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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1930)
THE PRESS, ATHENA", OREGON, SEPTEMBER 19, 1930 V, of Oi Art School Receives Grant -',t!3JJJi!j;V'.'.JJ-'-'---'I"" i-'mii ::lJtJ3!!S!& 1 . 1 ,- r sTtoi The University of Oregon art school has become the summer training ' center for teachers of art appreciation in western colleges through a recent ; grant of the Carnegie Corporation of New York, which with the education : committee of the American Institute of Architects is. carrying on a national campaign to further art education and appreciation in American college.!. Art teachers will be selected from various colleges and universities cf the West to attend the school here during summer months with all traveMns, tuition, and living expenses paid.. They will also be given an additional sum .of approximately $150 to purchase teaching materials when they return to their own institution. , . Man of Peace Honored for Wartime Invention : A clergyman who evidently did not consider that there was anything in congruous in serving the prince of peace and at the same time inventing "gadgets" to help in the maiming and killing of his fellow-men has a tablet to his memory at the Tower of Lon donquite an appropriate place, He was Rev, Alexander John For syth, a Scotsman, who Invented the percussion lock for small arms, and who also produced a detonating pow der for which, It is said, he was of fered (100,000 by Napoleon. Forsyth left bis quiet manse to work In the Tower, and when his duties were over be returned to his village with an honorary LL5. fc;reu The reverend inventor died In 1$9. Cls is the Bret memorial to a private individual that has been erected in the precincts of the Tower. . . . - . Essentials or Happiness What makes for happy living? ; Three things, above all else, A healthy body, first and foremost Then an en vironment which offers fair opportu nity for a man's normal activities and aspirations. And finally a community of people who do two things: they must respect each Individual's per sonality and leave him to work, out his own salvation according to his own nature, In so far as be harms no body ; and they must co-operate good naturedly with him In his work and in his play. Prof. Walter B. Pitkin In the Household Magazine. HARRIS' BARBER SHOP Dirt and Dandruff can not remain in the same scalp with Fitch D. R. Shampoo. Give yourself a treat and try one. Also retail size bottle. ALL LINES OF BARBER WORK '- '' Phone 492 ; " ' Come in and Try Our Special Ch lCKen dinner 75c per plate KILGORE'S CAFE Cylinder Boring We have added the latest Model CYLINDER BORING MACHINE to our mechanical equipment and we are prepared to rebore automobile engine cylinders for the trade on short notice.' Come in and see the new Machine." REMEMBER WE ARE EQUIPPED TO , DO EXPERT WELDING AT ALL TIMES , GallaKer's Garage J. E. Gallaher Athena Phone 471 the Athena market We carry the best Meat That Money Buys Kippered Salmon, all Kind3 of Salt Fish. Fresh Fisli, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season. A. W. LOGSDON Maia Street Athena, Oregon. High Place of Flowers in Art of Decoration We are indebted to the flowers for what happiness their beauty affords us, to many for their fragrance, and for the Joy and pleasure in growing them In our gardens, but the extent of our Indebtedness does not end here, according to a flower enthusiast "Early In the history of art the flowers lent their aid to decoration," he says. "The acanthus, which gave its leaves to crest the capital of the Corinthian column, the roses conven tionalized In the rich fabrics of an cient Persia, until they have been thought sheer inventions of the weav er, are among the first items of an In debtedness which has steadily grown in volume until today, when the de signers who find their inspirations In the flowers are a vast and increasing host In a modern mansion of the best type the outer walls are enriched with the leonine beauty of the sun flower; within, the mosaic floors, the silk and paper hangings, repeat themes suggested by the vine, the wild clematis and the mayflower. The stained glass windows, from New York, where their manufacture excels that of any other city In the world, are exquisite with boldly treated lilies, popples and columbines." Maze of Galleries and Halls in Hill of Cuma Three complete subterranean balls, ranging from 600 to 800 feet in di ameter, have been discovered in the celebrated caves of Cuma, near Naples, in which the nine sibyls of Roman history are said to have written their books. Only three of these books have survived. 1 The halls were discovered only after the removal of thousands of tons of earth. The excavators, working under the direction of Professor Maiuri, traced an underground gallery a mile long and found that the interior of the hill of Cuma, which is ten miles from Naples overlooking the sea, con sists of a maze of galleries and ancient halls resembling basilicas and won derful shrines. ' ' A subterranean temple of Apollo was also discovered. A statue of the Greek god was erected there in the days of the Emperor . Augustus, Al though the statue has now disap peared the great niche remains. New York Times Magazine. : Actual Stock Exchange "Seats" In the early days a "seat" on the Boston Stock exchange was an actual ity, each member having bis own chair and desk and forbidden nnder penalty of a fine from trading out of It Due to the fact that seats were arranged in parallel rows along the walls and facing It, some of the more unfortunate members were at some distance from the rostrum of the pres ident of the exchange who bad the conduct of business in charge, so that in times of brisk bidding they could with difficulty make their bids or offers heard. It was not until 1883 In Boston that seats were finally abol ished and not until 1863 In New York and 1883 in Boston that continuous dally sessions were Inaugurated. Boston Transcript ' Crab's Emotions Shown ' That crabs have some emotions and not others was demonstrated by scien tists in London recently. It was shown that a crab fettered by one claw and left with food just out of reach will starve to death, but the placing of a polyp, the crab's deadly enemy, near it, will cause the prisoner to become convulsed with fear. The shock causes the tied claw to come off so that the crustacean can scuttle away to safety. SIR I luf I 1 Open Air Circus Act Sally Horse Slum Races AutoSIunr Livestock Exhibits County Display 3l3lT 'Till 'fan tmw to etksulf Typewriter Repairing Have Your Typewriter Cleaned and Overhauled During Vacation Terms Reasonable Telephone 372 Coad's Typewriter Shop 109 W Mala St Walla Walla f s RO fee V ? O A tf h S 4 V . . It. : r s y ' i J AT i ,WA 1 AS I I j IV "S? v HSR Ho A TAUGHT SPORTS THIS SUMMER Here is the faculty of the Univer sity of Oregon coaching school which was held this summer. Name "Taffy" Traced to Javanese Word for Rum The American word taffy and the British word toffee, for candy made of molasses, originate from the Javanese word for rum: tape, or tafe, distilled from molasses. Very often the home- bound cargoes of the old-time sailing ships trading in the South seas were molasses from Java. - The word came to the Philippines with the Indonesian colonies from Asia that had long Inhabited the mountains of northern Luzon; these people, however, do not make rum, but ferment wine from rice and give it the Javanese name for rum. Some tribes call the wine tapuy, some tapel, both obvious variations from the original tape. Another variation Is the name of the wine from sugar cane Juice, bast. When the British freebooter, Captain Anson, conveyed a prize he had taken, the siKer-lnden Spanish galleon Cnba donga, around Luzon toward Macao, he sent ashore for water and the is landers gave his men copious drinks of bashl that had lightning effect. Returning to ship, the men's tongues were thick, and in explaining their condition to Anson they said they had been enjoying a few cups of bashl; Captain Anson clinrted his' channel and named It Bashl channel, and the Islands, really the Babuyan group, he called Bushl's islands. So goes, 'round the world of commerce, a bit of taffy on the tongue. Longer Range with SuperX The famous Super-X shells increase the effective range . of your shotgun 1 5 to ao yards. Try them. Prove it yourselfv See how they crumple up ducks and geese ' . way out of range of ordinary loads. Deadly patterns at remarkable distances. .... Another famous West' ern shell is the new Xpert. Ideal for quail and all round shooting. High velocity. Gets the game. Buy your ammunition here for shotgun, rifle and revolver. Headquarters for sportsmen. Always glad to see you.. Beautiful EaglUb Catbadral England's most beautiful cathedral. at Salisbury, has been called Eng land's finest poem In stone. It Is, in deed, the most harmonious and best proportioned of the English cathedrals, for it was built within the short space 'of 40 years (1220-1200), where many others have taken centuries to com plete them. It is a pure example of early Kngllsli architecture, unalloyed by foreign .influence. Its spire, rising from the very middle of the church, is the loftiest in England. Detroit Kews. . AMMUNITION Big Game and Small Game-Accurately Loaded -Gives Thorough Satisfaction Rogers H Goodmatv (A Mercantile Trust) . Is the Best For Ail Shooting Purposes Dfl oi Mm City Dweller Need Not Fear Loss of Hearing A woman's club bulletin, Just out, has an article on noise. The custom ary sort of article by somebody or oth er who prophesies that because of the pressure of city life, subway roar and I rtvet-gang symphonies our Benses are degenerating. He expresses his sad( belief that in another 20 years Man-, hattanltes will be as myopic and deaf ' as the stone lions in front of the li brary, - , We are not alarmed, no : only bored, j Nobody with sense believes anything like that The Solomon Islanders, who , listen for drums 100 miles off, are sup-' posed to have the acutest ears in the world. Maybe, but New York has a : million persons who can detect in the ' loudest din a click that indicates trou- j ble In their auto engines. ! The Patagonlan can see an ostrich j bead at the distance of 85 miles. But it would blind him to pore over this ! page for an hour, and he would see! nothing but a blur. Yet a short-sighted proofreader, peering through thick , glasses, could spot a single error on it in a few seconds. It would be nearer truth to soy that man's senses are exactly now as they were In the Stone age. And there is . something to be said even for the sub-'. way roar. In war time we do not be come shell shocked so easily. New York American, Sentimental Song Made . Official Royal Melody "Home, Sweet Home" is not the only operatic air that has become a kind of national melody, for France has a tune with words of a similar sentiment This is "Ou peut-on etre mleux qu'au sein de sa famllleT ("Where can one better be than In the bosom of one's family?"). It was written by Oretry as a quartette in his opera "Lucille" and first achieved a political position when It was sung at Versailles on July 15, 1769, when the Bourbons were be ing turned out It was also sung at Carlton house when George III and Queen Charlotte paid their first visit to the prince of Wales and bis bride in February, 1705, wblcb possibly caused the homesickness of the prin cess and made the marriage an unhap py one, and again at Korythnla on the retreat from Moscow on Nevember 15, 1812. It was adopted as an official royal melody on the restoration of the Bourbons In 1814 London Moll. First Metbodist Chaps! The first Methodist church erected, John Wesley's chapel at Broadmead, England, has been completely restored and was recently reopened with Ira pressive evangelistic services. It stands oa the first plot of ground that Wes ley ever bought and In It Is the pulpit from which the noted evangelist so often preacnea. . . i Painful Impression. : There Is no real pain when you cut your finger, Professor I'leron, of the College of France, informed the in ternational congress on psychology. What you have, then, is just the Im pression that there is a pain. A rent pain, the professor explained, Is a sense level reached when specific sense organs are stimulated. Whether toothache, lumbago or, a punch on the Jaw stimulate these organs, we do not know, says the San Francisco Chron icle, for the professor did not go Into such particulars. But what we do know is that the impression of a pain hurts Just the same. ' Wily Elephant . , Though tigers and leopards cannot, as a clnss, be said to sham death, there have been instances In which one of these after having to all ap pearances, been shot dend hns sud denly "come to life" and been very much alive, until flnully dlspntclied. There Is an Instance 011 record of a newly captured elephant playing the "artful dodger" so successfully that It completely deceived Its captors, who, releasing Its bonds, left it for dead, but scarcely had they gone a little distance when, to their amaze ment, the creature rose, and trumpet ing loudly, made good its escape. Real Estate . Wheat Alfalfa and Stock Land SHEEP FOR SALE L. L. Montague, Arlington Pleads Guilty to Sole and Possession B. B. Richards, when in terviewed bv the Press man, pleaded guilty to the sale of the best insurance obtainable for the money and possession of more policies in reserve ready at a moments notice for your use and purpose. A policy for every hazzard. B. B. RICHARDS, Insurance H. ;A. Trick Carpenter and Contractor Pendleton - Phone 1392J Specializes In Metal Weather Stripping BOTff"MTOIMirTfffflP'lTl Foley's Honey and Tar wm coias, prevents pneumonia. 'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmwiiiimmmmmmmmHmmmm We Can Cast Your ' Plates ; The installation of an Electricaster Stereotypy lag Machine makes) it possible for us to accom modate our merchant advertisers and other' in the matter of making printing plate from mat rices. 1 1 means a trI unble addition to our equSpmentin thematter of serving jour patron. Sao