THE PRESS, ATHENA, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 26, 1930 MEIER'S PLATFORM IS GIVE! BRIEFLY It is Essentially the One On Which the Late Senator Joseph Stood. ' ' Portland. The platform of Julius L. Meier, independent candidate for governor, is essentially that on which the Republican party nominee; "the late Senator George W. Joseph, ran successfully in the primary. Among the issues for which Mr. Joseph fought and for which Mr.' Meier now carries on is-the development of fed' eral, state or municipal water power plants to the end that cheap power may be made available in abundance for domestic use as well as industries. This platform insists on home rule in the regulation of public utility, cor porations. r ,; .- "--;.-;Vt.i., ;. Mr. Meier is opposed to 4 the arbi trary use of the injunction in. labor disputes. He would do everything possibleto effect a rearrangement of the state economic affairs to the end that industry , may prosper and a repetition . of , our present deplorable unemployment situation may be less liable to occur. - '-- J Divorcement of fish and game af fairs from the realm of party polit ical expediency, that the propaga tion and protection of fish and game may be effected economically and ef ficiently, is advocated in ' this plat form, which Mr. Meier upholds. En forcement of fish and game laws is, of course, supported, t - ; - ; . Mr; Meier stands four square on the Joseph platform. He is for uphold ing the Hoover law-enforcement pro gram and promises to appoint to of fice only men who respect and are qualified to enforce law. It is hardly necessary to say that Mr. Meier is a strong supporter- of the state highway program and ad vocates early completion of the Roose velt Highway as he has been for years actively behind road projects from the time prior to establishment of the present fine system. He was presi dent Of the Columbia TrWo,. c - "fc" " J- ujro- tem lor four years. Mr. Meier stands for the direct pri- marv and nnnnla favors an adequate protective tariff for lumber; relief for agriculture in cluding equitable freight rates and re adjustment nf tha tav Blfflf AIM MSfc 4-1. i. - va ojrotiGAia du wiiafa reduction in taxes may be made for .: iciiu mm Denem 01 tanners and Small tlnmp nxxmara Tk mhi:-La.2 auo vauaaiutuun of navigable streams, the improve- S 1 1 t . . ' Ui roors, ana extension of commerce are favored. Legislation that Will aid and m-ntont ' fwv..v IVWIOUO VI all wars is up-held, He promises strict economy in pub lic exnpnHitiira an A o k . r- v- c uuouicsa guv eminent with efficiency the sole criterion for employment of public servants. ... Lindv Is Out Of "Best" List of Famous Aviators i The American 'SopiVtw -for ffc P. tnotion of Aviation Sunday made pub lic, tne concensus among aviators who have informally discussed in its of fices the ranking of American fore most fliers. Oddly enough, neither Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh nor Captain Frank Hawks was named as "the greatest" in any one field. TIia spW. tions follow: Greatest air hero Second Lieu tenant Frank Luke of Phoenix. Ariz.. known as "The Balloon Buster." He lost his life over the German lines in 1918. Best from standpoint of combined flying and engineering knowledge major james a. uoouttie. it was added that Bert Acosta was the peer of any Bier if he could be induced to take his profession seriously. Best woman Pilot Elinor Smith of Freeport, L. I. Safest pilot Captain Eddie Brooks of Denver, Colo., who has flown 13 years without a single mishap. HARRIS' BARBER SHOP Dirt and Dandruff can not remain in the same '. scalp with Fitch D. R. Shampoo. Give yourself r! a. treat, and trv 'ittrttf Man rofnil aWo Vinffln ALL LINES OF BARBER WORK Phone 492 ; We Serve Hot Meals Anytime of the Day Come In and Try a Hoi Tamale . . or a Dish of Chili Beans KILGORE'S CAFE oring We have added the latest Model . i CYLINDER BORING MACHINE to our mechanical equipment and we are prepared to rebore automobile engine cylinders for the trade on short notice. Come .in and see the new Machine. REMEMBER WE ARE EQUIPPED TO DO EXPERT WELDING AT ALL TIMES Gallahers Garage J. E. Gallaher Athena ' Phone 471 sai THE ATHENA MARKET Jill We carry the best Meat TMfr-Msuef Buys Kippered, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh Fish. Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season. A. W. LOGSDON Main Street Athena, Oregon. Independent Candidate For Governor Is Late " . In Returning Papers Salem. Hal E. Hoss, secretary of state, following a conference with I. H. Van Winkle, attorneygeneral, re fused to file the nominating petitions of Mrs. Myrtle Puriance Wilson of Portland, who a few days ago annouc ed that she would be an independent candidate for governor at the No vember election. . The attornev-cenerAl mlpd flint, thp petitions did not contain the sufficient number of signatures ' of qualified voters, and that the affidavits were not properly verified. The election laws provide that 6399 signatures of qualified voters are necessary to place the name of a candidate for governor on the ballot. The secretary of state estimated that the petitions submitted by Mrs. Wilson did not contain more than 4000 signatures. v Mrsl Wilson indicated that she mieht. file manrlnmns nrnraeri intra tn compel the secretary of state to file ner petitions. FO S STUDENTS IS URGED Kerr of 0. S. C. Deplores Hard Boiled Attitude; Report Due Soon. Northwest Air Rates Reduced To Rail Basis Varney Air Line officials have plac ed a rail plus pullman fare rate on the majority of the system operated by the company. The low rates were effective Monday, September 22, 1930, and will remain reduced for a period of 31 days. The temporary tariff is effective between the following towns: Portland, Pasco, Boise, to Salt Lake City, and also between Spokane to Pasco. The' Spokane-Pasco service connects with the main line that runs on thru to Salt Lake City. The rate is considered as purely educational and its sole aim is to educate as many people as possible during the allotted time to the many advantages of "travel by air." The Varney Air Lines operates Boe ing built passenger equipment with radio installed. The Varney airways follow the Department of Commerce constructed and maintained air routes to the east. Passengers will be car ried along with the mail with regu lar air mail pilots at the controls. , Polk County Irrigation , Keen interest in crops irrigation has developed in Polk county recently, according to J, B. Beck, county agent. Of the 1972 acres in the county for which permits to irrigate have been issued, 600 are on the farm of Louis Lachmund of Independence, who uses most of the water for hops. On the Zielesch farm at Parker 120 acres are to be irrigated for pasture and al falfa, while many other farmers are planning to irrigate small fruits and other crops. . ( . t r ' . , ' Thorogood Work Shoe s and Dress Shoes Garner Stands Back of Their Quality Priced Right! Oregon State College. The hard- boiled attitude favored, by some edu cators - of adopting a "take-it-or- leave-it plan with college students will not be countenanced at Oregon State college, according to the regular fall address to the faculty made by President W. J. Kerr. He told the teaching staff that every student is entitled to personal attention and helpful guidance from his instructors regardless of the size of the institu tion. y " v" . . The college adopted a policy some years ago of only admitting those who appeared capable of high grade college work, particularly from out-of-state, and then doing all possible to insure success for those accepted. This year 156 applicants had been denied admission tip t9 the middle of September because they failed to meet the high standards. President Kerr told the faculty that the federal commission that has sur veyed Oregon higher education ei pects to complete its report in Octo ber and have it printed for distribu tion early in November, according to information from the chairman, Dr. Arthur J. Klein of Washington, D. C. Longer Range with SupeivX The famous Super-X shells increase the effective range of your shotgun 15 to 20 yards. Try them. Prove it yourself. See how they crumple up ducks and geese : . way out of range of ordinary loads. Deadly patterns at remarkable distances. .... Another famous West ern shell is the new Xpert. Ideal for quail and all' round shooting. , High velocity. Gets the game. Buy ( your ammunition here for shotgun, rifle and revolver. Headquarters for sportsmen. Always glad to see you. Ammunition Prize-Winning Livestock Will Ride in De uxe Train St. Paul, Minn. Barnyard pulchri tude of the middlewest and east will travel de luxe in a special train half way across the country next month to find new fields to conquer. Twenty carloads of livestock which have taken awards at the nation's leading fairs this summer will travel from St. Louis to the Pacific Inter national Livestock Exposition at Port land, according to John W. Haw, di rector of the agricultural develop ment department of the Northern Pa cific Railway. The special train, which will be made up at St. Louis on Octo ber 18 at the close of the National Dairy Exposition, will be routed via St. . Paul-Minneapolis to Portland. Along the Northern Pacific five stops of from three to four hours duration will be made to unload the livestock bluebloods where public exhibitions will be a feature. The exhibition live stock will represent herds of beef and dairy cattle, hogs, sheep and horses owned by middlewestern and eastern breeders. The train will reach its destination, Portland, late on Friday, October 24, and the western show will open the following day. . ' To accommodate breeders who will accompany their shipments the con sist of the train will include passen ber equipment. ; CLASSIFIED Prick's Metal Weather Stripping is Best.'.' ' .., For Rent A comfortable home in Athena. Enquire at the Press office. Typewriter Repairing Have Your Typewriter Cleaned and Overhauled During Vacation Terms Reasonable , Telephone 372 Coad's Typewriter Shop 109 W Main St. Walls Walla For Sale A well bred Lincoln Ram for sale. Chas. Betts, Athena, phone 30F13. Eyes examined, glasses properly fitted at Schnellers, 39 East Main, Walla Walla, ; For Sale Household furniture. Call at the Baptist parsonage, corner Third and Jefferson streets. Piano Snap, piano partly paid for. Will sell for balance if taken at once. Easy payments if you wish. Pendle ton Music House. S26 Piano in storage. Looks and is like new. Will sacrifice for balance, $163.00. Terms $2.00 weekly or monthly or crop payments. Will dis count for cash. . Write Tallman Piano Store, 395 So. 12th St Salem, Oregon. Is the Best For All Shooting Purposes gets Big Game and Small Game-Accurately Loaded -Gives Thorough Satisfaction Rogers H Goodman (A Mercantile Trust) Forty-Nine Prisoners Mov ed From Walla Walla Pen Walla - Walla. Forty-nine men, prisoners in the Washington state penitentiary, were started Sunday night for Monroe reformatory, where they will serve the remainder of their terms. The majoity of the transfers are first timers or men who have only a short time to serve before being eli gible to parole. The move was made necessary by the addition of prisoners this past week, five arriving Saturday night, bringing the population to 1199. With men sleeping in corridors and other conditions of overcrowdedness wor rying officials, efforts are being made to roof the new trusty building so that it can be used for sleeping quart ers at least. In the meantime as many men as are available under statutory! regula tions will be sent to the reformatory. WATTS A PKESTBYB Attorneyi-At-Law Main Street. Athena, Oregon State and Federal Court Practice Stanfield Injured R. N. Stanfield, ex-United States senator of Oregon, su;Tered painful bruises and cuts about the head when his car ran off the grade near the R. II. DeArmond ranch near Vale Fri day. He was not seriously hurt. Stanfield has large sheep interests ml maineur county. , Flocks Leave Reserve Sheep are being moved down from the Umatilla forest reserve because of unusually dry conditions. Albert Baker, district forest ranger, stated that cattle will not come out before November 1. A STUDY IN AUTOMOBILE CONTRASTS r r If 'V? "Mother and Twins" might be the title for thta photograph, which shows one of the new motor stages recently put Into service by Union Pacific Stages and a couple of the little Amer ican Aastlm which have been creat ing interest In automobile circles. The motor stage weighs 18,000 pounds while the Austin tips the scalea at only 1131 pounds. An average load for the big fellow Is about 4,500 pounds while the little car Is designed to carry a maximum load of about (00 pounds. A new tire for the stage sets the Union Paciflo Stages company back about $100, while the Austin peo ple claim the cost of tlrea for their equipment will average about $6.90 for 25,000 miles. The motor stage shown above Is the last word in modern stage equipment and Is helping the company to main tain frequent schedules on all divi sions of a constantly growing etage operation, according to W. L. McCre- dle, general ageflt of Union Pacific Stages, with headquarters in Portland. The stage company now maintains di rect service to Chicago, New York and all eastern points and serves t large portion ot Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Utah. Its entry into the Montana field wae marked this month by the establishment of a trip between Butte and Idaho Falls, connecting with the through service between Idaho Falls and Salt Lake, Dr. W. H. McKinney Physician and Surgeon Dr. Sharp's Office Office Hours at Athena 1 to 6 p. m. Phone 462. Office Hours at Weston 8 a. m. to 12 noon. Phone 83. Calls made day or night. Dr. W. Boyd Whyte CHIROPRACTOR Stangier Building, Phone 706 , Pendleton, Oregon. 957 i OR. S. F. SHARP PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOf Athena, Oregon DR. BLATCHFORD Dentist Post Building, Athena. Phnne 582 Foley's Kidney Cart "take kidneys end hl.4f,jr rirfv Real Estate Wheat Alfalfa and Stock Land SHEEP FOR SALE L. L. Montague, Arlington Pleads Guilty to Sale and Possession B. B. Richards, when in terviewed bv the Press man, pleaded guilty to the sale of the best insurance obtainable for the money and possession of more policies in reserve ready at a moments notice for your use and purpose. A policy for every hazzard. B. B. RICHARDS, Insurance H. A. Frick Carpenter and Contractor Pendleton - - Phono 1392J Specializes in Metal Weather Stripping Foley's Honey Tar wres colds, prevents pneumonia. L j We Can Cast Your v Plates v The insinuation of an Electricattcr Stereotyp ing Machine makes it possible for ua to accom modate our merchant advertiser and others in the matter of making printing platea from ma t r ice s. 1 1 mean s a val uable addition to our equipmentinthematter of serving our patron.