home south of
Athena. The lily pool was complete
ly filled with mud and the water over
ran the retaining walls surrounding
the house. The lawn at the M. L.
Watts ranch was ruined by a torrent
sweeping through the place and the
basement is covered with several
inches of mud.
Oregon 14, Drake 7
University of Oregon conquered
Drake University of Iowa in the first
East-West football contest of the
season, Friday night on Soldier Field,
Chicago, by the score of 14-7,
; Henry Schroeder Better
Keports come irom wesion inai
Henry Schroeder, well known car
penter who is often employed in Athe
na. is better. It is said that Mr.
Schroeder has
partly regained his
Athena At Waitsburg
Coach Miller and his Athena high
school football team are at Waits
burg today, where this afternoon the
annual game with Waitsburg high
will be played.
Real Estate Transfer
Among the real estate transfers of
recent date was Horace N. Desper to
George and Charles Payne, 20 acres
in section 5, township 3 north, range
37, E. W. M. .