The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 26, 1930, Image 1

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It would bt m big Job to tell one ffundred people any
thing that would interest them in your goods, but its
dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell
several hundred at once at nominal cost
in the week but that you do not need stationery of
some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing
at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types,
modern work, prompt delivery.
Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Malt. Matter
'.VOLUME 43.
Hyde Finds $,000,000 Bush
s els Sold Short In the
Chicago Pits.
Washington. A. charge thafc the
Russian government has been selling
wheat short upon the Chicago market,
contributing to- the fall in price and to
the injury- of American farmers, k,
made- by -Secretary? Hyde. -f
In a telegram to John A. Bunnell,
president ' of the Chicago Board of
Trader ' the agriculture ' department
chief said an inquiry had established
the short selling "beyond all question
of doubt.". Be asked What provision
the exchange has made or can make
, ''for the protection "of our American
farmers from such., activities." . f
5 "There can be no question," the
telegram continued, "that this selling
' has" contributed - to the fall in the
price of wheat and to the injury of
American farmers now engaged in
their 'intensive marketing season.
Obviously it would be impossible for
Soviet Russia to deliver grain in Chi
cago over , our tariff, of 42 cents a
bushel." , . . i
; Hyde said the telegram was based
upon the admission of the all-Rus-
; that it had sold 5,000,000 bushels of
wheat short upon the Chicago market
This syndicate, he continued, js a sub
, sidiary of the Amtorg Trading cor
poration, the Russian commercial
'? organization of this country.
V The investigation, which was in
spired by , newspaper particles and
rumors, was made by Dr. J. W. T.
Dubelk administrator of the . grain
futures act. ... .
Hope was expressed by Hyde, the
grain exchange would make regula
tions "guaranteeing a fair price lor
the American crop." j
I Hyde made it plain the', board of
trade must give satisfactory assur
ance of absolute prevention against
further Russian invasions of'1the
wheat market, or the feder&rgovern
mentlHII take" drastic steps. , ...
. iThe secretary in A statement flung
back a challenge to the statement of
E, Y. Belitsky, president of the Soviet
concern, that the estimates of sales of
6,000,000 bushels were "a little exag
gerated." He declared department in
vestigators' already have discovered
sales totaling 7,500,000 bushels on
only four days and through only three
brokers. The investigators art prob
ing for further, sales, Hyde said. ;Y ;
. ''Mr. Balitsky also says that the
sales of Soviet Russia 'could not ap
preciably affect the trend of prices
because the turnover on the Chicago
Board of Trade is from 50 to 6Q mih
lion bushels a day.' . . ' , V
"The answer is found in the course
of prices during the four days covered
by the sales so far identified. Those
four days are September 8, 9, 10 and
11. On September 8 May wheat open
ed on Chicago at 99 cents, or 1V4
cents, above the previous close. The
price dropped during the day and
closed at p6 -cents or, on -the bot
tom and' down 2 cents. During the
four days the market on May wheat
dropped from the opening ' of 99
cents to the close on September 11 at
94, i decline of 5 cents, Compar
able declines were registered in all
other wheat futures. r , , .
."The sales by Soviet Russia were
probably not responsible, for all of
this drop. I do say that such sales,
added to the other bear market fac
tors, contributed greatly to a bear
psychology which depressed the mar
ket which was trying to rise.
"This whole matter presents several
unusual aspects. Here is- a foreign
government selling wheat short in a
market which it can never, under any
possiblity, make delivery. Freight and
tariff absolutely forbid delivery.
"This its representatives say, is a
legitimate hedging operation but does
not seem to know by 50 per cent, how
many bushels it is hedging. 1 "
' "Not the least striking feature of
these unique perationa is the fact
that, so far from having wheat to sell
and thus to hedge, the Russian gov
ernment is rationing its people and
doling out food on food cards. No
white bread is available to Russians
except children under 10 ,. years of
age." - .
j Herman Lieuallen, Wes
ton Boy, Drowns While
Swimming at Bingham
Gloom cast a pall over a party of
Weston Epworth -League members
who had gone to Bingham Springs,
Friday evening for a swim in the
pool,' when Herman Lieuallen, 15
year old son of Mr. and Mrs. J, P.
Lieuallen, lost his life by drowning.
It is understood that the boy could
swim but little and perhaps had gone
beyond his depth. The merriment of
the party1 was hushed when his
absence was noted by a girl who saw
the body lying in the pool by the
rays from dimly lighted lamps.
The body was lifted at once from
the pool after -Miss. Marjorie Brown
dove to the bottom of the pool and
located it. Three hours were spent
by those present - in efforts to re
suscitate the boy but he was doubt
less beyond aid when taken from the
water. ' : .., '
- His death, shocked the countryside
and came as a two-fold blow to his
parents who lost another son about
five years ago from drowning in the
Winn pool on Dry Creek, The funeral
which was one of the largest held at
Weston for some time, took place
Monday afternoon, f
After Twenty-Four Years
After holding offices" in the Slan
gier building in Pendleton for 24
years, the law firm of Peterson &
Lewis hat moved to new office rooms
in the Inland Empire Bank Building,
corner Main and Court streets. Peter
son & Lewis are leading attorneys of
the state' and enjoy a lucrative law
practice. ' . ; -v. -''
The Project Fair
Farmers residing on the Hermis
ton project are preparing their ex
hibits for the Project Fairj which
will be held in the near future. Her
miston asparagus growers will make
large tMii&It.' -
Teacher Returns From Orient
Mr. Don Tilley, new member of the
high school faculty arrived in Athe
na Sunday.. Mr. Tilley returned Sat
urday from a two months cruise of
the Orient on the steamer President
Lincoln. He was director of a five
piece orchestra which furnished music
during the cruise. Mr. Tilley who is
an accomplished musician and di
rector is organizing an orchestra at
the high school and reports much in
terest being shown among the stu
dents about thirty having turned out
for instruction. . c
Long-time friend from Eastern Oregon used novel method in
urging neighbors to support Republican Candidate - .;
. for Governor in autumn election. 'J
Horse Show List Grows
With Many Fine Entries:
One of the outstanding features of
the 12th annual horse show of the
Pacific International Livestock expo
sition, which will be held from Octo-'
ber 25 until NoveUiber 2 this year,,
will be the group of entries in the-three-gaited
i saddle horse classes.'
Three-gaited horses, - often called :
walk-trot horses, are amoncr the
most beautiful varieties of the equine
world. ' , .. ,
The entry lists of the Pacific Inter
national horse, show are already fill
ed with an impressive number of
names- of " the foremost walk-trot
horses of the country. Peavine's
Dream, outstanding horse of its class
on the Pacific coast and owned by
Ben R. Meyer of Beverley Hills, Cal.,
will be in competition during the Pa
cific International show. This horse
is now, at Salem being exhibited at
the state fair horse show.
Monday night at Salem, Peavine's
Dream was judged best in a gorgeous
class of model three-gaited horses
shown hr hand, thereby adding an
other blue ribbon to its long string of
Many other classes of horses will be
exhibited, from the tiniest Shetland
ponies to the always-popular big
draft horses. The six-in-hand driv
ing competition, which is one of the
favorite features of the Pacific In
ternational show, will be one of the
big events of each of the night per
formances. A $2000 stake has been
offered by the directors of the Pacific
International for the driving com
petition. . , ' "
:' ' I. hi i "
... Successful Deer Hunters
A nnrf.v of seven Athena hunters
met with well deserved success on a
recent deer hunting trip into the
John .,Day country,, southwest of
Ukiah. The party included Velton
Read, Clarence Tubbs, Melvin Cop-
pock, Granville Cannon, frame wu
liams, Frank McCorkell and Fred
Reckner. The bovs returned to Athe
na with five bucks and report having
a fine trip.. Deer lell Deiore tne
rifles of Tubbs, Read, Coppock, Can
non and Beckner.
Alex Lindsay of Silverton Is a warm
and aggressive friend of Phil Metschan.
republican candidate for governor.
The friendship was established more
than 28 years ago when the two men
were caught with "white elephants"
on their hands in Heppner.
At Silverton recently Mr. Lindsay
gave expression to his admiration for
Mr. Metschan by putting on a novel
parade In behalf of the republican can
didate. Through means of a water
wagon, a four-horse team of hand
some bays and a number of banners
he urged Silverton people to support
his friend. ; .
. Back of the parade is the story of
the two men, who, as ying fellows,
carried on in the face of certain defeat
and won their way through to success.
In 1902 Mr. Metschan purchased the
Palace hotel in Heppner for $30,000,
only to learn that he had paid several
thousand dollars too much for the Z0
room brick building which the town
had built In a spirit of civic pride In
1890. He had bought the hotel wholly
on credit, for he bad no money not
enough, in fact, to put change in the
till Friends laughed and predicted
his failure. He said to Mrs. Metschan:
"We are stuck, and It Is going to be
a long, hard pull. It is so bad that
I'll not aek you to remain, but If you
wish to stay, I'll stay. There will be
years of iar(i work ahead, but between
us wa can pay out" t.", '-'
: "Well stay," said Mrs. Metschao.
quietly. And so they remained.
One morning Mr. Metschan entered
tho public wash room. A Scotsman
wae drying his hands on a towel. -:
"Howdy," said the Scotsman. "I hear
you bought Heppner's 'white elephant'
Mr. Metschan nodded and grinned
"I hear you got a 'white elephant,' too,
in that ranch you bought out of town."
The Scotsman smiled. "I did."
"I'm going to stick by mine," said
Mr. Metechan. "What are you going
to do with yours?" ,
"Stick by it"
"You are Alex Lindsay, aren't you?"
"Yes," said the Scotsman, and the
two men shook hands.
Mr. and Mrs. Metschan worked like
slaves to make their hotel pay. And
Alex Lindsay worked like a slave on
his ranch. In 1906 Mr. and Mrs. Met
schan sold tbe hotel. They had pulled
it out The "white elephant" had be
come a valuable and highly successful
property. Alex Lindsay paid out, too,
and in time, left Heppner and located
in Silverton.
It was recollections of the bitter
struggles through which he and Mr.
Metschan passed that prompted him
to put on tbe parade at his own ex
pense. "I am out to help Phil Metschan be
cause I have known him for 28 years,
and I know he is the best man for the
job," said Mr. Lindsay, by way of ex
plana tJo-i to Silverton friends.
Loans Ready For Co-operative
Group to Build
Warehouses for Storage
Spokane. State Senator J. F. Wil
mer, director in the Farmers' Na
tional Corporation of Chicago, said
over long distance telephone that the
way has been paved for the long
promised facility loans providing cash
to local wheat cooperatives for ware
house purposes. .
The farmer's group is chief ope
rating unit of the federal farm board.
Wilmer is president of North Pacific
Grain Growers, Pacific northwest re
gional cooperative in the . national
setup. He lives at Rosalia. , . '
"Several local units want money to
build warehouses in the Inland Em
pire, and I think they'll get it now
without any 'trouble," he said. ' (
No decision, he stated, was reached
at the Chicago directors meeting on
increasing the amount of money to
be loaned on 1930 wheat. The North
Pacific is now loaning farmers 75 per
cent of the current market.
Register By October 4th
The last day on which persons of
voting age may register so that they
can .vote in the coming November
elections is October 4, according to an
announcement made by the county
clerk's office. Under present statute
it is impossible for those persons who
have failed to register to be sworn in
on election day.
' ' Annual State Fair
The 69th annual Oregon state fair
swung into action with all depart
ments crowded with quality exhibits,
particularly in the 4-H club section
with nearly 60 demonstrations and 22
livestock judging teams listed for
competition, triple and nearly double
the entries for the same events last
year. 1 ":- : " "; ' ;-; : ' ;
Inch-Thick Ice Forms
: Ice an inch thick formed on forest
lookout houses located on high peaks
Tuesday . night Bend's minimum
temperature was 27 degrees, lowest in
four months. A light frost fell in the
vicinity of Roseburg. Unbarvested
ictotalotipeX suffered tSighi dataVge.
Reception to Teachers ' '
The opportunity to meet and wel
come the faculty of the Athena
schools will be given to patrons of
the district, at a reception ' at the
auditorium this evening. The Etude
club is sponsoring the affair which
promises to be most enjoyable. An
interesting and attractive program
will be a feature of the evening fol
lowed by a social hour when re
freshments will be served. A cordial
invitation is extended to every one to
Operations Under Way
At Plant of Washington
Idaho Seed Company
Operation of the pea grading plant
of the Washington-Idaho Seed com
pany was started Monday morning.
F. H. Blair of Weston is in charge
and forty women and four men are
employed. The peas, as they come
from the field are put through a
cleaning machine where all surplus
pods and other refuse are dispensed
with. They are then conveyed to the
grading room where they are hand
picked by women. . '
The peas are spread on revolving
belts which are controlled by a lever
operated by each worker. As the belt
passes slowly before the operator the
peas are sorted as to color and size.
They then fall , into large -hoppers
which in time are emptied on the con
veyers and thence to be sacked.
The output at present is about two
hundred and fifty bushels daily, but
this will be increased as the operators
become more proficient in their work.
. Operation of the plant will continue
until the first of the year. ,
Thompson, New Commissioner -S.
R. ; Thompson of Pendleton,
prominent wheat grower and business
man, was appointed by Governor Nor
blad a member of ' the state game
commission to succeed L. A. Wright
of Union. Mr. Thompson will serve
under his commission for three years.
Mr. Thompson is president of the
Pendleton Country club 'and is a mem
ber of various other civic organiza
tions. .
Weevil Inquiry Urged
Petitions signed by more than 100
farmers, together with a large num
ber of letters and telegrams, were re
ceived at Salem urging Governor
Norblad to appoint a special inspect
or to investigate the alfalfa weevil
situation in Jackson county and de
termine whether the disease actual
ly exists. Governor Norblad said he
would call a special meeting of the
state board of horticulture next week,
when the situation will be discussed.
Pendleton Con pie Sentenced
Fines of $500 and sentences of six
months in the county jail were given
to Paul Perard and his wife by Judge
Fee in circuit court. Recently indict
ed by the county grand jury on three
different liquor charges, Mr. and Mrs.
Perard .entered pleas of guilty, re
spectively, to possession and sale of
intoxicating liquor.
Pendleton Bucks Defeated
i Tbe Pendleton Buckaroos were de
feated by Lincoln high school in Port
land before 6000 spectators in a night
game of football Saturday, by tbe
fccoW of 20. to 0, , , ,
Shot His First Deer
Charles (Bud) Peterson, son of At
torney Will M. Peterson, saw and shot
his first deer in the mountains near
Bingham Springs last week. The
deer was killed in a rough part of the
mountains and to take it out to the
trail took some awfully hard work.
Bud is a student at Gonzaga college,
Spokane. He will major in law. His
brother Raley Peterson, is taking the
law course at University of Oregon.
Mac-Hi Wins Season's
Opening Football Game
, From Athena on Fumble
Athena met defeat at the hands of
Eddie Buck's Mac Hi footballists in
an evenly matched, contest here Sat
urday afternoon.. ,- .
The teams were about the same
weight average, with ' McLoughlin
having the edge in backfield pound
age while the local .. line was the
heavier.- ' ' v J ' -
- Most of the scrimmage took place
at mid-field and only once, in the sec
ond quarter, did Mac1 Hi. menace the
home goal, and that being when Athe
na fumbled the ball, which resulted
in a Milton player picking Itwf and
dashing Tor the ten yard Ub 'before"
being stopped. Three; line plunges
and the bar went over' The try for
point was fconvprd;.':score t end of
half period, Milton -7; Athena 0.
Athena' received and was held for
downs. Hansell punted and the safety
was downed without being able to
run a step. From then on the ball
changed possession with neither team
able to gain any considerable dis
tance. :
The heavy but inexperienced line
men of. Athena have learned much
about football from the Mac Hi game,
and they expect to make a name for
themselves this afternoon against the
Hermiston eleven.
Coach Miller is pleased, with the
way which the business houses sup
ported his team and thanks them
kindly for their cooperation. Terge
son of .Helix refereed the game. The
Ends, Miller and Huffman; tackles,
Singer and Towne; guards, Hansell
and Pickett; center, Wilson; halves
Jenkins and Crowley; quarter, Moore;
fullback, McCullough. Substitutions,
Shigley for Miller, Banister for
Towne and Kirk for Huffman.
Went With Pack Outfit
Fay LeGrow, Everett Rothrock,
Rich Thompson, Sam Pambrun, Herb
Thompson and Barney Foster left
Athena Wednesday morning for the
South fork of the Umatilla river on
a deer hunting trip. They went by
pack outfit and are prepared to hunt
well off the beaten trail or tne auto
mobile. -.-
CanninK Salmon
The Hermiston Co-Operative can
nery in addition to canning fruits
and vegetables has been canning
salmon, consigned to it by independ
ent fishermen operating on the Co-
Tollgate Road Will Be
Completed October First
By October 1, the final work on. the
McDougall Camp to Tollgate high
way, 5.4 miles, will be completed, it
was announced by C. R. Vaughan of
the Interstate Construction company
of Portland. This will be six weeks
ahead . .of the schedule, as Jthe com
pany was given until November Iff
to finish the job, says the Walla Wal
la Union.
Rhodes & Dilhon of Medford had
the contract for the grading which
started last irear and completed
early this summer. The new road
will be one of the best Btretcnes oi
otjivpI road in this section, although
the 10-mil.e stretch between the new
road and the gravel highway out of
Weston is m poor condition.
fJravelinir of the short section juBt
outside of Weston leading to the Wes
ton mountain road is now being done.
If Umatilla county should eventually
AtwiAa to finish their nart of this road
there will be an excellent road to
W. C. T. U. Elect Officers
Mrs. Barney Foster was hostess to
t.h W. C. T. U. at her attractive
farm home, Tuesday afternoon. The
following officers were elected lor tne
coming year: president, Mrs. Louis
Keen: vice-president, Mrs. Clarenco
Tubbs, secretary, Mrs. Stella Keen;
treasurer, Mrs. Jesse ooroon, mrs.
r.h.. Rett and Mrs. Stella Keen
were appointed delegates to the coun
ty convention to be Held m renaieiou,
October 3 with Mrs. v. A. rmKercon
and Mrs. Tubbs as alternates. Mrs.
Tubbs presented an interesting pro
gram followed by two piano solos by
a ,.ion Fnetnr Mrs. Foster assisted
by Mrs. Kohler Betts served dainty
refreshments. Mrs. v. A. rinxenon
W nsvf VinufpfiK. October 28,
Will W WW . r
The county convention of the W. C.
T. U. will be held at the rresDytenan
church in Pendleton, October 3, be
ffinnin at 9:30 a. m. All those who
can are urged to attend. A pot luck
luncheon will be served at noon.
Henry Schroeder Stricken
TTonw RrhrneAe.r. the well known
carpenter who has been employed in
Athena for a number of years, suffer
ed a serious paralytic stroke Monday
. .. . 1 -1. 1 CI 1 Jam
forenoon wniie at worn at me oiwmvu
Taylor farm home southeast of town,
f v. i.ff aMa wit affected bv the
A ilC K V -
stroke and Mr. Schroeder was unable
to speak. He was removed to nis
home at Weston, and but slight im-
porvement has been noteo in ms evn
dition, '
Myrick Gets Scholarship
nu f. AtViona tiiffh achool
iUiuuu jjrv, .- "-o -
graduate and prominent scholastic
athlete, wno matriculant
man college, has been awarded a
fVtA firat ftemes-
BCUUiBl amis vv
ter. He is turning out for practice on
Nig JJoriesnes jhibiui
auad and gives promise of making
the team.
Snow Falls At TollgaU
Winter moved a little closer to
this district when heavy snow fell
In Tollgate and Table rock sections on
top of the Blue mountains Wednes
day. Temperature there was below
freering. The snow at Tollgate Is
twTd V&W laf thW! Uftal.
Russian Wheat Under
sells American Product
10c; Soviet Controls Price
Chicago. Russia' j held the whip
hand on grain prices Monday, offering
large quantities of wheat abroad 10c
a bushel lower than similar wheat
from North America. But regardless
of how much or little the Russian
government' actually was selling in
speculation markets here or else
where, the outstanding fact was that
Russia was making a price standard
low enough to Bhut out competitors
in Europe. .
Meanwhile, Northern American
wheat export business was virtually
at a standstill, and the United States
wheat Tvisible supply mounted to a
total never before equalled.
Lowest prices of the day in the
Chicago wheat pit came just before
the close and followed a notice that
the United States wheat visible sup
ply total had increased 3,947,000
bushels, last week and had reached
the huge aggregate of 202,620,000
bushels compared with 188,343,000
bushels a year ago.
Much interest was aroused 'among
wheat traders by British advices that
Russia undoubtedly intended to ship
out big quantities of wheat this year
without any apparent regard to the
welfare of her population.
In this connection it was said the
Russian government's - paramount
need was money, and that the most
realizable asset was products of agri
culture. This report seemingly was
botr.3 out by Rotterdam cables telling
of persistent heavy selling pressure
in Russia at prices against which no
other wheat could meanwhile be con
sidered. ;
The charge of Secretary Hyde that
short selling of wheat in the Chicago
pit by the Russian government con
tributed at least in part to the re
cent decline in prices was reiterated
by Chairman Legge of the Federal
Farm board.
At the same time, he advised farm
ers to purchase wheat now at a low
price and yse it as livestock feed.
"Then there would be an end to all
this excitement," Legge asserted.
"There would be no wheat for sale."
The department of agriculture join
ed in advising the purchase of food
stuffs at this time.
Change In Blue Mountain
Boy Scout Executives
Nothing definite as to who might
take the place of Douglas Hawley, as
Blue Mountain Scout executive has
been decided upon, it was stated fol
lowing a meeting at Walla Walla, of
the executive board of the Blue Moun
tain council with John H. Piper, re
gional scout executive. .The council
met with Mr. Piper for another meet
ing Tuesday afternoon.
,uhile no decision has been reach
ed in regard to Mr. Hawley's succes
sor, the board is considering Oscar
Hoover, formerly of Walla Walla, and
now scout executive at Klamath
Falls, Oregon. Mr. Hoover was sug
gested by Mr. Piper. "
The board expects to take definite
action within the next two or three
weeks. Following last night's ' meet
ing Mr. Piper left for Spokane.
Methodist Society Meets .
Sixteen members were present at
the season's first meeting of the
Methodist Society at the home of Mrs.
Clarence Hand Wednesday afternoon.
A business session, a feature of which
was the election of officers resulted
in the following being elected to
serve for the ensuing year: president
Mrs. Will Read; secretary-treasurer,
Mrs. Clarence Hand; reporter, Mrs.
R. A. Duffield. The usual study
course will be taken up with a special
leader for each meeting. A social
hour followed the business meeting
with Mrs. Harden and Mrs. Frank
Coppock serving at the tea hour. The
next meeting will occur at the home
of Mrs. Frank Williams with Mrs.
Arthur Coppock and Mrs. Clarence
Hand assisting.
New Trial Allowed
George Schneider, 57-year-old Wal
la Walla brewery foreman convicted
of first degree murder for the slay
inir nf hia vonnor wife with a meat
ax, won a new trial when the state
supreme court reversed the Walla
Walla county court on the grounds
reversible error was committed in not
allowing a nonexpert witness to tes
tify upon the question ox tne aeicna
ant's mental condition.
Orderly Disposal Expected
To Be Possible Through
Federal Banks.
, Washington. D. C. The frnl
reserve board announced that the 12
federal banks of the country were
ready and able to extend ample credit
facilities for financing the marketing
of the agricultural crops in an orderly '
manner.. : .? .
; The statement was made after a
preliminary conference of the fed
eral reserve banks, at which . they '
reviewed the agricultural, general
economic and credit , situations :
throughout the country. '
The board said it was "assured and
satisfied that in each of the 12 fed-
eral reserve districts ample credit
facilities are available for financing ,
the marketing of crops and that such -facilities
are being provided by the
banks and other agencies concerned
in the orderly marketing of agricul
tural commodities."
The statement said it was the view .
of the conference that the extension '
of credit to support the orderly mar- ,
keting of crops, at all times an im
portant function of the . federal re
serve banks, was of special import
ance now.
i The board said that to accomplish
that end the federal reserve banks
would continue their efforts to ac
quaint their communities with the fa-
cilities of the system and the disposi
tion of the management of the banks .
to help meet the problems connected
with the marketing of the crops.
Hermiston Meets Athena
Hi School This Afternoon
Hermiston comes to Athena this af
ternoon to play Athena high school
on the local gridiron, the game be
ginning at three o'clock.
Coach Miller announces j.shlft in
his backfield. Hansell will be removed
from the line to strengthen and speed
up the rear division of the Athena
lineup. Emery Rogers, who has been
absent until this week will also be
in suit. Business houses will close
during the game and a large attend
ance is expected.
Following is the schedule of games
as compiled to date:
September 26, Hermiston at Athe
na; October 3, open; October 17, Wes
ton at Athena; October 24, Athena at
Kenniwick; October 31, Pilot Rock at
Athena; November 7, Athena at Wes
ton; November 14, Athena at
Touchet; Thanksgiving Day, open. i
f v f
Deer Hunting Is Rapped
By Lumber Company
; The Westwood Lumber company,
with headquarters in Tillamook coun
ty, has sent a letter to Governor Nor
blad urging that the deer season be
closed because of the hazardous fire
conditions existing in the coast coun
ties, r
. It was alleged in the letter that
hunters had set two fires in the hold
ings of the lumber company, with the
result that considerable merchantable
timber had been destroyed.
Governor Norblad, in a statement
issued recently, made it plain that he
would not close the deer season after
October 1.
Julian Plcard Dies
Julian Picard, for many years a
Umatilla county rancher died Wed
nesday of last week at the Multnomah
Hospital. He had, lived In Portland
for the past 18 months. Mr. Picard
was born July 24, 1867, in St. Paul,
Ore. He is survived by his widow,
Mrs. Belle Picard, Portland; one son,
Clem Picard, Pendleton; one daughter
Mrs. Gertrude Ensby, Garibaldi, Ore.,
a brother, John Picard, St. Paul,
Ore.; and three sisters, Mrs. Mary
Rainville, Pendleton; Margaret Jett,
St. Helens, and Mrs. Virginia Bervin,
Fractured His Arm
Frank Garrett, foreman on the
Henry Koepke farm, south of Athena
had the misfortune to break his right
arm just above the wrist while crank
ing a tractor, Tuesday. He came to
town and Dr. McKinney reduced the
fracture. Mr. Garrett is carrying his
arm in splints and will be incapaci
tated for work for several weeks.
Lloyd Michener, Wayne Pinkerton
and D. A. Pinkerton who were on a
hunting trip near Ukiah encountered
car trouble and sent for assistance.
Laurence Pinkerton went to their res
cue and the party returned to Athena
, Adams Ladies Community Club
'The Adams Ladies Community club
held their first meeting for the year
at their club rooms last Thursday af
ternoon. The nominating committee
was elected to select officers for the
coming year. Mrs. Maude DuPuis,
Mrs. Ann Christian and Mrs. Laura
Lieuallen form the committee. Many
interesting plans for the year's work
were discussed.
Weston Potato Show
The executive committee having di
rection of the annual potato show at
Weston November 7 and 8 met Mon
day evening, with Chairman Blom
gren presiding. The premium list,
says the Leader, was revised and
adopted and the class for standard
seed potatoes dropped. It was de
cided to have a program of entertain
ment on the evening of Saturday,
Nofe-mUdf 8.