The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 19, 1930, Image 4

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Press Paragraphs
Mrs. Clifford Wood is ill at the
home of her mother, Mrs. Star Charl
ton. Mrs. H. I. Watts is spending, the
week in Portland visiting friends and
relatives. -
, Eyes examined, glasses properly
fitted at Schneller's, 39 East Main,
Walla Walla, ,
Start the Children
Right While
They're Young!
The children will thank you
later in life if you'll teach them
now the importance of brush
ing their teeth and washing
their mouths habitually. An
easy way to foster this desir
able habit is to start them
using Klenzo Dental Creme and
Klenzo Liquid. They'll enjoy
the pleasant flavor of these
valuable aids to beautiful teeth
and clean mouths. Invest a
dollar in a 50c tube of Klenzo
Dental Creme and a 50c bottle
of Klenzo Liquid today! Sold
only at Rexall Drug Stores.
Main Street.
Phone 332
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haines of Port
land were dinner guests at the Glenn
Dudley home Friday evening.
Jhon Kirk who with his mother
is living in Walla Walla, was an Ath
ena visitor Tuesday afternoon,
f Mrs. Henry Koepke and young son
spent several days visiting her moth
er, Mrs. Lorton in Walla Walla this
week. ; . ' ' ' " ' '
Miss Lenore McNair left Tuesday
morning for.Eugene, where she will
resume her studies at the University
of Oregon.
Mr. George Banister who Tecently
underwent an operation in a Portland
hospital is expected home at the end
of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knowlton and
Mrs. Long of Spokane were .visitors
this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Kershaw.
the bid Reliable Eyesight
Specialist of Seattle form
erly of Walla Walla who
has made professional
visits to Athena for 25
years will again be at the
Wednesday, September 24
for one day. Eyes examin
ed, glasses ground and fit
ted, charges reasonable.
.Fresh Foods
The foods sold at Red & White Stores are
always fresh. It is not necessary for owners
of Red & White Stores to buy and store large
quantities in order to secure low prices. The
association, to which these thousands of dealers
belong, combines the purchases of them all, and
each individual dealer receives a continuous
flow of fresh merchandise from a nearby sup
ply house.
Cream of Wheat
2 for 49c
Corn Flakes, Red and White
6 for 49c
v Crystal White Soap
13 for 49c '
8 lbs. for 49c
Pork and Beans, Van Camp, Medium
5 for 49c .
Wesson Oil, quart
O'Cedar 12 oz. large bottle
Rolled Oats
9 lbs. 49c
Cake and Pastry Flour
10 lbs. for 49c
Mr. and Mrs. Cornell spent Tues
day in Walla Walla.
Mrs. Fred Beckner of Washtucna
has been visiting Athena relatives
and friends. "
She condition of Mrs. H. H. Hill
who is ill in a Walla Walla hospital
is no better.
Mrs. H. M. Hales accompanied by
her little daughter is enjoying a vis
it in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn hunt
ed grouse, Sunday, in the vicinity of
Macuougals camp.
The Baptist congregation was ad
dressed Sunday by Rev. C. S. Tread
well, of Colfax, Washington.
Mrs. W. S. Ferguson and Mrs,
Mollie Worthington were Pendleton
visitors Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Marquis of Pen
dleton were Sunday dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Johnson.
Members of the Athena Bridge club
are being entertained at the home of
Mrs. F. S. LeGrow this afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ferguson who
visited at the Horace Belnap home in
Nampa, Idaho, have returned home
Mrs. Jack Cockburn and little
daughter, Barbara Louise, were here
from Waitsburg the first of the week,
Mrs. Henry Dell has returned to her
home after spending two weeks in
Portland where she was the guest of
Mrs. Alma Koontz.
Mr. and Mrs. James Lieuallen, Mr,
and Mrs. Paul Lieuallen and Mr. and
Mrs. Ravella Lieuallen are spending
the week at Meacham.
Roy DeFreece who has been in
Portland the past week consulting an
eye specialist was in Athena en route
to his home in Freewater.
Mrs. E. C. Prestbye has returned
from a week's visit in Portland. While
in the metropolis she was a guest at
the C. L. McFadden home. t-
C. 0. Henry has returned from Bon-
ners Ferry where he has been assist
ing in harvesting operations. Mr,
Henry was away five' weeks.
T. P. DeFreece who farmed for
many years north of Athena was an
Athena visitor Sunday. Mr. De
Freece's health is much improved.
Will Rider of Yakima visited rela
tives here Tuesday. He came to Wal
la Walla to be at the bed side of his
mother, Mrs. H. H. Hill who is ill.
Mrs. B. B. Richards has spent sev
eral days this week in Walla Walla
where her mother, Mrs. H. H. Hill is
undergoing treatment in a hospital.
Mrs. Lisle Gray and Mrs. L. R. Pin
kerton were Sunday visitors in Pendle
ton where they were guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Blalock
Mrs. Flint Johns, Mrs. Forrest
Zerba and Mrs. Henry Barrett were
members of a line party at the
"talkies" in Pendleton, Wednesday
Friends of Mrs. Barbara Willaby
who is at present at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Castleman at Ontario,
will be sorry to hear that she is again
quite ill. . ,
Eldon Myrick who has been attend
ing football practice at Whitman col
lege was an Athena visitor Sunday,
Registration day occurs Wednesday of
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Michael of Port
land arrived Sunday for a visit with
relatives, and with Mr. and Mrs. F. B,
Boyd are spending the week at Bing
ham Springs.
Wilbur Fiske Brock formerly well
known newspaper man and who now
farms extensively at Summerville and
Wallowa valley visited friends here
Monday and Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Pinkerton and
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton and
family motored to Milton Sunday,
where they were dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Maurice Frazier.
Mr. Arthur Swarz of Salem, and
Miss Ruth Heineck, sister of Mrs. R.
D. Blatchford who teaches in the Mc-
Loughlin High school were week-end
guests at the Blatchford home. ,
Miss Agnes Little came home from
Washougal, where she is a teacher in
the schools, to spend a couple of
weeks, the sessions of the school there
being postponed on acc6unt of the
prune harvest
Frick's Metal Weather Stripping is
Mr. Sias will speak at the eleven
o'clock hour, theme, the last in the
series on John 3:16, "The infinite
Greatness of God's Love." He will be
absent again in the evening hour in
a service- at Helix.'
The Sunday school and church are
looking forward with anticipation to
October 6th, as rally day. This will
be the beginning of the Bible school
year and the first real round-up af
ter the summer slump and harvest.
Most of the members and friends, and
many visitors from a distance will
participate in the services and the
great fellowship dinner. Begin lay
ing your plans now to be there.
Plans are being made in the church
for an evangelistic meeting . in the
late fall.
Cake Pineapple Layer
Chili Con Came, Red & White
3 for 49c
Milk, Sego
6 for 49c
"The Choice of Women who Care!"
- Athena Beauty Shop
Sadie Pambrun, Operator .
, . Phone 82
Mr. and Mrs. George Winship vis
ited Athena friends Tuesday. The
visitors were en route to their home
at Union after a vacation trip to
Portland, Salem and coast points.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wood enter
tained at dinner at their home in Ath
ena Sunday. Guests included Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Star
Charlton, Mrs. Delia Greenwood and
Edwin McEwen. ,
A foursome, including Mrs. ' M. L.
Watts, Mrs. Henry Barrett, Mrs.
Clason Adams and Mrs. Ralph Mc
Ewen enjoyed the afternoon of con
tract bridge at the home of Mrs.
Glenn Dudley Thursday.
W. C. T. U. will meet at the home
of Mrs. E. B. Foster next Tuesday
afternoon. The program will be in
charge of Mrs. Clarence Tubbs and
an urgent invitation is extended to
members to be present.
C. M. Eager and family accom
panied by Chase Garfield and family,
motored to Dayton, Washington, Sun
day, where they spent the day as
guests of Mr. Eager's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Everett Eager.
In a recent letter to Mr. J. E. Jones,
Mrs. Almira Wall tells of winning the
blue ribbon on the quilt made by the
Weston Thimble.,club and purchased
by Mrs. Charles Dudley formerly of
the local J. C. Penney store.
Last Sunday evening Lee. Wilson's
bird dog was poisoned, and only the
prompt action on the part of Mr.
Wilson's friends saved the dog's life.
Lee wishes to kindly thank all who
so gratefully helped doctor his hunt
er. Mrs. 0. E. Venable suffered a pain
ful accident Wednesday when a jar
she was filling, broke, cutting a
knuckle. The cut bled profusely and
it was necessary to call a doctor to
dress the wound and stop the bleeding.
Miss Lois Johnson left by motor
Tuesday morning for Eugene where
she will resume her studies at the
University of Oregon. Miss Johnson
stopped en route at The Dalles, where
she visited her Bister, Mrs. Beryl
McKenzie Chapter, 0. E. S. met at
the Masonic Hall Wednesday evening.
A business session was held followed
by , a social hour. Mr. and Mrs.
Cowperwaithe, Mrs. Spofford and
Mrs. Lena Koeppen of Pendleton
were visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pittman and
son ueorge spent Sunday on need
and Hawley mountain where they
visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mitchell. The
men of the party spent several hours
hunting grouse and bagged a num
ber of nice birds.
The ladies of the Baptist church
will give a cooked food sale Saturday
at the Rogers & Goodman store. All
kinds of delicious pastries, cakes and
dressed chickens will be on sale and
an early visit will assist materially in
planning your Sunday dinner.
Rev. and Mrs. A. McKenzie Mel-
drum were Athena visitors last Fri
day. They were en route from Los
Angeles to Spokane where they will
make their home and were joined here
by their son Alistair who has been
spending the summer in this vicinity.
Mrs. F. Br Radtke and daughter
Kathleen left Monday morning for
Portland where they will visit for
several days. Fred, Jr., will join
Kathleen later and they will proceed
to Eugene where they will resume
their studies" at the University of
A group of members and depart
ment leaders of the local Christian
church motored to Milton Wednesday
evening where they were entertained
at a banquet at the Christian church
of that place and later convened with
other workers in an interesting and
helpful meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. "Will McBnde motor
ed here Tuesday from Portland. They
were accompanied by Mrs. Lyman
Cooley who is visiting her mother,
Mrs. Laura Froome. Mr. and Mrs.
Cooley are now making their home in
Oregon City, having lately removed
there from Astoria.
Columbia Union held Christian en
deavor rally at the Milton Christian
church Saturday evening. Representa
tives from Athena, Pendleton, Pilot
Rock, Adams, Helix, Weston and
Freewater were present. An inter
esting program was followed by
games and refreshments.
Dr. H. C. Curry the Seattle eye
sight specialist who has made pro
fessional visits to Athena tor 25
years and is known for good optical
work at reasonable prices will again
be at the Athena Hotel, Wednesday,
September 24, for one day. Eyes
examined, glasses ground and fitted.
Gilham's Guide of Oregon, 1930, a
imple, accurate, up-to-date idex of
Oregon, for business firms, has been
presented to the Athena Branch of
the Umatilla county library. It is a
very comprehensive edition contain
ing maps of highways and locations
of all cities and towns in the state, j
The gift was made by the publishers.
Mrs. Glenn Dudley who before her
marriage held the woman golf cham
pionship of Oswego club in Portland
has again won honors in the game,
this time at the Pendleton golf club.
Last week she lowered the Bcore by
two points making the nine holes in
The district Master Warden society
of the Masonic order was entertained
by the lodge here Thursday night
Representatives from Milton, Free
water, Pilot Rock, Pendeton and Wes
ton were present. The business ses
sion was followed by a social hour
when the guests were served with sup
per. The Etude club met Tuesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. E. B. Foster
with fifteen members present. Dur
ing the business session it was decid
ed to postpone the teachers' reception,
the date to be announced later. Mrs,
Gold Medal, per jar 19c
Silver Leaf brand; 2 for .:. 25c
.6 box Carton, 2 for ....:. .........35c I White Star 14S 2 for 25c
Figaro Brand, 10 lb. can .............1.19 I 6 large rolls, 7 oz. 6 for ..... ............25c
Quart Bottles, 2 for ............ ..:.........25c : Small White, 4 lbs. ....35c
Phone 152
Athena Department Store
Lester, director was present and
chours practice followed. New music
is being taken Up by the club for the
ensuing year. The next meeting will
be at the home qf Mrs. L. R. Pinkerton...
High School Notes
By Stafford Hatisell
Editorial .
The beginning of school brings
many things, new teachers, new sub
jects, and many other things but one
of the most pleasant is the new foot
ball season. Football is not one of
those subjects that is taught in -the
school but one of the "activities" that
the school akes part in.
Athena is this year preparing for a
bigger and better football year. With
a large squad of men and with a fair
amount of experience much is expect
ed. It is only fair" that the people of
Athena Bhould give considerable at
tention to this home. team. The
schedule brines one of the best
schools in Eastern Oregon to Athena
this Saturday. For, several years they
have been either tied or first in East
ern Oregon competition. This is un
doubtedly Athena's golden opportunity
to win fame and glory.
One of the main things that a team
must have to be successful is backing
of the borne people. In the larger
towns many of the business houses
close in order to attend the
game. It is attended practically by all
of them. Athena if is ever to attain
higher hjghts in school activities we
must follow the example of the bigger
schools. It is considerable encourage
ment for the football player to see the
prominent business men. on the side
line. It will not be too much effort to
come to the game and it will show
good community spirit so wouldn't it
be a good idea to close the doors and
prepare to come to the game, Satui
dayT - . :..:..;-! .
Classes . V
The different classes will engage in
a campaign to sell ticrets ior ine
Mac Hi-Athena game this Saturday.
The classes met September 16 and
elected two members to conduct the
campaign. Advance tickets will be sold
from door to door. A prize will be
given to the winners.
The Freshmen entertained the rest
of the student body at a weiner roast
Friday. September 12. Nearly all the
students and teachers managed to- get
to Thorn Hollow where it was held.
Games and "eats" formed the major
diversions of the evening.
The Sophmores have met several
times and have announced that the in
itiation will take place Friday night,
September 19. The Freshmen are all
anxiously awaiting the traditional exercises.
Athletics '
The Order of the "A," an honorary
organization open to winners, of an
AH for student activities, met and
elected officers. The officers elected
were Jack Moore, president; Stafford
Hansell, vice-president; and Myrtle
Campbell, secretary-treasurer.
The Athena schedule opens Satur
day, September 20 with a game be
tween the Pioneers of McLoughlin
high school of Miltan-Freewater and
our own warriors. Intense rivalry has
always been the key word between
these two schools. Ior the first time
in five or six years, Athena feels able
to play them on a fairly even basis:
Athena will have a fairly heavy team
as heavy as Mac Hi's in all proba
bilities. Our own boys are flying in
to it with a determination and even
if they do not win they will give an
exhibition of football that will be
Worth seeing. , . . . ,. . . . ., .
uality Grocery
Phone 561
Tea Garden Syrup, full gallon $1.30
Market Day Special Raisins, 4 lbs. 32c
Corn Starch, 3 for : :..25c
' Gloss Starch, 3 for,ll..l.l.l.Z..Zl.....l...lI5c
Boraxo Soap Powder ..L.:.....i........:......,....25c
Mason Jar Caps, dozen . ..:......,..........:C.27c
Rinso Wash Powder, Large Size 1:. 24c
Borax Soap Chips, Large Size .31c
Frank Little, Prop.
Goodyear Tires
and Tubes
Automobile Supplies,
: Parts and Accessories
Athena. Garage
North side Main Street . - - Phone 352
East on Union Pacific
Firelom Near Train
'UNION mwrn
A Triumph in Train Comfort
Final Return Limit Oct. 31
Liberal Stopover Going and Returning
C M. EAGER, Agent
Athena, Oregon